Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jun 1966, p. 6

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and bylaw enforcement officer for the pat five years, was ac- cepted with regret, Mr. Carter has secepted the pésition of leounty safety inspector. Council, will advertise for a part-time ot! - jeon, Walter Kilborn, Liord Ma-| gill, Clare Elliott, Bruce Buck, g THE COMAWA TIMES, Wednecdey, June 15, 1966 Ansley Aldridge and HM. Smith, The active rers were Harding, Bill Harding, 4 Bert ALEXANDER MAINS and Marian Thompson, the de-|- \"Macdia, freee Heed neral servic i4| ceased was born at Dartmoor, sig 4 of ee ores + tially y boty Ont, He moved to Whitby trom |'"& -- Harding and Da Orillia 19 years ago Saree Me an | A member of Knox Presby-| YUNERAL OF Addition Unmatched DID YOU KNOW... that - + » Mare this Exclusive... CHROME WRINGER TOP AND HAND RESTS @ Quolity Controlled @ Psychiatric Examination Is A : roved 'Ordered By Magistrate bin ti roities| tas eae i Gaee returned to the #88 given, Monday night, by mower to cut grass in the town- Whitby Township Council to » iP parks, A decision on the acceplance of a tender for a A JANETVILLE farmer was "4 seta _ ite Beg Fo ye-giot tractor to draw the mower was leonvieted under Section 147 @f\°" 86 equipping 8 9% deferred, ithe Bank Act -- wilfully with-|Classroom and library addition holding information concerning |{? the Dr. Rabert Thornton Pub- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | BOWMANVILLE -- An Enter-;was ordered ris ee rker was re-owner in Pont ; Pretunilie, who died June 13,\ t¢rian Church, Gamebridge, Mr.) MISS LALAAAN M. WALKER eed 9 madeira agi ypoal at his residence following a| Thompres wa 8 2 The funeral service for Miss) ation following his trial in Ma- heart attack, He was in his| Branch 468, Royal Coastes i Lillian May Walker, of Toronto,| gistrate's Court here Tuesday, Tith year. |gion, at Brechin and " who died, June 11, at the Wel John Charles Kerr was charg- ee nian ane onmducted ty| OVO BOFVIED AMOS Pee war esley Hospital, Toronto, was ed with discharging # firearm : y 1 the padre of 'the Bowmanville] 1. erred" ree hel' ia at 34 arity, Sune $4 of the) 114 intent ta endanger the lifelfarm implements listed as serie Senet, Carrere Be. a 4 Branch of the Royal Canadian! twat Canadian artillery * Melntosh + Anderson Funeral' o¢ his common-law wife, Hel curity in obtaining @ pank ivan. \* nvolved. . ns Interment was in Nestle st) Thompson ro purvived a O its} elected trial by magistrate and Aainh Victor Crouch pleaded PP anil got po) vonrel, the 27,000,000 acres, Ua Cary soy oun Ait Wile, te former Bane Lu, ney, W. Herb minster!" or. the tater of two amall|Lavenin, Neweanes aed. as(0M Board, Council proposes io) NAVY FUNDER, HARK a isa Beard, whom marrie ay tly 7 " ine ; Phetinibige y ly to the provincial govern-| Naturalists say rabbits should . Mr. Mairs was # son 0 King Street United Church, I0-| onidren, had been on a drink-| special prosecutor for the De- #PPIY p £ sate Mr. and Mrs Mel tact Gatien tin ke te ferment was in Oshawa Union' ing out ali day Saturday --| partment of Justice, > ge for a ge oer hay +4 ee ee aes ears, ander Mairs, He spent most lnone (Ruth) of Hawkestone, "Ine 1 _ wine, whiskey and beer, His) Magistrate R. B. Baxter fined |p cme 0 Ue pose Po , life in the Kapuskasing area The pallhearers were Henry | wife was working in tobacen,| him $159 and $33 costs, or twolh'eram whereby funds from (AR) PARKS ARE LARGE The 226 units of the American nee ar + natianel narka avetem embrace for clean, clean washes, TERMS AVAILABL BEFORE YOU BUY... . +» GIVE STARR A TRY STARR Furniture and Appliance ye » Miss Mary Ellen Kathleen (Ka- ' i Abgerd ted J : t! Miners, Charles Langfield, Her » he- ithe Canada Pension Fund can where he was one of the first thy) 'rhampson of Toronia and! ner fiopkins, Ivan Richards, photog eg few ig a " ---- He paid the fine IM ne obigined at a preferred in- ers, \Miss Gwenith Dawn Thompson ; ' terest rate A resident of the Bowmanville| 5 whithy, Lawson Richards nd LICY4) wien the parents went sep-| In November, 191, MY.