Ward Boundaries Are Changed In Pickering BROUGHAM -- Two readings were given # bylaw to change ward ries in Pickering Township by council Monday night, making each of the five Wakes wien. compasses Sandia *, The bylaw provides that all the area north of the Third Con- cession be one ward. One rep- resentative of the whole rural area would sit on council the reeve and deputy reeve, and four urban councillors, The ward system includes wards from the rural area. DELEGATION PROTESTS A delegation appeared from) the north, with spokesman Mil- ton J, Mowbray stating that it pf only fair that a committee recommendation be made to counell He asked that the mat- ter not be dealt with until rate- payers had an opportunity to) study the new ward proposals, Reeve Laycox said that for four years there had been at- tempts made to re-distribute the ward system, and that an application had to be in to the Ontario Municipal Board by July 1 in order to become effec ae for the coming year. He} said that objectors would -have geives at a hearing of the OMB. "You are asking for separa-|, jitie over $1,200, In the north) be made on the park, such as ers' tion of the township between) lend, he said, the average was|fencing, Farmer that three members did not sit down over the weekend to plan the ward system, and said that the deputy reeve had made urban area is entitied to representation in this town Reeve Laycox said that there was no doubt in the world that false accusations, | "Only three members knew lanything about this," sala Coun- cillor Beer. We were shown a map with different proposals." There were six proposals in the Clerk's Department. It was withiNo, 6, with the whole rural area in one ward, that the Dep- uty Reeve and Councillors Beer and Spang claimed they had not) seen, | "Is there any bylaw that says a member of council eannot|® make suggestions?" asked Coun should we go to an election at any time that the urban area is going Ww cient hive F ONTARIO COUNTY June 14-28 --~ English Young Farmer, Cameron Martin, will be visiting in the County. He will stay the first week at the Raines, ater, and the '| second week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Gordon, Can- nington. June 15, 10 a.m., Little Brit- ziate,, Saree of Comers Cameron Kennedy Sonnas Rew Council from the urbanized area, if there is no ward sys- tem, Councillor Spang disagreed and said that when election day comes the heavy vote is always from the north. The bylaw will go back to |committee for further study and) \third reading will be given at! a later date, "june 16 --~ Charles ¥ McGregor Farm ayn nahn ey June 18, University of Guelph FARM CALENDAR (|: home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley| Room Biackw' 'Co-op Medical Services, duly hs & pm., Uxbridge, Dept., of Agriculture Board Room Uxbridge Horticultural Society meeting. North - South -- Joe Coles and Jack Wild, 14145; R. B. Davis and Dr. &. P. Kandel, 1215; Mrs. E. J. Wadsworth and Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. John Maclean, Roy Morris, 117. BROOKLIN Mrs, Roy Barrand and Mrs. \Z. Bovay, 74.5; Mrs. James Timmins and John Miller; Kelly Adams and Rene Nigiis, 73; Mr, and Mrs. 6id Sheridan, 71.6; Mrs, Wm. Medliand and Mrs. Wm. Heron; Kay Hunter and Mrs. Ken Marden, 76.5. Congratulation to the club's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneshey, June 15, 1966 7 te oy ge F . a : July 16, 10 a.m., Peterbor- eucle nwvn Mamarial Part -- Quinte District Junior Farmer Field Day. 1115. will be in Ontario -- Ontario