BOUND FOR GARTER CEREMONY Garbed in her robes of the Windsor today for the an- Most Noble Order of The Garter, walks in procession to St. George's Chapel at ing the marchers is the Bish- op of Winchester, the Right NDPer TORONTO (CP) -- Stephen|Mr, Lewis listed a series of rec- Lewis (NDP Scarborough| ommendations which he said the West) challenged the govern-|report must éontain, ment Monday night to carry out; The report, prepared by an recommendations of an interde-|interdepartmental committee of partmental report on the osrh-z |the departments of health, edu- of emotionally-disturbed chil- cation, welfare and reform in- dren. stitutions, has been in the hands Speaking in the legislature,'of only half a dozen senior civil Centennial Group Jaunts To North By GERARD McNEIL ; voiced complaints at a panel VICTORIA (CP)--The scene discussion when he said there is the national centennial con-|@ strong impression the latest meetings have been 'absolutely | useless," Former mayors Sidney Buck- |wold of Saskatoon and Horace Most of the 60 members of|Boivin of Granby, Que., said the federally-appointed advisory|they had heard the same com- body fly by chartered aircraft|plaints although they felt the to Whitehorse to discuss the|conferences have been useful. 1967 celebration. | Centennial commission offi- They'll go on to Yellowknife, | cials admitted members may NJW.T., Wednesday, then fly to) have been neglected of late but St. ul, Alta., ore going) they said there is an important home. role to play in the next six In the opening session, federal) months. officials spent most of the time) assuring conference members) nyhlicize the centennial and to pl on taj oA make sure there was participa- of ference shifts to the Yukon to- day after a soul-searching open-| ing in this British Columbia capital, expressed some feelings they|tion next year, haven't been. John Fisher, centennial com- At the conference since 1963,| missioner, said a firm may be the original role of providing)hired to schedule speaking en grass-roots advice to Ottawa onl guuenvente for members across centennial projects has long the country. since disappeared, oe " Most senior "semeanie! pro: # D va ects are in their final stages| in Ps t = this has left some members Uroup DVUS 5 complaining that a peng" e meee Halifax last December and t oR ] St d present one -were-a waste of ea 1g10US u --_-- oo. SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- PAYS THE SHOT Religion scholars at Canadian The centennial commission, a universities should start tac- federal agency, pays the shot kling the big religious questions for the members. They include --including evidence for God-- 20 provincial officials and 4ojeven if it makes them disturb- influential citizens appointed at e@'s 'of theological peace, large from across the country. That's the message carried Mr. Justice Alfred Monnin of by Pof. W. Nicholls, chairman the Manitoba Supreme Court of the religious studies depart- ------_---- ---|ment at the University of Brit- P ish Columbia, to the founding Sea Cadet Director conference of the Canadian So- ae ciety for the Study of Religion, The organization, founded For Conscription Monday during the learned so- SARNIA. (CP)--Cmdr, 0._J.\cjeties' gatherings at the Uni A. Cavenagh, director of Seajyersity of Sherbrooke, plans to Cadets for Canada, said Mon- encourage research in the scien- day night that he is in favor of tific study of religion. some form of conscription for, prof. Nicholls, tracing the his- all young Canadian men tory of religious studies at sec In an interview, Cmdr. Cav: lar universities in Canada enagh said that some form Of}said most religion scholars are service during a two-year Pe experts on text of religious riod would be ideal writers. "They could serve in the for-) «Our textual approach can en estry service or some other able ys to give more and more line, not necessarily the armed accyrate accounts of what re services,' he said ligions writers thought... but aes it can never tell us whether they were right.... | Graham Deficit : POSTPONE JUMPS Seen Unlikely TRANSCONA, Man. (CP)-- LONDON (AP)--The director The Canadian parachuting of Billy Graham's London cru: championships were grounded sade said today he doesn't ex-|py foul weather for the third pect the month - long series of! consecutive day Monday. Rain meetings to show a deficit. and winds exceeding the maxi The Sunday Telegraph said) mum 17 miles an hour at which Sunday the crusade might end|jymping is possible have -kept with a deficit. It reported con- 22 competitors impatiently an tributions of £220,000 ($660,000) | chored to their Winnipeg 'hotel expected. from churches fell) The event was rescheduled for short by about £20,000 ($60,000) | today. and that collections at the rall- : nual Garter Ceremony. Lead- Challenges Action For Disturbed Children There was an urgent need to} Drug Store Owners pension Bill To Defend Drug OTTAWA (CP) -- Spokesmenievidence given the inquiry last for the corner druggist said|week by Revenue Minister Ben- Tuesday that pharmacists"'son who maintained the tax. charges for services "are com-|levied on the manufacturers' pletely justifiable and proper."'