16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 7, 1966 "The Shortest Distance Between i The Direct Ciassitied Caii BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Building Trades QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve- ment problems, cal! us fir 725-8576 Then have a talk with our ae ] mumper |\8--Articles for Sale 5--Trailers ALL WEATHER MARINE SALES BOATS GALORE Many of lost years models, several 1965, 50 H.P. Chry- sier electric outboord motors $650 Come visit Canado's largest indoor showroom. Loads of boots on display. 1,000 -- 20 inch windshields, suitable for convertible tops, reg. to $90 each, clearing -- $29.95 each Life jackets and paddies -- buy one get one free. 12 f. aluminum cer top boots, $159 Marine Paint at 50% off. Scratched camper troilers BLEMENT CAROTENE $259 4 AXD Axg0 A GARMENTS, 733 Birchme DURING WINTER | I, f Scarborough blocks south of Eglinton 9 Né [B--Articles for Sale ! DRAPES READY MADE All sizes, oll potterns M&C NOW ! Six SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service °e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL C hev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- DRY GOODS mouth, Pontiac. We 'correct wheel alignment, inspect ond & DRAPERIES correct castor and camber, 74 CELINA ST. align toe-in and toe-out 723-7827 correct condition 6.88 Drapery moterial 98¢ and up @ Ports, extro if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. e BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars) Quality Royoline 4-wheels |Building Trades |Gardening and Supplies _ TOP SOIL Processed ond non-processed NO. | BLUE GRASS SOD OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE HL AR sina soll Aca SMITH'S TREE FARM | Cedars for Hedges | Cedor posts | Fencing ond supplies | For @ Foncy Workmanship |WURSERY SoD. Now culling. choles lavality Kentucky Bive. Prompt delivery on any emount Phone after 6. 668-4965, Accountonts BOB CLANCY'S '$ accounting Service tg service, 299 Sim-| 723-7605. INN, Che Liceneed Trustee, 10-833. Furnace cleaned, 'edjusted tree. | ounramecs trouble-free winter if you pur- chase trom Western oi | Co. 725-1212. ONE LLOYD | twin sirolie, almost like Inew. Telephone | PLAYER PIANO with rolls. In ver condition. Asio 54" bed, complet very ened 144 inches Touphend § Bay Ridges 89-3223 e jor 877 Ontario Street. WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL [Rroceres athena tna ton tower Lill Including weights per ee |$50. Oshawa TV rae eoch 95 Road Eat just east of Ritson Road SHOCKS, MUFFLERS. TELEVISION, mapie bedroom, suite, sii FRONT-END WORK AT gie bed, cedar ee bookcases, suncot, COMPARABLE PRICES, --_| usr' gnadding gown, clothes ete. Moving. DOMINION i yeeecens TIRE STORE auc "WOOL broadioom rugs, # x 9, 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH x 6', 3° x §, Excellent condition. One lide projector Telephone 723- TELEPHONE 725-6511 TRAILER, hitch frame acres heen HOME of cine reg tet al IMPROVEMENTS HOPKINS, BEAOL® AND CO., Charter ed Accountants, Financia! wild: . Ing, 167 King vest East, Oshawa, On-) tario, 725-3509; $. T, Hopkins, CA; H e oe CA; By Lukow, CA. Ya R LANDER jan AND 68" charters Accountants, Licens ru! tees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-737" GORDON ®. DAY, Certified Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawe Shop ping Centre" 725-9953, First AMER LOCKS BELOW THEIR r| KNEES BY AM ACHING HEMPEX WiG 4o Weir. OWN HAIR. if ActeD AS AN EMBELL)SHHentt GENERAL CONTRACTORS 14.88 RESIDENTIAL---INDUSTRIAL --COMMERCIAL BUILDING fost 24 CONTRACTORS Call 728-6043 ----| 'Carpentry Pub. Remodelling and Additions to |A, FINISHING CARPENTER, does "i (NURSERY ond eld sod. 4 Com , King , sige, M4 ' chen cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets in 1 nara tN Marking | Homes, Offices, Stores, recreation room and trimmings. Tele. | 668-8130 Factories and Showrooms phone 723-1991. Joe Kozak, 723-4145, | GARDENS roto tilled or plough BL anche pe oe ' dae 89) NTH DWARD LASKOWSKY, BA,, Plumbing - Heating - Electrical | Telephone 726-9219 BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, greed Air Conditioning Installations |GARDENS or Street. Office hours: ? a.m BATHROOMS, Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661 onan Se Top Quality, field and nursery Rug, Upholstery Service N;DRYNAN, | KITCHENS MODERNIZED RECREATION ROOMS EREIGHTON, "MURDOCH Free estimates. Prompt delivery. 