14--Business Opportunities (18--Mele Help Wanted |(18--Mole Help Wanted NEED $35 to $45 PER WEEK ? A PART TIME BUSINESS is the best way to stort "Being your own REQUIREMENTS: Must hove 3 to $ hours spore per week Steady employment bock- ground. amd ovat standina . G2 srenared to invest $1 ,- 990 for stock ond equip- ment which con be financ- ed with $500 deposit for acceptoble opplicents. THE BUSINESS: Servicing beverage dispen- sers on our high profit loce- tions, A silent solesman thot earns money for you every day. Your small investment hos proven to others thot it poys off in big dividends --- as it will for you, if you meet our requirements BOX 12789) Write stating name, beck- ground and tel, no. todey THRIVING RESTAURANT and bungalow on busy Highway 115. Could be excellent motel site, Also beauty and barber shep 'and two income properties being offered in) arcel, Mear Shopping Centre.. Excel) font prong on Poth. Call Bob Johnston, | 725-9065, Mheicalt Real Estate, SMALL beaisiy salon for sale or vert. Central ication, Write Box 25334 Oshawe! Times, S WELL" LOCATED" Barber Shop and Beauty Salon, very reasonable, Low down | payment, includes ali equipment and | stock. Long term ease can be ar! ranged, Call Doug Gower, 778-1006, W.) Frank Real Estate Limited, 623-3294 STORE FOR SALE, 323 Simcne Shree | South, after six p.m 15--Employment Wanted | LOVING DAY CARE for "ehiia by rel apie mother, big yerd, quiet street,) gwings, etc, Close ta town, hospital, bus,| Telephone 778 ULL BOOKKEEPER experiences re | parttime bookkeeping. Can carry full set of books to trial balance. Specializing in| small business, Telephone 725-2615 after 4 om, be ais) Base 1) GWABE student requires typing po sition for three months in office or at home. Phone 723-9373 17--Female Help Wanted "OPPORTUNITY OPEN FOR SENIOR OR INTERMEDIATE POSITION THE JOB Telephone investigation Colloting Information Composing and Typing fi- nel product QUALIFICATIONS Good telephone voice and personality Minimum education, grade 12 Some bookkeeping exper- ience or knowledge Familiarity with company financial statements an as set Accurate typist Initiative Self management ability Medium range starting sol- ory with excellent opportunity for improvement, Apply in own handwriting only giving oge, morital sta- bd and previous employment P.O. BOX 236 OSHAWA ~ LADIES Earn average of $5 per hour 2 or more evenings a week, os fashion advisor. No exper- lence necessary, we train ond establish accepted applicants into the business. No collect- ing or delivering. Good per- sonality and cor required, For-interview Call 942-6603 942-3145 ALTERATION WOMAN Fully experienced, who is capable of altering wedding gowns, making Junior brides moid dresses ete, Apply in person to Mrs, Potter ANGIE-JANE DRESSES 77 King East 725-1711 RELIARLE WOMAN for part-time help in Variety Store, South end of Oshawa € 1 723-371) BTARY - BOOKKEEPER required in Brooklin, Ontario, Office hours 8.45 *§ Bm, Monday to nieey foe| have al 14 q ing Salary open. Please oe In writing 219 roaklin, Ontario, | phone | Brooklin 655 tase NURSE'S AIDE required at Glen Cedar Home Limited, Own transporta- tion essential, No students, please, Cali 455-4931 between % a.m, and 3 p.m, WAIRORESSER, excellent opportunity, girl with own clientele to manage smal! beauty salon, Guaranteed wage plus com. mission, 725-3046. BEAUTY COUNSELORS hay organizal | lonal and sales openings. Excellent op-! sevelty Full or part time, 723-9349, 745:| pacinece WOMAN for general house keeping and care for three children, ages eleven, ten and four, in motheriess home Live EXPERIENCED dressmaker, English) speaking. Apply Len Pullen, Tallor, 10) Prince Street, Phone i) $1), | SALBSLADY lor stationery and gift store, Apply Walmsley and Magill, 9% King Street Bast, In, Private room flon, 725-7847 after 4.30 p.m. Permanent posi Oshawa NURSES AIOE for nursing home. Steady employment Times. 