Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jun 1966, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, * <anhey, bene 19, 1906 20---Real Estate for Sale (20--Ree! Estete for Sele BARGAIN. 20.--Reel Estete for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD, 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 10 ACRE HOMESITES Several lecations to chome from, Ashi, Raglan, Bowmanville, Courtica, Pit- son Road W. all within easy commuting distance of Osh awa, From $5,000 to $7,000, terms. 50 ACRES FARM LAND se, 350 ACRE DAIRY FARM en Loke Seugog, 1,100 th, milk comract on 3 reads, Twe modem houses, two herns; silo. Excellent farm land. Asking $105,000 65 ACRE DAIRY FARM Cottle, implements and milk contract included, Brick home good ae uel Asking $38,000 with INVESTMENT PROPERTY | 41% acres roned commercial No. 2 Highway, central to cation between Oshowa and Whitby. $40,000 with terms COMMERCIAL LOT With older trome, four bed room home on main &,, Brooklin Village, Asking $7,500 with terms 145 ACRE BEEF FARMS Excellent condition, Brick home, modern, oil heated, nearly new harn with silo Sunderland aren. $45,000 with terms Call HOWARD FORDER 655-3853 EVERY DAY IS OPEN HOUSE MODELS OPEN 9 A.M. to 10 P.M, STILL LOOKING 3 LARGE BEDROOMS Storms screens, fireplace Built-in steve and even, fin- ished recreation room, clay brick, many other exciting features, Located near schools, bus lines, shopping, and large 10 acre pork heside you Well we have it! Come on gut tonite and make @ deal with us, all trades considered maybe even your mother-in law, | block north ef 401 en Wilson Rd. Echo Const Homes, Oshawa presented by L. N, BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-0321 $2,500, DOWN if you quality Immediote possession of these detached brick bungalow 6 different 4A % NLELA Situated et models mortgage Braemor Gardens Stevenson Rd. North te Ann epolis "St "728-1678 H. MILLEN Real Estate Limited G.M. EMPLOYEE Waterfront Property a Louis 1110 $ $., in ho _-- ' 7 Quebec Queber errebor 18 min, from St. Therese plant. 14 acre full landscaped Sacrifice! Owner transferred Ask Personne! Dept. in Osh or St. Therese for details $1900 DOWN -- Emerald Avenue, bedroom brick bungalow, seven old, full price aniy $15,400 Realty (Bond Street) Limited APARTMENT PROPERTY for forty suites, ideal central location an offer, Call Will irvine, 720-2868 Paters Realty Limited BROOKLIN "Two storey brick on lat, nine reams, all, clase to schools Tewn water. Taxes $100 yearly e Lyla M 1 AS84907) Clean six-ranm home. fencad yard and new furnace ley om Johnaton, 725-9365. e 6 three abou! Make 417,974 OSHAWA BLVD SOUT bedroom home with | Modern kitchen, large living Qond-sized bedrooms. Listed ant $12,900, Call George Twaites for appoint: Carl| NORTH-WEST AREA, ment to see, 723-1133 or 725-2008 Oisen Realtor, 20 Ray Sireet PRIVATE -- two-bedroom, Immediate possession, $) eA down. Call 728-9797 DOWNSVIEW -- sicroom splillievel with! Bolahood | _. | 723:1340 ree-bedraom semi attached garage. Many extras Brothers Lid, Roy Yeo, 728-2217 finished = rec and screens detached, oll aluminum storm down. Call 228-049 Ve STOREY frame house with foam basement apariment. Nice tal area, Near schools, On nice, lot. 20a Arthur Street, Whitby 468-8790 alter 6 WHEN DAY 18 DONE retire charming two-bedranm bungalow country nly landscaped and excellent wah. nga at your front door, Call Gearg Martin, Millbrook 952-2043 or W. 0. Martin, Realtor, WE WAVE last listed" an older home In ehaice northeast incation. Three rooms, two hathronma suegest possibilities large to Dolores Ross 728-1944 oF Martin. Realtor © NEW WOMEN on Swi £90,000 and up By Michael Zyvgock! ahane 280082 years Call Oshawa 728-9466. Kei aa and shopping hot water heating rn Stores and church. McBrien. with | only te all] woratarey tour- fenced yard. brick bunge tionally clean, madern kitch| . Good North-east quiet Fesiden: idcalter, "three apartments, three | Realtor residen Velephone |, "This! Call Doug ¢ n hea setting. Only 92.000 down, | 1. a | 'ad. (9004 condition and very canty ncame $2,500 down, For further in formation and appointment in inspect call ACRE FARM 70-5100 WO NEW BUNGALOW East Oshawa, Hwy. 2 Three bedrooms, we fire- and two car . $26,000 home sel tor 22 , $10,900 down. PHONE 728-7680 --e- OPEN anh, IRS, se GRANDVIEW ~ THINKING OF and WILLOWDALE SELLING: King %&, €. to Grandview % on We need your house FW = Grandview to Willowdale, prices hove never been etter, SAVE Bolahood Brothers Limited FOR THE GROWING family located of pala yf yet ver i ites Mid $19 500. WINTER WORKS ROMS __|iys pilernia, MD o ome Wo, ee wonevwia HARMONY Ean Toe : pireive pr 5. on Harmony Rd. to Olive W. on Olive, | block to Elm- |w. 0. Martin, & 1 ACRES of paelure te 