Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jun 1966, p. 19

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13----Articles For Rent 4 17----Femole Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wonted 18--Male Help Wented '20---Real Estete tor Sale _THE OSHAWA TUBS, Seturdoy, June 11, 1966 19 . triped, pipe wrenches, pipe RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise gond- ers, belt sonders, floor send- ers. PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise cutters, pipe threading dies, teilet auger. PAINTERS EQUIP tension steel scaffolding, ors, sproy guns, steamers, tarpaulins, torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel borrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jock hammers, hond trowels, water pumps, portoble heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power roll- ers, electric hammers, moson- ory saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortor boxes, chain hoist, miter saws elec- tric plene, torpoulins, 14' bond sow, 4" joiner, sond blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, wallpoper blow CITY OF OSHAWA ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK/TYPIST Required for the Treasury gala < ¥ SALARY RA! -- $3,556 - $4,483 per year (36% hour working week) Must be experienced in 4 var- lety of clerical and typing in = comnnrabla aren Should have full high schooi including typing, bookkeep- ing ond elementary eccount- ing. Applications will be accepted only IN WRITING, giving complete details of education, experience, age, moritet sta- tus, etc., until 5:00 pm. June 17th, 1966, The Personnel Officer City Hell Oshowo _ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OFFICE MANAGER THE JOB Our client, a multi -+ranch rere rérte Werner soler, requires on experienced mon to ossume the role of Office Manager, directly re- sponsible to the President. This is a progressive firm and affords on excellent opportun- ity for the right mon, er nee THE MAN A member of a recognized Accounting Association or o senior student with Indus- triol experience. Solery to be commensurate with quolifi- cations. All replies treoted in strictest confidence Write To: interested in @ responsible position who has poise ond enjoys meeting people requir- ed for this senior position, The applicent selected must STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD 233 King St. West, Oshowe PHONE 723-3224 Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glosses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | 436 Ritson Rd, §. 725- 3338 | Dish Coffee Bridal White EWAIRS, card ana banquet 'Tables, chureh aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentels, 412 Simcoe § Street North. Call 723-2614, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, | _#educing machines, Ald Rentals, sick room supplies 405 Beatrice, TN oes ENTERTAINING? rity "Ye one hundred) people? au pe 14--Business Opportunities s Tennis Club for ban-| ats, parties, " edd ings, Bar, kitchen,| ring, 723-2140 mornings j NEED $35 to $45 PER WEEK? A PART TIME BUSINESS is the best way to stort "Being your own Boss' REQUIREMENTS: Must have 3 te § hours spore per week Steady employment back- round ood credit standing * Be prepared to invest $1,- 990 for stock and equip- ment which can be finane- ed with $500 deposit for occeptable applicants, THE BUSINESS; Servicing beverage -- dispen sers on our high profit loce- tions. A silent salesman that earns money for you every day, Your small investment has proven to others thet it | poys off in big dividends --~ | os it will for you, if you meet | our requirements | BOX M2789) Write stating nome, back | ground and tel, no today FARIVING | RESTAURANT snd bungalow) inway \18. Could be excellent | motel site, "Also beauty and barber shop and two income properties being offered in ene parcel, Near Shopping Centre. Excel) fent terms on both, Call Bob Johnston, | 725-9345, Metcalf | Ee tate, MONEY WAW Required 69000. | Secure by mortgage. Telephone 725.0966 SMALL beauty salon tor "bale or reni.