20--Reol Estate for Sale {20---Reel Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sale (20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele SCHOFIELD-AKER 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 9, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sele -- Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale (20--Real Estate for Sole p. J. B. McMullan REALTOR 120 Dundas West Whithy 668-6201 NORTHWEST AREA 5 room modern brick bunge- low,' 3. bedrooms. Kitchen. L.R. 4 pe. ceramic tile bath. Rec. room. Asphalt drive. Air conditioner and dryer Aluminum storms and screens. Lorge lot with gard- den. Coll today. and give us your offer. MODERN Brick bungolow with 3° room aportment, mokes this ideal income heme. Spacious kitch- en with plenty of cupboards L.R. 18' x 16'. Garbge. As phalt drive. Home. situated on lot 62' x-120'. Open to offers | TODAY'S | FEATURE BUY !! | Your family will love this love- ly 4 bedroom bungalow. Large LR. 4 pc. tile bath ond 2 pc tile both with vanities. Spaci- ous rec. room with: fireplace T.V. aerial, aluminum storms | and screens. aspholt drive are| only @ few of the many extras. | Situated in the northwest orea| schools | and is convenient to | ond shopping. This may be just | |whet you and your family ore! | looking for so call and make us jon offer N $4,000. DOWN Brooklin 3 bedroom electrically heoted bungalow. Large 11' x 18' | kitchen. L.R. 3 bedrooms. 4 pc. ceramic vanity style bath also 2 pe. bath. Rec. room Double windows. Stone front Potio, Large lot 70' x 130'. | List price $19,300 "Call Us For All Your Real Estote Needs!' 688-6201 AFTER HOURS Tim Vipond 668-8542 Bil Lundmork 668-5475 OSHAWA'S | sr wna covre BIGGEST Bargain Ever Before You Buy See. . SARICK HOMES FULL PRICE H Ne other Oshowo builder can duplieete our fantastic value 779 / DOWN TO ONE N.H.A MORTGAGE The amount of the N.H.A Mortgage is proof of our Su- perior Volue. i MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You Buy SARICK HOMES 123-8201 DO YOU WANT TO RELAX TO ENJOY FREEDOM BUY ONE OF OUR 10 ACRES LOTS WITH OR WITHOUT CREEK AND PARKLIKE SURROUND INGS: AND. IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT TOO Ask For Free Illustrated Folder as a 2 - REALTOR s ' 741 King E. 723-4471 OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St) LTD FOR A REAL SELLepration, use Class fied Ads! To sell ANYTHING, dial 723 3492 now fer an ad-writer, 75 Li fe $i Mi rs) m: NORTHWEST - PRESTIGE LOCATION -- sroom VAN HERWERDEN fwosslow wins required. Sibby's Real good-sized ment to see Olsen Realtor West NEAT CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT PHONE 723-5221 ASKING $19,400. . 4 bedroom bungalow heoutifully landscaped lot 75' x 200' between Oshawa and Whitby, south of Rossland Rd. This spacious modern home has a finished rec- room and built-in oven and stove, Very lovely surround ings and steps away from St, Paul's Schoo! WHITBY -- ONLY $18,200 Inspect this lovely 3 bedroom bungalow ot.once ---- a qual ity. built home with spacious dining room --~ large living room and beautiful kitchen - large lot 200 ft. deep with fruit trees and garden -- near on public and high school ASKING $17,900 Modern 6 year old brick bungalow. Steps away from St. Gertrude's Seporate School North East Oshawa, This home has above overage size and is situated on a nicely landscaped lot in a quiet residential area. Priced to sell quickly owner ig moving away from Oshawa EAR SHOPPING CENTRE This large modern 3 hedroom delightfully fin ished throughout and includes in rooms os bungalow is mony extras such as built-in basement Large spo You must see inside this house to stove and shower and hath oven cious rooms throughout appreciate its beauty. Call at once for appointment -|CENTRALLY LOCATED -- TWO DRIVEWAYS Substantial cash will get ber gain ! Older solidly built, Suitoble for large fom ily. 4 bedrooms with two bathrooms. Asking $18,900 Call Tom Houston for details and moke an offer THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU'SELL --- BUY - BUILD IST WITH CENTRAL TRUST 723-5221 668-4416 723-7996 728-3376 home Tom Houston Charles Choytor Rolph Schofield ERANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshowa & District Real Estate Boord PRESTIGE LOCATION 11 roem spacious older home, 3 storey brick, double gor- age; 2 fireplaces, 3 boths well londscoped extra lot 40' x 112" $42,000 -- terms Restaurant ond valuable loco tion on busy corner, 120,000 yearly gallonage 9-room home. Health forces ole Station House. Very Gos Asking only $66,000 -- $20, 000. down FISH AND CHIP BUSINESS Doing excellent business plus modern home. Health forces sole, Bowmanville, A real buy ot $13,500 -- full price Call 623-3393 AFTER 9 P.M 728-1005 728-0196 723-7843 723-5787 623-3077 623-5055 Orono 321 Doug Gower Andy Keys Clare McCullough Joe Barnoski Pat Yeo Ken Hockin Roy Foster Howard Forder Brooklin George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 Bill & Doreen Gimblett Port Hope 885-4548 Residence Port Hope BARGAIN NEW BUNGALOW East Oshawa, Hwy. 2 Three bedrooms, fire places and two cor gorage $26,000 home sell for $22,- 500., $10,000 down PHONE 728-7680: 655-3853 535 885.2 two 2storey brick home at has 7 rooms. a eal comfortable mily home, close fo town, hospital and cols, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd, 723 76. low carport, beautiful and ving room with fire ace, rec, room, panelled den and many her extras. Substantial down payment Estate Lid, 7% % $00. DOWN, Clean six-room home with nced yard and new furnace. Taxes only 28. Call Bob Johnston, 725-9345, Metcalf Real-£ state OSHAWA BLVD SOUTH--iwo-slorey four bedroom home wilh large fenced yard. iodern kitchen, large living room and bedrooms. Listed at only 2,900. Call George Twaites for appoint. 723-1133 723-2008. Carl 20 Ray Street 5-ROOM by 'aped fenced Int. Carries $115 onth PIT. Contact Joe Crawtord, '1021, Joseph Boace, Realtor, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe. St. S. | 723-5281 THE BUY OF A LIFETIME 1 @ This 11% storey home has 0 living room, kitchen, bedroom, family bedroom on the main floor. Up. stoirs has 2 bedrooms and a 3 piece bathroom. The basement features on oil fired furnace and double loundry tubs have 9 good sized lot with o room, very large cement block build-| ing which is presently used os! © gorage. 'Coll Guide Realty now ond get more particulars NEAR BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL 1 @ A real good ranch type clay brick bungalow, medern in respect' Large living room, good kitchen, three bed every rooms, 4 piece bathroom. Situ-| lot and close} large We ore anxious oted on a to all services to have you inspect this home HERE IT IS AT LAST ! fi! @ A 3 becroom brick. bun golow on a lovely Iot. It has a nice big living room and a-com-| with! finished rec room speoker Best of oll its a bargain at $15,500., ond a down payment takes it. Be this one pletely bar record changer and built in and f to chout phone its fine e COTTAGE SPECIAL IV @ This 16 tive frame cottage situated on has a double fot boat house John irst and all features now yeor old attrac Loke Scugog with plenty of trees 14° cedar strip boot and ston potic fireplace sun porch, sandy heach, side bor B-cue, and is furnished ready and start enjoying yourself there is your rela cottage} further motor . out to move in, PS of room for this beautiful for plenty tions in too. Call particulars. tonight e QUIET DISTRICT V @ But with all conveniences to schools, bus and Large, beaut close shopping centre fully landscaped lot gives the feeling of privacy. Stone ond brick building condition and extros like rec driveway, T.V. tower and aerial,! gorage and many others. Cal! now to inspect this home you is in excel many paved has room, lent | BEATRICE STREET | LOCATION VI @ This ideally located bun golow in the North West oreo has two good sized bedrooms four piece tiled bathroom, large kitchen with ample cupboards and