Qh THE COHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 13, 1966 (20-----Real Estate for Sele (20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estote for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sele | OPEN SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over o Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9AM TO9 PM, $16,900 Excellent 3 bedroom brick bungalow. This home is oniy 4 yeors old end has 9 well fenced rear yord, patio and private drive $1,500 DOWN ond one open mortgoge for the bolance ot $80 covering principal and interest combin ed, buys this 3 Sedroom with new oil furnace, garcge ond large lot, Low Taxes COUNTRY LIVING Comfortable nine room frame home with good kitchen, bothroom, second washrom ond oil furnace. Situated on @ good full acre lot close to school, church and shopping and within easy commuting distance of Oshawa and Bow monville 10 ACRE LOTS We hove several good ten acre lots; some with woods lots like served. Terms available $14,000 Clean two bedroom stucco bungelow on Gibb St, This older type home has been well kept and hes a good size garden for the person with a green thumb'. Any reason- able offer considered LAKEMOUNT ST, Five reom bungolow in excel- lent condition, Broadioom in living reem and hall included Three good size bedrooms, else @ Recreation Room. Coll now for en appointment te inspect. COMMERCIAL Desirable location on busy King St. West -- near Shop ping Centre, Four bedroom | nag home on 30' x 139' reosonably priced ot tot, Vi only $18,900. OPEN HOUSE Daily 1 to 9 p.m. Week-ends 12 Noon to 5 p.m, In BEAU VALLEY COME SEE THE BERMUDA Seven beoutiful rooms, twe baths, Huge rec room. Loe ated on ravine lot en Juniper Street We have severe! homes. in verious stoges ef construction Lecetions in beautiful" Beou Valley are getting scarce Ask for Soles Representative te heip You pick your loce ten WE WILL TAKE YOUR HOME IN ON A-TRADE Move Into A Kassinger Home By Early Fall We hove literally hundreds of plans or we will build to your specifications; but don't leave it another minute or before you knew it we will be sold out For Full Particulars Call 723-2265 725.3867 623-5638 728.2349 723.1358 728-5205 723-2889 725.9345 728.2233 728 1066 728-2870 723-9492 725-8300 725-0201 728-1726 lrene Brown Mel Dele Wm. Yasmanicki Marg. Holl trwin Cruikshanks George Koornneet Ed Drumm Maible Boudreou Bill Johnston Allan Thompson Dan Howe Mike Belmonte Reg Aker Bill MeFeeters Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS MORTGAGES ARRANGED 340 King Street West Free, easy, sofe parking oy TERT {WANTED IMMEDIATELY |waman to supply consumers in Oxnawal/2h84?! land Ontario county with Rawleigh Prov: $100 end up full time, Write Rawileigh, Dept. | P310-394, 4005 Richelieu, |real | SCENIC KENDAL Wills Woacre parcels) mann Rea with trout stream, partly wooded, $5,000. NORTH-WEST |OWNeR says sell. Reduced price Fourraem bungalow with/® Maddern Perry Real Estate | Early Re trreughout KEITH PETERS | REALTY LTD, 728-7328 | 103 King Street Eost REALTOR 7 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL dig Aselehit! District - Horne in spotless condition, pss size kitchen and living room, 4 piece both and 2 ciece Lot is nicely landscaped and has two fruit trees. Many extras. go with home Must be seen te be appreciated Aski ese $20,590 SPOTLESS 114 STOREY 3 re home, ook and chestnut trim, seperate din- ing room, fireplace, shade trees, excellent school srea, both separate and public, bus line NEARLY NEW Between Oshawa and Whitby, 3 bedroom home, Seautiful kitchen and dining room, built in stove and oven. Lorge lot and many more extras For more information please coll 728-7328 BUY LIKE RENT Low down payment, 3 bed room brick, qood size kitchen and eating creo, close to schools, income from level, Investigate further SUMMER COTTAGE Commuting distance from Oshawa. Five room frame cot tage set quite high from the water and offers a perfect sunset view over the lake Furniture included and one piece bath LARGE STORE 28 x 56 with B room home, warehouse 24 x 30. situated on a large corner lot wit frontage on 2 paved roods close to Oshawa LOW PRICED HOMES 4 100m bungolow $9,900 with $1,500 down 5 room bungelow $10,900 with $1,000 down 4 room bungalow with $2,500 down 8 room 1'4 storey with $4,300 down 4 room bungalow wi age $14,900 with down PAUL RISTOW LTD REALTOR 187 King