-- + rine pempein ip Ger 40 GRRAWA VINES, Weencesey, sme 18, TvOS SE Bo By he EM le "The Shortest Distance Between Buyer and Seller -- A Want Ad' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Building Tredes HOME * IMPROVEMENTS | GENERAL CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL--INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Accountants -- 808 CLANCY'S Accounting senvige| Complete bookkeeping | § service, fim con South, 72) 73-100 JOSEPH GUTMANH, ~Hiared Aremin tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bend Street: € Telephone | THB, { WOSMAR, Chariered Accaun Prince Breet, Sulle 4 Osngwe, ; Onn ie. Telephone m1 ALE / as "€., Chart Account Financial Trade 167 King treet East, orm } oo ing, tarie, 725-3509; %, 7. Hopkins, Readie, Ai F. Lukow, CA, bf . FRIEDLANDER Tse Co.,| PALF Accountants, Licensed Tris -) tees in Bankruptcy, 524 Simene Street | North, Oshawa, 778-737) _ [Building Trodes | QUALITY CARPENTRY T & GENERAL REPAIRS | | For ail your home improve. ment problems, call us first 725-8576 Then have @ tolk with customers Portable CUSTOM WELDING @ Indust @ Contract Farm fa Gardening ond Supplies $e0. Pr ing estimates a] ' " SMITH'S TREE FARM Cedars for Hedges Cedar posts poles Fencing and supplies Far town @ fancy Werkmanship nit Collect Newtonviile 7hé 2283} Top Queliiy, tela aha" hursery Prompt detivery. 775 or Farm ry eee Grave Tap soil Pal vered or VEWAY per yerd yard 4 yards and uP Telephone 7H SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ay gee AL, 2" FLIGHTS OF FLYING Fish By R J, 'oe LAG OWLY OME 2 IW SECOWDS, 4 yares and up| Twin 64 WARD fo Haden |5----Trailers RENTALS SALES By Doy er Week Tent Troilers Tents Dining Shelters Sleeping Roas Coleman Stev Coolers ~~ Lanterns Tent Heaters tresses Fishing Rods Cots ---- Stonis Aluminum Boots KAMPING UNLIMITED Tom Kirk 728-9760 Frank King 728.9942 Tewnline Rd. North 1 mile north of King St. East GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT B--Articles tor Sole WHEEL 'B-Articles for Sale FREEZER SALE All Firestone Freezers have new thin wall design ~~ more storoge space in fess floor apoce, single and interior Penne per proof inner contral 5 eor food imurarte protection 13 eu. 4, .. $188 18 cu. ft, .. $199 23 ev. ft, .. $219 Also available with alumin- um liner and tubing, et smofl extra cost NOW ! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service ° ALIGNPAENT SPECIAL Chev. Dedae. Ford, Ply mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel alignment, inspect ond correct caster and camber, align toe ond toe-mut te correct condition 688 @ Ports, extra @ Torsion bar extra e BRAKE SPECIAL 'most' populer cars), First Quality Royaline 4-wheels in if required adjustment No down payment, as low os 1488 $13 per month Ld WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wate! each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS Firestone Safety Centre 190 King St, E., Oshowe FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 11-0464 TELEPHONE 725 4511 FRIGIDAIRE d-inch elaciric range, ox WE BUY, sel) and exchange used furni-\€tllent condition. Phone 125.0256 hire oF vihing you nave. The Cily THREE A Leonie, rest Sore. 446 Simewe Stree! Kitchen, + jo d mers, ein, 723-147) monthly. y j mar Yaa' hae oven wane ere en karon Kelvinator, $50; Vik- 1 , wW even, rotisserie f 108) emer $20; lester, atc. All good Condition, +150 Tele COMP ata a8 phone 773-9989 alter 6 pm , T cf World Relerence| THREE. ' Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia. | norkcase heaabonr6, yeh oeey with Primus Camping pol World Natures Library, Phone! tress ang spring, $25. Powered reel jawn mower -~ everhay ONE RECONDITIONED 40-4001, inch ang| $20. Telephone 723-4447 |4 auerier tower structure with goublel vitag "4 1 fed maple, drop-leal tabi B219 gariel, $9096, Volapnone TEAII.