Beekeepers' Ass'n Convention. Girls' Conference, June 21, 8 oe _ -- June 21 to %, University of sociation, formed 15 years ago Guelph, Memorial Hall -- Pro-\on « Latin-American initiative, vincial 4H Homemaking Club prings together researchers in STUDY FERTILITY The International Fertility As-|Rene Niglis, Rundle and Mi Sturch, 125; Mr. zoology, veterinary medicine, | gynecology, obstetrics and re-| Sid Sheridan; Mrs, Roy Morris ana Ljoya Feel, 119; Mrs. bm. Culp and Mrs, G. A. Rundle. East - West ~ Kay Hunter and) Worth and South -- Art Valain- | 1285; Peter neg mony and Soy and M new life master ~ John Miller. Members are reminded of the closing party --~ June 29, | GENERAL MOTORS . SAVE $ $ ON ai; Mrs. E. J. E./Mrs, G. A. Rundle, 79; Mr, and| AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to E l cillor Chatten, "to be accused od of| secret meetings! Councillors are! entitled to bring in as many | recommendations as they pish.| I do not understand the attitude! Park Will | of the deputy reeve making statements as she did," "T gat in on two secret meet, ings at the first of this year,' yoy Mrs. McPherson, "and 1 know what is going on. Mr. Campbell said if | approved I would never get a vote from the south end,' AVERAGE ASSESSMENT Councillor Donald Beer said \aleeuere in the township was) Cost $40,000 BROUGHAM ---- Pickering) Township Council passed a by-| law to establish a gry om Park on the Brock Rd. at C cession 2, When asked why the estima ing featuring "Farm Safety and| oe ted cost of $40,000 appeared in) the bylaw, the township clerk! replied that the land purchase) an opportunity to express them|inat the average assessment of| cost $25,000, Dept. of eg enad Federa- tion of Agriculture Directors' |meeting, June 21, 7 p.m., Cannington -~ June meeting for Beaverton |Junior Farmers. June 21, 8 p.m., Brooklin, |Township Hall -- +H meeting| featuring "Farm Safety and) Conservation". Parents are in-| | vited to attend, on June 22, & p.m, Uxbridge| $24 Secondary School -- 4H meet- |Conservation", Parents are in-| vited to attend, June 22, 6.30 p.m., Uxbridge, | a fields, 'Worry of rw" FALSE TEETH « | 9 je aad PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE $22.00 on your auto insurance, See JOHN RIEGER and the balance|nent, of Agriculture Board| |was for improvement that maY|poom Ontario County Junior] landscaping, park executive 23, 8 p.m., meeting. June Uxbridge, north and south," said Council: | | muck more than $1,200 per per-/benches, etc, This was done tolnent, of Agriculture Board |be eligible for a grant from the! Room, North Ontario Plowmen' s| "In this distribution it is un-| Department of Agriculture for association meeting. lor Harvey Spang. Deputy Reeve Mrs MePher-| gon said; 'For three members of of this council to meet together and draw up plans where they 'opose to put the boundaries t not right, This is not @ slate. This is a council." She named) Councillors Williams, Campbell) and Chatten FALSE ACCUSATIONS Councillor Sohn Williams sal 4 fair," he said, 'I do maintain we did not have a chance to) | study this proposal," | "TL am going to do my best) that every resident have equal opportunity," said Coun cillor Williams, 'I'm not trying \fo grab, or put anything across I am a resident of the urban 'area, and 1 believe that the} |a community centre, June 23, 8 p.m., Cannington, | Another bylaw established the! Brock District High School 4-H) park as a community centre) meeting featuring 'Farm Safety | under the administration of| | reation Committee, which