Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1966, p. 26

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2 | WOODBINE | GARDEN CITY RACEWA i | a. RACE ~ | Wile (Pace), Purse a RACE Wile (Pace) OBITUARIES | PRESS ee emo a salts et ice to te ee Mir, Varcoe 3M 3.16 \45ilver Ronnie, Thibaudeau ; sKaren May, Glimour 1296 &Gina Guinea, Norris MISS HELEN MARTHA OKE MRS. FRED 0. WOOD op TOROMTO. od ane at Want | ee er Pee stead Velentina In failing health for » year| The funeral service was heid Sadie, Clataing saree Siete, Demioten, Brieas Champ, Smmmy's EIGuTW RACE -- "The Generel Brock and e@ half, Miss Helen Marthatat the Morris Funeral Chapel, ws touryesroian' | VAs mie. 6 le TE Ec saidltaa Aespectiarans ., Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., June 13, Donnan (Gomer tu 4 oe Purse 32000 (5), a8 1 156 bor Gazelle, Shent 3.30 10 bed Mrs. '0040. lanish Dancer largie Wick, Feagan iv angie i for Fred 0. Wi " nS ides of iene 5.3014 Twinkle Eadigs, Lerkin 26 \8-Chip Dip, Curren 34\ oy " m Queen St. agora by ime nuier, Kore-| Adee Direct, Melson eae) aise Sartes: Avalon Jo Jo, Aialmon A daughter late Fred-| The service was conducted cna mm eee Oe, Tione | Aue Srertees George Vole, ond Doctor Harry : ¥ A Ini A--Loupied--fhcDonnail Stable entry ; erick and Nellie Oke, hag de-\Rey. G. K. Ward, minister of Filght, Gay Ginny 43, Breezy Breeze, DAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND 5, PAID $8.99 ceased was educated in Port|Trinity United Church. Interme /<0'e) Chellenge aise 9B ening sour-lag ttn? RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse) germ RACE -- | Mile (Pace). Purse) Hope schools and the Toronto! was in Bowmanville Cemetery. up, 6 furlongs. "julep, Wellwood $90 30 170 Sintstress. Mine, Feagen 1680 670 420 FOruins ouuoo, Daw ta her ve-l| Mra Wand died June 19, at| Salcedo . {Fiteinins) $0|1-Chuckmor, 380 310)2-Ebony Grattens, a 590 re tirement, due to {ll health, inlthe Toronto General Hospital. |Veiecr AT no ia ite wa yy SOO June, cor] she --- in a lowing a short sickness. She was tay "8, (Captain Riga ed Soy Benth {efignne, Lynden Mac, and Amnbbrosss| Hope for years iniin her 57th year. , Mad Charge, Ph gg LO m4 AP goon gp i Oshawa, The former Leone Sutton, the|seret Few, "Memioter,, Priiym' siso\ maces 4 tor © lapped en Wreck ot the ---- 5,191, Total Pook wasani. A member of Simcoe Street|deceased was a daughter of the" ae prog et Neg ig Bas Rg ve nye Sy ig tg a Girard Sna also a member 'a ope uree E os ing fe ingston ps Unit Group of the Unitedlarea, she came to Bowmanville [oro *d.up.) Vie mie, | "se. dries rigs (ae Shao Church Women. as a child and received her edu-|Ramsey 2nd (Gomer) 3 2.99 Hone indee end Goldie Bigin W, She is survived by a sister,ication in the Bowmanville/°ws S# (pel) | FIT W RACE --'1 file (Pace), Porse| a gate: § Mrs. Fred DeMure (Birdie) of|schools. She was married in Dumelie; Ki-D-Ke, Bimini Bill, Ann's|3Stoney C, O'Dare Ws 490 1.2 Oshawa; @ niece, Mrs. Law-|Bowmanville in 1928 al Strong Willed, Roman Tribune! a rong Bn Gemmili 410 Hed TORONTO (CP) ~ Ken Gir- pemin as ors yond oo pore was a member of) : Four --Poree 92400, Two-year-oids, | 'abe Started: Tom Tommy Direct, unde lard, former player. with Tor- grave a a nephew, Trinity United Church and was'>, [yous ns Ew Sie lonto Maple Leafs of the Na- "il en aa Lindsay. '+ vga - ea s activities Vicora. Flsies! CTorete) ie i) 'BATH Rac --1. Mile (Pace), Purse|tional Hockey Leap, shot a 58 was predeceased ure Leslover (Parr four-under-par 67 Friday to win s = a eee Bae yy her ge a italic | Moan Crimson North, pur | eo Kal intel ss rr tm the professional hockey players' n Oc ' q ' survive y three|Treder, My Seilor Boy siso ren. Geniry Yates, Wellw : o' golf tournament, Miss Doris DeNure, in Febru-idaughters, Miss Helen Wo0d Of\snq up, 6 wuriongs -- on Girard broke Andy Bathgate's } y & ary, 1965. Gravenhurst, Mrs. M, Tamblyn|Roval Tera (waish) 5.10 3.0 2.10 | é The funeral service will be|(Bonnie) of Lindsay and Meet and Of Canaan (Fitzsim'ns) 6.20 