18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, June 14, 1966 "The Shortest Distance Between Buyer and Seller -- A Want A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, S--Troiters CCB -Articles for Sete |8--Articles for Sele im, eu up 4 SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK By R.J.SCOTT | RENTALS -- SALES NOW ! 51x | FREEZER SALE SPR MAN Par ee we ee Te dl cdl coe call dll OO Bn cil Ge fl -Eppag IEmvink wree Wr eo is se eee ' - 7 All Firestone Freeverse have NX Pad CABS are , ee For Auto Service new thin wall design --- more ; Aue MOUMAIHS ; Tent Troilers --~ e storoge space in less floor OF FORMOSA = . Dining Shelters ---> Sleeping WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL space, single and interior WERE 4HE BACKS i Bogs ~~ Coleman Stoves - | Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- lights, magnetic gaskets, tam- >». Acid Coolers --~ Lanterns -- Jugs | mouth, Pontioc. We correct per-proof inner control, § year fat \ - Tent Heaters ~~ Air Mat- | wheel alignment, inspect ond food insurance protection, | e | Dentist Instruction tresses ~~ Fishing Rods ---~- correct castor and camber, Accountants [Building Tred : \ca neo on. JON. M Dental [metre P Hee , 0 Cots ~~ tools ---- Aluminum align toe-in and toe-out Pes 15 cu, ft, r $188 808 CLANCY'S Accounting Service , 2 Dantat) , a ge f Uf Scns correct condition 6 1 t Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Sim | Surgeon, 172 King ae. East, Oshewa FINISH } Vi, l @ Pans acta: # ihouhes as cu, , ° . Ha! KAMPING @ Torsion bar adjustment cu, tt ., $ coe South, 725-0297, Res. 123-1605. 2 | Fer appointment, ' = Cost 'ySlophone 723-4639, Yoon HOME --- m va HIGH SCHOOL / . f UNLIMITED | extro e Also available with alumin- JOSEPH GUTMANN, pa dln clei Ene |"ODERW ORESSMAKING", 1? Prince og nny ig ty Ha | Seco. How, CORI bene ett : f Tom Kirk ., . 728-9760 BRAKE SPECIAL: ail liner and tubing, at smoll 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshawe, IMPROVEMENTS measure suits, dresses, skirts, etc, Cus Ci [re Siok King 728.9942 | ; extra cost Telephone 723-127 ltomers' materiais, expert services. Res i RAP f (most poepuler cars), First OPK TEABCE AND €0., Charler [sonable prices, 728-531), 4 Townline Rd. North | Qualiiy Royaline No down payment, as low as y / ' . ING -- Sulls; nals, oi Z : y ile north of King St. East i a: 'iP King eat Ent Sshtuat oe | GENERAL CONTRACTORS \Rreshew cos Graces," 'thing « @ Grodes 6 to 10 courses | wi P y }_mile north o ng 9: £¢ | | 4-wheels '4 14 BB $13 per month . T. Hopkins, CA; H, &.! specialty, Mrs, Toms, Whithy, 668-2 ee ' U : s ferig, Tatar). lmaer € RESIDENTIAL--INDUSTRIAL | expupignce6" bresamaking of "dias | sayin se hat tf atid } GOLDEN FALCON WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL, Firestone k And 6, is wear and alterations, Also , | Including weights per wheel | pL tte lel Trus - COMMERCIAL Bridal wear, 72317 | @ Up to grade 42 equival- _-- , ORBIT each 1.95 | Safety Centre fees In Oonnan Satan. Simeoe Street Ga doning ond Supplies ancy courses for job improve- Why Te SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, | 190 King St, E., Oshowa a HB in tnd . r ment ; RONT-END WORK A GORDON &. DAY, Coriilied General BUILDING : 1 @ Senior Matriculation course | 4 ; CORSAIR hacen yoy mn Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop| prepares you to write provin- Y 56 DUE' y)/ ILE CHESTERFIELD sure, pale blue, Tike 53, SAPPHIRIMA VIBRATIONS In 4 t 4 AES | new, Telephone 728-7 ping Sarre Tr0 nee // I] cial examinations for recog- CRUD ACEAMS SOFT PALAS ging Me SOUR TRAVEL TRAILERS | id Y $ ALATE AMD : ULLER BRUSH Products, Bowmen: Barristers nized certificate | ome | often Gino "Counting! | Dp Ns ENGLI SUMAN, 4 ville, Newcastle, Oreno, Courtice all Dur- ats Lents «nt EE TO cepacia, @ All books ond supplies | L PY IM RESPONSE 1D MOT SLEEP ham County residents, Telephone daytime DAMES and asictor oné Notary PuP| provided en doinsioning anp | JON A wink For [SUBWAY TRAILER PARK TIRE STORE a lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King) Remodelling and Additions fo | @ Low monthly payments-- PIGMENT. Ourr LOWinG A EIGHT YEARS, } 32 c | POM ENED DINING table, seats eight West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | _rierees, pirat >tores, | KING BUG KILLERS income tax deductable TEST ene tet ny 0h ed mas mem | AND SALES 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH four chairs, Telephone arms HOMPAR MAN) py voi vosine. tee cal | Aton © Moll coupon for full ine 1010 DUNDAS ST. E TELEPHONE 725-6511 9---Market Bosket liumbing - ' i 01 ) 9 | Barristers, Solicitors, 364 Air Conditio Di cbatlablais Rose Dust formation to a A WE BUY, sell and exchange used furnl- app 4 f, Oshawa; ®. 