Pickering Beach , Panel Discussion Special Service Conducted For Young People's Groups KEDRON (TC) -- A special jes and the 20th Oshawa Guides and Brownies from the Maxwell * {TE GOTIAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 9, 1966 21 L. 8. LaFoy, park manager,| said last Sunday was the busiest on record although there was no large picnic, More than 1,000 used the park. MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- A) number from this area attend-| ed the anniversary services at] Salem, John Twist was the spe-| cial speaker. eisees teh ; -- rater ty Cy feo wy SEED Thunderbird Golf Club GOLF LESSONS service for all Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs, Girl Guides and |The moulding of a child beginsjan outline. of the recent poll- alelile aia. Camp Pretoria, the CGIT| Mr, and Mrs. &. 8. Morton Qualified C.P.G.A. Instructors SS ad RECENT GRADUATE William Oliver Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Duke St., Brooklin, received his BA at Convocation Hall, University College, Toronto, June 1. Mr. Hall received his formal education at Brooklin public school and Anderson Street high school in Whitby. He is now em- ployed with the department of labor, personne] office, Toronto. -Seen In Vital * LONDON (CP) -- The newly. "appointed president - elect and "vice - chancellor of Newfound- "jand's Memorial University says the island can well become a "world centre for the training -of general practitioners." Lord Taylor, brimming over -with characteristic enthusiasm for the new job, said today he feels Memorial can fill a vital role in Commonwealth develop- "ment, He is a former Common- «wealth minister in Prime Min- ister Wilson's Labor govern ment, Taylor said a new medical school will be "started from scratch" at Memorial and New- foundland offers unique oppor tunities for the training of gen- 'eral practitioners, which has long been his special interest lim the home, the school and the church and continues in nis as- sociates,"' Sgt. Pugh of the Pick- ering Township Police Depart- ment told members of the Home and School Association. Sgt. Pugh attributed the in- crease in juvenile delinquency to many factors such as work- ing mothers, decline in religious beliefs, broken homes and lack of parental discipline, The subject, "The Law, Your Child and You", was discussed by a panel which included 5. W. Pointon of the Juvenile and Family Court and Rey. Glenn Taylor, chaplain of the Bow- manville Boys' Training School. A total of $45 has been do- nated to the school awards and| trophies fund, A special cere- mony wilt be held on the last] day of school to which parents| are invited. | Miss Olga Donnell, a mission-| ary school teacher, in Indonesia, who works under the auspices lof the Christian and Mission-| ary Alliance Church, was the} speaker at the meeting of the) iLadies' Fellowship, She gave} ! Newfoundland University Medical Role Smallwood when he came to see me--I was meeting him for the) first time--six or eight weeks) ago." | BECAME ENTHUSIASTIC | One of Britain's eminent doc-| tors, Taylor at first declined! Smallwood's offer but then be- came fired with the. possibilities) and his decision was clinched in a Newfoundland visit. Before that, Taylor had vis- ited every province in Canada except Newfoundland, on a lec ture tour discussing Britain's national health service. In 1962 he visited Saskatche- wan to have talks with the then- CCF provincial government and leading doctors regarding a dis pute over a provincial health service. Taylor's role developed into that of an arbitrator or ne-| tical struggles in Indonesia un- der President Sukarno, She aiso gave an interesting portrayal of the cultural and geographical background of the country in describing her work. The president, Mrs. Long, announced plans for the publica- tion of a cook book containing recipes donated by local resi- dents. The book will be com- pleted during the summer and published in the fall. The Community Church will hold its anniversary services June 26, Refreshments will be Rrownies. Sunday evening, June §&, Rev. Winnifred Bridges. chairs had to be used, Taking part in the colorf Columbus - Raglan area; connected with the Kedron - Columbus - Raglan ; 4 . pastoral charge, was conducted| Guides and Edward Maidman, by The church was filled to capacity and parade were members of the 2ist "A" and "B" Cub Packs, 21st Oshawa Scout Troop, 25th Oshawa Girl Guides and Brown- jles of Kedron; 31st Oshawa Cub Pack and Scout Troop of the one member of the 1st Raglan Brown Mrs, Ben Hitchens, Rossland DIBSUFICL Lomminswner i: ADC of Scouts in the Oshawa District, assisted in the service. A duet "Did You Stop to Pray Today", was sung by Mrs. Or- ul| ville Selleck and Fred Densham. The Kedron Church. choir sang the 23rd Psalm. Members of the 21st Oshawa Scout Troop acted as ushers, With Geneva Park in full swing, traffic on Ritson Rd. has been very heavy on weekends, Camp, is operating on weekends, _ a" an anh nn eee ban ae Boy AUG BIW UE $400 Br eseenrrerrm® --- jcilities at Geneva Park for an hour in the morning. A three- week camp fe scheduled for July, In preparation for the cen- tennial celebration, Mr. LaFoy is endeavoring to trace the his- tory of the lands where Geneva Park is situated, Of particular interest would be the exact lo- cation of the Indian trail which is believed to have run through the property. 