Sailcraft Makers , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1966 17 | ) STOCKS AND FINANCIAL REPORTS To Merge Forces Board To Petition Green | PRODUCE TORONTO (CP)--Small Ca- TORONTO (CP) -- Whelesale MARKET TODAY | Business sporuicHT iat ateat coaeen oti Foy Support Price Beans 'sed pen lta yt rajor producers to satisty and| CHATHAM (CP) ~ The On-, The $2.78 support figure ssnculture department as of i , ' 'ng June 13: A large 484; A me 1645 Sie enlarge the market, a. leading tario Soybean Growers' Market- would be equal to a $2.50 price\* : TomOMn ious by CP € ing Ses» te HiNiy 1% ' HM D li | he Baco boat manufacturer . says. ing Board plans to petition|for U.S. soybeans on the 1966 dium Bre bea 35.1. - 'erento change-- room - P § | : : Hn oe Ml gl unless marie s| cpr. 5 $636 62" = e vers Irwin Haladner, president of Agriculture Minister Greene for) market. Eggs esale price ' a ountry stations fibre B-048 lol, wir Rn-dividands Xr) CPE Pr, ster Hime Sime Canada Yacht and Boat Centre|# $2.75 @ bushel support price' «we are now aiming at a pol- = * te the Tareate Decal at rights, xw---Ex-warrant ange € Refract 110 916% / Ltd. of Toronto and O'Day Can- {oF bean producers. 'icy which would prohibit soy- ze a mm. Ro. J..s2ase 'et Hare ada Lt4, of Brampton, said: Lester Longhurst of St.|beans which have been sold be- 1*84° from wholesale egg deal E Westinp ton 332% Us fase ss oo ee A mes ; ers:; Extra-large 42;44; la EW Prop (200M5 a8 ms | BW £BAVUUYVeS wt 2-353 wphe wnaustey 1s wnere ine, Thomet, heard chairman. said! low the United States price sup-\"e) cat 1 gale ye Y 110 $120 \Vie \2%0 4 ; |Monday the board wiii present! pori trom eniering Catads Sadie' sro gg . 110 $10 04 10's automoblie business was he- G | he federal min-\5.2° 2") © 3- 1130 $414 A1'% Ae + hendiine th its case to Mr. Greene as soon we believe that the federal min- we 7 1@ 813% 194 13% WINNIPEG (CP)~The Mani, Purpose of the commission,|costly method of handling the tween {910 and 1915--hundreds|as a meeting can be arranged. ister of agriculture could be of Solumbie We Me ny 7 toba Hog Marketing Commis-|says Mr, Munro, is to inject the) hogs. of little backwoods producers Last month, the agricultural] a#sitance in this regard," s814| eras court tennis champlen- Con Bldg p00 490 00 «0 ~~ bacon' to pig producers with|marketing. Previously, farmers| voluntary, Mr. Munro estimates|each trying to survive, can't stabilization board turned down|™* ONgnUrs!, ships Monday by South African Con Bidg 82 9 SS sion is "bringing home the|competitive element into hog, While farmer participation is Ub 91" 4 37 vent ies | i j / f | ° ™--""" Cliff Drysdale. The score was fy dae Same P that pit old directly to the packing|the commission handles more) really make this a business, It the board's request for the sup- j "Tio si "> 19 aaer poh gga yore Seueeat ie buyers' Ba rn lthan 60 per cent of the hogs|will resolve itself into four or port price which would attempt CARPENTER OUSTED 6-4, 7-5. Vicki Berner of Van ! Ppp 4 : le ' ho ¢ i - t Madonna Schacht 200 566 6s ah lt " > The commission, with offices|raised in the province. Its ef-\five major producers who can'to protect Ontario producers) LONDON (Reuters) Keith couver bea' '0 Hy tra iy +% -- is aon year of operation, in Winnipeg and Brandon. hasifect on prices, however, is felt afford to promote sailing na- from being undersold by im-| Carpenter. of Montreal was elim-\of Australia 6-3, 3-4, 6-3 in / i , Z Cru intl 125 918 «18 18 ay gag 000 hogs were sold atia teletype circuit connecting ition all sales because direct|tionally and produce effi- ported crops from the United} inated . - ---- -- Sv © singles first Botesco" 705 $144 dale Ws + Yh prices closer to those in Toronto| with the packing houses and/transactions are usually based' ciently. States. imen's singles a' ¢ London! match. 