2.20/ jtournament record of 68. Bath Bright Object (werry) 2.10 " igate, who played with Detroit nae gg -- 'eee -- Jones (Joan) of Bow- Time: ff My a Oe | een Purve 2.600. Cialming. Four! Og Wings of the NHL last sea- unee ; i | RAVING. ' |Recoco Rogue (Rob'on) 1218 £40 3.20\son, finished out of the prize list June 14,. Interment will be in| Also surviving are three sis-| Exactor: $41.20 Safety Man (Gomez) 3 26) oth @ six-over-par 77. Port H Union Cemete: Sixth--Purse $10,000 - added, Three-/@ugen's Birthday (Dittfach) 0 lope TY-|\ters, Mrs. Lillian Watson of Col-|_ 5ixth--Pur ree Time: 1:8 24, | Jack Stanfield of Buffalo Bi- amped, Market Bid, Caledon Colonel,/sons in the American Hockey Rev. John K. Moffat, minister|lingwood, Mrs. William Glover faves. 'ocod Chelsh) 3.30 2.70 2:20|<,Direct Action, Tricky Scamp, Rubber| of Simcoe Street United Church,|(Jean) and Mrs. Ila Spedaliere|8ve And Neer (Mccomb) 5.70 330 ag Katee" gree, Saeeee, Cone) will conduct the service. of Toronto; three brothers, Ger- emer 10 as \League captured second place Attendance: 19,20, with a 74 ald of Stroud and Donald and| Anxious Age, Doubting Thomas, | FRANCIS W. ROCHE Orm, both of Toronto and seven|""™"eeave, Elonian Star iso ren, | The death occurred, June 12,\8tandchildren. Seventh---Purse S10/0b-edded, 'Three is , 4 ee sini mee | YOOT ee a * le at the Oshawa General Hospl-| pray NATIONAL EPIC Ser (Maxwel) 790 230 20 Thunderbird Golf Club tal, of Francis William (Red)! pomanin is making a 15-film\csocneco (enn i. Roche, 497 Albert St, The de- : movie series of the country's| Time: 1:44. GOLF LESSONS ceased, who was in his 68th | history. eines, bie Sel, Aton Market, year, had been in poor health DT en, for three years. Born in Buffalo, N.Y., July 7, 1898, Mr. Roche lived in Qualified C.P.G.A, Instructors Gananoque prior to coming to FUEL OVER 406 YEARS EXPERIANCE! Professional Teaching Staff it take adventoge of it! 24 hour ser- Ontame 5 voses same Ho Sees we; end rae pated ch a ner Co. Ltd. and later for OIL "Tay sone tor eae PRIVATE LESSONS -- $4.00 Each -- 1% Hour dustries Limited pe rg NOW IS THE TIME GROUP LESSONS -- (5 or more in @ group for a series of 5 $10.00 is retirement in 1963, ae Pe ed as Cae TO CONVERT AND CALL fessor) dian Active Army during the Seaton mcs est] | MCLAUGHLIN | J vosie. sere renee ns tour sergeant with the Ontario Tank Weekdays $2.50 Weekends and Holidoys .. $3.50 Regiment during the Second After 6 p.m. ... $1.50 After 3 p.m. $2.50 World War. COAL & Tiets's member of Branch] | Soones PaO"OEOL knen.v. ASHBURN, ONT. PHONE 655-4952 43, Royal Canadian Legion; the Canadian Corps Association, the Sergeants' Mess of the On- tario Regiment, Enterprise Lodge, LOL and the Black Preceptory. Mis tet wis, ae former by his firs le, the former a a Select Your Home Th vived by his second wife, the oO e ru former Bessie Burford Sheri- dan; a daughter, Mrs, William Blake (Joan) of Oshawa; a son, George F. Roche of Osh- awa and a stepson, Murray 4 ' Sheridan, of Rosebank, Ont. Z The funeral service will be : held at the Armstrong Funeral i be Home at 2 p.m., June 14, Inter- 4 ment will be in Oshawa Union g i Cemetery. Rev. A. Woolcock, ; si ranch acne REALTY LIMITED dian Legion, will, conduct the service, Lae TOL wi hold a serrice| A i REALTOR pods funeral home at 7,30 p.m. . . "a "leo, omer, donation t, 1 103 KING STREET EAST 728-7328 Blue and Orange Home, Rich- mond Hill, KEITH PETERS There is nothing like the peace of mind and The death occurred suddenly, Realtor : : ; June 12, at his residence, $3 true comfort you get in owning your own home, Guild Rd., Pickering Township Depend on Keith Peters Realty Limited to help of Alfred John Waddell. A resident of Pickering Town- ¥ son poms you make the proper selection, Whether buying, ship for about 14 years, Mr. Ts : Waddell was employed as a ys selling or leasing Mr. Peters and his experienced lesman unti] about five years : : pecans wt his health: failed, He ; staff will do their utmost to assist you to the waa "| *, : best of their obility. Ordinarily 