|six" matching ensiee romtensen® om TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash registers,| Telephone TH9VIIA atier 6 om desks, chairs, file cabinets. Terms, trad es, New, ssed, rentals service, Bill Que Hamilton, Raglan - Market Basket MOVIE OUTFIT "Beil and Howell' cam APPLES -- and grade, Mcintosh era and light bar projector, screen and Wale almosphere, $1.50 per bus Nally equipped, elect cord, Two 39" continental headboards | x1 9/008 Mac's. Bring own | 96 |{new), three knotty pine onfiee tanles| yaar umes 'te | TRAILER HITCHES made and instalied,|(new), three photo cameras with flesh Breage |alse alt Wee welding fone, rete aitachments, Phone 728-5806 ORDERS for freezer. Fresh roasting pay, riamle eauipment for rent, 1231 RiSHiNG RODS and reels repaired, all|ncie'™ 47 cents per pound. Del Coleman products, Sperisman's Corner, |" or More. Telephone 726-5291 103 Byron South, Whitby (Block west of APPLES, four corners DESPERATE - Need sell aquaria, all sizes, Telephone 655-3107 after LARGE ough to or all iM AW TAPER end Oui y iuere orang 'h Poubit PLACED In Aw WEURATOR MAtcHE® Oud Tori s 24 7 fast CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILERS Instruction FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME eee Horny gavern vite ements on np GORDON. DAY, Coriified Generel Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawe Shop: | ping Centre 725-9953. BUILDING 'CONTRACTORS Remodelling and Additions to Homes, Offices, Stores Factories and Showrooms Plumbing - Heating + Electrical Air Conditioning Installations 12 Simcoe Stree BATHROOMS, eualatnan, Ye KITCHENS MODERNIZED caneroor. 0 RECREATION ROOMS =" BUILT TO ORDER 680 . Cuesraae ae 'odd chair, tor * fable, suitable college or ree "areere 'aston or apply 316 ir riete, Rag "pele bive, phone 726-7908 a) Dintisues MiLbion veal WERE FOuNP we Mangmi co ery Obey Pmesace Call Carpentry A FINISHING Carrenres chen cabinets, var a] recteat ail " * phone 023. 19¢! l roam ate cHesy new, Tele FULLER os A Products ville, Neweastie, Orene, Courtice all Dur. ham County residents. Telephone daytime | Ht conowiain Saneng | 16 WEP a Many ware J] A SRIRS, Ane ; « oF AO ALA WAM, TS MACDONALD, BA, LLB, ry ware 4AM Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub ile, The Commercial Building, 286 King Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking bie, 725-4716 or 725-4717 HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN al Nr Solicitors, 4 King Street) Eas awa; R, D. Humphrey, QC; 6G v Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; | D. Humphrey: A, LLB. Office 728-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby 668-2761; 728-4326; 125513. NHA and other first mortgage funds _ available ue SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES $7 tons 8 thee Tee sete ' + ab ' 1010 DUNDAS WHITBY Dentistry f BIALEK, OF. & |TV...Radio Repairs HELP | T Mister TV Towers | : : Equipment Is Overstocked : MILLER ino Tudor St, Ajax « 942.3491 astal ROK TRAILER, trailer axle, 'irae are #00 « 16 and & whole wheels. Apoly #0 Brock Street West, Oshawa TRAILER FOR RENT cabin trail ' ler propane jee hex part ally. equipped, e#leciri¢ Soles and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS livingroom, Parts Acce tar TRAILER RENTALS SALES ervice ae Re and ries re ed | fe (ents 'hewe sOWN ' $25; Portanie $45) Hectric typewriter cash = register, va appointment eve Authorized A B Ree fora, ete, 114 King , 170-7178. Revidence Phones oe QC, 775-3068; Terence V 7-5832; Thomas +. mmyn, 125-2662 "JOSEPH Money to loan, Office, Bast, Oshawa, 7a. FRED Jonas ces Solicitor; tem rit Residence ms aan ANTHONY "eowane LASKOWSKY, BA, ACL, Barrister and Selicitor, 73 penne Street. Office neurs: & #m swe Evening appginiment. Dial nm ae! Dressmaking 'MODERN Re Street. N oF men tro wen, Coleman, Due bed wit) mat type led and operating, BA, Le ' F | MAKING wre nternational etc elema sae%, sh MANOA: (OE, Sele §6EASY BUDGET PLAN A Let us solve all your Building Problems and Requirements formers' 9 pr ORESEMAKING alterat ate pert hs ALCAN PURNITURE APPLIAN 452 Sin lelenhane sonable ' ES 9 Ohhawea b 23.0011 | Warrisier ane ng HOE, ana rs] ¢ moterial TOWER Prices TOWERS WwW em wiping: ' requiar $00 specialty Tam 6 hottor EXPERIENCED (resew