2 wiles east Oshawe. UY 200--Summer P. 6% % For Sale or NHA MORTGAGES . ATHOL ST, EAST Bungalows, and 2 stoves, King This weekend ot Emer- ald Isle, located on Buck- Athel horn Lake BOWN PAYMENTS Only 16 miles from Peter FROM borough, Emerald Isle is, in $1, 796 ment home location offered in MONTHLY PAYMENTS the Province of Ontario FROM Prices and plore ere vail $114 oble, or we are prepared to é custom build for you. There OPEN DAILY tages open for your inspec 'TIL DARK tion priced at $5,600 and $58 lus rvices, Yas, JOSEPH BOSCO we con hove hewn ready for REALTOR your holidays, The best terme ' | AREAS Jack Appleby, 723-3398. | Martin, Reatior ca Elmer Realtor ridge E. to Wilson Rd. §, | block te our apinion the finest retire PER MO, PAT are three bedroom model cot- ' available DIRECTIONS; From Peter borough te Bridgenorth, cross Chemong Leake Causeway keep right and follow signs to Emerald Isle, HH, MeGrath and DOWNSVIEW Keith Fairbairn will be at the We have tor display 3, 4 and property, For further details 5 bedroom homes, Open | eaii 742-4234 daily NALA, 614% Morigoges write BOWES end COCKS Realtors, Peterhor ORANGE CRESCENT or Limited, gugh BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BAPTISTE , , FOR RENT @ NEW .. winterized house keeping COTTAGES City con veniences, screened porch @t, good swimming, heat ing, fishing, BOATS AVAILABLE 728-1678 H, MILLEN Real Estote Ltd Winter Works Bonus $500.00 e $920 DOWN new modern 3 bed homes. Ultra modern design, Columbia kitchens Vanity .in bathrooms, Also 4 bedrooms with $1,100 down, Call Charlie Rickson 668-6389 H Millen Real Hetate Limited MOTORS Brand room CALL 725-0267 PINE TREE LODGE AND HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, on Pigeon Lake, Modern cot tages, good fishing and swim ming, Beats and moters in store, 90 minutes from Osh awe. Apply Buckhorn OL 7-854) er Hempten 263 2365 FOR SALE OR RENT -- Owner's well kept lakefront cottage within cammuting distance of Oshawa Gond ewimnmning, sandy beach, flush toilet, hot water, tower, other extras, $7,500 with ene 195645 THREE-BEDROOM tage, conveniences, heach, Pembroke June, July, August, k, July, August $22,750. Four bedroom |'4_ storey frame and stone, shrubs hedge, elosed in patio, fenced lot, built by owner, 14 years old, extra washroom, large aorage, poved drive. Excel lent location, ample cup hoard space In Oshowa, owner transferred, Terms may he arranged, 623-3393 or 723-7843 W. Frank Real Estate cat safe in per June, Seige! housekeeping gord fishing area, Vacancies Seniember, $55 educed rates mber, Wrile of phone Jack al Golden Lake, Ont. Phone 45J| LAKE COUCHICHING East side bedroom cottage All conventences August. Phone Orillia 325-1613 TWO HOUSEKEEPING cottages, heach, Inside conveniences. Sisens2 4. $50. and $55. weekly, Orillia 925-1413. BEAUTIFUL Sioco Lake, 3 bedronms, safe, sandy beach, spacious lawn with shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping, cocktall launges within mile, $2,000 dewn, $80 monthly. Full selling price 66, 500. Apply 765 Chesterton Avenue THREE BEDROOM cottage for rent inside conveniences, Steenburg Lak north of Madoc, Telephone 623-4195 He weekday LAKE MUSKOKA cottage for rent, hol and cold water, sate, sandy beach, Suit able for two families, Canoe and boat Rawmanville 623-2445 3 9% ACRES of land for sale, Apply 480 |Fox Street, near drivein theatre BEAUTIFUL SHADED backyard, mod ern bungalow in north end, $8,000 dewn Phone 725-8007 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Man or woman i supply consumers in Oshawa and Ontaria county with Rawleigh Prod cts, Can earn $50 weekly parttime; $100 and up full time. Write Rawileigh, Dept F-116-336, 4008 Richelieu, $1, Henry, Mont real SCENIC KENDAL Hills 10 acre parcels win trout stream, partly wedded, $5 000 1,500 dawn. Cail Roy Foster 321-Oreno Frank Real Estate Lid. Realtor DONEVAN HIGH a bungalow tage for rent ming, small row bral lo September 17, $55 TRouy STREAM retreat fishing and swim Available July weekly: 190-1908 100 scenic vi 4 wer shed stone house with stone fireplace, Approximately | 10,000 Christmas trees ready for market this year, Gravel deposit, Must he sold at once. 10 miles north of Bowmanville $24,000 terms, Call W. Frank Real &s slop at door, Only $17,000 full price Dawn payment arranged, Call Doug Gower 778-|(Ale: Bowmanville at 629-3399 1005, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, ia LAKE SCUGOG, furnished lakefront cot 1393. lage for sale, het and cold water, eanven TWO-BEDRGOM apariment in Wew bulla lences, boat and motor, safe beach, Tele ng, intercom, elevator, built-in stave, /pnene 724838 ms fridge, washer, dryer free, broadioom in, LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for rent, Hall living room, wall to wall. Many extras, burton district, Modern with all conven Telephone 725-9398 or 728-0123 lences, sandy beach, boat included, $40 |THREE-BEDROOM bungalow weekly. Available August 13 on and June ally clean. South end Oshawa, Call Whitby Available LAKEFRONT small collage, at Kawartha Street, Call Harbor, Sturgeon Lake, less than hour tram Oshawa. Fully insulates approved -electric heating tar wint All inside conveniences, fully furnished. for immediate oecupancy. Anal house with. sim, privacy, ideal fishing $5,500. terms. 