| Central location, Write Box 25334 Oshawa Times WELL" LOCATED Barber Shop and, Beauty Salon, very reasonable, Lew dowr payment, includes ali equipment end) Steck. Lena ferm lease can be ar ranged. Call Doug Gower, 728-1605, W Frank Real Estaie Limited, 423-3993 WIG THRE bar agency, long established | business, vendors retiring, $30,000 full | price, $4,000 down, Call Frank Real Estate 623 3995 PISsGe OWN ® Chicken" aD t "New Look' Sranchise -- (hem jery-take out hot food). Over 700 any owned fran chises now operating in Canada and U.S. Several Canadian cities pfill avali able. Protected areas, exclusive equip: ment training provided, Cash invest ment $13,000.00. High profit return. Basiern office, \é44 Bayview Street, Toronto, Phone 481-6436 1 5--Employment ; Wanted 3 LOVING DAY CARE for child by reli able mother, big yard, auiet street swings, etc. Close to town, hospital, bus Telephone 128 3948 | YOUNG LADY In wheel chair wiahes| home work, such @s assembling, te aging. sorting, ote Anything considered WN first experiences requires Can carry full nee, Specializing in hone 723-2415 after) BOOKKEEPER part-time bookkeep! of books fo trial bi gmail business, Te 6 pm 1) GRADE siodent requires typing po-| sition for three months in office or ay home, Phone T9973, 17--Female le | Help Wanted | GIRL FRIDAY Young lady to toke full charge of widowers' home. Must be neot, intelligent and pleasont, Typing and the obility to drive on asset For this position @ mother with an 8-10 year old deugh- ter preferable. Separate quar- ters provided. Starting seal. ery $175 monthly, Write Box 28270, Oshawe Times, CoeaL BANK requires clerk. Experience preferred bul nel essential. Appiy id Box 160 Whitby RELIABLE WOMAN tor part-time help! In Variety Store, South end of Osnawa, | Cali 723-371) SWekervary - * In Brookiin, Ontario am S pm. Monday to Friday, Must have elementary knowledge of beokkeep: | ing ry open Please reply in writing! to. F 9. Brookiin, Ontario, oF} phon Qreoktin 455-9854, | RELIABLE woman to care tor tive thil-| BOOKKERPEN required! Office hours 8.43) be experienced in secretarial duties ond be @ competent and accurate dicta typist, Please include on outline of post experience and indicate oge and morito! stotus All replies in confidence WRITE BOX M-28147 OSHAWA TIMES ATTENTION WOMAN Fully experienced, who is copoble of altering wedding gowns, making Junior brides moid dresses etc, Apply in person to Mrs, Potter ANGIE-JANE DRESSES 77 King Eost 725-1711 Hopkins, Beadle & Compony, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario MAIL ROOM SUPERVISOR required by progressive monufacturer Applicants must have o mini- mum of grade 10 education and be in possession of a car The duties, will include the operation of on Addresso- graph Multigraph offsett ma- chine Please send a resume giving full detoils to the ettention ~ MR, NINABER HAIRDRESSER mediately, Thursdays, urdays, Call 726-4089. | TEEN-AGE SALESLADY required for! steady year around employment Exper ence not necessary but you must have desire to learn, Please apply in per Monday or Tuesday between 2 and 4 p.m. Mercantile Dept, Store, 321 Brock Street South, Whitby Piaze EXPERIENCED dressmaker to manage, dressmaking establishment, Must be En. king. Apply te Len Pullen, 10 reet, or lolephone eat 18--Male Help Wanted DISTILLERY pert time to start im-| Fridays and Sat REPRESENTATIVE A well «nown Canadian dis tillery requires @ iesponsib'e area representative for Osh- awe and district. Applicant must have good personality and have some knowledge of sales, Full training is pro- vided. Age 25 to 40, Must have late model car and the obility to speak more than one longuoge is an asset Please write BOX M27766 OSHAWA TIMES HERE 