Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1966, p. 23

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17--Femele Help Wented CITY OF OSHAWA ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK/TYPIST (Required tor the Treosury Deportment) (18 Molo oly Wonted _ OFFICE MANAGER SALARY RANGE --- $3,556 | $4,483 per yeor (36% | hour working week) | | Dust be experienced in a var- THE JOB i laty of enginerdl ots Pigs oo i Our chert, @ multibranch | out morte Mintle Piaprinvepie re Sheuld have full a | soler, pAicy ie on experienced hasdeaposir JO id pds, mon te assume the role of | ing ond elementary account- | Office Manager, directly re- i ng sponsi t President H 'Applications will be accepted promiite ome pangs only IN WRITING, . giving ; ' \ aftords an excellent opportum- =| complete details of educetion, | iy for the right man i experience, age, maorite star | 9 ai tus, etc; until §:00 pm, | June 17th, 1966 The Personnel, Officer THE MAN y Hall ce A member of o recognized | | Accounting Association or a | senior student with Indus. 4 | trie! experience Solary to be | Gil FRIDAY | amar Sree | cations. All replies treoted | trietest ihidenc. Young ledy to take full Mh INGE: GON ORNEe charge of widowers' home Must be neot, intelligent and Write To j pleasant Typing and the | ability to drive on asset Hopkins, Beadle For this position @ mother & Company, with on 8-10 yeor eld daughy | 187 King Street Eost, ter preferable. Separate quer. Giese Griate ters provided. Starting sal- | ary $175 monthly, Write | Box 28270, Oshewa Times. eaeieribi WOMAN | MAIL ROOM SUPERVISOR Fully experienced, who is capoble of altering wedding required by gowns, making Junior brides progressive monufecturer moid dresses etc. Apply in person to Mrs. Potter ANGIE-JANE DRESSES Applicants must have a mini- mum of grade 19 education and be in possession of « car 77 King East | The duties will include the t | Operation of an Addresso 725-1711 | graph Multigraph offsett ma ae eS chine RELIABLE WOMAN for part-time help in Variety Store. South end of Oshawa.| Please send @ resume giving Call 723-371) full, details te the attention SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER require) Of: in Brookiin, Ontario. Office hours #45) REL am. § p.m, Monday to Friday, Must! MR, NINABER have elementary knowledge of bookkeep ing. Salary open, Please reply in writing fo' PO Box 7219, Brooklin, Ontario, of phone Brooklin 655-3854 | WOMAN REQUIRED to care for three children in awn home or eur home. Ap-| SKLAR ete wee ee! 6 FURNITURE Nursing Home Limited. Own transporte COMPANY | 455° 493) between 9 am, and 3 om WICH for exclusive beauty salon sied in becoming # stylist. Fer Interview call the Bohetie Selon of Beauty. Telephone 723-7311 HAIRDRESSER, excellent" opportuniiy,| girl with own clientele te manage smali| beauty salon. Guaranteed wage pius com 725-3046, BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organizal | lonal and sales openings, Excellent op-| portunity. Full or part firme, 723-9949, 725 9442 tion essential. No students, please. Cai | WHITBY, ONTARIO CITY OF OSHAWA DESIGN TECHNOLOGIST Department of Public Works requires a Design Technolo Wai RESER pari lime gist os Assistant to the Design " "hbase Fridays Engineer, to carry out tech | nical studies and assist in de SACESLADY required for tM dy y around employment. Experi signs oO unicipal projects once net hecesser bul you pou have #| such as sewers, roads, eul- Toy ot Tomes btbten f Seg] Eris, ridges and retoining fal Mereantiie Dept tore, 91) Brock} walls 1h Solary range --~ $6,145.00 te estebiienment" Must manage! $7,325.00 per annum (3614 eres ta speaking, Appl Len Putian, 19| hour week) rince Street, or telephone 728-831}, 18--Male Help Wented Standard fringe benefits Apply in writing, giving full a detoils ef educational and | work history, ete, before HOW TO EARN | 5:00 p.m., June 17th, 1966, to | ' | MORE MONEY ! | The Personne! Officer | City Hall | need a@ full or part time man to heip meet the de- mand for a much needed ser- vice for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, goad paying work No exnerience necessary but Oshewa, Ontarie EXPERIENCED SALESMAN } 0 cor is, For full information contact | For CARMEL ATTARD New Car Dealership | 477 Phillip Murray $t To work from sur Oshawa | Oshewo Phone 723-3247 enewroon | | MUST BE Top producer capable of § Insurance Representative | figure earnings Expanding genero! insurance agency with excellent life peosi soueates. 