Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jun 1966, p. 28

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VOR ee 2We--Summer Pr For Sele or PIGEON near 22--Lots tor Sale [26--Apartments for Rent Modern. Apts. 20---Real Estote tor Sale {20---Reol Estate for Sole 20---Real Estate tor Sole CARL 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 15, 1966 {20-----Real Estete for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele papers SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 PM, CROMWELL AVE, Older 12 storey, 6 room, 3 hedroom home in very central location and well maintained, INCOME HOME Just reduced ~~ 5 room brick 3 bedroom bungalow with two 2-160m basement oportments all furniture in epertments included. Also large double garage and poved drive, This home is in the 5.E. area and offers a\ wonderful invest ment. Only 13 years old Terms con be arranged NORTH EAST Lovely 6 room, 2 storey home with attoched goroge close to OCA. 1245 sq. ft. of com fortable living with broad loom ond mary extras, Owner leaving City LAW STREET Roomy ranch bungalow with breezewoy and attoched gar oge in the very desrabie north west orea north of Rossland Rd. Two extra bed rooms finished in basement os well as @ Rec Room ond Bor. Lovely fenced lot with severol trees and birches Owner is building o new home J, B. McMullan REALTOR 120 Dundas West Whitby 668-6201 NORTHWEST AREA 5 room mde brick bunge- low. 3 bedrooms, Kitcnen, LR. 4 pe.. ceramic tile bath, Rec, room. Asphalt drive, Air conditioner ond dryer. Aluminum storms and screens, Large lot with gor- den, Call today ond give us your offer MODERN Brick bungolow with 3 room aportment, makes this ideal income home. Spocious kit- chen with plenty of cup- boards. LR. 18' x 16'. Gar- oge. Asphalt drive, Home si- tuated on lot 62' x 120° Open to offers YOUR FAMILY Will love this lovely 4 bed- room bungalow, Large LR. 4 oc. tile both ond 2 pe. tile both with vanities, Spacious rec room with fireplace, T.V eerial, aluminum storms ond screems. Asphalt drive are only a few of the many ex tras, Situated in the northwest area and is convenient to schools and shopping, This may be just whet you and your family are looking for so call and make us an offer $4,000 DOWN Brooklin 3 bedroom electrically "heated bungolow. Large 11' = 18' kitchen, L.R, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. ceramic vanity style beth also 2 pc. bath. Rec, room, Double windows, Stone front, Patio, Large lot 70' x 130', List price $19,300 OLSEN MA REALTOR 723-1133 $12,900 ---- Full price for this 2 storey, 4 bedroom home situoted et 284 Osh- owe Bivd. 5. Large lot, mo- dem in oll respects. Coll George Twoites ot 723-1133, THIS 2 storey, 4 bedroom home locoted on Melrose St meets all the requirements o growing family requires. Lorge livingroom, diningroom and ultra modern kitchen. 2 beth- rooms, rec room end car port, For a sophisticated home at @ price you can afford, coll Ernie Holmes ot 723-1133, KEEWATIN ST, --- Immocu- late, 3 bedroom bungelow with extra lerge modern kit chen, large livingroom and good sized bedrooms, 4-piece beth with vanity, Rec room facilities and 'aundry room Only 3 years old, Call George fweites for cppointment to see ot 723-1133 SOUTHMEAD ~~ 3 bedroom bungolow on extro large lot, Nicely decorated throughout, Close to schools ond shopping Only $15,900 with $2,500 down, Immediate possession Call Ernie Holmes ot 723 1133 3 bedroom cottage on Chon dos Lake, 103 miles from Oshewa, Only 3 years old, this beauty hos modern kit chen, lorge livingroom with picture window overlooking the lake, Treed lot 85' x 306', Boathouse included and pric ed at only $8,800, Coll George Twaites for further details ot 723-1133 20 RAY STREET After hours call; George Twoites Ernie Holmes 723-2008 725-0387 REALTOR 728-5103 767 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH SELECT INVESTMENT Poparinren tromenrig choice Whithy location, "gight two bedroom suites, Complete with built-in stoves and re- frigerators. Excellent invest- ment ot nineteen thousand down and a six and one helf per cent mortgage for bolonce LARGE LOT -- LOW PAYMENTS Brick bungalow neor seporate school, Very clean 3 bedroom home, Listed at only $15,200 with ebout one third dowr Extra large family kitchen and fully fenced yard. Lot is 175 feet deep, Will carry for $98.00 including toxes, MONEY STRETCHER Your money goes further a little distonce from the four corners, Let us show you this carefully maintained home in the country, featuring forge lot, 2 car garage, aluminum windows. Spotless through out, Good trout stream at front door. Asking only $12, 500 with $2,000 down WILD PARADISE As little os $1,500 makes you the proud squire of 100 acres of undisturbed hunter's paradise, An