bright living room. Hard wood ond tile floors, Priced to sell at only $13,500, Call today for a guided tour, | IMMACULATE HOME Vil & For those whe prefer the North West orea, we have just listed a lovely three hedroom brick bungalow, beautifully landscaped and includes many Th e boasts hedrooms, four kitchen This mony extra three good sized seporote dining piece tiled bath and with biult-in breakfast bar home can be purchased with ap $8,000 down and reason poyments. Call us details room, prox able monthly tonight for more OPEN HOUSE APPLE GROVE AND ORIOLE STREETS OPEN DAILY Commencing Wed. 2 to 6 p.m 3 AND 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS. AND SPLIT LEVELS 614% N.H.A, Financing Low Down Payment Capitalize On $500 Winter Works Bonus DIRECTIONS King St. E. to Keewatin on Keewatin Apple Grove, Follow open house signs GUIDE REALTY LIMITED South to per| 1B Coll 723-528) porticulors for full frory Open daily 9 am. to 9 p.m After hours call Evelyn Cassel Leonard Bissell Art Johnson Judi O'Donnell Bob Co Italo Bortolussi Steve Englert oper Jean Peacock Jack Graham El Ann Doug Tr Roy F Leon Manitius Thompso vett ntoftf George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson SCHATZMANN Realtor 114 Brock St U/ITRY 668-3338 ONLY 1 LEFT N storage or extra) You For the low, low price of only $18,500. less $500 Winter Bonus, this 1,200 sq ft. new Rancher with attached gorage can be yours. Featur- ing brick and stone construc- large vestibule, spiral stoircose leading to 'L' shaped living and dining room, large kitchen, 3. lovely bedrooms, pretty bathroom, all storms and screens, country location, large lot. You can't beat that Call Helen Simpson at 668- 3338 or 723-6296 PRICE REDUCED To only $15,900. for. this fine 3 bedroom, 7 year old brick and stone bungalow in Oshawa, Finished recreation immaculate condition occert low poy Immediate sion tion, room will ment down pos Call Helen Simpson at 668- 3338 or 723-6296 BUILDERS HOME No money has been saved in this Wi Whith gorgeous bungalow in the manship and materials, 1 old home age, 3 dining roor finest in work year with attached gar living and Spacious kitch neated. 66 ft ng $22,000 can be bedrooms, en, electrically x 120 ft and arranged. Call Helen Simpson 668-3338 or 723-6296 4 BEDROOMS large 2 storey home with lot, ask ery goed terms Very goroge in centro! location Whitby The home featuring 4 aig kitchen end.a in deal family separote dir good on't delay call now and ask for Ronald Rieger at 668-3338 PARADISE FOR SALE B room attached garage on 14 of land, 40 ft. x 90 small privote lake fish. For oad ing roor lot, D sized brick rancher, with acres ming pool stocked with ditional value 10 ocres -of tested gravel, 15 minutes trom Oshawa, For the unbe lievable low $38, 000, and the hest terms available. Coll W. Schatz et 668-3338 or 668 price of monn 3253 OPEN HOUSES 3 CHOICE AREAS GRANDVIEW and WILLOWDALE King St. E. to Grandview § Grandview to Willowdale on SAVE $50 WINTER WORKS BONUS MANN | | | LTD. 723-2265 Over a Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9AM TO9PM NEW HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION What family wouldn't take « shine to this well built one floor plan brick home consis ting of three nice bedrooms, large hollywood kitchen 12°' x 24', combined living and dining room, double garage Basement well designed for 0 recreation room with o roughed in bathroom and flue for future fireplace Full price $24,750.00 with $6 750.00 down, in choice north east location. Call now and orrange for an inspection NORTH EAST If you are looking for a real good home desiqned for fami ly living, then you he pleased with this attractive 1% brick home its lorge room and spacious living room with fireplace and broadioom Asking only $18,900.00 N.H.A. RESALE eor ¢ is will storey with kitchen and dining Four d bungalow, hol lywood itchen with large din ng 3 aod site rooms, fen yard 1g price $17,500 oreo red patio. Ask open to ers $20,900.00 