Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jun 1966, p. 15

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'Disabled Homes {ton wriahle fr trommodaie' Witch Doctor ae ne ews ee ee Oe ee Bill Introduced en Cee aa Ag Proves Useful weather at the embassy garden;the costs of the operation which , 'ai : party in honor of the Queen'. a ted to 20-Ethiopian dol- TORONTO (CP) -- i": erly i ie re af ig ADDIS ABABA (Reuters)--| birthday. jlars (about $8.50), tion to set up Ontario's proposed| care in homes tor the age r Saga, sf F siete of ae homes oe handi-l/in hospitals may eventually be|The services of a witch-doctor | Sir John Russell, the British, Addis Ababa had been |capped adults who need continu-|moved to rest homes, This|were successfully employed by|ambassador, who has employed|Plagued with almost continuous ling care was introduced in the| would help relieve bed agg British embassy in this|the same witch-doctor on pre-jrains and the day before the llevislature Monday by Welfare|on the existing institutions. Ethiopian capital to ensure fine! vious occasions, personally metl garden party it poured. Minister Louis Cecile. aR SS vere enenemer en see 2 8 ts a | Under amendments to the ° ° |Homes for the Aged Act, the Life insurance now province will make grants of 50 ea mae per cent of the cost to cities, can save money \counties or separated towns wi d which build rest homes. The f s province also will pay 70 per or young marrle cent of operating costs. ; : : Adults of any age will be ad- Ask any independent financial counsellor. With mitted to the homes if two phys- few exceptions they'll advise life insurance as one iiane Cooma see meceneee: of the first steps towards financial security. For young people it's generally the only way to create | C B d instant and substantial capital to replace earning | OW ran power. And the younger you are when you buy, Awarded Fellowship U OF T GRAD Gains Science Degree | is good for a the lower the premiums. : : ca faua Aasiatine. son Rane took, sm ot ME: Sonn: F.-%. Bonner; BA, David Sturgis, son of Dr. You'll save money in another way too, if you of Mr. and Mrs. .Vernon and Mrs. W. A. Scott of Osh- son of Mr, and Mrs. Dwight and Mrs. D. E. Sturgis, of ; buy cash value life insurance. This contains a P. Andrey | Asselstine, RR 3, Burke- awa, received.his BA degree Bunner, graduated from 153 Simcoe Street North, cars too | living cash benefit that grows through the magie Representative a ; . . , : : Bus, 728-7391 ton, graduated on May .23 from the University -- of Emmanuel College of Vic- Oshawa, was awarded a of compound interest. Your policy cash value can Res. 725-2502 wlin£'Ba'tegee honors | 'oronla on June i Mr. | foun Univeraiy,, Tora, | Bache of tomenaenity | Rasmac aa "APS be used to finance a colle education in the future Pipecntad Posi ae on om Collegiate. He lane t0 of Divinity. He was ordain- convocation on May 27. i be removed easily from a or to add toa retirement income. In the meantime seen awarded o fellowship | return to the university in |- ed to the Christian Ministry |" || ieee. Serintle it's available to you in an emergency, or for a for further studies at Me- the fall to do post-gradu- in' the United Church of 'SAVED FROM FISHING' || onadamp sponge, wipe, business opportunity. For example, it's about the best loan collateral you Ini ity i t vork in French and Canada by the Bay of 'STON - SUPER - M '|| then rinse with clean ae) i : +e, 3 " : Master University in the Pet tiaras. Gials Gontevence io king WESTON - SUPER - MARE, | ya, "And "for more can have. "Do you-own any life insurance?", is one of the first questions fall. : sion on May 25. He wil! |EXNGLAND (CP)--Somerset an) efficient battery opera- your bank manager will ask. 5 frande lank serve Coe Hill-St. Ola Pas-|Leslie May was fishing in the || Henk eulsing seedy How do you fit life insurance into your budget? It's easier today than ever. Representative" BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE toral Charge in Peter- |River Axe when a RAF heli-|| with a paste of Cow [gem Manufacturers Life's Manu-Matie Cheque Plan will provide for an automatic Bus, 728-7391 borough Presbytery. lcopter from a nearby airbase | ®'*"d 8aking Soda. monthly deduction from your bank account and free you from budgeting Res. 655-4520 ® d roared out of the sky and N os. worries. Ask the Man from Manufacturers to tell you more. You'll like his rea an onvicie PC Head Sveaks winched the startled fisherman [) 1 ; friendly and competent approach to your life insurance problems. Ly up. He was halfway to hospital er before he could explain he Rau Brand 27th Similar Charge On Vote Result ist fmrrhe Baking Soda -- MANUFACTURERS LIFE TORONTO (CP)--Alvin Ham- must have been a false alarm An Uxbridge man who was $50 and costs and barred from sentenced last week to a total' driving for three months. of five years on 26 counts of Lorraine Raphael, 835 Oxfore breaking, entering and_ theft, et Oshawa, eapegt og to s convicted Monday in Osh-) failing to remain a ne scene" j : : on court, after pleading guilty of an accident. ica pr aaapesciagee Hheeg nt to a 27th charge of the same Ina preliminary statement to aa: Bie ain os nega "| offence. police -- said "I'm glad I hit % ' ba » Go e708 : k . 