1S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME ---~ MAIL TODAY W, T, RAWLEIGH co, LTD Dept, G-310-HY, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal P.O. THE Gentlemen; | om interested n the world famous Raw leigh Line on a ( ) part-time bosis ( ) full-time basis ( ) please send me FREE Cook Book and catalog with full details ADDRESS CITY PRUV Insurance Representative Expanding genera! insurance agency with excellent life contract requires, intelligent representative for permanent salaried position, with bonus Soles experience an asset but not nescessary as com- plete training in all lines will be ovoailable Reply giving educational standing, employment history and other neccessary details to BOX 27874, Oshawa Times All replies treated in strict confidence ond onswered, Office Manager Accountant For expanding firm of gen- erol contractors in area Good opportunity for a men capoble of assuming respon: sibility, Write, stating exper: ience, salary requirements, references to Box M 28368, Oshowa Times WANTED SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY WHITBY, ONTARIO CITY OF OSHAWA DESIGN TECHNOLOGIST Department of Public Works requires o Design Technolo gist as Assistant to the Design Engineer, to carry out tech nical studies and assist in de signs of. Municipal projects such os sewers, roads, verts, bridges ond retaining walls cul Solary renge ~~ $6,145.00 to $7,325.00 per annum (36% hour week), Stondord fringe benefits Apply in writing, giving full detoils of educational and work history, ete., before 5:00 p.m., June 17th, 1966, to: The Personne! Officer City Hall Oshawa, Ontario SALESMAN Fr New Car To work Patines MUST BE Top producer capable of § figure earnings Dealership from eur Oshawa Well acquainted in Oshawa area, Able to supply best of references Apply Stu Macintosh or Les MacDonald Bowmanville 623-2534 MacDONALD FORD. SALES JANITOR REQUIRED new electrically heated apartment building, Must be experienced For PHONE 725-1481 PAINTERS REQUIRED Must be experienced in brush ond sproy work, $2.50 per hour and up UPTON'S PAINTING Telephone 723-2977 TOOL MAKERS, TOP RATES CALL 668-498) EVENINGS 668- 5222 and MACHINISTS | | MERCURY TAXI DESK CLERK Shift work status CHRYSLER CANADA LID. To start work inniediotely ot Welker Metal Products Ltd. (subsidiery of Chrysler Conade 114d), To. orronge for personal interviews, please coll Windsor 519-252-3651, locals 2288 or 589. Interview will 'be conducted in Toronto, CHRYSLER CANADA LTD; Tecumseh Rd., at Chrysler Centre, Windsor, Ont. 19-----Male and Female Help Wanted WANTED QUALIFIED HAIRDRESSER With clientele preferred Highest, commission ART'S HAIRSTYLING 212 KING ST. WEST 728-5444 BOOKKEEPER WANTED A full time bookkeeper is re quired by loce ing, dally bookkeeping, poy roll and general boc i a duties please opply with ainatiticn tions and references to the following number for inter view 725-3529 firrr typ constitute this job TAXI, DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum Age 25 725-477) required for jocal hote Reply stating age and pas! empleymen! ta 28025, Oshawa NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. is @ business you could start en jen, here or part! t f F-310-C8, 4005 20--Real Estate for Sale tirely on @ credit basis Write promptly without obligation Dept, | Richelleu St, Henry, Mont-| Full me complete information, Rawleigh eal GRIFFIN REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 155 SIMCOE ST. $ 723-8144 MOVE IN AND RELAX This excellent 3 bedroom brick bungalow is immaculate throughout Family sized ven ned garage, partially finished rec, room, forced oil heat, Priced at $20,500, This 3 year old home is truly a bargain, Call Dave George CUSTOM BUILT Brick bunga with separate dining room, Attractive fire place lends charm to bright living room, Have your own home for $88.00 monthly Call Margaret Lee NEAR FRENCH SCHOOL Fine clean home with large