AGB So MM Eg Mi rig: iy sy 20----Keal Estate for Scle THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 15, 1966 27 20--Reol Estate for Sole (20-----Reol Estate for Sale 13--Articles for Rent --[17---Female Help Wanted |18;---Male Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted (20--Keal Estate for Sole 20-----Real Estate for Sele RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES. Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise triped, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- ors, Sproy guns, wulipuper steamers, sorpantine, blow torches ine torches WELOING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel borrows, elec- tric virotor, oir compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat ers, steel scaffolding, electric generotor, ramset, power roll. ers, electric hammers, mason- ary sw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain heist, miter sows elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14 band sow, 4" joiner, sond blaster, power tamper, power post hole ouger STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD 233 King St. West, Oshowe PHONE 723-3224 | | 14--Business Opportunities | NEED $35 to $45 PER WEEK ? A PART TIME BUSINESS is the best woy to start "Being your own Boss' REQUIREMENTS ag have 3 to 5 hours spore per week * Steady employment back round * Good credit standing * Be prepored to invest $1,- 990 for stock and equip- ment which con be financ- ed with $500 deposit for acceptable appliconts THE BUSINESS Servicing beverage dispen- sers on our high profit loca tions, A silent salesman thot eorns money for you every doy, Your small investment has proven to others thot it poys off in big dividends - as it will for you, if you meet our requirements BOX M2789) Write stating mame, bock- ground ond tel no. today SECRETARIAL HELP REQUIRED The Board of Education of the City of Oshewa requires . part time (3% per hours ~~ per doy) Secretarial Help at ane ab the carandar echeols for a period of 9 weeks com- mencing June 20th, 1966 Apply in writing steting qual- ifications, experience and other relevant information to G, L. ROBERTS Superintendent of Secondory Schools Boord of Education, 555 Rossiond Rd. West, Oshowo SECRETARY Experienced Must be an accurete typist, goed with figures and exper- ienced with aictaphone, shorthand desirable, This pos ition is for a medium sized modern office Whitby, pleasont conditions, employee benefits, hours 9 to 5 Monday through Friday When applying in own hand writing, stote age, experience and marital status. All appli cations will be kept in strict confidence. Write to 'The Advertiser', P.O. Box 59, Whitby, Ontorio. in working LADIES Earn average of $5 per hour 2 or more evenings a week, as fashion advisor, No exper ience necessary, we train and establish accepted applicants into the business, No collect ing or delivering. Good per- sonolity and car required For -interview Call 942-6603 942-3145 THRIVING RESTAURANT and bungalow) on busy Highway 115 Could be excellent motel site, Also beauty and barber shop 'and two income properties being offered in| ene parcel, Near Shopping Centre. Excel- lent terms on both. Call Bob Johnston, 725-4945, Metcalf Real Estate. SMALL Beauty salon for sale or rent Central location. Write Box 25334 Oshawe Times, P x STORE POR SALE, 333 Simcoe Stree!) South, after six p.m aE 2 T WAVE JUST LISTED & well establish @d fish and chip business in rapidly growing residentia| ares. Recent apart: ment developments have added more | than 2,000 customers to an already well) going business, Present owner has other interests and now wishes to hand over) this little goid mine, Willing to teach and | asking surate fo discuss fhis eutetanding seperiinity inely interes! party. Himar'Freain 725-2753 or 720-5103. W. ir. 'only for an. investment commen-| WOMAN WANTED to do weekly ironing with the book value, | would like/in her home, Telephone 723-6318, w°t!|18--Male Help Wanted ALTERATION WOMAN Fully experienced, who is capable of altering wedding gowns, making Junior brides- moid dresses etc. Apply in person to Mrs. Potter ANGIE-JANE DRESSES 77 King East 725-1711 NURSE'S AIDE required at Glen Ceder Nursing Home Limited, Own transporte- tion essential, No students, please. 