THE OSHAWA TIMES, ednesday, June 8, 1966 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER 'YOU SEE, BUZ, I WANT TO DO weer IS BEST FOR MY BUT 1' IN A QUANDARY, 1S BES? TO BE DOMINATED BY CWINA?... OR BE Wi THE IFLOENCE (Top record-holder in individue! Chompionship Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, NORTH a tT7a @KQI82 o72 543 us i= x TO THe STH POWER EQUALS pi My - DIFFERENCE TOO CLOS# aisles FOR. AUS. B, V8, RE comrorr/ ) Vt INC OPERATION |. * Mf = -- THE BAGLE ATTACK ! Mi @E@NTLEMEN ~~ TO i 4 ty > Tre "aA che omens | aS x Or THe RAF ! YW e2\} . ' (Bi @y TER THAT DAY, AT A BETWEEN XYR ADAR STATION NEAR TO THE THIRD POWER AND-~-- ' BATTLE OF BRITAIN 1S ABOUT TO BEGIN f eA Opening lead--jack of clubs. This hand occurred in the , | Vanderbilt team of four cham- aay sey fe emma pionship of 1964. East's two no-trump bid was the "unusal no-trump" and showed minor suit length with limited high- }card values, South then pro- ceeded to six spades on the bidding shown It is highly unlikly that South would have made the slam |had East stayed out of the bid- ding. With normal play he would probably have gone down either one or two tricks. But South made the slam as a result of the two notrump bid. He credited East with five diamonds and five clubs, as well as a singleton spade and doubleton heart, all of which jhe more or less needed to assure the contract, He won the club with the ace and cashed the ace of |spades, deliberately relinquish- jing the chance of a successful spade finesse. He then played four rounds of hearts on which he discarded a club and a diamond, s - The fifth heart in dummy BIG WAG THE ONE | : was now a trick, but South GOT AWAY, HENRY? -- se gu capes Se ee could not yet afford to eash it and discard a diamond, since TELEVISION | West would be able to ruff with Channel 11--Hamilton Channel %--~Toronto the nine and take the setting Channel 8~Rochester =--SO. \{ BUTNEVER FORGET WE'RE YOUR. | FRIENDS" WELCOME CITY VOTED 100 PERCENT TO WELCOME YOU~- MORE. AT 3 a THERE) -- ra a LY) KG D,.) PWV Pip Wak yy i! bee THE BUFFALO MATT, | HEAR A HORSE HUNTERS CAN FIRE AND STULL 3 RUNNING TO OUR LEFT / KEEP OUT OF RANGE OF OUR UP, . ; z7 REVOLVERS / OUR ONLY HOPE 18 TO MAKE A BIVERSION -~_A AND &$: WELCOME | DOGPATCH!! WELCOME CITY CITY WELCOMES YOU-- pee TO ANY OTHER SNIPE é oa ) "PR ¥ THE LONE RANGER tT MUST BE GREAT TO BE ABLE TO COOK é UT HERE - DIT DAH AT DfT= Dm INSTRUCTIONS! Pg y LISTEN ins CAREFULLY / © © eas AND MIRA "a BETTER HIT THE TARGET WITH THAT "SECRET AGENT X9 SreBientn, Fan, {Pik Week shin meeeewed <> © King Fantom trick with the king of spades. Instead, South ruffed a club at trick seven and led a low spade towards the jack. It did not matter whether West took the king now or later; in either }ease, South would be able ta discard the jack of dlamonda on the eight of hearts. There is considerable doubt, |that East should have used the unusual notrump after South bid a spade and North responded affirmatively with |two hearts. | It was far more likely that North-South would Pay ocogger & buy the contrect and take ad- TRUDY.' YOUR vantage of the two notrump bid MOTHER GOT UP than that East-West would buy 2:00 PM | b ay? ithe contract in a minor suit ae %--Kids Is People 7 jand at a profitable level. East ' 8:00 A.M. T--Cénfidential tor Women }would have been better off ta | %--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 7---Long Hot Summer 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:3 PLM | 4--Noon News %--Sports Hot Seat 3--Popeye and Pals | &3---NLF.B. Presents | 12:15 PLM, 4--Speaker of the House 12:3 PLM, Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 6--~Toronte Channel 4--Buftate | Channel $--Barrie RUA Kye Channe: 2--Buttaloe pig (ia ep lg 11--Noon Time sreemmcantin ese WTak Waa | 9--Soupy Sales WEDNESDAY 6--Viewpoint § 4-2--Post Office 5:00 PLM, 2--Tonight Show 6-4--Search for Tomorrow Family Theatre 11:20 PLM. | 3Noonday Report &- eeernen 1-4--Late Show | 12:45 PLM, Laram N y iding Light 6--Paseport Te Aaventure ' ponies Wei! aoe 'hee wee on" 3~Secret Squirrel 11:30 PLM. 