STIMATES «wear, girls wens lorbhane, Ales sino toe ulh : CANADIAN ACADEMY Main deductah ' umemner FREE E 24-HOUR SERVICE Where 18 slove By! week-end het con Alsa containers. Thicksen Road MR, TV 178 King St 723.9525 Call DOC'S SPEED & CUSTOM Gardening and Supplies bn Bay KING BUG Ay Dep 10 You are one ef Custome Thousonds whe read The Times Wont Ads Daily CLASSIFIED R WORD ADS Cash atditiona secutive Hamilton Sale ov peed ver Mi TV Oshawa, TOWERS TD wnent, cf 4 fer ley grills, Work Basements Tuck Point Concrete Brick and Block Plastering Waterpronted ing Parging Steps, Walks, Drives Retaining Walls Paving Roaling minum Eavestroughing Alum. Eavestrouah Screens Aluminum Siding Raat Vents, Flashing, ete All Types Windows and Deers in stalled and converted---Car clude ports, Brick Block and Frame snd Gr ' t Garages ~~ Painting, Interior and Exterior Flonr Tiling Cleaning, ete bhhardwond Floors Laid, Sended and Cleaned Build a Pormer end add anether finer to our home increase your inceme and have privacy Convert your heme inte a Duplex Bungalows conver ted to two-storey 336 BRUCE ST Phone OSHAWA 728-2061 Sub-office Bowmanville 623-3110 Mcintosh, ron $1.50 per bus. Alse Bring own container Lid, Thickson Read shirts slike second grade tralied atmosphere. firs! grade Mac's Algoma Orchards iNerth, Whitby 10--Farmer's Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picks used (27 YP Promptly, Marqwili Fur & ne Tyrone Telephone Caliect Hampton «| 272), Licence 40-46 6-----Marine Equipment 2 WEEKS VACATION ? Why the whole surmmer that costly nvest ir the foam, must fully equipped. | 5 om QUANTITY cf used build a house, Will Phone 778-6882 Sealer PETHRBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot " J a dl 100,00 each, Oll space heaters, good YACHTHAVEN LTD 00 each. OU heated het water Rd. off Simeoe St. $ like new §0.00 each, International Bs boat. Best offer will be considered PE 11--Pets n 723-8186 P.O. Box |, Peterborough, telephone J $ d Livestock iW OAV Crulsen, Be" Simmonds Buckhorn 6579519 after 600/37 BERNARD pups, tinle top, 40 Evinrude pm. Brick: ate ae i Rogeny seek. coon USED AUTO PARTS, batieries, tires ¥ vida Excellent, 623-568 motors, We buy scrap radiators, $4; gens. REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD 'Se POWER Hacker \sarters, 6V, 50 €; 12V- 90c _partories) |RURPY: 14 weeks old, A real pel, Phone dean Wik CTA, diesen \.|$1.50, 725-2142, 1175 Nelson 623-5058. json McMahon, 90 College Street, Kingston.| SiKETIME! SPRINGTIME! a sen, |BEAUTIFUL baby " budgies, (ot | "STARCRAFT" boais,| Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre, 204 Bona | raining, talks ayrain, t evinride' wate and| Sireet East, 725-6344 Broad, 114 Bigin Ba: weekends _ Marine Supply CHAIRS FOR FATHER'S DAY Hi) |NATIONAL HORSE Pm @ Rrooklir hack swivel rocker, $29.95, Rectiner| Weekly newspaper, features news on chairs, $68. Platform rockers, $28. Treat|horse shows, hunts, pony clubs, Polo» Pea! fo @ comtortable chair from Wil facing, breading, classic tars, eauniny for 0 Suite 181% 1) Goldtineh Court, Wile Ontark uf towing censed i Summer Prices | mors Open 7 day Hill ' Asphalt a00 king Se ONLY ay ! 728-778) ee 1" HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME ' IN. SPAR t 1 SPARE TIME Rent A Piano Hebel Ser bee HEINTZMAN = & Company Ltd R ictor St. N Telephone 728-2921 GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer washers and ranges, Free estimates. Ca 778-1742 ar 723-00 ARC and ACETYLENE wetiding and cut Ying. Reasenable rates, 509 Bloor Fast Phone 723-228 KILLE mechan not moke Forget d A BOAT & Crestliner it lumber only nsertion af 24 words nes words, #Ac. @nehi sell insertions of 24 word additional words Ve each secutive insertions of 24 words, additional words 2i¢, eneh, 10 per cent additional eharge within @ deve 2 weeks or lasting fu Evinrud OSHA Harbor Tower 49.00 59.00 59.00 69.00 yt ge 50 ictor Hear from your f ; arr eee) wy Pomogree Tower ¢ Low monthly payments In ext books and instrue Prepores you to achieve Diploma by means incial examination Charge -- ot