St, Eost 728-9474 HORTOP § This 6 room bungalow, paved drive and gorage on a large lot hos been lovingly cored for throughout the years by one owner You'll he pileasantly surprised with the size of the 3 bedrooms. Reo! istically priced ot $16,500 See it today! DUPLEX Electrically heoted, 3 bed- room in e@ach apartment Wayne Street location, This building is just being stoarted ond builder will consider trade, We can show you plone or identical building on Tecumseh Street near com pletion. Enquire NOW! HOUSE PLUS LOT 5 room bungolow plus duplex lor on Cedor St. Immediote posession, This is your oppor- tunity te live next te your future income property. LAKEFIELD One owner 8 yeor old bunge low with well kept grounds 3 hedrooms, family size kit chen and large living room spells home. Owner most anxious to sell. Asking $14,- 500, Taxes only $356.00 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Once in a while @ home is offered for sole thot suits the larger family bedrooms, living room, dining room, excellent family room with fireplace, situoted on an oversize lot, Asking $23,900, with immediate possession NEW IMMEDIATE SSION $2,600. down, 3 bedroom located close to Simcoe Street Ne ower $10,900 $11,300 th $2,500 Br Tie aoor truly Four bus route and schools An excellent value at $15 400 with payments of $95.00 monthly plus taxes PAUL RISTOW LTD REALTOR 728-9474 Atter Hours Call Vern Morton Tom Huzar rth, ATTENTION Several stream properties @ FARMS e @ IN OSHAWA AREA Far a!! information eal! Clare MeCulleugh W. Frank Real Estate nd tor sale Apply drivein theatre Man For Street, near vets, Can earn $80 weekly part-time $s? 1,800 down. Call Roy Foster 3?! Frank Real Estate Lid. Realtor DONEVAN HIGH ares bungalow featuring garage jandseaping. All schools in en. Only $94 monthly whieh cludes principal, interest and taxes paymen! arranged. Call Doug Gower 1005. W. Frank Raal Estate Limited we NORTH WEST Good condition at $14,500. Sibby's PORT MTe. ACRE FARM with just east of Oshawa Oshawa Realty (Rond Street) Real. Ratate two Limited [THREE NEW HOMES on Switter Brive | Tele $90,000 and up. By Michael Zygock phone 728-088? | downpayment in country today RANCH BUNGALOW with large int. nade eurtice patio swimming pao! Two firepieces and Teleprane »P3.08as 'ape | CHOICE AREAS i ep ARIPW/IELAS and WILLOWDALE | King &. E. te Grandview $. on Grandview to Willowdale SAVE $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS J HARMONY VILLA S$. on Harmony W on Olive. i ridge Oh% NHA MORTGAGES Rd. to. Olive block to Elm ATHOL ST. EAST Bungalows, and 2 stoves E. to Wilson Rd $ 1 Athol block King Ta) "BOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,796 MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM $114 PER MO PLT | -- OPEN DAILY 'TIL DARK JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR EVERY DAY 15 OPEN HOUSE MODELS OPEN 9 A.M. to 10 P.M, STILL LOOKING 3 LARGE BEDROOMS fireplace fin Storms screens Built-in stove and oven, ished recreation room, clay brick, many other exciting features, Located near schools, bus lines, shopping, and large 10 acre park beside Well wa have it! Come on out tonite and moke a deal with us, all trades considered moybe even your mother-in law, | block north of 401 on Wilson Rd Echo Const you Homes, Oshawa presented by L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-0321 ESTATE PICKERING VILLAGE Large home situated en about 2 acres of land, roned for two extra lots Home contains ten rooms; includes five bedrooms . one a bed-sittingroom Gos heat and extra heavy wiring The grounds ere beautifully INVESTMENT PROPERTIES = |THREE-REDROOM bungalow 400) aiiy clean or | ately Henry, Mont: | session Five-room brick recreation ' mmed | Realtor 465 h)|SEMIdetached duplex Rus! land two balhraems each stop at door. Oniy $17,000 full price, Bown ron an very | min priced Next te Ltd sidings Telephone P04 FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four reduced Desadinam treed and contain a« coach house ond extra buildings Only 30 minutes from down town Toronto and 8 minutes to Oshawa. Close to schools, churches, ete Don't miss for country liv this ng The price is right PHONE Pickering 942-1941 opportunity ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY $95,000 iW apartment in Port Hope. Elec new suite brick tric heat; new Near new hospital and 401, 195 anxious Income monthly $1, very sell Me Ww Owner to Clare 7843 Contact 723 Frank Real Estote Terms Cullough | Two REDROOM anertment in new build stove dryer free, broadinnm in| foom basement apartment Many extras com, elevater, builtin *, washer room Telephone 728 wall to wall 28 or 728-0123. South end Oshawa, choo! and shopping Available 70 Kawartha Street $1000 bown, galow. Finished rec lie and separate school Full price $18,900, Ralance leasy terms 123-4204 oF AOR Estate AREA, three choice of ete color Moai chaser brick open tor may have shingles, tile inspection $17,380. three spection. No agents, Located weat Shopping 72-1349 10 ACRES of scenic lend to Oshawa Hage, store and achool $4,500 with terms to sult your all Doug Gower 78-1008, W Estate Limited. 423.3993 ite nine. Act Call Star Keith Peters Realty BROOKLIN ligt, Hine rnems inne tn water pais Estate Broil teen [future wisely, invest McCormack Lid. Realtor schools, Tawn PRIVATE SALe pidetached, o aluminum atorme Gown, Call Poaceae) haat, tinis re and screens, equipment, ma exceptio close to |WHEN BAY immed Call 949-4200 Call Helen Simpson, Schate we |rooms, bedroam | Orono. W.lhungalow being bull! on large tot bedrooms, | Ready for In Ihe three-bedroom vem "#81 Cost- They Pay GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD 155 SIMCOE ST. S$ 723-8144 614% NHA. RESALE East end location $73.69 monthly includes principal ond interest on this 3 yeor old brick hore, featuring 4 larne hedronme. fully olaster- ed recreation room, and «4 large hollywood kitchen, For further information or ao pointmernt to inspect ask for Vince Jarvis MOM upside down and backwards means WOW - Built for mom and her real comfort, only $2,700 down for this spacious 3 bedroom home with built-in even and range and many expensive extras in North East location Call and ask for Vera Krishko, ALEXANDRA PARK AREA 3 Bedroom brick home with gorage. New olf furnace, one open mortgage, carries at $85 monthly. Call Margoret Lee Spelled CARRIES $62 MONTHLY 514% N.HLA Taylor Avenue helow replacement hedroom brick cellent condition with profes sionally finished room, separate laundry room. Truly a sacrifice at $17,000 full price. No triflers please, call Thelma McMullen TOWNLINE 5. $18,995 Country living with approxi mately "2 acre of land. Four bedrooms fireplace, all oallu minum siding and having electric heat, plus many extras on this property, Coll now Shirley Moskal WE LIST AND Mek s Open 9 am. to 9 om MEMBER OF ODREB Resale on far cost. 3 selling bungalow ex rec SELL Yes the Ist phase of Armstrong Homes ARE SOLD OUT ! ! Now don't out the new phose now started The same Quality Beout Work maonship end miss an Luxury service Better built only by mae | | | $1800 DOWN bedroom brick bungalow, | old, | Re | AP. for an Pe TOWNLINE South, five-room bungalow with alip, privacy, modern Pe $1000 BOWN, direct from builder new, heal, ach sy Re os ARMSTRONG 2 LOCATIONS AJAX OSHAWA Poyments $1,600 NUMA, Financing Avoiloble GRIFFIN ESTATE LIMITED 942-3310 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED Down From REA FOR REAL YOUR BEST ESTATE MOVE WORKINGMAN'S SPECIAL 2 STOREY, 7 room brick home, Deep lot 30' x 405 Low toxes. Asking $12,300 with low down payment, Coll Roy Yeo ot 728-5123. Even- ings 725.2217 North of ODRERB Simcoe Street 101 - Member Emerald Avenue, three seven years Call Oshawa 7IR-9466 full price only $15,400. (Bond Street) Limited "PROPERTY alty ARTMENT ty suites, offer, Call Will lrvine, ters Realty Limited for 728-68 Full. basement, Try $2000 down. rry Real Estate, 723-8125 Almost three-bedroom brick bungalow, nools, Immediate possession, 723-654) 500, DOWN, Clean six-room home with 725-9965, al Estate HAWA BLVD SOUTH---two-storey four large living bedrooms List room at only] $12,900. Call George Twaites for appoint ment to see oO DOWNSVIEW alt ar a ta leh vit Sui three-bedroom brick bun Martin, toom, Close to PUD TW GO. Martin, Immediate pos len po qu school tis! |he MONE YWise Sood road. 201 provitable Very re Stream line w " inh yourioy 455-3066, | PRIVATE 5 low Twestorey brick on large | en hot water heating wilh | iq) formation and appeiniment to Pur! Dolores Ross oH | Martin, "A | FURNISHED COTTAGES and lots for sale Call Don Sirsdeks (ROR THE GROWING family incated on/ Phone Carman Mullett, EVD of 723-2008, Car! Sen Realtor, 20 Ray Street Many extras. Bolahood 725-2017 ached garage 'others Lid. Roy