9 sanawe | contract requires, intelligent 9 @ to supply best of | representative for permanent pererences | solaried position, with bonus Apply Sis MMeelnieah os | Sales experience an asset Les MacDeneld | but net nescessory as com | Bowmanville 623-2534 MacDONALD FORD SALES plete training in all lines-will be avoilable Reply giving educationel standing, employment history and other neccessary detoils to BOX 27874, Oshawa Times All replies-treated--in--atriet confidence ond onswe LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR To work remainder of June July, August, also looking for permanent company men for national manufacturer of maintenance equipment, "ny the Oshawa area. For inter- view phone MR, A. S, GREEN 723-8175 Office Manager Accountant For expanding firm of ger eral contractors in area Good opportunity for a man capable of assuming respon- sibility. Write, stating exper lence, salary requirements, references to Box M 28368, Oshawa Times : PAINTERS REQUIRED Must be experienced in brush and spray work, $2.50 per hour and up UPTON'S PAINTING | Telephone 723.2977 TOOL MAKERS, and MACHINISTS TOP RATES CALL 668-4981 EVENINGS 668-5222 "=n, immedian TAPMAN tor beverage room. Musi be| Oshawa Times honest. dependable. with good references |MaAIN Steady employment Apply Manager, eral Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Stave Geno eR CED WAITER fyi) WANTED PLUMBER. experienced serv igure Guean's Holes 0 tema enn: lee man, Preferred over 40. Full time em Narth 7 of ee! JANITOR REQUIRED For new electrically heoted apartment building, Must be experienced PHONE 725-148 | ioe ta ee eee o> 1 interested In mak j's@ $35 ty, Telephone sales ex or will train, Box 2)aha, MAN required for gen Apply in person to the ployment. Excellent wages. Telephone! 728-4327 gangee WANTED for Saturdays only WANTED | Immaciaiely acy vepair.| eeenene, 488-3879, man. Applicants should be well acquainted| SALESMEN required, full or pari-tine with fitting doors, windows etc, on new| Reply Harry O. Perry Limited. 285 Bloor vehicle, Excellent working conditions, | Street West fringe benefits and steady employment - er 728-6546) Waiter " Bunevlonced for beverage HVOP" WORRYING "Adoul Gebin Pay |cortey, "grey pteet Apply Hotel Lan them by giving Rawleigh Service in Osh Wes shawa | awa and Ontario vty. Establisned | WAITER far heverage room Steady em. routes, We will help you if vou are alpieyment. Must have pony ney "ani hard worker, Write Rawieigh, Dep. F-3)0treferences. Apply Manager, Hotel Lan O14, 4008 Richelieu, 9, Henry, "Montreal.|cester, 87 King "pirest West, Oshawa and being paid daily, | _'18---Male Help Wented , 20-----Real Estate for Sele EXPERIENCED SITTER ASSEMBLERS Required tor interesting teb nication and assembly work on tele COMMUNICATION e@sip- ment Albumin ence 1S waiar m fabrication exper vw Apply Andrew Antenna Company Limited, 606 Beech Street, Whitby Mr. J. C, Caiger et 668-2348 ACCOUNTANT | Required by Client To assure responsibility for nting and office Storting selary --- re) Ac00 functions $6,000 plus employee bene fits Age requirements open Send written resume te Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sells | Oshawa Shopping Centre 20---Real Estate for Sele GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE WATCH FOR THE SIGNS THAT SELL AND CALL "THE HOT LINE" WHITBY HOT LINE OSHAWA HOT LINE 668-8826 728-5157 218 Dundas St. E 4B Simece St. $. SALFESMEN SALESMEN Clare Shank Eleonor da Jong George Suiliver | Morris Fogel Nick Ven Den Broek Edith Gifford Roger Morrison Bob Johnston Marlow Hancock Steve Lehen Ernest Mueller Bessie Crysler Oshawa, Ontario |19.