THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 8, 1966 15 Artie Shaw Swings. "In the first place, 1 would|watch the sky," he said. "I DANCE - have to practise steadily for six|found a place on the coast of Back Into Movies rin rs nim 'tet Sip seen tt cons RECITALS the second place, I don't like ogee ee 1 peste I By Students of Denes By BOB THOMAS acquired a farm and 80 cows,|'0 hear the clarinet that well".| | 4 ihe tend and build Fan eg HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Artie|and they were eating their way| Shaw finally quit the clarinet |could buy the land an |] at Ridgewey Senior School Shaw was always the maverick|through my money I earned to see if he could write. He dis-jhouse. And I did". " ~ glenough to keep the farm going|covered he could, and he pro-| After five years, retirement Fri., June (0, of the ---- ctor |and then I quit again. duced a novel, The Trouble With|began to pall on Shaw, who 7:20 om é 3 i aes on tat a too-| 'Cindawalla ladAmittedly fe nart . intravert lent who soon wearie "| WON'T GO BACK lio | Spain with his wife, |part activist. He decided bod get Children ting his clarinet for the masses.' «now 1 never go back. You|Evelyn Keyes, to eighth 'vite hasjactive again, this time -4 Aduits Be} He continues his maverick)can believe that when I say that|/been married nine years. movie business. ways as head of his own movielT recently turned down $25,000) "I just wanted to write a lit- company, Artixo Productions. |to appear for four minutes on aitle, look at the countryside, Now, 56, with shaved head, |TV special. oe sp BRACE YOURSELF FOR GREATHESS pect _ here A > ga wi is jatest release, Enoug' Rope, a French-made thriller bein starring Gert Frobe ('"Gold- finger"). Shaw's offices are in New York and he has scant af- fection for Hollywood, which he knew intimately during his band - leading and marrying days. | Nor does he have the slight- est sentiment for his heyday in| the swing era. "I look at some of my con- temporaries who are still lead- ing bands and J wonder how ithey do it,"' he said. 'All that iliving out of a trunk and play- ing the same things night after é -- - _TERRY THOMAS "They aren't even selling) one Ca +s |music any more; they're salt | Today Only "YOUNG RACERS? i ; 4 BM 4 nostalgia to middle-aged people "Second Fiddle To A Steel Guitar" j Me 4 who want to relive their youth," | : Shaw himself tried to break Vi] j GREGORY ARRIVES TO SEE MEREDITH out of the band business sev- 'i eral times. He managed it in BAY RIDGES Chicago comedian Dick paper as he waits in the of James Meredith's condi- Memphis-to-Jackson, Miss., (1950, only to return in 1953. Prac wearing denim administrator's office at tion. Gregory arrived in march at the point where "IT went .back only to feed Cee Under 4a YA. to sate ital Memphis from Chicago Meredith was shot Monday (some cows," he said. "I jacket and Western attire, William F. Bowld Hospita with the announced purpose afternoon. pd ance bseibed : _ Fonds a _ Memphis news- Tuesday morning for word of _ taking up Meredith's --AP Wirephoto Striking Teachers Cripple [Bill Reaches End) 'Sem D0 lain DRIVE ws | -- Regan" Tay at... PROGRAMME 30 » 3:30 - 5:30. 