excel lent winterized home with 3 bedrooms, garage and pond included in the very low asking price down Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board RTIN HOUSE MODELS OPEN 9 A.M. to 10 P.M, STILL LOOKING ran 3 LARGE BEDROOMS Storms, screens, fireploce. Built-in stove and oven, fin- ished recreation room, clay brick, many other exciting features, Locoted neor schools, business, shopping, and large 10 acre pork beside you Well we have it! Come on out tonite and make o@ deal with us, oll trades considered moybe even your mother-in- law, | block north of 401 on Wilsor Rd Echo' Const Homes, Oshawa presented by L. N, BIRD, REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-0321 $920, DOWN Brand new modern 3 bed room homes, Uitra-modern de sign, Columbia kitchens, Van ity bethrooms, Also 4 bed $1,100 Call Charlie Rickson 668-6389 rooms with down MILLEN REAI BASKETT & PEGG LTD REAL ESTATE 942-093) 640-1303 100 Acre Farm ESTATE LTD Sewers Bowman and GIBSON 145 BROCK SOUTH WHITBY 668-5823 NICE Serviced lot, size 50' x 104', Priced to sell. 47 ACRE FARM With good house ond barn, Located in south east indus- trial area hes 660 ft. rail- woy frontage. This is a good investment property ot @ rea- sonable price 3 BEDROOM Bungelow in Brooklin ores Good sized rooms, Lots of cupboard spoce in kitchen Reasonably priced oat $13, 000 After Hours Call E. H, Coates 5.4737 Mrs, Lee b6B-AGAD Mrs, Woodward 655-4525 Harry Cockburn 723-3334 KEITH PETERS EALTY LTD 103 KING Realtor $11,900.00 Price reduced $2000, Centrally located, See 728-7328 | STREET EAST PETERBORO 'Cottage with Lot| $2,995 $50 DOWN ° $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START JULY 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ¢ LOT 75'«x200' surveyed with fomily-size cottoge, 3 bed- rooms, erected,.$2,995 cash or Budget Pion, $50 down, $47 monthly, poyments start August, 1966. Limited num- ber, Year round activities. Practical tor -etirement. Good roads, open yeor round, Hydro, telephone, swimming, evcelient fishing, water ski- ing, booting, hunting, ete, Winter Ski-tow nearby. EM- JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spr ng @ MEET @ Beside Toronte Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee, Highway 7 on the Peterboro » Lindsay Highwey each doy week-end at | p.m, and No appointment nec- tnis 3 pm essary peie CONE cane Can be seen Monday to Fri doy, doy or evening, by spec ial appointment only, Phone PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD, COBOURG, ONT, | cated, wet spect. Full price $1, COMMERCIAL SITE- Vacent land fronting busy 12 end 7 Highwoys in the Villege of Manchester, Excel- lent location for fruit stand or other business pertaining to highway trade. $11,000 or best offer. Easy terms, call Clare McCullough 723- 7843 or 623-3393, W, Frank Real Estate Ltd [LAKESHORE LOY for sale, (0 x (7 lon Pine Lake, Heliburton, Hydro, good leach, good ron, Port Perry, W51M6 \tor AY MYRTLE, fate 77440574, |BOBCAYGEON AREA -- Nicely wooded jots on river for sale, Road end hyére, | feasonable. Cai 723-477, [BEAUTIFUL "WOODED building it, 1%| x Only minuies from Oshews.; Rg 'chose fe paved road frontage Would wit VLA, Asking $4,000. Call Ken Hockin, 623-3993. W, Frank Reni Estete itd. LOT FOR SALE -- Palace Street '(oft Harmony, Oshawa). Services paid, Pho 11th) 4 |LOT WITH town water, in Orone, #0 16'. Phone 672-720) after 4 p.m HOW TO GET IT: If you do not find the item you want in the Want Ads, piace # "Wanted" ad and get it! Dia now. 23--Real Estete Wented _ be Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd, 723-8144 CAN YOU HELP ME? | need a 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow --~ garage preferr ed --- large sot in City 16 * Wh, vicely lo off main Lr yyy ye Call to in Perry Ren Es) Regency Towers 349 Marland Ave. Phone 725-2227 Premier 321 Marland Ave. Phone 728-6722 One and two bedroom, Mow eveilable, Brogdicom corri« dors. Stove, Retrigeretor, Drapes, FM. Controlled en- tronce, Elevator, Intercom, Balconies and Laundry focill- ties on each | floor, CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR ments drapes, intercom, FM. \mmediate oc- cupancy. $97 end up. 340 Marland Apt, 111 728-4283 TWO. BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immediate possession and also for June 15th, July Ist, August ist. Large suites, stoves, refrigerators, dropes, wall to wall closets in bed- rooms, Walk-out balconies, starting $115 per month, or close to City for a client with @ large cosh payment If you con help, please call Les. Halli ot §, D, Hyman Real Estote Limited -~ 728 6286 or 728-5513 this one tonight $14,900.00 A real nice mpact bungalow with gar oge in an excellent location on Beverly St, Inspect this one 372-9494 Tim Vipond Bill Lundmark home situoted on large lot monthly, Cullough, 723-7843, W, Fronk Real Estate riment, avaliaple rent, 7 OWNER MOVING ethane MUST BE SOLD Semi-bungalow, Ajax, 3 hed room, large kitchen, broad- room and halls 'Daily 1 to 9 p.m, Week-ends 12 Noon to 5 p.m, in loom in. | Schools at your door, Tiled offer $11,900 Good older brick bungalow in the South-East. Only 4 tired couple. Lovely gorden and gorage. Hot water oil heatin BRAND NEW Central location, adults only ci ) F with 8 rooms and attached | MLS . gorage. 