back yard children, At tractive kitchen cupboards, separate dining room, three bedrooms; New oil furnace Onty $2,000. down and $95.00 monthly, Don't let this home pass you by, For further information phone George Valentine ONE ONLY Fireplace in living room, long modern kitchen with dining areo, 3 extra large bedrooms, divided basement, carport plus many extras. Asking $2,700, down to one N.H.A Mortgage fer this Colonial type bungalow. A bargain at any price. Seeing is believing Call and ask for Vera Krishke KING SIZE! OT _ Three bedroom immaculate frame home carries for only $95.00 monthly. Raise your family near the Freneh school and walk to work, Call Diek Pocock WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S, Open Pam, te 9 p.m MEMBER OF O.D.R EB TRADE ! TRADE ! TRADE ! We specialize in trading your present home. Take the fuss and werry out of buying e@ new home for marital B Men or wom Toke Advontage Of 6 YaYp NHA Mortgages As Low 'As or. LAr dL, SUY WHERE? BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson Rd. N. To Annapolis then west to Waverly. 6 different models | Fully sodded i Shrubbed and treed | Underground wiring Oil | Completely decorated heat Constructed by BUILDING ASSOCIATES We invite your inspection this weekend, | | | | Exclusive Agents MILLEN | Real Estate Ltd 128-1678 TIME FOR A CHANGE! Your KEY to HAPPINESS and COMFORT is waiting for you in an Armstrong Home Southwood Park AJAX Quolity built 3-4 bedrooms, 2 boths, complete kitchens with built-in oven and range, family room with weed burn ing fireplace, attached gar- veges N.H.A, FINANCING You Want Something Dilfer. ent? WE HAVE IT! in, , FOREST GLEN OSHAWA From $1,676 DOWN Your choice of 12 detached N.H.A Armstrong N.H.A, FINANCING models by aluminum siding, clay brick, Built-in range ana ovens. Columbia kitchens, storms and screens, and storm doors, mahogany trim, close to schools and the golf course SALES OFFICE; South of Keewatin, Just west of Grand- view or call GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, Oshawa 723-6461 Ajax 942-3310 If no reply 723-8144 Featuring Beaconsfield Homes in Whitby built by Robert W. McEwan Ltd. Old English and Virginian styles -- 2 storeys =~ 4 bed- rooms, 2 and 3 bathrooms, fireplace, beamed ceilings, full dining room, family room, attached garage, sodded back and front | Over o 20---Keal Estate for Sele = '20-----Ree! Estate for Sele SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD," 723-2265 tter Century Service OPEN DAILY 9AM TO 9 PM, ELEGANT --- COMFORTABLE Bungalow nestied on the side of @ lovely ravine lot with babbling brook. The grecious foyer of this fomily home admits you to @ spacious liv- ing room. Ultra nodern kit- chen with built-in dish- washer, refrigerator, ond oven. 4 spacious goa OLIVE HOW HOWE d kitchen with lots of rooms. Master vedi 5 piece ensuite, double clothes closet, white broad- loom and door leading to private balcony, Lower lovel hes den, family room with built-in ber, open stone fire- ploce, walk out to patio, 5- piece bathroom, 2 car gar- age. 7% open mortgage. Coll for on appointment to inspect 4 BEDROOM HOME Excellent Beou Volley Resale 27 foot living room, dining room, finished recreation room to mention only @ few of the features this home is offering at only $22,900 IMMACULATE home and storey with at gorage poved drive, good location, close to schools, Broadioom in spac ious living and dining room, stoirway and hall, This home has many extras and built ins. Nicely londscaped lot EXECUTIVE HOME Over 1800 squore ft. of liv- ing area, Finished Rec Room 26' x 29'. Three bathrooms, natural stone fireplace, ex- pensive wall to wail broad loom, Just too many features to put in an advertisement Make on appointment to in- spect soon ~~ call tonight SIX PLEX KING STREET EAST $44,000.00 is the asking price on this apartment build ing. Outstanding value, Large parking oreo, Excellent