18--Male Help Wanted Write Box 27944 Oshawa ~--} HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY ! OFFICE MANAGER THE JOB Vvur quem, 2 Automotive Paris soler, requires on experienced man to assume the role of Office Manager, directly re- sponsible to the President, This is o progressive firm and affords an excellent opportun- ity for the right man, THE MAN A member of o recognieed Accounting Association or a senior student 'with Indus- trial experience. Solary to be commensurate with qualifi- cotions. All replies treated in strictest confidence, Write To Hopkins, Beadle & Company, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario MAIL ROOM SUPERVISOR required by progressive monufacturer Applicants must have @ mini- mum of grade 10 education and be in possession of a cor, The duties will include the Operation of an Addresso groph Multigroph offset ma- chine Please send @ resume giving full detoils to the attention fm MR. NINABER SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY WHITBY, ONTAR 10 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN For New Cor Dealership To work from eur Oshowa Showroom MUST BE Top producer capoble of § figure earnings Well acquainted in Oshawa creo, Able to supply best of references, Apply -- Stu Macintosh or Les MacDonald Bowmanville 623-2534 MacDONALD FORD SALES Insurance Representative Expanding genero! insuronce agency with excellent life contract--requires; intelligent representative for permanent soloried position, with bonus Sales experience on asset but not nescessory os com- plete training in all lines will be available Reply giving educational stonding, employment history and other neccessary details to BOX 27874, Oshawa Times All replies treated in striet confidence ond onswered Office Manager Accountant For expanding firm of gen- eral contractors in area Good opportunity for a man capable of assuming respon= sibility, Write, stating exper. fence, salary requirements, references to Box M 28368, Oshawa Times JANITOR REQUIRED For new electrically heated apartment building, Must be experienced PHONE 725-1481 'TOOL MAKERS, and MACHINISTS 1 need a@ full or part time mon to help meet the de- mond for a "uch needed ser- vice for motorists, Pleasant, dignified, good paying work No experience necessary but 2 car is, For full information [reply immediately, Telephone sales ec contact perience helptile or will train, Box 21858, Oshawa Times. CARMEL ATTARD MAINTENANCE MAN required lar gen eral cleaning, Apply In person to the 7 | Genosh i Ae7: Phillie. Murmy. ot | sounTunens Waite R full time work Oshawa Phone 723-3247 Apply Queen's Hotel, 4? Simcoe Street | North WANTED. "immediately Body, repair.| WAITER Tor be ne room. Steady em-| man, Applicants should be well acquainted |Ployment,. Must good character! with fitting doors, windews efe.. bn new | references. "Apply Munenee Motel Lan venicie elient working conditions, caster, 27 '@ Street West, Oshawa fringe tenelits and sleady employment. SERVICE STATION requires man Abie SUPERINTENDENT for ment building, oil heated, tome experience preferred. could be employed ment plus remuneration 0460 for appointment REQUIRED Wy MAN Thawlie" "apart jexperience to Box 27544 Oshawa Times couple with BARBER WANTED for Saturdays only Husband Telephone 655-3879 two-bedroom apar water orootina TOP RATES CALL 668-4981 EVENINGS 668-5222 One SALESMAN =e Interested in mak ing $25 per day, and being pald dally j'o take over management. State age and EXPERIENCED SITTER ASSEMBLERS Required for interesting fab- rication and assembly work on tele-communicotion equip- ment Aluminum tepricarion exper lence te advaniage. Apply Andrew Antenna Company Limited, 606 Beech Street, Whitby Mr, J, C. Coiger at 668-2348 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Capoble mon required to set up, maintain ond repair tools and production equipment have @x- on Must perience on milling machine, lathe, grinder and welding with knowledge of air operet- ed equipment, Permanent po- with usual company benefits. Hours 8 to 4:30, Monday to Friday. fixtures stition FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Ajax 942- 1340 DUE TO EXPANSION PROGRAMME we urgently require good gen eral machinists bridgeport operators, mill hands, boring mill operators and lathe hands ' These ore permanent posi tions, no floaters, Rates $3.50 up, poid