'il, at cial tile cael aie ae eae all alll aie Ail A OB FORE FS Oe FO FE FO OOH PEL Git | Holds Seat GEORGETOWN, P.E1. (OP) A recount of yotes Wednesday in the Prince Kaward Island lriding of Kings 5th confirmed | re-election of Liberal George J. Ferguson, but by @ reduced ma- jority, The result of the recount left ithe Liberals under Alex B: [Campbell and Premier Walter ht, Shaw's Conservatives with 15 seats are in ~ 32-seat legis-| "{ gee the committee, com lature. A deferred election will, posed of the most talented men) be held July 11 in Kings Ist,lin the legislature, honestly try- where Tiheral candidate Willine with the heln of labor and iliam A. Acorn died five 4aY5| management, to set out Jaws to |hefore May 30 voting, lease friction and make free col- A recount of votes cast 16f\jeetive bargaining work het- the assemblyman seat in Kingsiter." he told the annual meet- 5th is scheduled to he heid here ing of the Lincoln Liberal Asso- today. Conservative J, C, Sin-| ejation, . sh = was howiey ah _-- "T am afraid that any major argin over Libera UF J.| powrits a MacDonald, There will be two 2 whims ad sia ner Jawe Wn more recounts later, Pwr rr Yer er OR PR a Ee rp ess Pe PE ty ep Eo Fe PRR fe POOF OE GOO PEEP MF FS ? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, June 16, 1966- 3 Top Liberal | Asks Review NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)) Ontario's labor code must be} reviewed by an all-party com- mittee of the legislature, Lib-| eral Leader Andrew Thompson said Wednesday night, Opposition Lashes Bill Presentation TORONTO (CP)--Both oppo-|to build a line from Sault Ste. sition parties lashed out at the| Marie, 120 miles north te Mich- government Wednesday on its|ipieoten Harbor, handling of a bill to remove tax The provincial Land Tax Act, exemptions enjoyed by the Al-lenacted in 1925, brought the goma Central Railway, company $2,256,000 in debt to Although both Liberals and the province by 1940 in land and w Democratics supported the| other taxes, het to amend the Algoma Cen-| That year the company turned tral and Hudson Bay Railway|over about half its land to the Company Act (1941), they ob- government in payment for the seuiwe iw lace of oeeration: af taxes and in 1941 the legislature negotiations between the gov- ee 1 OPEOME BUrtHe® reerm nment and the company, axes, i i gen sid a nA Mr, Roberts said the bill will Kelso Roberts introduced the have the effect of removing ex- bill for second reading -- ap-| emptions from assessment Fan ahaa Sol 4g t, taxation under the... act on ge BE toma - pre Jands owned by the company on by me enlarging on the story March 18, 1940," abla | . os Botticelli's Art CITY OF OSHAWA at this stage." ree He said negotiations with the Costly Treasure Lightning Hits OF OSI FLORENCE, italy (AP)--How| London Golfers | SURVEY INSTRUMENTMEN railway "have advanced some- what" since the bill was intro- duced early in the session that began in January, th i less? : Ne oes sues, but a|. LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Two SALARY RANGE --~ $5,098.00 Yo 8,908.00 (40 hour week) committee of art experts and| men seeking shelter under a'l Under the direction of the Party Chiet, ect os g senior oasiat scholars recently came up with| ree on the Sunningdale golf} ine ep t aahd hag Pid -tytlage of the Party Chief, esume 'mie suffered shock and mi-|) {ilies ond supervise the survey perty Surveying field desired, dertaken without a committee study would be based on panic, prejudice and few facts," Among the problems requir- ing attention Mr, Thompson listed injunetions, conciliation, automation and labor-manage- ment forums, Good Nemes Te feneuber When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg, Aker --~ President Bit McFeeters ~~ Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, . 723-2265 ~ Seana er? net PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ALL IN A DAY'S WORK store, scattering customers, and were roped in. an alley after carefully picking their way through the store 25,000 Fridge Milk Price Protest Cases Ruined LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- General Electric Co. has dis- closed it had to junk 25,000 re frigeratoy cases last month be- CHATSWORTH, Ont, (CP)-- cause of sabotage, Milk producers in Grey and James M. Olive, an official of Bruce counties decided Wednes- aisles, They had escaped from the Calgary Stampede Grounds, face on downtown Sth Ave- nue, §.W. in Calgary. The steer and his partner then trotted into a furniture Const. Louis Gaal leaps into action Wednesday as one of two escaped High- Both Elmer Sopha (L,---Sud- land steers makes an about- an educated one for ail the|COUrse Il Applicants experienced in the Municipal bury) and Donald C, MacDon- ald, leader of the New Demo- leratic Party, described Mr,| | Roberts' method of presenting) |the bill for second