PRO iAP gor Cpe Sigs 4 pe Oe ES be erp > in fat her, Octe- NAME RADIUM DONOR THE OSHAWA TIMES, W: Ae 8, THE STARS SAY roy A sagesrean tegen I VANCOUVER (CP) -- eee | odneadoy, June 8, 1966 2) name of a donor who gave $50, | es +a By ESTRELLITA tween Dec. § and Feb. 10. 900 to help start the British co, SPPESSSSRSEES e |CHILD GUIDANCE . . es in mman | A child born on this day will) jump C Insti equ OR TOMORROW jiumbia ,Cancer nstitute 28 t g T g F be endowed with unusual ver-\ years ago was announced re- |i . . * Personal affairs will be more) satijity, a charming personality| cently. She was the late Mrs. " rT, ' The Child Under Five Or Six. jscrrosty intuences tharsay anda fine sense of lovaty. ay 'isher, "Sauaher ot the MS MY Me AY than other activities--especially cei. STERN ER ita 2 ~ 2B +. } / rd ~~|founder of a department store, 1|from noon on. In business re-) PAYS TO BE POLITE whose money was used to buy Meat Market & By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |Used with small children, rhdinws and edidpment for treat: ing ca i think they are just asking for | lationships you may find some ANCONA, Italy (AP) -- Pop . <-- Antec «nema erhile can * ir get sscad pareokd Salamon ue trounie. {persons difficult to GeAl WILN, (PHIRER seri even menage | SDD NEN» " 'Do you want to put on your|so you will have to be extra-|Deen charged w ; : ; how to prevent or reduce it in pin?' Whether Tommy wants t0| ordinarily tactful Make a bess public official by telling him he traffic policeman who ticke the child under five or six:| put on his bib is of no practical 2 r fae : had the brain of a chicken. The| her for using the torn in a 6 pulsive moves or hasty deci- indictment says she insulted the\lent zone. Except in matters of routine,| importance to me, and I'd just)™ ee ear k E d S i ] when you wish the youngster to las soon not know. I do ask him a | ee - n pecia s 4 'omething, don't command) if he wants to turn on the light, | ,, : a | i. alg oe rnd Aim to be so\ because this is something that OF et oe sti ' persuasive then that he is very ! = ers ce sore him do it your ocmaepps Wdicsted 'that: ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED likely to accede to your request, |! will give him pleasure (i) 1. or 2 month ago, you should Cpyby é ea ih does) but just as willing to do| Md g y SIRLOIN & WING But if he doesn't agrsenit myself if he is busy at the mo- have ygty the gee | Ls an : don't tell him he must. Don But when something is uptrend in your job and finan- a STEAK C " ' , ig ment, : ; "ioe ; --_ , Peles |command Nim iret he same £0106 to happen anyway, even| ro onterea a moat auspicious $300 PLAYTEX' SWIM CA HAWAIIAN FRUIT BOAT if it is a treat, I say, Werel vote governing these interests, Ib situation to a command. going out now' or 'Book time,' " LEAN ... GROUND ROUND STEAK @ 100 SPECIALS e BLADE STEAKS .... 2 Ibs. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS .... 2 Ibs. $ which will last until the end of If, however, he is doing some * * thing dangerous, or destructive My reply in part: i September, with July, August when you buy Gees! P AY EX' Take A Tri -- On A Shi or something you have forbid-| _¥°U stow considerable insight ang September outstandingly p p den him to do, don't ask him to and have made some nice anal-| ood on the fiscal score--if you! " 'Don't' ses. But you seem not to con-|ayoid oulat f kind Sa * uit; say "No" or "Don't" and ¥5¢*- javoid speculation of any kin pn At Your Next Party Lunch Ir he des nat obey Dromoty. sitcrent from the. edule, Sua AUgUs., Manage money, mat AUUNG STRETCH Ps P . Wi e adult. Jus s conservatively fr Oct. 1 unish him effectively, With the Geren! trom lters conservatively from : pet young child, clearly draw because so many parents do not) until the end of January, and 4 BANDEAU BRA This is the time of year when\est to the sweet fruit