|selling price, represents be- "Drug costs to the vast ma-|tween 18 and three cents on jority of Canadian citizens are|the dollar. wether Sigh nor cxarkitent "| The association described the the Canadian Pharmaceutical|tax as a "highly improper tax Association said in a brief to en ilnes<." the Commons drug price in-| The association con- quiry. tended that the private patient The association said statistics bears a disproportionate share show that Canadians spend anjof the cost of prescriptions and average of only $9 annually on. substantially subsidizes the prescribed drugs. prices available to doctors, hos- The association's brief was pitals, governments and similar presented to a special Com- agencies. 3 mons committee on behalf of| The brief said "'muiti-pricing 8,000 registered pharmacists in| policies of manufacturers . . all provinces except Québec, force the retail pharmacist to The committee has been in-|purchase his drug supplies at structed to find ways to lower prices which far exceed those drug prices. paid for the same auglity, The impact of the federal 11-\strength and q uantity by {per-cent sales tax was nine others" such as hospitals and) leents on the retail dollar, the similar institutions and govern-| \brief said. ment agencies. | | This contention conflicted with) "We repeat |----____----- + i AISA ANE Rr as | Divorcee Claims Former Roomer Gave Her Lumps TORONTO (CP) -- A red-| She said that after she signed | haired divorcee testified Mon- half the house over to him and day that she was driven from they set up joint bank accounts, her home by a judo-chopping|the construction worker and for- former boarder to whom she|mer union organizer subjected |had signed over half-title to the her to foul and abusive lan- house when he promised to\guage and beat her several marry her times, using judo chops to the! Mrs. Marie Kindle witch'neck, lis suing Franeis Anthony, She said she left the house) Schoales, 40, to recover his half-\jast July 17 on the advice of servants and members of the interest in the house which she\her lawyer, but when she re- cabinet since it was presented|bought in, 1962 for $14,000, She'turned Sept, 25 to get some) to Health Minister Matthew Dy-|is also seeking an accounting Of|clothing she found the front mond three months ago, expenditures for the house and'door had a new lock. Mr. Lewis said the reportirents allegedly owing from' wren she got into the house! urges a manpower commission Schoales and refused to leave until she ito look into ways of making up| The 45-year old woman told got a key, Schoales adminis- the serious shortage of psycho-|Mr. Justice R. I. Ferguson i tered the 'worst beating he had logists, psychiatrists, so cial|Ontario Supreme Court that! civen her and she later passed workers and specially-qualified|Schoales had been an $8-a-week out in a taxi and ended up in teachers needed to help per-|boarder in her midtown room- hospital. ceptually handicapped and emo-|ing house, The trial continues, \tionally disturbed children in| After a month of dates with) -- ithe province. \him, they lived together in the) se s |house from October, 1964, while 71 bal | WON'T CONFIRM rf Do'lars V vi * Drop Promise lwaiting for his divorce, Mrs.| Mr, Lewis made his assertions! Kindlewitch testified. } OTTAWA (CP) -- Have you it ur often-stated, | Rey. Sherard Falkner Alli- son, Prince Philip, walks at right and the queen's Knight follow. (AP Wirephoto) during debate on the estimates lof Education Minister William| Davis, who would not contirm| whether the NDP member had| jaccurately outlined the content lof the report, Balcony Drop ifs sow te Honore FES TWO fing" On | says? | It says the Bank of Canada jon what he feels are the specific | OTTAWA (CP)--A 73-year-old) "will Pl to the bearer on de- paar sage ae the Fé) oman and her young grandson|mand" one dollar. , ve ay cP o annette seriously injured Monday} But if you take it to the Bank ts ay a econ + ke itie| Hight when a second-floor apart. of Canada, the best you'd ever i stats M0. gt sry geting fpeena| ment balcony collapsed and get for it is just another one- ot anight be the vernment pitched them to the ground. ae om \potiey, repardh 'thew uon.