Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 13

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Newman end Rite Butt. Viet! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1966 99 ters from four surrounding ladies' LOBA Lodges were wel | eomed. ' "it was reported Mrs, Faith | fellick was in hospital Hampton Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr, and Mrs. John Kurenko celebrated recently at the home of their son, Mr. William Kurenko, Bu- ckingham avenue. Mrs. Kuzenko \s the former) ) Rose Mazerkewich of Toronto, DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports Oshawa women's organizations a6 compiled from reports | submitted by their secretaries An invitation to celebrate the: AUMORESQUE CIB jit was the women that carried» vale Gas teceieell The last business meeting of| most of the load of caring for Oe enetes Falls, ond any| the Humoresque Club, (Blind), and bringing up the children,| orange brothers or sisters who was held at St. Gregory's Audi- and it seemed that father WAS\ vouid fike to go by bus to Fene-| forium. left to only bring home lion were asked to get in toueh| The president, Mre, Guy pay cheque The father shoul | with Mrs, Ann Foote, at 722-| Forest, gave # resume of the) be the master in his own home| sa9q conference which she attended and environment a wee et tet Sree: al, rn ee, Pal meme ee Oe : 4 ' Temple, Bruce street, on aury with respect to the expanding should he the mother who ad-ig og? pete 4 COUPLED TRUCKED one else drive his truck for twe | BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP) ~ Ayears. decorated wedding car wasn't good enough, so friends of the "Old Reliable" for groom put 20 chairs onz2pnfo.. grain truck and met him at the Stomach Di st ichurch. Herb Farley of Brant- 3 set hom '$ STOMACH on » YZ, tord, his bride, Grace Mintz of ra trom v7 \Kitchener, Ont., and 20 guests) led » parade around the town ieee oe. acidity. Wherever medicine is where the couple lived follow- ing their marriage in May 1916. aney SEU VSU: tw sSmEyOUTT BF aeer, and have lived there ever since. They have two sons, William of Oshawa, and Michael of 1 to the reception hall, Herb may! lant biti DIVAN WITH TH novel idea--he hadn't let any- a oo non l ministered the ounishment right at the Censtanh at 0.06 wer vie 2 joyment of signtirsa ad ee then and there and should not > It was mentioned that visual-| Hse father as a stick behind fy handicapped people were|the door now being trained to operate! The Reverend. Joseph Borg a.m. sharp ' Winners of the evening draw) were tuella Newman, Rose Zu- felt, Doris Law, Mary Hayes com One couldn't help but wish that computers were in operation when matriculated in the late 20's The members of the Club are) forward to their, annual picnic which will he held now looking in July at Lakeview Park The evening terminated with sandwiches and a "spot of tea", + SILVER CROSS MOTHERS The Oshawa Remembrance Chapter of the Silver Cross As- sociation was held recently at the home of Mrs, Jessie Tooley, Kingsdale avenue, The presi dent, Mrs. Herbert Brately, presided Mrs, Tooley reported get-well cards had heen sent to the sick and shut-ins, Mrs. Edward Hol- land reported on parcels sent to Sunnybrook Hospital ; Mrs, Brately gave the high lights on the annual convention held at London recently, Lacky draws were made and won by several of the members The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Jack Hogan, 909 Jarvis street, June 16, at 2.00 p.m CENTRE. STRELT UCW The regular meeting of Cen tre Street United Chureh Women was held recently with Mrs, Arthur Magee presiding Mrs. Aubrey Weeks reported on flowers sent to sick mem hers, Mrs. Archie Button re ported on the calls and cards sent, Activities of all the units were given, There will he a plastic demonstration at regu lar meeting of Unit 4 on Tues day, June 14 at the Sunday school hall, Unit 1 will also have a demonstration at their pienic June 20, at the home of Mrs, Howard Willson, The an nual Turkey Supper was an: nounced for Wednesday, Oc: tober 19 "Hope" was the topic for the led by Mrs devotional period assisted by Donald Whitbread Mrs. Gordon Young An account of the work of the church among Indians was given, An added impression was made by the use of MAPS) Mrs, G, R. Briggs opening with\the members of and pictures Refreshments were served by| Unit 4, ; WOMEN'S GUILD Mt, George's Memorial) Members of St. George's Women's Guild met at Cowan House for the June meeting. some from high school! 