---Male and Female Help Wanted WANTED QUALIFIED | HAIRDRESSER Wirt ART'S HAIRSTYLING 212 KING ST. WEST 728-5444 clientele preferred commission j TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum Age 25 | | MERCURY TAXI 725-A771 DESK CLERK required for local Shift work. Reply stating age, and past empleyment te Oshawa hotel marital! status Rox 20025 20--Real Estate for Sale FRANK | REAL ESTATE LTD, 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board NEWCASTLE AREA B3 Acre dairy farm, 420 Ibs milk quota te Valley View Dairy, Two barns 36' x 60' and 36' x 20', 6 reom frame and insul brick house, 3-piece hath, 40 rods of lakefroint property, $31,500. = terms MILLBROOK 200 acres with stream. Good pond site. Only $14,000 $4,000. dewn NEARBETHANY 280 acres with large trout stream. Two ponds, 110 acres Overlooking. Peter berough 5 luk Asking en $94.000, terms Call 623-3393 After 9 pm workable Ken Hoackin 623-5055 Pat Ye 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 123-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Andy Keys 728-0196 Doug Gower 728-1005 Roy Foste Howard Ff Oreno. 321 der Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 Bill A Doreen Gimblett Port Hope 885-4548 Residence Pt, Hope 885-2535 TRADE ! TRADE ! TRADE: ! We specialize in trading your present home, Take the fuss and out of buying @ new home J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 668-6201 worry EVERY DAY |S OPEN HOUSE MODEL HOMES OPEN FROM 9 am. to 10 p.m, Drop out tonite and see for yourself why Echa Const Homes are selling so fast | Came direct Wilson Rd. north of 40) at. Dear L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD 723-032) OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 119,900 JARVIS ly $2,400 extra kitchen upsteirs, yo ST $10,000 deal buy for young couple, home has i could rent out part and live free with on down YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ome in Pic th chandeliers, if aut of this world recreatior with fireplace, very centrally located, Hurry don't miss WHAT 1 3 hedroom | JUST A heautifu direct lighting nicely landscaped and this one kering, w room WHITBY HOME AND APT brick bungalow with basement apartment or extra recreaton space. Spacious 74' « 146' lot, Het water heating 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, extra large bedrooms Retired, active person would appreciate large work shop at rear of property, Attached garage here too BYRON ST. $ $21,500 6 room roor JAMES $7 $12,900 DUPLEX Howe about a revenue home, toned R-3 with low taxes, phone to inenect to-day. Only $1,950, down $14,900 OSHAWA This 2 bedroom brick storey and half home may be just what you have wanted, call now $45,000. --- MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY Close to Nerth Plant. Boarding house and restaurant plus living quarters with fireplace. Geod condition WHITBY Hollywood kitchen, large living room, for thet extra company. 4 pe, hath finished recreation room, very neat goroge $18,900 with seporate dining erea full basement with partly home, alse has attached OSHAWA LOT EAST END 50' lot in fine location to build your ewn home $4,300, Inspect and moke your offer today Asking price 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW You will love this cozy, neat os a pin home, » OSHAWA, with its restful 'Knotty Pine' recreation room, ond imitation fireplace, Lovely" fenced in yord with trees and hedges te add that extra special touch WHITBY COMMERCIAL BUILDING $18,00 Cement block building on busy corner for small business could be the start you need with busy trafic going by your door doily Make good food or service outlet, Come quickly for this ene ORIOLE ST OSHAWA Inly 644% on this new home, you will be proud te own, in the east end of Oshawa, 3 hetirooms, brick bungalow, 4 pe. bath with living reom and dining features is, you save $500 $17,900, a phone for with colored fixtures, large kitchen room combined, Another special Winter Works bonus, Full price only appainiment.taday BUNGALOW WITH ACRE OF LAND $9,000 In suburban Oshawa, 4 room aluminum siding with limited eon veniences, clean decoration, awnings, good well, eeanomical living here if you have $1,000, or more dewn payment WHITBY BUILDING LOT eivices available here on this 50' your ewn home $4,500 frontage lot. Inspect today Several locations to choose from All and build OSHAWA $22,000 3 hedroom home, broadioam in living and dining rooms, plus drapes also built in steve and even ge with this beauty, has @ large yard and patio for you and your children-te enjoy these warm summer days Here is 4 lovely