|, Maria Labranche suffered a). Finance Minister Sharp said een mo apg ese TeCOM-|1/o%en back in the 10-foot fall,/in the Commons Monday this " y Her grandson, Charles La- 'The report is not gathering/pranche, 9, was injured inter- -|that the price of drugs increased Its aim is to merge the pw mage SF 8i veo Senate Act To Police s After Opposition Outcry peer ong By KEN CLARK based on the resolution was! buy . bd salesmen seeking to OTTAWA (CP) -- Govern- given first reading. be Met od to dee os are to i a ae gon a Pvt GIVEN SECOND READING ers of the nature of | their pei h re ok Bank of Soeade Amendments to the Bank of ness, pdb eb 'and bankruptcy age etiyged cca en Seng ue is one of two new dis sed ----- criticism in the government to give the cent rall rat igh Lge ot onagie mons Monday. bank firm direction on mone-| Business Brokers Act u er ho This could be done through a| Revenue Minister Benson iow | | See somes te senmitian demands! Satiabe neat onnflct Theil Sree ee eames the Jeg "protessionaliy - orienics, Fi a 4 lexi cost prescription services planjand agreed to send a complex'was sent to the standing com-| General Arthur Wisi 7 to protect against above-aver-|pension bill to 2 Senate-Com-| nittce on finance and cee ee nent age expenditures and catastro-/mons joint committee for de-|aftairs for detailed scrutiny. | 1 ssent will also be re- phic situations," _ | tailed serutiny, | Solicitor General Pennell quired to disclose any negotia- COMPARES DBS FIGURES | Richard A. Bell (PC--Carle- gained second reading for a bill tions he is conducting for the Comparing drug price in-|ton) said it needed this kind of to tighten the laws governing resale of property listed with creases with other health care examination because only an fraudulent bankruptcies. this firm. Penalty for. not dob components, the associa- actuary could understand it. Erik Nielsen (PC -- Yukon), ' peal Sted tion said the Dominion Bureau The bill was given. second Who has been pushing hard for|*° would. be loss of commis. of Statistics reported in 1964 reading, approval in principle. full-scale investigation into frau-| sions. pen- dulent bankruptcies, consented ~~~ so]- to fast passage when assured of CHRISTIANITY FIRST opportunity for intensive exam-| ' gf et pod p Vane ote ur | Christianity has more adher- Pennell said this bill is ne ib" fen one Oteee sotiginn, terim measure, with a general|*" estimated 956,000,000. overhaul of bankruptcy legisla- tion still to come. - OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, P ic firm brlief that this gap should not exist." The association said that per-| sons of very limited means or those requiring vast amounts of medication over long periods deserve special consideration. | 20.7 per cent between 1949 and sion plans of diplomats, 1964, diers, the RCMP, and civi It listed other increases as servants generally with the na- 80.5 per cent for total health|tional plan. It also improves care, 1°", per cent for prepaid) portability and death benefits health care, 84 per cent for den-| for some. lists fees, 57.5 per cent for doc- tors fees and 113.5 per cent for ANNOUNCEMENT Earlier approval was given to = a resolution to increase to $58, The bankruptcy bill Is to hospita! rates. 000,000 from $42,000,000 the fed-| come up again today after the ants -- KEN HANN now essociated with $. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMIT- ED. Ken brings to us a profound knowledge of real estcte practice bocked by yeors of experience, For prompt attention to ali your Reol Estate needs call Ken at §, BD. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED, 323 King St. West, 728-6286, On patents, the association! era) contribution for loans to Commons disposes of govern-) said current Jaws for compul- university students in the cur- ment resolutions to establish sory licensing of other manufac-| pont academic year. Legislation the $500,000,000 health resources turers by a patent-holder should --------- ph es --__ fund and get the Canada As-) continue, Patent protection sistance Plan moving. j should be extended three years Conservative Leader Diefen- or "some other suitable period| Senate Change ibaker attacked the government! made necessary by the par-| ges for what he called the tight ticular nature of the drug," pro- Bill Talked Out : money situation, He said "| viding it is produced in Cana- works a hardship on small bus-| dian pi | OTTAWA (CP) Govern-|inessmen in particular, | Other association suggestions ment members Monday talked Finance Minister Sharp said and comments: out a private member's Com-|the current credit situation is| 1. A qualitative analysis of the| mons bill to place Senate ap- needed to dampen inflation and! healing effects of drugs,|pointments in the hands of ap-|over-investment in new plant} whether under their chemical! pointed provincial commissions.) and equipment. He also said the or brand name. The bill was debated during government plans to free a por- 2. Prescribing drugs by their) the hour set aside for private| tion 'of chartered bank cash re- hemical name permits the bills without net rote, serves for investment in inter- druggist to use his professional|>!!!8 without coming to & vole. | ost bearing securities, This will training and experience to dis-| It