Yeo, STOREY with three Nice residen | area. Near schools. On nice 8 Arthur Street, Whitby 790 after 6 1S BONE Fetire Vo arming two bedroom bungalow in beau ul country setting, Only $2,000 down perhiy landscaped and excellent fish al your front door Millbrook 932-2943 Realtor frame house 778-8103. er northeast = location. bed two hathroams Possibilities, $2,500 down. Three suggest For further inspect call ice in 72H 1944 oF Realtor let street yet very close to public ted al S purchased annther $19,900. For sale. all auiek home Mari Realinr Invest in m inceme home 'just north Oshawa Shopping Centre Two kit at $21,900. Elmer Fredin 725-2759 or 0. Martin, Reatter ACRES of good pasture miles e@ant of Oshawa. Call two-bedroom, brick bunge plionally clean, modern kitch good rertheast quiet residen a. Immediate possession, $1000 Want-Ads Don't tor PPA-OSPS sheroom split-ievel with Vegi Man | Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish: m4 this neome We offer four-bedroom split level owner Please - prasien| POR RENT on Sturgeon Lake, madern con. (20e--Summer P For Sele or Rent |21---Farms for Sele |25--Houses for Rent [26--Apertments for Rent PIGEON near PETERBORO 'Cottage with Lo $2,995 $50 DOWN 347 monmiy PAYMENTS START. JULY 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ! LOT 75'«200' surveyed with family-size cottage, 3 hed- rooris, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plan, $50 down, $47 monthly, payments start August, 1966. Limited num- her, Year round activities Practical for -etirement. Good roads, open year round Hydro, telephone, swimming, eveslient fishing, water ski- hosting, hunting, tc Winter nearby. -EN JOY Summer, Fall, Wiriter Spring ing, 5ki-tow @ MEET @ Teronto Dominion only bank In Omemee 7 on the Peterboro ghwoy each day and appointment nec Rede Bank Highway to Lindsey H week-end at Noe pir OR Fri spec Phone Can be seen Menday to day, day or evening, by appointment bpp HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 only FURNISHED lot COTTAGE at 95' x 200' on Price $5,500 Voalentia Lake Scugog SUB-DIVISION } acre 20 North west of Oshawa MARGARET BALLARD Realtor Sunderland 303, Agent: F. Lb. Mitchell Port Perry 985-2026 FUTURE lots miles BEI LAKE BAPT @ NEW keeping COTTAGES City con- veniences, screened porch #5, good swimming, boat- ing, fishin @ BOATS AVAILABLE CALL 725-0267 FOR SAL@® OR RENT kept lakefront cottage within commut distance of Oshawa. Good swimmi sandy beach, flush tollet, hot water, tower, other extras, $7,500 with 123-5635 UTIFUL Store sandy beach, shade trees, ridin cockiall lounges wit $40 monthly, Full Apply 765 Chesterton | LAKH MUSKOKA cottage for "rent, and cold water, sate, sandy beach, & able for two families, AIR RESORT ISTE . , FOR REN winterized house- MOTORS Lake, spacious Avenue | Bowmanville 625-2445 | TROUT STREAM retreat, 100 scenic ac | |LAKE $CUGOG, furnished lakefront cot # SIBBY'S about | Harbor idea! central location, Make) hour Keith | approved electric o|| |MALIBURTON LAKE. close to separate, public and high | beach, wooded lots, Metcalt | Qual: fishing, fireplace and Inside conveniences ang |bindsay large lake. Cash winter Talaphone | Mr. EW | 440 with stocked trout pond, unfinished stone) house with stone fireplace, Approximat 10,000 Christmas trees ready for mar this year, Gravel deposit, Must be 5 at once, 10 miles north of Bowmanvy! $24,000 terms all W. Frank Real tate, Bowmanviile at 425-3995. hot and cold water, conv: safe beach tage for sale, lences, boat and motor, phone 725-5252 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for rent, H burton district, Modern with all eony lences, sandy beach, boat Included, weekly, Avaliable August 13 on and Ju Call Whitby 668-5447 LAKEFRONT small cottage, Sturgeon Lake, less from Oshawa, Fully heating for winter 1 fully furnish Boat al than $n All inside convenianess for immediate occupancy ideal terms, 3 Fairview Court, Lindsay, 424-2554 200 feet $7,200, terms. Li say, 324-3595. Frost Agencies Lta., fenced yard and new furnace, Taxes only| COTTAGE FOR RENT for July and Av $128, Call Bob Johnston, 85 miles from Oshawa, excell Telephone 725-8 bedroom home with large fenced yard, LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for sale, near Modern kitchen, good-sized three large living lsandy beach, zed. Many extras, Area Code 705 BARGAIN ~~ bedrooms, kitchen room, electrically heat furnished, Could be wint Cotiage and 79 acres ust move in, road to door Inside ¢ veniences, gas system. Secluded fishing and Stove, fridge. and quiet hunting. Beautiful price $4,500 Tout, RR 3. Coe Hill Bancroft, Gibsan Willoughby L excell view Cont jled Realtor Call Georageinry tacilities, jside facilities on | WE HAVE just listed 'an 'pider home in| ming | Madoc Oflivn Fit Cit] 72a. 810 O.