| ne smcnshio's Centennial aren for 25 years, he worked -ainatinigitats arately for the children in the| Crouch went to the Bank of|,..08 lownsnips ments a | Also surviving are a brother Z ; : : : for the Goodyear Tire and Rub-|¢; VUNERAL OF evening, the wile insisted onl Montreal in Lindsay and obiain-|ommitiee will meet with resi: arnet D. Thompson of Orillial ber Co.;, Bowmanville, for od and five grandchildren, He was) MISS HELEN OKE driving the ear home because) ed a loan -- federal government rope bal Leos Seren, tee ¢ years prior to his retirement predeceased by a brother, Man-| The funeral service for Miss) the aceused was too drunk, He) guaranteed, the final payment} ny, gy ee PA rer te Pulte seven years ago i . sell, of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Helen Oke, 290 Mary &t., wholhecame enraged and upset albeing four years later. As se ~ A veteran of the First World) 4' uneral gervice will be heldi died, June 11, at the Oshawaltable and the stove used for|curity he put up his diesel trac- 'oegg Fl aaiph ctr Bh Created To Individual Requirements War, he served with a Cana at the ¢. an eye in action, A very Al 16 ponducted by Rev, W, tive member of the Bowmanville/Mociure, minister of St. And- Branch of the Royal Canadian) pew's presbyterian Chureh fev, John K. Moffat, minister Town Funeral General Hospital dian highland regiment and lst) oh ane], Whithy at 2 p.m. June|3.30 p.m June 34 The service was conducted by| down the lane, Legion he assisted in the re whithy, A further funeral ser-| of Simcoe Street United Church) saw him brandishing a rifle modelling building. vice will be held at 2 p.m wife, Emily Mairs; a daughter,| era) Home Mrs, Ken Maynard (Freda) of giane RR 5, Bowmanville and Orillia, Rev. M of Orillia fiVE| the service thur, residing in the Bowman ville area and Bruce, who is serving with the Royal Canadian Seriously sick for three weeks Navy at Dartmouth, N.S Mrs, Annie Yuskiw, 164 Bloor Also surviving are a sister, St. B., died June 14 at the Osh Mrs. Rene Henricks of! Hague, awa General Hospital Sask., a brother, Eli Mairs, of in her 72nd year Nestleton, Ont. and 12 grand The former children the late Mr MRS, FRANCIS J, BARTON | Kotycki In failing health for some 1995, at MRS, ANNIE YUSKIW Annie and Mrs Husiatyn, in the time Mrs. Francis John Barton,| Ukraine, Married in St, Joseph's Branch 108 Oakcrest Ave, Toronto, died|Church, Port Hope, in 1913, she \Legion, conducted the service Villa|had been a resident of Canada! interment was in Oshawa Union June 14, at Providence and Hospital, Toronto, She was and Oshawa for 55 years in her 83rd year Mrs, Yuskiw was a member The former Edwina Mary Hal-jof St, John's Ukrainian Greek |\crouter, David Mathews, James lett, the deceased was a daugh-/Orthodox Church, a member of!smart, Albert Turner, ter of the late Edwin andithe ladies' auxiliary Mary Ann Hallett. Born in Osh-| church and of the awa, she received her educa-|Fraternal Society. tion in Oshawa schools and was' Predeceased by her husband married in Oshawa in 1004 Samuel Yuskiw, April 8, 1058 A resident of Oshawa and|Mrs. Yuskiw is survived by Belleville before moving to To |three daughters, Mrs, Mary tonto 50 years ago, Mrs, Bar-|Seneco, Mrs, Harry Hercia (Vie- ton was a member of St. Paul's\toria) and Mrs, Paul Plishka Roman Catholic Church, Toron-|(Helen), all of Oshawa to. As a younger woman she) Also surviving are two sis: was very active in the work ofiters, Mrs, Mary Romanowic} her church of Weston and Katherine Predeceased by her husband | Kotucki in the Ukraine; a broth- ia 1964, Mrs, Barton is survived] by three daughters, Mrs. Green-' and nine grandchildren, field (Helen) of Whitby, Mrs. C.. She was predeceased by Keough (Betty) and Mrs. UL. sister, Mrs, Nellie Sheyan, Sehmidt (Bernice) both of To-|1943 and a_ brother, rénto and three sons, Frank and|Kotucki in 1965 William Barton of Whitby and' The deceased is at the Arm Charles Barton of Regina, Sask.|strong Funeral Home for sery Also surviving are 11 grand-\ice in &t, John's of Ukrainian children Mrs, Barton !s at the W. C.lin Oshawa Wnion Cemetery Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby,|Rev, R. Panczenko will conduct|date, however, sales are atill for requiem mass in St, John' the service the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church at 19 a.m, June 17. In-/ funeral home at 7.30 p.m., June terment will be in St, John's! 16 Roman Catholic Cemetery, Whit by. Rev L. J, Austin will sing the mass FREDERICK HARDING The Rosary will be recited) The funeral service for Fred ! at the funeral home at 7 p.m,| erick Harding, who died June June 11, at his home, 104 Cadillac 9 ve. N., was held at the Me HARRY C, THOMPSON JIntosh - Anderson Funeral The death occurred,June14 Home--at--2-p.m.