vacations, hol ideys ond: Blue Cross Insur- once. Profit sharing plons, 58 hours per week, Please phone or write Swain Industries 15115 Sponich Court Livonia). MICHIGAN, U.S'A. 425-4100 Collection Department Handling Large Volume Of Accounts Has Opening For | UNIT MANAGER TRAINEE Good basi¢ solary plus corm. mission, All benefits completely paid ofter training period, Previous loon or collection experience @ considerable asset Apply in writing with all background details to: P.O, BOX 236 OSHAWA ACCOUNTANT Required by Client To assume responsibility for all accounting and office functions, Starting salary =~ $6,000 plus employee bene- fits. Age requirements open, Send written resume to Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sells Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa, Ontario PAINTERS REQUIRED Must be experienced in brush and spray work, $2.50 per hour and up UPTON'S PAINTING Telephone 723-2977 19---Male and Female Help Wanted BOYS---GIRLS Age 10 to 14 yrs. Large metropolitan news paper will - soon -- have openings for carriers in the Hon- esty and dependability, essential, Call 728-5117, 9:30 to 5:30, Oshawa area WANTED QUALIFIED HAIRDRESSER Nith clientele preferred, Highest ART'S HAIRSTYLING 212 KING ST. WEST 728-5444 Commission TAXI! DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum Age 25 Telephone 725 /SALESMEN required, full or" parhlime, | 2 Seehon Hs SALEMEN ria Woe wate | MERCURY TAXI Street West . 5.477) TO BOOST BUSINESS run assilied Aas! They work! Dial 723-2492 for aniNEED LIVING QUARTERS? led-writer now, "rent ada Wy Classified now! TRADE ! Rear! | Metca REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. OWNER TRANSFERRED A fine family home conveni- ent to ali schools, on « dead and «treat aff Harmony North, This 5 yeor old 3 bedroom bungalow with noturoi fire- place, attoched goroge, pov- ed drive, rec room, is avoil- oble immediooely, if you want o quiet location, a fom- ily size lot 70 ft, x 145 ft, moke on appointment to in- spect, Listed ot $21,900.00, FORCED SALE Commercie| location on Rit- son Rd, ot King St, 9 room with 2 entrances in excellent condition on a paved lot 41 x 138 ft. air conditioning, appliances, broadioom, cur- tions, blinds to remain on premises, Good income pos- sibilities ---- residential or commercial with loads of paved porking ot reor, Due to illness this property will be sold with small down pay- ment and eosy terms. Full price $26,000.00, Make an offer, SIMCOE & ROSSLAND Immaculete 2 storey brick family home with. fireplace, extra floor washroom, gar oge, and patio. Located on Switzer Drive, this is truly a home with family size rooms, an oversized remodelled kit chen and full dining room There is nothing else like it in this area ot $19,500.00 with terms NORTHWEST AREA Due to iliness owner will give immediate possession of this 4 bedroom, 2 storey home lo coted between Park Rd, and Stevenson North, The most central location in Oshawa for schools, transportation ond shopping. Completely sofe for children on this dead end street, This home with colour- ed fixtures and ceramic tile in both bathrooms, Panelled rec room with electric heat Corlon in kitchen, bathrooms end entrances ond poved drive, Carries. for only $111 00 per month on a 614% Owner mortgage most oan- xious to sell =~ down poy ment flexible --- asking $21, 800.00 FOUR THOUSAND DOWN In on area of beautiful homes north of Rossland Rd, West, this 3 bedroom: ranch brick bungalow could be just what you are looking for, Priced to sell ot $19,995.00 on a 60 ft, lot with @ walk-out door to patio ot the reor and well londscaped lot, Possession con be orranged for July Ist, NOW IS THE TIME Before prices increose to check our new homes at 614% mortgage = genes ~~ 5S bedrooms --- carports or garage, roughed-in fire place in basement, completely decorated and sodded. If we don't have one to suit you, we'll build one at N.HLA mortgage rates, You could be moved in before next achool term, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Osborne 728-5836 Jock Hogan 728-1554 Joe Mago 725-9191 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Ac. HOOEY