ma paid Methed af Counting words counts as 24 words initial, figure er abbreviation @aunts ene werd; phone number counts words | registered, ex beam, conver ch dog. Also boarding tarpaulin, ma for children Loss than 94 ns each word,' " two Ontarie 79 Simene Oshawa 50 Heo of Pre cruiser, steel hull, six, For FREE ricor 784, information----write, Schoal, Dept. 8, Oshawa, Ontario ready Apply Mra, BIRTHS...DEATHS-- Tower St SOCIAL NOTICES | $2.25 per insertion with 28 cents addi. fienal charge if not paid within & days Traveller evenings and Grew Open Storage ver Re " ROTORS Additional to 7 JOURNAL, 16' PETERBORO BOAT and 10 HP John son moter, including tare and controls Telephone Whithy 468-4258 WANTED TO RENT Boat with over| TY TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower lowda: 40 HP motor for inst week July or first Structure, all-channel antenna installed, | week in August or both, Phone Dunbar. | $50. rene TV Supply Limited, Taunton! A39-4304 oad East, just east of Ritson Road wane 461 Dundas iby, or 1 BOAT TRAILER, 500 BUY AND sac ~~ Good used turniiure) vs af call ooneaele phone 7246405 and appliances, One location only, Pretty| YOUNG DONKEYS -~ Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, 723-4971, ponies, Call Port Parry 46 eT. SPORTS runabout, HP Mt ci ewiruRe rn rooms oe Bm. Also buggy, euite and anit | 77 i i * Mae West eter, Veleiiy furniture, aly Wee Tae, commalele cory S WANEH Kennels, bedroom, living ream, kitehen ensemn | Shepherd puns, male, ¢ mos, Ch fn | 14FOOT MOLDED plywood runabout, 25 bies Pay only $9 weekly Hlpodiines, stud, Pony, Ashburn 688-4662 HP Johnson motor, Telephone 728-9806 alue! Berens' H L yavel Garene Ham 'a SHETLAND Welsh ponies, three years FOOT CRUISER, \d, Reasonabie. Telephone i) 1924. condition throughout mth w BABY BARGAINS. | Telephone 728-180) y fr TERN HORSE SHOW -- Waar L | chrome high e@heir nb | strollers = $7. Ranch Garrard Road north of Rossiand, JGFT, RIVIERA fibregiass boat, 15 HP) PANS $7.08 events including pleasure classes |piecirie moter, Wiscoll Nit frame. traiier,| Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street ake ribbons and added prizes on tarp cover, life jackets, paddies, cruise a | BUYING oF SELLING furniture or lam Call Elmer, Hamplen 243-4. day, June 1%, at 7 fay tank, $1,000, or nearest offer, Phone plianc 4 049.2504 ar 263-2605 FREE KITTENS jo good honies, seven 1 FIBREGLASS BOAT FIBRE GLAS pee Mh « ' 3 products, boats covered.) motor and trailer. Many canoe manuiactiring and T9410) [TARAS MALE PURE Vive wonky rd 45 pnane 623-5060 after 9 p.m NEW, USED - vacuums, 4. Re-|each, Telephone 725-7582 MARINE MOTOR re pairs to all makes. New Phone! om makes, lawn mowers, Jack Lees, 728-6056 SIAMESE plaid 1,1) Rare, ane aaery VERY MODERN encyclopedia. |Alter 4 pm, 7294094 . Chi - ~ i ab avINAUDS hildren's books complete PERSIAN KITTENS. Thr dor abi ? In, A-l condition. dark maple bookcase. Bes! offer|), d bi lor adie Complete new head. 10 hours running on tover-@250, 'Telephone 2-a6hd alter S.pm.| rue end Blue-cream. Phone 725.2779 new parts, $180, Telephone Whitby! gy ECTRIC GUITAR" and amplilier, Bx |SHOWY ANGLO-ARAB chesinul™ siding, 8-676 cellent condition, Ideal fer novice, Phone meee yore, Welpranen: English end 1954, 7%) HORSEPOWER Evinrude Feel. 125-2907 ae ea ee ee by machine speciailz-j win, dependable motor, $89, Telephone gags GUITAR ana P ' amplifier, case W, Ward, 204 Srestout 668-2976 stand included, all in good condition, rea 668-3809. BVINRUDE 2 HP sonable price, 'Telephone 723-8818 peed . tye' months GENDRON convertibie baby remaining. Al Raby Tenda and playpen, all cluded, Phone ondition, Telephone 728-3146 2 BEAUTY SALON BOUIPMENT 7---Swap and Barter rive dryers and. chalrs, swivel CABINETS with sink or vanity basin a9. Messing stations, air canditioner Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres |Pully equipped. Telephone 725342) ; sure aysiems, flushomatics, septic tanks.