com- prises Donald Hopkins, Donald) Boake, John Gomes, H. Dob-| bin, Les Wilson, and Council-| lors Beer and Chatten jand Conservation", anithe Township parks and Rec-| invited to attend, June 25, 10 a.m., Uxbridge Se- condary School -- 'Ontario Coun-| jty Junior Farmers' Field Day. Parents are) June 2%, 6.30 p.m., Milliken, Massey: 'Ferguson Farms -- Riv: RED & WHITE DOLLAR DAYS « RED & WHITE DOLLAR DAYS REST BUY! -- SAVE 160! or hf ~-- SAVE 20c! K POWDER... BEST BUY! -- SAVE 18c! GREEN GIANT FANCY SAVE lic! -- WHOLE LIBBY'S TOMATOES 3 for $i --- ASSORTED 14-02, Tins NIBLETS BRAND CORN Sfor$1 flaws tet --- Choeoiate . Renane Gere Lee Froeen -- All Butter CAKES 69¢ feve ide!-Senspun Half Gallon ICE CREAM fave WOc!---Masola 82-07, CORN OIL Save I4e!-- 260 Coupon Inside WESCAFE fave fe!-- $1.19 lion, Tins 85¢ Rottte 8 4% on. dare HEINZ Strained FOODS 8 forSl BEAT BUY! - SAVE fe! -- YORK FANCY PEAS 6 fo $1 Sth, Package INSTANT MIL-KO $1.00 Ih-on, 'Tins REDsWHITE Save You Money? BAKERY FEATURE! -- 8 varieties Hamburg SAVE Sie! -- Tomato Ju BAVE Ife SAVE lle! -- EVAPORATED Carnation Milk bias] SAVY ite! supreME Donuts 4 fors] Buns - Wiener | Rolls STOKELY'S -- uice Tw s| Nestle's Quik 2 is] Save fe!-----Purina Brand 20-00. sine CAT CHOW 2 for 89¢ Bisentt Feature! -- 5 Varieties SUPREME BRAND Colle Picgs. BISCUITS 3 phas. 89¢ Fruit Drinks 2 for 69¢ SPECIALLY SELECTED -- OROTCE PLUMP 2% to 8. Avg. | | | | | Slipping or Irritating? by loose Fb Fy, Adults Only Allowed cials We Reserve The Right TO LIMIT QUANTITIES "WINK-TITE" HOMESPUN BEDSPREADS assorted colors @ 70" x 90" pg Bey SAKE... ' e "a x a" FOR PRICE SAKE 2.00 ideal for cottegers and home makers MAIN FLOOR "FLUSH-A-BYES" BABY DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Compare at 2.39 dozen 1 88 FOR PRICE SAKE bundle Os MAIN FLOOR Fold-Away Water Carriers aallansible fo onny stereee) sane of wi Li ma' drinks, me weed +4 freezing jee; @ i-gel, size. Comp. at 1:37 FOR PRICE SAKE @ 2V%-gal, size, Comp. at 1.79 33 FOR PRICE SAKE Fe @ S-gel. size. Comp. et 1.99 65 FOR PRICE SAKE fe LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE 1.99 '5.00 PER BAY Automatic Battery Operated LETTER OPENER Great Father's Day Gift Compare at 4.98 each 3.33 MAIN FLOOR RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshewe Now at Oshawa Discount House PAY LATER PLAN TO HELP YOU SAVE! @ NO MONEY Dow @ NO PAYMENTS FOR A MONTH AND A HALF @ UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PA visit us now M your needs @ APPLIANCES ere. . 17'S $0 BASY! @ CAMPING @ FURNITURE * and PAY LATER. RUBBERIZED CANVAS DUFFLE BAGS For fe cay ee eng with drew-strings will hold two average cize pra , FOR PRICE SAKE, eoch LOWER LEVEL Attention Mariners the lew requires every beet te cerry serviceable government ep- for every passenger on board; chesk yours ond replece with lifeguerd unicellular foam filled government epproved, VESTS end JACKETS FOR PRICE SAKE each from LOWER LEVEL "Surfer Fun" FLOAT perfect for beach, neal. ant. tege fun; use for surf board; peddie board; sailing board or make @ Catamerran sail beat; guaranteed unsinkable. Compare at 15.75 FOR PRICE SAKE 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 "CURAD" Plastic Bandages with the euchless telfe pad 60 medicated assorted bendeges Compare at 98¢ FOR PRICE SAKE LADIES' FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Seamless micro mesh; elf sizes and shades. Compare at 79¢ 99° FOR PRICE SAKE ........ palr MAIN FLOOR Coleman Model 411A 2-Burner CAMP STOVE For our camping cus- tomers vr O68 GB ceesvcoee LOWER LEVEL GRADE A' CHICKENS ¢ L B WHOLE -- IN A BASKET . CUT-UP CHICKENS LB. 45¢ For Frying -- Always Tender --- Fasex --- Dainty Pack -- Mix or Well Trimmed th. Match -- 3 Varieties Gon. Pkge. 19¢ Loin Pork Chops Luncheon Meat $1.00 "Kieeex Brand" -- All New -- Heal for "Sloppy Joes" ---- "Chee-Wees" Combination Deal -- Fresh Minced ALPHA-GETTI 5 for $1 ae Feature!--Reg, 3fc!-- or Sunbeam PRocr ~ SERVE 35¢ SHORTCAKE FATHER'S DAY, dane 19th FRATURE ! Sweet Virginia PIPE TOBACCO COMPLETE CAMPING, SPORTING and OUTDOOR OUTFITS of your choice NO MONEY DOWN AIR MATTRESSES For sportsmen, campers, sun bathers or for beach use. @ Multi Pi Rubber Coated Fabric I-beam com durable bress lock. 30" x 72". Compare at 9.95 FOR PRICE SAKE Elastikon-Expander BODY BUILDER made In Western Germany of the beet oy heavy tension steel aprings; for mele or bedy development. 2 99 FOR PRICE SAKE, not L) LOWER LEVEL Compere et 5.95, @ King Size Waffle BOX MATTRESS 32" x 86". Compare et 16.95 Adult Size Men's Heavy Wool POUCH 39: Chicken Wieners 55¢ Beef-Pork 2 lbs. $1.00 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10c! -- REGULAR OR PARCHMENT lib, Phgs, SLEEPING BAGS FOR PRICE SAKE eo. 4.97 LOWER LEVEL One Piece Giant FOR PRICE SAKE ® Double Dome Together 60" x 72" or single 30" x 72" with comfort |. beem construction, Compare at 19.95 12 88 FOR PRICE SAKE a LOWER LEVEL Virgin Vinyl Material WORK SOX high bulk blend with reinforced ve and tee FOR PRICE SAKE... © FOR [wOO MAIN FLOOR Gillette Stainless Steel BEST BUY! -- SAVE 30c! -- Ihe OFF PACK AJAX Laundry Detergent "69 JACQUARD nest nvr! -- SAVE 2c! -- WHITE 08 COLOURED BATH rowers WHITE SWAN TISSUE 82088: TENDER -- SWEET CORN on COB 10 for 79¢ SWEET -- JUICY SUNKIST ORANGES a, doz. $1.00 ~-- HOME GROWN --- 2 for 45¢ CUCUMBERS doz. 39c GARDEN HOSE A 1D with brese ) long life » FoR P PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE . BLADES "Super Silver" steinless steel blades; 5 to @ die penser Compare at 79¢ FOR PRICE SAKE BEACH BALLS 19° LOWER LEVEL "1.66 33 eee ® LOWER LEVEL Heavy duty rubber. Somenne | at 79e each. FOR PRICE SAKE . MAIN FLOOR 0.D.H, heed Camping Headquarters wit? Ry s ne, a Bs yg" r fun NLY BRAND NAM "QUARANTEND NMERCHANS Weeds Colemon Leckies G6 Summerlee Imperial Thermos AL. end W. NO MONEY DOWN AT 0.0.4, MAIN FLOOR OPENING TO-DAY RED & WHITE FOODMASTERS in Belle River-- Hagersvifie New Giant Size "STITCH" in @ tube; De it the Easy Way with "LAWN SPRAY" permanent lawn ond gorden un- @erground sprinkling system = in- eludes 100 feet pliable polyethy- tene pipe, & sprinkler heads end @ll necessary fittings te sprey ap- proximately 2,300 squere feet, et 37.30 Buy Now! Give @ Loving Gift of "LITERARY TREASURES" the neve For Father's Day 20-PIRCE Spinning Reel and Rod Set Ine snwera gis All tht pe eed Inatent sewing mendes en the apet witheut © vatumes conteinie A NEW TREAT -- CALIFORNTA PLUMS No. 1 Grade needle or thread Regular 98¢ PRICE SAKE writers of the & language in ell lends hy Reguler 24.95 set. The perfect gift fer the young student, Compare at 17.95 SAKE. W222 LOWER LEVEL POR PRICE SAKE MAIN PLOOR LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL WILSON 'FOODMASTER' Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plora SPROULE'S Red and White Corner Simcoe oat Mill BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont. MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove, Ont. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE --- 1038 King St. W. asnito wo.