725 CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re BUILT TO ORDER Portable CUSTOM WELDING @ Industrio! @ Contracting @ Form Equipment poles Build uP THEIR. SUPPLY OF THE. VALUED FOOD hr. service Farm or towr | ae? LYONS ott CHICAGO WHE Sox PricteD BO COYPLEE GAMES 10 1927, Barristers ae JAMES S$ MACDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- = unt Rd Skylark, We hau! part Telephone Facer pte, a, Fat a ert Oper Sat. t 751-7766 No sod. 9p.m |Dentistry "jawns roto tilled. Phone |CAREPOOT, OR. JOHN M. |Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, For appointment, 726-5171 |T¥--Redio Repairs i ge Mister TV Towers Is Overstocked Boss rock GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILERS |[Dressmaking aot gleny DRESSMAKING" | Now OPEN! Ladies' meade to | seeriré suits, dresses, skirts, etc. Cus- |tomers' materials, expert services. Ree-| sonable prices. 728-5311 DRESSMAKING - Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, silp covers, drapes, Fitting @ specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |WILL ANYONE who has ordered new \dresses or alterations done from Mrs. Wiadyka, 259 Ritson Road South, please HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME pick them up by June 15 or they be destroyed and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Nel ------~|3325 or 723-9910 vied, Free estimate, See our mar taries, Bank of Commerce Building, [CHAIN LINK FENCES highes! quality of lher recovering. Slip covers made | Simcoe Street rer', Oniewie, TereMe K. ~|m workmanship. Lowest order, Dalton Uphoister ng, 75 Charide | T. K. Creighton, or resi piece | Street, z , doch, | ey ee ibd hale pila gry a Ar) oo ds sag "i Gia Maes | oR ya up. \5 ni nd Service ein ml anged $2 per |, 4 yards and up, eales a Mortgag aOVeHYN ond WILLMAN] $2.25 yard. Delivered. Telephone 725 sal MPHREYS, Serre ate nb." Humpnrey., SC! = - APPLIANCE REPAIRS \ fliman, LLB; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A, Hil J. D. Humphreys, BA, tt B. Office! Expert repairs to all mokes of washers, dryers, ronges, etc Ganare1: feats, sain NHA mor | IN SPARE TIME @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ | 910" >! ca ALCAN Call MR. TV TOWERS mortgage funds avaliabi LY, Berrist 5, Sac | 378 King St. W FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. -~ Oshawa 723-9525 just like new, size 14, 7 Yellen, ers ped iw, & 2 Prince | . 0 725-6200, | 246) TWIN BED, complete, $25, Excellent 'con: | Somers, blankets, pillows, coffee lestinghouse range, like new. Te! ~ |Phone 725-8645. - type complete ne PI 'oom with torsion bers and wiring plug, $70./one 17. shite Fagin i. m suite, Phone 726-7339. | corder and tuner. Call 839-1742, Dunbar- jnew smooth-+top mattresses, $19.95; BRi y stoves, $24.95, cribs, $10.95; TV's $29.95: A ede gees Ba space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome See sets, radios, Guns new and used Valley |Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 778-4401 9-- --Market 'Basket -- |WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni ai eat ' ure | Trading Post Store. 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671 SUBWAY TRAILER PARK TYPEWRITER standard $25) Porlable 35 | |Adding machine $25; electric typewriter | AND SALES |$100; comptometer $20; cash register, $75, 723-4434 1010 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY EASY BUDGET PLAN Let us solve al! your Building Problems ond Requirements r Instruction | WEDNESDAY ONLY soye move materia! for bottom TOWER instal- e CUT-UP dition. Telephone 723-0316. | REFRIGERATORS, $2495; beds, si2|ton or anything you have. The City |USED AUTO PARTS -- anything! Chas immer @ ND KELLY, Barristers, tors, etc., 114 King Street East. 723-2278, Residence Phones: J QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, & Lgl Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB 725-2662. josePH P. MANGAN, QC, FREE ESTIMATES 24-HOUR SERVICE |Road (six mil ist of Oshawa), COMPLETE SET of World Reference| Encyclopedia, set medicel encyclopedia, also set World Natures Library. Phone 723-7265, | 1 |kavich Auto Wreckers, corner of Solina| | \Gardening and Supplies Low monthly payments In- clude text books and instruc tions. Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means Ports ond Accessories "Where Customers Send Their Friends" ~ Solicitor. Street Money to loan, Office, 14¥e King | East, Oshawa, 728-6232 | NEED HELP IN A HURRY? 2| Brick and Block Work Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-342.! Plastering Basements engssse Silcxs eA RUS Waterproofed ----- Tuck Point- ing -- Parging -- Concrete Steps, Walks, Drives, Floors, Retaining Walls -- Asphalt Paving --- Roofing -- Alu- minum -- Eavestroughing Alum. Eavestrough Screens, Aluminum Siding Roof Vents, Flashing, etc All ot Provincial examination "BUCS" KING BUG KILLERS Atox Rose Dust Garden Dust Diazinon D.D.T. Spray Pomogreen Dust Fruit Sprays Gardena!! Ant ond Grub Killer Slug Boit Cygon 2E Fungicide Spray Weed Killers Tank Sprayers Hand Sprayers Dust Guns Gorden Hose ond Tools Lawn Sookers Melnor Sprinklers RXI5 Fertilizers Lown Seed Peat Moss | OPEN ALL MONDAY SATURDAY | DAILY DELIVERY COOPER-SMITH 16 Celine ¢t 723-2312 723-1139 Est. 1909 pee eB For FREE information--write, American School, Dept. 8, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Name Address CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash ~ 1 additional secutive additions! secutive additional words 2!c. cher o oe ie ght 1 yi malaalad tt Types Windows and Doors in- stalled and converted--Car- bs eel ports, Brick Block and Frame ion counts as} Garages -- Painting, Interior eounts two! ond Exterior -- Floor Tiling, Cleaning, etc. Hardwood Floors Laid, Sended and Cleaned -- Build o Dormer and add onother floor to your home ---- Increase your income and have privacy: Convert your home into « Duplex ---~ Bungalows conver- ted to two-storey. 336 BRUCE ST Phone OSHAWA 728-2061 Sub-office Bowmanville 623-3110 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Porking lots, gas station, etc Sera Se ieenaee ct | MAPLE LEAF Mom LANDSCAPING & MORTGAGE GARDEN SERVICE} LOANS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 20c per sq. ft. Five years For Sodding, Seeding, Top- | available for 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2col-) C cane Ge larger 10 a.m, day previous.| Written guarantee soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios and second mortgages. Open Plantings and Complete Lond- | mortgages. No bonus. First scaping Service mortgages, second mortgages 725 0611 and agreements for sale pur chased M. F. SWARTZ One of Oshawa's Largest Selection of 26% King Si St. East NURSERY STOCK Oshawa, rio Fertilizers and garden sup 723- 4697 | 7A $1.08; oe ton- 92.88; $5.04; | Insertion of 24 words, words, 4's¢, each) insertions of 24 words, words 2c. @ach 6 insertions of 24 words, each Spray FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial ex aminations for recognized certificate. Grades 6:13. All books ond supplies. Low monthly payments, income tax deductoble. For full tion write CANADIAN ACADEMY 40 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario Method of Counting -- counts a8 24 word: figure or abbrevi phone number word: Initial, one word; words. BIRTHS Eat SOCIAL NOTICE | $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents add! flonal charge !f not paid within @ days al MEMORIAMS | $2.25 'for. it 35 words and eo per line # not informa each the plus 12¢. verse; 25c. additional charge within § days. nll CARD OF THANKS $2.25 for the first 35 words and ce, each thereafter with 25c. additional charge |f not id within 8 days TUITION In Latin, French and Math by peid w' DAY J. C. Luck B.A, 513 Byron Street South, COMING EVENTS | Whitby. Telephone 668-3866. $2.24 per inch (display) first 20 words and Sc. (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD AD 5 So pm. DAY PREVIOUS $1.75 for the 'each thereafter |Janitor Service CELLARS CLEANED | romans repairs 2997 Trash way of discardables such as) | sppllances, furniture etc. 623-7276. |Money to Loan | WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a {reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile }purpose providing you are steadily em Sedan and have good credit Telephone) LOST AND FOUND 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION MENMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS 12 Years of Experience Terms available. As low as $2 per week. Please call us anytime for free estimates ond advice 723-0381 CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 am, DAY OF PUBL Any advertisement ca Heation will be charged on day's ton CATION