\ ven 'entre, 229 and 22) Cabot Street, |Nortin mgeraid 40-5919 oF 788-510) W venences of RICE LAKE tot 70 |FOR RENT | cottages BUCKHORN LAKE room, camping, trailers, sandy beach, All conveniences, boats, store, 468-8392. HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, fishing, skiing and sw Telephone 725.2909 ar write Ma RR 3 Burks Falls cottages, cottages, Lakefront on jmanville 623-2262. on Molra Lake Ont COTTAGE FOR RENT, Willlam's Po! Lake Scugng, fully furniened, inside c electric stnve and refrigera' running water in kitchen, Telephone 4440 479.2204 cottage for sale. x 200, BA. beach. $2000 ON! Tehens, two bathrooms, double garage. An! 7350 budget. | attractive prapasition Frank Realleai Lakelront housekeep cottages veniences, sandy beach, reasonable, & rent, | manville 423-2242, [RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, two om north of Frankford, Ont. Ten miles 40) highway. Road, hydro, beach. Pr $2,000. Telephone Toronto, 287-0757 WELL TREED lakeshore lots on bea ful Glamor the Haliburton Hi Road and hydro also st? WISEST WAY to order as the special 4 aay plan flan for Dial Want Mean ot] 723-492 now - Owner's well | terms 3 bedrooms, lawn with down selling pr co M4 500. Canos and boat one | insulated and house | fishing, $5,500, ; phone aang Completely private and $4900, Phone 324-2087 pressure phone "TET bed good = fishing housekeeping Sturgeon Lake, modern con 720-4109 W. O.|Venlences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow Mx M 728 cottages and you can always an a8. 0 Hyman Rea! Evtate, Me ive ROOM apartment with garage, lo stoye, 9 WOE FOR TERT, foi, Toagne. Viigy and exacinive type ranch style -- threa-nedrnoms, Small Acreages fireptece, patio door. broadionm, dowhiea garage. Buying or Selling? Then place your confidence in « Perry WEI06, | THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow former farmer whe knows the District and your problems. 0 toe years old, on Crerar, Two on wel Come. G75 manthly. Perry Reni "Cuete Coll ALLEN THOMPSON -- Repres. of osha ical SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Modern Apts. Saas Se aoe Regency Towers NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA t| Two Buildings Immediate Possession Starting at $125 and up |1omai "anny or eet farm with lakeshore, property. \4 miles fe Oshews. Good home 349 Marland Ave. land warn, all workable land. Vendor w be | accept low down payment and full orice Phone 725-2227 i rare eal state Limited seme dla | Premier aacet vite teas sidings, 321 Marland Ave just anst of Oshawa. Telephone 778-4464, FEATURES 1, Phone 728-6722 room suites 2 ond 3 bed- Free Hydro Oshawe's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double siriks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer with potata storage underneath Very lgood brick home with alt medern con lvenience, Very \iheral terms, Asking eniy $77,500, For tast results call Gearge | Martin Milforook 992-2943 or 18-5193 WO | thartin, @eatter 22---Lots for Sale | Oshawa. Realty ( Street) Limiter lame FOR SALE -- Excetient productive, One and two bedroom. Now | available. Broadioom / lfarm within' 36 minstes drive from Osn «| dorms, Stove. Refrigerator. awa, consisting of 196 goed acres of sandy loam comparitively new barn #7) «x Drapes. FM. Controlled en- Intercom corrt- trance. Elevator Balconies and Laundry facili- Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece bath in alf 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool 10 ACRE LOT and ties on each floor { CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One and two hedroom apart ments Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadioom corridors intercom, FM. Immediate oc $97 ond up Trout bush cleared land $1,500 Down $45 Per Month stream, Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 Exclusive Agent Call Bill Johnston \ 728-1066 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD cuponcy 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac tive area, Some treed lots Paved street. Close by public school, new high school and bus lines PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 14 LOTS 2 Duplexes King and Stevenson BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 728-5123 BUILDING LOTS | Any number Newcastle, | Orono and Oshawa. Contact | CLARE McCULLOUGH iW, FRANK REAL ESTATE 623-3393, 723-7843 340 Marland Apt. 111 728-4283 TWO BEDROO APARTMENTS Immediate also for June 15th, August Ist Lorge stoves, refrigerators, drapes, wall to wall closets in bed- rooms, Wolk-out balconies, starting $115 per. month Central location, adults only, TELEPHONE 723-6455 between 6 ond 9:30 P.M, Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy ossession " July Ist, suites, Special terms for first appli- conts --- Rent now and you will save. Located --~ 5 min- utes walk from South Gen- eral Motors © One, two end three bed- room suites includes every- thing @ Swimming Pool @ | FM music @ Intercom con- | trolled @ Mail deliveries to door @ 2 elevators @ large balconies @ model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co in CENTRALLY LOCATED 1 and 2 bedroom = apart- ments one of Oshawa's | finest buildings. Baleony and intercom system, No children under 12 } | TWO 10-acre lots, five minutes from city jlimits, terms, Call 728-7245 | BUILDING LOTS in Orono, Priced from $1200 up. Call Roy Foster 321-Orone, W | Frank Real Estate Ltd. Realtor | LAKESHORE LOT for sale, \00" x 180" on Pine Lake, Haliburton, Hydro, good beach, good road, Port Perry, 985-7496. LARGE LOT on Prestige ihe In Brook T [!n, Close to school, Call: 668 FOR SALE One lot 180' district, Phone 263-2708 [LOT AT MYRTLE, 75 x 380, nicely lo} jeated, just off main highway, Call te In spect, Full price $1,100, Perry Real &s fate 723-8125 BOBCAYGEON AREA -- nicely wooded lots on river for sale, Road and hydro, reasonable, Call 723-3772 | |23--Reol Estate Wonted ' in you CALL Rental representotive on duty | GUIDE | Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment, | | 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-826] Morning and ofter hours 723-6255 PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indo&r pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Open 2-9 PM. 1221 SIMCOE NORTH TWO-bedroom apariment in sixplex, Re- trigerator, stove and dryer supplied, For more Information -- apply 410 | King East BOOM Spartment in ope et finest bulldings, Balcony and reom aystem, No children under 12, liable June 1. Call Guide Realty Ltd, Realty Ltd, 723-5281 Two self-contained APART- MENTS, Store and refrigera- tor, Laundry facilities, One | 15th, Coll | 728-3344 or 728-6906 x 200' Solina | | avoilable June WHITBY Two bedroom, modern apart. ment $125 Monthly Includes Heat, hot water, frig, and stove, | minute to buses, shops, ete Telephone 448-4703 be Ina | TV Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru | GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, 10:30 am, te 9 om, Sat 'til 3 p.m LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St 728-1070 hot | sit res! ely ket old lle Bs VALUATION LISTING & SALE NICK SIBLOCK AVAILABLE JULY 1 bedroom = apartment. Grenfell St. Fridge, stove, drapes, walk-out balcony. Ample parking. Adults only 6 P.M, to 9:30 P.M, Phone 723-6455 WHITBY apartments, veniences, elevator, built in stove, drapes, Free parkina schools Telephone 668-5347 | FIVE-ROOM furnished apariment, abstain. ers only, Avaliable now, adults only, Can be seen after 4 o'clock at 481 Drew St One en REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 WANTED TO BUY, land with high quall }ty gravel deposit, Adjacent to City of! |Oshawa, Write Box M2801%, Oshawa! NUg | Times. | all | en $60 . ne 1 and 2 bedroom all modern con swimming pool, fabric Neor vy |24----Stor 8, Offices, Storage, od _ } NOW LEASING MIDTOWN PLAZ Oshowa's new modern shop- ping centre, located in the downtown area, Stores in var- ious sizes from 1280 to 2349 square feet still avail- able, 66,100 sq. ft. Depart- ment Store, 22,000 sq, ft. Food Store, and Brewer's partm cel tral, controlled entrances, FM, electric. ally heated, broadioomed and pr ed corridors, automatic Tanger ator, Apply 3 /|GENTLEMAN to share ie furnished $85/house with three ether young men, Pret: ee erably office worker, Located. north of |FURNISHED apartment, privale en-| Shopping centre, 723-1840, trance, laundry facilities, "Located King/ PRIVATE two-bedroom apariment. Com and Division, Ava ble now, Call 728-2805, p! 4 ly remodelled, Suitable for clean, re- TWO-BEDROOM = apartment, _availabie|!able couple, No children, $100 monthly, Retail Store already leased. | iy" tone child welcome heat waters Available July 1, Telephone 723-6329, Office and professional tower stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities. TV/ROUR ROOM apartment to share wilh being incorporated in com- [outlet included Call 725-2747. q . Telep! 