flavors the ine between & request aid draw the distinction, they are you should not only find them wanderlust hits hard. It seems So give the Fis ach : * esha inclined hg use a request and : in stable condition but can then everybody we know is off on a'treat.. . or use Fruit Boat a ante command as synonymous andiiook forward to another ex- trip, just back from one, or a Bon Voyage lunch for globe- "a reply oe that column & resent the little child's refusal!tremely generous cycle for in- planning one. trotting friends, It's the next mother wrote to do likewise. creasing assets between Feb, 1) ' "Stay-at-Home Club" best thing toa trip...ona ship. "There are two difficulties | | cuqgeg and April 15 of next year. For the 'Stay 0 u that I don't think you have HAS NO CHOICE In both occupational and Playtex makes this offer because we suggest a luncheon salad HAWAIIAN FRUIT BOAT ; " Your proposal never to ask which is, if not.a trip to Hawaii, f , Rioiteds taken into account 1. People y re) gi as cl thi un.| monetary matters, the period Z j they are certain that once you enjoy at least a pretty good substitute 3 fresh pineapples, cut in half who make what they consider a any two-year-old anything wu feiwsen now and July is wil , ie 4 ond countort oa Lilies Waa. i rah lengthwise polite request generally do re- less you want information, be outstandingly good for mak ey y you'll never settle for less. As exotic as the Islands them- cup strawberries, halved sent a refusal and still more a dodges the issue. It affords no ng long-range pls to ¢ ve , selves, this pineapple shell fruit cup orange sections simple neglect of it, unless good | Place for Jetting the child have pie sa get apa Tatiana ' Just think---your choice of 2 beouifel boat has as passengers an ele- cup seedless grapes, halved reasons are given and given a free choice and for winning sgt 7 ny a : .. . 4¢ - at idl : Playtex $5.00 Swim Cap when you buy & ant combination of the sea- s ci ~ : ~ at his co-operation. Right you are e ntire month of July will dy , Playtex Living Bra. Choose from ere paneeee Ee politely. Incidentally, the art o : eh be excellent for property inter Z these styles son's finest fruits Cream cheese refusing without offending is|in not asking Tommy, 'Do you) eee au are - a bien di cake : " J ' sts y 8 c € re v iv ir Strawberries, orange sections, Creamy French dressing definitely one that children have want to put on your bib?' If likely ie achieve tie weet ii thi ; Tisad Lace Coon siteanibia teak cape seediess grapes, bananas and) Remove the fruit from the 19 be taught, or they go through "OU are sure he should have i wae ar fob kavantemant Aaa Cool Streich-Ever® elastic hack and fresh pineapple form an exotic pineapple halves, leaving a 1-|\ife resenting or being resented; on, you would put it on him a oenilian Bei _ Prom Vi sides, White, in sizes 32A-38C $6.00 meld. They're topped by a s0-\inch shell. Discard the core andi Except in emergency many hoping to do so without his ou cycle immediately ahead phisticated garnish of cream|cut the fruit into cubes, T0SS| negnle always express their or- "esistance wit include late htnkas 'ite B. Playtex Living Stretch Bra with cheese halls which have been|pineapple with remaining fruit ders as requests Nothing in your letter con- ~ I : 7 pa ' ? Embroidered Cotton Cups, adjustable F 'ed a Baie k inciples November, next February and siretch straps. Cool, sheer Stretch-Ever rolled in chopped nuts and fill shell, Garnish with vinces me that the principles March. The artisti inclined mr" eck' White, nine 1Ac400 S455: The lively French dressing is cream cheese formed into and proposals of my earlier col- shoei Bales akigh fin BCHE d a y Y { § rie! » fine periods Ley extra good with fruit flavors|small balls and rolled in nuts umn are not sound and work at tne veution on = order / yi Offer limited 5 oe your fre sein and adds a note of spicy inter- Serve with dressing able. | know they can be carried pita ' recognition é sap today----end enjoy the heavenly for notable accomplishment fit and comfort of a Playtex Living thane fectively. 