elled before pub saa Moneys first BOX NUMBER RENTAL $).00 While every endeaver will be made to forward repiles to box numbers to the, advertisers as soon as possible, we ac-| cept no lability in respect of loss or| damege alleged to arise through either tallure or delay In forwarding such re-| piles, however caused whether by negli-| gance or otherwise. The Times will not! be responsible for repiles uncalled for in 20 days. i NO CASH We Take Trade-ins Additions © Waterproof Garages @ Eavestrough Roofing @ Chimneys Painting. @ Concrete Drivewoys @ Brick FREE ESTIMATES CO-ORDINATED REMODELLERS FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES ~-- All Classes ~~ City, Rural, Vacation SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 723-0966 ASK THE EXPERTS at 112 Simcoe St -725-3568 : : "Where Customers Send Their RUNDLE PIRSY AND SNCGRO ocean $400) iS Agile seton had aes Friends GARDEN CENTRE LTD and Hennlcky Barristers, 3) King Street for more space than that which the actua ea " 1015 King St. East error occupies, The publishers endeavor to reproduce ai! advertising matter cor-| 725-6551 all Pah pact gibi ned m ments of sale purchase: REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsibie| tor errors advertisements submitted) otherwise than in writing not for more! than one insertion of any advertisement | nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion In which error occurs In & | POWEP EQUIPMENT | Sales and Service | Toro an The Oshawa Times reserves the right to and Lawn Boy classify advertising according to its proper classification in the of and agree. Creighton, | Residential Telephone 723-0011 DOC'S SPEED & CUSTOM Reduced Sale on equipment, der parts 24 mechanic 10 skirts, Open 7 1600 King St wing E 728-778) chrome ace grills, dises cer days speed fen sliks. Rent A Piano SEE 728 HEINTZMAN & Company 79 Si ncoe € t. N Ltd Oshawa Telephone 728 2921 GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wrin: Le washers and ranges 742 or 793-001 Free estimates sed il] jAre and ACETYLENE welding "and cut. ting Phone 723-228), Reasonable rates. 'Septic Service | West, Surveyors H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land 112 Elgin Street Surveyors. 725-688) | Land. Surveyer 668-2563 East 509 Bloor East | Temoved,| septic TANKS cleaned Prompt service done. Telephone 723| on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Whitby, Phone |DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario : Commercial. blue. printa.| Ontario Street, TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced 7 to suit 25-5632. your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E, Just East of Ritson 723-813] \¢itY Tv Towers, [pairs jenue. Telephone 725-0500 | \2--Personel TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for Whitby- -668- 5679 | Add Additione \Well Drilling--Digging WELL "DIGGING by | ing j Street West, Pitheygodd King and Spadina, Mister Oshawa, TV TOWERS LTD Summer Prices ONLY 40' -- 1" Structor 1 40 Bag Structor 2 50' 1" Structor 1 Head 50° -- 1" Tower Structor 2 Heads 50 1% Heavy Duty Deluxe Tower Tower Head 49.00 59.00 59.00 Tower heads Tower Structor ROTORS to Tower Price Manual 50.00 Automatic 60.00 AST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 KING ST. WEST 723-9525 T.¥--FOWERS Rust Proof COLOURED T. V. or Black & White ----- 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 Rae's Radio & T.V also Dean antennas, All work guaranteed, 511 machine specializ- in 30-inch file Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. Removol of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be. in Oshawa, June 6, 7, and 8th Phone Genosha Hote! on these dates for appointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 WANTED for car from Oshawa to Toronto, Tele a 723-7264 after 7.30 p.m | YOUNG LADY in Whitby wishes ride to) veraRcRART" downtown om, | Telephone 668-4423 3--Sportsman' s Column $125 for season Oshawa arriving at 8.20 Write D. Muller, RR No. 2, Millorook, Ont W. Ward, 204 Chestnut aoe you wait. gerne Equipment : 2 WEEKS VACATION ? | i968 |Full price $195 __ | after 6 TRAILER HITCHES made and installed 668. Evinrude weekends. Ltd, ____ |CRUISER -- pane gas stove, tabs, pers. KAMPING UNLIMITED RENTALS SALES Complete line of campin and vacationing supplies. Re serve your rental items now FRANK KING 728-9942 TOM KIRK 728-9760 Townline