3 Fairview Courts Lindsay, phone VIA DSA HALIBURTON LAKE 100 feet sand heach, wooed lots. Completely pri $7,200, terms, Frost Agencies (te Say, 324-1525 good 4. Five-roam brick featuring garage, recreation) room, landscaping. All schanis in immed late a. Only $96 monthly which in cludes principal, interest and taxes. Bus exception close to Irvmedi 942-6300, 668-544 Snug " ane " and es DOWN, three-bedroom brick" bun ned galow. Finished rec, room. Clase ta pub lic and separate achoo!. immediate pos Session, Full price $15,900. Balance an j@asy terms. Call Helen Simpson, Senate mann Real Estate 723-6286 or 668-3138 "DOWN, direct Tram bullder Almost |new, three-bedraam brick bungalow, ail heat, close to separate, public and high |achools. Immediate possession. 729.454) |RANCH BUNGALOW With large lot. near COTTAGE FOR RENT for July and Av A Courtice, swimming pool and scree! gust. 85 miles fram Oshawa, excellent patin, Two fireplaces and broadioom Mroughaut. Telephone 723-8805 three {$1000 Lind. Telenhane 724-0244 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Lindsay, three bedrooms, large living room, electrically sandy beach, furnished. Could be winter ined. Many extras, $6900. Phone 324-2087 Area Code 708 three bedrooms, ON BEAUTIFUL n Raedy tar Walthurian area Located west of Electricity and ¢ a and marina ind 231 Cabot Street, 8.408 Mart BARGAIN -- Collage and 7a acrea on Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish ec, iat move in, road te door, Inside ean veniences, gas, stove. fridge, pressure healk bab Perry. Tol Madani system, Secluded and quiet, excellent fishing and hunting, Beautiful view of 8 ACRES of scenic land. Gond road. 20] lake. Cash winter price $4400 Contact minutes ta Oshawa. ery good siream.i Mr &. W Tout, RR A Com Hill ane ex! to village. store and scheol, Only] 469W1. Bancroft. Gibson Willoughby Lim $4,500 with terms to suil your budgel.jiled Realtor G 7%) " y ~ on Batata iciieae actin, Frank Real aucKHORN" CAKE collages, 1:3) bed room, camping, trailers. goed fishing | FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN. Oniy fourjsandy peach Ponveniences, laun Hteen nine, Act wisely, invest in your/dry facilities store, 4688. future, Call Stan McCormack, 689-3066 % s BANCROFT lakefront cotiages for rent Reith Patera Realty Lid, Resiter with boat, Salman Trout Lake, inside =|NORTH WEST: 2 storey brick, very! can cas, Propane cook stove, good priced 'swimming, fishing. Call G. Hand, 648-4444 td. - L1G HOUSEKEEPING collages, electric. In side facilities, fishing. skiing and swim ming, Telephone 25-2008 ar write M entiages. RR i Burks Falls FOR RENT on St for sale, kitchen near hedraom ane bungalow being bull! on large jot. Pur jehaser may have choice af color, of |brick, shingles, tile, ete, $17,980. Model open for inspection. Call Don Stradeski 723-465! SEMI detached duplex jand two bathrooms ¢ LAKE, KENISIS available during conveniences, marketer nearby interview desired duly Twestorey brick house. excellent income prop erty. Well situated on double corner /PORT PERRY -- A boats > rH) 914.500. | P2787, Sibby's Real Estate ry two rall Talephang Bond Street) | iin just east of Oshawa Oshawa Realty SUV" A WARGAIN™ Through Ads, Need something? Chsck Ads sew! sidings POR P46 Uaketrant" housekeeping rgeon Lake. madern sandy Deach, reasonable Bow 42. can fo. eile double . Ani tion at ti) fh. Plesse| redin T182193 of TEI | RICE LAKE three-hedroom lakefront ent.) acres fishing, fireplace and inside conveniences. | heated. | Port Perry 988) '2h---hpartments for Bent 16----Apartments tor Rent (26--Apartments tor Rent '16---Apartments tor Rent ag = Sag for Sete Fe 10 ACRE LOT send mr let ated $i psych | $45 Per Month PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2,995 $50 DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START JULY 1966 Call Bill Johnetan 728-1066 12 Large L ots 2 miles trom city, in attrac: tive area. Some tread lots. Paved street, Close by -- school, new high sched and bus lines PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 14 LOTS 2 Duplexes King and Stevermon BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 728-5123 23--Real Estote Wanted be IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ¢ LOT 75'x200' wirveyed with family-size cottage, 3 hed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plan, $50 down, $47 monthly, payments start August, 1966. Limited num- ber, Year round ectivities | Practical tor retirement, Good roads, open year round Hydro, telephone, swimming, eveellent fishing, water ski- ing, boating, hunting, ete, Winter Ski-tow nearby. EM JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spring @ MEET @ Beside Torente Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemea Highway 7 on the Peterbore to Lindsay Highway each day thie week-end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. Ne appointment nec essary Sell-ective and Sell Your Home OR = thru Can he sean Monday to Fri day, doy or evening, by spec iol appointment only, Phone PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD COBOURG, ONT, 372-9494 GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 723-8144 VALUATION LISTING & SALES NICK SIBLOCK SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD 728-7576 WANTED TO BUY, land with high quali gravel deposit, Adjacent to City of FOR RENT, William's Point, Ochawe, Write Box /AIR019. fully furnisned, inside con | Times tric stove and refrigerator in kitchen, Telepnone 72/94 Staves, Offices, Sto a NOW LEASING = ara MIDTOWN PLAZA | Oshawa's new modern shop ping centre, located in the Jowntown area, Stores in var ious sizes from 1280 te | 2349 square feet still avail able. 66,100 sq. ft. Depart ment Store, 22,000 49, ft Food Store, and Brewer's Retail Store already leased Office and professional tower being incorporated in com plex, now partialiy teased, f you desire a top location for either a retail store or prestige office space, with parking for ever 1,000. ears, average rents, call exclusive agent LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST, £ 728-4678 COTTAGE Lake Scugeg veniences running w Abb RICE LAKE, jot 10 x 200 159 FoR "RENT for seis, Ld beach 93000 15 "hou keeping con nr ences, sandy cl reasonable. Bow manville 623-2269 RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, north of Frankford, Ont. Ten 401 highway. Road, hydro, peach $2,000, Telephone Toronto, 7) 157 WELL TREED iekeshore lots on beauti ful Glamor Lake in the Haliburton High Road and hyare aiso collages fram § } two miles miles off Price lands 7-294 'o 21--Farms for Sale FARMS and Small Acreages Buying er Selling? Then place your confidence in a former farmer whe knows the Distriet and your problems Call ALLEN THOMPSON - Repres, of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, Daytime 723-2245 Evenings 728-2870 STORE FOR RENT af 1% Bond Street West, Good ineation. Rent $100 per month iry or heel farm with lakeshore} j granary |d dalies te Boltiea dand home Avalianie now, Call Mra, Taylor 604-9045 and arn, all werkanl nd. Vendor will accept low down paym and full price|! NEED older type hame in" eens! of $29,000, Call Boug Gower 728-1005, W.\of city. Call Bill Jonnston 728-1 Frank Real Estate Limited 425-3399 fleld-Aker Lid 4UACRE FARM with two rail sidings, just east of Oshawa, Telephone 728-9466, |25----Houses for Rent HOUSE, five Oshawa Really (Bond Street) Limited FARM FOR SALE ~~ Excellent productive! oniy, Available June 9, farm within 40 minutes drive from Osh Apply #8) Myers Street awa, consisting of 180 good acres at sandy} loam. comparitivel )|FURNISHED twe - bedroom bungalow, with potato eu th. Very) €ily conveniences for two ar th adults good brick hom ith. all modern con-jeight miles from Oshawa. May jvenience, Very tiheral terms, Asking aniy | Gefener, 674-7979 or 421-2209 $22,500, For fast resuits call George) TWO-REDROOM, semi-detached Martin Milloraok 992-2943 ar 720-5103 W. 0.) Full privacy, Available June Martin, Realtor monthly, Small family ently BOBCAYGEON AREA -- nicely wooded 624240! i lots on river for sale, Road and hydra, |ADELAIDE AVENUE BAST reasonable, Call 793-3779 roam house, large tol, garage, Close to Stores, schon. $100 monthly with twe ':|22---Lots for Sale year lease, Telephone 723-0729 COTTAGE at HOUSE FOR RENT, four rooms, Farm Road, Pickering 95' x 200' on Price $5,500 vi IDRAL da evenings part na Aduits Close to bus rooms, furnished. house. 