LOG COTTAGE, 114 ACRES --- HALIBURTON 5 room rustic summer cottage 28 x 30 ft., on quiet lake with boss and speckled trout fishing, Also included in this deal is 2 bedroom mobile home 10 « 36 ft. with all conveniences and furnishings. Taxes are low here too, Full price $10,500, with about $3,000, down WHITBY CORNER AT PORT WHITBY Brock St. and base line 1462' x 209° This could be an important business corner with new develop ments taking shape in this area. Buy now and be assured of fine business location, Asking price $45,000 with large frame -uilding WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME $13,500 Neer shopping plaza with family sige kitchen decorative wood panelling in living ream, sharp decoration, extra high basement and finished landscaping, See and make your offer ter this fully dressed mode! OSHAWA WEST OF SHOPPING CENTRE $2,700 DOWN Clean 514 room semi-detached brick bungalow yord, aluminum storms and screens and doors. See and make offer Fenced-in hack T.V, tower FRENCH ST, $9,500 4 room horne, 114 storey, fenced-in back yerd with niece shrubs. 8 PLEX IN WHITBY --- $25,000 DOWN Payment ter this solid brick apartment complex with full accu pancy. Gross annual near $10,000. Consists of tive 2 bedroom, two | and 4 bedroom apts, Inspect and make your offer incame bedroom BROOKLIN BEAUTY 22,500 situated on Aé' frontage lot is this 4 ream brick and stone aplit level design with low carrying charges, delightfully large kitchen, sunken living room with braadioom, corlon and aak floors, elec tric heat, walkout basement with recreation roam and cup boards galore. Only a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby S OSHAWA REALTY (Band St) LTD | Bond West } | THEY'RE UNIQUE! you around the ci an ed-writer now, Want Ads work for! ack, Dial 729.3409 | 80 why be congested in the city. $4,000, down with one mortgage GREENWOOD CRESCENT 3 bedroom home with éxtras mortgage. Act fost on this one WHITBY on @ quiet crescent with a 6% RAE R, ONES REALTOR 668-8841 728-666) = ABiia seeumorareas Five Roomed Frame Bungalow, Large Lot, Attached Garage $4,000 Down with a totel price of $16,000. wil buy this large lot and heme with broadinom ail through, fire- place in-tne living room, three hedrooms ond a family size kitchen, Act now os they ere scarce Whitby Six Roomed Bungalow Attached Garage This fine brick bungalow is just a dandy. "roliywoed Kitchen', good living room and dining 1oem, Three bed rooms with ample cioset space and facilities for a teal good recreation room in a divided basement, This same house is selling for $2,000 more in Oshawa, Call Rag FR, Jones end wepect this clean well decorated home Whitby House and 14% Acres Lecated in south Whithy is this six roomed |'4 storey home with a ryodern kitchen, good and hedrnoms also is four large lets the he sold off. Th property a very attract worth while purchase laters Welcome' Whitby Six Roomed 'SPOTLESS' Two Storey, Central Location This house is in excellent con large iving room four There can s makes this ye and Specu dition, possession the end of June Living room dining room and kitchen on main floor, with three hedrooms and hath upstairs. |deal house for duplexing. The kitchen is large tor a tamily and there is @ garage. Phone 668-8841 now ! Oshawa Fine East End Location Brick Ranch Style $17,200, Yes, this home is in nice condition en @ good lot Home is all well decorated with three bedrooms, living room, dining reem, modern kitchen and a recreation room complete with bar that you would he proud ef, The ewner has started @ study in the basement os well, but it is not quite finished. The home is priced for quick sale, ask Mr, Jones ot 728-666), Whitby Investment Property Store and Apartment Bargain of the Week $24,000 for a good store and five soomed apartment, The apartment is leased for two years ot $90.00 per month and the store is in one of the best locations in town, capable af producing a rental of $225, per month, This is an ideal property, you could live in the apartment free and let the store pay for the building, If yeu think | om fooling, see for yourself Terms available '6 @ good buyer Whitby Four Bedrooms $2500 Down Yes Sir! This house will for itself with down poyment and jess than $100. a month