ACTION WANTED Two storey Ye home with attach ed garage end paved drive s and spo well located near hospital, Broad cious living and dining room, stairway and hall, Many tras and built-ins Private landscaped lot. Call now SUBURBAN $13,900.00 two bedroom ex Cute and cory bungolow with and dining area good size living pe. tiled both, Very This home is situated on a large lot 49 ft. by 157 ft., and is one block from. city Arrange your inspec call now large kitchen 12° x 16 room, 4 ensor oble toxe compoct just buses tion INCOME BUNGALOW APPLE HILL AREA Consisting of three bedrooms, separate dining cozy living room. with a notural fireplace, modern kitchen and a 4 pe. bath on main floor for Basement opoart large living room, one bedroom and a kitchen with ample cupboards and a 3 pe. bath you get a chance to purchase such a home with an income and in on excellent residential area Close to separote, public and high schools, Don't delay on this one, asking only $17,- 900, with $5,900. down $28,500.00 Gracious bungalow located on a beautifully landscaped with patio, Living room fea tures floor ceiling fire place; you will love this ele gant dining room for enter taining. Kitchen has break fast area and ample cuboords Basement completely finished, 30' room with .bor and fireplace, also o paneled den 2 car garage, Excellent area oreo owner ment has Very seldom do comfortable brick lot to rec HARMONY VILLA Rd. to Olive block to Elm S. on Ww Harmony on Olive, | oIA% NHA MORTGAGES ATHOL ST. EAST Bungolows, and 2 stoves, King E. to Wilson Rd. $. 1 block to Athol Lucas Peacock Dick Young We list exclu Photo MLS Membe GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,796. MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM $114, MO, PIT OPEN DAILY 'TIL DARK JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR PER EVERY DAY |S OPEN HOUSE MODELS OPEN 9AM. to 10 P.M STILL LOOKING 3 LARGE BEDROOMS screens, fireplace Built-in stove: and oven ished recreation brick, other exciting features. Located near schools, bus lines, shopping, and large 10 acre beside Well we' have it! Come on out tonite and make a deal with us, all trades considered maybe even your mother-in law, | block north of 401 on Wilson Rd Echo Const Homes, Oshawa presented by storms fin room, cloy many park you L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE ¢ LIMITED 723-0321 TO BOOST BUSINESS run Ads! They work! ed-writer new, Classified Dial 723-3492 for an| | | OPEN HOUSE Daily 1 to 9 p.m. Week-ends 12 Noon to 5 p.m, in BEAU VALLEY COME SEE THE BERMUDA Seven beautiful rooms, two baths. Huge rec room, Loc ated on ravine lot on Juniper Street We have several homes in various stages of construction beautiful Beau Valley are getting scarce Ask for Soles Representative to help You pick your loca- tion Locations in WE WILL TAKE YOUR HOME IN ON A TRADE Move Into A Kassinger Home By Early Fall plans or we will build to your specifications; but don't leave it another minute or before you know it we will be sold out We have literally hundreds of For Full Particulars Call 723-2265 728-5205 723-2859 725-9345 Irwin Cruikshanks George Koornneef Ed Drumm Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Bill Johnston 728.1066 Allan Thompson 728-2870 723-9692 725-8300 723-1358 728-2349 725-3867 623-5638 Don Howe Mike Belmonte Marg, Hall Wm. Yasmanicki Irene Brown Mel Dale Reg. Aker 725-020) Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360. King Street East Free, eosy, sefe porking KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 103 King Street East REALTOR SUMMER COTTAGE Commuting distance from Oshawa. Five room frame cottoge set quite high from the water and offers a per- fect sunset view over the loke, Furniture included and one piece both. Phone Bill Rotcliffte 655-4457 LOW PRICED. HOMES 4 room bungalow, $9,700 with $1500 down 5 room bungalow, $10,900. with $1000 down 4. room Bungalow, with $2500 down 8 room 1% storey, 300 with $4300 down 4 room