2 sha oa, "37 1--The Saint %~Morning Star . &Tonight Sh &Dialing For Dollars, L HAPPENED TO BE WHERE I sAW ALL....HES WANTED DEAD OR &--Doble Gillis ; His vit Pore idl eat 1 CAN'T BREAK IN AN' STEAL MY HIM GETTIN' AWAY, .... ALIVE / THEY COULDN'T KEEP &--Music Hop }--Nightcap 7--Ben Casey PRISONER OUT OF JAIL... BUT WHAT] - ME FROM GETTIN' THE REWARD orery PM 11:40 PLM, é--Lunchaon Date IF HE BROKE OUT AN' TRIE? MONEY THEN / my 4:00 PLM, --Plerre Berton 4~Meet The Millers p a ' grt Theatre 6--Midweek Theatre | 3~-Mevie L, TO ESCAPE .....9 Prec : = r 10 A.M. 2--P.0.Q - 7 + » Sports, Wthr and Honey 1:30 P.M, Healy 12.25 A.M, 9--James Beard Show 3--Nation's Business 1)News; Weather; | @4---As The World Turns 4:30 P.M, Sports 28--Let's Make a Deal 11--Wild Wild West 1.00 PM C 4-4--News; Weather MARVELOUS! \\¢\ THE BUTTERFLY EMERGES FROM HER COCOONS Syedicate, ine. 1966. World rights reserved J Theatre iF HE ESCAPED FROM JAIL... AN' || 1 COULD SHOOT HIM DOWN! AFTER © Kine Feererce Joe Carlo Music ena Sports THURSDAY N--Gilligans isiand 9:00 A.M, 2:30 P.M 9~Batman 9---Romper Room 9-People in Conflict y Favorite Martian y Duke Show | 63--Mickie Finn's 6:30 PLM, Ernie Lindell + Movie 4--Andy of Mayberry TRYRSRAY BV, 11:30 A.M, $:00 P.M ®--Apracedabra | 7Dating Game 8-2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke Show | 4--Passport Te Adventure }--Ed Allen Time | 3-Atom Ant t--The Big Valley 8-2--Rob Hone ----- 4--Green Acres T CONVINCED MY WIFE ; 9:30 PLM. JOY SHE OUGHTA DO 2, | &3---Festivar SOMETHING WORTH WHILE 12:00 NOON | 9--Mike Douglas AS SHE GETS HER 6UN etd %--Toronto Today | 130 PLM eee TAN SO oe , hw VIA 8-2---Jeopard iim ¥ ne - > ' v jopardy sy - : CROSSWORD 1-Family Theatre &-Superman | 7~Cheyenne 7:00 PLM, 1~Albert J. Steed %~Dear Charlotte The Honeymooners 4~Mike's Carnival 4--LCinkletier's Party 3:00 P.M, WINKLER, Man. (CP)--Man- 8--Smiletime | 3-46--To Tell The Truth struction on the new building, ta YOU=KNOW= ; , ; \ cr Propie 6.1 6--Nation's Business 118d Allen l~Funny Company j 400 PM. Filer is 90 miles southwest of hae YOUR HEALTH oy 4:30 PAM, loutnumber people in Albeta 7----Blue Light 44%--Morning Star %--Movie | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD {stock industry is worth about t--Dobie Gillis : ; : voces lec He has changed in so many|few minutes a day standing on|&"@M against the Dutch elm dis- 6--Huntiey-Brinaiey 4--Captain Kangaros | &4--Paseword ; News 6.30 A.M $-2--Days of Our Lives keep quiet. é Across Canada 9.--T.V, University 2:15 PM, ccosithbetoonianisdagiatican o EE Go To The Races &--Pastor's Study #2--The Doctors NEWS IN BRIEF ~News, Weather, J--Dialing For Dollars | 7--A Time For Us s | seerts Girl Talk --June Allyson gn? = i cull ll { |... BUILDS OWN HOSPITAL staan from Bak Le 2--Boz0's Big Top . # untiey-Brin %: _M. ured Phr , Report 4-Love of Life" Gererat Hosciter, nt Prog vey piled ge 4 ei yn 58- ' NO ChE Knows / : + Shae week, pital at a cost of $750,000. Con TTER THAN ? \\ . 10:00 A.M. r-4--Ye a i be called the Eden Mental ea Virpinian Py oa ey, Bape dd sah a ---- s ; =| Health Centre, is expected to 7--Batman 10:30 A.M, 9--I1's Your Move jfinish in February, 1967, Wink- 4~--Lost in Space +-2---Concentration $:00 PLM, 7--Donna Reed ' Winnipeg. 4---The McCoys s The Match Game bs 0: A.M. 4--Secre' orm . nese } 7 ¢2-cher, Helene | SecWorld In Contrast BEEF RULE PRAIRIE 11:00 A a---Mery Griffin Stroke Can Aid ' EDMONTON (CP) -- cattle f f | 9--Movie eae ane ts 1---Atom Ant | |two to one as the bovine pop. &3--Bob Hope ToSuparmarket Sweep |4.3--Rarzle Dazzle } s . = Fag (ulation totals about 3,000,000 ra Rar Defeatist Attitude : jhead, says the provincial agri- ' i jculture department, The live 1$300,000,000, Dear Dr. Molner: Last year| my se gag Be from| Dear Dr. Molner: A few BEETLES BEAT WOODS which he is. slowly recovering,| Weeks ago I began spending a| An effective sterilization pre- ways, his likes and dislikes,)my head. I started for a halt|c#se beetle would require and his temperament flares atl minute caw iia Tis i breeding 100,000,000 beetles in the least thing. Is this