Rd. North -- One Mile North of King St. E Oshowa NOW BEING TAKEN JACKSON'S TRAILERS Sales and Rentals 1487 Simeoe St. N 728-0261 or 728-37 RENTALS and SALES @ Cabin and Camping Trail- ers @ Everything for Trail- ers @ Coleman Stoves ete. Repaired s MILLER Harwood Rd. AJAX 942-3491 | TRAILER HITCHES made and install 48 also all types of welding done, reason- 723-| jable. Portable equipment for rent. 6840, | TRAILER FOR RENT -- 15' cabin trall- ice box, partially equipped, electric. Byt week-end | lawn ta 0 er, sleeps 6, propane stove, week, Phone 725-2595 16 FT. CABIN CRUISER for rent, week, canopy and axle hitch at-extra-cost-Phone 722-1058, answer call 655-3557, ava if HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps four. Complete DESPERATE -- ly furnished. No inside stove. $$45 week- ly. Phone 942-2033 5S HP "CLINTON" cruise @ day tank 0402. | SPECIAL, 13-foot Hi-Lo, $950. Will on terms. Apply at Solina Road - No. |Highway, six miles east, Oshawa, RAMSDEN tagaiong | sleeps four tent Telephone Whitby Why not make it the whole summer? Forget that costly 2 weeks and invest in lasting A BOAT from your Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD i Off Simcoe St. S, 723-8186 16° CRUISER, 40 horsepower, Excellent condition, Can be seen at Rice Lake. Telephone Bowmanville 623-7222. Grew Traveller boats, motors. Open evenings Marine Storage Brooklin, 455: 3641 ft fun arbo spotlight siren, Call 723-3806. motor with Deal NEW AND USED sinks, tollets and wash/ up Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Ty: $70. Telephone 728. "yell | LARGE "QUANTITY of used lumber trailer, Two air mattresses included. Terms arranged. 668-2455 | 15.00 each Evinrude. and and Supply Shepard twin 95 HP | 728-973) Chrysler engines, 2 driving positions pro- |WANTED -- Members 2 for | trout club, refrigerator head, twin| 1766 RAINBOW and windshield wi-| ,, ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, inch and |@ quarter tower structure with double 8-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95, Telephone 72 723-613) TYPEWRITERS, adders, c ) registers, ms, trad- desks, chairs, file cabinets, Teri es. New, used, rentals service, Bill | Hemiiton, Raglan. | COTTAGE 1ALS 5 pe. chrome di- \nette sultes, $34.88; smooth tep mattres- |ses $28; continental beds from $39.95; bunk beds $59; space saver davenports $48 Wilson' s Furniture, 20 Church Street. |FLOOR COVERING ciearouts "discontin- re |Ued patterns. Out they go, from 29 cents |per ft. Wall covering clearance 48 cents |per_ft. Wilson _Furnitur |CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS ci era and light bar projector, screen and Two 39' continental headboards (new), three knotty pine coffee tabies (new), three photo. cameras with flash attachments. Phone 728- BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Pretty |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-271. | [fasta UsH -- Te cord. 69 00 f Fipepaagae ny lof Noor models, 2 be sultys with team - shions from rn 4 ' RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG | fushions trom te suciiorels trom Siehe red TENT CAMPING TRAILERS Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. 74.50 @ RENTAL BOOKINGS MOVIE OUTFIT "Beil and Howell" cam BUEHLER'S 12 King St. E 723-3633 USW -- Telephone daytime 723-0444; evenings 668-651 | BABY CARRIAGE and bed. Slightly | |used. Phone 668-4075, Whitby SNOW TIRES and rims, 650 x 19, one \front mat; child's rocker, mobile horse Jand fire engine. All in good condition. | | Telephone 728-0489 after 5 p.m. } |FISHING RODS and reels repaired, ail Coleman products. Sportsman's Corner,| | 103 Byron South, Whitby (Block west ai] four corners) ONE GILSON 21 cu. con Alse we tenes, Meintesh, fi 50 per bus. Bring Ltd, PPL and trolled etmospher: =| 18t grade Mac's, feet floor model|Algoma Orchards freezer, $160 or best offer. Apply ia Whitby, Church St., Oshawa. RDERS fort % Preah res Toasting NEW CHEST of drawers, clothes eitial, nics 47 carts per pound. Deliver " 4 dog house, kitchen table, kit jon 10 or more, Telephone 728-529 728-529) jchen chair, space heater and drum. a Ca Telephone | 723-2164 seer (Ganda re red rhubarb fo for your .