bungelow with gar age, $14,900 $2300 down These have others, ¢ 728-2548 BUY LIKE RENT poyrne@nt, 3 hed good size kitch en and eating area $10,900. $11, with are just o tew, we all Bob Johnson Low down room brick, close to from lowa: Investigate further by McCormack at schools, income leve ca ling Stan 655 3066 NEARLY NEW Between Oshawa and Whit k 3. hedroom \|home, beaut ful kitchen and dining room, and mony built-in stove oven and For more arge lot more extra nformotion please call John Kuipers 723 6590 SPOTLESS 114 STOREY and separate din shade 3 hedroom home, ook hestnut trim ing room, fireplace schoo! aren, both separate and public bus | Call Earle Allen 725-7782 for: inspectior 7 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOME Applehill District Home in spotless condition, good size kitchen and living room, 4 piece bath ond 2 piece Lot is nicely landscaped and hos fruit Many extras with home. Must to be appreciated price $20,500.00 A. .Donaldson 728 trees, excellent two trees ; di be seen Asking Phone 7328 ESTATE PICKERING VILLAGE Large home situated ori about land, zoned two extra lots 2 ocres of for Home includes contains ten rooms; five bedrooms . one a bed-sittingroom Gos wiring heot and extra heavy The grounds are beoutifully treed and contain a coach house and extra buildings Only 30 minutes from down town Toronto and & minutes to Oshawa churches, etc Don't miss this for country living, The price is right PHONE Pickering 942-194] 8 ROOMS AND STORE $3,000 DOWN EXCELLENT CONDITION LARGE LOT THIS WON'T LAST! CALL SHARLEEN TUTAK 725-3557 AFTER HOURS 263-2275 J. B. McMullan REALTOR Close to schools, opportunity MOVE RIGHT IN! $14,500 $3,000 DOWN 6% N.H.A. MORTGAGE Evangeline Drive, 3 brick bungalow. Hardwood and tile throughout, Gas heating. No agents, please Phone 728-8348 $22,750. Four bedroom 11% storey frame and stone, shrubs, hedge, closed in patio, fenced lot, built by owner, 14 years old, extra washroom, large garage, paved drive. Excel- lent location, ample cup- board space In Oshawa, owner transferred, Terms may be arranged 623-3393 or 723-7843 W. Frank Real Estate bedroom DON'T WAIT Brand new 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Down payments as low os $1,835. Act now and make sure of possession this sum- Full price $14, mer only 995. CONTACT; John Kitchen A. C. Morison Larry Cond MILLEN Real Estate 728-1678 4 H McQuay Realtor 519 Brock St, South Whitby 668-5868 COTTAGE - SCUGOG ISLAND Everything is included in this 5 room frame cottage with 86' frontage on Loke Scugog Lot beautifully landscoped, cottage and boathouse com- pletely finished. 1962 fibre- gioss boat, with motor ond trailor and all furniture ond appliances to go. Just drive in and -relax, everything is there for your summer enjoy ment. Full asking price $8, 500.00 with terms. Owner returning to the United States is reason for selling. Call now ond ask for Don Forder HIDE -A-WAY 100 acres of bush with Non quon. river running through property only 'A Port Perry. Excellent for hunt ing, fishing, or a hide-o-way in the Offered for sole for $6,900 with terms, Call to-day ond ox for Don Forder SUB - DIVISION SITE 95 acres Whitby Town ship, only 5 minutes from down Whitby. Beouti ful setting full stream running through the middie, This is an ideal for e type homes overlook the stream and natural landscape. Asking with terms, For in miles from country only town ravine with flowing excellent site, ex ecut ing country $95,000 spection as for Don Forder ROOFING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10,000 cowr this established roofing busi ness with work shop and Du plex th ! purchase house in excellent con- All roofing and tin equipment included 1965 GMC % ton For further Don Forder GRIFFIN EAL ESTATE LTD 155 SIMCOE ST, §. 