'one's children gave a short message on im- proving the world by improv ing oneself and how hy acts and deeds one can influence Mr. Joseph Hogan, principal of &. Paul's, announced that teachers would he in their classrooms 36 minutes. prior to each PTA meeting heginning in September, and would be pleas- ed to talk with parents regard- ing their children's progress, He thanked the executive for their co-operation and the par- ents for their attendance at meetings during the past year Flections were held and the incoming officers are Mrs Joseph Gangemi president; Mrs. Michael Gallas, vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Arthur VanLeeu ven, secretary; and Misa Ver- onica Ward, treasurer, Light refreshments were served by Mrs. James Brady and her committee, Mrs. Arthur Van Leeuvan, Mrs. Joseph Gangemi and Mrs, Michael Gallas, The altendance prize went to Mr Hogan's Grades 6, 7 and 6 class KING STREVT UCW Unit 1 of King street United Chureh Women met at the home of Mrs, Murton Walter, The meeting opened with an out door sing song, of favorite hymns, accompanied by the Reverend Wesley Hurbert on the guitar, Miss Margaret Pel low, presided for the business period, 19 members answered roll call Reports were given on the recent bake sale, Calls on the sick and shut-ins were home 16, hospital 16 UCW chocolate bars, cards and memorial spoons, were dis played, also orders taken for centennial spoons Members taking the bus trip to Toronto June 18 were asked to meet at Simcoe Street Church at 9.50 a.m Cotton materials will be pack ed next week, for Miss Muriel Stevens, with Mrs, Douglas Red path in charge Mrs, Kenneth Proctor's group was in charge of the program a poem "Who Plants A Seed", Mrs, Albert Hatfield read a story "The Will To Do It", re-| lating the urge of a 12-year-old boy stricken by polio to walk again, ao he could become an archaeologist like his unele A social half hour was spent when a discussion was held de-| Mrs, D. FE. Fox presided f0F| cidin ; | g to hold the opening meet- the routine business, The BTOUP|ing the second Tuesday, Sept leaders were given tickets to he! oniner 19, at Mrs, Lawrence sold for the luncheon to be held | yyijcan's 705 Eastwood Street Geptember 28, 'Keep Young in Heart'? was the topic chosen by Miss Angela) Armitt, a member of the stats | pressed of Western University, who willl ang the hostess apeak at the luncheon and | an interesting and entertaining speaker It was announced that the next meeting would be held Sep- tember 12, At the close of the meeting tea was served by the Boulevard Group TOPS INCH PINCHERS The reguiar weekly meeting of TOPS Inch Pinchers was held at Harman Park Clubhouse with 18 members present, The leader, Mrs, Betty Harris, opened the meeting with the Tops song. The best loser was Mrs, Jean Taylor with a loss of four pounds, Mrs, Taylor was pre- sented with a set of wall plaques..Mrs, Harris was run- ner-up with a loss of 34 pounds The monthly queen is Mrs, Joyce Wilson with a total loss of 18 pounds, Mrs, Wilson was crowned and presented with a basket of diet food, The diet food was contributed each week dur: ing the month by the gainers. Diet refreshments were served after which games were play: at 8.00 pm Miss Margaret Pellow appreciation to the group ex: Mr TOPS LOSIN' LASSIES In May, Dr, Gillan was the guest speaker, talking on over- weight, He brought up many in teresting and helpful hints on obesity, After his speech he answered any questions that the members had. Other guests were Mrs, Mary McAlpine and Mrs, Romanchuk from the Westmount Challengers, Diet refreshments were served Last week, Mrs, Eleanor Cougle, leader of one of the Whitby clubs, was the guest, During the month of May two new members were welcomed, Mrs, Ellen Gavel and Mrs Eileen Stone. On June 16, Mrs, Helen Hardy will speak on cosmetics and a question and anawer period will follow, June 23 will be the pic nie Queen for the month of May was Miss Judy McGall with a loss of 194% pounds, Miss Caro lyn Foley also became a KIW On Ontario night the club had a first place winner in division IV at the Convention in Toronto and Helen Shantz. Lodge closed in weual form with the singing of the Queen, after which a Penny Sale was held. Refreshments were served in the lower hall, Members |W, Charlwood, in charge were reminded next meeting,! June 16, BETA SIGMA PHI The members of the Delta Sigma Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi held their annual mothers' night, this year, at the home of Mrs, Donald Lid- diard, the chapter's president, Mrs. John Wilson, vice-presi-| dent, welcomed the members and their mothers and read a short poem called "What Is A Mother?". Mrs, Wilson intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs Bryant, Welland, who gave a prief outline of the history of, wine which has heen used for over five thousand years The five classifications of wine and the proper glassware if to be used when serving wine! ' was explained by Mrs, Bryant | MR. AND MRS, Cooking tips and a booklet of food recipes was given to each j guest, Mrs, Bryant emphasized ftom the adopted school at Me- that wire served properly and Kerrow saying that, at the end moderately. can enhance the of this June, the school would heauty and remance of the oc- be amalgamated in line with casion. Mrs. John Wilson thank-|the Department of Education ed Mrs. Bryant and presented policy of transporting rural her with a floral arrangement children to larger and better on behalf of the members of equipped composite schools, Delta Sigma This ended a ten year reward-| Several guests won dooring association during which prizes including Mrs, Gordon the chapter has provided books Wilson, mother of Miss Elinor sporting and hobby equipment, Wilson, a member of the Delta| and holiday treats for the chil Sigma Chapter, who is now inidren, 'The secretary was asked