{28---Room and Boord CARBE ROGM foot mes | mati, hunchae + Met So] quiet hema, 16--Apertments for Kent ROYALE APARTMENTS A limited number of care- fully planned one and two bedroom qites now available for immediate occupancy. a os pack i 1 gentleman eriece cry voemnae' in geod clean home Private entrance. Close '6 but at @ Ar ington Avenue. 772090) days, Tm-9147 averunge, Pessonsion nome H 29--Wented Te Rent TBE AGRE sctoct-age chia 'References supplied. Write Box 12485) Oshews Times TWREE or tour-nedroam home in good \o catty toglred oy couple with one smell chika, wy Juty 1, Cal 776-4437. 'taoy wiaee nen apartment, centra, th le care of oil | working haors. Telephone 778-587) : FEATURING CHRISTIAN mother of two schoobege| The vimon In modern Ving. |Saretal Meee ftee, carats mode tol rates. cneeneneenrdaee-cecsntitnan an | ot yote rentel re Automobiles for Sele OVERLOOKING | Cars Brain ond sos | GREEN PARK | MORLEY STALKER | MOTOR SALES @ Bus Service ot Door i 137 gf Oy add Ww, @ Within Watking Distance 723-6322 --~ 723-8311 sth at _.OA_the spot _Ninoncing __| @ Electrically Heated | Et | ALL CASH | ® na } popes galage ah cars or heey be ec lied E ce | deol u down, Liens pa naeropy ene NICOLE MOTORS LIMITED @ Spacious Balconies | On Highway No, 2, @ Dropes Supplied We nea askagsy @ Mail Delivery to Each Suite @ Broadicomed Corridors 5 COWN-$30 MO. @ FM music throughout your choice ! BILL BENNETT @ Pius mony more modern MOTORS features 4B4 King W. 723 0371 LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE 119 NONQUON POAD KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --- 668-589) Cars bought end sold Liens paid off Trade up or down _Always Sop. quality Avoilable for viewing any- time, Please call 726-5282, | 728-1582, 725-798}. | GET APARTMENT in triplex, Stove and rétr 'ator, private bath, living room, hog two bedrowns, Close fo ~ MORE CASH South General Motors, 995, 773-0809 Paid for Good Cleon Cars, Trade up or down, Liens poid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-942) STRETCH DOLLARS, R, B. Motor Saies Several good wsed cars, '53's up, ferms) Mier i sree ae re a bee b- ws ¢ hardtop. TWO - BEDROOM, spacious, Lansdowne) Clean inside and out, mechanically good Drive, includes balcony, paved POrkiNg. Rowmanvilie 673-2824 heating, launder facilities, stove, refrig erator, etc, $125, Availabie July |, Tele 1967 CHEVROLET hardtop, 4, automatic, phone 773-4670, radio, Must sell, $475 of best offer, Tele WHITEY -- Three > Toom sell-contained PnOe 725-4885 GLEAW three room spariment in Osh awa, Fridge, stove, iaundry facilities, near South General Motors and shopping | centre, Sulit Sz Available immediate ly. Whitby, 666 iaLpcoufaineo: hres» room apart , newly decorated, central. Apply wan, 773-3271) of 725-5494 Mr. TW6-t BROOM spariment fo sub-lef in 66 28 soorinert in pulsing, ant ond stove Kod Daag dg Megyd ad two - oor supplied |. Telephone 668-5270 ardtop, lor, new fires, A-l @ondi- aon cece + teen omens tion, TeHephone 771097 27--Rooms for Rent 164 STRATO CHIRP, four - door sedan ---- ------------- station wegen, can be made, into 9-pas anger, V8 standard transmission, Good ATTRACTIVELY shape, Must sell, Reasonabie, Call after 5 p.m., 775-0000. 1963 OLOSMOBILE F485, power brokes,| steering, V-# hydromatic transmission, | shift on floor, bucket seats, white inter 'or, new tires, transistor radig, many other extras. Phone 725-0433 or 725-148) FOR SALE -- 1963 Rambier Ami Series 800, automatic, Phone atter 6.30 p.m, FURNISHED ROOM Avoilable in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | CLEAN, furnished, room with use of ius ron i, i kitenen if desired, Lady or gentleman TIAC Custome Sport," convert Located on Park Road South. Call 728-8606] FURNISHED Hovsekeeping room, ne Ty Ian nee, Se, ee comes ¥ - 1983 JAGUAR iMark 6, excellent