'deal location on 9 suite aportments consisting ' 4 ae ed gent joo h 6 and 9:30 P.M 3 and 4 room units shows St | i, R pond sites, older nouse an petween on ; , Switzer Drive, 1807 8a, ft ' ' | 00 in H Open 9 a 9PM barn within commuting dis ed , Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish lovely family room and a List price $38,000 A foci 6 i : ae Hole od tii ca Ayopee Lake new Cop Win). PV [errien CENTRALLY LOCATED laundry room on tne mein fen: tie tas A Vac perrect summertime e ae Hours rae 9754 POTOUGr FT regeonen $13,900.00 Just been re- | veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure! IRR NEa Seb H SEN | y ime re 40 ; ¢ ) > floor, Fireplace in Rec, Room Rial Renate 'Msaasl'" vide uM i. erald 568.5313 Good House and Gift Shop| duced $1000 ¥ pee INCOM@® -- ltishing and hunting, Beautiful of VALUATION f , look no further y 9 , Also other buildings situated home, live rent free |iake, Cash winter price $4,500, Contact LISTING & SALES, ments, in one of Oshawa's try an offer A HOME BY , M 798.9714 E,W, Tout, RR 4, Coe Hill, phone NICK SIBLOCK finest buildings, Beleony and fancy Martin ? bedroom brick, tiled bath, Intercom system, Ne ehildren B pos ages fhe ANE 'A t he Ossie Mortin 728-9714 soneply prised eo fable storms, recreation \ren- RENT Mm rooms in all but divide AFTER HOURS rms rong Geo, Martin Call WM, PEGG room, extra bathroom $1500 | cottages, on Sturgeon L. Listed $17,900 but coll us 668-8562 Wiley Minter 728-7088 LOT 74 x 330 ft, $4,300.00, | manville 37862," REAL TALE L10, aavice ine tty en ¥, weper 668-5475 Plent Park | gino ry | Dige | RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, two miles| basements, each with own $] 650 Down ary GF frie Panne | oie 700 College Hill Dis inorth of Frankford, Ont, Ten miles elf | 728-7576 ealty Ltd, , trict, 5 rooms and garage 1401 highway, Read, hydre, beach, Price) Pe 3 - ] will put you into your | PRIVATE -- Acreage or small farm on ing, Location --- Ritson Rood Cis ae si Sabian | VILLAGE LOT -- 66 x 165 | COTTAGE FOR RENT for July and Au-\A-] shape, Af least three bedrooms TA VERNESS DRIVE | W, os ARMSTRONG d ream ATTENTION | ft $1900 00 }gust, 85 miles from Oshawa, exceilent|$10,000 cash or more, 668-5019. | Two self-contained APARTe 7 5 h hoe 5 | Telephone 725-624 MENTS, Store and refrigera- ; MEAL ES or ' saint split with ettached gorage [.) Built-in oven and range, INCOME REAL ESTATE MOVE | $1,000, DOWN, aap |RUCKHORN CORE ase a5 We tor storms and screens, pius | 25 9E STC room, camping, trailers, good fishing, labl > WEe ovoilable June 15th, Call ee None ited OU g 'ol many more expensive NORTH WEST : sandy, beach, All conveniences, NOW LEASING Westdale Street POcious $22,900. Call for more de- estdale ee * . bungalow with side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim-| ; g , 5 sip tails Drive out and see - at attached garage, Extra large THREES naw HOMES, on, Switter Drive | ming. Telephone 72bz0e or write MACNN] Oewa'e new. modem shop: ood - - ¥ and up ichae [os ie | CO ' 4 * Attractive 2 storey home In 725-1 109 southw Park bees $95,000, new 11 suite brick id i ping centre, located In the @ FOR RENT @ Cape Cod design with ot A pleasant place to live apartment in Port Hope, Elec room, built in stove ond |rieee". IgeDROOM brick bungalow, |Lake Scugog, fully furnisned, Inside con-| downtown area, Stores in vore | Apts., Rooms, Room & Board teched 90 age. This home is ' heat, new equipment bedrooms, 4 piece west of Shopping Centre, less than a|veniences, eleciric stove and refrigerator, ious sizes from 1280 to we Neme } av, % ' ' ' th with vanity, attractive 'ear old, oli heated, good sized lot. Cash |running .water in kitenen, Telephone 725 wey Brick 2% storey, Ideol for GRIFFIN Near new hospital and 401. rs y aad ta inds 7 real fo 'mortgage, Private" Telephone 725-8091. | 4660 Sa Preys rent wil avait ia " am, fe 9 pm, Bet ss J mndsca sunds | pport- y troctively decorated and large fomily er gonvert to in income af 188 ease. to show 'this ime |PROUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, wilh|LAKEPRONT COTTAQH Yor sale, near) 1%: G9,'U0 Sq P Ve PM broadioomed, Offers a come home, Top half-storey Real Estote Ltd ' , 22,000 sq. ft. | LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION iy) Ow ixio to i, tion m, located on Quebec Street, very|iarge living room, electrically heated, Food Store, Will for $120 942-3310 piled 054 dae ulster fl lle Yeo ot 728-5123. Evenings central to. downtown Asking $19,900, Calllsandy beach, furnished, Could be winter Retail Store already leased ing room, 3 lovely bedrooms, | down ill -corry for Terms, Contact Clare Me- 25.2217 #9466, Oshawa Really, Bond Street Lid,|ized, Many extras, $6900, Phone 324-2087 : y wer |CHUREH sreeey, lus 2 h 24.900 Pit, Here is a real good a0"6 Office and professional tower ' - plus 2 baths, Listed $24, . A sel TOWNLINE South, fiveroom bungalow, oa | |nished bedroom, Pi So and worth your consideration home, ideal location 1% bloc 101 Simcoe Street North modern. Full basement, Try $2000 down.|FOR RENT -- Lakelront housekeeping| | preferred, Apply above oaarens,. ; ses Perry Real Estate, 723-812 lcotlages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con-| plex, now partially 'leased, | in this area BUILDER S $1,500, DOWN, Clean six-room home with manvilie 23-2980 If you desire a top location and quiet home, for this @ $100, PIT CLEARANCE ! fenced yard and new furnace, Taxes only! HUNNIGHEE CEVIKBUT oad Tole 7 1 for either a retail store or |men, close to nerih General ore, 4 $128. Call Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Metcalf and lots for sale $14,500 with $2200 down te ' SOUTHEAST Large two-storey home| prestige office space with RE IO TTS TT ; |ONE AND TWO bedr partmentty one mortgage, Lovely 3 bed- WHITBY whistle, good let with garage, @ subsian: |DOWNSVIEW co slcroom spllicleval with| Madde, Ont, 473-2204 parking for over 1,000 cars, (ONE Pas Pb, a aed oon Aberiment 9 Pp t i | | aq, ft, ight ine SUITE APARTMENT | tial family home, full asking price $15,900. attached garage, Many extras, Bolahood | CROW LAKE, Marmors, collage for rent, average rents, call exclusive soning bungalow. Ya block off Rit- @ LAST ONE e@ . Call 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd | Brothers Ltd, Roy Yeo, 72-2217, beautitul jon as Banh |rooms, Apply Landlord's Association, : , JUST STARTING? or 'retiring? Ideal| FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four-|Teiponone 479-5412 4 yh vag ee eg Sparkling new detached $95,000, New. Electric heat home for two, four rooms, Low down Pay:|teen nine, Act wisely, invest. In your, Telephone 472-5402 [Owe - BEDROOM ortable cosy home, ideal for bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4 near new hospital and 401, ment, See il' today. Cali Don Siradeski future, call stan' McCormack, 6853066, BORCAYGRON -- Cottage To reni, Two METCALF In WF Income $14,340 annually, Realtor al 723-465) for appointment | Keith Peters Realty Ltd, Realtor blocks north of dam, all conveniences. meds home must be sold! ing room, dream kitchen with Owner anxious to sell, Ac- ps four adults, two ehildren, $40 Real Estate Limited UNFU arage, exclusive Harmony Village, lof 1 Carries for $96, P.1.T, Storms! i rent, p ar ange pienty oF mgt radi Just move in, all decorating and land: land Screens. Patie In backyard, Detach |FOR SALE OR RENT -- Owner's weil 40 KING ST, E ie "Road, Olive Tivest Be Full basement with recreation consider all offers --~ call to» --scaping has been done, Call Don Strade|ed garage, $17,000, full price. Bill Hubbell,|Kept lakefront cottage within commuting S z day with yours, Clair MeCul- ski Realtor, at 723-4651 for further Infors| 799-1475, H, Millen Real Estate Ltd, 8.4678 |TWO-BEDROOM ha ; ratio r let, TV "apariment rin modern frontage. Many, many extras lough, 723-7843 or 623- _|Mmatioy [are j Sey ReneS re Pr tae whe teen | |five plex, $105 monthly, Stove and fridge Low down payment of Two verey, near error ARE YOU INTERESTED In a three |-793-5645 | jinciuded, Adults only, Call 7298881, ping Centre, ravine lot. For further Infor | ped snably priced home, close a | 1595 | Ltd mation all Don Stradeski Realtor at 72%\te ine Fremeh schaol? if so-call John {BEAUTIFUL Sioco Leke, 3 bedrooms, | 465 | Ki fehen, 723-2788 of HH, Millen Real/safe, sandy beach, spacious lawn with | | } and open to ony reasonoble rooms but just right for a re K 723-2926 6 A real nice 2 storey home $10,000 DOWN John Kerr We List Exclusive and Photo In Ashburn oreo, 2 frontages, TELEPHONE 723-6455 overuse $7,500 per year BARGAIN -- Collage and 1'h acres on of living oreo includes a pikghee $7, ~ Y tance of Oshawa dnd Scar- tonight gift -- system, Secluded and_ quiet, excellent) ~ 5 | | @nd 2 bedroom ¢, ite List: 32,000 --- Call and ed $92, Dolores Ross 728-1964 : j ii Re $13,900.00 Whitby, 3 668-6201 on Jorge let in Villoge, Mae , Bancroft, Gibson Willoughby Lim- under 12 in twe separate living ereos Sout! d Park Ain Millbrook 932-2943 DOWN | veniences, sandy beach, ne