2 | ; » -- ROS ana na RE RSE n Dosco 125 $10 "10% 10% than ever before as the com- hogs are offered in lots to allion the day's average prices. pore AE hag ; : ave : Bom store ek a a' mission handled more than buyers. | 'The commission charges 3 Dupent ISA) 41% 4! $1,000,000 worth of business The first quotation is "gen-\cents a hog for handling the ore ee on ee | "Warmers are much better erally a little higher than we|transactions and, in the year Feicon 1405 571 %~%s\oft," says Managing Director expect the pigs to bring" andj ended March 31 1966, it grossed| ro re. 2 ie / W. B. Munro. the price is lowered, at five|$165,000,. This was sufficient to) cn mu bY Fed Gran 105 87% 7% 4 «Before the commission was cents every two seconds, untiljhandie administrative costs, ateiee 115 915 y sab tel 6 nim Vary & vy established by the Manitoba a buyer pushes a button on his\eliminate an early deficit and Ssse Biack Bay BL Hawk Bunker H Cadamet Cc Mines FSse.y Chib Kay Frontier Tie | government, the normal hun- machine to make the purchase.| allow a $29,000 surplus. Chimo 9. 3 ! $45 r Coch W rn a 2 Fone pA Bis HL : '-gipeg and Toronto prices started at $37.50 and Mr. Munro) will be used to expand the com Gein Lake » Gt W Life 15 $6 b d as $2.75. Now, the range has|said the hogs likely would sell) mission's facilities and improve) >= 4 ~omb Mi ? + "i 7 1 + P Gani mu nN 2 2 Nee Gee tN Ge ft heen reduced to between $1.16 near $36.50 a hundredweight, {its service to the province 4 Eon "aities 0 s towers ae a , In February, for example, ers, the producer may bring |------ - 2 Horne Pit 1590 285 285 (285 5 farmers grossed about $38,000 ajsmall lots of hogs to the com-| BUSINESS € Marrien " ee ee is week more for their hogs than! mission's holding pens where} € Rambler : ' | . e \ H Bay Co 40 $16% 16% 16% cumstances without the com-|he may advise that he is ship- BRIEFS Coprcerp HB 733 $18% 8% 18% ' 7 ; 1 Cop Fields w imp Olt 158953 6383 mission ping, by truck or ra arge pF hg pie 144 144+ Ye| This month, prices have been lots LOANS INCREASE r] éstiane 0 "| Inglis 250 on, oxg" | within $1 of Toronto prices, in-| These large assignments are 7 ' . f Crowpet Ls Ee . inland Gas 125 i% % creasing the farmer's return by|sold en route and then delivered Daering 1 1 ~4l tniand @ w $00 / 5 to the buyer "which we believe ments of the Industrial Develop ; | dot ned : 18M 7A 998) 3900 900 about $4 a hog hased nr t efficient nd jeast|ment Bank on May 41 amounted hail oe a fo ne : Pv} IMC 25 $604 6% #4 -- 1} |commission differentials is the most efficient an st ito $282,870,839, an increase of Dome 200 949% 43% 43% Int Nickel 97 996% 9% 96% 4\- é 5 j . int Ut or 900 Gilt S1i6 21% + % s s approximately $3,000,000 during} t Syl! 6 825 «810 (810 . ' "4 re ae Fiat! iets Man's "| foo ee ean tt >" Ex» Provincial Treasurer 'fay, the bank reported Monday| @ peST O .OU. finned an re 4 y 2 james $f! 100 90% 8% 8% +% i in Ottawa Chrom ' GMC 2 dredweight differential between Monday's prices, for example,, Mr. Munro says this money | Power & Behe Herd Crp A 300 S4ile 4iih. A} 'and $2.3 Acting as agent for the farm-| farmers, al CG Arrow Hayes $f! 170 | y 14 r, ' ; ' e Red PB Husky. 