. 16 M8 GHnAaws TIMES, shondey, June 18, 1900 KEEP IN TRIM Moderately Small Meals Reduce, Better Than One Large One By IDA JEAN KAIN (ieee aol, Se igre in in- Dieters, if you fail to lose\cluded at each meal, than you weight on just one good meal will by overloading at one time. a day, shift into a different eat-| Don't overlook the fact that, on ing pattern. A perplexed home-/® divided food pattern, the maker writes: freer soon Rs gp img {Toad + ; F many hours longer than on This calorie bit is an enigma) i. cine » day food pattern, to me. for instead of losing, 1 have gained. } eat only one meal a day and one snack and that is it. f em always full, it seems, and I drink dietetic soft drinks instead of eating. I do not eat fattening food except meat or an egg. I've become more pulfy around eyes, face and legs... and gained!" I cannot emphasize too strongly thai just keeping count on calories is not the way to be properly nourished, This extra Wark with nature far effec. tive tissue synthesis, At break- fast, have an egg, or whole grain cereai wiin miik, pius fruit juice and a slice of toast, At lunch inelude fish, lean meat or a half cup of cottage cheese. Late afternoon have a small jplece of cheese or a glass of | buttermilk or skim milk. At din- ner have a 3% o7. serving of lean meat or chicken, plus two vegetables and a sajlad or fruit. To step up circulation, walk weight you have added is prob-itwo miles # day. Or swim three ably all in fatty tissue, and your |t{mes @ week, body is protein starved, Talk) this over with your doctor, The) puffiness may be due to the| fact that you are actually suf- fering from malnutrition. If you|$ are eating a protein food only|! once a day, this may well be 1 three or four-ounce pack- ithe reason you are retaining age raspberry jelly powder fluid, and the cause of the in-| % cup boiling water creased puffiness, 1 15-ounce package frozen Proteins are the key ingredi- raspberries; thawed ents of life, It is of real im-|! tablespoon lemon juice portance that protein be in-| Pour evaporated milk into "4 cluded at each of the three freezer tray, Freeze until ery-| meals a day so that an uninter-|stals formed around edge of| ruped supply of the essential tray, Turn jelly powder into} building blocks be present bowl; stir in boiling water. Stir) -- until dissolved, Cool slightly; AFFECTS METABOLISM stir in raspberries, Chill until When you take all the food at! soniy get, Add lemon juice to} _\one meal, the excess fuel at) chited evaporated milk. Beat during the balance of this that meal is shunted into fat) unti stiff, Fold in jelly mixture. | month, late September, early storage. Then too much of YOUr| Carefully spoon mixture into} | By ESTRELLITA October, late November, and body weight is in fatty tissue, meringue shells, Chill until set } ' the weeks between Dec, § and Moderately small meals lead to! snout two hours. : FOR TOMORROW Feb. 10. Best periods for ro-a higher protein body composi-|-- sinensis | Patience and optimism will| mance: Late November, next tion and a leaner body, \for public life," the president be needed now. Some delays Apri oe May; for ware Pha egg bear in gy A said, may bi t t (though short trips only are that ood alone causes an in- SAINT JOHN, HS. I )-A "WwW eed 7 he encaynvernd OF changes indicated in your chart): Sep-jcrease in metabolism, The ex- seminar to attract all councils omen n training © of plan indicated, but take these } of women in the Western Hemi-/compete with men in polities," eH tember, next January and May,|tra heat generated by the food sphere to Expo 67 will be held| She said it now is more im- things in stride, Where projects} A child born on this day willis termed its specific dynamic : ; ortant for women to run in are moving slowly, the injec-\be highly intuitive, imaginative|action. On the same number of in Montreal by the National)? o run in y rind bie et ' Council of Women of Canada in elections and take positions in|tion of a new method could and most ingenious in carrying)calories you will lose more the centennial year, {t was an-/Sovernment because volunteer speed them up, | out unusual ideas. nounced at the close of the|/organizations soon will be obso-| council's annual meeting Thurs- let FOR THE BIRTHDAY day, "Service work soon is going; It tomorrow is your birthday, to be taken over by the govern your horoscope indicates that |ment and so volunteer workers|\ now is the time to make the Mrs. H. H, Steen of Vancou } NI G Hh T all the Americas have been in- should seek positions as admin. most of good planetary influ- ver, president, said councils in vited to attend the 1967 annual|i*tr#tors on boards or else take! |. vo are currently | ---- EVAPORATED MILK Raspherry Meringues meringue shells eup evaporated 'milk wens y DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL and black and white, De- spite the size they are light. At left is a mass of bangles and beads; then one tre- | THE STARS SAY mendous earring worn with a bracelet and finally stark black and white for a dra- matic look Boyana, a new model on the Vancouver scene from Paris, displays jewelry cre- ated by Ida Thery from National Council Of Women Plans Centennial Seminar By LINDA CRAWFORD bits and pieces of leftover material including papier mache. The designs are primitive, in