Bow CALL outhwoo ar' jox furnace, hot water oil heot- , | 4 es 1 ACRE LOT -- $3,900.00, | $2,000. Telephone Toronto, 787-3757, Sud thea, ith te tana or. Hausa Tal ita basso BROTHERS LIMITED p o) home, \ r © x fishing, fireplace one Inside conveniences, FOR YOUR BEST 10 ACRES 500,00 with ; . |24----Stores, Offices, Stora | Almost new 3 bedroom side f 9 Leundry facilities, One Very lovely home in ideal Warehouse 8 room sandy beach, All conveniences, aun | . | | 728-3344 or 728-6906 HOUSE q y electric, In : REALTOR a bg room. ranch VER EHOING coionee slecirle MIDTOWN PLAZA i NORTH WEST living room, separate dining h 06-08; val. i bio i ll a, COTTAGE FOR RENT, William's Point, OSHAWA SOUTH-EAST : oven, 3 Office Hours: Tues, to Fri, only six years old and at . Call R latlached. garage, large finished recrea:|Lindsay, three bedrooms, kitchen and| ment Store, j arate dining room, 23° liv- completely finished. $3,000 euete. neor 4 a and. Srewer s 55 Bruce St = 1070 |Area Code 705 being incorporated in com- if you're looking for a home went of Ritnon Rd. 5, Member of O,D.R,E.B |veniences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow-| | LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in @ deen | Telephone mt 7283 PORT HOPE with six spacious rooms, clean as Real Estate on Moira Lake, Phone Carman Mullett, room, newly decorated brick 1] ldusiry en storege, ales agent, , | Bruce Street young family, Owner moving, piece tile bathroom, large liv FOUR-BEDROOM home, with attached|CLEAN, neal bungalow in southeast onal echt, Call 728-2532 space cept smoll trade and cash j after 4.30 p.m facilities, Situated on lot 60' 798-\distance of Oshawa, Good swimming 3393, W, Frank Real Estote | 'NCOME HOME | APARTMENTS for rent In fourelon, one Estcte Ltd, 728-1678 shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping, WAREHOUSE avon Comply. remade LAROE LOY, with creek, Inree-hedroom leocktall lounges within mile, $2,000 down, refrigerator, water and hydre, 3 home with fireplace, In Oshawa, Should !si999 DOWN, three-bedroom brick bun-|§59 monthly, Full selling price $6,800.| Up to 2,500 sq. ft. available; $1,700 down Phone 725-8993 after 5 p.m, i BEDSITTING ROOM | furnished hed "with bie AGRE FARM ASK FOR NEW HOMES Ue eae a eocianet ccna lmieclels bee [ARENT Chesterton Avene truck level leading, Matter heated |chen Phone 728-1742, Cai é am. - E Vas 6 BM between | MR. HUBBS tne ° seoston, Toil neice $15,900 Balance. -on|TO BUY PROPERTY check the reall May be rented on short term |ONE AND TWO. bedroom wire LARGE three-bedroom brick bungalow,| n vi P " 793.037 | $30,000 Jon Olive Avenue, Hollywood kitenen, oil /easy terms, Call Helen Simpson, Schatz. estate marketplace, Classified Ads | tasls, Coll Vern Morton, Poul [ler rent re M uf or 6! IRD REAL ESTATE LTO & UP |Shovid be seen, Perry Real Estate, 725 B 5 HE Apply 29) Marian furnace, Close to schools and shopping jmann Real Estate varus | ' Apt, 104 or phone 728-9094. COUNTRY LIVING Brick rancher }2t=--=Farms for Sale by Michael Zygocki Ltd, 728-8882 ' Moves You Right In! basement BEAU VALLEY | 2: Anderson Street Whitby and Brooklin, Large, COME SEE THE well kept 9 room 2 storey, BERMUDA Lovely setting in well land scaped yard featuring large chestnut elm and apple Seven beautiful rooms, trees. Huge barn, needs a lit baths. Huge 195, FOG tle repair, stalls and floors. in oted on raving tot on good condition, Excellent re atreet tirement area for those want ing space and comfort AFTER 9 P.M 725-0343 725-1109 723-5467 Gas heat and extra partments Avenue, Ristow Limited, Realtor, 728 nal -- 9474. or 723-8327 Pl THREE-ROOM apartment, Self-contained, with double garage and one acre lot.) 4 vé q Elderly couple or one Revit only, 400 y. OSHAWA BLVD SOUTH--tworstorey four THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, |One_ mile west of Brookiln, Asking only hours Dundas Street West, Whi north-west area, Finished basement, car-|$18000, Call 728-9466, Oshawa Realty, ] A RE FARM | : TWO ROOM" Unfurnished aperimenls port, asphalt drive, Many extras, Tele-|Bond Street Ltc private entrance, ground fleer, Apply 1 bedroom home wilh large fenced yard.|IMMEDIATE possession, brand new, |!N0 4 Modern kilchen, large living room and/ three-bedroom home in Simcoe North) fridge, washer, dryer free, broadioom in Phone 725-216 TWO-BEOROOM apartment in new build STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bond Street) 345 Oshawa Biva South, good-sized bedrooms Listed at oniylarea, ideal family home in good schoo |living room, wall to wall, Many extras builtin stove, West, Good location, Rent $100 per month THREE-ROOM" | $12,900, Call George Twaites for appoini-|distric!, Priced at $15,400 wilh NHA fi Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123. Frontage on Hw JA, 2 Available now, Call Mrs, Taylor 694-2945 ag Y | Torento, evenings. private bath miles west of Cavan, Thiscloy | , p.m, 725*1282 loam farm with large barn, | | ment to see: 7231139 or 7232008, Carl|nancing. Call Vern Morton, Paul Ristow THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, exceplion bs 9 |25---Houses for Rent ONE FURNI Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street Limited, Realtor, 187 King Street East.jaily clean, South end Oshawa, close to > 28-9474 evenings 723-842? schoo shop: valle Home contains ten |LARGE EIGHT-ROOM HOME in excel. 