reading as | "unprecedented," treasures in Florence, capital of °° burns Wednesday when uel pave Tun er Sorel Pe os. educate Italian Renaissance art, lightning hit the tree : mortal status, ete, in writing, by June I7th, 1966, to; They said famous works in William Hyman was admitted ' The Personnel Officer lorence alone are worth some-; hospital .y o surgery, His guy nen lwhere bet we en $3,200,000,000 } ympanion, Fred Asma, was re- The railway was granted about 1,700,000 acres in the Jate and $4,000,000,000, leased after treatment, The committee's aim was to 19th century as an inducement Fr demonstrate to the Italian gov"| ernment that the country's ° . | Estimates Drive Gains Support \Under Fire: (iatetie'stesion ara pre to cancel a proposed tractor tection in relation to their eco-| demonstration along Highway! orrawa (CP)--Atlhough de- "omic value. 22 in Lambton County, Mem- The building --CP Wirephoto experience, Onterie, : and Huron counties, the farm ers decided But the producers delayed a housing FI GE's Appliance Park, said a foreign substance probably sand or sugar--was fed into the paint system of the household refrigerator department "We think it is a small group of employees who decided to do this and we can't find out why,' he said, "The union (Local 761 of the International Union of Electrical Workers) has done all it can to correct the situa tion," Sopha Defends Tilco Pickets TORONTO (CP)--The 26 Pe terborough picketers found guilty last week of contempt are 'victims of an unjust law that no longer fits this enlight ened age," the legislature was told Wednesday. Elmer Sopha (L--Sudbury) speaking during debate on the speech from the throne, said the pickets "meant no reflection on the courts' when they marched at the Tilco Plastics Co, plant last February. He described the pickets as "decent citizens' brought be- fore the courts under "circum-| stances of indignity and shame." } Mr, Sopha said the case of the pickets is "not about disrespect) spokesmen served notice Wed-|dians w of the courts but about the ac- tivities of management in run-) ning to the court to get injunc- tions," which, he said, gives it a material advantage over strikers day night to beef up a tractor demonstration by southwestern Ontario dairy farmers protest- ing low milk prices About 50 farmers represent ing 16 of the Ontario Farmers Union met in this com munity eight miles south of Owen Sound and agreed to send a carioad of men to support a protest parade in the St. Marys area Additional carloads will be sent later in the week to similar protests in Oxford, Middlesex locals protest in their own areas pend- ing direction from the provin- cial organization Walter Miller, OFU second vice-president, said representa tives preferred to wait for a definite protest policy by the union A three-man committee was set up at the meeting designed to organize and direct district locals wanting to offer men and equipment to other locals par ticipating in protests Farlier Wednesday, the War wick local of the OFU decided Operation Retrieval Puts Brain - Drain SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP) Canada is moving to bring back some of its university-trained | brains from the United States Jack W. Elliott, career pro grams director for the. federal harp Faces Pension Bout OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition nesday on Finance Minister Sharp that they plan a show down with him over higher pen- sions for retired civil servants The warning came from Rich- ard A, Bell (PC--Carleton) and Into Reverse of industry, re | ported on the industrial side of Operation Retrieval to the Ca nadian Association of University Student Personnel Services Wednesday A member of one of a series of Canadian interview teams | which visited U.S, college cam- | puses this spring, he estimated leis are 10,000 Canadians, in cluding 2,500 undergraduates, at | U.S, universities, Mr, Elliott said many Cana ho go to the U.S, to Istudy stay there, attracted to jobs with higher starting salar lies than in Canada, They were often recruited in keenly: com- petitive campaigns by U-S, in- dustry. | bers decided to wait until it was assured there would be enough to participate before going on the road Meanwhile, the eye of the pro- tests remained tucked away in the northeast and southwest corners of Middlesex and Perth counties respectively More than 65 tractor-driving| dairymen continued their dem- onstration for a firm $4-a-hun-| dredweight milk price and im- mediate negotiations with the provincial government, which established the price, The farmers are complaining that the $4 is not an accurate figure, They say it includes a 75-cent government subsidy they have not yet received, In addition, 30 cents deducted for trucking charges and as much as 10 cents deducted for farmers shipping lower grades of milk At a