655-4931 between 9 a.m, and 3 p.m, Martin, | 15--Employment Wanted LOVING DAY CARM for child by rell-| able mother, big yard, quiet street, swings, etc, Close to town, hospital, bus. Telephone 728-3928. KEEPER experienced requires! parttime bookkeeping, Can carry full set) of books fo trial balance, Specializing in| small business, Telephone 723-2615 after 6 pm. 17--Female Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY OPEN FOR SENIOR OR INTERMEDIATE POSITION THE JOB: Telephone Investigation Collating Information Composing ond Typing fi- nel product QUALIFICATIONS Good telephone volee and personality Minimum education, grode 12 Some bookkeeping exper jence or knowledge Familiority with company financial statements an os- set. Accurote typist Initiative Self management obility Medium range. starting sol- ary with excellent opportunity for improvement Apply in own handwriting only giving age, morital sta- tus and previous employment "P.O, BOX 236 ; __ OSHAWA ~ GIRL FRIDAY full home Young lady to toke charge of widowers' Must be nect, intelligent ond pleasent. Typing and the ability to drive For this position « mother with en 8-10 year old daugh- ter preferable. Separate quor- ters provided. Storting sal- ory $175 monthly. Write Box 28270, Oshowa Times on asset SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER required i Brooklin, Ontario, Office hours 8.45 am. «5 pm. Monday to Friday. Must have elementary knowledge of bookkeep ing. Salary open. Please reply in writing te: PO Box 21% Brooklin, Ontaria, or phone Brooklin 455-3854 MAIRDRESSER, excellent opportunity. girl with own clientele to manage amali beauty salon. Guaranteed wage plus com mission. 725-3046. BEAUTY COUNSFLORS has organiza jonal and seies openings. Excellent op portunity. Full or part time, 723-9349, 725 4402 RELIABLE WOMAN for genera! house keeping and care for three children, ages) eleven, fen and four. in motheriess home Live in. Private Pe Hien, 72E7S«? after 439 pm ENCED dressmaker Len Pull Phone 728.5) ror manent pos Engiien ng, Appl Tailor, 10 Prince Street : TLABY far" siationary store. Agply Walmsley and King Streqy East, Oshawa WURSES AIDE for nursing heme Sieady employment, Write Box. 27964 Oshawe Times, ana gh Magill, ° REAL ESTATE SALESMAN| | North, jployment }BARBER WANTED for | Telephone 455-3879 TOWNSHIP of WHITBY Part time Building Inspector ond By-Law Enforcement Officer Applications will be received for the position of Building Inspector and By-low Inforce- | ment Officer for the Town- ship of Whitby until 4:30 p.m. Monday, June 20th, 1966 Applicants should have ex- perience ond knowledge of building. Previous experience with @ municipality and knowledge of municipal government will be considered as an asset. Watten applications are re- quired stating, all personal data, experience, education ond when services will be available, Salary to be com mensurate with abality and experience, Pension and hos- pitalization end PSI coverage is available WM, H, WALLACE Box 160, Brooklin, Ont Office Manager | Accountant For expanding firm of gen- erol contractors in area, Good opportunity for a man capable of assuming respon- sibility, Write, stating exper- ience, salary requirements, references to Box M 28368, Oshawa Times Reguired immediately to help serve our many clients, En- joy the atmosphere of a small- er staff. Excellent remunera- P.S.1, availoble, Plenty convenient parking, For contidential appointment Phone 728-5103 Mr. Mittler W, O. MARTIN REALTOR tion of ONE SALESMAN -- ff Interested In mak- ing $25 per day, and being paid daily, reply immediately, Telephone sales ex perience helpful. er will train, Box 21888, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED WAITER full time work Apply Queen's Hotel, 47 Simcoe Street WAITER for deverage room Steady em Must Nave good character references. Apply Manager, Hotel Lan caster, 27 King Street Weat, Oshawa SERVICE STATION requires man able to take over management. State age and experience to Box 27844 Oshawa Times Saturdays only SUPERINTENDENT fer Q2-auite apart ment building. of! heated, counte with some experience preferred Husband ould be emoploved two-bedroom apart plus remuneration. Telephons 72s/ far appointment j REQUIRED "by Weler-crsofing company Steady emplnyvment We wil train. Chauffeur's licences necessary Apply PO Box 394 in Oshawa ment naan MAN MAIL ROOM SUPERVISOR