| RANGE, 22' heavy duly, Good eandilien WANTED A moter ry pipe and fillings. boats motors, trallers,| Telephone 049-0602 eury, My +A ne In anes condition, garden tractors hinn, corner Hillside ably Automat and Park South 708R FRIGIDAIRE ret 02? suitable cottage or wives ® oom, $50, Call 728-4741 or 799-2707 after 8----Articles for Sale cae tolie', 12 to } Telephone GOOD USE you? Valley 4 REPAIRS to fijhi a Yods and veels ana al! Coleman products. Sportsman's Com ner, 103 Byron South Whitby (lock west Name Age Add Manual Automatic 1N MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the firs! words and it each thereatier: plus \2c. per tine of Ue. additions! charge if not paid within @ days a5 Address er Price 50.00 60.00 SERVICE OBLIGATION MISTER T.V. TOWERS KING ST. WEST 723-9525 | Septic Service $ Furniture, 20 Church Street |li¥e and homes in Canada. Send ssues SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt sarvice on calls. Waller Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Whitby, 468-256 TUITION French and Math by 13 Byron Street South AAR RAK n Latin fn CARD OF THANKS $2.28 for the first 38 words end fe. tech thereafter with 2c. additional charge not paid within # deve COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display) first % words and fc (Werd Ads) Nhithy. Telephone West, FAST VEY N | Surveyors pounds capacity removed. HM. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario | and) 723.| Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street Fast. Phone| 725-688! Janitor Service fa) ' CRLLARS CLRANED MONDAY SATURDA neiaahole repairs done DAILY DELIVERY Ontario Street 175-54 Clean back yards basements tin COOPER-SMITH [iRtahtste'stas Som serrate coon ASPHALT bi eae Lee DRIVEWAYS TV TOWERS reasonable rate of interest ta consolidate your bills fn any other worthwhile Parking lots, gas station, ete DELUXE Order now and save $ $ 1 Priced to suit your budget Purpose providing you are steadily em We will grade, stone and TERMS ARRANGED 20 per aq it. Five year OSHAWA TV creentia | MAPLE LEAF 1b al"Expence LANDSCAPING & MORTGAGE | Surety cinirsn : GARDEN SERVICE LOANS a erms HOT MIPPED GALVANIZET Ren $2 per TV TOWERS Mai ARE BEST o and advice WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 723-0381 T.R.1.O. ww § Te ; } 12! 2" BUSHE! FIRST and SECOND TELEVISION shi } MORTGAGES Cearmer Bond and Division RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU Dyes, June OFF Clack: | 728 5 } 4 3 pet upholstery walltowall in ty, Rural, Vacation mare ROSE 25% /O place of pauses) rive c A mates. Proven process. Guarantee REMODELLERS = in TELEVISION RADIO. | Bes? SG er ECURITIES LIMITED | 94 HOUR SERVICE as DRIVING TO NORTH SYDNEY, verven the rien t 23-0966 RUNDLE na ae ah ) Cornerbroo! Newfoundland. Whale Culenanic Send ; | Room two. or plane? en Centre PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for HOLMES fn the cases of display advertisement 9g f ? Ml mortgage 'origages | and sure 93-020 4pm The Times will not be held responsible i Vy h ane 8 f rash Telephone 1) tor each ther rRee apoliances JANITOR SERVICE tnke away of disearcdabies such ay/OONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniarin furniture ete. 699-7976 iLand Surveyor. Commercial blue prints AUCTION SALES "i $9.24 PER INCH fully equipped, A INSERTION Must sacrifice! 378 bg D ADS m. BAY LOST AND 9 am. DAY FOUND OF PUBL 1@ATION be e Coll Only $2.50 T.V. SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 54.9 a.m er FAST BIRTHS AND DEATHS " hersonews 9 am. BAY OF PUBLICATION extras ele poll airs, outboards, all) hoses -- garden tractors Guaranteed work for sal with pa Mortgoges eighi (N MEMORIAMS and Call CARDS OF THANKS Sem, DAY PREVIOUS w ' im set oof dictionary, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 eoluma = 4 9m. day umons or larger am lee to. 9 p.m F pre 9 col day previo Yeors 'of Well Drilling---Digging WELL ng in Street 5 Ay Please free estimates AND avoiloble low CANCELLATION CORRECTIONS om, BAY OF PUBLICATION advertisement cancelled before pub be charged on day's insert hone FOR SALE ~- Quarter horse. one year pid Stud coll, dark chestnut, halter broken Very sound and goed confirmation, Tele carriage, (phone 723-7015 " exe mt ee! REMALE GERMAN with papers. One yea cnildrer Whithy 4sa48.soae week us DIGGING Winch tile West, Whithy. 