| COMPLETE three rooms of furniture for rea | +3ele Only two months oid. Telephone 723- /65 "Need the room, must o--. sell aquaria, all sizes, gd equipped. | 1 --Farmer's er's Column _ p.m. Telephone 655-3107 after 5 i |DEAD A AND ¢ CRIPPLEDferm stoc Stock picked |basins, Furniture bought and sold. Tele- | Taertacee wolleet Hampton 263-272). Lie | phone 668-2231, =| 4+C-66, wi|11--Pets ¢ and 'Livestock 2) jough to build a house. Will only sell Ye or all. Phone 728-8882 | SHETLAND Wel PETERBORO cedar skifts 14 foot used| cig, rTLAND Welt gonia thee year 100.00 each, Oi! space heaters, good shape Oli heated hot water tanks|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready jlike new $0.00 each. International sail penne: talking in. Apply Mra. T. |boat, Best offer will be considered. Apply| Broad, 114 Elgin |P.0. Box 1, Peterborough, telephone J./§T. BERNAR "Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 jlent pets and pd ge 'den }p.m | Brooklin 655-4760, NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers | BRITTANY SP, pairs to all_ makes. New hoses. Shane Pionship, hunt! ANTE BUS, male, charm Jack Lees, 728-6956 aes Telephone 725-1168 or 'apply 536 Li ; batteries, tires, BEAGLE P male 5 TTS Wie ih ie Dan hc ee PUPS female 5 weeks old. Re tered fi iY |starters, 6V, 50 c.; 12V 90c; batteries bose i fleld trial, breeding, Telephone | $1.50. 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street. RELIABLE BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, useo. parton wanted | Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| | Street East, 725-6344, \72 TV TOWERS Speciei -- 40-ff. structure, MOTH he K; channel antenna, $50, TRIO prucure.| Mor BR's hi area | Toronto 783-8549. FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qu RABBITS over i00 | a ae ity furniture, only $299, Inc., com te 100 cages Please' phone 725 bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem bles. Pay only $3 weekly Unbeatable QUARTER HORSE, broken, wee ai and s.|value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424) Eng! ish, Two shetiand ponies, very quiet, Simcoe $ mab ah baggy complete with bridle and |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaived| ™aringale. Telephone 728-1097. Jat Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, 2 registered, excel: Also boarding. fed to care for jtwo pre-school children in home for July Lg Puget Lake Vista area. Telephone 18-9048 6 p.m. REGISTERED thoroughbred gelding, Bee old; phe leg hunter and --_------____--__--_ jumper, weil schooled; sacrifice price conditioner, | Telephone 723-268% Mr. $500 or best offer. Must sell. Phone aia! sell. | 725-7851 or Toronto BA 1-9846. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS 4---Motorcycles : oa ARE BEST DUCATI WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! @ BSA @ TRIUMPH Accessories Pirelli tires, goagles, jackets, gloves, Buco helmets. Repairs and service AB's Motorcycle SHOP 114 STVENSON RD. SOUTH 728-7780 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES models on display NEW ---~ USED 728-5286 ONTARIO CYCLE OSHAWA 140 King W., 728-1422 OPEN EVENINGS 35 HP. outboard (used 50 hours). $395.;washer, clock, radio, ELECT RON ICS |Apply 1418 Dundas Street East, Whitby, jcall 723-5466. Pay up to $5. Will pick up Ph 668-2231, SUZUKI "-- |FREEZER 21-11, Gilson, in goed condi-| PAINTED bookcase, chest '4 COLOR T.V | fdr All models on display 7--Swap and. Barter jtion, Phone 728-8215 morning. Jand child's swing set with slide guaranteed rectly, but as: no tiability of adver-! tisement if ar in any form} --r Orynan, Murdoch and Victor, are contained therein fers' RST AND SECOND "mortgages av le. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock | North, Whitby 668-3338. (See 'Bar Tr) es FITTINGS, counters show cases |12--Articles 'Wanted _ and. mannequins. Apply Breslins Ladies} Johnson motor, electric start. Tee-Nee trailer. 312 Dundas Street West, Whitby. [Weer melita or. _teleahons _ 440-3281 | Tere EAUTIFUL, full-length, wedding dress, Sane aH, red cedarstrip, Phone 723| with tit crinoline and veil, Site 9.10, $90, ain <awvemenm | Telephone 728-7452 \-FT. CEDARSTRIP boat with windshield) HarURAL as stove, tour-burnera and steering lag In good condition. Price! ven. Two nospital beds, with mattresses, $125, Phone 728-2166 new wheel chair, large two-room tent, kit- 114' SPORTS' runabout, chen tent, range with kaymac burner. Oth- Mercury and Tee-Nee trailer, er furnishings suitable for cottage. Charis, lphone 723-5366 table etc. Call Bowmanville 623-5337 after | RACING BOAT with 12HP Elio and 1aia|4_-™ aininntasiipuinelilbcaiasials |foot cedar strip fibre glass hull, with! BAI BARGAINS. Carriages $29.95, | trailer, $239. Telephone 723-1937 Strollers Pie Biola hr mite play pens $9, chrome high chair '6S 16-FOOT Tibregiass "runabout, con lible' top, 28 Johnsen motor with teenes Wilson's Furniture, 20 ) Church Street, trailer. Many.