Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 16

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16 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 16, 1966 send the money in for theifreshments were served by\Mre. Percy Boville hat cherge'the victimes of leprosy, -- (is leaving for Vurope on a va-(the summer, the next unit meet-{ The meeting dosed with the pa estat : Centennial Fund, This is @ Pfo\ members of the 'Loyal Work Proceedings & small presentation was cation, ing will be Tuesday, Reptember leader, Mrs. Holland, wishing a Bagh gop mpd agtinne ers Unit', There is to he an, Laced hag ag ae Pte mate.to Urs, Janis Streics who| This was the final meeting for 13, at 2.90 p.m all 2 pleasant summer yaeation, ni 4 ucted by Ure War 2 = -- eae sate rose reermcererasensroreren od ther. A fall bazaar was discus. CXecutive meeting on Thursday, on menced with @ devotional |s04 and conveners chosen, and September 1 and the regular period the theme of which wes next week goods will be given UCW meeting will he Thurs- "Paith" led by Mrs. Boville as- out'to he made up during the day, September %, at 244 p.m. sisted oy Mrs. Ford poral nevinn, Vee aegis in St. Andrews United Charch, Members taking the bus trip held in the Legion Hall wil AUBERT STREET Vows -- '0 Gravenhurst, July 7, were be June 28 and will be » Unit 3 of Albert Street Unit bye to be at the Church by strawherry social e4 Church Women held its Jane 9.99 a.m The ie tered tus for Sun- meting recentiy when 17 mem- It was announced that the TE end gg dtl | pill leave the DOFS. gathered for. a potluck Unit would continue to save the Annem Sal at {ts tg sal luncheon. Mrs, George Vord and\ used postage stamps which pid seats are still avpilahie, Re freshemnts were served and a social time was enjoyed yay -- moines mart | iAMee KING STREET UCW : 14K Gold Serting The June meeting of King $175, Convenient tonne Street United Church Women was held in Bt, Andrew's Unit- ed Church with Mre, Wilbur Rus- ; ? 4 4 ge sell presiding, u la : a ' Mrs. Harry Blakely reported LOCAL NURSES GET DIPLOMAS that there were a few chocolate hars left and she would like to Mise Karen Audrie Merri- Miss Rosamond Hooker ae them sold by the end of Aaught raduated from the Ontario June, thew, "sf tay _ Hoapttas Kehoal of Nursing, The 'Vellowship Unit' have Mrs, J, P, Merrithew, Col- Kingston, in a ceremony some spoons engraved with the bourne street east, gradu- eld in Grant's Hall, | church picture and ere also take| is tas ated recentiy from the Queen's University Miss (ing orders for 'Centennial! DIAMO! SOUT Ottawa Civic Hospital, Otta- Hooker is the daughter of 'spoons'. The all day quilting Modern 14K setting wa, Ontario, Miss Merri- Mrs, Erwin Pretty, Mase 'is Wednesday, June 29, at the $300, Charge it thew is a graduate of O'Neil! son street, and the late Mr. home of Mrs. Rusnell, 465 Vimy legiate, Oshawa Perry Hooker Avenue. Members were asked CoMegiate, pmeamanenaian fo put any suggestions they may AFF DIARY have ahout the outside and in side of the new. church in the DIST box that was in the foyer of the Seventh Das Adventist Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Mick call tha sad of Sins Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports The "Alice Jackson Unit 1 submitted by their secretaries, were responsible for the wor ship service, Miss Margaret Pel LEND-A-HAND CLUB 13. A few seats on the hus are low took a trip back through the as 4 club ended'*ill available, and fares must years of memories of King thelr a ca Ma with abe paid for this on June 27 as Street Church with eolored MARQUIS DIAMOND SET 7 this will be the fast 1 slides of the ferent activitle 14K white gold setting pot-luck supper in fimene hall his will be th ast meeting in siides of the different activ 6 The business session opened 'M@ legion Hall Miss Isia Barker and Miss Vie! $495, Terms Arrenged wit rayer, ro ¢ 4 n tefreshment were served Marjory Blewett gave several ith prayer, it call and min-| ; ' ; f utes, Ann Cook gave her repor cial time enjoyed readings on Building Our i & | on the sick, a speedy recovery) = LpGion AUXILIARY gg tio Lamps - Chandeliers During the social period re F Wom tet d . was sneneee to Fieeey | Be | The, Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Pole Lamps - Ceiling fixtures n an gion ranch 4 1 On June 28 at 630 pm. 80P-|heid iis weekly meting with | GOLF SPECIAL Outdoor Lights - All from Regular Stock 3 J R N S er will be served, an IMM the president, Mrs, Alyn El ements made, tor Seelher rename UP TO 50% OFF strawberry social to be held on) Vinal plans were made for J \| Jane 29 at Ann Holt's home tn the annual visit to Sunnybrook NOW AT Jewelers Courtice |Hospital, June 22 when 600 LIGHTING UNLIMITED 20, Simcoe North A eocial hour was spent, ibags of treats will be distribu Satisfaction Guaranteed ~ Ample Parking ted to the veterans. These bags Windermere, Muskoka IRTTE CLUB | tee ese bag Ssoke tk Mor thee nat, next Tuesday) §=Mey end June Cloverdale Mall@ Yorkdale The Kinette Club of Oshawa after the business meeting. A A 1 Fish Egli ixi ') Fridays Till 9 held its final meeting