0 W 300 615 os os ~2% \they would have in similar cir several lots are sold at once or € Red Pop ind Accept n 24 2 Outstanding loans and invest Donaida 2000 16% 16 164- in HO 9294 294 3914 \$7,095,158 from March 31 and Giant Yk 740 $1914 12% 12M Joftersen 105 831% Bi! 31% ; a 1 410 410 6 | . Siaey le iocey An ts Haat mn Involved In Bankruptcy CUSPUT BROWN Next year, there's no need to take a world tour. Because the world is coming to you. Canadian output of wheat ' i f their arts and corm = ae em Over 70 countrieare getting ready, right now, to bring you a dazzling array of their arts an dy tau Fin" 00 Som ain, 4 TORONTO (CP)--The royaljholder and a debenture-holder|flour in April totalled 3,315,000 greene rene, Pe ' By Granisie = 400 Lav F200 50 915 528 be redweight, @ decrease of 18 achievements. The place -- Expo 67, the extraordinary world exhibition at Montreal, iy 17 ; ' - , tlantic Accept-|in General Spray hundredweight, a , Gur, $000 10% 10 10% tae," sl ti ie a' | ones' Corp. Coa eee | Gencral Sprayie debenture is-\per cent trom' March and little To step into one of the fascinating national pavilions will be just like going abroad, with the Gunnar 205 Lite invest 100 $7% 7% 7% Hastings Leb Co A 100 $104 104. 1014 that a former Saskatchewan 'sue in 1962 was taken up by|changed from April, 1965, the atmosphere, the sights and sounds, the people, the music, the food and the fun. ooewre? 4 Lob Co 8 9m 91! im Won + ve provincial treasurer became in-|King, Fines, Mrs. Kathleen|Dominion Bureau of Statistics And as you go sightseeing from one country to another, each one will stamp your Expo Loeb M 7 4 ! fetta : said Monday in Ot Waciarn © as 828 38 1 evita ig 4 ns oS echelon ag ag Mla ng = ald Monsey 18 Olive passport with its own distinctive "visa". You never had @ souvenir like this before. Magna Bi $00 390 99 990 + 5 | runtey trolled by Atlantic president C STUDY GIVING But then, there never was a show like Expo before -- anywhere, Plan now to come Maher 900 $)2% 12% 124 + + " + ges----~ setsensin Int Bibis T Mass-Fer 100 $35 95 38 + OC C. King, a vice-presi-|P.. Morgan Canadian corporations appear to Montreal next year. At Expo 67, you'll see the world, Pgh og Melson A 180 839% 3512 39M Picesyen ye ens load rhe of Earlier witnesses said Gen-|split on the question of giving tren om , ate, : 1908 Sis 0 ia lAnnett and Partners, said he etal Spray and six associated|funds to political parties, a| weve ft 730 Moore *P? 3B tania ata. ate lhad recommended the deben-| companies in the lawn and ger.jsampling of oa aang | Moore 120 $8414 B4\4 8414 } 5 borrowed|Toronto by the Canadian Eco- Joute! Morse A 275 $20 «20 urchased by Clarence M,|den-spraying business } . Jowsey 8000 TH TST Moony. br" MONIs Bev 44% ~ Yel Pine os General Spray Services| more than $3,000,000 from Atlan-\nomic Foundation, a non-profit Ber Aad: ae ee Noranda 320 $525 52% SI -- 14) , tic before collapsing into bank-|research organization, indicates. | ly Ded 9 91800 66 | Nor Cl @ 898 $28 27% * + | Lid ' vs of 53 t ly-| Kid Coper 4 $ Nor Cl Op 198 2 8 : peituptey or receivership, The/It.says of 53 corporations reply } b Buteult 1" | Ont Steel i ny 4 % + % ~ 7 reo or ring yb commission is investigat-|ing to a auestionnsire on bi ' / { awe Y i --% ' nistr' ' " f revel! ; a : i y th » subject, 25 favor banning suc 4 Her will eed Reaping" ee ee ae oe "|Seskatchewan premier T. ( ll od roe nl ca pnd contributions by law, 24 support Le if . } = fesesonel " by Lowy} : Pow Corp 300 $11% 114 114 Douglas, was at that time last year giving funds and four expressed . j ) P| food, Fri Men bar Bua in a" tee "pretty well out of politics," he) '*°* > no opinion a f food. Martin ' | ; a teh ot os Uleald pat pe : iy ' ; And international food gy i "8 dg ig a ag +4! Mr. Fines was both a share DIVIDENDS CPR GIVES wiccrereggtnd ul /; f te 4 fe pa gy menage gh pd Rapid Gr A 100 8% BM ; The board of directors of Ca-| Vi ' oa 5 . Mentor Reichhold 25 $25V2 25% 25% } By THE CANADIAN PRESS |nadian Pacific Railways an i Ute % Pulao from india. Or ding in @ multi Romfleld to 140 NET EARNINGS Hahn Brass 14d., first Pre-inounced » dividend of $1.45 per ' ~_ : ; 4 ald ape pearl Ren Net Sxet Rothman ae nt = ferred 2244 cents, July'1, rec-lghare on ordinary capital stock : ; Repeat ce 8 belong, ave On ~" By THE CANADIAN PRE ord June 16 { f st Newson Salada Mi 3 Monday following a meeting 0' Newlund irl Png 2 2! 