--June--d4, -at the Soldiers Memorial Hos Rev, John K, Moffat, mini pital, Orillia, as the result of ster of Simcoe Street United a heart attack, of Harry Clay-|Chureh, conducted the service ton Thompson, 501 Rrock St.) Interment was in Oshawa Union §,, Whitby, He was in his 62nd Cemetery year The honorary pallbearers A son of the late Christopher' were A, F, O'Neill, Marl Ander FUNERAL OF And we have the tops in men's fashions to prove it! Show Pop how tops he is with a gift from our sparkling array, Whatever his taste may be -- aport outfits, suits, accessories --- our wide selec- tion offers gifts to please... and at pleasing prices, too! DRESS PANTS Terelene & Wool pir 14.95 CASUALS "9.95 In Karatron SPORT SHIRTS Regulars ---- Plains ~~ Patterna --~ Style Jae Shirts, Henly Style (ne collar) and each 400 GOLF SHIRTS ..,, 4.00 BERMUDA SHORTS 8.95 JACKETS : 9.95 OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR dressed 103A Dundes St. W. -- Whitby Everything for the well rion will conduct Nure Interment will be) wrence sons, Bill, Don, Dave and At in Knox Cemetery Gamebridge. cock, Ralph Jewell and id De- She was Vrancis William (Red) Roche, Kolucki, awa General the deceased was a daughter of 68th year, was held at the Arm- John strong Funeral Home at 2 p.m She was born Mar, 3,!June 14. er, Nicholas Kotucki, of Oshawa from the four U.S. auto makers A cars in| This Michael cars sold in the comparable pe Ukrainian|day period in which industry children and seven great-grand-|Greek Orthodox Church at 9.30\sales trailed those of a year ja.m., June 17, Interment will be' ago Prayers will be held at the) Interment was in Port HOP?! she hid behind a tree, Three or|but none after that date Mr. Mairs is survived by hiS! June 17, at the Doolittle Fun-| Union Cemetery lo" four shots were fired, two of them striking the tree a foot or 80 above her head, She crept out and hid herself and the children in some hay, Kerr, thinking his family dead, drove to a phone and called the local OPP office, When arrest ed he attributed all his troubles fo liquor, He asked to he sent to Whitby for treatment or to AA There was no evidence of pre vious disagreement, The couple had lived in harmony for seven years Magistrate KR. B, Baxter re manded him in custody until June 17 in Cobourg, He will be examined by a psychiatrist in the meantime The borrowed .303 British Lee Enfield rifle, seized by police, The pallbearers were Fred De Jr,, Mervin DeNure, Lar Nicholls, Sloyd Pea Nure FUNERAL OF FRANCIS W, ROCHE The memorial service for who died June 12, at the Osh- Hospital, in his Rev, A. Woolcock, padre of 43, Royal Canadian Cemetery The pallbearers were Harr) Peter the Stephenson and William Beaton GM June Sale 'Rise Over 1965 DETROIT (AP) New car sales in early June ran behind the 1965 pace with only General Motors topping its sales mark of a year ago, : Preliminary sales reports strongest sales report. Its sales of 135,965 cars was a high for the early-June period, The old GM mark of 134,157 cars was set last year, REGAINS LEAD Chevrolet, which trailed Ford division by about 10,000 cars last month, regained its sales lead, It reported 60,655 passen ger car sales in the opening 10 days of June while Ford notched $0,525 sales, Chrysler Corp, listed sales of 35,766 cars in the 10-day period compared with 43,924 for the comparable 10 days Jast year Ford Motor Co, listed 9,018 car sales compared with 65,582 a year ago, Lincoln-Mercury division had 9,588 sales, just about 100 ahead of last year's sales effort, but Ford division was off, American Motors sold 6,570 well ahead of 1965 cars compared with 7,814 In the General Motora had the! June 1-10, 1965 period, Tuesday listed sales of 239,214 in the June 1-10 period trailed both the 251,477 riod last year and the 256,489 sold in the final 10 days of May It was the fourth straight 10 On a calendar-year basis to was held. atjheating and smashed a chair in|tor, a al the Me-|their two-room home, The wife) crop chopper, The first payment, J. 8 Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home,| grabbed the children and fled' due a year Jater, was deferred) | | three-furrow plow and because fire destroyed his barn When she looked back and and hay crop. In 1963 a payment was made Prin- cipal and interest now due amounts to $2598.75, In March 1965 the bailiff of Division Court, was instructed to seize the three implements, He placed a seizure tag on