Oh of lh all lh at te 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, June 15, 1966 (gy, een Aarne Gove Tortee Rel aPegie, ey Omer ae Pies Petal [on inom, 8 homer by Tor-| remaining six runs in the third! = | - --~ ehremes dride @, Rader, Scion Gratien Karwerthe uns e onions Mike Andrews inning rin = Uae, Sore ot 6 Elsewhere, Columbus Jets Relief pitcher Darrell Osteen OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! ' 3. Ww J. (Coliter) WM 40 19 Ninth mile, pace, Purse $100 & Go shutout Rochester Red Wings Gey Panert (Varco) 7276 10 Unee Devie (9. Currant 1156 64 I g the first me the WOODBINE ENTRIES Gay Aileen (Welrwand) $19 Dapper Grattan (Ben Filion) 3.40 410 OK I f 2 ] 44, Richmond Braves edged ¥°" ye ee for Toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- al Time 708. Ellen ©. Gratien; Delt Rea' evens 'S Kingston) 6% | Buffalo Bisons 7-4 after losing Braves, Chris Cannizzaro col vice; and radio dispatched trucks hi i Vf % " ily, J 'i at, i, in rf : First eile, trot, off TAT [Mister Win (Hicks) 3.99 2.90 Humes, Tom Tally, Jean Third me ey tty Scotland Ve the first 7-3, and Toledo Mud) lected three hits for the Braves tL clwoys on the ready to serve you. 'em ; Meahow ( » $ ie, 0h, ot 98 Tots Pook $i#, Mite Morey Pam ay Pgs 5 5m 1" Liner (hurpry) 72 nn mile, tf i 1a Fuel Of Joauk Pun cana Rose Ovelrme (Geisel) ria own, Whale vat Hightey's johony (Duferd) 4 i n . ' - 7 en Time 2.10 46 Titan Song ©, Benny Daily Double (25) paid $30.9 Virgnes. Grosy (Helmes) 6.06 SEEKS ARBITRATION By THE CANATHAN PRESS aA won the first game with five NOW IS THE TIME K. Peters, Sebring Lee, Maureen 6, Third mw wiht, pece, off 03) Tune 267 745, Ol Serooge, Armoro WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena Larry Miller, who had only Larr Viliot hit the other runs in the sixth inning. TO CONVERT AND CALL Second = INO, 96th, of 0.40 Merywons Mom (Pacey) 270 778 299 Farr, Byy Bye Ferre tor James B. Pearson called one victory in his first four In- Jacksonvilie homer off loser) Jack Cullen scattered seven Tigeivs (Wellwona) 3.96 170 1% ; Erector (71) paid VM ; j ' ; -- Roe sn | sang soa Ms gop fos '2 hs Seventh mile, pace, off i001. Tuesday for US congressional | ternational League. baseball| Pete Magrini, who gave up SIX fits to lead the Hens to victory | Time 2.09 35 Deveyg Girl, Raceway Narciss (Campbell) 460 100 74 action to force compulsory arbi games this season, won his) hits before being replaced for Cc GARDEN CITY oon biote, intr eens Sern Poesy Wmatosigy NAH 2 . tration in the continuing puris- | fourth straight Monday night! pinch hitter in the bottom Of pega wan on MEASLES 7 . : . , U r e run 6 ne eighth inning r ° an ae i on tm Time LO Cherry Pit, Yewet Gloves ictional dispute between the| and hil his first home run of th ighth inning suest iets Aumesicas COAL & Arnone Giahed ites 6h 30 199 Stormy Gratien, King Atherkahr, 'en's 13S Track and Field Federa-| the year as Jacksonville Guns! jim Price ana mike Derrick SUPPLIES 723-3481 0 RACEWAY ag nag ha OO teal eg a tion and the Amateur Athletic edged Toronto Maple Leafs 2-1.