terms Call for details LOW DOWN PAYMENT Lorge 4 bedroom bungalow finished basement ond extra 3-piece bath, This almost new home can be sold with a low down pay you can make poyments of Close to Shopping with ment if monthly $160.00 Centre $1,700,00 DOWN Four room bungalow on e@ nicely landscaped and treed lot. Low taxes, easy terms, Full price only. $10,300.00 $13,900.00 CENTRAL This older home has been completely remodelled. ideal lacation close *o every thing toxes. Re quire $4,000.00 down Very 'ow obout OPEN HOUSE Daily 1 to 9 p.m. Week-ends 12 Noon to 5 p.m, in BEAU VALLEY COME SEE THE BERMUDA Seven beautiful rooms, two baths. Huge rec room, Loc- ted-on-revine let an_Junimer Street We have several homes in various stages of construction Locations in beautiful Beau Valley are getting scarce Ask for Sales Representative to help You pick your loca tion WE WILL TAKE YOUR HOME IN ON A TRADE, Move Into A Kassinger Home By Early Fall We hove literally hundreds of plans or we will build to your specifications; but don't leave it another minute or before you know it we will be sold out cupboords, oil heating, coved 'drive, attached ga cm oon by appointment Call Audrey Moore, 668- "one or 668-5853 $15,200. Just listed a 3 bedroom bung- olow in Whitby, festuring dining eres, good sized kity chen ------ newly decorated. For inspection ask for Marie Wilson, 668-5853 or 728- 3937 EVENINGS CALL Audrey Moore 668-4088 Bea McFariene 668-5125 Elspeth Hilts 668-5017 Marie Wilson 728-3937 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Edne Dudley 728.6755 H KEITH LTD., REALTOR 723-7463 COVE RD, BOWMANVILLE Immediate possession, Smoll downpayment buys this 7 room frame home, Complete with furniture BYRON ST, SOUTH WHITBY Immaculate! 7 room brick bungalow, 2 stone fireplaces Lorge treed lot, Owners says sacrifice with small down pay- ment GLADSTONE---OSHAWA Lovely 2 storey brick with atteched gorage, Some bus iness executive will apprec- jiate the 5 minute walk down- town, 4 bedrooms, 2 wash rooms .Fireploce, Lovely treed lot with small downpayment and easy terms to approved purchoser For Information Douglas Carmicheal 723-7463 OPEN SUNDAY | 1:00 p.m, BOND STREET WEST TO ARENA STREET & NORTH TO MODELS, FEATURING: @ Post Formed Tops @ Factory built kitehen cupboards Double sinks 100 amp. service Vanity in bathreem Ceramic tiled bathwell Fully decorated Storms and screens Aluminum storm door Front seodded All services prepaid S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED + 323 King Streat West 728-6286 'eosin: STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling acres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road. Magnificent view, see U.S.A, and Toronto lights, Antique stone house, 4 pe, bath, furn- ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110' barn, Beau- tiful spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwoed bush, Long hundred would make excel- lent 10 acre lots, Priced at $60,000, terms. Contact Jahn Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele- phone |7 eollect, 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate tor Sele GUIDE REALTY LTD. TA CAM Sha Seat APPEALING TO THE POCKETBOOK Situcted on @ large lot and very moderately priced, Own- er will toke belonce on one mortgage. Call us now for en appointment, ® CHARLES ST, DUPLEX Only 3 minutes walk from the mein intersection of King and Simcoe Streets, For this two bedroom bunge low situated on a corner lot with nice sized living room and large kitchen. Full bese- ment, 3 piece bathroom, fore- ed air oil heating and heavy duty wiring. Cali on this to night till 5:00 p.m, For Full Particulars Call 723-2265 725-3867 623.5638 728-2349 723-1358 728-5205 723.2859 725-9345 728-2233 728 1066 lrene Brown Me! Dale Wm, Yasmanieki Marg. Hall trwin Cruikshanks George Koornneef Ed Drumm Maible Boudreau Bill Johnston $1,835 TO ONE MORTGAGE Madels now