4 «$100 Telephone "Pour Valley Toronto 83)-4985 Vorated on King Untimited' parking, $78, per Cammercial Zoning, eall Harold al 5. D, Hyman Real Estate, 728 FURNISHED Valentia, lot Lake Seugng FUTURE SUR. acre lots. 20 miles TWO-BEDROOM bungalow. North end | west of Oshawa Available July 1, Phone 458a444 i NORTH END, ihree-bedranm. house, elec MARGARET tric heat, upkeep on -lawn, gardens and | BALLARD snow removal included, Call 723-8065 EXECUTIVE type ranch style Haun, dao Realtor TWO ROOM GFFICE Street West month Segal DIVISION 6786 North three-hedrooms, fireplace. broadiagm, double ga Perry 985-2406 |FIVE-ROOM, main floor of duplex, large basement and lawn, Children weleame, clase to south General Motors, Call 65% 4726 after § pom. TWO BEDROOM house, oll, heal, gar arge lot, newly decorated, Bloor Strev Telephone 725-2439 Port Perry 985-2026 26----Apartments for Rent PARCELS OF CENTRALLY LOCATED LAND | 1 and 2 bedroom apart : ments, in of Oshawa's 10 ACRE finest buildings. Baleany and 2 pond locations intercom system: No children 1+ 10 ACRE under 12 Bush and pond | 10 ACRE Wonded with 403, Mitchell Sunderland Agent: F, | one * All GUIDE Realty. Ltd 723-5281 self-contained APART. MENTS. Store and refrigera facilities, One 18th, Call 728-3344 or 728-6906 WHITBY » bedroom, modern apart Imeation stream These parcels all on good | gravel road within 15 miles | of Oshawa, For further in | | formation Two } CALL ter, Laundry | LYLIA M, McBRIEN | REAL ESTATE BROKER 655-497) available June Brooklin, BUILDING LOTS Any number Newcastle Orene and Oshawa Contact CLARE MeCULLOUGH W. FRANK: REAL 623-3393 Tw ment $125 Monthly Heat. hat stove ! shops Telephone 668 6703 EDROOM, Spacious scludes balcony facilities Available Includes frig, and to buses, he water minute ESTATE . 723-7843 Lansdowne paved parking. stove, retrig duly } TWO i-acre lots, five minuies from c limits, terms, Call 728-7244 e! BUILDING LOTS In Orono. Priced trom) Pnone 722-4670 {81200 up. Call Roy Foster 32)Orene, W..TWO = REDROOM modern Frank Real Extate Lid. Realtor no children under 12 years. |CAMMSHORE LOT for aac, ied a van |fenaslt, decorated to suit jon Pine Lake, Haliburton, Hyden, good SON) Non' syoBark Read Suh. ¢ beach, goad road, Port Perry, 988.744 ma 04s ene seu CARGE | COV on Prestige Street In Brook one" im. Close to schoal Call 669.860 ity heating, erator laundry $128 apariment, ne dama HEDROGM apartment large south General Meters at Raad, withaut ane Talaphane pasite dave stove july THEWRE UNIQUES Want Ans work tor you around the cinck, Dial 723-2493 tor an ed-writer now. Ta ee | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. | Oshewn | | | | "jduly Tele eLeAW theese NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IM APART. MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA Tansee OM. oth fe pwy euNanigs Immediate Possession Starting at $125 and up FEATURES 1, poo wltes @ Free biydee Oshawa's larged wates Franch Provincial kitchens Devtole sinks 30 inch range, tilly mitomeatic fxtrn large Fridge with Freever Linen' Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrnoms Extra Twe Piece hath in all 3 hedroom mites All suites equipped with Large halconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor quest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 Fuchisive Agent 2 ond 3 bed- Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited Modern Apts, Regency Towers 349 Marland Ave Phone 725-2227 Premier 321 Marland Ave Phone 728-6722 New corr One and © hedroam avoilable. Broadioam dors, Stove F.M, Controlled en Flevater Refrigerator Drapes trance Intercom Balconies and Laundry faeill ties on each floor CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One and two bedroam apart ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadionm corridors, intercom, FM. Immediate oe eupaney, $97 and up 340 Marland Apt, 1}) 728-4283 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immediate also for June 15th, August st Large stoves, refrigerators, wall to wall elosets rooms, Walk-out baleonys, starting $115 per month Central location, adults only TELEPHONE 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 P.M and July Ist, suites, drapes, in bed possession evallobie iv {We seaRGeM apariment, July |, ane ehiid weleame, heat, wate Slove, refrigerator, laundry facilities mullet included, Call 728-974? THREE + ROOM basement apartment in small apariment nuliaing on 103 Wiisen| Road North, Abstainers, Adults, Tele _ iphone 725-3296 TWO-BEDROOM § apartment in modern apariment bullding, in Whithy, Drapes, stove, frig, hydro and heal included, Chil dren welcome, $118 monthly, Available! Telephone 468-4235. WHITBY -- Apartment, three rooms and) bath, Heated, central, Available June 20. Telephone 668-258 ONE AND TWO bedroam some furnished, 1.000 sq, ft dustry on storage, Also rooms, Apply Landlord's Association, Bruce Street WHITBY -- Qnebedronm apariment, in cludes refrigerator and steve, storage locker, laundry and parking facilities. Apply Apariment 101 at ill Craydon Road apariments, for light in Navsekeeping ct) OOM anariment, available ' rent, T NOW ROYALE RENTING APARTMENTS * A 'limited munber of enre- COLBORNE APARTMENTS Comer of Colborma Street and Mary Street, Only 2 min utes walk. from Mary Street and King Street, FEATURES: 1, Apartment