\nit second-inning homers for the children have been vaccinated KING ST. W. | Time 207 1-4 Jerry Farong, Kintti'Oxtord Abe (Fragen) 9.9 390 1.90 Union Miller gave up only four hits| Jets, and Columbus scored thelagainst measies since 1962, THURSDAY, 4 | 2 ccsieeniamani-anaaniauanmamnaiouaecnsaans J Ming To8s 1 | Time 166 24 Dionne Chiet, M166 Orark Peter (Duly) 140 190 10 Hens downed Syracuse Chiefs ineluding a homer. The Bisons FIRST RACE -- Purse 97,200 taisen| Wree-year-olds, foaled in Conede, 6 Fur-| tongs 116) Malestic Sel. Barraby 114 Piedell, Kernbium xi14 Grand Manitey, He Boy AT9 Jonephira G, Ferre Ki Kerteek, Coming *KIO9 Romer Minieter, Steve A114 Enchow, Sutctiffe Kil4 Jive Mister, Medea 8-119 Glen Francis, Robillard '14 Cabello Baha, Harrie 114 Boy 19 y, Fertunatus . Bive Chine, Turcotte / NN : Bey, Nadeau, 8-119 / \ ie « Forms and @ and & Merle \ Bre ® Seth Entry / SECOND RACE ~ Purse $7,100. Claim) | Thyree-year-olds, ¢ Furiongs 6 Golden Chap, McComb 114 } \ 4 Pay Now, Kornblum x10 j \ y / Shining Mark, Fitzsimmons 111 | \ Rove! Regret, Ditttach 1M Tomboy Pete, Barraby t1! Judge Burns, Griffe K106 Java diva, Harris 117 Neyne, Turcotte 111 Srow Water, Barromy 106 Cratty Commodore, No Boy 118 fach, 113) Sure te Please, Turcotte, 119 Miss Haysin, Marcie, 108: Cofern, Me Comb, 113; Swashbuckle Pete, Nedeau. 274-01 PIES REG. PRICE each 49- Ant Maloney and Council Rock Stable 8-5 J Plerzea and G F Boltz Entry FOURTH RACE . Purse $2,500, Claim l ¢ Ing ($5000) Four-yearolds and up. One Sarosu, Wert 106 ] AM. Kane entry Renssik, Steve 104 THIRD MACE -~ Purse $1,500 Claim ing Malden, twoyear-oids. § Furlengs| (® | ate To Bed, Ferro A-X\00 | Blue Whistle, Ne Boy 116 Famous Tour, Hale 119 fimmy Chop Chop, No Boy 8.119 Col. Saxon, Leblanc 113 Football, Fitzsimmons 118 Passe Ro'e Babe, Leblanc 1160 Tiempo Muerte, Potts 118 Gaucho Dancer, Gordon 119 8. Good, No Boy f-1160 Bantu Ho, Steve Ki08 | En the Preacher, Gre AXIS | a itiiadeiaadill | and one \tth Miles on Marshall, Turf Morgan Road, Turcotte 116 SER VE APPLE PIE AND ICE CREAM TODA y/ B-Faicon Stabie and HW, Kate entry Mise Nashmont, Marcie *X108 Also Eligible; Edaor's Whistle, pitt | FULL 8-INCH Course (11) Spiey Favour, Harris ays | s > Tricky, Scene, Barroby a | # MARVEL SAVE HALF GAL. a , Hei "4 | is ge i Be BRAND 6 CARTON € Mighty Patrol, Harris Allé Scadadie, No Boy BIl6 | ~ P a Meteor, No Boy 116 } | FIFTH RACH -- Purse $2,500 Claiming Jane Parker, Orange or Lemon Reg, Price each iGe--BAVE 100 Cocoanut, Lemon or Omtmenl Reg. Price pkg 400 --- GAVE Ife (7500) Twe-vear-nids, § Furs (§) | Bren tebe Ware 16 CHIFFON CAKE onch AD COOKIES sane parker 22-0x1win pack BO My Sailor Boy. Harris 114 | Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf fe - BAVE Ile a ' iiciaemaiag mele ERRETOR Waounine) --_| RAISIN BREAD = 2 seer lone A 5¢ NEW FROM JANE PARKER SiMTH RACE Purse $2,800. "Ral dane Parker Reg. Price pkg 300 -- BAVE Ae Lemon Cream leed Gold or Chocolate Cream leed Devil's Fond pen ies ee at CINNAMON ROLLS | vis035¢ | BAR CAKES voir crocr anh Qe les, About | mile on Turf course (11! Line Charger Walsh A-TI8 Black Kitten LeBlanc 111 Mate Tell Dittfach 190 Worthy Craft Walsh A118 Jane Parker (Plain, Sugared, Cinnamon) Reg. Mo----BAVE be Double Value Unsliced --- leed poly bag A--Statford Farms Eniry B--Winddieids Farm Bniry om tun tee | ) K, y M ry CAKE DONUTS = 2oisse'rk 9% =| RAISIN BREAD = 2 t6er ion 59 epee | lt Ung pres. 4. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! a SEVENTH RACE Purse 94,000 "Copperciitte', Allowances, Four year side and up, Fillles and eres, 44 Furs (#) ; CALIFORNIA, NEW €ROP, FLUFFY, WHITE, COOKERS, No, 1 GRADE Brey Atria, 18 Maybe it's because they discovered : ' Feathery |, Robinaan A-xx107 Se War Dittfach 11) Rove! Tara Waleh 8.117 . cand ay AM Jane Parker Pies... thousands have, we x Bo g thts " 1 hy mm ee a as : BIQHTH RACH Purse $2300 Claim But... you say, "No thanks, ing (4000 our year olds and up. About 1 mile on Turf course, (18) ' Brand's Ferra. | there is nothing like a good home-baked pie." Ramsay 2nd Gomer 119 Cower Turcotte 114 Freedoms Hone Gomer 11% Mar Cah Wal We agree... they're great. ime Me Ue Marcle ion Te ele aren see But would you believe it if we told you 10 Pade tain our Jane Parker Pies taste home-baked? POUND ¢ ci oa ae Probably not... BAG WOODBINE until you've tried one, TORONTO (CP)--Resuite at Waad MTree ure "Hse eldiming _ maitin Then you'd discover Gamer akan "ate" 4 the crust is short and flaky like your own. PEACHES ORANGES ae esta tt te ° sag So bd nm BOS senate an, triage 9 You'd discover the fruit is the kind you'd use... ove Quest Robinson 12.10 @.86 Liberated (Walsh 400 Georgia, Yellow Flesh, Now At Thelr Best Outspan, Seediena, Navels New Crop, No. 1 @r, Le, Sine Me Time: 1 Florida, Yellow, Sweet, Large, Full Cobe Ontario Grown, Hothouse, King Size, Long, Green, Slicers lot 1 inc, vewerie, Polgien the best... juicy, not stiff with starch. CORN 6 3 9 ( UC UMB i agree tar, Black Raven, Navy Grand, Rerno A pages me t a Dein, dou: HRM And if you popped a Jane Parker Pie yi fovrvearcign 7 Uta mie ol al a I into the oven and warmed it before serving, Dairy Values! Frozen Food Variety! Time 15) Star Kat. Lumacall, Garden's Pride Pride, Prince Bunty, Neade, Nanein MWirutho alse ran you'd discover a pie you'd be proud to call your own. Kraft Plain Reg. Price pkg 78e -- SAVE 60 Fancy Quality, Whole Kernel Reg, Price bag Ske --~ SAVE te \ Prato pa i feur| Hi EESE VELVEETA 1b pkg 6 9. As Pp CORN 2b poly bag 49. Cantidad Ind } Re'n) 19.40 Aint "Bioam (Rarrepy) 418 490 Kent White: or Pink FEATURE PRICRI Hemmock Lond Gorden) Her This week be adventurous. i tr one, Jubilee (Mild, Nippy, Pimento or Swiss) Gee Bhan, SO kine. neve Et , y CH ERSE SLICES B-o7z pkg 3 3: LEMONADE 10 é-fl-oz tins 99. evu alse ran | W hat have you got to lose? York, French Style FEATURE PRICE vd "lian Atos _ pit ge A rt ms all, f a sell it er YUKON CLUB \ BEANS CUT GREEN 5 10-02 pkgs 99: Phanton Gellie (Tureatte oe Farmhouse (Chocolate, Cocoanut er Lemon) FEATURE PRICE! Ascending (Fitzsimmons) 4m ete, eat it's guaranteed to please, CANNED BEVERAGES CREAM PIES wh 39% git dn eng rere FEATURE PRICEL = QS | Ween ence: glad Are Jane Parker Pies a good reason CASE OF eo" GRAPE JUICE 261004 5¢ Scrweater Frieda Rest Pet Mink _ rhe ny for shopping A&P? 24 or TINS 1.79 i oR' AP i, "24 AP) FOOD STORES rT' , Erabies, Leader Lane, Grand | hey re one of many, Ginger Ale, Kola, Lemon-Lime, Orange a ' AaP MEANS DEPENDABILITY Gelon alse ran and Root Beer Bighth..Pur $2.20. Chaimir taree | er Low Cal Ginger Ale and Kola . ws, hw, : ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH Paris ope fame: aye 3" 2 SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 19086 Head (Dittfach 440 S00] Kernbluer rat Dotler Aeholer, M Tele, Galena, Rinky Attack aio