usual in » how its three minutes.) the laboratory, MUGGS AND SKEETER -- eo". COME BACK Here 44 7 WITH OUR BASEBALL! NOW BEAT IT fcTHIS ts LITTLE LEAGUE... JULIET JONES <" HOW CAN T "UET HARDY TEAGUE ALONE," PRINCESS? TM NOT INTERESTED 1N HIM AS ANYTHING BUT AN EMPLOYER, BELIEVE You, MISS JONES, AND WHAT MR, TEAGUE WANTS... iS sigliin' semeton © King Fontenes Spmdinate, lan. 1966, te easerved o BUT MR, TEAGUE'S INTERESTED IN YOU! | | | ACROSS 1,Glance at quickly 5, Shank 9. Sweet. hearts 11. Glistened 12, Bay window 13. Doves opponents, in Wash- ington 14, Ramble 15. Guidonian note 17. French river 18. Famous New Eng- land family 20. Miserly 23, English streetcar 27. Eagle's neat 28. Siberian antelope 29. Skin 30, Taft, for one 31. Coal 83. Unclose: poet, 36. Melody 37. Mandate 40. Partner of waned 42. German river 44, Choice group 45, Alaskan river 46. Bristle. like part 47, Stoop 10, Large, 11. False 16, Kind of sash deacon or 82. Formed elder 33, Has debts 2 oe DOWN 18, Like 1, Plod an 2. Perse old phone woman 8. Greedy 19. Step 4. Born 20. Weaken 21, Golf. 5. Shinto temple term 6. Ululate 7. Like a printer's Sp. - hands 25. Eastern Yesterday's Answer potentate 26. Neighbor of Ont. 28. Kind of wine 38. Soon 30. Japanese 8. Headland heavy hammer 22. Anger 24, River: y 41. Greek letter 1s a people who have had a stroke? Nothing I do pleases him. Also please tell me if I am too old to have my varicose |veins taken care of. They are bulging and rather painful at times. How long would | have {to be in the hospital? -~Mrs. J. M. Personality changes such as you mention are not usual in a person with a stroke, but nei jther are they unusual. Although your husband is slowly improving, he realizes that he cannot do the things he formerly could, This can pro duce a defeatist att tude that can make him very irritable. Furthermore, certain portions of the brain having to do with personality may have been af- fected by the stroke. Great pa- jtience and tact are required to care for a patient 'under these circumstances, As he. improves physically and gains more confidence in himself, you may notice a ichange in his attitudes. You forgot to give me your varicose veins are not only un- |sightly but causing discomfort, }it would be well worth while to }discuss surgery with your doc jtor. Age no longer is a very }important factor if your health in general is good | This type of surgery requires {hospitalization for only a few days. In fact, patients are en couraged to get on their feet jand start moving about very I thought it might speed up the} ability to use my thought pro-| cesses, Is this beneficial or! harmful? I feel somewhat bet-! ter and more mentally alert,| but there may be no connen- tion --L. C. g It stirs up your circulation gives you a bit of exercise, and it's probably wonderful to talk about at parties when the con- versation lags. I don't see how! it can hurt you. It's not a totally new fad, though. Dear Dr, Molner: I am 53 and have not had a period for three years. When can I stop having a pelvic examination once a, year, which has been my usual} routine?----M, Z, | The pelvic examination is a safeguard against disease, and to find it early if any develops Your age is not a governing factor. Continue your annual examination FOUND JEWISH LIBRARY REGINA (CP)--A library of} Jewish life is to be established lat the University of Saskatch- ewan Regina campus and is ex- pected to be the first of its kind! in Canada. Dr. Alexander Mintz, past president. of the B'nai B'rith Regina lodge, has donated $500 to the proposed 3 |soon afterwards. jbrary. MAPPED MOON NAMES Most of the names for the moon's large features were given in 1651 by Giovanni Ric- cioli, an Italian priest. FIND LESS FLEECE Canada produced 5,800,000 pounds of wool in 1965, 8.5 per cent less than the year before. ORDER MONSTER SHIP A Norwegian shipping com- pany has ordered a 175,000-ton oil tanker from. a Japanese shipyard, BUG CAUSES SPRING Jumping beans move because inside each is a moth larva in a cocoon SALLY'S SALLIES nh Yt te y, Mr. Smith, I know I have it here someplace,"