required by progressive manufacturer Aoplicants must have a mini- mum of grade 10 education and be in possession of a cor. The duties will include the operation of an Addresso- graph Multigraph offset ma- chine Please send a resume giving full details to the ottention of "MR, NINABER SKLAR FURNITURE . COMPANY WHITBY, ONTARIO EXPERIENCED FITTER- ASSEMBLERS Required for interesting fab- rication and assembly work on tele-communication equip- ment Aluminum fabrication exper jence to odvaritege Apply Andrew Antenna Company Limited Pp ¥ 606 Beech Street, Whitby Mr, J, C, Caiger at 668-3488 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Capoble man required to set up, maintain and repoir tools" ond fixtures on production equipment. Must hove ex- perience on milling machine, lothe, and welding with knowledge of air operat- ed equipment. .Permanent po- stition with usual company benefits, Hours 8 to 4:30 Monday to Friday FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Ajax 942-1540 DUE TO EXPANSION PROGRAMME we urgently require good gen- eral machinists bridgeport operators, mill' hands, boring mill operators and lathe hands, These ere permanent posi- tions, no floaters, Rates $3.50 up, pald vacations, hol- ideys ond Blue Cross Insur- once, Profit sharing plans, 58 hours per week, Please phone or write Swain Industries 15115 Spanich Court Livonia MICHIGAN, U.S.A. 425-4100 grinder Collection Department Handling Large Volume Of Accounts Has Opening For | UNIT MANAGER TRAINEE Good basic salary plus com mission. All benefits completely poid after training period. Previous loan or collection experience a considerable asset Apply in writing with all background details to P.O. BOX 236 OSHAWA ACCOUNTANT Required by Client To assume responsibility for all. accounting and office functions. Starting salery --- $6,000 plus employee bene- fits. Age requirements open, Send written resume to Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sells Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa, Ontario Insurance Representative Expanding general insurance agency with excellent life controct requires, intelligent representative for permanent salaried position, with bonus Soles on asset but not nescessary as com plete training in all lines will be available Reply giving educational standing, employment history experience ond other neccessary details to BOX 27874, Oshawa Times All contiden replies treated in strict e ond enswered PAINTERS REQUIRED Must be experienced in brush end spray $2.50 per hour end up work UPTON'S PAINTING Telephone /23-2977 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN New Car Dealership To work fram our Oshowa 'Showroom MUST BE figure earnings. references Apply --- Stu Macinrosn or ' Les MacDonold MacDONALD FORD SALES 7 9--Male and Female |___ Help Wented | BOYS-GIRLS |Age 10 to 14 yrs. Large metropolitan news- have paper will soon openings for carriers in the Oshawa area. Hon- asty and dependability, Coll 728-5117, essential 9:30 to 5 30. WANTED QUALIFIED HAIRDRESSER With clientele preferred: Highest commission ART'S HAIRSTYLING 212 KING ST. WEST | 728-5444 | TAXI DRIVERS | Part or full time, | Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 Top producer capdble of § Well acqueinted in Oshawe ares. Able to supply best of Bowmanville 623-2534 } | | | | | i J BEAVERTON FARM -- 50 ACRES AND HOME $14,900 \20---Real Estate for Sole | | TRADE ! | TRADE! TRADE ! new home REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 We specialize in trading your present home, Take the fuss and worry out of buying a . B, McMullan OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales --- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD, 25 Bond West | OPEN HOUSES 3 CHOICE AREAS 20--Real Estote for Sale _ GRANDVIEW Grandview to Willowdale. and WILLOWDALE King St. E. to Grandview -$, on SAVE $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS HARMONY VILLA W, on Olive, 1 ridge 5. on Harmony Rd, to Olive block to Elm- 614% NHA MORTGAGES ATHOL ST, EAST Bungalows, and 2 stoves, King 1 block to | E. to Wilson Rd. $ Athol BOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,796. FROM $114, PER MO. P.I.T OPEN DAILY 'TIL DARK REALTOR $22,750. bedroom 1% ond stone, Four frame hedge lot old 14 washroom, built by owner. extra location, ample space