0. Humphrey, QC; ir Conditioning Installations | Garden Duet 4 . e WHITBY ee Re : LES = 2nd grade, Mcintosh, con- 6's. Boyehyn, QC) ati ge ie BATHROOMS pot g CANADIAN Sales and Service |TY--Radio Repairs HP AE His AO a I aR I | [ated shmeuanere: $1.5 per bus. A hreys, BA, Y | ' te ies ' f " own containers, PE i agae kh 125-4604; Whitby i D.D.T, Spray ACADEMY Part lA mre South, 723-1671 Algoma Orchards Lid, Thickson Road | Nort Whitby, iia eS HA and KITCHENS MODERNIZED Pomogreen Dust -- spray 40 Main St. W., Hamilton, APPLIANCE TRAILER RENTALS TYPEWRITER standard $25; Portable $35 N°r toy, 2 Fruit Sproys Ontario REPAIRS Adding machine $25; electric typewriter ORDERS for treater Fresh } i | SALES $100; comptometer $20; cash r - Fresh" ronsiing } SAL 00; comptometer i cash register, | chick 7 ge ag J es bere "Bost we RECREATION ROOMS | Gardenoil Keilk MAIL COUPON TODAY | |" Authorized service, Gomestic, |875._ 724-4434 on oF imore, Telephone Yieamn 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| Ant and Grub Killer hilas 1 Beant te to oll mokes | 1? was Bowen. Colemon, Duo COMPLETE SET of World Relerence cane" Terence V, Kelly, @C, ¢ ame ' e4 xp pairs ; | ° | ro) eh Racers , ncyclopedia, f] Jopedia,| Gn Fe'sasty Fromes ih. Jermyn, BA, LLB.| BUILT TO ORDER Vd '_ | Address ....4, | of washers, dryers, ronges, ete Therm, International, ete ify Waris" Neleres Lloro: "Front L ~Former's | Column , le) 4 f '. 728-2662 a ot ee | Phone s+s++r+. Age. |-@ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Mister TV Towers | Celemon, Primus Camping -- |723-726, _| DEAD 1 AND CRI PLE Drar stock pleked >, MAN jolleor "eee as | Eq vt ONE RECONDITIONED 404ool, inch and| 'om' i ur Farm, Tyrone, onl joan. Office, 14% King Street] EASY BUDGET PLAN | Weed Killers ep ALCAN Ils Overstocked | "pm MILLER ftir geet de wl Ae ooh pie \once "ees Collect Hampton 2463-2721" Clee East, Oshawa, 728-8732 Tank Sproyers : | apie B-2-1-3 serial, $39.95, Telephone 723-6131, | sag a oly ' Ices S jor St, Aj 942-349) - RED R. JONES, LLB, Berrisier and) Let us solve all your Building Hand Sprayers 4 6c URNITURE and APPLIANCE Oss sove me rial for | 7 Tudor St, Ajax TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash registers, oe temporarily 130 King $f. E,| Problems and Requirements, | Dust ein HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME. 452 Simcoe $ Gisaws : é ok - ee hy 7 fos 1 1@-FT, CABIN TRAILER for rent, $40 per desks, chairs, file cabinets, Tenn trad: 11- Pets and Livestock 773-8137, Residence 725-035) C } Tool | IN SPARE TIME : beg rock bottom TOWER instal week, cancpy and axie hitch, available aties, New, used, rentals service, Bill 57, BER ANTONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, | akeagp wi ond Tools 4 . = Telephone 723-0011 lations Summer Prices extra cost. Phone 723-1058 if no answer| Hamilton, Raglan. lent pets NARD pup, 09 istered, excel ter and Solicitor, 73 Centre ES S awn Sookers * call 655-3557 M W i" cam-| Brooki rang. BEL. Berrien ane Solicitor, 13 Senin FREE ESTIMATES Ratner Sartoklers Low monthly Payments a | Coll MR. TV TOWERS Pani iain -- ae or Bell and Howell" ¢ 4p nm oa sales Evening appointment, Dia! 123-661 a SER\ ; RXK15 cluoe text books and instruc- ' P . ----Marine Equipmen cord, Two 39 continental ds ' rier puppies, beautifal -- i rage a4-HOUR SERVICE Fertilizers | tions, Prepares you to achieve DOC S SPEED 378 King St. W ead |(new), three knotly pine coffee jes |Pets for children of all ages | | cotta as { ge, males $35,, f Vas ett one ot "Where Customers Send | Lawn Seed Ontario Diploma by means & CUSTOM | 723-9525 2 WEEKS VACATION ? new), three photo cameras with flash pide \98 60 lem | | | | i ; ' hole | attachments. Phone 728-5806 Thousands who read Their Friends" Peat Moss of Provincial examination, Radiced Sele on oe knead Why not make it the whole The Times Want Brick and Block Work -~-- | OPEN ALL DAY | For FREE information write, equipment, chrome occ, fen der skirts, grills, discs, sliks, | REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD + ' ve | FISHING RODS and reels repaired, ail Mister TV TOWERS summer? Forget that costiy Coleman products, Sportsmen's Corne rs Om 14 weeks old, A real pet, Phone n : | 2 weeks and invest in lasting 103 Byron South, Whitby (Block west of ah SE OE ee Be Ads Daily. Plastering -~ Basements MONDAY SATURDAY American School, Dept, 8, Os hawa, LTD | S94 A BOAT from your four corners) ; ' z | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor Waterproofed --~ Tuck Point- DAILY DELIVERY Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario ports ' | vinrude & Crestliner Dealer |O8SPERATE -- Weed the room, Put | Groner 14 igh phe Apply Mra, 7, ing -- Parging Corcrete 24 hour towing licensed | Summer Prices one YACHTHAVEN LTD, |S¢!i aquaria, all sizes, fully equipped INA aE a " Nome ... ae i } O 7 deve 'till || A St. § Telephone 655-5107 after § p.m, TIONAL HORSE JOURNAL, new CLASSIFIED RATES Steps, Walks, Drives, Floors, be et were! ONLY | "Harbor Rd. Off Simcoe St. S, LARGE QUANTITY cf used lumber en-\MAtkIY newspaper, features news | Ps , WORD ADS sion, | Retaining Walls ~- Asphalt COOPER-SMITH Address | 10, 1600 King St, E 723-8186 ough fe build p house Will only. horse shows, hunts, pany clubs, ash -- 1 insertion of 24 words | pP ty Root ft et Me é Avy' \"" Ww Vo 1, Ph * 1 Preeding, classic cars, eountr Saailonel, words, be, each 3 | con TAU Severe chin sia 728-778) Seiwa 4 ewe AQ.OO [Salt BOAT, i813 fost, Falcon class, new| 2 or #1), Phone 72000 and homes in Canada, Send $6 for 4b secutive insertions of $2.88 minum av 1) ng TUITION in Latin, ranch and Malh b tructor ead , dacron sails, auxiliary motor, Jt, dinghy.| PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot used | Issues, Suite Lil 1} Goldfineh Court, Wile ditional words 12¢ a Alum, Eavestrough Screens, J.C. Luek B.A, $13 Byron Street South, 40' 1 Tower | Telephone 725-5097 100.88 each, 4 Moe J mere', good shape! lowdale, Ontario csertive' ineartions, of: 44 Werder & Aluminum Siding -- Real 16 Celina Ct Whitby, Telephone 668.9866 Septic Service | Sinjesor 9 Meads 99.00 |W OY ERUISER, 147" beam, conver-| ne" jane gigy anind nel wole "Ta HOMERS ROARDED™s and graswed gona Vents, Flashing, ete. - iS " tibie top, 40 Evinrude, tarpaulin, Marien, alee atier will, be i A pest on, Apply 961 Dundas Street West, f r 3 i H EPTIC TANKS ci J. Pr } service 5' Wh. ey fe 4 hildren will be considered, Apply 4 Charge ~ 10 per cent additional charge! Types Windows and Doors in- | 723 2312 72901199 Janitor Service pt ylts Waller Ward. 204 Chestnut Street : 1 Tower 59 00 hogany deck. Deen --- safe for children.' ho' Box 1, Peterborough, telephone J,|WNtPY, OF call 668-5918 1 not pald within @ days | stalled and converted---Cor- | Est. 1909 j|CELLARS CLRANED Grasn removed, |Wes!, Whitby, 668-2563 14" 6 PETERBOROUGH Mercury movid Blk ds eee ee ae | penites Cail Pont torr Wa ry | seen Less than 24] ports, Brick Block and Frame : E ? |household repairs. done Telephone 723 50 1" Tower ed mahogany beat, all accessories pm. Alto bueey pried Aged arer 40 wards counts an fr ton tae gh Gorages ~~ Painting, Interior jad Surveyors | Structor 2 Heads 69,00 |HP Johnson, electric start, turn tanks pe al 'Ne Bu dase etn al Bi cozy J "RANCH Ki a ta as 4 if fs ut 0 y j nels ¥ initial, figure or abbreviation counts! and Exterior ---- Floor Tiling, [CREA take away of Se teres eh S/H. LIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) 50 1" Apply 66 Wilson Road South slarters, 6V, -50 ¢.; 12V 90; batteries! Shepherd pups, male, 6 vente one word: phene num Cleaning ete Hardw id Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone 74. 50 '9 POWER cruiser, steel hull, Hacker!$1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Neilson Street bloodlines, stud. Pony, Ashburn 455-4662, ) | words [JANITOR SERVICE -- Clean back yards, | 725-688) Heavy Duty Deluxe ldesian, twin Chrysiers, sleeps six, Wil Floors Laid, Sanded and | basements. Also scrap taken away, 723 Fon yee Tower Structor ton MeMahon, 90 College Street, Kingston SIKETIMG| SPRINGTIME! New, usec. PART LABRADOR "WiThiev | Pup, in THS-- ATHS. - | 4 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Vv | Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond eight months old, female, good ' BocrAl Novices Boo goon td . " te 'LANDS APING & os Whine maa [le ZEPAYR international Class sailboat. | Sireet Bast, 726-6544 reasonable te @ good home. Fi ett 7a Ne loor to ( | "1 bed $4 25.5499 " Hoy ie o $225 per insertion with 28 cents addi and add onother a ) Ontario Street, 725-5632 ROTORS |New condition, $500 Can be seen at 928 vy vo Weng Special =. At, structure, | /2#°5097, tional charge if not paid within @ day§' nur home --- increase your Money to Loan reenwood Crescent, Whitby, 668-5604, |i) anne antenna, $60, TRIO Television| DALMATIAN PUPS (coach ¢ EE 'i eaiaile | income and have prvery: C RDEN SERVICE: WILL LOAN" you up to ts,000 ala | PE ¥-----Radio Repairs Add Additional to Tower Price lig yARCRAPT? Grew Traveller boats,| 728-5143 Jold, Frank Fry, RR} sili enna N ME : ro 4 A reasonable rate of interest tn consolidate Evinrude motors, Open evenings "and |Phone Lindaa $2.25 tor Yhe first 38 words and Se Convert your home into your bills or for any other worthwhile Manual . 