668-2543 er fry vr first Open First mortgages sole pur Any Hleation will electric year and motor One harness P2R-O249 start warranty controls ir 0 nd N98 mortgages Ne Geni ~Personal d ts for white. with Shepherds. JMBER RENTA #s, secre old, Good 80K NU While every forward replies advertisers 4 capt no liab damage alleged fallure or delay sale chairs "| 12--Articles Wanted heir for in made al of to will be numbers possible, respect of to arise through elthe forwarding such re used whether by neg! will not fo superfluous Murdulf will oe June 28th, 21st and Phone Genosha Hotel appoint endeavor fa bax we Jieeme we at los NO CA' ' Toke 7 @ Additions @ @ Goroges ° @R 19 ° @ Painting i eo @ Brick ESTIMATE oH rade Woterproo! Eavestrough hawa nd n these SWAR 0611 'be : a, Ontario 23 4697 TZ East 4 for 7 reaten- Telenhane Ne n doys for H ment 9 excellent eon pereatio gerate replies uncalled an ' | piles f pecial 4itlor tor Chimneys rete Used ha aie 'ond! tion ELECTROLYS 723-464) Cone pr ewoys FREE CO-ORDINATED COLEMAN space heater Rest offer, Phone 723-2446 PHILCO REFRIGER Westinghouse 4 elemer 720-2446 FISH EXPERTLY MOUNTED, able price Cash tor used guns. in very good, Sports, S89 Albert Street, 4 Drapes GIBSON AMPLIFIER, microphone and Ridges 839-3229) stand Included, Call 723-9919 after 3 p.m BED CHESTERFIELD and chair end table. Good condition. Maraon sh redies, Guns, new and used. V Telephone 728-2976 or apply $48 Montrave: fees: 1@ Bond Stree? West, Mg-440 GUARANTEED -used wringer washers,| Avenue GOOD VSED furniture wanted, ete television, refrigerator $14.50 and uP. paNGeE MacNeill Alcan Porniture and 482 SIM | vatriger coe South 723-001) panaiiens deal HOT WATER TANKS p AAR SOR mersion type heaters, Square D switch grigipaiRe boxes; 10 strap tyne tank heaters, Best en ha alt ey joffer tor int, Call 728.3344 or 728-4906 | $23.54). HEINTEZMAN PIANO, chord organ, tape RARY recorder, sewing machine, trilile IAMp,| poige, chesterfield, chair. single bed, matire jug, meal slice 4hole collier slove : potate chipper, electric typewriter, use sit ; titling cabinet, steno A mall box, Bi; MOFFAT ELECTRIC range, with glass . Hamilton, Raglan, 085 714 door, Frig refrigerator, wath tike We Men's Formals Fax Furs. Mink Stoles LATION will not be responsible vertisements submitted writing not for more of any advertisemen ice charge for a single error gecurs VACUUM repairs, all ® gallon lenk brushes, ete, Pick-up, Fleming Vacuum Service. Pickering FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree Guaranteed trouble-free winter " you pur Nova|chase trom Western Ol! Co. '0v | PLAYER PIANO wilh rolls 'ree! condition, Aso $4 bed, complete 144 inches, Telephone Bay or 877 Ontario Street TWIN BED, complete, 625, Excellent con ' 723-03) Chub, | aor Telephone 723-0316 makes delivery Main hoses 942-02) Stree! FURNITURE. What ' car M nave ar ¢ Bond Street West, est Ca The Oshawa Tim for errors in a atherwise than in then one insertion ner beyond the pr insertion in whieh R, to or renge. Bes! o reason Paul's The Oshawa 'Times 1 tia 725-5798 jassity advertising proper classification F.95) Dede, SIR Nattresses. $i? 0s $10.85: TVs, $20.05 sovers. S5495) dressers, chrome for after ng July passencers top new e stoves. $24.95 crits. 4 ng |apace 3--Sportsman's Column ue |% WANTED $125 for season 2, Millbrook, Ont WORLD CUP '66 Telephone 729-4233 ee trout RR No Members for Write DB, Muller far more space than that which the aciva is i Residential ry drrer occupies, The publishers endeavor Ss Commercial EE THE EXP We tm reproduce al! vertising matter rectly, bul assume no liabilily ef adver < - FIRST AND Industrial saan Alterations Phe FIRST SECOND morigages avall-| ad Q v hater falter, 114 Brock . Whitby 6681158 | SECOND eat ent : et Appliance about 48 both $78 McClary Hnahou tor cottage ator, Wes ° FOR PROMPT SERVI soccer tickets for sale CALI Whitby--668-5679 