4.50! Save 1.71! He is survived by his wife, the former Anne Welsh; a fitartony' of Willowisle ands \ : poe 3 Complete Real Estate Service . . . | 2 Styles! Men's and Young Men's Breezy Short-Sleeve White son, Robert F, Waddell, of Edmonton, WH UM ' The funeral service will be ; aa , @ held at the McEachnie Funeral 5 ; ee bel ot the Mezachole Fuser; = e HOME RESALES _@ INCOME roaqacio rts June '14. Interment will be in Bb # | Erskine Cemetery, : Take it cool this Summer and save on soft, silky warm weather business shirts -- skilfully go gh yy EARLE K. ALLEN @e COMMERCIAL e FARMS | tailored to our exacting specifications in finely combed cotton broadcloth . . . mercerized months, Miss Lillian May Walk: : for longer wear and a rich quiet lustre. Meticulously detailed with two breast pockets, neatly er died, June 11, at Wellesley cuffed vented sleeves and pearl-like, non-chip buttons. Select now from two favoured collar her 76th year, Fee. sory Phang e-Bay . ee Replenish your Summer shirt wardrobe now at this deceased was born in Oshawa f ° eo ; | low, low, low price ! ! Buy 3 and save even more ! 3 for and received her education in : om " ; Neck sizes 1412 to 16/2, employed for a number of years ; -- ee 4 8.00 in hospital work in Toronto, : : : iy re ; SPECIAL, each Miss Walker is survived by a bi : } (Eva) of Oshawa, She was pre- deceased by a brother, Harry Walker, in November, 1949. be held at the McIntosh-Ander- son Funeral Home at 11 a.m., June 14. Interment will be in Street United Church, will con- duct the service, BOB JOHNSON STAN McCORMACK ART DONALDSON ee On Father's Da Bidet 2 nas OE aD y REGINA (CP) -- There were F . 3 ss : : If he appreciates the good things in life such as excellent workman. : ship, attention to detail and a design created just for his hand... his gift will have to be o Philishave ! Because He's So Nice, Give Him A Hospital, Toronto. She was in ' styles: fused short-point collar with contoured body;.snap-tab collar with tapered body. the Oshawa schools. She was sister, Mrs. Charles Richards : : sae pe ee 7:2 s EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE 725-7373 A private funeral service pvill : ; " , i ] ; ' é i | 4 i Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. i - . Z : ' ¢ By 1. W. Herbert, minister of King bi p 4 es wid » r Hi i L { S HAV E FEWER REGINA BABES 3,028 live births In Regina in 1965, 273 fewer than in 1964, 3 Health officials said a trend to- P , 4 : Bee ' th - A, SPEED-FLEX -- Surging power gentles his beard into cutting position Ww ard fewer births started in : 2 5 | a 5 ' i om P floating micro-groove rotary heads then give him a close, light- 1963 $ cin ee ee : Bie : . 4) touch shave! The trimmer is retractable, And when Father takes that ; ; : : j i : ' q f . % world cruise his 'Speed-Flex' goes right along with a Universal Power FOLLOWED HONORED LINE : ne ' s Hee 5 Be '5 E i Ee : " f . % 4 Switch operating on 110 to 220 volts, 25 to 60 cycles, On-off switch, English actor John Gielgud is q 4 os a Nhe aul 5 Push button cleaning. 'Speed-Flex' comes complete with coiled cord a great - nephew of the cele- peed ; <_< oe : a * and cleaning brush in an attractive gift case brated actress Ellen Terry. ; ' ' aaa . " Each g, # be & : \ 4 B, 'SPEEDSHAVER' (not sketched) --- Double rotary-action shaving heads THIS iS ? ; 4 : ae Be ' B. with a skin-hugging rim for total-contact shaves, On-Off switch puts the FOR YOU! ' 3 4 3 \ | ' Universal AC/DC motor into action on 110 volts, This model is complete f : , 4 ee *e ' : , with cord and cleaning brush in a compact zippered travel Fast Servi ce | : 4 Be ier ; : 'gin - case. Each 17 95 Reasonable Prices Y i ? F ; . : ; ii EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 515 PHONE 725.7373 Convenient Location - HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST, WEST, seage KING ST. | JOHN KUIPERS W. J. Bill IRVINE BILL RATCLIFFE / Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Thurs. & Fri, until 9

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