-extras. Best offer, Tele-|BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap. Iphone 668-5033 pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-24 | TWO SAILBOAT demonstrators, |Movette, one 16° Peregrine Day sailors complete. Call 839-1742 FOR SALE - '64 West Bend (Chevsie Commercial 18' MOULDED piywood boat, Industrial Repairs Alterations Additions --- Remodelling For al! your Construction Needs SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ D -- Required $2000. | @ Evergreens @ Grading @ MONEY WANTED @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- | Secure by first mortgage. Telephone grass @ Complete landscap 723-0966, H @) ree 5539020 |Optometrist TRI. . i Gia TELEVISION LSIDE LANDSCAPING Canes Head Ged Diisin Bloor St. East 728-5143 |GirL's two-wheel sidewalk t bicycie, in good condition. Telephone Whitby 668- 6977. 1005 Walton Bivd., Whitby WANTED -- Used nouse trailer wih 12 to 18 feet long. Good condition. 17'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 toilet. Telephone 728-5020. : si Good USED FURNITU have 30 horsepower you? Pa Creek, \6 Bond. Street West, 28-440) $595. Tele- INDEX TO ey * JAMES ALLEN & SONS CLASSIFICATIONS c 725-6126 1--Women's Column a ss 2--Persona! ter el, : F snaramen's Column rge and smail fobs. L No ] Field Sod Za Jumarevecles Rooting and Construction, 725-693 under 200 sq. yds. 20c de S--Trallers COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS | 200. d Cherie Gu | vered, 2 sq. yds. and up ayy faire inbeeranea Aa! MM! TBC delivered. Sod laid 38¢ sq. vd. Free Estimates &--Articies for Sale o--Market Basket FOR ALL your home improvements general construction and guaranteed BETHANY LANDSCAPING 623-5246 F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, Street North, Suite 4, Oshawa 123-419) 136 Simcoe Telephone aapaia to fishing rods and reels and all Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west ot four corners). REFRIGERATORS, $24. beds, $127 new smooth top mattresses, $19.95; Stoves, $24.95, cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; Space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used, Vailey ,| Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440) Painting and Decorating HAVE Your PAINTING done now, in iterior, exterior, all work guaranteed |Free estimates. Lloyd Simpson, 728 9876 PAINTING -- Interior atd exterior by expert painter and decorater. Call fo 'ree estimates 723 643} N. BARON Pai inting and eotgls IC and Papering. Estimates free. Phone 723-5 al TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING pment All one 20° ies Paceship. $$ pri Dunbarton | canoe manufacturing an _. | TELEVISION "General set laundry tubs with 3-8131.! GOOD USED furniture wanted, sc. Highs "Qi-inch;|est prices, Call anytime. 668-548 Wringer | 6526, : he Beebe th pool table.| USED POWER lawn mowers and bicycles, sales, "Electric, fittings small 10--Farmer's Column Vi--Pets and vestock workmal ship ci Call 668-2179 = it by pattie ond tr eas ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS ae : ;rooting, chimneys, eavestroughing, 14--Business Opportunities | 1S--Employment wanted a, MaeRery. Gord May, Wanby:| 16~Agents Wanted saseia OO Seo | 17--Femaie Helo Wanted ROOFING chimney: types of 'eament . eles 1a_Male Help Wanted work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops tl ty Kentucky Blue Grass. Also 19---Male or Female Heip Wanted McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-306) some No. | field-sod. Pick up ve | Estate & er a - r / Sac Frcacion NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco.) Od save We also deliver Rug-Upholstery Service 21--Farms for Sele sidewalks; re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free, ond lay ° DYEING SERVICE @ Blom ter 3 estimates. AC. Woods, 728-2420 or Mice Attar ot ye ay faded' or Z--Real Estate Wanted en tune 668-4965 bah ir i the 24-Stores Offices and Sto ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling roto cultivated wall-to roadioom 2---Houses for Rent new and used materials. Reascnable| GARDENS, ' Telephone 658-3239 ra et i|RAINBOW Col OR RE-NU} < % Apartments fc, rates. Estimates free. 728-1191, J. Foley |lawe s mowed open ae ne |PLASTERING, new and repair work,|SCl8?. ; work guaran-| TREE TO TRIM? Cal! Slim. Or KING ST. WeST pice PHONE 728-5387 FREE ESTIMATES 2---Wanted to Rent stucco and cement walks, %--Automobiies for teed. 668-538) them down. Free estimates 725-51) 128-0610 All work auaranteed. 