7: CHECK ROOM | * 'A#ORS-PLUTERS THEATEN == 1:30 » 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:35 FACILITIES LADIES' 208T LIVE ORGAN MUSIC ADMISSION 75¢ per person OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM 1941 Cnet einauicmetanmivensaine ) 1966 lend of a long list of private 0) ns R bills. Michigan School Districts Commons Road', ors wi te nr JA ( _ private g member's proposal for a fed- |government must participate in} DETROIT (AP) -- Approxi-|called after negotiations . with)eral-provincial highway build-| the planning of highway build-| mately 800 teachers in Wayne, the Wayne community schooljing conference on new road con- ling in Canada to ensure the or- Mich., went on strike today in|district failed to produce a con- struction in northern and less-|derly development of roads. support of demands for higher/tract settlement Monday developed parts of the country|More and better roads in the| salaries and benefits, joining' The strike affected an esti-| ¥4% talked out in the Commons!North would open up large} Monday without a vote. areas for settlement and devel-' striking colleagues in two other jmated 19,000 pupils in the dis pat i oe ' of hs D pe HL ue ares : crippled suburban school dis-|trict's 28 schools The resolution by Frank How-' opment. om % MAGNIFICENT IN A SPECIAL AND VERY -- : = ' | : G WAY!" tricts Louis said the teachers are J THE SOUNDS ENGAGING Donald Louis, president of the asking an increase in base start- f ; iy Independent Wayne Education|ing pay from $5,300 yearly to sensi, it a an ae NOW SHOWING JERRY LEWIS "JOHN = & ~~ CDEAN wa Minister Warns in Crestwood and Ecorse. -- THE FAMILY WAYNE MARTIN BIG BEAT Teachers in North Dearborn) === eee THE SONS OF Heights returned to their class- At \ THE BIG | JEWELS KATIE ELDER "The Place Meet" rooms while contract negotia- y Of Sweet Talk Hone can tiated TWIN ACADEMY AWARD SHOW! ( TOP STARS--TOP COMEDY & ADVENTURE LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A Luth- STARTED THURSDAY - ry eran minister from Missouri) The Crestwood board of edu- called on members of his faith| cation ordered schools closed of- VVININER | Box Office Opens | Monday night to remain stead-} ficially today, although most pu- u LJ pr clibegh her OSHA WA 8:00 p.m, --show | FRIDAY'S QY[xnHADAYW neers OsHAwa Cr sterts 9:00 pm. fast against rationalism and| pils had not attended classes AUDITORIUM DRIVE-IN : : neil aver] | BESTAGTOR | QSKARWERNER | hems materialism which he said were since a teacher walkout devel- . eandy-coated words. oped last Thursday. "BEST ACTOR" || Summer Hi-Tyme Rev. Roland Wiederaenders 7) Striking teachers in the North =N.Y, Film Critics Beat aynod of the Luth-(Dearoom Heights district Plus 2 Academy Awards The story of what they 120s @ Missou f b SET ae DinecriOn --sesT emenaToneamey |) ee m eran Church, addressed 80 del- called to an unfair labor prac:) did to a kid... Cs ches ENE A Pty me eI * "te ote te te SHEER FUN FROM BEGINNING TO END! Seereccoceconce Casuel Brose eles' cok 'eommele at lecal tices hearing Monday by state| pen: i } ves ' : labor mediation board, agreed) ia A estes congregations at the opening Of/+, return to the bargaining ta-| Oe ~ Now Playing os | Slacks - Shorts - Bells a three-day convention of the |ble for 'two full days" of talks. | 4 Ontario district of the synod. | 1 AP ga gage us @ TCs oi ant oe ds 1] BU * FOO | natalie WOOD, * THIS FRIDAY remember compassion, justice] 4h C1 and unselfish love in the social, Michigan Federation EPI CTURS ns SARE UY nee Federation of Teachers, went on OLIN PICTURES Pm + YAOLD HECHT Posen "CAT BALLOU" ; ' economic and political world paiva Sng CAE FONDA: LE MARVIN MECHEL CALM AME HHTMAA We f "Be steadfast and immovable trike June 2 # pt edhe 5 poem Art Bales KM a CR a PLUMmMer 4 : | In Crestwood, negotiations tin suveRsTUn adapta el rerom--ymt panwid pe apy enya tba ' Caesar | ' continued between the Crest- ty AOR MAND ty STANLEY SER 00 CET 7X pro TT WT A LES = GS FALE OE ROMA WEY 0 PRL JER ab, a Ba, r is not easy against com-| Wood Education Association and - inside Daisy rn Tos aes Li Most of the district's 201 - ww ted w ' . - S