eontroiied entrance Electric heating , Private balconies , Retrigerator and stove in eoch apartment , Drapes in each apartment Living room and bedroom TY pre wired Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired, inter com in each apartment Breadionm in halle Hardwood and virwl tile in: apartment Vanity in bathrooms ' Hiding patio doors Bachelor, | and 7 bedroom apartments Flevater service te aach flnor Next door te North Genera! Motors Plant and office Mail service tr anariment FEATURING The utmost in modern living et moderate vente! rates, OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Bus Service at Door Within Walking Distonce of Shopping Flectrically Weoted Soundproot Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery te Each Suite Broadioomed Corridors FM music throughout | 22. =» NM Be AYN Pius many more modern features LOCATED OM SOUTH SIDE 119 NONQUON POAD each Available for viewing any me. Please call 728-5282, SURE OF AM APPOINTMENT | "736.1589, 725-7981 PHONE NOW 942-240) Ont i" s your tele | costs ® | i poy A absorbed by owner PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversive wuites Olde Fe dernr Twin elevators FEATURING lented 4 por hes sun deck phone bh other Presenting LA CONTESSA EES: A distineticn eperiment residence glish d nune {ne Prestiga | & 2 bedroom suites Electric Heating, Individual room heat con- trol, Pressurized corridors, Free Hydro and parking, Party room with kitchen facilities, Swimming pool, Seura bath, Mail delivery to every suite, Closed cir- cuit TV, for your protee- tion, Large breakfast area in all kitehens, Convenient to shonping, schools and ehurehes Transportation at door, Landscaping ar- ehitecturally designed, Beautiful ceiling te floor drapes Carpeted @ Bus ston at doe e¢ ed entrance @ Plenty of parking @ Laundry each @ Piast cuphes @ Free hyde ontre c lined ds kitchen Mode! Suite Open 2-9 PM 22) SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS five plex buildings with immediate possession and some for August Ist Rents starting at $119 which includes; walkout balconies, stoves, refrigerators, electric heat, brogdioem and all utili ties. Children welcome, Call 5D. Hyman Real Estate Lid 728-6286 In new Suites Start ot $120.00 per month MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Rental Information 725-148) 140 NONQUON RD. AVAILABLE hedroom apartment St, Fridge, stove, walk-out haleony | parking, Adults only to 9:30 P.M, Phone 723-6455 ONE-BEDROOM apartinent wih reiriger? lator and stove, Heal, lights and water in jeluded, Telephone 728-5386 | TWO ROOM Unfurnished ground JULY J One Grentell drapes Ample 6PM FURNISHED one bedroom apariment, private bath and entrance, ull workin couple, available July Ist, Apply 378 Wind: sor Street |\UNFURNISHED Bpariment, ga753 paren ond television, included, Bus stop al daar 2 bedrooms large tiving room, kitehen, |and bathroom, Widew er lady with ene apariment,|o" two children, immediate possession floor, Apply | Call 728-28%6 |YOUNG" MAN Wanied le a) private en-| apartment, preferably 4 Apply #1 wil[@F, Centrally lelephone 723-6927.| FURNISHED sebesen and kitehen, }Sultable for eouple, alsa ane single fur nished bedroom, Centrally located: Tele! iprivate entrance, M5 Oshawa Blvd, South | THREE « ROOM apartment, |trance and private bath. |llam Street West or |Availabie immediately CHURCH STREET, 174 nished bedranm, gentieman jphone. 724-7073 preferred, Apply above address |WHITRY |CARGE FURNISHED bedroom In a Alean| Ground floor, and quiet home, far one or two gentle | Place, private bathroam, |men, close to north General Motors, ;Slove And refrigerator wih j Telephone 728-7983 shild considered. Vacant naw, $78 month: Single, fur abstainer, Threeroom, heated, unfurn' M SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy trolled @ "Mail deliveries t9 you door @ 2 elevotors @ Rertal representative an duty Doily 1-9 pm, at apartment, 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-826) ming and after hours it 6255 ocean arene @ FOR RENT @ Apis, Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, 10:30 am. to 9 om, Sat, 3 om LANDLORD'$ ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St 72 WHITBY---1 and 2 bedroom opertments, all modern con- veniences, swimming pogl, elevator, built in stove, fabric drapes, Free parking, Near schools Telephone 668. 