723-4840 | LAWNS mowed and hedges trimmed ec i nit ne bb hed by experts = son Ca rkmar ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete Get) Very "easonable. Cali 72 M4 CARPENTRY -- New and repairs, block! and coment work. Free estimates 28.1080] TOP SOIL with or without manure. Man estimates, Credit terms. Mattresse your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents| LAWN MOWING wanted, guaranteed|bullt, furniture retin shed. Oshawa 'square foot, All work guaranteed, 723-0281.!work. Telephone 723-8846, | fire NURSERY SOD Now cutting Choice quali Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold Stark Ltd, Plumbing. Heating and Engin fering, 255 Simcoe Street South rawers Im Phone mediate Delivery. Low down | €ABINETS with sink or vanity basin $39.;BABY CRIB and mattress, $15, electric) 723-1248 after 5 p.m. eee poyment, $19 monthly. Com Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres-jrange nine months old, $95, Telephone|cozy J RANCH Kennels, German Shep ' lete line of accessories. Open | 3UF@ systems, tlushomatics, septic tanks,| 728-3224. _.|herd pups, 6 mos. Champion bloodlines, Rieke? : P pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers,| THOR WASHING machine. good cendi.|Stud services. Pony. Ashburn 655- 54642, Black. and White } 'till 9 p.m : Garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside] tion, one year old, $75 , cash. Telephone | -- | Oshawa 195 King W and Park South, 723-7088 | 725-6429 Whitby 1206 Dundas E | 000 CHEER furnace, all controls. ill sg tank, thermostat, all in A-1 condition. May rio oe pie kage At a |be seen operating. Telephone 725-5700. | eedway champs), Sales United Rental and Marine, | TEE-NEE BOAT trailer, 9 x 12 ranch st ~| Bast, 728-5565. tent, three folding beds with mattress | ---- - Call 725-8494 after 3 p.m ' HONDA, 1965. red $90, A.) condition, | | | ~=-- Wear, Men's Formals, White 4,000 miles. Best reasonable offer accept-| % |GUARANTEED used wringer washers.) Fox Furs, Mink Stoles led. Marian Auto Ltd Telephone 728-7460. VACUUM repairs, all makes, television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up.! - _ jAlcan Furniture and Appliance, 452 Sim ' '1 HARLEY DAVIDSON, good condiln | VACUUM repairs-all_ mak SARGEANT'S_RENTALS | brushes. livery, Telephone 728-411] before 6 p.m jPieming Vacuum ee ae 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 coe South 723-0011 VIKING 21" television, tair condition, best] ckering Sitar, Telephone 728-257 |ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred NEW SMITH-CORONA Galaxie |! type-| TURBINATOR hair dryer, used six|peopie? Oshawa fennis Club for ban- writer, Steinberg prize. Mrs, Brown. :mienths, $35, Telephone Port Perry 98$-|quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitcheg, Telephone -725-5226, Ina7, \parking, 723-214 marninos. All work '13--Articles. For 'Rent ock 728-4242 Rae 6642/8 Articles for Sale nd ent n* RCA. VICTOR, suitable: "for cottage. | $55 Ki ing | Reasonable Phone 668-855! |BROWN AND BEIGE Thistle baby car jrlage, in excellent condition; crib an mattress: 9 wall tent. Reasonable Telephone T.R.1.O. Television 728-5143 ce Call Only $2.50 FAST T.V. SERVICE Sap elit TELE ION 549 to 9 i) ne f aw Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es; Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Rent or uphol Sale 3--Automobies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found M--Lega! 37---Auctions 3%--Coming E 9--Nol pes "hoses 942-0213, r | Kurik, 668-3906 or 668-6980. Pp repair pe. structural and. repairs, special Main Street,! Establish guaranteed. F RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want Ads give you speedy help, in any kind of | weather. To buy, sell, hire or rent tele-| phone 723-3492, rt e co ons Up-| 728-5 | 2 GENERAL: WELDING SERVIcRS --|UT* end also shredded Yop soll. William e holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725,031}, pm |