In Oshawa transferred. Terms aranged W. Frank Real Estate | 623-3393 or 723-7843 MONTHLY PAYMENTS JOSEPH BOSCO storey shrubs, losed in patio, tenced yeors large garage. paced drive, excellent cupboard owner moy be 4 NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place « Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, ' GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR Watch for the Signs That Seii and Call "The Hot Line' --2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU -- ~ 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-8826 ~ 48 Simcoe St. $., Oshawa Dial 728-5157 ACREAGE WITH CREEK NEAR WHITBY Out of town owner must sell this 28 acre bush and creek property Plan to build your retreat home on this fine porcel of real estate and commute to Whitby or Oshawa daily $3,000 DOWN ------ BALANCE LIKE RENT On this 3 bedroom brick hore in Whitby with finished recreation room, family size kitchen, Extras included in low price of $13, 900, Make offer with cash poyment or your building let or whet hove you for down payment 4 bedroom brick home with clean decoration, built-in stove and oven in kitchen, hydro in barn, 2 good wells, 4 piece bath, school bus ot door for Public and High Schools, CROCUS CRESCENT IN THE SPRING Can be your address if you will take time to see this brick and stone 3 bedroom bungalow with separate dining room, Hollywood kitchen, brand new broadloom in tastefully decorated living room, Watch the family swoon when they see the huge recreo tion room with built-in: feetures end the completely privote 6' fenced-in ploy yard, Naturally there is an attached garage here too and the price is only $20,500, ° 3 BEDROOM FOR ONLY $10,900 At Pickering Beach with low toxes ond easy carrying charges, 100 ft. frontage lot, Work in Oshowa, Whitby, or Toronto and have reasonable living costs in t/s country setting with cool lake breezes all summer long. OSHAWA ON THE HILL WITH VIEW $18,000 You will be delighted with this 2 bedroom home with separote dining room, 75 x 200' let, divided basement and gorage. Economical hot water heating, open fireplace and picture win- dows that show off a view unexcelled in Oshowo, Must sell this, beouty today, Call for appointment, NEW, READY TO MOVE IN -- $19,500 3 Bedroom brick bungalow in popular southwest area of Whitby neor schools, Exceptionally well built home with mahogany trim. Hot water heated, roughed in cooling system for hot days ahead, walnut finished kitchen cupboards, heated basement and other extras for your enjoyment. You don't hove to settle for a postoge stamp lot here either, Trade your present home on this one and what cost have you? GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY -- $15,700 3 Bedroom brick In tip top condition on extra large lot neor achools and shopping. Trees here too. Make offer with your down payment and live modern, HENRY STREET EXECUTIVE HOME -- $29,900 4 Bedroom brick near Public and High Schools on popular Whitby street with substantial homes surrounding, Spacious two cor gar- age, knotty pine recreation room with open fireploce, 2 baths, large lot. Inspect and make offer today, ROSSLAND ROAD WEST, WHITBY -- $14,600 This is @ real dondy with neot londscaping, front plenter, hedge, lilac and flowering shrub, Not @ bad price either for a 3 bedroom brick with start on recreation room and clean decoration, Best of all you will save hundreds of dollars in interest with the modest 6% rate. If you wont 6 populer priced home ect quick- ly on this one, TWO STOREY INCOME IN OSHAWA 9 Room brick on deep lot with garage, has 3 kitchens, two bath- rooms, recreation room, nearly new furnace, clean decoration. Possible $225 monthly income, Live in one apartment ond hove income to make payments on mortgage and taxes, Need about $6,000 down here with $20,500 asking price, COLBORNE STREET EAST -- OSHAWA INCOME Home with 2 apartments and rental income from porking lot. Owner retiring to England wishes quick sale In this 8 room 2 storey home near downtown G.M, Some extras include; stove, rotor T.V, aerial, ete, You ean live here and let apartments ond parking income pay the bills, Not much te do here with clean decoration te greet you. Asking $24,000, with reasonable down payment. GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY -- $15,000 Like a quiet. street with