RGOM end fully equipped |tion, wn root, stick shitt on floor, phone 666-6787. eet 67 CHEVROLET Phat B t door hardtop, -| 783 automatic, power sapinpeaapedicigiteendenenaien a - ring, bard wilh or without board for 'wo\brakes, best seek' ate offer ig rm 237 Nas ~ pone re: goed frais. Ase sau Sireet before 4 p.m, Ire We teen, en |i PARISIGNNE custom sport con tible, power steering, bri 3 en GNEDEOROOM with the use of The Wil-|gine, sixteen thousand. mi Black ehen and livingroom. Telephone 723-6808. | white 09, ROGME oF room ana board, downiown | io | 725-6199 ation, central, single or to shi singie 1959. VOLKSWAGEN convertible, Many yl hg aaa Apply 48 Albertinew parts, $125, 1954 Pontiac, 6 cylinder Priced reasonable, Telephone standard, like new, $100, 1957 Chevrolet, SA "a 6 cylinder standard, good runner, $126. pee TNS roam, V4 referred, close Wilt take trade. ins. bem, at i "TTR. MO PONTIAC, ddoor hardtop, & cyiin-| oi #0 ii fo aa posi iy, , eer, automatic transmission, -- radia Beatt 234 728-0051 in voNNi inno, Ai ae, a | transmission, | washers, 73,000 mile | mechenical condition with ed, Write Box 28173 Oshawa Times, |34--Automobile Repoir | (31--Compact ors for Sa1e|50---Legal SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | Volkswagen Soles ond Service New ond Used Cors 334 RITSON RD, §. | 723-3461 Open Evenings % VOLVO & PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 4. M20. Pima Jane Gri ois Sorsge 449 Ritson Rd. South -- | "Oshawa 728-092) | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Detsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair ond Service 160 Simcoe South | ines | CHEVY Ti sation weaen, 6, auio matic, 7 Ajax 7s 096. ENVOY '61 station wagon, ¥ very ry good con dition, Opportunity for Ind family car | 433 Fairiawn § Street. id AUSTIN A904, maior, body, "fires, brakes and interior, excelent transmis Needs minor repair, $300 of best (on otter, 'S) Hany J. running condi tien. Best cash offer, Apply 616 Simcoe North, | 199 VAURHALL, $65. In running condi tion, Call 775-1892. 'W PEUGEOT sedan excellent motor and tires, Clean condition, Price $165 Prone 728407799 otter 4 pm. 32--Trucks for Sele i , 66088 'one-ton, four-speed, ied, heavy | dul jon, in very good condition $) T5404 afer 6 pm. \s sabacuRY 4 ton truck 9150, Excel lient shape, many extras, good body and | mechanically radio, good rubber, Ynould be seen, 728-2204, | | FORD halt fon piciuy, radio, Val eng Telephone 655-4553 or apply He sere, Columbus, dark bive, standard) tion, wind shieia) Reasonably priced, | ideal for commuting student of second) cor, Call 728-4134 Mier 5.3 #m, j | 1968 GME handy van, 12,000 miles, Coil | 11-006 afier 7 p.m, ia CHaVY Ii, positrac: | STAKE BOOY TRUCK, Chevrolet, 9 ton! gross licence, This truck is in perfect) low mileage Priced for quick sale, Phone 723-3474 dur- ing busingss hours or 725-3429 after 5| p.m. of come to Oshawa Times switeh board for particulars, '9 INTERMATIONAL, iV) ton stat shift, good condition, _ Telephone im FORD Lage eB A! condition, 9275 |Caah, » Telephone 666- 33--Automobiles | Wanted -- CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer ond "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 _ OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars rf wrecking, Tires rip corn for sale Sis Neilson Street, Tei 125-2162. CAKTSORE A Ad $6 wauCZERS want 00 Welrwerth Wat Bast, 7 hahha ae * aa Boy for sh syed ond Ps y sale, iron bovsnt, by ploor sireet wast, 725-2311, 41,00 CATH avaliable for besi car offer FRED STONE OOKLIN PHONE 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft end Valve Service eeeee ' cLaanw Fim oan : i FORD maveor TR. specialists, ranemis-| tn Velgonene 7139228 central, por aang ream de, seek running 'andition: Wesker | tone are oaly bu , 'Simese -- | \a8-o4st + one neo Cc) a a GN. Weekly rates, lisa) PONT ry Queen's Hotel 67 Simese Street Norin.