exotic colors King Size TRAY TABLES 4 tables complete with storage rack, choose from assorted patterns. ---CP Photo Pat & Mike's FISH & CHIPS 688 HORTOP 723-1951 e Boop Fried Shrimp & Scallops @ Helibut @ Generous Servings Closed Sun, & Mon, 24 ONLY | weight if the food is divided into ' _ 'i | N A | ON THE TOWNE meeting. their degrees and work for the Looking at the Canadian coun- 8 ell, which represents 1,800 fed- 'overnment,"' The 140 delegates attending he five-day meeting considered and have been for over a month ~a five - month cycle which should prove most fortuitous in erated organizations across the', variety of topics and ap-| 0h occupational and financial country, Mra. Steen said @ neW|provec. a newsmagazine to re-| matters, 80 keep on the alert leadership course approved dur-| piace their current newsletter, ing the meeting here is ex-) pected to diminish the shortage ; Resolutions adopted included hose urging the federal govern- and make use of every possible jopportunity to advance along |these lines before the end of of younger women in organiza-| ment to widen the grounds for September divorce; implement the sections Incidentally, the period be- The courses will teach women of the Bladen report on student|tween now and July 15 will en te assume the responsibility ofjald and university financing; | compass the beginning of a new effice and courage active par-| prevent the proliferation of nu-j|and excellent two-year activ- tleipation in all phases of com-|clear weapons and to conclude|ity cycle where all your ma- munity life. "Tt is also to prepare women testing. "Anglican Church Of Women' a treaty banning all nuclear|terial interests are concerned,| New Name For Auxiliaries VICTORIA (CP) -- Constitu-|pendage--a group of shy little cluding late October, late No- tional changes offering women| ladies trying to back up our| vember, SCUGOG CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave. Oshewe 723-1159 "Branch Stores" 64 King St. W. OSHAWA 898 Simcoe St. N, OSHAWA 181 Bond St. W, OSHAWA PORT PERRY 905-2332 120 Brock gt WHITBY M 668-4341 N Exclusive HAIR STYLING 4 FOR MIEN EMIL HAHN 364 Wilson Read South 728.6007 KELLY DISNEY | USED CARS LTD. GUARANTEED USED CARS "We ere never sotistied until you are "a ® 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST 668-5891 WHITBY ONTARIO }so take the initiative and start | launching new plans along both of the aforementioned lines-- not only for the immediate fu- ture, but for the next two years, | Next outstanding cycle on the} ifiscal score: Between Feb, 1 and April 15, 1967; in occupa- tional concerns -- several: In-| next February and an all « embracing program of menfolk. We are not behind our) March, Most productive periods} church work highlighted four - day annual meeting of the| men, we are with them." the Anglican Church of Women| WORK WITH MEN of Canada. Another constitutional change Biggest constitutional change permits women to work with was the new name. It had been|men on the church's national known as the Women's Auxii-| jary of the Anglican Church of Canada for the past 15 years.\a pre - oard. Baptism was eliminated as requisite for member- Mrs. F. F. A. Goodwin of Vic-|ship in the organization except toria, diocesan president of Brit- for officers ish Columbia, sald: 'Before, all women's groups in the church) budget of were working In their own lit- tle corners participate In the total program of the church," Mrs. H. R,. Howden of Tor- onto, one of 200 delegates, said of the name change: "We are no longer an ap Delegates approved ai 1967 $445,602 which tn cluded $120,000 for Canada Installed as Thursday was Mrs Robertson of Kitchener, lier, Cairo Ban On Wigs Irks Career Women In Egypt By SAMIHA TAWFIK more career women and even housewives in Egyptian cities are becoming convinced that| confident that they will succeed two heads of hair are better than one, They consider that money in- vested in a wig is well spent, Those who favor wigs include actresses and television an- nouncers who must look impec- cable at all times i A recent circular to women television announcers therefore) came as a surprise. It forbade) them to wear wigs when ap-| pearing before the cameras i Since they were regarded by) teen-age viewers as an example! te follow, the circular explained, | they should make a point of! looking as simple and demure as possible when on duty, For the same reason, they were asked to avoid excessive) make-up, too much jewelry, | plunging necklines and, above! all, the new above - the knee! hemline. ALL MARRIED Of the 12 women announcers who appear on the three chan nels of Egyptian television about eight are known to own wigs and to rely heavily on them. All eight are married women, who have houses and} families to look after For them, the wig was the perfect answer. Instead of hav- ing te apend hours at the hair dresser's, all they had to do was to alip on a wig-and no' one} could tell that they had had a busy day cleaning the house cooking meals and bathing chil- CAIRO (Reuters)--More and|dren before appearing on the acreen The women announcers are DID YOU K overseas stock, just Now all of us can|work and $102,000 for work in| pnaner towel for creative workers will occur) in early August, late Septem-| ber, the first and last weeks of