723-8144 6% N.H.A. RESALE Large 3 Style Bungalow, dutch clean, fin room. with treed lot, location, sm plus a truck porticulors ask fo bedroom = Ranch featuring professionally ished bar choice recreation fenced and North End steps to all schools, will trade call'today Vince Jarvis HOSPITAL AREA This large two-storey brick home is in a choice north end location. Three good sized bedrooms, nicely decorated Spacious living room and kit chen provides lots 'of' elbow large family Brand new oil furnace. Priced ot $14,500 with easy monthly poyments Don't delay. See this one today by calling George Valentine SPRING DELIGHT Three bedroom brick bunga low attractively located north-west spacious £ features.-ir A oom. for the only in lot, de, bossilt. gorage and patio, Full price $17,500 with terms, Call Dick Pocock $1,295. DOWN UNBELIEVABLE ? Yes it is--onywhere else-~ but not with GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE $1,295, DOWN Moves you and your fomily into a brand new home in beautiful Rolling Hills, Don't hesitate---it's true! Call now for full details. Ask for Shirley Moskal WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. on in Open 9 am. to 9 pm. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B shawa Homes Ranging in price from $22,750.00 with N.H.A. mortgages at 614%, Split level and bungalows with walk-out basements, family room, 3 and 4 bedrooms, single and double car garages. Electric screens, heat, storms and storm doors, decor ated, plastered walls, ceramic tiled bathrooms with vanity, bak and vinyl floors, ccloured fixtures, double. kitchen sinks, front lawn sodded Drive' east Adelaide North on Central Park to Olive Howe Real Estate signs Solestaff on duty from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m, this weekend and during the week OLIVE HOWE Real Estate Ltd. 515 Brock WHITBY 668-5853 en r ge Gra | REAL ESTATE 28 Division Street mmtashs eases STU IV II thee 623-334] ANNAPOLIS, immaculote, 3 bedroom back split. Bright "L shaped living and dining room, French Provincial kit- chen, cupboards with built in GE, stove. Recreation room features wall to wall fireplace ond bar. Separate rumpus room, TV tower, etc ANNAPOLIS, appealing, 2 bedroom stucco bungalow with finished recreation room: Basement is divided into three parts third bed- room possible. Asking $12,- 700 ~~ terms ORONO, six room, °2 storey home situated on 75 x 150' treed Close to business section. What will you offer? ORONO, 33 .acre farm with 1% storey, 8 room home Oil furnace ond drilled well Born 30 x 65'. Only $16,- 000 --~ terms BOWMANVILLE, 93 acre farm with 7 room brick bungalow and good buildings Best stock farm adjoining the "own of Bowmanville and sit uated hetween Hwy's 401 and 2 BOWMANVILLE, ortunity *o acquire a built brick bungalow ond ga rage, situated on beautifully landscaped ond fenced lot Asking $15,900 BOWMANVILLE, bungalows, first struction, only 2 300 and $18,300 Helen | Braybrook Mary Heath Carman Borrett Fronk Hackett, Little Britain lot rore op well new con $17, brand class left 623-7065 623-2902 987.4538 1R22 McQuay REALTOR 519 Brock St., South WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-5868 GOLF COURSE 9 hole golf course estab- lished for 4 years. 9 par 3 holes just been com- pleted on 99 acres of scenic land, Abundance of woter-----stream and 7 ponds with water be- ing piped to oll greens. In- cluded is 114 storey 3 bed- room residence, separate club house with lunch room and Pro shop, All maintenance equipment in top operating condition, This golf course is centrally located --- draw- ing golfers from Oshawa, Whitby and both yeor round and summer residence of the Lake Scugog area. Offered for sale ot only $125,000 With Excellent Terms CALL DON FORDER WHITBY, 668-5868 Evenings Port Perry 985-7242 We L. Dougan Realtor 725-1109 READ THIS STEVENSON ROAD N. 4 BEDROOM SIDE SPLIT A REAL FAMILY HOME Extra large lot. Family size kitchen and living room with open fireplace. Twin closets in all bedrooms, Close to schools, shopping and trans- portation, List price $25,900. Reasonable down payment. First time offered, 10 ACRE LOTS NORTH WEST AREA 5 minutes downtown Oshawa- Whitby. Make