Australia to write the children and tell A salad buffet was served by them how much we would miss the social committee, convened them. A translated letter from by Mrs, Larry Steffen, This was the Chapter s adopted Greek the final meeting for this year boy, Josef Portellis, was read except for a summer social by the services at home and which has been planned for abroad convener Mrs, G. FE August, Coulter. The members begin to realize that this boy must have 1ODE grown much during the years of The regular meeting for the association, and so it was rec month of May of the Golden gmmended -- that Chapter Jubilee Chapter, LODE, began ask for updated information in} with a conducted tour. of the regard to him with, cerhaps, | Ontario County Administration's photograph, if posible Building on Rossland road, Miss) 'The results of the recently Una Allen, court reporter, led jejd coffee party and auction) the chapter! sale were given by Mrs, D. M through the series of beautiful:! campbell. This is a morning of ly laid out offices and courts,! tun for members, friends and) explaining the function and use| neighbors, and 'Mrs, Campbell) of each, Miss Allen's intimate|thanked the members who knowledge of the workings of| opened their homes as hostessos| the court procedures highlight-\for the occasion, those who act ed the evening, Mrs, W. Hed as auctioneers, and also libby expressed the sincere thanked Mrs. R, M, Morrison thanks of the entire member: who acted as co-convener on| ship to Miss Allen the project | The members reassembled. at It was decided that the chap: the home of Mrs, Libby, where ter's fourth year contribution to the Regent, Mrs. 1D. A, Brown,|the [ODE National Centennial convened the business meeting.|Fund 9 be remitted, Ontario's, Three new members, Mrs, PD. \share of this fund will be used Mrs. R. M.\to send selected students on Starr, and Mrs, T, J, Heath,\tour throughout northern On were officially installed and tario, A letter from the Com:| welcomed by the Regent, and mittee for the Oshawa Folk) the members voted to accept Westival was read-to the mee! the application for membership ing, and it was decided that a submitted by Mrs, H. J, Todd, donation be sent to the com The education secretary, Mrs.;mittee to help defray the ex J. FE. Rundle, informed the/penses of bringing bands to meeting of a letter she hadi Oshawa for the occasion the BRIDE-ELECT Miss Margaret Chalmers Dobbie, Oshawa, will be- come the bride of Venance Joseph Dignard in a cere. mony to be held in St, Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church on July 23, 'The bride - elect is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, David C. Dobbie, Bay Rid ges and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Dig nard of Tracadie, New Brunswick Bl by zenko, besides celebrating his Sth wedding anniversary was also celebrating his 75th birth- . National Council. Sponsors Courses | Of Women Leaders By LINDA CRAWFORD SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)---~A lack of women able to assume office in community organiza- | thons has led the National Coun- jell of Women of Canada to ' JULY BRIDE Saturday, July 16, is the date planned for the mar- riage of Miss Karen Diane Thompson, FN., to Mr Filis A. Doucette, The cere- mony will take place in Hampton United Church. The bride-to-be, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompson, Bowmanville, is a graduate of the Ontario Hospital School of Nursing, Whithy, class of '63. The launch leadership training courses The council, which represents) some 1,800 organizations across |Canada, believes an absence of |active participation is the root of the problem. "Often it's only the officers |who are involved in meetings," lsays Mrs. D, ¥. Griffiths of B.C,, chairman of the) e, She told the group's annual) i "The member feels) |why she's there, But she must have had an interest in the first place or she wouldn't have F| joined the organization." Mrs, Griffiths' committee is trying to correct this situation) promoting projects which jwill directly involve individual | members | Courses will be set up in pub: | jlic speaking and parliamentary | | procedure, Other projects will jenable members to learn as P| they do voluntary work Mrs, Griffiths said women did not always get adequate train- 'ing in their first organizations, | The leadership project was jadopted at last year's annual |meeting of the national council jand some starts have been made | "Fredericton, for instance, is | planning to hold public speaking |courses in co + operation with the department of adult educa- tion and the YMCA, London, Ont,, set up a volunteer bu- reau."' Volunteer consultants from) within the council also will be) called on to travel to different local councils where assistance | is necessary. The commitiee will have teams in the Maritimes, Que- future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Doucette, Digby, Nova Scotia SOUR CREAM Sour Cream Frosting 1 cup sour cream 1 cup fruit sugar 1 cup broken nut meats Combine ingredients and cook fo 238 deg. F. or until it will form a soft ball when tried in cold water, Remove from heat cool, and beat until creamy DOUBLE STANDARDX LONDON (CP) British women, who themselves Itke "mini-skirts' and op-art acces-| sories, do not like husbands in| flashy suits, A survey among! 