October, next January and March, Sentimental, domestic and so- clal interests should prosper |during most of the year ahead, with. emphasis on the social HOUSEHOLD HINT To skim. warm broths or draw a piece of across the top The fat is picked up without president) waste or muss, Mildred - Ont., re - elected by acclamation ear- in having the ban revoked by convincing their superiors a woman wearing a wig can look) much more demure and neat lthan one who has her own hair set in an extravagant fashion A. E, JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE BRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES * Guns * Ammunition * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacco Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 NURSERY CENTER * Highest Quality Nursery Steck * Open 7 Days A Week * For Free Estimetes Call... John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping 668.3396 Lecated West of Whithy On Hwy. 8 Neer Red Wing Orchards MERCURY TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE "Rodio cobs, os near os your telephone!" R 14 Albert Se. 725-4771 Oshawe WILSON BATTERY SALES & SERVICE * Batteries For All Types Of Powered Equipment * Boat Batteries * Tarpaulin Repairs * Complete Battery Needs T 723-3512 641 Cromwell Ave, Oshawa HOW TO WIN Fach week for 26 weeks you can win o "Night on the Tewn", compliments of the participating businesses on this advertisement, All you ore required to do is read through each advertisement arefully, There will appear in a num- per of the advertisements eoch week, the letters forming the name of one of the participating businesses, Cor- ectly identify the business each week and send your answer along with your yame and address to 'Night on the Town", Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times. The first correct answer drawn each week will win a night on the town, Entries must be received no "Featuring This Year" 14 Ft, Aluminum LAPSTRAKE RUNABOUT Sleeper Seats, Flot Vinyl, Long Shoft, Padded Dash Best Yotue tn Town OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour 723-1901 Floor, *820, Inter then Friday noon ef each week YOU RECEIVE » Hair Style for the lady ef the The House of Women, . Hair Style for the men et Rudy's Hairstyling for Men, , One Cosual BD: end one men's suit dry Seugoe Cleeners the ing by . p jon Mercury Taxi, » Dinner for two in the Rib Room et the Genoshe Hotel . Win Two Guest Tickets te the Regent Theatre, To see Paul New: men in "HARPER" In Technigoler, 7, Entertainment in the Startlite Room NOW . . . that . » Offers this Exclusive... CHROME WRINGER TOP AND HAND RESTS @ Quality Controlled @ Unmatched for clean, clean washes. TERMS AVAILABLE BEFORE YOU os « GIVE BUY ... PELESHOK MOTORS For The Finest In NEW & USED CARS! Harwood Ave, Pex Bh) Ajox of the Genosha Hotel, "MY ANSWER" Address ... uegcnceeneas A LAST WEEK'S WINNER Mra, ©, Johonsen 929 Ritson N. Oshawe Oshowa"s Finest Hair Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. E. 725-4321 GLIDE'S BODY SHOP Formerly Cook's Body Shop "Complete Collision, Body and Fender Repairs" @ FREE ESTIMATES @ 728.8542 175 King St. W. ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM 2PM & 5-8 PM Mon, te Fri Sot, Sto 8 70 King &, Hra, 11:30 723.464) ARMSTRONG LIVING COMFORT AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS ROLLING HILLS ESTATES Grandview St. et Olive Ave. OSHAWA MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS SOUTHWOOD PARK HARWOOD AVE, SOUTH AJAX . STARR A TRY STARR Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 OPEN FRI x * 491 Ritson S. TO 9 P.M x * MEMORIALS 728-3111 OSHAWA WN. MARTIN, PROP. Located 14 Mile East OF City Limits On Highway 2 MARIAN AUTO LTD. Rert Rudoin, President Wheel Balencing -- Alignment We Sell Used Core 728-5179 6 @ Good Financing Available Low os $2 per week @ All work guaranteed for 2 yeors. Telephone 723-0381 BONDED ASPHALT PAVING CO, 25 Grenfell Oshewe : ' BOMBSHELL Thistle TRICYCLES Budget tricycles with 10, 12", 16" or 20" front wheel with plastic hand- 22 x 28 Beoutiful framed pictures, choose from many types of scenery, dnd still life, all In grey tone wood frames, 4.99 foch -- Limited Quentities grips end petals, tricycles ore in white ond blue color, 9.7 J ] a foch --- Limited Quantities DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL Sani- Queen STEP-ON CAN All enamel with heavy polyethylene liner and black step-on pedal, choose from white, yellow, turquoise, sandalwood and pink colors. One to match every kitchen. 4.99 -- LIMITED QUANTITIES anny Ranney j in 4 BOMB 4f | ss Sabrina DRAPERY MATERIAL 44" wide Sabrina inaterial w'th boucle finish in solid colors of beige, natural, white und gold. Reguler K-Mert price "427. Limited Quentities Printed SAILCLOTH MATERIAL 36" wide printed sailcloth material, choose from floral block, kitchen prints, flowers, toys, and cowbey designs all with verious colored backgrounds, make drapes, short sets, etc, with this easy to work with soil- cloth Reguler K mart price 87¢ yerd, 57 Limited Quentities RaVwire'vrv, 1 DISCOUNT ? BOMBSHELL 50-50 Wool 50% Woel and 50% Nylon 3 ply. and shrink resistant, choose from a wide range of colors from pastels to darks, Regular K mart price 33¢ a ball. For 1 day only. BALLS 1 66 LIMITED QUANTITIES eS Sma --raarctag = a 1 Sisal ie