the trae tor, When he returned to pick it up it was gone and so was Mr Crouch. Ona later visit the bailiff was told the machinery was hidden and he was not go- ing to get if Two RCMP officers went to the farm in September, 1965, and seized the chopper, which was hidden in a corn field, The other implements were found on a farm of a friend in Newmar ket. The tractor was seized and stored at an auto wrecker's nearby Mr, Crouch claimed the trac tor was in excellent condition when it was seized but that it had been used to pull scrap at the wrecker's and now was a wreck itself, He admitted that, when the bailiff came, he had told him he did not know where the machinery was, This result ed in his conviction, ago. The meetings are heing held to solicit suggestions re- garding the township's centen nial celebration next year. R. ¥, Sims, of Totten, Sims and Associates, presented a pro- posal to council for the installa- tion of washrooms in each of the centennial park projects, A washroom will be installed 'at Willow Park and Brooklin Park Tenders will close July 4, Coun cil hopes both washrooms will he completed this year The resignation of H. &. Car ter, township building inspector One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Dreperies Broodioom C.1.L. Paints ond Varnishes Benjemin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron St. 5., Whithy PHONE 668-5862 STAFFORD BROS, LTD, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 723-3343 OPEN FRI, TO 9 P.M, 491 Ritson 5. ) ee -~ AT THE -- RIB STEAKS SHOULDER LAMB New Home Recipe Reducing Plan Ji's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home, Make this home recipe yourself, It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little, Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate, Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough grapefruit juice to fill the bottle, Take two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan, If your first purchase does not show you # simple easy way te lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money hack, Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful sienderness, Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet~ ter you feel, More alive, youthful appearing and active 1965 PONTIAG Automatic 2075" WE MUST REDUCE OUR NEW and USED CAR INVENTORIES... PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER! Due to Previous Highway Diversion DEMONSTRATOR 1962 PONTIAG 2 Dr, Hardtop 1495." . NURSE 1966 CHEVROLET Two-Door Biscayne, Automatic With Radio 2364 Many Other Gigantic Savings ! 1963 Chevrolet ¥.8, Automatic 1995" 1962 CHEVY Il Convertible 1295, CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 668-3304 TULIP MARGARINE KOSHER STYLE LEAN SQUARE CUT AVERAGE 4 LBS, PICKLED CORNED BEEF COUNTRY STYLE MINCED BEEF 3,,,°1 SAUSAGE DISCOUNT MEATS! WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where You Get Fresh Quality Meat At Cut Rate Prides NOW OPEN MONDAYS RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF BLADE STEAKS u. 49° u 65° u. 47° 3 89° u. 49° 3 ins, 89° Ask About Our Price Whitby Plaza | Red and Blue Brand Beef: OPEN MONDAYS lan preter We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting and Wrepping WHITBY MEAT MARKET Phone 668.6941 Gov't Inspected South Side - Sea Foods 409 BROCK ST, S, -- WHITBY fouth of the Shopping Plaza ---- Next te the Blue Sunoee e Seafood Specials e LOBSTERS FRESH FILLET of SOLE BOSTON BLUE FILLETS HADDOCK FILLETS COHOF SALMON STEAKS HALIBUT STEAKS ALASKA KING COOKED CRABS WHITE FISH FILLETS FRESH SCALLOPS GREEN SHRIMP ARCTIC CHAR FRESH MACKEREL Whole Bar-B-Cue Chicken 1.49 DINNER SPECIAL HALIBUT STEAK QO% SALT HERRING -- ROLLMOPS -- CLAMS -- OCEAN PERCH -- PICKLED HERRING LB, 59° La. 69° uw. 1,09 u. 99° EACH 1.50 89° uw. 1.39 uw 1.79 u. 1,59 La, 49° Fresh Supply 69° LB, 1.25 LIVE LOBSTERS Fresh Daily Restigouche SALMON Fresh Run --- Now On @ Cooked Hot FISH @ Cooked Hot SCALLOPS @ Cooked Hot SHRIMP Toke Home For Your Family HOT TAKE-OUT DINNERS FISH DINNERS oan CHICKEN DINNERS SEA tr 1,10 Dinners Include Lots. of Chips -- Cole Slaw, Bun and Tartar Sauce 8 Factory Workers Enjoy Our Good Service! We Deliver to Oshawa -- Ajax -- Whitby and Districts PHONE 668-2721 - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Open Thurndev Friday and Soturdey Tueadey and Wednesday --- ww 10 a.m, te 12 Midnight 10 am. to F pm,

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