att pays rialism,, ~ words coated WIN veachers were out and all seven] DUE TO THE LENGTH OF THIS PROGRAMME | STARTS Consuls @ show Times need to "heal" the world wars No negotiations were sched- WE HAVE ONLY ONE COMPLETE | org be everciher 'the kl uled in Ecorse where Alexan PRE eo ees CRHAWA. CUSTOMERS a =e : 7 Prone 728-2643 5. need to make a a lestee ben AME idee il wheal ere NO LONG DISTANCE COST June 12---Sundey | NOTE: the moon or walk in outer a ard, A "HOP IN THE PARK" pean" apen talks ont GeRs roan #:30-11:30 , . . Admicsion 1.00 | |] SHOWS TO AVOID LINE-UPS, He also challenged delegates "®'U! '0 wor | to carry out resolutions they f vention Evaporation from reservoirs " ait ig iam TE PEE 2 Pi - | HELD OVER - i i , yer it Show « | { in Africa is inhibited. by cover Tomb DRIVE-IN ow = Dusk evening an the ies In Dublin ; DUBLIN, Ireland (AP)- 'ASS LY rT Capt. Norman Baillie-Stewart,| Nea THREE HITS the Second World War, col- and a Miss" japsed in the street here today and died without regaining con- The 37-year-old convicted spy and traitor had been living in Wight May 10, 1949, | Baillie-Stewart was first ar: rested in January, 1933, when he was serving as an officer in the Seaforth Highlanders. Ie if wvas imprisoned in the Tower of in your Christian falth," he Airey ELLIOT SLERSTEIN COLUMBIA COLOR "BAP OF FOOLS" ta by ERWEST 60. seg -@ lo She fom ine yt % he odode ; and the lennon munism, rationalism and mate-|'P¢ board of education. ADULT MY FAIR LADY Frode by Tor RLS COLOR WDE LIE 'CHEMASCOPEL Mr. Wiederaenders said the SChO0ls closed for 4,300 pupils JUNE 15th i i | : i 1:85 © 4:25 det F-"Tanicve; president ofthe WING 7PM, NoT Commencing ai J csi apn tgp WE SUGGEST THE MATINEE OR 7:00 O/CLOCK Be: would approve during the con- PUT LIDS ON LAKES PHONE 725-5883 x Office Opens «3° ing the surface cf the water | ie fawn 2 British Spy with concrete floats | : SECOND WEEK the original Lord Haw Haw of sciousness in hospital. seclusion in suburban Raheny since his release from Britain's Parkhurst prison on the Isle of 06:0 London until his trial in March 1933, on charges of supplying} British military secrets to a German agent between Aug. 1 and Nov. 12, 1932. : OLS He was convicted, cashiered ' ' M N from the army and sentenced]. " to five years' imprisonment. Hel | g mn Popular Rhythm and Blues and was released, however, in 1937 Tempe Group returns te the to attend his father's funeral ' , | . The rest of his sentence was| | @ == 4 a k ' Georgian this week. commuted a3 ~ 4 Discussions Over Postal Dispute WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Dis a : : GO ALE cussions were held Monday be- y : ; "= - Tv. | LDEN te NIGHTLY IN THE Vintage Room tween postmaster Donald M Jeannette and officials of the Windsor local of the Canadian Union of s Employees (CLC) in an eff to settle a Fs ' . ie \ e dispute involving letter sorting. F : : A MOTOR HOTEL A spokesman: for the union : ; OT ce Tl | NS Thornton Rd. South eenfirmed that discussions likely . we . a and Champlain Ave 'would continue for some days" F : following a four - nour walkout : Zz ; ea . | Phone -- 723-4693 srr eae |e = a taste in ale " jobs complaining they were be- » a SUNDAY ing discriminated against in fa- -- ae as -- vor of part-time staff. . -- ae : . : ' SMORGASBORG William Hartlen, local presi- + . 7 : - : - Aj FROM MOLSONS a \ i 11:30 to 2:30 dent, said the part - time staff ; 1.75 yas' being given first - cl wee, Ss -- INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 cot te Get hae Gee Oo % 2 4 -- DINNER BUFFET to full - time employees, He said SS = ' | ' 5:00 to 9:00 discussions with Mr. Jeannette had not solved the situation.