723-6508, plex, now partially leased + ROOM basement apartment in 7 apartment building on 103 Wilsen If you desire a top location "Fetdy 'North, Abatelners, Adults, Tele for either o retail store or phone 725. prestige office space, with |ONE AN bi parking for over 1,000 cars, [some furnished. 1,000 sq. ff. for light in average rents, call exclusive [dustry on storage, Also FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, agent housekeeping rooms. Apply Landiord's Association, Private bath and entrance. Suit working LLOYD METCALF 5S Bruce Street couple, available July Ist, Apply 375 Wind- Real Estate Limited ind | CENTRE STREET ground floor thr room. apartment, with bath, ediate possession, Adults only jent |monthly, 723-3229, 'ed, er on AJAX -- Two-bedroom apartments near schools and shopping, July |, Telephone 942-0130. ~~~» | TWO-BEDROOM apariment ments,iena Street. Teleph an ent Row. of act Ti Row lea | UNF ) apartment, ga television, Included Bus stop Hy Waeer 2 bedrooms large living room, kitchen, and bathroom, Widow or lady with one two children. 778-7020. UNFURNISHED two - ment apartment, prive un "bedroom, bai In bath and en: | | 'NOW RENTING COLBORNE APARTMENTS Corner of Colborne Street and Mary Street. Only 2 min- utes wolk. from Mary Street and King Street, FEATURES: 1. Apartment controtied entrance Electric heating Private balconies Refrigerator and stove in each apartment . Drapes # each apartment Living room end bedroom TV pre wired Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired. Inter com in each apartment 9. Broadioom in hells. 10. Hardwood and virwl tile in apartment. 11. Vanity in bathrooms, 12. Sliding patie doors 13, Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments Elevator service to each floor Next door te North General Motors Plant ond office Mail service to each apartment 14 1§ 16 BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele phone hill. All other costs-@ absorbed by owner Presenting LA CONTESSA A distinetice apartment residence FEATURING Prestiga | & 2 bedroom suites Electric Heating, Individual room heat con- trol, Pressurized corridors, Free Hydro and parking. Party room with kitchen facilities, Swimming pool, Soura bath. Moi! delivery to every suite. Closed eir- cuit T.V, for your protee- tion. Large breakfast aree in all kitehens, Convenient to shopping, schools and churches, Transportation ot door, Landscaping ar- chitecturally designed. Beoutiful ceiling te floor drapes, Sultes Mart ot $120.00 per month MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD, | me BEDROOM and cluded. "Telephone 7 TWO ROOM oie Private entrance, ground fi M5 Oshawa Bivd south. * ROOM apartment, privete an: ind private bath. Apply 9) Wil- " 'eet West or telephone 723-6927, Available immediately. CHURCH STREET, 174 - nished bedroom, gentle: preferred. Apply abo' CARGE FURNISHED bedroom In ina @ and quiet home, for one or 0 gen jotors, riment with retriger: i 'Hag and water ine men, close to north General" Telephone 720-7283, TH OOM ariment, unfurnished, age aos Telephone 723-5900 pau FURNISHED room, would sull one Telephone 725-0536, at 329 THREE-ROOM apariment In Oshawa, Ge Con. a trally located. Available June 1, child welcome. Telephone 668-8189, iz- KING BAST "| apartment, Pr 'ance, jullame for couple, a Malt pee q Pm, FOUR-ROOM Sarina: unfurnished, Pri- entrance and bi mene 725-7273, o AND Two. | BROOM 'apari- ments, fridge, stove, cone. © 'oadioom included, Apply 109 Welll Toten Street, Whitby, 668-5480 evenings. TWO-BEDROOM artment, F refrigerator and stove, washer and dryer included. Available July 1, Apply 37) Albert Stree? or 299 Montrave Avenue, Apartment 4, APPLE HILL. Disirich two, three-room basement apartments, unfurnished, Show. er bath. Adults only, Avaliable July 7, Phone 725-0875. BACHELOR apartment in apariment building, at 