meeting in St, Marys Wednesday night, a seven-man committee met to plan further strategy in the producers' fight, is Jews Protest | School Play KITCHENER (CP)-A_ brief protesting school use of Shake- speare's Merchant of Venice | has been presented to the Kitch- ener - Waterloo high school board The brief, submitted by the Kitchener - Waterloo Jewish Community Council says: "Tf the study of this play can scribed by one MP as "not a very provocative department,' |® the veterans affairs department|# price tag drew varied criticism in the Commons Wednesday The main attack was on the fixed income ceiling above |which a veteran cannot qualify for war veterans allowances, Members also complaine about the low percentage of French-speaking employees in lin DVA hospitals, vera $40,000,000 nce's famous Uffizi Gallery got of $11,200,000 Botticelli's (Spring) was valued painting Prima The Birth of Venus by the same artist was said to be worth $28,800,000 Ore) al et Men's Wear Lid, Annuneciazione (Annunciation) The criticism came as the ing in Florence's galleries, Commons approved the depart- ment's 1966 - 67 estimates of | $369,496,700. MPs went on to pass the estimates of the citi zenship and immigration de partment and started of those of finance department before the 6 p.m, EDT adjournment Opposition Leader Diefen baker said veterans receiving the allowance found in many in stances that when they became entitled to the old age pension their allowances were. cut off This was an injustice and "Ca |nadians as a whole" would sup- | port action to remove this re- striction, aby Leonardo da Vinci was val ued at $24,000,000 Raphael's works were given a ithe department and the amount lower value, in accordance with lof night differential paid nurses|the laws of supply and demand There are many Raphaels hang HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, 24-HOUR SERVICE OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER He contended that injunctions| Stanley Knowles (NDP-Winni-| 'The new federal department|develop or nurture hate and give an "imprint of illegality to|peg North Centre), They were|of manpower was moving to, mistrust, even if in only a mi- the strike' and one side is| backed in demanding an adjust-|plug this so-called brain drain.|nority of susceptible children "given an unfair advantage." | ment for those whose resources| A list of Canadians at U.S, uni-|which we claim it does, then it The Tileo plant was struck) have dwindled through inflation, versities was being compiled|is apparent that the play is a last December and there wasiby Jean T, Richard (L----Ottawa|and would be made available| potential danger to our demo- mass picketing in February| Kast) 'to industry leratic and pluralistic society," over the granting of ex parte ° ¢one-party).injunctions in labor | disputes, The strike has not) been settled | : No Labor Board Change Seen POLICY UNCHANGED OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis ter Nicholson said Wednesday the cabinet has never consid ered any change in policy to permit the Canada labor rela- tions board to recognize re gional bargaining units in areas of federal labor jurisdiction There is no change contem plated, he said, BAR NO GROUP OTTAWA (CP)--No cultural) roup "of long standing' is) arred from the national pro-| gram of folk arts planned for) the 1967 centennial, the Com- mons was told Wednesday in a} written reply by State Secretary) Judy LaMarsh, | SEES UNFAIRNESS OTTAWA (CP)--Maurice Al-) lard, independent Conservative! MP for Sherbrooke, Wednesday accused theveterans affairs de- partment of treating French Canadians with discrimination and injustice, He said in the Commons it hires too few French-Canadians and usually) deals. in English. with French speaking taxpayers, KAN al. WAISTBAND Our guarantee: The celebrated Garnelene Slack now features the new "Kant Kurl" waistband exclusive waistband construction prevents unsightly "roll-over" above the A $50 loan till payday isn't belt. In. Lightweight slack Garnelene has no equal in shape-retention, durable performance comfort and appearance great whiskies blended into every bottle Adam Private Stock CANADIAN RYE WHISKY So good you can taste iT. See OURS 8H OST the maximum wage SS Brand Prog r /4 (lod THE ASSOCIATES but for 47¢ it could be the answer Caught short between paydays? Or need some extra money till the end of the month? Ac the Associates, a $50 loan for rwo weeks costs only 47¢, and it establishes your credit for a larger amount when you need it, Same day service, woo, So if you need $50 er $500 of more, stop in and ask our manager about an Associates Payday Loan, Matter of fact, what's wrong with 'phoning right now? City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 111 SIMCOE ST, NORTH PHONE 725-6531 MENS WEAR LTD Established 1924 74 SIMCOE ST. N. Open Friday 'Til 9 P.M,