for the) donation of $200 will be given Private. Trout Ponds oly glinton Square @ Dixie Plaza pen Fridays Ti year 1965-66 in the president's| to the Men's Branch toward 24th of May Celebration as Northtown@ Hamilton@ Oshawa @ the amen Centre , || FREE GOLF -- Monday te Fridey with the president, Mrs. Don: nie to'be held duly Gita Wek | GaiHPO® abst ast. "ste ald Lake, presiding |tona Park, Newcastle CALL COLLECT mm» 708-769-3871, During the business portion of} Membbrs were requested to the meeting, Mrs, Lioyd Pig- Scat tT aks ; den advised that final arrange: | ments were being made for the Strawberry Bridge being held June 22, The club approved of a dona tion of $50.00 to the Cystic Fibro sis campaign being undertaken by the Kinsmen Club, Mrs, Donald Lake presented a farewell gift to Mrs, Bruce Sinclair who is leaving with her 4 husband and family for Ger- Trhne Se many. Ee The meeting was turned over ; te the election committee with past-president, Mrs, Donald ===] 1" | ANNUAL HOME FASHION SHOW Results of the elections were as follows: Past-president, Mra Donald Lake» president, Mrs Lloyd Pigden; Ist vice-president Mrs. Donald Fleming; 2nd vice president, Mrs, William Leask secretary, Mrs, Edmund Thom son; registrar, Mrs, Bruce Wil liams; treasurer, Mrs, John Graham; bulletin editor, Mrs Clare Hardsand; directors, Mrs Peter Appleton, Mrs, Robert Osborne, Mrs, Gordon Pearson, Mrs, Boris Melch and Mrs.) : Bruce Mackey; honorary mem-| 4 , set LAM Wit Pow bers, Mrs, George Russell and/ Mrs. Bruce Gerrow, | Sold wy : Nine talented Kinettes present i tees 8 a ig ch ' . of 2 ed a variety of skits and other . "Nes: om i xury and situ acts to make the evening. the! : sisal ee oe Ng ie ? i } mah ane hese complet ts (ron last of the Kinette year, a com . ; is ae » > selab pal a ach 2 Choose the unit that si plete success 3 fussed * "ils ae" w nous: Beverle itstandir { } It gras announced that the ex } \ C eal ) for fimne ecutive meeting would he held ' »S te a nattress and nate at the home of Mrs, Lioyd Pig yr Save 21.00 Sy " he oie J DOUBLE SAVING den, June 2! / f AT, JOHN AMBULANCE AUX SMOOTH TOP The month! t f th MATTRESS AND Oshawa Women's Austilary at BOX SPRING If you've never slept on a Beverley the St. John Ambulance was anges Bs v4 mattress =~ you've missed held at the home of Mrs, John ra j A} ae P a Ws ly sleep. Schnaider, Adelaide street west OO 7 4 : are GTR rr oer oe The meeting opened with the SO ey, : ~ i president, Mra, John Schnaider presiding BOTH PIECES Plans were made for the bake aale to be held June 16 at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, All members were asked to have all baked goods ready to be picked up Wednesday afternoon, June 15 | piece sleep sets d take potit eras savings offered during t. Lach unit inelude 1 quality A PAIR FOR DOUBLE COMEORT AND \ me, e ; : Final arrangements : a! Oe sae i an 1D Guiza ~ : } gr P 2h met arrangements were] Ri idl Pela so i ete RM, | Padboards spection of the St. John. Am- MON 35 et Co ena ba? . : : ig en i Plus 2 mattres + age lag held June 26 at » - % i a ' ; oe ae © 3 ei W IN BED Plus 2| " It was decided no pienic would Save 31 00 ; ; / ' i Save 41 00 ENSEMBLES 9 €00x Springs be held this year, Mrs. Schnai ' Beans ; ( ' wi wd e plus 2 du tutte the matin be QUILT TOP '¥ge ee Yo. ee] PUP QUILT oe month starting in Seplember. Tt MATTRESS AND a7 ma eet MATTRESS AND 4 HOLLYWOOD BEDS plus 2 foam pillows was also suggested there be an . , , a p 5 all out campaign for new mem BOX SPRING f o oe ' ? BOX SPRING Imagine! ... NOT 1... BUT 2 com hers on j edd . 7 4 149.95 : ; - Plete Beverley smooth-top Hollywood Way Mrs. Schnaider presented Mrs igi ¥ 7" ' 0 va V Karl Harding with a gift for / 8 00 iwgd ' an : a 98 : ( sh wl pps nee ALUE 00 yy " ; : , , i wm the perfect pair for being present at all the meet 7" BOTH PIECES 5 gg ; BOTH PIECES home or cottage, May be purchased ony The draw was made on the : i j . § 3 + Separately for 59.95 barbecue tool set by Mrs. Al ' eee | k bert West, It was won by Mrs wr : nres «i Easy Homemakers Terms Shirley Hatfield, Nonquon road m-e4 LURE TET Refreshments were served by is the hostess PMA CLUB POLE LAMP TABOURET TABLE The Newest The Pleasant Monday After Pully ediustable, beige Marble top, traditional base in noon Club held Its weekly meet ' and bress finish. Bech 7.88 Wealnut finish g 88 WROUGHT IRON f) ing in the Legion Hal! with the RATTAN Gach 5 Round 26" irat vice-president, Mrs, Phill lee Cream Set oun Rell, presiding ' POLO CHAIR MILKING STOOL table with 7/2" plote glass top Favorite hymns were sung Sturdy arm rest style with heavy Handy, attractive, of hardwood Black frame, Various colour fab and readings given by Mrs duty steel rod legs ad iba ih 2.88 3 59.88 Patterson and Mrs, William toch 7.88 teh ' -- , Reed Final plans were made for the outing to Midland next Mon- day, June 20 A chartered bus soa'"riantnewti| CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD - 80 KING ST. EAST (Downtown) OSHAWA - OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. be held en Centre Island, July

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