| 1997 PONTIAC Parisienne, Ydeor 'he Kare i, |35--Lost ar and Found U7 GYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby.|conailion" $415, Telepnone 1743, ° Fiveroom epariment with bath. Avaliable! iss pontiae arate Chiel, > door 7 = Pearl qheker iinet een, al cylinder, $1,200 or near offer, Call lan | vieinity Barer? ' TW TIRERT Basi -- BF -- Firnished | 942-0056. room for gentieman, housekeepin riv | se sent owntcwn AppIy. 'atter| 42 CHEVROLET Gal Air, blue, 6 eviln. 4 p.m. der, standard, radio, white wai . , condition, Phone 728-4265 efter § room tor rent FURNISHED private | Bloor and Wilson area, Telephone 726-8596, | 1944 CHEVROLET imp hardtop, 283, automatic, power ng PURNISHED bedroom for gentieman iniand brakes, radio, four new fires, Best privete home, avaliable Immediately, cen- offer. Telephone 723-3745. Wel, Yeiaonene 720-0632 1962 PONTIAC Laurenilan, WOOMS TO RENT, weekly. Apply Cen-\tic, radio, 26,000 miles, Call 723-0387, tral Hotel, 9 King St. W., Oshawa. Mr, § ay ' CHEVROLET Bei Air, Lecnren 793-912 automatic, radio, seat belts SINGLE, furnished bedroom for & walls, $800, Telephone 723-3039, steadily emploved gentieman. Parking, _ ene block from north Genera! Motors. wer Lag ad ho dell dodge va, Call 7. 4697 matic, excelient condition. Phene nes 728-3807, ROOM FOR RENT, double bed. Apply' i, | 44 PONTIAC, Strato Chiet, 6 cylinder, | 62 Nassau Street, 725-2198 standard, radio, white walls, Reasonable BREW STREET, @, two partly furnished | Bowmanville 623-5269, | housek 'oom i Ciyple preferred Lely eae t 1965 PONTIAC Taurentian, 4d00r sedan, po 6 cylinder, automatic, 25,000 miles. Ex-| re cellent condition, Will accept trade, Bow TWO PURNISHED bedrooms in quiet! manville 623-5269. | vomeare Nera Avery 119 switaer Driv@|igg METEOR, cusiom convertible, bucket ie " Seats, power steéring and brakes, radio, housekeeping room, suitable for seat belts, padded dash, Telephone 725 | couple, Apply 45 Orew Street 9291) after 6 p.m, 725-920) BURNISHED room, 368 Pine 1957 PONTIAC two-door automatic, r V8 aviome | 6 cylinder, | and while ve. Grenfell) Close to Shopping whitewalls, discs, filter, back-up lig! | Centre, Parking, Phone 723-5522 21,000 miles, sparkling condition, Inside) LARG@ furnished bedroom, kitchen and! 414 el. $475 or Dest offer, 725-8634 laundry privileges. Parking space. Apply 1968 CHEVROLET convertible, auto $74 Crerar Ave matic, power steering and brakes, radio lane ' BRIGHT" coecis rishad room io DAIRY el warrenty lake over ey clean home. Close fe shopping centre Sul? gentleman, Apply 36 Fernhill Bivd PRIVATE 'S4 Ford, $65. '58 Pontiac 725-7995. 82 Good runting order. Telephone 72) 0564 FURNISHED light housekeeping room, In new home. Laundry facilities, Parking, GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, Late Telephone 725-4360. models our specialty, Courtice Auto un Wreckers, 723-5258 28--Room and Board $8 CHEVROLET impala convertible lea power steering and brakes, V-8 auto WHITBY -- Central jocation. Accommo: matic, radio, A-l condition, $4600 or best dation for young gentieman to share. | otter, Telephone 723-0048 after § p.m Parking, TV, lunches packed. Telephone my | 1944 FORD, is ae tweetioor, four apeed tranamission. No down ayment NTLEMAN, hore cocked meais, Telephone ns 2756. vad | clean home, parking. © Garrard - - +2706. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make trallers, also used fires, 509 Bloor Street after 4, 90 | After LIENS PAib OFF We trade. Cheose from over 60 cars. No downpay:| "i ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 1-135. | '(4 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, 997,| 4 speed 250 HP power brakes, reverber quiet, Road id (by K-Mart), WOOM AND BOARD for young lady in gas, modern home, with privileges. Rossland and Stevenson area. Close to bus. 4 p.m. | telephone mm 0114 GOOD HOME for neat Young lady. 7 day week, Central, Good meals. Laundry 3577 done, 7: i -_ - ation. Red matching interior, black tep.; sinece fooms and board. Apply 2 Telephone 728-2858. . as | ivision Str | CONVERTIBLE 196: Pontiac, Power GENTLEMAN willing to share large room steering, radio, Ind car. Afler § o'clock. | ; wie beds. Lunches packed Close to Call 728-2155 General Motors. 773-4690. . or SM CHEVROLET, twodoor, good tires,/ QNE-ROOM furnished apartment. Apply 4.) mechanically, very clean interior 44 Simece Street South body in fal ape, $79 or nearest offer.) FURNISHED, Ddasement, Telephane . central, Gry. well-neated, television, an 195? MERCURY moto, V-, very good tenna, modern refrigerator, stove. One oF condition, $80. Tel phone Ajax 942-6484 | two adults. Abstainers. Call 723-0078. '99 PONTIAC jing A | a . 4 cy hall automatic trans TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment. No! mission. Laurentian Good mechan: | children under 12 years. No damage icatly and very good body. (No rust) $825 deposit, Decorated to suit new tenant. or best offer, 725-5555. Sound proof. Available July |. Park Piaze Apartments, 170 Park Road South, 728.0440, ONE OWNER Oldsmobile, 94 automatic semi-private after 6 Bm. oF before 4 p.m. power steering, Orakes, windows and) eal, radio, extra tires, TWO" ROOM "apartment, with kitchen. can. Call 728-5807. Private bathroom, in private horme. Avail able July 'st, Apply 152 Elgin Street East. #8 WAYNE STREET, Apartment % four foom apartment for rent, Telephone 725 3? PONTIAC convertible, dition, Telephone %42-5052 1958 CHEVROLET convertibie, excellent con new top.) wie A:T condition, 283 rebuilt motor, alt new me terior bes! offer, y 23- 3. WHITEY -- Large, one-bedroom apart |, tek ala AB Bl meant, refrigerator. stove, washer '42 PONTIAC Laurentian, Va automatic, | able July 1}, Call 648-7904, even all Power, radio, white wails, Must sell. | = _ - Rest offer- Telephone 728-778) ROGM AND BOARD 9 clean, q Stent gs heme for gentlemen, to share o ( packed, § dey week. Teleprone 778-41)? GET SPOT CASH ROOM, BOARD, geniiemen to : WITH TIMES Central Lunches packed, Apply &? mT j Ce'borne. Haat, i ACTION ADS eos |36----Loge! reasonable foridedts contracted in my. name by anyone [on or after this date, June 11, , Call collect Willowdale | 225-4m6. WHITBY SEWER CONTRACTORS | ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be | received, until 3:06 pm. (E.D,T,) on TUESDAY, JULY Sth, 1966 for the Reconstruction of the storm and sanitary sewer systems at the Ontario Hos- | pital, Whitby, Ontario | NOTE; AS OF JANUARY | Ist, 1966, ALL PEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAXES WILL BE PAID BY CONTRACTORS AND IN- | CLUDED IN THEIR TEN- | DERS | Tender documents may be ob tained from Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Pub- | lie Works, Whitney Block, | Parliament Buildings, Tor- | onto 2, Ontario, (Telephone No, 365-1079), or viewed at the the Builders Exchange, Oshowe, Ontario A $2,000.00 Bid Bond, « 100% Payment Bond wil! be required as specified Tenders wil not be considered unless mode on forms sup- plied by the Department A Deposit of $25.00 MON- EY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE mode payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition with- in thirty days of above clos- ing date, otherwise forfeited The lowest or any tender not necessarily occepted J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, 1, Michael H, Dell, 404 Ritson Rd, N Oshawa, will not be responsible for any 1964, with out my written consent. | Michael H. De For No Night Travel. Write or phone COMMUNITY CENTRE TONIGHT-8 P.M. TOWN OF AJAX TENDERS FOR WATERMAINS SEALED TENDERS will