sure you see these lovely treed lots this week-end, $1,500, down, Full price $6,000. | AJAX --~ $1,700. DOWN 3 hedroom = semi-bungalow Tiled. basement floors, part- itioned off, Plumbing in for second washroom in basement Broadioom in L. room and hall, All storms and screens Close to all schools and priced ot only $13,500. Possession July AFTER 9 P.M. 723-5467 725-0343 725-1109 Bob Wells Liyod. LaFoy Bill Dougan SAVE MONEY ! Buy direct from Builder, Brand New Homes 64%4% N.H.A. Winter Works Bonus with $1,495 down (if you qualify). CALL 723-0575 No agents, please E. velle | | LOOK! EXCELLENT HOMES in Dehensun'e finest areas, CHADBURN COURT We hove only 1 home left. A beautiful bungelow with gorage and finished recrea- tion room. Brand new and ready to move into, The land- scaping is being done now, Large lot and 614% N.HLA, mortgage. $131 monthly core ries this fine home complete with toxes, Complete ser- vices paid for, ROSSLAND ROAD & CENTRAL PARK We have 4 homes left in this ideo! location. Back splits and 2 storeys. 4 bed- rooms ond 2 bathrooms. Fin- ished rec rooms with walks out to patio. Completely land- scaped front and back! Big ~~ Big -- Big and only $3,890 down to J N.HA. loan at 61%4%, 725-3557 688-6201 J. B. McMullan REALTOR CARL OLSEN -- Realtor 723-1133 KEEWATIN STREET Just listed, lovely 3 bedroom brick Sungolew in this popu- lor district, Extra large itchen, split entrance, 4 piece bath with vanity, Nice basement for rec room focilities. Listed at only $16,900. Reasonable down payment. One 614% N.H.A. mortgage, NORTHWEST Lorge brick, 3 bedroom bun. golow, Huge living room, car- port, paved drive, finished rec room, professionally ldnd- scaped, Cnly $18,900.00, OSHAWA BLVD. §. Two storey, 4 bedroom home with large fenced-in yard, mo- dern kitchen, large living room, good sized bedrooms, Listed ot only $12,900.00, DARCY STREET 4 bedroom executive home, Two bathtoams, finished ree room on lower ,evel with slide ing glass doors and o patio, Attached garage, beoutifully decorated und complete in every detoil, By appointment only, 20 RAY STREET After hours eall: 723-2008 725-0387 __723-2926 George Twoites Ernie Holmes John Kerr | WOULD YOU BELIEVE? FROM $1,676. down own detoched eustom built home by ARMSTRONG ROLLING HILLS -- OSHAWA Feoturing -- clay brick, alu. minum: siding ---~- Columbia kitchen mohogany trim and many more extras, These homes are selling fast! Call at our Soles Office now, Just west of Grandview south of Olive oat Keewatin, GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-6461 if no onswer 723-8144 v Your UXBRIDGE -- Owner leaving Ontario, Must sell 9 room frame home, facing the pond. $7,000. CANNINGTON -- 5 room frame home, nice lot, bath- room, Retire here--only $7,- 200, CLAREMONT Beautiful 1 storey brick with every- thing even trees, Priced te sell LEASHDALE--5 large lot, small creek, $9,000 GREENBANK---Choice farm, large home, good barn, creek. $25,000, IRENE ARMSTRONG 161 MAIN ST. §, UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Real Estate Broker 852-6849 room home barn and INCOME HOME on Oshawa Blvd, Souih, 4 separate units with total income of $335 per month Douglas J, M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-1168. FOUR BEDROOM 115 "storey family home with a detached garage, Paved drive and nicely landscaped, Down pay ment only $3,500. Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor 723-1168. LARGE LOT with creek, with threebed- room home, including fireplace, in Osh: awa. Should be seen to be appreciated, Perry Real Estate, 723-8123, THREE-BEDROOM country h Garden Street, Whitby, Over on re of good garden soil, with trees. Call today, Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. NORTH WEST: 2 storey brick, very good condition and very central pi at $14,500. 128-1526 4@ACRE FARM with lwo rail ed Sibby's Real Estate Ltq., sidings, lust east of Oshawa, Telephone 728. 464, Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Limited,