2) ~~ Chateau-Gal Wines Lid., year mage gpa Fag the board of directors in Mont Ce ts, July 15, record June 1. The dividend is payable} s $12 12 12% ended April 30; 1966, $330,192, 96) cen rea e div pay | th Shopper ct FJ ae He [cents a share; 1965, $283,950, 83) The Demiates @ Cunate Gen August 1, 1966, cos Grom, fre bel : Bt | 1808176 19% 1280 -- Ma cents, Sats i. coaek 'ane 90. ro the world, The intrl- mville p p) ee) eee | di Ad. d Ie d Q sate, isi " Fidel io oo Banff oll 144., three months | Occidental Petroleum Corp.,| oe, eer bene tafford 5 400 400 400 ended March 31; 1966, $119,901; | of Thailand's traditional Stato 2 0 11714 cents (U.S July 19, rec mew co, Oh ae A Bm + 111005, $95,017 Eno atl aay ably bong endo A 4 mF WAL Selene ' : music of Japan, Thom N P 16% 16a + V4) | Commonwealth Savings and . exciting, foot-stamping i 7 00 449) } > 6b | Fars Bin A Some tome lose 4 tal Loan Corp., common 6% cents, ' | rhythms of Eastern 1 ite | Tr Can PL $322 32% Nh + | June 30, record June 23. | Europe. Mariachis 0180 tense Ee 'Toronto Iron Works Ltd., from Mexico, The songs ror to ee | Yee $124 12% 12¥4 TORONTO (CP) Specula:\class A 15 cents, extra 15 cents, of the gauchos from Paramag 1000114 1114 11! Wek OW 345 413 tate 42% = 1a| tlves Propided most of the ac-\ July 1, record June 16, Argentina, Goris Meek | ele ee ee aeenite a drop sonnet, x : Weste'st Me 2 + "al change Monday despite a drop) j Peer| iB ih} 13 i" Pick "Crow s " | Weettel 33 FY Hs 4|in tempo in afternoon trading Watchdog Dept. | 150" it Bine Pom § , 4 } Weston ® 225 $2184 2144 21% among the active issues to Expo 67, Mon, it'll be a : 1 8254 Me 254 West Awt 99 810% 10% 10% " | Ps , > by 4 OF stent 5 Weedwd Ao 18 See re arte Leuvicourt, delayed about 25) Costs More Yearly | consecutive | a : aig he yt ody ond H re 0 $2444 24% 24% --- \4| minutes at the opening to match| | varterl = > ae haces teased Trinidad, limbo dancers trom arg | buy der OTTAWA (CP)--It's costing q y Trinidad, ancers { Sales to 1) a.m.: 640,000. ' 14 buy and sell orders, dropped | ' : Barbados. See how the limbo is lto 68 cents on 469,750 shares.|more each year to provide the DIVIDEND ie should be done, under @ flaming Ss RUT Selon align ng Em The stock opened at 76 cents| watchdog department that rides 101 6 shares | ' pole six inches above the cuore ie e Bonnar 00 298 208 928 vt |and reached a high of 77 before |herd on the spending of other 9 ere | peent. Try it yourself, if you're Roman vo + wo] Kerr 4 109 S17" Iie AH tM falling back government departments payable July 15,1966 rave enough. | oy . = | Uta Rene 900 $90 890 §90 Among other speculatives,|. Finance Minister Sharp gave to shareholders of en Ant ' 16 +20) | Norgold added 2 at 22 cents on} the information to the Commons record June 30,1966 Hes nw BONDS iiamerttsian™* P° 9 rate ater "Caurte : Silvmea ne DS 19 cents to 2.50 ag nt ye : J The U.S. contribution to Expo's overall Sees R = Industrials were fractionally RS shawes ee -- bee GUARANTY theme, 'Man and his World", will be a TORONTO (CP) -- ow anu, ncer Toons on wore aang cron tm dept) | TRUST tannin i dian bond market was off % to|advanced 14% to 49, CPR 1 ' : feative America , w hn 4 10) r , | Company of Canada % in quiet trading Monday. | 63%, Union Gas 1 to $4 and Al {well Henderson: $1,069,939 for before you the genius of our neigh' Triveg ss 128 oe 2 dey te te ante ay {the fiscal year 1961-62; $1,218,-| A.B. RAMSAY in the arts, their staggering technology ior Trin Chip 1000 1212 74) Short-term Government of C29 Aluminium % to 42%4. At-loag for 1969-89; $1,258,950 for| NX. General Manager j) and productivity. You'll see just how BA Catch the mood of the Far East, as you Tunara ? ; Canada bonds showed little|lantic Sugar fell 1% to 27% and) iuge.g4. g1 589.888 for 1964-85; | | the U.S.