be received by Mr, B. C. Falby, Clerk + Treasurer, Town of Ajax, Ajox Municipel Build- ing, Aiax, Ontario, until 4:00 pm, £05.T., THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1966 for the construction of ap- oraximately 2540 Lin. Ft, lron & Ductile of 12" Cost iron Woter- main 3440 Lin. Ft, of 10" Cast tron & Ductile tron Weter- main 2100 Lin. Ft. of 8" Cost jron & Ductile tron Weter- mein 2000 Lin. Fr. of 6" Cost lron & Ductile 'ron Woater- mein in the Town of Ajox. A complete set of plans end specificotions may be obtain- ed at the office of Walvin Limited, 152 Harwood Av- enue, Ajox, Ontario, on poy- ment of $10, which is rot re- fundable, Lowest or any tender "ot nec- essorily occepted, B, C. Falby, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Ajox, Ajax, Ontario, Walvin Limited, Consulting Engineers, 152 Harwood Averwe, Ajox, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT WILLIAM MESHER ALL PERSONS heving claims ogainst the Estate of ROBERT WILLIAM MESHER, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 2\st doy of Jorwary, A.D. 1965, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, on or before the 25th doy of July, A.D, 1966 full particu- lors of their claims, after which dote the estate will be distributed having regord only to the claims of which the undersigned shell. then have notice DATED at Oshowe, Ontario, this 6th doy of June, A.D, 1966 ar siiahdaaaekd BOYCHYN HILLMAN, 364 aa Street East, Oshowa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, Charles Francis Mesher and Jock Mesher, TOWNSHIP of WHITBY Part time Building Inapector By-Law Enforcement Officer Applications will be received for the position of Building Inspector ond By-law Inforce- ment Officer for the Town- 4:30 ship of Whitby until p.m. Mondey, June 20th, 1966 Appliconts should have ex- perience ond knowledge of building. Previous experience with « municipality and knowledge of municipal government will be considered os on asset. Written applications are re- quired stoting, all personal dato, experience, education and when services will be available. Salory to be. com- mensurote with abolity and experience, Pension and hos- pitalization end PSI coverage is available, WM, H. WALLACE Box 160, Brooklin, Ont. '38-----Coming Events BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO- NIGHT 8PM 490 KiNG &. ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jockpot $180,,, 56 Nos, $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 54 Nos, $100. GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service Tickets Available ot the Door $20 Consolation Good Prizes ESCORTED TOUR To The GASPE Aug. 4 Aug. 13 See Quebec City, St, Anne De Beaupre, Gulf of St. Law rence, Bay of Choleur, tour around the entire Gaspe Peninsula. Over 2,000 miles by deluxe = air - conditioned motor coach, Colmer Travel Service 14 Orchard View Blvd. Bowmanville 623.3268 WOODVIEW BINGO Nos, 55 and 58 sigue ta BIRTHS 8 ALDSWORTH -- Robert and Margaret (nee Dancey) are happy to announce the arrival of » son, John Robert, on Mer day, June 13, 1966, at the Oshews Gen erah Hospital CONLIN § Jerry and jean (nae Wright) ore proud to announce the birth of # son, 7 ths, 12 O15, On | Danny, Kathleen, Fae and thary Jean, , J Anderson and Mth CRAGGS - Rick and Betty (new Me- Donald) thank God tor re sete FcAdavg OF WM minis wineaes | 5 ounces. 