2h 7474 &% ng hool and shopping. Available immedi new silo, modern farm hous oa td om | gentleman, oom } _ | é living room with broad! ' eladcby tle AVENUE EAST Four-|Athol Street, includes five bedrooms lent repair, 10 minutes' walk to uptown,|PONTYPOOL District = Must be sold|alely hogy Kawartha Street, Call 942-6300, one a head-sittingroom Iwo 3plece bathrooms, Deep fenced $1,500 down, Seven:room furnished home ple ESTATE PICKERING VILLAGE Large home situated en about 2 acres of land, zoned for two extra lots ntercom, elevator apariment, »_unturnilahed prone 723-8900 after We have several homes various stages of construc tion. Locations in beautiful Beou Valley ore getting scarce W. L, Dougan Bob Well rooms} Lieyd Latoy wiring The grounds are beautifully Move Kassinger Home By Early Fall We have literally hundreds of plons or we will build to your specifications; but don't leave it another minute or before you know it we will be sold out EXECUTIVE RETREAT $39,500 custom built 3 bed- mom bungelow in scenic sett- ng, || miles from Oshawa 30 ft, combined living and dining room, with stone fire- place. Ultra kitchen, fully equipped with frigidaire ap- pliances, 4 pe. bath, with Allan Thompson 728.2870 master bedroom, 2 car gar- i Johnston 728.1066 age, Fully air conditioned. trene Brown 195.3867 Loaded with extras. Over 2 Mel Dale 623.5638 acres with 400 ft. of road Maible: Boudreau age. An executive home Marg Hall f the finest materials Wm, Yasmanicki asily tinanced Mike Belmonte ' 's as Reg Aker HOMI Sorter gap Bill McFeeters For full particulars doll 723-2265 Ed Drumm 125.9345 George Ke 723-2859 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 room house, large lot; garage, Close 10 in 4 family size kitehen with om- THREE-ROOM apartment | Ne shaws, Core eS |year lease, Telephone 723.0729 child welcome. une heavy and garage, Many other features, Good plus three furnished cottages, with con |7§ ACRES of good pasture for rent, 4 pe, bath and 4 bedrooms -- Larry Andely 725-4539, Joseph Bosco, |best offer, Call Joe Barnoskl, 623-3393 oil heat, This farm Is offered | S!feet West, Untimited parking, $75. periang stove, washer and dryer Included, ta help: You ; Rolitee W. Frank Real Estate Ltd 20e--Summer Properties month, Commercial Zoning, call Harald Available July 1, Apply S71 Albert Street tion treed and contain a coach : : to settle an estate, $8,700 - ' schools, Le e t ' | 5,000: EASTERN AND | house and extra buidings, |ilon, sot 1 stoi ara wel ir La A PH ran Ofone | ---Fer Sale OF Remt__| down, balance on one mort- | ROUR-ROGH 'hana wilt "parage gs] MAGNE raf Re an a ane ; WELL TREED lakeshore lols on beaull:! gage, For further details call | PACK yard. two bedrooms, includes, stove, and dryer, Av IN ON A TRADE town Toronta and & minutes Re zee CENT FETE VEN © NORTH WEST: @ storey brick, very [lan ye Road and hydro also cottages |laide Street East, Phone 723-0799 ea ntient: big hula! Gul inn a ' » t tear j mn i} v cen riced| Roe ' CHARTERED $1,875 DOWN, "One leit 1,000 square lat. $16 300, Wa Real "eatete a ' : rab Lid, "Petammere: 744 |SIMCOM STREET NORTH, two-bedroom \ ' 1 c 5 churches, etc foot two-storey, semi-detached home, | 720-7578 COTTAGE laketvont loi tor sale) also) 4494 jpungatow. now available, $125 monthly. jin private home, Unfurnished, Nea I Into A | Don't miss this opportunity furnished cottage, electricity, water In . Ot i9e"} dro included, $60 monthly, Ava! for country living a few of the many extras, Move in oles." plus foursroom apartment for own a 'i 9 The price is right approval, Call Murray Boyle 13-4270, er, centrally located, Terrific income,|BANCROFT lakefront cottages for rent|\@y¥earald home with 32' x 4a! barn,|any time, 725-2084 |APARTMENT -- Two completel: turnian | e ; tirement property on paved road, Some PHONE NEAT FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, Lid conveniences, Propane cook stove, good $125 monthly, Call 655-3854 refrigerater, stove, television supplied, Pickering 942-1941 lose to schools, Finished rec. OOM | OWNER says setl, Reduced price, redwvena|#wimmina, fishing, Call G, Hand, a6n-adag, | Duan. Seven mites from Oshawa, $11,800, Private entrance, men