3D) 00 [ties re Marine Storage and Supply, WEDDING GOWN size 12-14 tall, full Ld | | each thereatter plus Ve. per line of Duplex --- Bungalows conver purpose p | hee | engih, train from waist, Excellent con-| $HETLAND W Three youre worse) sic, paditionel energe if fel fel ted to two-storey iplatae une' have' oeey ere neesiy.@ pal rooklin, 655-064) dition, Original cost $350, asking $90, 723-| old, Reasenabl yelophene 94 th i ployed sind have good credit. Telephone | | Automatic . 60,00 'ON outboard a HP electric. |si9s within & days. oe a | 723-463) TV TOWE RS ae | Faap "JOHNSTON outboar | For Sodding, Seeding, Top- | Phone 728-6814 | VICTORIAN wainul Dway card Table isi| 12--Articlon Wanted CARD OF THANKS 336 BRUCE ST soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios, ' CT SER 1942 15¥2-FT, MOULDED mahogany boal,|a long range brass telescope on iron tr $2.25 for the an 8 woe ont fe pg Plantings ond Complete Land 'Mortgages ECONOMY AND FAST SERVICE fully a gene with controls, windshield, |pod legs, Call 723-8073 after 6,30 p.m, |WANTED = A motor for as " Mei fh Pig rge | | ' mngrenrer With sah: oer Phone OSHAWA 728-2061! | scoping Service DELUXE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION -- | steering and tarpaulin, 40 Evinrude, Yee] pe possession Hi:ti, stereo and TV \CUrY: Must be In good condition, reason not paid w |Nee trailer with winch, Cost new $2100 combination, Sell for balance owing, | ably priced and automatic, Telephone COMING EVENTS Sub-oftice Bowmanville | Priced to sult your budget | ]$1000-~private, 668-1549 seven months old, 725-1690 after § and on| 220272 $2.24 per inch (aisplay)) 81.78 tor he 725 061] RTGAGE | TERMS ARRANGED MISTER T.V is! PETERBORO BOAT anid 16, HP John: | weekends WANTED = Used inoue Waller wilh r ie. of er r baal i ' . 80 motor ncluding tar y oe! a J leet lon 16 Pon, vong and 623-3] 10 mn Whitby 668-4258 [CHAIRS FOR FATHER'S DAY -- Hi-l Telethone 7288020 19, Good condition, | OSHAWA TV | Telephone back swivel rocker, $29.95, Recliner|. AUCTION SAL : June Special | LOANS . T @) W F R S |WANTED TO RENT -- Boat with over |chairs, $68, Platform rockers, $38, Treat| GOOD USED FURNITU have Es SUPPLY LIMITED 40 HP motor for last week July or first!Pop' to a comfortable chair. from Wil-| you? ead Creek, \6 B 4 : ) \ ond Street $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION n August or both, Phone Dunbar-!son's Furniture, 20 Church Street 728-4401, 5 $ Wert, : POTTED TAUNTON RD, E | ¢ cr i week Moneys available for first 378 KING ST, WEST | ton as9-4s04 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| REPAIRS To Wiehi DEADLINES NO CASH | ROSE BUSHES and second mortgages. Onen Just East of Ritson |poat TRAILER, 500 pounds capacity,|structure, all-channel antenna installed, [all Coleman pean and regi hard 723 9525 $50, Telephone 725-6305 |$50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | ner, 103 Byron South, whey" (block west WORD ADS We Take Trade-|ne mortgages, No bonus. First . Som. DAY PREVIOUS Additens & Woternres! fe) i. 9 : irs me | |i, SPORTS runaboul, 30 HP Mer |Road Rast, just east of Ritson Road, hed four corners : one P (@} ortgages, second mortgages j | trall Best offer, Tele BUY AND SELL -~ Good used furniture! | nunAregaaToaae--" at : : Lost AND FOUND Goroges @ Favestrough cury, Tee Nee trailer, 0 7 024,95) beds, Side am Structor 1. Head Excellent, 623-568 and agreements for sole pur- " | pb 53 | DAY OF: PUBLICATION | Roofing @ Chimneys pain a - ~ Well Drilling--Digging aa frmesarerceermmen arias Furnitures ait Simcoe Raut Paatian | ov 32495, erin sioner, a 'BIRTHS AND DEATHS | Painting @ Concrete } | M. F, SWARTZ HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED j|wett bIG@ING by machine speciallz MP 'ehnbon' inator. Telephone Teea0ts, |NORNITURM co three Tester new "ec Rote, radiog, ute aie aseri, chrome 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION | Driveways a Brick RUNDLE | 26'4 King St. East TV. TOWERS ing in 30-inch tile, Af Ward, 204 Chestnut! 