7X lisie sratnar tar Righo many lthanks fo Or, Ooherty and 4th floor staff, | LATTA --- Dr. and Mrs. David G. ay 4 elgg (nee Huddleston) announce birth ef @ son, Timethy peste at oe | Joseph's Hospital, London, on June 110, W966, LS nesTONs ~ FR aaper and Vicky wish announce the birth of # son, lan Fra- i? pounds, 2 wnets, on Friday, June Aire for Scott and Mary, Thanks | ¢ , King. |to | 96% 16. ite OSTHEIMER ~~ Waiter and Marilyn (nee Lockwood) are pleased to announce the birth of @ son, Jeffery David, born June \1, 1966, at 6.04 a.m, at the Oshawa THe OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 13, 1966 25 OBITUARIES FREDERICK HARDING The death occurred suddenly, | June 11, of Frederick Harding, 104 Cadillac Ave. N. The de- ceased, who had not been in -\good health for a few months, was in his 62nd year. A son of the late George and Mary A. Harding, the deceased was born in Oshawa and had Deen a Nitiong resmen: ose city. He was a member of Sim-| coe Street United Church. An employee of General | Motors for about 46 years, Mr. Harding was supervisor of the Warranty Administration Re- view Section, He was a former member of the Oshawa Golf Club and the Oshawa 7 | Club. | Mr. Harding is survived by' his wife, the former Ruby Mc- Donald, whom he married June General Hospite!, A brother for Shawn, 7 tos. 6 of DEATHS HARDING, Frederick Suddenly in Oshawa on Sefurday, June 1h, 1966, Frederick Harding, (104 spares Avenue North), beloved husband of Ruby MeDonsid and leving brother of Mrs Jos. Ashton, Detroit, The late Mr, Hard ling is resting af Mcintosh - Anderson {Funeral Home, Oshawa, Service in the chapel on Tuesday, June 14 at 7 p.m, In ferment Oshawa Union Cemetery, in fieu of flowers, contributions fo the Heart Foundation will be appreciated, WA SON, Viviet Al Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, June 12, 1966, Violet Harrison, aged 72 years. Beloved wife of William | Harriton, RR 2, Newcastle and dear sis- lter of Aileen Endicott, Arthur land land Wynne Harrison, Resting af the Portis Funersi Chapel, Bowmanville Service in the Chapel on Tuesday et 1.30 p.m. Cremation $, James, Cremator: ium, Toronto, ev 3 Bernard Memorial Friday evening, LAWRENCE, Suddenly, at manvilie, on Bow 10, Hospital, June in his 68th year, Dear father_of Mrs. S lCrowhurst (Lillian), Mrs, ®, Phillips (Bernice), Bernard and Donald, ail Toronto, Resitng at the Northoutt and Smith Funeral Home, funeral service 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. interment Bowmanville Cemetery, LOCKEY, Michael Andrew Entered into rest at the family residence, 110 Rosehill Bivd., Oshawa, on Monday,| June 13, 1966, Michael Andrew Lockey, beloved husband of Natalie Yarrow, and father of Mrs. Harold Chinn (Mary), Mrs, Robert G. Parrish (Helen), Stan lley P., Walter M, Lockey of Oshawa, In Pi s0th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with mass in St, George's Ukrainian Catholle Church, Wednesday, Sune 15, 9.0 a.m, Interment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers in the Ifuneral home Tuesday, & p.m.) McBRIDE, Nellie B |After a short at the Oshawa) |General Hospi Sunday, June 12,) | 1966, Nellie B Collins (of 290 Mary $1. N., Oshawa), beloved wife of the tate Wil- liam Edward McBride, dear mother of Miss Elleen McBride of Oshawa, Gor don of St, Thomas and Collins of Peter |borough, dear grandmother of Robert of aaa: In her 84th year, Resting at the W, C, Town Funeral Chapel, | Whitby for service in the chapel on Wed- | nesday, June 15 af 2 p.m, Interment |Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. Minis |ter, the Rev, J, Smith, Visitors commenc ing 7 p.m, Monday. OKE, Helen Marthe At Oshawa Generali Hospital on Satur- day, June 11, 1966, Helen Martha Oke, beloved daughter of the late Frederick and Nellie Oke, loving sister of Mrs, Fred, DeNure and the late Muriel Oke of Oshawa; dear aunt of Mrs. Lawrence Nicholls, (Eleanor), Seagrave and Fred lerick C, DeNure of Lindsay, Miss Oke is resting at Mcintosh - Anderson funeral home, Oshawa, Service in the chapel on Tuesday, June 14 at 3.30 p.m, Interment ly 445 p.m ROCHE, Francis William (Red) Entered into rest al the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, June 12, 1966, ap cis Willlam Roche, beloved husband Bessie