MICKEY MOUSE CIRC LECTRIC CLIPPERS My & AND i AFRAID OF BEING ELECTROCUTED ' I ONLY HAVE ONE 'i PAIR. OF GALOGHES mC) «WHEN GHE ACCIDENTALLY GPILLED A WHOLE BOX OF LAUNPRY POWDER INTO HERE WAGHING MACHINE / | &3--Don Messer's Jublice 6 | 4-The iF HITLER THINKS HE CAN WIN THE WAR +. - AND THE GKY OVER LONDON FLAMES RED IN THE NIGHT FRA Tide . nod SEE IF THOSE ROCK TONES ARE MARKED OW THE CHART, SECRET AGENT X39 A PLACE CALLED ADA iN SALIH. / MIRAL WORTH, CHALKIE AND EV PGR WOULDN'T PLAN THEIZ E6ECAPE THAT FAR INA 4 pi' \ 4 Soo mi. ae \/ ie Yl lo en Min im, A VoGvez WY joke. K % 7g ay Aut plariiy. %\ THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY OUT... LIKE THE COASTLINE, AND MAYBE EVBER'S CRUISER / TELEVISI Channel 1\--Hamilten Channel %--Torenio Channel §----Rochester Channe|) 7---Buttale Channel &-Torente Channel 4----Butfale Channel 3--Barrie Channes 2--Buttale ¢ i oh Sg eee ant nee rn MARS.) wv wRCED 5:00 PM Ve-Family Theatre #---Superman 6---Passport to Adventure Laramie | 3.Sclence Fiction Theatre 2-Mike Douglas 5:30 PLM, Mu Hop Laredo Dobie Gillis AM 4:00 PM, The fein! Twilight Theatre | 00 Reach For The Top 5 44---News, Sports with | 7 Chuck Healy 4:90 PLM, i % 9-3-2---News, Weather | Movie Sports | 12:10 @-Huntiey-Brinkley Milk and News Across Canade aunt We 4--News | Sports 7:00 P.M, | H--Littlest Hobe | 7-Avengers 63---Woerld of $-2----Somethin 10: | 1 N66 oee | 6 Sr Weis ~Viewpoint Wa Johnny Late Show Night Met: "Movie Wie Sarl $---Balman ioe Carlo 4--Ripcord &--News, Weather, Sports 4-L.lttlest Hobe | 4 S--Honey West 2----News 7: PM, Ile-My Three Sons The Lucy show 6--Hullabaloo 7-19 O'clock High 4--To Tell The Truth Captain K HeAlbert J, 9:00 9----Romper R | TDialing fo Girt Talk Make Sur 2--Death Valley Days 6:00 P.M, \% é3eThe Fugitive 4--l've Got A Secret 2-8--John Forsythe 6:30 P.M, BeAndy Griffith The Legend of James Smile Tin Love of Lif Q---Jack Lalar Jenee \! People 2--Eye Guess Luey Show 24--Dr, Kildare 9:00 PLM. Country Music Mell (Laredo TeMan Called liv fid Allen | on The Shenandoah | 63---intertel | e-Mike Dou 4-Andy Griffith BoMAr, and rH 2-4--Jonn Davidson t3--Morning § 9:90 PLM, 9-Big Valley J--Peyton Place 4-Law and Mr, Jones PM, 4--Talent Scouts i¢ People in Conflict om tperte Tonight Show Carson Alfred Hitchcock Pierre Berton 1:00-A.M, 4: AM SanTV. University | For Women &2---Concentration | TeDonne Reed McCoys 11:00 ALM, | JSupermarket Sweep | 64--Ernie Lindell # 30 A.M, 10:00 P, ®--Abracadabra 4 The Mery Griffin Qhew| 7---Dating Game a6 ON LOG (4---Paradise Bay His Own | é=Dick Van Dyke Ohew ig Special PM, %--Toronto Today +-2--Jeopardy ile J--hhoney Movie &--Luneheon Dale 11:00 PLM, | Nowe) PM, | +--fipeaker of the House } 12:90 PLM, NeNoon Time PM, o---News, Weather, Sports #2---Post Office re 3--Noonday Report 12.40 PLM, Movie | 12:48 PLM, o4--Auiding Light 1:00 PLM, | l= Theatre | @-Dialing for Dollars AM | Girt Talk Honey T--Bon Caney AM | @-Lunenaon Date ather 4--Meet the Millers | be-Movie | 2--Topper 1:30 PLM, | -bmAs The World Turns | 2fe-Lets Make a Deal 2:00 PM, | T--Confidentlal 6 POM, PM, | PM, angaroe +4----Password | 24---Days of Our Lives 1:4 PM, Steed oom r Dollars, Make Shore Boro's Big Top 9" AM, Uncle Bobhy o--Fractured Phrases \e 8-2--Another World ® 7---General Hospital ine #43--To Tell The Truth | a0 PM, | Het remy 10:0 AM, | ' 4~! Love Luey | *-It's Your Meve 10:30 A.M, | 2@---You Don't Say J--Superman Show +e---Teke 4--Edge of Night 4,00 PLM, 91 Love Lucy d----Mery Griffin \ae 36--Contrast re, &--Mateh Game tar 4--Secret Storm 40% PM \})--Flipper Movie Movie Razzie Daze @4---Search For Tomorrow | HUBERT GOOD MORNING, ) ? \|| Faves Syeda, San, THE Wald vail remerwell. / YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: j; causes a corn on my left toe to jreform evey three months? | ; wear proper footwear and keep my heels renewed, : What, Why? Because it ts virtually impossible to remove all of a 'corn by yourself, A podiatrist, using surgical methods, can go| keep pressure off, 20 THE OSHAWA Times, tondey, June 13, 1966 BRIDGE Sy 6. JAY BECKER (Top vecord-holder im Masters' FAMOUS HANDS Last dealer. Both sides vulnerable, ihe This dramatie hand occurred in the match between Great Britain and Norway in ithe Ladies Furopean Cham- 'pionship played in Torquay in 11961 When the Norwegian North- South pair played the hand, ithey bid a grand slam on the |sequence shown, Declarer won the club lead with the ace, cashed the king on which she discarded a heart, and then played a heart to the ace, catching the king But due to the 4-1 division in jboth red suits, declarer now \found herself unable to utilize the long heart suit, and, in an effort to recover control of the hand, she shifted her attention ito spades, | However, with the king being badly placed, and having lost jeontrol of trumps, South's ef- jforts more or less collapsed jand she wound up going down |four ~~ 400 points, | The British North-South pair jwere not 80 ambitious and they stopped at six diamonds on this bidding: more smoothly when declarer (Mrs. Hiron) won the club lead with the ace, played a diamond to the ace (catch. ing the ten), cashed the ace of hearts (catching the king), and then cashed the king of diamonds, The rest of the play was now easy, After discarding a club on the ace of spades, Mrs, Hiron led a heart and finessed the eight, after which she ruffed a hart and drew trumps, Her hand was now high and the outcome was that Mrs, Hiron made thirteen tricks for a score of 1,390 points, As a result, the British team gained 1,790 points on this one deal, which proved to be more than enough to swing the match in their favor, SALLY'S SALLIES "Reverend, would you mind leaving out the for better or this to be @ happy day." skin, This doesn't happen quickly, Those little doughnut- shaped pads can be used to The usual error is in thinking that a few f i od ot AS A WRIST OES IT TELL TIME RAIN OR SHINE #.. DAY OR NIGHT? ADVANTAGE... ea HELL SULK,,, CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Scent . Tracts or sites 25, Re- ligious 6. Sparkle 11, Sounder 12. Spokes 13, Disgrace 14, Eimbellish 15, Ovens 17. Printer's measure 18. Paris atock exchange 21, Some 22, Against 28, Summit 26, Strike again 28, Thorn . Campus group . Youths : Excitement . Whistle Neigh Persian weight Stripe Type of armed bandit . Speak , Ablaze Before: prefix musical work 27, 3.1416 29, Sloths 90, Bandi- $2. tween Miss, and Ga, 34, Buoy 45, Portend 87, Pasture 44, Sea eagle cattle for 45, Formerly afixedsum 46, Common 89, Steppe son aufffix Saturday's Answer 40, Unite 42, Wrath 31, Lamb's pen 2 name $ 6 8 |? {io 33. Concert rs selection 34, Advanced 36, Newest 38, Card game 39. Mature " "01 re deeper into the flesh, You obyi- , Could this corn be the result deep quite a/days will be long enough, 'They lof my stride or gait? I do a /great deal of walking,--F, R. | I doubt if your stride or Rail {have anything to do with the | problem, | You know what a corn is There has been excessive pres pa at some point, and the skin |thickens as a protective mea sure, 'i Mere thickening of the skin }eallus. formation=-isn't painful | People who go barefoot develop jeallus on the soles as tough as jleather, but it doesn't hurt, It protects, However, when this thicken- jing occurs at one small point jand when it is hemmed in by jyour shoe, it becomes a differ jent matter, This small, hard bit /of callus behaves about the way a small -pebble would, It is }pressed into the flesh by your ishoe (or sometimes it is be- tween two toes). The skin un derneath begins to thicken to ously can't, If even small speck of that hard callus; Won't. You may have to use the remains, it feels, to the undeneath, like a tiny pebble or bit of grit ening starts in the skin under Protective thiek- flesh |Protective gadgets for weeks, or longer, But you'vé got to keep pressure off that spot until no hard speck remains to start an- neath, You have the whole pro-|ther corn, cess over again and a new corn builds up, The only answer |s to keep) pressure off that small remain: Of course, the quicker way is to have a podiatrist do it, | Dear Dr, Motner: | am 40 and ling speck of callus until it has|my doctor has prescribed hor. had time to soften and to be| mones, As there is a history of replaced by soft new flexible) tt Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT neer in the family, I don't |like to take them. Is that an | old-fashioned idea?--L, B. I won't say it's an old-fash- ioned idea, but I think it misses the point, Hormones in proper doses will not cause cancer; however, they may accelerate growth of a cancer if it already exists, Should you ever develop }eancer, your doctor would stop the hormones, but I can see no reason for concern about taking them now .. popular, modern dime pack ACT LIKE NOTHING Pal [HELL BEGIN TO HAPPENED, JULIE, | LIKE HARDY TEAGUE NEVER PROPOSED TO insect 41, Pointed arch 43, Peaceful protect against the painful pres sure of the original speck of }eallus AND THEN HE'LL GO ON TO THE NEXT GIRL... Get some YOU, OR ANYTHING -- <a! TUL ACT L THAT... BU HOW DOES HE a || REALIZE THAT HE la jj MEANS ABSOLUTELY Ve || NOTHING TO YOU! Wy, MARK MY WORDS | 47, Otic 48, "Your majesties" 49%, Tendency 60, Harmonizes in colo - DOWN 1. Aide: abbr, 2. Cheer 8. Cape Horn nat So, presently you have a corn a small area of hard callus which grows thicker and thicker, and presses deeper and deeper, It has to, Because of your shoes, it can't be pushed painlessly outward, It is pushed inward | I presume from your letter that periodically you use some of the commercially available orn remover You vat feels fine for a time. But the corn later appears again, ' WRIGLEY's You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more-of that fresh flavour and lively taste!