1ROOT CRUISER, fully equipped, Aly, furnitures only $399, sf, 000 | Cronk, 16 Bond Bla ged on ee valey IN _MEMORIAMS and | FREE ESTIMATES Gorden Centre Ltd Oshawa, Ontario | | Street-Westy Whitby, -668-2563-oF--648-2808..| condition-~-throuahout.-MUsl...ACrINICAL.Lpteg"eay--onty--¥9-- Weekly: -Unbeateore+00D-U586 furniture anes ay Hiow See aay PREVIOUS | CO-ORDINATED 1015 King St, £. 725-655) 723-4697 ARE BEST 2--Personal ieee atVigRA' @regions boal, a5 HP Simcoe Berens Meme Fuenteningty S84/ee) Prices: Sal Snyiineg; AbeEa | Gaps ' @ Nursery Stock @ Power WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! electric motor; Wiscott tit frame tralier, | "i | eer pee ag , BABY BARGAINS, Carriages $9,95,, WORMS WANTED and ailll highest LASS! ISPLAY tar § I j anes CLASSIFIED D' pert REMODELLERS Equipment Sales and Service FIRST and SECOND Removal of superfluous hair |la'P cover: life lackels, paddlen, crulsen.|siegliers "Pee, maltrannen. SRM, Biay |Pricen In ree eal ad 68-5901, 1 column = 4 p.m, day previou @Toro @ Lownboy | » "dhe Gay tank, $1,000, or jpens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88.) y) Y \ y Marie Murduff will oe in |9ag-2594 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, |USEO POWER LAWN mowers, amail umns or larger ~ 10 a.m, day previous 723-0966 S TS MORTGAGES " SEE THE EXPER IAGES , p | ' -- |engines and bleycles se ted, win TS Oshowa, June 28th, 21st and [BUYING OR SRLLING Turnifure or ap lup' te 85, hone "4s a i i" pay CANCELLATIONS AND | "Where Customers Send Their ES hecseal --= All Classes --~ TELEVISION | 22nd, Phone Genosha Hotel |7---Swap. and Barter pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2204 - GORREETIVN: 0 | Friends == City, Rural, Vacation ; on these doys for appoint [CABINETS with sink or vanity basin $99, oF 263-2695, seb bale ae 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION SPRING CLEAN-UP SUMMERLAND | Corner Bond and Division | : ' Caundry tubs, bain tubs, tollets, pres:| RIGHT GLAGEpreaUeinT Beale covered, | eee ale #209, \Cvtion "will be charged on day's, Insert | © Penting @ Sodding © SECURITIES LIMITED 728-5143 shee P wire syatems tushomatich, sepi¢ teks | canoe manvtacturing_ and, sales. 720491 "',| 13--Artiele 8 For Rent _ \ | : é | ' 4 FOTR } a ngs, boats m on Residential @ Top Soll @ Seeding @ | 115 Simcoe SF Nu79%.3868 ELECTROLYSIS [pipe and tihng H Chinn. corner Hiliside| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re os @ Evergreens @ Grading @ | fe nat L, p 723.464) and. Park South, 723-7088 pairs to all makes, New hoses, Phone BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 ae "Se wiinho Blue FIRST AND SECOND morigages, sale) TELEVISION ~~ RADIO € | Jack Lees, 728-6956 ommercia @ Marion and Kentucky Blu | gag) . made to While every endeavor will be : agreements purchased and sold. Hennick a ¢ " | " Fy VERY MODERN set fe a forward replies to box numbers: to the ind ial grass @ Complete landscap- | and: Hennick, Barristers, 31. King Stree! 24 HOUR SERVICE [RAINBOW SOLOR RENU ya) 'ear 8--Articles for Sale Children's" Booka, "aletionerye complete OF ALL KIND advertisers as s00n as possible, we ac:| NAUStrIG! -| ino @ Fertilizers Fast, 723-7232 pets, upholstery, (wallto-wall in your ' | ¢ ? | h i t bi ) F 1! jwith dark maple bookcase cael a ow ny In respect of lees, or Repairs --~ Alterations | 723-9020 RRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies ee HOLMES limates, Proven process Guéranised. alll QUALI TY jover $250, Telephone 728-4504 after 5. p.m, SANDING MACHINES dammed c mor en or es a7 r i . failure or delay In forwarding auch | Additions +- Remodelling HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Gente ar nis phi 40d yi Fr os 798-538 ALUMINUM jECRCTRIC GUITAR and amplifier, Ex! Oscillating sanders, dise sand> |paiving To NORTH SYDNEY, Noval cellent condition, Ideal for novice, Phone ers, belt sanders, floor sand. ornerbrook wioundiand, leayv 725-2907 i ling July '0 Room a two or three PRODUCTS | RUG, grey ar 2% 12, Good cand): ors, passengers, 723-0203 after 4 p.m. | REASONABLE PRICES jtion, Telephon 6 pam, 725-292) PLUMBER'S TOOLS ; : "¢ c under 200 sq. yds, 20¢ de- |Street North, Whitby 668-3338 FOR PROMPT SERVICE . Doors, Awnings and Sidings |BaS$ GUITAR and ampilfier, care,| Pipe cleanin rods, pipe vise REGULATIONS JAMES peas SONS livered, 200 sq. vds, and up i CALL 3--Sportsman' 8 | Column For Free Estimates Call Slang Included: alt in Boed condition, rem! tripod; nese vaniun pipe Phy ad gg Fal ah fers eB Rita \Be delivered. Sod loid 35¢ |Rug-Upholstery Service | WANTED -- Members for trout "elub, | 723-5015 | SENDRON