Burford Sheridan; father of Mrs William Blake (Joan); and George F Roche of Oshawa; and stepfather of Mur ray Sheridan of Rosebank, in his 68th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawan with funeral service in th chapel Tuesday, June 14 i ment Oshawa Union Ce: of flowers donations ma the True Blue and Orange Home, Rich mond Hill.) (Enterprise LOL, No, 2767 will hold a memorial service at the funer ai home, Monday at 7.30 p.m, i pm, inter. . (in tev be made to WADDELL, Alfred John Entered Into rest suddenly at his resi dence on Sunday, June 12, 1966, Alfred John Waddell, beloved husband of Anne Welsh, of 33 Guild Road, RR 3, Picker ing, and deer father of Robert F., Ed monton, Marion (Mra, Ray Harrison), Willowd: Mr. Waddell Is resting at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston |Road West, Pickering, Fun service jin the chapel on Tuesday, June 14, at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery, WALKER, Lillian May At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, en Satur day, June 11, 1966, Lilllan May Walker, | beloved daughter of the ta' [Barbara A, Walker, lovi |Charles Richards, (Eva), Oshawa, the late Harry Walker of Vancouver, Miss Walker Is resting at Mcintosh + Anderson | Funeral Home, Oshawa, Private mys ice on Tuesday, June 14 at 11 am, ment Union Cemetery, Inter-| | LOCKE'S FLORIST | Funerol arrangements floral arrangements for occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR iy SERVICE | 728- | and | all | Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all, | GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet | IN MEMORIAM FALLON ~ In laving memery of « dear sister and aunt, Mra, Eva Fallon, who passed away June 13, 1965, in. our hearts your memory Hingers, | Aiways tender, fond and true } There's not a day, Dear Eva, | We do not think of you. "Mary and Pat FALLON ~ In loving memory ef our aunt, Eva Fallen, who 1, 1966. A year has passed, dear Since you were called away) How well do | remember That sad and weary day Suffering much, you murmured not, RED BARN EXTRA _ BUSES | BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game | | FREE ADMISSION | RESULTS | Jackpot 51 and 54 | | Children under 16 not allowed | TIMES | Special 7:30 bus from } Classified 4 Corners ACTION ADS RUMMAGE SALE Legion" Hall, Ce . ne m™. Auspices Ladie 723-3499 Lauer, a Pp Royal Canadian Legipn, Bren) 3 Would net be taken away Sadly missed by sister ther-in-law Clarke and niece and nephew {Diane and Bob, Isabell, bro GREELEY ~ In loving memory ef our) cougeer Susan who passed away June 6: oe memory @ daily thought. mbered by Mummies, Daddy, 1966, Bert Lawrence of 138 Elgin Street) Union Cemetery, Port Hope, approximate: | * |Smith, minist f St. k' ' ch. Git cuter on ae thinking of making a change to a new car, NOW'S THE vice. TIME . . . you can really wheel and deal with your jawa General Hospital, was sung jin St, jman Catholic Chureh, Whitby at 2, 1956, He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Joseph Ashton of Detroit and a number of nieces jand nephews, | The funeral service will be held at the Mcintosh-Anderson |Funeral Home at 2 p.m., June 14. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Rev John K. Moffat, minister of Sim- coe Street United Church, will! conduct the service. In lieu of flowers contribu- j tions to the Heart Fund would) be appreciated, | MICHAEL A. LOCKEY In poor health fer three) months Michael Andrew Lockey, 110 Rosehill boulevard, died! June 13 at the family residence. | He was in his 80th year. Born Nov. 7, 1886, in the Uk-| raine, Mr. Lockey was married : Nov, 21, 1914, in Montreal. A resident of Canada for 55 years, ihe had lived in Oshawa for 38 } | |years, Since his retirement he had worked as a school crossing guard at the Gibbons and King sts. crossing. He