nice yard near schools, If so why not let us show you this 3 bedroom brick home with partially fin- ished recreation room, all elean decoration end « fine 6% mortgage, monthly payments only $109, includes taxes, FOR A QUICK SALE IN OSHAWA -- $13,900 Three bedroom brick with recreation room facilities, aluminum storm screens and doors T.V, tower, Costs only ebout $100, to heat this semi-detached beauty, Inspect ond moke your offer before it Is too late, $2,700. down could take, CENTRE ST., WHITBY -- $14,750 Need a three bedroom home? This could be yours with broad- loom in living room, ceramic tile bath, enough material to finish recreation room and a 6% interest mortgage. School handy here too. First showing on Thursday so be on hond early, AJAX, 1¥%2 STOREY -- $14,800 Progressive Ajax with the modern schools, sharp shopping plazos ond fine paved streets welcome you to @ new life in this 3 bed- room electric heated home with low toxes. Deluxe recreation room with built-in features, trees, patio, and ewnings for summer heat make this on interesting buy. if you now live in Whitby, Oshowe or Toronto, you will find Ajax @ delightful change, MUST BE QUICK ON THIS FOR $12,500 Stucco and block 14 storey with 65' x 183' lot in east Whitby near Anderson St, have an income here to with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, How many can you find with income possibilities for this price, Call today before this one is sold, OSHAWA, 6 ROOM BRICK -- $10,000 Make offer today on this older brick home on Jarvis St., down payment could be near $2,000, with one mortgage and monthly payments only $75, Economical living here with low taxes can save you money, OWNER BUYS FARM WANTS SALE On this 3 bedroom brick Whitby home with recreation room on Brock St. S. near Highway 401. Extra office or bedroom in high dry basement, wide paved driveway, walkout basement, fenced yord. Asking $15,900. no reasonable offer refused. OSHAWA ON JAMES ST. -- ONLY $12,900 2 storey brick with low taxes has 2 opartments renting for $115 monthly. Looks like good income for wide awake landlord or if you want a family home and rent one apartment for income. Less than $2,000, down may buy this sleeper if you con see the possibilities PICK PICKERING TO LIVE -- $23,500. Insurance solesman owner has a smart side split brick in this pleasant village near Whitby and Oshawa for sole, You will be delighted with the large kitchens furnished recreation room with open fireplace, indirect valance lighting and clean electric heat, All 6 rooms tastefully decorated and outside landscaping complete on double lot, Hondy atteched garage too. Financing on 614% mortgage. OSHAWA EASTLAWN NEAR ADVENTIST SCHOOLS -- $17,500, 6 year old brick bungalow with spacious kitchen, 3 bedrooms, clean. and tidy to start living without extra expense, Deep lot here too, for the garden lover, Cash will tak here too, BEDROOM JUST FINISHED, OSHAWA -- $19,400 Fast part of town near Keewatin St, with family size kitchen and tiled bathroom. Be first to wear the paint off these solidly built homes with one mortgage at 614% interest. Make offer with your down payment or trade OSHAWA, 3 BEDROOM BRICK ONLY $2,700 DOWN With many extras including exhaust fan in kitchen, low 644% interest on mortgage, extra nice kitchen cupboards. Tile bath and @ neighborhood you will enjoy. Why settle for less, buy where your investment is sound, Asking price $17,900. with $$00 winter works bonus to come off this price. | | Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. HORTOP ST. $16,900. 1% storey, brick veneer, 12 yrs, old, outside freshly painted, three bed- rooms large size. Good size kitchen, dining room and liv- ing room 14 = 19. Lot size 51 x 157, early possession, moke on offer WINDSOR AVE, Wice corner Tive room Dung alow, this home has every- thing, rec room, 12 « 34, gorage 14 x 25, attached to closed in breezewoy 812 x 24, poved drive, hedged lot, basement fully tiled, extra bathroom, broadioom in liv- ing room and hall. Heots for $117, toxes only $400. SWITZER DR Brick veneer 2 storey, gorage, lot 60 x 125, plenty of trees. Two bothrooms, this home in wonderful condition, has extra porch at reor. Only $5,500 down! WINONA AVE Ranch bungalow 5% rooms, fot 60 x 125, broadloom and tile floors. Sewer on street but not hooked up, $4,195 down, possession