Bowmanville 623-7264 11 SUITE APARTMENT, new, electrically heated, fully rent- ed, Priced to sell TAUNTON ROAD -- room ranch bungalow 2 acres, 2 car heated garage. Finished recreation room, sun porch --~ $19,000. Terms. LARGE BRICK country home, 3 bed- near town, 2 acre, immacu late condition, beatitifully landscaped, 3 cor garage. $28,000 with terms ORONO § bedrooms, large lot, excellent family home, $13,000 HAVELOCK AREA -- winter. ized cottage, sandy beach, Modern conveniences, $10, 000 TRADE ! TRADE ! We specialize in trading your present home, Toke the fuss ond worry out of buying a new home J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 --~- 668-6201 OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA. REALTY (Bond St.) LTD, 25 Bond West (20---Keal Estote for Sale [20---Ree! Eetete for Sele er" Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST c In lar, tra: cel wa lar lor eu $4 rig un Fu pc 2 me Wi Ful ut lot lov hig CELLENT LOCATION Hillcroft neor Simcoe, EX On on! per 66' $7, lot ope H OPEN HOUSES 3 CHOICE AREAS -- semis SHUIACIEL TN nor schools ond bus, @ four home. living ond the large rec-room ond $4, too, Most brick home north end, over looked by none yet right on Mary tached gorage, secluded back garden, full enclosed by good cedar room, fireplaces, Oshawa bungolow bedrooms, good oreo, sdern bathroom and spec | lous living room. 2 car briek garage and paved drive, Neor seporate ond public. schools, room bungalow on a larger Nice six room 2 storey home possession bargain suitable for home street, | THE EXPERIENCE AND | FINANCIAL OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Tom Houston 668.4416 Charles Choytor 723-7996 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 REAL "ESTATE DEPT, PHONE 723-5221 7 ROOM ENTRE HALL PLAN a perfect location, neor lovely bedroom executive's You'll like the lerge room with fireploce ge moster bedroom. . Only 500 down and low taxes, DON'T BE OVERLOOKED ! attroctive 4 bedroom schools and Features ot- close to neportation, hedge, good dining finished basement, ex- | lent rec-room, two naturel | extra two piece | shroom, unfinished fifth | ge bedroom. Beautifully | sdscaped and home imma- late throughout, As little os 000 down will secure for ht person, This '6 @ most usual epportunity. } RANCH STYLE -- INCOME HOME it price $22,900 --- N. W Lorge solid brick ~~~ upstairs hos 3 large living room, sized separate dining modern kitchen and 4 hath. Downstairs apt. hos bedrooms, roomy kitchen, 4ITBY EAST END | | price $18,200, A beo- fully built, spacious 3 bed- 200 ft. deep. See this aly home at once, Neor h school and public school, y $13,400 Immediate Phone to see this $3,000 down, $89 month LO NORTH OSHAWA x 101' = full price 200, This very attractive has good size trees and n space surrounding. Very executive type On quiet residential JOHN F. REALTOR Bowmonville, 14 Frank $t, 623-3950 EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGALOW New, brick, double garege. Size 1385 sq, ft, living spoce. Mahogany trim, doors and kitchen cup- boards, All wiring under- ground, Aluminum storms, screens and doors, Only $5;- 000, down, TROUT STREAM on | cre lot with new cement basement, converted into living querters. Wired for electric heating, Asking only $6,900. Terms BOWMANVILLE 7 roomed, brick home, almost on Main street, Oil heated and with 4 pe. bathroom Double garage, Also 600 sq ft. store space, Asking $19,- 900, --~ Terms. OSHAWA CLOSE TO GMC. 5 roomed, almost new, brick ond stone bungalow, Nicely decorated, Aluminum storms and screens all around. Ask ing only $14,900, --~ Terms ranch style with » | ORONO, CLOSE TO PARK | 6 roomed home on Main street All new plumbing Modern kitéhen and colored bathroom. Beautiful shade trees, Priced to sell NEWCASTLE 5 roomed, brick bunga low with 3 bedrooms. Very well kept and clean. Shade tree in front, Asking $14,- 500. Terms HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY 8B roomed home in Orono on Main street, Al modern con eniences, Nice clean and well kept. Asking only $12,900 o~ Terms PORT PERRY 5 roomed bungalow on Scugeg street with oll furnace and 4 new, pc. bathroom, 3 bedrooms Asking only $12,000, -- Terms BOWMANVILLE, § roomed almost new, brick bungalow with finished recreation room, All modern conveniences, This best location of Town, Asking $18,700. with balance in 6% N.H.A, mortgage We List Photo M.L.