10,000 women by a chain of) tailorsysg5 only 23 per cent) approved of brightly - colored) men's suits and 28 per cent ap proved of bold patterns men's wear OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 5 Wo off Take the plunge into summer with special savings on one and two-piece swimsults. Styles as varied as your per- sonal preference... in plain or printed fabrics. Positively sun-sational, Sizes 30-38, REG, 12,08 TO 19.98 8.65 1 19.32 Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £, Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1,50 each Fashions sinee 1867 5.x .7. --- 1,25. each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE bec and Ontario, the Prairies, northern B.C, and the Pacific area, These teams will organ- \ize the programs for those \areas and assign consultants WHY YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY MORE FOR DAIRY FOODS Fach year, Canada's dairy farmers get a smaller return for their investment and efforts, Increasing costs of operation, equip- ment and virtually everything a farm needs, feuuckERS RETAILE TO THRIFTY CANADIANS AcE NEW =Fhrs time-see your child trex rhAg BLACK AND WHITE plus 'breathtaking LIVING COLOR taken with our EXCLUSIVE "Piggy Back Camera !!!! get a beautiful 5x7 picture of your child ed, = Mrs, Joyce Anderson, who lost 62 pounds, Joan Leipsig was also a first place winner of the Storks with a loss of 21% pounds VICTORY LODGE NO, 3 The reguiar meeting of Vic tory Lodge, LOBA, No, 583, was held recently in the Orange Temple Lodge was opened by Worthy Mistress Donalda Strong, assist ed by Deputy Mistress Louise Hockelt. Devotional exercises were performed by the chap lain, Mildred Carnochan, The flags were presented by Luella CUSTOM Carpet & Upholstery DYEING and s ST, PAUL'S CPTA The closing meeting of St Paul's Catholic Parent-Teacher Association was held recently in the school auditorium, Dr, Brian Doherty was the guest speaker and his topic was "That Other Parent -- Father." Dr, Doherty spoke of the im portance of the family being to gether on as many occasions as possible such as vacation time the evening meal and Sunday picnics In this day and age with the Let us put new life in those drab, faded ed ra ot @ fraction of the cost of replacing. We do wa!l t@ wall broad loam right in your home or place of business. Brighten up any room's chesterfields or chairs the low ised by Hotels Motels, ete serving Oshowe, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville and surrounding districts, Give usa coll for o FREE ESTIMATE, CALL 728-5387 Rainbow Color Re-Nu 555 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA sh way It was a matter carpet eqre them the tender attention really YOU coll ROSS MILLS ice? Have them return that Loe lank to your earnets yes! they do @ wonderful ' eries "Free Pick-Up 4 ff : "I Needn't Have Worried ? pleased that | italized by BAKER'S concerned that they might not give of mixed emotions was getting my beautiful carpets rev shouldn't have worried BAKER'S looking almost hetter than new! you'll really be delighted. Oh, too! Call BAKER'S today ! --- "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" --., "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER CARPET For "BAKER SERVICE" --- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co, Lid. fine carpets deserve, But | They come back trom Why don't al Agent) for BAKER'S serv- lush pile and deep soft new 'new care' job on your drap> and Delivery" 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 only 79 ¢ BLACK AND WHITE ONLY plus a very serious shortage of farm labour, are putting dairy farmers out of business at the rate of about 10,000 each year, Returns to the dairy farmer have not kept pace with increased costs of farm operation. From May 1954 to the beginning of 1966, in most Canadian markets, the aggregate increase to the dairy farmer was only 2 cents per quart for standard homo milk, Consumer prices of dairy foods have not Ine creased as much as most other food products, From May 1954 to the beginning of 1966, in most Canadian markets, the aggregate increase in home delivered milk (standard homo) was only 5 cents a quart. Bring each child, You'll see the cutest expressions ond professionel poses captured by our friendly lady photogrepher, Select from finished pictures, NOT PROOFS! Extra finished 8x10, 5x7s and wallet size will be. shown et unbelievably low prices for your epprovel, Example: Wallet size less thon 65¢ each In groups of 4 some pose, WE GUARANTEE INDIVIDUAL SATISFACTION o-- BRING A FRIEND -- June 16th, 17th and 18th OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AND. June 14th and 15th DOWNTOWN STORE ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS all the children under 12-1 5x7 ey 18 taken singly or | 5x7 Group only $1.00 per Canada's dairy industry is vital to our eco- nomic and nutritional health, If dairy foods cost a little more than they used to, they'll still be your best food buy.

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