caisies it, in cluding taxes, Fine large mo dern kitchen, new heating aystem with oil, A geod lat 465 feet by 115 feet. You can have a qgorage | ask Jones. Call him at 668.8841 RAE R ONES 440 00/1 WU O04 i CARL LSE REALTOR 20 Ray Street 723-1133 WALK TO SCHOOLS Grede through high, This charming split level minutes fram Donevan Collegiate features four bedrooms or 3 and a den. 2 pe. bathroom and 4 pe. modern kitchen Living room and dining room Attached garage. Landscaped beautifully, Situated on Floral Drive in Oshawa's select area Call George Twaites 723-1133 evenings 723.2008 pa onmers, small 2 STOREY Four bedroam, large kitchen, living room and dining area Attached carport finished ree room with fireplace. Situ ated on Melrose Street, Handy to all schools, Call now tor appointment to see George Twaites, 723-1133, evenings 723.2008, THINKING OF SELLING ? We need your house row prices have sever been better lack Appleby 723-3398 Bolahood Brothers Limited, LLOYD Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E LET US HELP YOU with your problems. Here is a reo good 9 190m duplex give | ing you 5 roams on the main | floor, plus fireploce and rec- i reation room, and income SAcH Tae VOU: MCAS | you make money you know | by experience, 60 take @ look | et this 7 yr. old brick bunge- low, close te shopping centre, 3 hedrooms, 'cee kitchen ponelled basement, poved | drive, attached garage | TELL ME / are you thinking of selling your home. |f se, let us get together. Vie will give you @ free evaluation fer your @- operation, and possibly show you a home you would like to tury. We will also ossist you in getting a mortgage W CASEATY SURE WE HAVE e 3604 variety of homes in different jons, for in- stance here isa 2 year old home in Downsview Park. 3 bedrooms, separate dining | room, finished walk out beose- | ment, dotole paved drive, at- tached garage GLAD TO HAVE YOUR COMPANY while we are looking over some of the good homes we Such of a nice 3 bedroom brick bung Drive, one Fairlawn, lacat have on the market t Switzer on Winona one on § alow one on vuuhwood OH YES Just a reminder te the build ers. We have 12 acres in the east end, Could make a nice subdivision, Why net enquire now OPEN EVENINGS TILL NING Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hagan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365. MEMBER ODORER We list exclusive and ML§ H. KEITH LTD., REALTOR 723-7463 COVE RD BOWMANVILLE Immediate possession, Small downpayment buys this 7 room frame home, Complete with furniture BYRON ST, SOUTH WHITBY | Immaculate! 7 room brick bungalow, 2 stone fireplaces, Lorge treed lot, Owners seys socrifice with small dewn pay. ment | GLADSTONE--OSHAWA Lovely 2 storey brick with attached garage, Some bus- executive will appre: late the 5 minute walk down. town, 4 hedrooms, 2 wash | rooms Fireplace, Lovely treed | lot with smell downpayment | and easy terms to approved | purcheser | 1 t iness For Information Douglas Carmicheal 723-7463 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling ocres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road, Magniticent view, see U.S.A, Terente lights, Antique and stone house, 4 pe, bath, furn | ace, in excellent condition, | good 38' x 110' barn, Beau | tiful springefed pond with | wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush, Long hundred would make excel lent 10 acre lots, Priced at $60,000, terms, Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont,, tele» } }?-eollect Buy Direct from Builder brand New Homes V4% NMA. Winter Works Bonus with $1,495 down (if you qualify) | | | SAVE MONEY! | CALL 723-0575 No agent, please $1,835 TO ONE MORTGAGE Madels now nearing comple tion. 3 and 4 bedroom models available, Priced from $14, 995 to $14,500, For more inmarmation on these homes, call BILL HUBBELL 728-3475 MILLEN Real Estate Limited $22,750. Four bedraem 1 storey frame and stone shrubs, hedge, closed in patio, tenced let, built by owner, 14: yeors old, extra washroom, large garage, paced drive, excellent location. ample cupboard space In Oshawa, owner transferred, Terms may be aranged W. Frank Real Estate 623-3393 or 723-7843 TO BUY PROPERTY check the real eatata marketplace, Classified Ada, THE CHMAWA TIMES, Monday, June 