787 King 7 Bast. Refrig- erator, stove, washer and dryer. Avail. able July 1, Call 725-1881 or 723-701) fer _.. | #PPeintment TWO-ROOM ai 'apariment with pr privat ite bath in private home. Unfurnished, dro included, $60 monthly, Availa mediately, Apply 645 Oxford Street trance, $95 monthly includes hydro. Available' June 18. Telephone 723-1036, UNFURNISHED basement apartment for rent, private driveway and entrance, Wil- son Road, Olive Street area. 723-0848 STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bond Street) after 3.90 p.m, West. Good Incation, Rent $100 per manti. |PURNISHED Avaliable now. Call Mra, Taylor 694:2945/ stairs, private entrance, rent includes Torento, evenings Ineat, hydro. Suitable for clean, quiet)" 1 NEED older type home in Central part|couple, No children, References required of city, Call Bill Johnston 728-1064, Seho-| Apply 646 Simcoe Street South WeleAker Ue IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, iwo-bedroom "--"lapartment in six-plex, $120 monthly in 25--Houses for Rent jeludes stove, refrigerator, drapes, heat, _ }lights and water all Don Stradeski wouse, tive rooms, "furntahed Aduits| Realtor, 723-465) or evenings ¢ call Ht 723-1282 only. Available June ©, Close to bua ¥ " *lAppiy atl Myers. Street TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in modern .. |five plex, S108 monthly, Stove and fridge FURNISHED two bedroom bungalow, | included. Adults only. Call 722-558) city conveniencas for two or th LAPARTMENTS for rent in fourcpiex. One/Oat? +Nd_entrance, parking, ay antenna gC aetna ae "a and two-bedrooms, Completely remodel! Heat, hy lier i jed, Stove, refrigerator, water and hydro.) TWO: ba TWO-BEDROOM, semi-detached re jPhone 725-8393 after S pm Newly decorated Parting. immediate 1 pri vai Full privacy. Available June a ©! weDsiTTING ROOM furnished with" kil] Possession Apply 136 Ritson Read Southiw im ONE - BEDROOM apariment, avaliable! 0" Street. rent, 7 40 KING ST. E ifac | or Call 728-2594, YOUNG MAN wanted jo share modern apartment, preferably a steady day work- er, Centrally located. Telephone 723-0465. 728.4678 tive-room apartment, up- int on tor, ms gen Mig LE Vou Ap ply 6 tigin 'Street & 1, 2 AND 3 BEDROOM aparimen frigerator and stove, intercom controlled entrances, elevator service, swimming pool, fenced in playground, 822 Glen Street or call 723-2347, THREE-ROOM Unfurnished aparime i very central, heavy duty wiring. priv ve May Hes ott FIVE-ROOM furnished apariment, north west district, suitable for four aaa people, Apply 193 Park Road Nort? lwasher and drye: ry T three-room a pri- ~|vate entrance, furnished er not furnished: je. | bathroom. Call atter 6 p.m. TRURNISHED, three > room partment, available immediately, hydro and heat Avenue. central. Apply 253 Sinclair venue. automatic washer; private entrance, »_ 468-4656, ROOM on ground flear aparierent medion i. 787 King St, ©. Private entrance, st ir. Available July % 725-1551 or 723-7011 for appointment bit TR ood 2M 3 nt PURNISHED apartment, One bedroom. Apply 446 Simcoe Street South SIMCOE STREET north, bedroom apartment, electric heat, balcony, Tele. phone 723-5015. stove, Cal ROOM unfurnished me 'ed bath. $70 monthly. Centrally Master "Telephone 728-9028, ' i a ee Telepnone | nen. Phone ae Call after 6 p.m, {OC 720-4738 wing hl iii DROOM. ge mij SPECIAL bachior apartment in apartment ADELAIDE AVENUE EAST Pour and bachelor i Stevenson Read jbuliding, bed-sitting room, kitchen, bath- room house, large lot, garage. Clete te to be Nowell Avenue "Adults reterrea, |room Completely private. Refrigerator stores, school $109 monthly with ones 378) |204_ stove. Parking. Ideal fer couple, $90 year lease. Telephone 733-0729 * monthly. 728-9672 |¥WO ROOM GERICE localed on kl ; one "ANB TWO <"bedroom apartments: owe or rent Apely » 'Marland Avenue, | On; Street West, Unilmited --, + bess ice ui "e igh BEDROOM apartment, large, jposite south General Motors at 30) on without refrigerator and nild welcome. $90. Available Telephone 725-7846 jdova ' cation 38 Gibb Street, Telephone 728-5571, Julé'), TWO - BEDROOM modern apariment, no children under 12 years, no damage deposit, decorated fo sult new tenant, sound proof, avellable July 1. Park Pla Apartments, 170 Park Road South, Call ap | 728-0480 TWO-BEDROOM apartment steve and vr, drapes $120 monthly, in. thing. Available now, Tele phone 723-1282,