1 have seen : vars avrah Pada through effe y. sani A et late Gentemahan Z Stretch Bra. Just mail your bra sales this happen any Augus ate seplember,| ' { Wy Gy slip, the bra label, and the coupon the first and last weeks of Octo f . you'll find in every bandeau stretch other animal crack B m In Ad lt Cl : I think I got my best assur- : j Figs Regd: nary antes 00 u assrooms bout this from Mrs ber, next January and March Z Prick vcsaube Gunie ent re RESENT PHRASING nce "eS vOVe , Z we Myers some years ago as she Influences governing romance j 4 send yon your swim cap choice. . "Many people phrase requests " ' "yd Predicted For Next Decade in. the form: 'Do you want obsereed these matters so suc wm be axctetiegs in late Novem " "(Please mclude 2 craft poms : to "* 1 think this is in- cessfully with our own children rei Kong pril_ and rah met hb yg TV . sia inane u may not trave ty S SEEN ON By ROBERTA ROESCH years of study, it is a wonder tended to be extra gracious, but when mney Were ery 7OUnk. much within the caning year! mie vg ioappls Many educators predict that|fully rewarding feeling to know csakt utube bale ite Gite PARENTS' QUESTIONS Geceph: or wight. tox moat ; oq DP wh ar fe wie " i : 2 Geren cca fre ots Cnt am genes wonareneredi ca: Socaens i purer to wier| Cg O8C 00 A yee rele" Rel septomner, Sesaary end" May : row " grades s ae f h , v8 ary y within the next Pero ty that my 'life i ee ee ee tr favor ele _ ask wer Fer ils anything not re-| Your social life should prove y). , he Wi classrooms for children experi- younger children are preparing a ache 1 nate ta esac quired. He has his own room for highly stimulating during the nced in the 1950s. for their first ha * > study. What can we do? next year, however, with gala : As a result, many housewives 'I ve Me Poh my own ex objection to helping wash the ry For 'ie next six months, happenings star areinleed res will trade in their aprons and perience that most women can dishes, but. 1 always feel require him each evening right/ing the balance of this month, jeans to seek new opportunities do this,' she added, "if they tempted to give @ factual an after dinner to read from al, -" ~ in adult schools, community know where they are going vo- book you approve for at least swer to these false questions. colleges, continuing education cationally and want to go there half an hour before he goes to projects and part-time college badly enough to trade in their HOUSEHOLD HINT his room to do his homework. 5 programs, hours of leisure for hours of When more than one child in Have him do this reading where But hard work the family wears the same size one of you parents is reading. _-- ae LEAN MINCED CHUCK STEAK ... 2 lbs. ANY OME ITEM HAMBURG PATTIES _ ,.,',,, 1.99 SHORT RIB ROAST ur, 498 PURE PORK SAUSAGE **"""" =. 59¢ © FREEZER SPECIAL @ BEEF HINDOUARTERS 110-120 Ib. average ¢ a ee : 53 "My suggested principle seems to me simpler and er It is never to ask my t z old anything unless I want in formation. 'Do you want an- he be CUT AND WRAPPED FREE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 SRAeR Sa SAe ARR eee some of the wives who j would like to do this may be 'The opportunity awaits them cltohing, initial each one's cloth-| Occasionally check to make afraid to begin, because they if they have the desire to take ing with a laundry marker insure he got meaning from what fear their time in the kitchen It an inconspicuous place he read nstead of in colle -lassrooms a wales oP - 7 rams - { liege cla m wipe , LEGO " "% m "ial nnn, | CHROME LOCK AUTOMATIC -- wiTH 2 KEYS HEAVY DUTY FLOOD LIGHT | AUTOMATIC CHROME HANDLE may put them out of the run