13, 1966 23 26---fteal Estote for Sale (20---Reel Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St, S, 723-5281 ECONOMICALLY PRICED is oil thet \s iid for this this three bedroom bungalow right in the ey Ful osking price is only $1 DOWNTOWN DUPLEX 1! @ Lerge 9 room brick house with good gorage, only hell @ block from gt Street eg on a large lot, Anyone interest: ed in en income home should toke @ look ot this one FIVE YEARS OLD 11! @ A spotlessly clean three bedroom brick bungelow in @ quiet residential erea, close te Catholic School. Fenced in back yard, Pierson type windows, This home con be yours with @ rea: sonable down payment, Worth every dollar at $15,700. Car- vies for $88. monthly including the taxes, Call to-night fer on eppointment to. inspect, e REASONABLY PRICED 1V @ Do you want to be the owner of a 3 bedroom home con taining a cheery kitchen, « good bright living reom, ond a 3 piece bathroom? You neve pos sibilities to moke the present family room inte another bed room, Thig 1% storey home is located on @ lovely lot close to schools and shopping, Call us todey on this bargain home JUST LISTED V @ It is difficult to find o home in such immaculate con dition, Excellent location close to all schools, bus ond shopping centre, Sim yeors old with all possible improvements, garage, beautiful londscaping, poved drive-way, recreation room, al uminum storms and screens end, TV, Tower, Very well built and comtortable home, Cell us for inspection to-night FOR $12,000, Vi @ you can be the proud own ar of this immaculate bungelow with geroge, situated on Gibb Street, Featuring three bed rooms, large living room end kitchen, Easy to clean floors, ol! furnace, close to all conven jences with low, low toxes, Call to-day, i] LUXURY LIVING Vil @ Here is the kind of home you dream about but never seem to find, This home contoins o modern and extremely attrac: tive kitehen, large L-shoped liv- ing room and dining room, two tiled bathrooms, panelled family room with fireplace and walk- out sliding doors to a private patio, Four very large bedrooms Double gorage, Quality eonstruc- tion throughout, & INCOME PROPERTY Vill @ This attractive large brick bungalow is located in the preferred section of the eity Six outs large rooms with gare age, @ beautifully landscap- ed lot, "ig is @ twe bedroom basement apartment with pri cote entrance, Many more extras, We will be very glad to show you this excellent home Call tonight for an appointment CHERRY TREES 1X @ in the yard of this lovely 2 bedroom bungalow, large kit. chen, ideal for young or retired couple. $11,500, full price, low down payment with cne mort gage for the balance, Call now to inspect, e APPEALING TO THE POCKETBOOK X @ $2,000, down er your offer for this 2 storey home in the North West urea, Presently oe: cupied by two families, extra shower and toilet down, Situat ed on a large let and very mod erately priced, Owner will toke balance on one wereey Call ua now for Gri . LAWSON ROAD X! Anyone looking fer a cheap four room home near the city limits with @ full asking price ef only $7,000, with $1,000 down payment and one monthly payment for the balance, please call now * FOUR BEDROOM NORTH WEST XI @ We offer an immaculate two storey, four Ledroom heme in Oshawa's North West area Very close to public and separ ate schools, Featuring spacious living roam and excellent kit chen, Two bathrooms, swim ming pool, @ joy for the whole family an these hot summer days, Asking anly $5,000, dewn to obtain quick sale, SELL! SELL!. SELL! Xt @ The vendor must sell, so sell we will, An attractive briek bungalow in the Easterly part of the City, Ideally iocated on @ lot 50 ft, by 120 ft, Reamy dining room, Hollywood type kitehen with built-in Moffat stove and even. The living room is 19 ft, by 12 ft, with @ bright southern exposure Entrance hall with closet, 3 large bed rooms with lets of cupboard apace. This is a very comfort. able hame so call row and make an appointment to inspect FULL PRICE $13,900 XIV @ Attractive 1% storey hame in excellent condition Completely equipped kitchen, four piece bathroom and twe bedrooms with two extra rooms upstairs that are presently rent ed. Broadionm in living roam and one bedroom downstairs Many more features, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S, 723-528) Six ROOM ¥V @ Bunasiew fn the one ner of Richmond ond Ontarie Sireets, Zoned commerciatty, Asking only 4 900. LAKE Luc06 XVI @ Be you want to enjoy yourself this summer? It 60 make this 2 bedroom cottege your' headquarters for your summer retreat this year, This cottage hes features which include, fires place, outboard moter end boat, boat house, fload lights, pot: sun porch, roter contre! eer va bor-Bcue, "O' Zone frig. ond sandy beach Hes your curiosity been ercused? Call now for thie one won't last long s IMMEDIATE SALE WANTED XVII @ This four bedroom beck split level home is tasteful decorated and attractively | scoped. Realistically priced for immediote sale, Loceted in the , preferred South East area on Wokefield Drive, At $20,900, this is tremendous value, Look it over end . 'It agree, BUSINES 5 OPPORTUNITY XVIII @ Valuable property end ging business on tle, 2 high. way ot Welcome, Approximately fifteen acres of land with B44 foot frontage, and eorrugated metal building, Also two offices ond stockroom. Ideal for farm implement dealership or con. struction seg we EXPANS *VE NOT EXPENSIVE IM @ Lovely three bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive on quiet court, Lorge irregular shaped lot, Finished recreation room with extra bedroom and washroom in the basement, Owner transterred, Try en offer on this immaculate home, * BRAND NEW xX @ three bedroom semi-dete ached home. Close to the shop. ping centre, 6% %, $108, monthly payments -- ineluding principle, interest end tones, Aluminum storms end sereens, two bethrooms, electric heating. All this on @ large lot, ond call new for full pertieulars, ® TWENTY MINUTES FROM OSHAWA XX! @ Older type bu ow with three bedrooms iving rooms, dining room kitehen on spocious lot of 8244 » 184 feet, Lots of shade trees, sized gorage, Priced under $10,« one to-night to see this real sae" JUST is TED xXI! @ This three bedroom brick bungalew Is the ultimate In luxurious living et @ moder. ate price, Many extras not found in every home include built-in screens, door chimes and bullt- In book cases, |f you would like to see this home in o preferred residential eréo, call us to-night, e THRIVING MECHANIC _BUS SINESS | ote your own tell, here in Oshawa? Lown mower and many other repair lines carried on at this location, also spued Soles ond Service Dept, The present owner has exclusive rights of several different companies which is @ very important fector in this line of business, This property hos over "4 an acre of land, large werkshop; alse very large garage with high overhead doors, plus five room two storey home, We Invite your inspection of this valuable prope erty t JUST LISTED XXIV @ A lovely three: bedroom. ; bungalow ino prestige north east location, Large living room with' |" notural fireploce, three large hedrooms with well appointed hollywood kitchen, Situated on good sized lot 50 « 150 feet, Owner transferred out of town, Call today ® DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORHOOD XXV @ for the children, brick bungalow with living roam, dine ing room and hall broadloomed, Three nice sized bedrooms and @ sparkling kitchen, Finished recreation room and extra wash room, Priced at $17,900, and 6 6% mortgage, We will be glad to show this home te you, Cell now e HIDEAWAY RETREAT XXVI @ Just west of Pontypeel, Compact three room cottage on one acre of lend, Well, large pienie table, nicely wooded grounds and stream, Immediate possession, Priced to sell e 723-5281 for full porticulors Open Daily trom Cail 9am, to om After hours call Deug Trivett 723-7390 Roy Flintoff 728-3454 Leon Manitius 728.2754 Evelyn Cassel 725.3710 Leonard Bissell 725.2070 Art Johnston 723-8738 Judi O'Dannell 725.6713 Bob Cooper 728.4823 Italo Bortolussi 723.6329 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 723-1121 lack Grahom 725.9947 El, Ann Thompsen 728-4731, George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lleyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacoek 723.1121 Dick Yopng 723.7183 We list exclusive and Phata MLS Member of O.D.R.EB GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Reoltors t d '

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