preferred, 23) Pale REAL ESTATE payment, Carries for S115 per Ba oh aliached garage, in country. Modern.jern housekeeping cottages, good swim |Ltd eight miles from Oshawa, Lease May|NEW TWO-BEDROGM apartment in du: ay nsec Gord, Gharleten 28 llarge lot. Call today, Perry Real Estate.;/ming, fishing with boat included. Dis mite October 623-7223 or 423-2209 |plex electric heating, braadioam, close eseph Bosco, 0 723:8123 munt weeks lst July and last two in 3 WAVERLY STREET 3: coun uly 22---Lots for Sale |TWO-REDROOM, /ta GM south plant, Also able te mind 2 Close to denn ver Birches Resort, Minden, Ont, e sisi ae ect Available June 3, $100 phone 723-8217 after 6.30 p.m. o{courtice, swimming pool and screen jmonthly, Small family only, Telephone hal a hy Ey 4 patio, Two fireplaces and broadioom BUSINESS GIRL with two bedroom, MORTGAGE |'napect afl ally Wallace, ban? |throughout CHANDOS LAKE, Atsley area, large loo | isco, ealtor - , ar jseeeen oe GARRARD ROAD -- Sevensroom bunga:|SAbin for rent) two bedroams, hydre |26-----Apartments for Rent [another sir, Call 728-2776, F | 4 |WHITRY Three + room rir ents Overlooking pork area. 3 and | iwoshedroom and one one-bedroom apart substantial down payment, (Private), |? ACRE Ms Me eae ! $2,500 LA liot, Excellent terms, For details call Jim! T simone tor fen AVAILABLE JULY 1 place, private bathroom. Must Rave awn ment only B Ca : | t@ xcerien D - Beaverton area hree 5 a stave and refrigerator, Large lawn, One Brady, 728-0483, Joseph Bosca, Realtor, |VLA HOME, needs decoraiing, 19 ll iconveniences, 44 miles from Oshawa PARCELS bedroom -- apartment, -- | cniid considered, Vacant now, 875 month: $11,900 FULL PRICE for this threebed-iiwo fireplaces, ¥ Siny Grenfell St Fridge, stove, ly. Also two-bedroom apartment, - jfeom jalder home on large tot Only 15 miles to Oshawa and close to drapes, 8 ornneef H, MILLEN | area, north section, Douglas J. M. Bul 401 Highway Call Mr, DO, Gower, W. {LAKE BAPTISTE Adults only THREE-ROOM apartment, ed, Realtor, 723-1168. Frank Real Estate Limited, 728-1008 or/this delightful cottage in the beautiful GEM t 0:10 DM. Bienes and entrace. Parking space jStores, school. $100 monthiy with two trally located, Available cupboards, utility room, as hon Sa dist ' \come property. Inspect now by calling|veniences. Large lot, Asking $10,000 or|29 miles east of Oshawa, Call 723-0575 TWO ROOM OFFICE located on King) 7wo.BEDROOM apariment, sk for es Reg at the low price of $23,700 Segal, at §, D, Hyman Real Estate > CHOICE 27-YEAR-OLD Sroom brick bun-|SCENIC KENDAL Hills 10 acre parcels| 286, or 299 Montrave Avenue, Apartment WE Will 7 r Oh Only 30 minutes from cown ( lor $9 month, PIT. ¢ Frank Real Estate Ltd, Realtor erator, stove, washer WE W TA ain, Carrie per month : |$95. per month; two-year lease 4. SIOVGs j ¥ Lake in the Haliburton High Keith Fairbairn et Bowes & te hawa, Close to school got Madr Bh 7 0 ' ' Sibbv's Real Estate Lid, |e 204 from 4 te TWO-ROOM apartment wilh, or bath | Electric heat. aluminum siding are lust} ne ii 3 ROOMING HOUSE, suitable for 11 room| bione 467-7792, area Code 705 14 ACRES and seven-room i's slorey|FOUR*ROOM house, $95 monitily, Cail|mediately, Apply 645 Oxtord § TRUST Jasepn Bosca, Realtor Call 128-9466, Oshawa Realty, Bond Streetlwith boat, Salmon Trout Lake, inside| Excellent horse, hobby, commuter or re/LOVELY old-fashioned house in country,|ed rooms, Bed-sitting room a te Easy terms! Call Clair MeCullough 723:|/FURNISHED two bedroom bungalow, | ace Well landscaped fenced Int, Low downldownpayment, Fourraom bungalow with|HOLIDAY. in Haliburton Highlands, Mod-|7a4d or 4233999, W. Frank Reel Batate| city conveniences for two or three sduire, (ace_street: Whithy, > Semi-detached house, 3 | $1,800" DOWN, Four bedrooms, large kil-| | RANCH BUNGALOW Wilh large lol, near August, Book early, Phone or write Sil ial RU" gelveay, one baby and one school age child, Tele: iy OL N H A chen and living room. s _ 4% ' ltown, Home in exceilent condition 526R2) 623-2401 Telephone 723-8835 5. ] (.. 25 furnished apartment, wishes to share with 17 YEARS OLD, Full basement, one larga |igw on iva acres of land, $12,500 with|Avallable July, August, Telephone 728 r iT 4 bedroom houses. Down paoy- ments. Private entrances, Large treed! telephone 723-1098 COTTAGE on Lake ground floor, heated. unfurnlehed bedrooms, all o a ne 492 C, Morison 668-2624 | rooms a eat er niet ilege: {Goad swimming and fishing, Phone 725 in a quiet walk-out haleeny able July 15, Phone 668-2900, two hours drive to Ample parking t | f i) CLOSE TO OSHAWA | itles, Telephone 726-2958 BASEMENT apartment Young clean couple, Three large rooms, Private bathroom and entra | $13,900 FULL PRICE for this five-year /6231999 Madawaska. Well treed, terraced lot, aid