-plans to put men on the moon, Ss ' : sie & Chinese junk on @ sempan U -Bultegn % 2 \orice change. The 4%-per-cent|Bell Telephone % to 52 and $1.741.900 for 1965-66 | 4 You may even meet the astronauts, Bae e ¥ . Take a trip ina in gondola, West Mine {April 15, 1967 issue closed at} On index, industrials were up - - "-- a : ' } Look icebreaker, from Witiroy $09.10 bid and $99.15 asked. |.13 to 163.15, base metals .03 to . USSR, Spot dozens of foreign flags +1! Government of Canada 4%4-| 01.00 and the TSE .16 to 154.74 * ee Roses eee, of Wen i per-cent Sept. 1, 1983 issue was| Olds were down .53 to 174.53 (feaii™, : ' + hw around the world go Zenmac ms 90 jquoted at 86% bid and 86%) , ' : "! OILS. GAS asked SHOW HACIFIC BOATS ' Day-to-day money was quoted! an Australian television se Alminex Yoo 425 425 425 = 8 at 51 per cent. Treasury bills ae ries, filmed on the Great Bar A lu uo 23 3 23 Am tedue 3 8 OR OR Ly |were at 5.10 per cent for 91-day Ranft 00 $15% 15% 15%%-- 4 bills, and 5.26 per cent for 182-\Tier Reef, is being made for } sere) Me ae oe ae sa (Ga Bs |world release. Cc Gridell 410 410 = § 0" sa iy sean se Le) ° 2? 2 2 $4 104 18 Ve Ov 10% l0te + ays) (475 ®S ss ae-s Join the Canadian Forces a =~ FOREIGN TRADING of Canadian © Africa - mysterious, exciting, different. in African Place, me see how old Africa blends with the new. You'll marvel at the modern achievements, then thrill ge-old tom-tom, You'll see the progress of the new African nations, then watch a primitive ceremonial dance, Int Helium ™ MIL City > ™ N Amer an Permo 25 i. ee s GET THIS BOOKLET OF W Decline 3% IDB INDUSTRIALS : BUSINESS LOANS Abitib mS $)% 1) Ackiands p 225 $23 23 See the great achievements of the Soviet Union in the arts and science, Experience sani Try toca des An apo 67. exhibit. i in Expo assport lets enjo in the 1,100-seat restaurant, visits to all the national pavilions, al After your visit to the the Theme pavilions, and unlimited USSR Pavilion, your ideas rides on the Expo Express, At the re- about this great country duced advance prices, @ Daily Passport will never be the same again, costs $1.80, @ Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days), $6.50, Big ne too, on Season Passports, and Yi Passports for the 13:21 age group, Children 2-12, halt price, (Ages as on Aprit 28, 1967). On sale at banks, travel Nf agencies, department stores, iin. => Py ay ay OTM: AT La Investigate the life of travel & adventure that awaits you... See your CANADIAN FORCES CAREER COUNSELLOR right here in OSHAWA ARMOURY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1966 NOON . 6:00 P.M, x Fal a2 CZ or wher- If you are planning to start, expand or int | } ever you see the oficial Expo 6? sign. modernize a business and you require a term loan to carry out your plans, write for this descriptive booklet or visit an IDB office. © fee EH te Be Coats Satan Se OR nee TNR TO ia, Ce a idb INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 27 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA oo TM tay af MF a. MONTREAL } UNIVERSAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION © APR 28-001 LP gp i TORONTO, ONT.: 250 University Avenue -- Telephone: 368-1143 tT" Preges 2 2 teg ss