2 served following the evening ser- vice. The Sunday School picnic will be held July 16 at Spring Hill Park. |Graham Bagg of Oshawa. Rey. Charles Long travelled) to Manitoulin Island this week to) assist Dr. Barlow, curator of birds, Royal Ontario Museum, in a field study of the Philadel- phia Vireo. The island is a fa- vorite nesting area for this spe- cies. area. Last week's euchre winne jwere: M. Hine e4 June 18 with a ride in an airplane through the courtesy of! A delegation of parents plan| to attend the June 13 meeting of the Area 1 School Board at | Greenwood to discuss the urgent need for a kindergarten in this Ts | M. Laderoute, Twelve prize winners of the|Mrs. K, Bell, Mrs. M. Middle-| memory work contest, held dur-jton, Vlara Gray, A ing the winter, will be reward-'and Mrs. Rancier. LAWN-BOY' GRASSCATCHER rakes as you cut It's one of 18 convenient Lawn-Boy advantages. Others include: ® Finger-tip start @ The industry's largest muffier © Two-speed operation © Two-Year warranty Spanger| attended the reunion at the Unt- Mrs. W. H. Brown's group grill be in charge of the Women's In- stitute meeting June 13 in the Christian Education Hall. Bob Brown, Oshawa, will speak on "Study in Human Realtions", Mr, and Mrs, Steve Doyle and Mrs, Elva Jeffery attend- ed the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin (nee Gertie Pascoe) of . Oshawa. Professional Teaching Staff PRIVATE LESSONS -- $4.00 Loch he Ya Hour GROUP LESSONS -- (5 or more in @ group for @ series of 5 lessons) . $19.00 DAILY GREEN FEES ACCEPTED $2.50 Weekends end Holidays .. $3.50 After 6 p.m. ... $1.50 After 3 p.m, .... $2.50 ASHBURN, ONT, PHONE 655-4952 oerees FREER PO AES He is author of a students text-|gotiator in a persona] capacity) book, Good General Practice|in the successful conclusion of among many other medical!the dispute works 'They were very decent "Newfoundland has 14 cottage chaps 'on both sides and they hospitals out in lonely piaces," | reached a very good agreement said Taylor, 55. 'Think of this|-- the Saskatoon agreement in terms of training a boy from,|which resulted in a workable} say, Nigeria, working with an health service under both La- experienced doctor." bor and Liberal governments," "This was one of the reasons|said Taylor, a former Labor| why I said yes to Premier'member of Parliament. | | At Pt nt T-pee, California Living Room - ae You will find this setting, Hiustroted in full eolour, in Chemey's "Home Fashion Sole Digest'. It's « luxury special, Sofa, matching chair have deep foam quilted seats and bock . . . foam layered erms , . . rubberized Sisal pad decking, The 3 pee, Italian Pro- vincial teble group end 2 matching table lamps are not extre--- they ere included! 0.M.C. SERVICE CENTRE DON'T DELAY Avoid the rush and have your motor and beat | serviced by our experts. Our soles department con | also completely outfit you for fun on the water ushawa YAGHTHAVEN LTD. Harbour Rd. Off Simcoe St. S. (foftew the signs) NEW NUMBER 723-8186 7 PCE. GROUPING Parts Distributors and Service Specialists RRAGTEY AB GRIOIEE wes t+ OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LIMITED 728-8186 Harbor Rd., off Simcoe 5. Beautiful 9 piece Demi-Tasse Service SPECIAL PAey 9 PIECES Sparkling white china in. spring flower decor. Tea pot, creamer, sugar, 6 cups and saucers. With purchases totalling $49 or over. FOR THE LORD OF THE MANOR SUPERLATIVELY COMFORTABLE SPORT SHIRTS. SKLAR HIGH BACK LIVING ROOM SUITE SOFA .. . MATCHING CHAIR $2 58 AVAILABLE IN 10 LOVELY COLOURS Watch for your copy--Cherney's "Home Fashion Sale Digest', This attrective 2 pce. suite is olso lilustrated in full colour. Come in, see it! Notice the distinctive Biseult boek styling . . . the genuine wolnut orm trim, Run your hand across the gorgeous boucle fabric. The foam cushions ore terylene wropped to keep thelr shape. How to keep dad happy in @ comforteble wey .. . choose his gift from our big selection of sport shirts. We hove all styles ond types in- eluding Banlon knits and the new Honleys. See them soon. *FATHER'S DAY IS, JUNE 19th WATCH FOR YOUR COPY! IT'S IN THE MAIL! HOME FASHION SALE DIGEST 16 PAGES, FINE FURNITURE FASHIONS 9 OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD (Downtown Oshawa) Open Friday Night 'til 9 P.M,