conrenine" cae "erp cutters, pipe threading dies, ' in writ tf e d, Free Estimates | aT $125 for season te D, Muller, RR_N rt toilet auger fran"one_ insertion of any_aavertnemer'| QUALITY. CARPENTRY | "%@_¥% Free Estir @ DYEING SERVICE @ | Whitby-668-5679 i hiisat"Sn\"™ & "0" B® ™* vacuuin repair al muxon" anes |femy terae ant layin i'n ance | TOUR! OUR | | : 4 ieee 1 k foe ne heh eae cea. | & GENERAL RERAIRS BETRANT ARE ne Dye away faded or soiled | WORLD CUP '44 soccer tickein for sale:|Pleming Vacuum' Service, Main -Sireet,| BEAUTY" SALON RQUIPMENT Vor aal;| Stepladders, gluminum -- exe insertion in which error occurs. : f for Gil deur heres: ienpreve. (| TIRES SR colours in rugs, upholstery, COLOR T.V. j Telephone 723-4035 tae | Pickering Five dryers and chairs, swivel chairs, tension ladders, ladder jacks, The Oshawa Times reserves the right to | and wall-to-wali 'roadloom |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusied free, |dressing stations, air conditioner, elc.| steel scaffolding, soll classity advertising according to iis| ment problems, coll us first. | TOP SOIL IRAINBOW COLOR RE. NU} All work guaranteed |4----Motorcycles Pees _| Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you pur-| Fully equipped, Telephone 725-3621, sors, spray guns, wollpeper proper classification a "i en eb t Western Oil Co, 725-1212. 725-8576 | KING ST. West or chase from Western Oi RANGE, 2" heavy duty, Good conaitien:! steamers, tarpaulins," blew torches, propane torches, In the cases of display advertisements Then -hove a talk with our | Processed and non processed PHONE 728-5387 | Black and White DUCATI | PLAYER PIANO with rolls, In very good | i144 inches, Telephone Bay Ridges 839 nald ne 725-6179 WELDING EQUIPMENT The Times will not be held responsible : : , NO, | BLUE GRASS SOD FREE ESTIMATES Telephone @ BSA, @ TRIUMPH Condition, Aslo S4 bed, complete, Drapes' GE DRYER, excellent condition, Tele for more space than that which the actua customer | | tf TIMATES T R | O T | ne A rie Pirell tires $ error occupies. The publishers endeavor | ¢ | . ANCCOSSOFIES, oh res, jor 877 Ontario Street Acetylene weldir » ts touredice oll advariliten: niNniee cor i : OSHAWA RE-UPHOLSTERY oy experts, Establish "NAO, Television puantas Tackotk wleven: Bucs FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, excellent con: cety ding outfits, Portal years, Workmanship guaranteed. Free yoggies, | 19 | TWIN BED, complete $26. Excellent con |qit ble f tt ti 200 | Id pees it guaurha nar Vantily of oavars! rtoble GARDE N CENTRE * Pp ' lai jon, suitable for cottage or recreation amp. electric welders ectly, | P | estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses re - helmets, Repairs and service |dition, Telephone 400 room, $50, Call 725-6741 or: 723-2707 after . BUILDER'S EQUIPME tisement if any inaccuracies in any form] CUSTOM WELDING | 1259 Simene N.-----723-1161 /bullt, furniture refinished. Oshawa. Up sch AB's Mot le SHOP |bevuxe camp" "PRAIA ne year|é Pm PDER'S EQUIPMENT are. Gontatned therein | @ Industrial -- eameenenaaeaal Wolstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725,021) | $ OTOrey IG. x fold, wiih attresses and aK. Excel he k Cament debias b finishing 8) } : | - 114 STVENSON RD, SOUTH [o!%: with mattre H COLEMAN space heater, 200 gallon tan trowels, wheel barrows, elec- TS BASY TO PLACE A @ Contracting SMITH'S TREE FARM CHESTERFIELDS reuphoisiered and re-| T. V. TOWERS 798.7780 | lent condition, Phone-725-8330 after S p.m.! Rest offer, Phone 722-2446, " TIMES ACTION WANT ADS | @ Farm Equipment | jgrviee, Fee antiennte, See our material} Rust Proof ee, |GUARANTRED 'used wringer Washers, |PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, jon shapes| {"'° Virotor, gir compressor, @ Cedors for Hedges nr recovering, Slim covers made to ) Haye f 1 Cal! Classified Direct fast 24 hr. service : order Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles! 5s | television, refrigerator, etc, $24.50 and up,! Westinghouse 4 element range, Best offer joe jammers, hand trowe 4s, @ Cedor posts -- poles |Street, 723.7912, ' c OLOURED T Vv. SUZUKI [Alcan Furniture and Appliance, 452 smi) water pumps, portable heat- 7 | South 723-0011, ; 743° 3492 \| | @ Fencing and supplies . | or Black & White --~ 24-Hour few | COMPLETE PRESSURE system, In good| ers, steel scaffolding, electri¢ a Ca bod 728 6043 | @ For Farm or town |Optometrist Palit d MOTORCYCLES | VIKING 2)" television, sale condition, best! j condition, $45, Woods tent, 9 x 12, 'sue generator, ramset Pvt