nearing comple- tion, 3 and 4 bedroom models ayoilable, Priced from $14,- 995 to $16,500, Fer more lnywerroatian on these homes, call BILL HUBBELL 728-3475 * CADILLAC AVENUE Good three bedroom home on a spacious level lot for the young growing family, Broad loom in the living room and all. Modern kitchen with ample cupboards. Priced to sell at only $15,900. Think this one over in a hurry and give us @ call to inspect, e SEMI-DETACHED Coll to-night for full par- ticulers on this seven yeor old three bedroom brick bun- golow within easy walking distance of schools and the shopping centre. Lerge liv. ing room and kitchen with eoting area. Yours for only $14,500 ~ 'Posy terms, ONLY $1 1,900, Will buy this home located close to General Motors South Plant, Kitchen, living room ond two bedrooms in spotiess condition, Private driveway ond good size garage, Call us to inspect today « MOVING AND MUST SELL If you are pressed for a home to move into, you can have occupency of this ot- tractive brick bungalow in two short weeks, Living room with bright South exposure, kitchen with built-in Moffat stove and oven with separate dining area, The recreation room walls are completely finished, there is even a cor- ner for Dad to set up his workshop. Four piece bath with vanity and all rooms are tostefully decorated You must see this home to apprec- late the unlisted advantages this home has to offer, to-night LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE Thursday 2 to 6 pm, \° Individually designed ° Financied under N.H.A, Triple Seal Heating @ Oversize Rooms ® Family Planned Kitchens @ Unusual Value , . . Priced Completely Low © 3 and 4 Bedrooms King Street East over Hort's Hill, past flashing light, turn right at 2nd street (Athahaske) to Labrador Drive Model Home, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | OPEN HOUSE APPLE GROVE and ORIOLE STS. OPEN DAILY Commencing Wed, 2 to 6 p.m, 3 AND 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT LEVELS $4 % N.HLA, Financing Low Down Payment Capitalize On $500 Winter Werks Bonus, DIRECTIONS; King St, E. to Keewatin, Seuth an Keewotin to Apple Grove, Rollow pen house signs GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Call 723-528! For Full Particulars Open Daily From 9 am, to 9 pm, After Hours Call Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Lean Manitius 728.2754 Evelyn Cassel 725.3710 '16 Simcoe St. S. . $9,000 --- TRY $1,000. DOWN PAYMENT Call - | | | | The amount OSHAWA'S BIGGEST Baraain Ever Before You Buy See, ., SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE jMe other Oshawa Builder can | duplicate our fortastic velue. $1,993 DOWN TO ONE NHLA. MORTGAGE of the NHA. | Mortgage is proof of our Su- perior Volue MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE, E AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, BUILT @ BACKED ond SOLD ~~ DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 Quality Homes Ulrich "Strahl Featuring * Walk-out Basement * Built-in Garage * Electric Heatin * Extra Powder Room * NLHLA, Finaneing PRICED AT $19,500, Contoet Paul Ristow LIMITED 187 King St. East Oshawa, Ont; 728-9474 or Evenings Vern Morton 723. 27 ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY $95,000. new 11 suite briek apartment in Port Hope. Elees tric heat, new equipment. Near new hospital and 401, Income $1,195. menthly, Owner very anxious te sell, Terms, Contact Clare Mee Cullough, 723-7843, W, Frank Real Estate BOLAHOOD BROTHERS. LIMITED FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE NORTH WEST $2,000, DOWN Attractive 5 room briek bungalow, hollywood kitchen, living room, 3 pedrooms, 4 piece bath, paved drive. Aske ing $16,900, with $2,000, down, Call Roy Yeo, 728- 5123, Evenings 725-2217, 101 Simeoe Street North MEMBER OF O.D,R.E.B, SAVE MONEY! Buy Direet from Builder brand New Homes 614% N.H.A. Winter Works @énus with $1,495 down (if you qualify) CALL 723-0575 No agent, please WAITER tor. bevereae room. ieaey om ployment, Must have goed character reterences. Appiy Manager, Hotel Lan: caster, 27 King Street West Oshawe dren, for one week starting July 10 to! . 