$, ond Exclusive J.B. McMullan REALTOR 120 Dundas West Whitby 668-6201 ASSISTANCE 1S AVAILABLE TO ELP YOU SELL = BUY - BUILO LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST AFTER HOURS CALL 72348221 OR GRANDVIEW | and WILLOWDALE King Gran | St, E. to Grandview $, on dview to Willowdale SAVE $5 00 WINTER WORKS BONUS 5S. om Harmony Rd. to Olive W, on Olive, ridge 4 HARMONY VILLA 1 block to Elm- 6% % NHA_ MORTGAGES Bung E, to Atho ST. EAST jolows, ond 2 stoves, King Wilson Rd. §, 1 block to ATHOL | | BOWN PAYMENTS FROM MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM $114, PER MO. PIT OPEN DAILY | 'TIL DARK | JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR $1,796, Want-Ads Don't Cost- They Pay | LOTS ! LOTS ! LOTS ! $1,000 DOWN 181", Exclusive subdivision, Lots of shode trees. Terms can be orranged, List price $4,200, Level 83' x $1,000 DOWN, Queen ond James Street, Level lots. All Services 3% ACRES. % mile from |i Whitby, Utility building, List price $5,500 APARTMENT SITE 6 room frame home, Large lot, 110' x 206', Spacious kitchen, Living room and din ing room, 3 bedrcoms, 3 piece and | piece baths, Close to schools on dshopping, Ask- ing $15,500 REAL FAMILY HOME 3 bedrooms, 4 piece ceramie hath, also 2 piece bath, liv. Ing room and dining room, pantry, Family room and ree room ee situatea on er cial site in the dewritoun area, Garage, Asking price $15,100, CARRIES LIKE RENT --~ $90 PER MO, $2,500 DOWN 6 room solid brick 2 level home, 3 bedrooms, 3 piece and 2. plece baths, 'dining room, kitchen, living room with fireplace. Garage, North west section; Close t6 separ- ate and public schools, Well landscaped. Don't delay with this low down payment this won't last long "Coll Us For All Your Real Estate Needs |" 668-6201 AFTER HOURS Bill Lundmark 668.5475 Tim Vipond 3 668.8542 SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 $ REDROOMS: lorge brick home in good condition and very central, to town, schools and transportation. Ideal for the larger family, call now to arrange inspec- tion RIDGEWAY AVE Ranch style bungalow with garage end large lot in this prefer- red crea, asking $18,600, See this, compare, and make your offer Chorli@ Rankine 728-3682 Tony Zokarow 725.4366 Niek Siblock 725-570) Anthony Siblock 725-4362 | | | DEWITH . / THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 14, 1966 19 KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR NORTH EAST AKEA Brick 4 room bungelow with goroge, modern kitchen cob- inets, extra large living room, shining hardwood floors, sit- uated in nice quiet area, Only $1,500. DOWN. Call Bob Johnson for appointment 728- 2548, LOOKING FOR A HOME SITE We hove several good build- ing locations on the fringe of Oshowa. Our service includes assistance in all phases of thet most importont invest- ment YOUR HOME, For appointment please call Stbn McCormack 655-3066 (No Toll) SPLIT LEVEL HOME A real family home with large kitchen, corlon floor, separ- ate dining room, family room, extra large master bedroom, 4 piece bath and 2 piece both, fireplace, storms and screens, beautifully landscop ed, Asking only $20,500, Call Earle Allen 725-7782 NEW BUNGALOW $17,950 3 Bedroom 4 piece hath with vanity, large kitchen ond living 100m, al- uminum storms and screens, sodded front lawn, one NHA mortgage at 644%, close to shopping centre. Phone A Donaldson 728-7328 FARM AT SOLINA Right in the Village of Selina, 72 ocres, hiproof bern, well kept white frome house, well landscaped, trees, flowers, lawns, must be seen, Part of the farm closest to the Vil- loge is zoned R2 and offers 0 lot of frontage on the north ond south rood. This part of the farm is fairly high ond offers 4 beautiful view off. to the north west, There is a beoutiful valley with creek and shade trees on the east- erly part of the form, Phone now and see this exclusive Haedi| only about nine miles from Oshawa, Phone Bill Rat- cliffe 655. 