ning, when it comes to keeping up One housewife, however, how ' SIGNA is finishing up her first year, SAFETY SIGNAL after more than 20 years of RESILIENT. INNER LIGHT being at home with her family, e ih : Me says that, from her experience, edicated to lovers of were "ei - oo, WAG INE (hk women have nothing to fear. " DOOR GASKET "In my case, I have two , - 7] ' 6c op S grandchildren, a married fe simple beanty ow. . v - SSURES PERFECT CLOSING daughter, a son in college, a B if jo daughter in high school and a A j COUNTER - son in junior high," she ex- 5 BALANCED plained, "and I can't go to col- : 3 A superb tti of tich lege full-time because I am still needed at home, 4, or ee is 14-18 karat yellow or years or so, | felt I was wast- s ' white gold that tn ing a great deal of time that 1} 0 iN could put to better use: so] Bie i Oe 4 enhances the size an dusted off my old ambition to ae hae od be a first-grade teacher and de- : brilliance of the diamond cided to get ready to enroll in 4 j i % 2 college three days a week while 3 '4 : ihe, " ' na \i ' S my children are in school. a ee? ( * Tg RY - i ; Ye mas CONFIDENCE SHAKEN | ou f A ; i ; joie on "I was confident I could do bs fe, f A Pes yde. X" aa ' ; ~N this," "till the day I ; 4 ] : : : bc : <i SF she said was scheduled to start. But TUBING when 1 arrived in the school parking lot, | suddenly wanted z SOG: SPACED 3IN: to step on the gas and hurry REO t aa fy 3 - . right back to my home. ' ; s APART -WRAPPED "T told myself that I was too oid and that; mayne; T woulda't succeed. And as I looked at the army of youth also heading toward class I had no trouble : ' convincing myself that it would : 3 be better to Jeave the field to} , | i oe the young and retreat to the! : i ; : " THROUGHOUT senurity I knew in my kitchen." Recause her fears kept mounting, this woman contin 4" GENUINE FIBERGLAS INSULATION ued to sit in her car considering ee ; eh re } : me ZA ; going home, But because of her Posse a aa one COMPRESSED TO 314". - LOCKS COLD IN- ambition--plus the money she bs had already paid to enroll--she| $100, $200 or $500-- : ADJUSTABLE : LARGE BASKETS HEAT OUT forced herself to take the first! we will give you full ; T ' DIVIDERS-1 EXTRA step to her long slow trip to a trade-in allowance Nave sea aca LARGE DIVIDER FOOR ANSORATee ante Tos happy to report whenever you wish SRNTEPE iy pe TECUMSEH UNIT dt. to purchase a diamond RUST RESISTANT that I came through the year with three A's and one B," she of greater value! GALVANIZED INTERIOR LINER said. "So even though I am only at the beginning of many LOW TEMPERAT ALL STEEL FREON. REFRIGERANT WELDED CONSTRUCTION APPROVED BY AN STANDARD ASSN ing > MARRIED #% YEARS BUDGEY ee COLEMAN, Alta. (SP) -- Mc or pay\by oe and Mrs. Joseph Lardinois cele Ney brated their 68th wedding anni ri versary at Crowsnesct Pass mu | | ovely nicipal hospital. They were va married in their native town of antares - ; : ; : : ae iat WEDDING y If the cash register tape at your favourite super market keeps coming up week after week, with an impossible figure, YOU NEED A Augustine 21. They have 12} go FREEZER, Come in tomorrow, see our selection of name brand freezers --- names you really know you can depend on. Take advantage great-great-grandchildren OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE | | DELUXE 15 CU. FT, FREEZER | | DELUXE 20 CU, FT. FREEZER | | DELUXE 25 CU. FT. FREZER SERVICE | Jewellers 251 King St. EL Oshewe * $ a 1 -- 1.56 coek 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | Price Guaranteed Bond 5 x 7 -- 1.25 each Refund plus 10% if you find the same goods selling 20% Discount on Orders OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9PM i et. 5 er Mere alaieaid for less in another store within 10 days of your purchase. Matching of Cherney's convenient terms. Start your food savings plan today. ~ ot ery nie Sa