17, while parents are on Nolidays, 7235605, | Second ond Third Class WOMAN REQUIRED io care tor three, ENGINEERS children in own home ar our home, Ap ply aas Oxtora Street, Apt. 202 seasonal employment, age lone. SALESMAN -- w Wherested In mak NURSE'S AIDE required a: Gian Cedar| mot a factor, Apply in writing |\n@ $25 per gay. and being paid daily, Nursing Home Limited, Own transperta:| reply immediately, Telephone sales ex. tien essential. No students, please all ' perience heiptil: er will train, Box 21084, 455-499) between 9 a.m, and 3 pm. big BOX 205 -- - WHITBY Oshawa Times APPRENTICE for exciusive beauty salon,| TAPMAN for erage room. Musi be |MAINTENANCE MAN required Tor gen nierested in becoming a Svtiat Fer | MOnest, Gependadie, with good references. eral cleaning, Apply in person to the view call the ot Steady empinyment Apply Manager, Genesha Hole! 1 Hote! ? __ Telephone See eR Meee West | EXPERIENCED WAITER full lime work WATRORESSER, exceiien! tunit wenn | ARDY Queen's Hotel, 6? Simeot Street San Sak GhOUk fe teanee cea WANTED BLUMBE experienced serv-| North Guaranteed wage plus com} /c® Man. Preferred ever 40. Full time em saneae WANTED for Hii w loyment. Excellent os, Tel y Saturdays only oh ean WAGE TEMPNONG | Telephone 655-3071. |WANTED Immediaiaiy cc Wady repair, (SALESMON required, full or parltime foal ANT plaien speninas, Rxceien! 8° man. Applicants should be well acquainted see Harry O. Perry Limited, 283 Bloor gag *)\with (iting doors, windows ele. an new) Sheet West pon OO i vere Excellent, werking conditions, WAITER Experienced er beverage HOUSEKEEPER to ive in Sha miele ge benefila and steady empioymen! [room Steady position. Apply Hotel Lan four children, Telephone 728-9289, [75-4841 'easter, 2? King Street West, Oanawa, ATTENTION Several stream properties; @ FARMS @ INVESTMENT PROPERTIES @ IN OSHAWA AREA For ali information call Clare McCullough _W,_ Frank Real Estate WHITBY CENTRALLY LOCATED 3 bedroom brick bungalow and garage en commercial property $21,000. cash Telephone 668-3479 or 668.2940 (Continued on Page 20) Leonard Bissell 725.2070 Art Johnsen 723-8738 Judi O'Donnel! 725-6713 Bab Cooper 728-4923 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 723-4121 Jack Graham 725-9947 El, Ann Thompson 728-473) Doug Trivett 723.7390 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lieyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 723-1121 Diek Young 723-7183 We List Exclusive and Photo M.L.5 Member of O.D.R.E.8 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 728-2870 723-9692 Allan Thompson Den Howe Mike Belmonte Reo, Aker Bill MeFeeters for inspection Drive south on Athol St, te St. Lawrence. Model homes J B McMullan under construction or drop in § i) our office and see our model REALTOR subdivision layout 725-3557 --- 668-6201 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD, S15 Broek St. South WHITBY 668-5853 | Neto Wel WT Wi art wa | Help Wanted ed now by dialing 723.3402, 725-8300 H. MILLEN 725.0201 Real Estate Limited 2817286 ees vee $22,750, Four bedroom, 114 storey frame and stone, shrubs, hedge, closed in patio, tenced lot, built by owner, 14 yeors old, extra washroom, large garage, paced drive, excellent lIecation, ample cupboard space. in Oshawa, owner transferred. Terms may be aranged W. Frank Real Estate 623-3393 or 723-7843 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King Street West Saion Bobette OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales --+ New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Band $t.) LTD. 25 Bond West val} onal ard spelen openings Free, easy, sofe po ig ues

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