4457 W. L. 'Dougan REALTOR 725-1109 STEVENSON RD, NORTH Just listed. Lorge 4 bed. room split-level, 2 bathrooms, 4 piece and 2 piece. Lorge kitchen and dining room 24' x 11°, Living room 18' « 14° with open fireplace, Large well kept lot 60' x 141', RITSON-ARTHUR STS, 2% storey brick, square plon home, Top floor 'finished with built in cupboards, making lovely 4th bedroom, Taxes $241.00. Priced for quick wole at $15,800, Vendor will hold open mortgage for bal- once AJAX -- BILLINGSGATE 3 bedroom brick, semi-bunge- low, Lots of room in these, Basement floor fully tiled, partitioned off ready for pan- elting "All connections Infor 2 piece wash room in base- ment Landscaped. Neot, $1700 moves you in, Posses- sion in July, GAS STATION $1500 down, $6000 is price for lease, Here is an excellent chance to start in your own garage, Fully equipped, Now operating, Owners health forces sole, Possession im- mediate AFTER 9 P.M Bob Wells 723-5467 Lloyd Latey 725-0343 Bill : Dougan STONE HOUSE 40 MiLE ViEW 100 rolling acres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road, Magnificent view, see U.S.A, and Toronto lights Antique stone house, 4 pe, bath, furn- ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110' barn, Beau. tiful spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush, Long hundred would make excel- lent 10 acre lots, Priced at $60,000, terms, Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele- phone 17 collect, SAVE MONEY! Buy Direct from Builder brend New Homes 644% N.H.A, Winter Works Bonus with $1,495 down (if you qualify) CALL 723-0575 No agent, pea $22, 750. bedroom, 114 storey and stone Y ehnibe hedge, closed in patio, tenced lot, built by owner, 14 years old, extra washroom, large garage, paced drive, excellent location, ample cupboard space. In Oshawa, « owner transferred, Terms may be aranged, W. Frank Real Estate 623-33 393 or 723 7843 WANT-ADS DON'T COST -- THEY PAY Four frame 725-1109 20--Real Estete for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 CLOSE TO HOSPITAL i © 3 bedroom 1% matic Washer and Dryer to show this lovely home ® SUPERB LIVING 11 @ Modern two storey, four bedroom home, situated close ond shopping in the preferred North West oreo, At- tached garage, hollywood kit. chen, and wall to well broad- loom in the living room, den ond stairs ore just a few of many oppealing features, Call to schools ond now for all particulars, * N.H.A, RESALE 1) @ 6% mortgage. ticulars, e NORTH WEST IV @ Ranch bungalow situat- Completely oF kitchen finished with Vikon copper tile, broadioom in living room and Recreation room, finished laundry room and extra bed- Don't wait ond be late call to-night for an ed on quiet street londscoped, phalt drive fenced yard, Spacious hall room in basement inspection, e SPECULATORS VY @A well kept home, sub-division land, © ONLY yaeveN YEARS OLD bedrooms, modern kitchen, sunk- en bothroom, room, workshop end ia VARIETY STORE Vil @ Doing excellent business with two bedroom brick bunga- low in good location in east end, young: Good proposition fer couple, Phone now, * BROOKSIDE ACRES Vill @ Six room ranch bunge- low with paved drive and attach- ed garage. Many extras such as built In stove and oven, garbur- extra ator, underground T.V., bothroom off the master bed room, Property clear, owner wil! hold one mortgage for the bol- ance. Immediate possession, & BUY OF THE WEEK 1X @ This 1% yeor old home Is in the South Eost area of the city, Consisting of 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, Good financing for the conscien- tious buyer with low monthly us now for payments, Phone your Inspection, e $4,000 DOWN PAYMENT X @ = Are you looking for o ranch style brick bungalow in « ry residential area in Whit If 0, well worth inspection. Comple- tely finished recreation with bar and many other attrac: tive feotures. Hurry and eall ROW, OPEN HOUSE Wiehiy tivuve APPLE GROVE and ORIOLE STREETS OPEN DAILY Commencing Wed. 2 to 6 p.m, 3 AND 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT LEVELS 614% NALA, Financing Low Down Payment Caoltalize On $500. Winter Works Bonus DIRECTIONS: King