5347 (27--Rooms 'tor | y Rent : : ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private ppntey Call between 5 and 7 p. 82 PARK RD. N, 728-867 | CLBAM, furnished, room with A kitchen' if desired, Laay aay ti vf Located on Park Rend South, Cail Acad FURNISHED housekeeping | Yom, | north, west gate of Gi 4 1 Ay Street, 00m Fy "wil lope is sop, Laundry Yprivi Business| Indy, Telephone , near Motors, Parking, a LARGE ROOM suited ern iyi fo share, oft ie i ean aren Telephone 7 her 5 Afi |ROOM with or" ett board" tor" | fantremen, 00d home, " meals. ie n rooms, 6 ea amelehely furnished, priv | ONE-NEDROOM w with Wh lehen and Jivingreem, ml ROOMS or room and board, gilen, eoniral, single er te rohige a ar Sireet, 998-9603, mer er | BEB. SITTING room, \ad \'o hospital, Telephone x monn cand lone FURNISHED room for fl, |son Read Bouth, ree Te } [™ FURNISHED" room ae gin, rivileges, Five ply 462 Athol 81, se the i jephone 7 ae. si i a" Alber > bub East (rear suraneate CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping roam in quiet home, central, i Telephone 723405," Seniemnan, NORTH, Whitby rive 'ton apariment with bath, "availa [ROOM with' kilehen," reirigar sige, "Wove, full twe ry nilemen, Immediate possess sion, Apply 406 Bloor Rast CURRIED REO aul one or tae men, jehen vileges, 'Ape rk Rond North anor abe bm Ny GCOIN'STRERY Easl-- ih -- lurnlanee room for gentleman, housekeep! tbe ee. close fo downtown, rtd Wier Two" SRPARATE ve rooms, & Gina ingle bed. room: an doub to share, 'tae fer enchara o pt jPark Road South. |PORNISHED rica room | Bloor and Wilson area, _Yaephene? an. FURNISHED hedroom for gentleman In heme, avallonie Immediately, cere ral. Telephone 728-0859 ROOMS TO "nen weekly nly "Can tral Hotel, @ rae » Oshawa Loenran" 75917 TO SHARE King Str Bas! SING 'aahied ead! mpleved one block ren north commen # private home, Apply ai ream ' gentleman, Parking, General Motors, {Cail 72 ROOM FOR WENT, douni "Kenly 2 Nassau Streel, 728 0 3198 . ya i LK a two parlly Wurnlahed Third floor, sink, rede Apply hetween" 8 TWO FURNISHED bedrooma | residential pene, Apply 110 Wwitrer . oa or call 72a-1ag Carer | lable Vor Also 2 bedronm apariment |THRG Sagem hiv 1s, Phone 468-2900 private bath. Rim pane "| COMFORTABLE room in privah iu hil i" FIVE + ROOM furnished apartment, 08 ae 134 Plain "street Bast" eiealinas | [atainers enly Avallonie new, ae an! ywa, "Ane "hinbade - rent in Whitby. \ iT Would sult ene | eee. lneatlon._Telephene at aaa? AND 9 BEOROOM jfrigerator and stove, inte entrances, elevator service, pool, fenced in playaraund, apariment, iinfurnlshed, Telephone 729-4900 after is ONE FURNISHED room, genileman, Telephone 725-0536, | Athol Street THREE-ROOM apariment in Oshawa, Con 'tally located, Available June |, One! street or cali 234 jehild welcome, Telephone s68-01ee, THRED-ROOM Unlurnlaherapark | unturnial 'apartment, KING BAST One-hedroom basement) very central, heavy sty wirl IP rimeni, ~ikaa W's swimming an Glen apartment, Priv bath and entrance. path on 1 {Suitanie for couple, $70, Gall after 6 p.m [heme Wate ae ula 7 ' TAY o Thr \weuk ROOM apartment, unfurnished, Pris pdlhs 3 in Dulrding te vale entrance and bath, Phone 725-7973 ea Telephone 468-527 |ONE. AND TWO » BEDROOM apari-| Two. . }ments, fridge, stove, drapes, broadioom 1WO-REGROOM spiral Private bath incluced, Apply 108 Wellington Street, se: 4 |Whithy, '468-480 evenings 1pa8 MeO, Apply 136 Ritson Road South TWO:REDROOM apartment, weivigareint| Caumreeine™ ROOM Warnlohew" wiih "ili Jand stave, washer and dryer included. chen, Phane 298-1? Available july |. Apnly a?) Albert Street |e ane 7980174, Call after 4 a.m, ar 288 Montrave Avenue, Apartment 4) ane enh bachaler cuite APPLE HILL, District twa, three-room| an Nowell Avenue, Tramed i atten re and stove Adults preferred, Tel ral, bedroom, je bath and en: trance, $95 monthly includes -- hydro. Available June 18 Telephone 723-1034, UNFURNISHED basement apariment for rent, private driveway and entrance, Wil son Road, Olive Street area, 723.0848 after 3.20 am FURNISHED ra, ment apartment, five-room apartment, up- private entrance, nt includes » hydro. Sullable for lean, quiet couple. No children, References required Apply 646 Simeone Street South TWO-REDROOM apartment, near Shop ping Centre, available July 1. $110 manth \y, Adults preterred, Telephane 728-5140. aTe P Iwo apartment in six-plex, $120 monthly in cludes stove, refrigerator, drapes, heat, liants and water. Call Ban Stradeski Realtor, 724-464! or evenings call 3 \2a2 QUIET APARTMENT In triplex. Stove and retriqgerator private hath, living room, kilehen, two bedroams \ South General Motors, a9, 77 TWO-BEDROOM apariment stove refrigerator, drapes $120 monthly, eludes eveything. Available now phone 724-12 and in Tele Toom apariment in Osh stove, laundry facilities, Mators and shopping . Avaliable immediate: Clase to/St ty) apartments, unfurnished, Show Centre, Parking, Phone 72%: ve. | WHITBY w- Central | \ncati oi | a. |QNE-BEDROOM, modern large apartment | Rou! Stevenson Road! Cj anita Teaan aa married couple, Apply 45 4s Drew Street LARGE PURNISHED room, Sa Pine Ave, (al Grenfell) Close to _Shownine 23,589 28--Room and | 'Board : at 4 Telephone dation for young gentleman Parking, TV, lunehes packed, 60-4998 viel clean hom parlnn® 4 eed ety load (hy Kear): 276, ROOM AND BOARD for ) modern home, with privil and Stevenson area, Close 4 Pim, telephone 726-0114, 6000 "| Wome for neat young lady, ee 387; FoR GENTLEMAN, hom yeu oy a jane fo bus, After e. day i tral, Good meats, Laurary AN Willing lo share lar is. Lunches packed, € al Motors. 