brick home, located between Oshawalig acres with 60 ft, well, overlooking dordly Beach, #0 tt Oe screened veran 728-1678 and Whitby, Douglas 4. M, Bullled: Reals) Laxe Ontario, Small creek, ideal torre With "war bedrooms, Price. $6300 For -O- tor, 723-1168 Ihullding home with walk-out basement wih PP phase yay seme |IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7-¢ 0.6 m| 2,000 trees and small gravel pit, Must be |Win" ' sin Sadan brick dwelling, all roofns large income |seen, Only § miles trom Oshawa, Call| RICE LAKE three cottages for rent possibilities, Asking $11,500. with low|Mr. DB. Gower, W. Frank Real Estate!s75, $70, $45 weekly, Swimming, fishing down payment. Centrally located. Med | Limited, 728-1005 or 623-3293 all modern conveniences, Call 725 jern furnace, To see call 728-5103, W. O.}LARGE TWO-STOREY home, ideal for Martin, Realtor lduplex. Zoned R Large lot, very con | COTTA on Canal Lake, just $0 min ° e re * jutes from Oshawa, four years old, $2200. MONEY wilh this four unit. In-| tral area, eight large rooms, two bath:|u' 19 8 u wane coe Not modern but priced right|Fooms, well decorated, Only $14,500 with|full price, Telephone 623-7485 arge ots |t9 show good. return on investment, Very) lew down payment, Call Mr D. Gower:'corrage BOR RENT, with boat, from] 2 miles from city, in attrac: jclose to school and transportation, Please} shes i iG, 8 *T! August 13 to September 2. Good Swit tive area jask tor Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 6293. jming, Phone 655-320, afler 9.30 a.m 1728-5103, W. O. Martin, Realtor SCENIC TWO ACRES, $2,900, near Grono.'p.m. and after 4 pm Neg io cottage or all year I COTTAGES POR RENT ai Belmont c © Ontario's finest' fishing area, Only i , a a) state Li jLake, One cottage trom July to the ' ; . -- AND M.L.S minutes drive trom Oshawa, Please call/ Gowers be aun Real Estate Limited! yin.' so. weekly, Orie from ih, PRICED TO SELL THREE = ROOM furnished apar pith |PRIVATE, three - room apartment, w garage; den; large dining Dolores Ross, 728-1964 of 728-5103, W, O jduly 9 Sleeps six, two-piece bath, $60.) Martin, Realtor SEVEN-ROOM HOME on Drew Street,;weekly, Another from July ? July 9 2 jgentiomen preferred, single beds |furnished: also half a basement: aval: MORTGAGE S room, For 'personal attention Oshawa, $12,000, $2,500 down, 623-5041 sleeps six, three-piece bath with hot and Phone 7 8-5579 able now. . Telephone 723-4657 after five able immediately, Couple with ene child i | TWO one - bedroom apartments in Whit: | preferred, Call 725.8528. | ' ca Maible Boudreau of BROOKLIN two-storey brick on large ho bye nbc . a a A . ARRANGED Want-Ads Don t ol ag ala ith Pein et laa od PY a rg tee bedroan {cold running water, $75, Call 725-2400 TWO Toacre lols, al Yrom Gy, retrigerat and stove Included, $110 ONE.BEDROON apartmeal coe "epee | | nAVENI enc e a bat each. Ready for jLane MUSKOKA stiage for rent, hot ' y all 4 veneral Moters south pl 1 Car- 60 Kina W C Th ) c Free, easy, sole pork ost ey ay Real Estate Lid 723-6455 further information | WHITBY---=1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern ec space, One baby welcome, Phan CALL MR, MOORE veniences, swimming pool, BRIGHT three: room furnished 725-3568 * 1 elevator, built in stove, fabric ier See. any drapes, Free parking, Near all conveniences, 7255216 att schools TWO-BEDROOM apartment, B24 {tris gerator, drapes and broaden Phone Telephone 668-5347 668-5480 or apply. 109 Wellington' Street, H FOUR + ROOM apartment with stove and IWnitby i some treed lots, | tridge Self-contained Private entrance, | ONE-BEDROOM and" bachelor" wuites | Paved street, Close by public Bardens any ts only $95 ow se. "sag | available in modern apartment building in | school, new high school and [20 seen between 6 evenings, S06 north end. Electric stove, refrigerater, | 728-2870, | | RANCH BUNGALOW VERY SPACIOUS IN NORTHWEST AREA Member District Representative Contact HARVEY HOGAN 655-3663 Executive type home with everything done and many WE LIST EXCLUSIVE $1,000 DOWN buys two summer cottages extras Features double et South » bus tines | Centre Street South, Whitby drapes supplied _Telephone ' : achofield-Aker Ltd taxes, Early possession, $17,975. Open tor No agents, Located west rae and cold wat ate, 5 peach, Sult:| BUILDING LOTS in Orono, Priced Wem] ONS: BEDROOM apartment with reiriger jdova Road. . Without 7> offer 1 a M, McBrien, Broker, Broa Sh pp entre, 229 and 23) Cabot Siree Ra for r Canoe and boat.'$1200 up. Call Roy Foster 22)-Orona ator and stave, Heal, lianhts and water in ve child welcome, Q 728-2233 or 723-2265 in' ss avn iain sais ' M Bowmanville 42) Maas Frank Real Estate Lid, Realtor, 'eluded Telephone 728-5386, F354,

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