St, E. to Keewetin, South on <eevotin to Apple Grove, Follow open house signs, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED _ pcrey, brick home, Excellent condition with @ low down payment, Autos ine cluded in purchase price for only $14,900, Phone us now, os our Soles staff are anxious OSHAWA'S BIGGEST Bargain Ever Before You Buy See... SARICK HOMES 5,995 FULL PRICE No other Oshowe Builder ean duplicate our fontastic value. This seven' year old brick bungolow is located one block from school in quiet residential area, Home in beautiful condition and taste fully decorated. Priced to sell at $15,500. Coll nov: for full par- 1993 DOWN TO ONE NLHLA, MORTGAGE The amount of the N.H.A, Mortgage is proof of our Su- perior Value, MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE, E. AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD. Our own trained personnel ore on the site to assist you. Browse In comfort -- no obligation -- no soles pressure, two building lots facing paved street plus the rear lond of all three properties may be yours if you call us now, Close to proposed new school and shopping, ideal @ Brick bungolow with every feature you would want In @ home. Fully landscaped, lorge living room end spotiess BUILT @ BACKED end SOLD .-- DIRECT -- Te You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 Full besement with plenty of room for @ recreation loundry room, Quiet end economical gas heating. Located in the North East section of the city, Full asking price is only $17,400 For further particulars eall now, this three bedroom sat with attached gorage is room L. S. SNELGROVE CO: LTS: Realtor 43 Park Rd. §$. WESTMORELAND AVE, Neot ond clean 4 room bung. clow with many extras, elue minum siding and alum, eovetroughs, new ol furnace, broadioom In living- room, a compoct. and com plete retirement home et $13,900, Call Glenn Danzey 723-8432, ARLINGTON AVE. 6 Room family or income home, cleon and comfortable and good location off Simeoe St. N. at a2, 500. Coll Of- fice 723-9810. $11,900 FULL PRICE Very central 4 bedroom home, oll furnace, storm doors and windows, TV antenna, pri- vate drive and garage, $2,. 500 down and one open morte 4 Call Glenn Danzey 723- $2,200 DOWN Central location 2 bedroom brick bungalow, newly decor. oted, nicely lendseaped and hedged lot, goroge, one open mortgage at $80 per month, call Glenn Danzey 723-8432, ADELAIDE AVE, W. Clean 2 bedroom bungalow in nice location, storm doors and windows, private crive and arage, list $13,200. Coll lenn Danzey 723-8432, ROOMING HOUSES Two to choose from, Brock St, and Ritson N, both pro- inseme, eal! OF- Gucing fice 723. 9810, 110 ACRE FARM Raglan area, real good land, 4 bedroom bungalow all con- veniences, large barn with hydro and water, one pond and more pond sites, excel- lent view, volue here at $30- 000 with half cash, call Glenn Danzey 723-8432. List Exclusive or L.M.S, with L. S. SNELGROVE Co. Ltd. over 25 yeors in business Call 723- "5281 for | full particulars, Open Daily from 9 am. to 9 pm After hours call Doug Trivett 723.7390 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 728.2754 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Art Johnson 723-8738 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 Bob Cooper 728-4923 ' Itala Bortolussi 723-6329 Steve Englert 728-558) Jeon Peacock 723-1121]. Jack Graham 725-9947 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 723-112) Dick Young 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L.S Member of O.D.R.EB GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors Luxury Cottage FOR SALE 60 miles from Oshawa, locat- ed at Cameron Lake at Fen- elon Falls, 100 ft, frontage, 250 ft. depth, mumber of trees, sandy beach, winter- ized home, 3 extra large bedrooms, large living room ond kitchen, 2 bathrooms, enclosed porch, Aluminum storm doors ond windows, oil furnoce, has own. well. Electrie water tank, double gorage Excellent Condition INQUIRE IN OSHAWA 728-5416 -- THINKING OF SELLING ? We need your house row --= prices hove never been better, Jack Appleby, 723-3398, Bolahood d Bro thers Limited eerie . (Continued on Page 20)