723-6690, er bath. Adults onty, Available July 7, Phone 725-0875 BACHELOR apartment in buliding, at 78? King Street & erator, stove, washer and dr able july |, Call 725-158) oF appointment TWO-ROOM apartment with privale bath in private home, Unfurnished, heat, hy dro included, $60 monthly, Available ln mediately, Apply 445 Oxtord Street FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, north west district, suitable for four business people. Apply 193 Park Road North, BASEMENT three-room apartment, "pre vate entrance, furnished or not furnished: automatic washer: private entrance, bathroom. Call after 6 p.m, 668-4656. FURNISHED, three Toom apartment, available immediately, hydro and heat included, central, Apply 283 Sinclair Avenue QNE-REDROOM apariment, on grout tloor in apartment building, at aa Kin bedranmn ere." Rrwateenieances" trig. staves apartments. in modern building, Avaliable washer and dryer, Available July \ ni duly 1 Telephone anal), 75-185) or 222011 far anpaintment [PRIVATE "\wabedtecm apartwent," Gor RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 156, three ranm) pletely remodelled. Suitable ter clean, re. |apariment, private entrance and hath, tm Hliable couple. No children, $100 monthly. | mediate possession. Telephone after § p.m, |Available July | Telephone 2% jae JROUR ROOM apartment tn share with THREE-ROOM aparimeni. Iria and stove |aentien \_Telephane 723 229-4908 private bath and antrance, Available now.) Telephone 7200020 after 8.20. jAian ad "Twoibedraam, Aparienante. near F anariment Ont" edi [Sangin Mt Mewelnes JWly |: Teleanene QNE AND TWO. bedroom apartments for rant, Apply 29) Marland Avenue, Api, i04 ar phone 9004 FIVE-ROOM apartment with @ cation a8 Gibh Street, "Yelophone TWO-bedroom arin In i tie plex, ait trigerator, at nee For imare informa a an at ONE-BEDROOM A 3 Cl) (Oshawa's finest outings Baleony and Intercom aystern, No children under 12, Available June |, Call Guide Really Uta, 7aasaa) SPANISH MOTIF apartment, loca tral, controlled entrances, FM, ally heated, broadioomed and press ed corridors, automatic range, retriaan alor, Apply 330 Gibb Street GENTLEMAN to share | fully turniahed house with three other young men, Pret. erably office worker, Located nerth of shopping centre, 72) R40. LANSDOWNE GRIVE -- lwo. 01) for FACONTAINED, three. room apart| hild welrame 480 Avaiiania TO BUY . newly decorated, Sherman, 722211 BROOM apariment Telepha ne A68-6628 ae ohack @ Classified + central Apoly | 5-404 ble v m0) eal eatate marketp): Apply 444 hy Mireet South. -| FULLY FURNISHED ln goad clea _ jiwe Tamas vane nt, Apply NE-ROOM 446 Simeone siveet Sout wan hee, Private entrance, Close fe bus at $0 Ar. Avenue, 723-0001 days, male a8, Possession now ROOM AND AOARD tor genileman wilh ing to ant wk einer gentleman, single beds, Call 460-013 eunanive-- ement, central, dry, abd " tenna, modern refrigerator, steve, One ar adults. Absta ners, Call TAWA, TWG-REDROGM modern apariment. Ne children under 12 years, No damage "jdepesit, Decorated to suit new tenan' Sound proof, Available July 1}, Park Plage Apariments, 170 Park Road eg P2-0aeg afier & pm, or before 4 Two" ROOM Me anarienent emi-privales wih kitene a, fe heme, Avail vate bath _} able July ist. ABs pet) au Blake Street } Bast, 'On 48 WAYNE STREET, Apariment §, tours gen apartment for rent, Telephone ?2i: witey™ T"Tarae, onechedroam apart + retrigeratar, stove, washer, Avail futy Call aa&2904, evenings jROOM AND RAKPANT, lunches pack: ed. Two iggy 3 imployed gentlemen Clean, quiet arking. Clee te south General we. and shopping. a! Park Road South poARDaRy Yeu men. Catt alt . ghatalners. |SIMCOR 'Wraeer north, twa bedroom TWO-REDROOM apartment at 77? Row: lanartment. electric heat, balcony. Tele ena § Street. Telephone 720-844 Fe i Bs 28 Le es MODERN. ITHREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment.jand hydro, refrigerator and ateve, bal {with shared bath 4§70 monthly, Centraliyleany and drapes, parking. Avellante July located, Telephone 728-2028. Y Call 720.5976 er 723.4016, twe-bedroam anariment, heat ROOM" AND BOARD Wh clean, gule home for gentiemen, to share, packed. 4 day week ._ Telepnane ROOM. BOARD. geniiemen Central Lunches = packed, Colborne Bast, Ci lunches Ten la" shar Apply >

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