COLOR T.V Pestle Al guaranteed 3099 jackets, gloves, Buco helmets. Repairs and service AB's Motorcycle SHOP 114 STVENSON RD, SOUTH 728-7780 tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein nowers wilt 8 20? mortgages, safe " hased and sold. Hennick si Rarristers, 3) King Street (4), Used with im: | ph family e $80. site Phone 17'S MASY TO PLACE A Bowmeany: TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 Pant and 4-- Motorcycles : ' Additions Fo. Remade we 13----Articles For Rent A ATl @ TRIUMPH e Pireth teres brand steel etc CARRIAGE, dark blue hood car bed, strolie new. ea body elepn Pe fur Construe Rug-Upholstery Service @ DYEING SERVICE e taded bap vers, Dosh Glasses Need Cottee Bridal White soiled uphglstery CA JAMES ALLEN & SONS nen wert e meas LLEN A bin ih: hua 725-612 702 d Wall-to.wali "roadloom LAN APING RAINR ) Hak ALC' Gear halve prorevamenis 3 ' I 1eOw Ol OR RE-NU genera constructio and = quaranteec G ST Ne workmanship call 668-2 BLO) 8 53R ROOFING chimneys, all types of EE ESTIMATES work Sidewalks, slabs, sloops. M RR Oshawa 445-306 RE-UPHOLSTERY oy experts. Eatablish Workrn sh | r NEW PLASTERING and repairs, siuceo TAA ieeeet Wctheeceee at | sidewalks, remodelling, recrooms. Free refinished. Oshawa estimates iN Woods. 28-3420 » De Avenue ? h: Mea? Cc ue STERFIE LDS reuphoistered INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Column ond White Telephone T.R.1.O. Television 728-5143 Pe TOWERS Rust Pr oe "eh Black three" accordion, six § orchestral $500. N T tson Ry? 3--Spertsman's Celemn 4--Motarcycies &-- Trailers Marine Equinment Tofwap and Bart Articles for Sale Markel Baske! 10---Farmer's Column liePets and Livestock ement FR , emer SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES All modis on display NEW USED ONTARIO CYCLE 140 King W 728.1422 OPEN EVENINGS 2 i SHAW GARDEN CENTRE N é and hospital beds, walkers, Harris ies, sick room supplies, Reatr 728-1444 $50 $40 J and re heavy duty electric range fable. with four chairs Condition. 725-0992 and or vers ce baby Price 'Gendran' i |ARIMGESTON® condition cnamps) All and 668-6189 CHAIN LINK PENCES 'highes materia and na pr ee ate 23-537 GARDEN and taw Niling, landscaping livating. Call 4% TOP SOIL, ttl, @ anted wt. TO BUY OR SELL TRIO Televisior wows) FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET quatity of structure owes! new, §uitable} Jail channel R easonable 1 72p-5143. o'clock 6 help Sele Properties Sale for Sale Estate Wanied t4-- Stores OFF and Storage Wanted New and repairs Free estimates RICHARD ALACK, ee th, Sulle 6 iM Telephone Simene . 793-48 BABY CARRIAGE, Telephone es f ' i - . 1963, a afer BLEcCTRIC aveve cond le all after six, 22 TOVE, 30", used only 10 months, act $95, Winnipeg couch, $10, Telephone 8-006? MOBILE HOME ° ploughing and 4936 atier 6 good 725-840: " patios | ' | ds Real P--Bee miles, 90 €.¢ YOUR LOCAL ey cleaner , sed te 8 Houses tor Reni nevs built, reneired, gas linings instalied: | sane avating rrading | -Apariments ior Rent oofs repaired. Free estimates. 7 97.\Sand and Grave 8-287) Rooms fer Rent m Me-Raom and Board ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, NURSERY $0P. Now tring, holee PAINTING Wanted to Rent rs, large and small jobs. L. and H. quality Kentucky omer delivery 30--Aulomoeniles for Rooting and Construction, 725-49 any amoaunt er & bAR-4945 v Compact ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS 2-~Trucks 0 Nimneys. pavestroughing. | i--Aulemobies Wanted masonry. Gerd May. Whit Me-Aulemabile Repa) Medaat and Found m andy loam, drivewa Fur exterior, NEARLY New Excelle on them Honda's ondition Telephone Bargains apolian Limited ishec sale Whitby 648-8521 ONE SEVEN-PIECE wainut dining | room | suite, perfect condition, Call 728 had | atter pn ies and furniture. Honest Cal's Nest Pp tree est old 424 N, BARON Pair Papering Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING jup plies Telephone 7), Hereld ng. Heating and Engin Simene "sh eet South, field a 10d. We haul part slaphone NURSERY and ss a te be good 4 ta between! TEXACO UNIFORM ~ Shirt, et. Telephone Whithy 468 n master's 14° PLYWOOD" boat, 25 her ng with taro and trailer "onditinn. $204. Telephone § om Aone TREE aces oak $8 ore; "Jack: | Joe's extra , pants adio. TO a + all aS5.a5 m _ 960 ISFT, LEISURE-HOME, sleeps five Hien! three burner range with even. ice bex Dialinew t Propane: 110 volts lights. Tele phome 728.2758 efter § pom. TRIM? ay Frag Ans e to order Want 4 day pian Mean WISRST Way ' pecie taction for Yo cancell Die {new. Also a@ pair of beige drapes, }44 GARDEN TRACTOR with altachments.