roll. ----~ neneemeemcane | ae Tyg 'oink eerie Saaieuaenionte s i i F x All models on display offer, Telephone 728-2) |sleeps 4 or & with curtain divider, hardly lectrie hy . general contirudion' ahd" "auaramaad| @ Fancy. Workmenship F. RICHARD BLACK, 6D, 136 Simeoe| 723-0065 or 668-5830 NEW --= USED | WOT WATER TANKS (4) used wiih im |used, $40, Four sleeping bags. and air] e's, electric hammers, mason- INDEX TO workmanship call 668-2179 Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone ' "y re D switch| Mattresses, $25, Two-wheel bicycles, ages} ary saw, buildin jocks, wel 2 Roe 5 Radio & TV mersion type heaters, Square ig 9 lb Coll Collec c i ~ 2 CLASSIFICATIONS UILDING REPAIR =| cou COeC! is AD a ic ONTARIO CYCLE aaa eam esa, tai, wn Ie ih Telephone 3521 mortar mixers, mortor Boxes : nays, eavestroughing, fire: |< + roto tilled, cultivated and aE : 140 King W.. 728-1422 offer tor dot, Ca or ' FISH EX TLY MOUNTED, reason chain hoist, miter saws elec« 1-Women's Celumn places, masonry, Gord May, Whitby, |AWns mowed, Telephone 648-3239 or Painting and Decorating TV SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS |NEINTZMAN PIANO, chord organ, tape | able prices, Cosh for vied Gunk PAIR) tle plane tarpaulins, 1.4! Beate 668-2774. |HAVE YOUR PAINTING | | abd . recorder, sewing machine, trilite tamp,| Sports, ert Street, ' 3--Spertsman's Co a done now, in P | - - - " -- band saw, 4" joiner, fs alin pi |ROOFING chimneys. all types of coment| CHAIN LINK FENCES highest quality of| terior, exterior, all work -- guaranteed. | DAY OR EVENING | chesterfield, chair, single bed, mattress: /@18$ON AMPLIFIER, microphone. and bl d 80 ih joiner, sand Trailers lwork, Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank| Materials and workmanship Lowest Free estimates, Liovd Simpson, 728-9976, | 728-5286 SUZUKI | Fug. meat siicer, nels cottee pied stand Included, Call 723.9919 after 3 p.m aster, power tamper, power 4--Marine Equipment MeCann, RR 3, Oshawa 6455-206 prices Free es imates 723.5377 _ - F f ~ potato chipper, electric typewr eu post hole ouger, sikalt ; SEN ins aah ee ee PAINTING = Interior and exterior by All models on display. Im- [filing cabinet, steno chair, mall box, Bill| BED CHESTERFIELD and vehi, and [NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco babi) nl expert painter and decorater. Call for ji Hamilton, Raglan, 985-7160. Jend table. Good condition, Maroon shade sidewalks, remodelling, reerooms. Pree tilling, landscaping, patios, ploughing and! free estimates, 723-643) OSHAWA mediate Delivery, Low down . | e glar | Telephone 728-3976 or apply $48 Montrave S TA N ' S estimates, AC Weeds, f78-3420 or |cultivating, Call 4S$-4936 after 4 aE GANG Balsling and Gocmallce aa ELECTRONICS payment, $19 monthly, Com GARDEN TRACTOR with "attachments, | Avenue } 728-4717 | none : | 7784 TOP SOIL, sandy loam, driveway gravel,/Papering, Estimates tree, Phone 723-5174 plete line of accessories, Open ager RANGE -- McClary, about 45 inches:;| SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. Articles Wanted ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | .4°° | excavating and grading, Duten| | till 9 par SACRIFICE = Piano accordion, 120 refrigerator, Westinghouse, both in gnod 233 King St. West, Oshawa : . R'iSand. and Gravel, 728-2871 | |bass, well equipped, orchestral model 1 vs t 1%. Tele-| Articles for Rer new and used materials Reasonabie ' ~ : , 95 . > i o Pa condition; ideal for cottage, $75. ele) Business Opportunities rates, Estimates tree, 728-1191, J. Foley,|NURSERY SOD. Now cutlings" |Plumbing and Heating | Service Call Only $2.50 Oshawa 195 King W, 728-4242 lideai ter advanced student, $500, 392 Osh PHONE 723-3224 phone 668-5487 nee at ~ 2046 D 2! Bivd. §. after 6 p.m Empinyment wanted PLASTERING, new and repair" work, |qalily Kentucky Blue, Prompt delivery/ ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| FAST T.V. SERVICE Whitby 12¢ 6 Dundas E, 668-6642! awa atter r [FRIGIDAIRE family size. refrigerator 1h~ Agents S : % f mount. P Telephone /25-387], Hareld HH! Jearance " * C a nville . Agents Wanted | BUCO. ond coment walks, work quararn/s Sty Omourl There etter £ Seiees. i tork Lie. Plombine. Healing cre dnals BRIDGESTON® motorcycles (Daytona CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance/annd condition, $50, Phone Bowmanville! Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish \t--Male Help end, 668-538 NURSERY and field sod, We haul partieering, 255 Simeoe Street South DOMINION Speedway champs), Sales and Service)'. ions trom $138. Modern 4 seater sets) Orta! se es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffae o--Male. 9 Help Wanted | CARPENTRY New and repairs, block |oads of tp soll and fill, Telephone | ' United Rental and Marine, $85 Kinglieony $158. 3 pc, sectionals from $188.|AABY CARRIAGE, brand nev aio Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal 20 Real Estate For Sale | and cement work. Free estimates, 778-76a0, 668-810 \Sales and Service TELEVISION Baste, Faneees | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street beige, dark blue hood, steel body, Con! Want Men's Formals. White 20a----Summer Properties ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Ger| TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. OF I'l eut)------ | 1963, 128 CC AGUSTA scooter, Extral Ty. Slecirle Parma, 50.1 orca car pees Stratton: atey Tetepiiny Fox # k S Farms tor Sale your driveway paved by experts, 22 cenis/!Nem down, Free estimates 725-5118 or ' 728-5154 9 am, to 9 pm accessories, good condition, Phone 725 Dinirgeaamn, table Win 'ur chal, 940, | 7249216 ox Furs, Mink Stoles ie * nie n L ou ¢ ~~ en sale eee |Square foo!, All work guaranteed. 723-078), | 724-0610 | Rent A Piano 7997 afer $.30 p.m lA cnceltont Condition, 725-039 |MOFFAT ELECTRIC range, with alass | SARGEANT'S RENTALS TNieres Otfices and Storage OUR LOCAL chimney cleaner" Chim.| ORIVEWAY onavecy 4 yaras and up,| |CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re . ELECTRIC guitar" and ampilfier" du ai | 190" gianna mare ce0 144" | 436 Ritson Rd, S 725. 3338 Houses for Rent Lneys built, repaired, gas linings installed; |(32 Per yard. Top soil, 4 yards and up SEE |pairs, All work guaranteed, 511 Dean Av:| 5----Treilers Ipickup. vibrator, Excellent condition, $60)" \ ela yk 340-5 A . \h--Apariments for Rent roofs repaired. Free estimates, 723-2007 ae yard, Delivered, Telephone 725 enue, Telephone 725-0500. lor both items. Phone 720-7162 jwide, Phone Ajax 942-5606 CHAIRS, card ae banaue? Vai, Path Roo for Rent | - | ? | AILER FOR R is" bin trall | eces, tw laisie runners, eve ox 'entals, 41 p---Ro me for Rent | ROOFING, hot tar "and gravel, shinales.| 256 ----yYas"@uaiiiy ela and" Ruaeny | HEINTZMAN NEED GUY WIRES replaced? CALL doin TR ARa ne WOR RENT om Te RDN SOT ere Wenlingheusns ike new TTL) fhe gh Weree Bees TV, | Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2614 bor repairs. large and amal! jobs. &. and H ntenr | . € easonable B-Wenled to Rent Reeling eek Cena mk Fee 'eatimates. Prompl dalivery. 72 | ont Company ba |paaeene |partaity quipped. elnctrie, Byt week-end] for cottage or. apartment, Reasa Marconi 21-inehy only. four month old WHEEL CHAIRS, hespital a balled Simcoe St, shawea pu : jreducing machines, sick room supplies, --Compad! Cars tor Sale i nee | TRAILER HITCHES made and installed |LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, ocd cond |COTTAGE SPECIALS ~~~ beds $e, |Ald Rentals, 108 Beatrice, 725-1444 Trucks for Sale | Carpentry dunnet Telephone 728-2921 c ~ ; ia! " Teleahane ?? ibaa : {-cAuiomehien Wanted -- . | GET SPOT CASH Iso all 'types of welding done, reason : 1 seme | frieine Ns tate and chair sets | (ENTERTAINING? Fifiy tq one hundred i hutormebile Repair j INISHING CARPENTER Business GUARANTEED REPAIRS to call wringer abir orteble equipment for re VICTORIAN SETTEE vn aster'sidressers $19, cribs § stevens § peonie? Oshawa Tennis Club for . han. abinets, vanities, bar cabinets . - pies e e ' . ' 0 parties, weddings rete | , on n ny > * sing th Projse 1940 1SFT. LEISURE-HOME, sleens fi {?-duetions jphone 723-1991, Joe Korak, 725-414 | he. Proises = ore | , ree-burher: F vith ov ee bo FRIGIDAIRE STOVE and fridge, good sae 3--Coming |¥0 BUY PROPERTY check the reall of Oshawa are ava ACETYLENE elon ee | ACTION ADS sa gt Ag AEE 10 volts tights. Tele [FRIGIDAIRE diineh electric range, ex-{condition, Apnly 76 Harris Avenue or|/NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Plame 9 Notions marketpiace, Classified Ada. | Action Ade Phone 723-228), | phone 728-2758 after & p.m. eellent condition, Phone 725-0386, ltelaphona 723-1479, Help Wanted ad now by dialing ale ' : ! u By é il) not} gence or otherwise, The Times w' be responsible for replies uncalied for Needs | FIRST AND SECOND morigages avail In 90 days. CALL No, | Field Sad able. W, Schatzmann Realtor, iT) Breck risters",) plies, however caused whether by negll:| For all your Pippi Bloor St East Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See Bar | FLE "TRO NICS | | | | | |