was a mem- ber of St, George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and was ja member of the Ukrainian Na- |tional Federation, } Mr, Lockey is survived by his. |wife, the former Natalie Yarrow' two daughters, Mrs. Harold Chinn (Mary) and Mrs, Robert G. Parrish (Helen) and two jsons Stanley P, Lockey and . |Walter M, Lockey, all of Osh awa, Also surviving are two sisters in the Ukraine and seven grand- children The deceased is at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for oe quiem mass in St, George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at 9.30 a.m, June 16, Rey. J, C. Pereyma will sing the mass. Interment will be in} Resurrection Cemetery. Prayers will be recited at the| funeral home at 8 p.m. June 14. MRS, NELLIE McBRIDE The death occurred, following a short sickness, at the Oshawa General Hospital, June 12, of \Mrs, Nellie McBride, 290 Mary Is , Oshawa, She was in her ur WE NEED USED CARS Recently your Mills Men liquidated their entire stock of used cars. Now. with the issues which prompted the liquidation settled, your Mills Men are badly in need of used cars to re-build their inventory. If you've been ar, The former Nellie Collins, the deceased was a daughter of the late George and Mary Collins. "'Born in Toronto, she received |her education in the Toronto public and high schools. She was married in Toronto in 1905, Mrs, McRride was a resident of Whitby for 37 years and for the past two years had lived in-Oshawa;-She was-a--member. of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby; a life member of the United Church Women, a life member of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club and the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club. Predeceased by her husband, | William Edward McBride, in| vived by a daughter, Eileen of Oshawa and two sons, Gordon of| /St, Thomas and Collins of Peter: | borough. | Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. J, C, Acton (Vera) of Ren- abie, Ont. and a grandson, Rob- ert, of Peterborough. The funeral service will be} jheld at the W, C, Town Funeral |Chapel, Whitby, at 2 p.m. June} /15, Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Rev. John y Mills Man RIGHT NOW ! DEAL NOW! FUNERAL OF egacaces! WAUXHALL ¢ VIVA ACADIAN sion St., who died, June 8, at| SEE YOUR MILLS MAN SOON! the Toronto General Hospital, was held at 1 p.m,, June 11, at Your PONTIAC - BUICK - Mstritasetsges ot lg ~ ACADIAN - GMC - BEDFORD eater FUNERAL OF MRS, ARIDEL M. A, BRYANT Requiem mass for Mrs, Aridel |Mary Agnes Bryant, of Whitby, jwho died, June 6, at the Osh- John the Evangelist Ro- 10 a.m, June 9, The mass was sung by Rey. 0, Cochrane, Interment was in St. John's Roman Catholic Cemetery. The pallbearers were Oakley St. Pierre, Murray Silver, Cliff Solomon, Alex Brown, Clayton Chaput and Donald Bell. St. Andrew's United Church, conducted the seivice. Inter. ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery The pallbearers were Charles Ling, Harold Fenton, Bernard Dillon, George Sweeney, James 1 CARD OF THANKS Ev brother | and ali sisters, A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS Four courteous edvice please visit the Pork Office, 723-2633 jversary. ALLMAN ~~ We would like fo thank our friends, United Church Wemen, of 95d Street United Church, Rev. and Mrs, Dyck, Also Albert $f. Church Bowing League for their many cards of sympa thy In the loss of Mra. Allman's father, "Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Aliman CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Rev. John Merris, minister of 266 King St. W. Ph: 723-4634 McLAUGHLIN We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their love- ards, gifts and good wishes on the occasion of eur golden wedding anni Downtown Oshawa a ee Gertie and Dove MeLaughiin, |