July Ist Only 12 yrs. old, Owners on- xious to sell, open to offers FAIRLAWN 305 -- 4 bedroom 2 storey, home in excellent shape only 2% yrs. old, ideal family home close to all schools, Ill health forces owner to sell This home has 2 bathrooms, heats for $110. Located on quiet dead end street, car- ries for $111 P/I/T ADELAIDE ST. E. Two yrs. old, 6 rooms up and four rooms finished on lower level, Paved double drive. Well landscaped. Cor- ries for $122, P.1.T. Close to all schools, electric heat, new high school ot end of street, open in Sept, This home you must see to oppreciate, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Hogan 728.1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Jack Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B We list exclusive and M.L.$ GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 TOWNLINE The lawn is green and the trees are beautiful making o lovely setting for this storey and half white aluminum sid- Ing 4 'bedroom home, with on attractive fire-place in living room, electric heat plus an extra large lot, See it to- doy, Call Vera Krishko NEED SPACE ? You'll love this magnificent four bedroom split-level on @ quiet court in Rolling Hills, Featuring a gorgeous kitchen, with built-in stove, a show- place living and dining room, plus a huge family room with sliding glass doors to your patio, Only $3,476 down to one 614% N.H.A, mortgage. This is the last one so phone George Valentine to-day, AJAX BUNGALOW Immaculate 3 bedroom bung- alow with paved drive ond garage for fother, and a popular recreation room for the children, Practical month- ly payments of $61.50, Fur- ther particulars coll Margaret Lee, 52% N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom brick -bungalow, large living, dining room, carries only $62 monthly, in excellent condition, only 11 years new, finished rec, room poved drive, plus many ex- pensive extras, Choice loca- tion, schools, transportation and shopping within easy walking distance. Asking Price only $16,995, Owner must sell, Call Thelma Mc- Mullen, FULL PRICE $14,995 Carries for only $62 month- ly with 6% N.H.A. mortgoge, Three bedroom brick bunga- low, Choice North West sec- tion only a short distance to transportation, schools, shop-, ping. Immediate possession can be arranged, Call Shirley Moskeal, WE LIST AND SELL Mi. 5. Open 9 am, to 9 p.m, MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B, ond for further detoils, Vil. @ Building lot in @ desir- able area, north of Bowmanville, Priced for Immediate sale at only $1,700, Call now for full por- ticulars, Vill, down payment you can own this centrally located home, This is a 1% storey suitable for those whose preference is city living with @ country atmosphere, This Call right now on this money making proposition, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 TOP VALUE 1. @ You will hove to agree that this home is well worth the price on to-day's market, Five wanes in all lie an extra back kitchen. Large lot 90 ft, x 241 ft. Don't delay on calling on this one for a Guided Tour e 9 ROOM DUPLEX 1! @ In down town Oshowa, situated on a large commercial lot with a frontage of 66 feet, separate entrance, lots of 'pork- ing space, You can't find a bet- ter rental area, Please coll for further details -_@ NORTH WEST AREA 1l!, @ One ond a holf storey home, close to hospitel with three bedrooms and sewing room Spacious living and dining room in immaculote condition, Gar-. age and very nicely landscoped Phone to-day to inspect, a IS YOUR HOUSE TOO SMALL ? 1V, @ We will trade yours for this one which certainly will be large enough. This beautiful modern brick building has 10 rooms and 3 bothrooms, There is also 0 rec room with fireplace Located on large lot 70 ft. x 128 ft. It is only 3 years old and is in immaculate condition Let us show you this home to- night, * EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUY V. @ Two storey frame home on King Street East in Oshawa, Along with this home is five acres of apple orchard, small bern This property would be ex- cellent for future development for a subdivision, or opartment site Small stream running through one corner of this pro- perty, ® INCOME PROPERTY Vi. @ Here is a real buy on this six-plex with better than overage return on your capital investment, Good sized lot, am- ple parking, in prime area of Bowmanville, Phone to Inspect, e LOT LESKARD ROAD ° ' WHY. PAY RENT ? @ When for a modest 7 room home includes @ kit- chen, family room, living room, 3 bedrooms, storage room and a 3 piece bathroom, In the base- ment you will find an oil fired furnace and double laundry tubs Also included with the pro- perty Is a cement block garage. OSHAWA'S BIGGEST Bargain Ever Before You Buy See... SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE No other Oshowe Builder can duplicate our fantastic value, 99S DOWN TO ONE NLH.A, MORTGAGE The amount of the N.LH.A, Mortgage is proof of our Su- perior Value. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE, E. AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, Our own trained personnel ore on the site to assist you, Browse in comfort -- no obligetion -- no soles pressure, BUILT @ BACKED end SOLD «= DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE Thursday 2 to 6 p.m, Individually Designed Financed Under N.H.A, 6% % Year Round Comfort With Triple Seal Heoting Oversize Rooms Family Planned Kitchens Unusual Value , . , Priced Completely Low 3 and 4 Bedrooms, King Street East over Hart's Hill, post flasher light, turn right at 2nd Street (Athabaska) to Labrador Drive Model Home, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling acres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road, Magnificent view, see U.S.A and Toronto lights. Antique stone house, 4 pc. bath, furn- ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110' barn, Beau tiful spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush, Long hundred would make excel. lent 10 acre lots, Priced ot $60,000, terms. Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele phone 17 collect. SAVE MONEY! Buy Direct from Builder brand New Homes OVA DA. Winter Works Bonus with $1,495 down (if you quelify) CALI 723-0575 No agent, please WANT-ADS DON'T COST -- THEY PAY 16 IL \C Commencing Wed, 2 to 6 p.m, 3 AND 4 BEDROOM V4 % N.HLA, Financing apitolize On $500. |Winter Works Bonus King St. E on Keewatin to Apple Grove, Fol'ow epen house signs, OPEN HOUSE APPLE GROVE and ORIOLE STREETS OPEN DAILY BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT LEVELS »w Down Payment DIRECTIONS to Keewatin, South GUIDE REALTY LIMITED l L | c } C l Jack Graham El, Ann Thompson Doug Trivett Roy Flintoff Evelyn Cassel Art Johnson Judi Bob Cooper steve Englert Lucas Peacock Dick Young Call 723-5281 for full particulors. Open Daily from 9 am. to ? om, After hours call 725-9947 728-4731 723-7390 725-3454 728-2754 725-3710 725-2070 723-8738 725-6713 728-4923 723-6329 .eon Monitius Bissell eonard O'Donnell talo Bortolussi 723-112) 728-424) 723-2537 723-112) 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L.S Member of OD REB GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors ean Peacock xe0rge Nymeyer loyd Corson FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD, 21 King St. West Bowmanville THICKSON ROAD 10 acre homesites, First time ones. 3 paste market gor soit = a la low os $8,000, ASHBURN 1% storey 8 room home and gorage in village, lot, Solid frame wi stone covering. Asking $12, 000 with terms, BALL POINT Loke Scugog, nearly new three bedroom cottage, stove . fridge, fireplece, plumbing, panelled, 90 foot frontage with west view, Must be sold, « nous $9500 terms or best orter, COTTAGE LOTS terms, COUNTRY ESTATE Electric heat, stone fireploce, sun room and deck, Separate opt. for help or caretaker, 8% acres woods, stocks ed trout pond, Hwy, fronta Port Perry area, 20 m Oshawa. $45,000 with terms, Call; HOWARD FORDER 6 5 728-5581 |-- HYMAN 323 King Street West | 728-6286 . NORTH WEST Bungalow with attached gar- age. Finished rec room, Very neat and clean, See this to- night, Call 728-6286, NORTH END Bungalow with reer yerd backing on creek, ldeal sum- mer living. Only $9,900 with low down payment, TRIPLEX With three stoves and fridges, washer ond dryer, 3 car gor- age, This is a good Oshowe _ Investment, a rr, " Phone now eene 2 ROOM OFFICE FOR RENT With bathroom and oll heat, water, hydro supplied, Un- limited parking, Call 728. 6286 for particulars. THINKING OF SELLING ? We need your house row -- ' prices have never been better, . Jack Appleby, 723-3398, Bolohood Brothers Limited, "(Continued on Page 20)