drops to the bottom of a long)be done under forthcoming] pense known, reliable brand or|list of other private bills to be Bank Act legislation. non-brand drugs and to carry a| debated in order. | David Orlikow (NDP--Winni- smaller inventory. | Proposed by Bert Leboe (SC--| peg: North) said the student 3. A drug information service| Cariboo), the bill suggested that|loans help those students who bringing together all available|10 provincial commissions namejneed it the least. Free tuition, information on. every known|senators instead of the prime) bursaries and scholarships with-| drug merits attention by founda-| minister. The federal and pro-| out the burden of repayment}! tions and governments, industry| vincial governments would ap-| were needed for students from and health practitioners, point the commissions, low-income families, War does the Bank of Montreal offer you? Basic Banking, that's what! Basic Banking is based on the fact that nine times out of ten when you enter a bank, you are looking for service in one of three basic areas--savings, personal chequing or current accounts. Other services you may use once in a while, but these three services cover your day-to-day banking needs. Basic has always confused him, as it abe Fh wr is has most people gvho have ex- poe the vor a vi nde et nally. amined Canadian currency. pesctgpavte toon pc igenthone ives! The two were enjoying the) So the words "will pay to the| ? n will te f jwarm sun at the rear of their of program will emanate from|.oortment in nearby Eastview bearer on demand" will be re- i . Py} yj bi ft | this report in the near future.) Jhon the balcony gave way be- moved from banknotes printed | ues --""" |neath them, The apartment was after an amendment to the Bank) of Canada Act goes through built about five years ago. Used Car Dealer Appeals Ruling, OTTAWA (CP)--Three tales jof "raw deals'? were presented lin evidence Monday before a three-man board hearing an ap- peal by a used car dealer whose application for-a licence to set up a new lot has been rejected. Three former customers of Richard J, Shanahan told of complaints ranging from condi- tion of vehicles purchased to de- lays in getting refunds. The hearing was the first held here under the 1965 Ontario Used Car. Dealer's Act requir- ing dealers to apply to the regis- trar administering the act to obtain provincial licences for new operations, Mr. Shanahan's original appli- jcation was rejected by the reg- istrar and decision on his appeal before a three-man board Mon- day was reserved, The appeal was opposed by Robin Scott, a lawyer with the attorney = general's department. He argued the licence would not be in the public interest and produced evidence alleging Mr Shanahan had a record of un- paid bills in previous used car well as a personal bank- ruptey when two lots folded in Toronto | with Jordan Sherry Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters ---- Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 People on the go... active... smart... modern. At home they like an old favourite --Jordan Sherry, from the bottle, chilled or especially on the rocks, Choose from ies had been disappointing Walter Smyth of Philadelphia the crusade's director, com mented R "At this time it is hard to say whether there will be a deficit or a surplus, but the crusade is following a normal pattern, The! audiences' are increasing and from all indications all bills will be met at the close of the cru- sade July 2." Graham held conferences with missionary leaders and friends today, studying plans for cru sades. One will be in West Ber lin, in October, | CITY OF SALARY RANGE - $5,098.01 Under the: direction of ino survey fr r duties and s Apr M v the abser ervise the survey the school stor s writing PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIRES SURVEY INSTRUMENTMEN the Party seven fine Jordan Sherries--dry to rich OSHAWA golden cream. For perfect enjoyment, be sure your Sherry is Jordan. Very popular. JORDAN WINES he 0 to 5,908.00 (40 hour week) Chief, act as @ senior assistant f the Party Chief, assume his ipal Surveying field desired, f 7th, feta educatior s oO c experience, | 1966, t The Personnel Officer City Hell Oshowe, Onterie. Banking means simply that we have geared our branch offices to give you absolutely top performance in these three vital services. With Basic Banking, you'll get your banking done pleasantly and efficiently and be on your way in a matter of minutes. Basic Banking doesn't eliminate other banking services, of course. On "ll find s morecs AA AAAEME & AAAVA DS WE: n mplete range of the contrary, you financial services at the Bank of Montreal than at any other.type of financial institution. Wouldn't Basic Banking be the answer to your banking needs? Bank oF MONTREAL "Sorry, No Giveaways Sorry, No Tiger-tails Sorry, No Samples Sorry, No Stamps... atCanada's First Bank"