| vide "Phone Alax 42-5606 \ ' |Tevephane. 723-348 peta : SARGEANT'S RENTALS SACRIFICE ~~ Piano 17| BEDROOM SUITE, pl 436 Ri Rd 725.3338 bass, well equipped model. are WTGHOR Gulley f pei slA 4 ; : eau in w pied arconi 2i-ineh, only, ur months @ld.| GWAIRS. card ay rT te ai atyance sade 68, 29 Oo [Cah thors pi, SA ENAIRE ar a asi Vana, - COTTAGE Sr amict beds $16.) Simene Street North, Call 722-2414 ot tear Mahe ke dee sion] fee $30,. fanle ang choir sats JENTERTAINING? Filly to one hundred ishions from $138, Modern 4 seater faressers $10, "cribs $10. stoves $1. ineanie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban hon 3 ectlonals: trom Washers. $15. 16 Bond Street West, quets, parties, weddings, Bar, . kitehen, rit oS: Peer Syl |Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4407, | 008%) PALLION wend ng ' * : COLOURE 5 TV. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street be earve ; ae a. 72 mornings ticles Wanted ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling ager ag He FINLEY Lilabl tac clue Hb ridge, | 9000 WHEEL CHAIRS, Articies for Rent ew sed - material Reasonadie ? a ti be " Black & White 24.Hour Diningroom Cee oat tate." reducing machines wainess Opportunities rates, Estimates tree. 7281191, J. Foley 4 mace ie All excellent eka A Aid Rentals, 1 1%. A mployment wanted GARDENS, + Tilled tivated and |o" ton » % Charles service Iwavy BLUR ang while lg-agents Wanted PLASTERING, new and repair work, lawns mowed. Telephone 668 , ? | 723-0065 or 668-5830 [ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier. duar|/ NAVY BEUE and win 17--Femaie Hein W stucco and cement walks, work guaran | , morareyclen (Davtonalpiekun vibrator, Excellent condition, $60] 69." Tieanone 725+6206 --Male Help W teed, 668:538 Optometrist | Roe's Radio & T.V Speedway ci Salas and Service/ter bal items. Phone 728-7162 | : > Mele Femal CARPENTRY block Pa op ere widen S'N8 STOVE Westinghouse, like Ad rons heal Bulele For and cement work 728-2680 Si a. hawe TV SERVICE e tor cottage apartment i] ummer Oe 15 v senel * e mares tee ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get Rote (722419 | ' iS - ' A he me lone oe RES Telenhan . Lats your driveway paved hy experts, 22 cant Pa DAY OR EVENING i? ater 5.8 pm ~ |LLoye jare tool, All work guaraniesd. 323-028 Painting and Decorating 7928.S2B6 i848 HONDA, 200 ge | ian apaonenee grave Wave YOUR PAlTiNe done | 1 40°04 sigehens at |G00D USED FURNITURE, rigs ot ow, in| | Cc . } jell veka? ~ stoves, etc. Reasonable, MacNeil's all work one | w Ce } Nnity S48 and éSiniture, 215 Dundas East, Whithy. 468-54 mare averan OSHAWA UE apr: oe Ew n 4 € 2 Interior exterior by ELECTRON Ic S y 125-146 Oa antics aoe aerorarer, Call. 5. Wrail Closing soon wi city TY TOWERS, antennas, also re oom i raters King Street ing and Decorating and| Pa All wark guaranteed Dean AY yg ey CABIN TRAILER 1 ' € ; . . " "> ior rent, $40 per | WESTINGHOUSE etrigerator Estimates iree. Phone 724-4376 enue. Telephone: 725-0506 week, Cantey and axle h teh, available atidition, $20. Heavy duty' stove. NEED GUY WIRES replaced? CALL ost. Phone 723-1058 if no. answer | condition Telephone 723 Anienna installation and iwowa ams ? | 18-0024 2 be | VICTORIAN Fuul TIME SALESMEN desk, wash Ads jel! fer vou arcund the liters, erock 172.0499 now for en ad-writer loans SETTER. schoo! et butter B04 NEED rant and an awa 23-4091 now j ja piece era na tek * iWwing age in Claasit MeeComing Bvante Notions QuARTERs at ERs 4a) ed now! after tering, ® mold. Hampton s