8. 5 'Beirn, 25 as sen-|it, it shouldn't have been park-| Addressing th nual confer Penn pthadaoet: Sally erintha ed there." =, of oe 5 Pome s for stealing change out of a Pete hare gdp tht cigaret machine at the Chil-/ A 16-year-old Oshawa youth eee Bey : Jeb ' Magistrate Jer-|Was given a 12 months' sus- member of Parliament for Qw'- = aor the term to be Pended sentence and forbidden Appelle, Sask., criticized Mr me " cpbeaid t. to apply for a driver's licence Gordon for his 'mild approach" ane oe during that time for failing to to the question. Last week in hfs g pe remain at the scene of an acci- Mr. Gordon is former Liberal was sentenced rip yee mitted dent. finance minister who recently years for break-ins com Kenneth Paul Lee, 611) wrote a book, Choice For Can- in Oshawa, Uxbridge, Stouff- Christie Ave., pleaded guilty to ada, on the nation's economic ville, Unionville and Markham the charge. prospects. during February and March bac 2 ' Magistrate Jermyn said there yr, Hamilton said Mr. Gor egies vat nie gon sired ' red A re don's proposed restrictions on saughlin Collegiate student be-| foreign-owned companies and va man who atlempt- : : | foreign r Pa Neer oeamnary penny | Cause somebody else would!foreign investments should be off as a rare collector's item -- have sd vg upstate he replaced by more positive nt see was involve in an acci- measures. was remanded in custody for one week so the magistrate -- driving with no l- He said Canada can produce could look up similar caseS) "11, jater testified to police he ™8"Y manufactured item s in the law. drove off Satin he ta afraid) Cheaper than the United States Russell Armour, 59, 191 King|to tell them about the accident,|ecause of the availability of from someone who thought May 9S cae . INSURANCE COMPANY ilton, former Conservative agri- fo was in trouble i culture minister, said Sunday he supports Walter Gordon's suggestions for economic and St. W., pleaded guilty to mark- iron ore, water and energy re- ing a 1936 penny to make it Five men pleaded guilty in *®'V®* } f : » look like a "'dot" penny. separate cases to charges of : 2 Crown Attorney Norman Ed- being drunk in a public place. CONTEMPTIBTES RETIRE s mondson said a dealer who in- Thomas Buckley, 16, was) LONDON (CP) -- The "Old nocently passes on a forged fined $50 and costs or seven) Contemptibles" marched for the coin can ruin his reputation. | days -- with no time to pay the) rast dine to the stesing of Tin. Magistrate Jermyn_ told $50. ; : Armour he was postponing sen-| Claude Marsden of Port) perary in their annual meme tence for one week so he could Perry was fined $50 and costs|rial parade through London. look up similar cases. lor 30 days -- with no time Veterans of the original British "We don't have many cases allowed to pay the fine. |= | fxpeditionary Force in the like this. As you know law in| Campbell Scharff, 25 Division early months of the First World this country is based on prece-|St., Oshawa, was fined $25 and|war--the army Kaiser Wilhelm dence," he said. jcosts or 15 days. Police found | dubbed "contemptibly small' -- A 1936 'dot' penny -- accord-|him lying in the police station'the old soldiers are nearly all ing to the Standard Catalogue of parking lot more than 70 and the parade Canadian coins -- is worth up-. Bert Corby, 53, Palmerston) organizers think future marches ward of $1,500. In mint condi-|Ave., Toronto, was fined $10 would be too much for them. tion the catalogue values a 1936, and costs and a further $10 and a "dot" penny at $4,000. costs for having liquor. He was) given the alternative of a total! A-man-whe-failed-tolive up of.20 davs behind bars, to the conditions of his suspend- Dominic Fleury, 67 Simcoe ed sentence was remanded in St. N., Oshawa was fined $50 custody for one week pending|and costs with the alternative a pre-sentence report. }of 30 days in jail. Magistrate Jermyn gave Wil- SoS Rs liam Thompson, 80 Oakes Ave., Oshawa yg ite ae sentence Doug Sanders on condition he stop drinking, . find a job and keep out of St ll L d trouble for one year. 1 ea $ But yesterday in court it was PALM BEACH GARDENS, learned Thompson had started Fla, (AP)--Gene Littler, who drinking again and quit his job. won $12,000 for his second-place finish in the Memphis Open, An Oshawa man who pleaded) moved into eighth place among | guilty to striking a police offi-| professional golfers with $35,893 cer was sentenced to tw0lin total earnings this year. months in jail. Doug Sanders continued to John Karpovitch, 48 Albert pace the pack with $74,549, St., struck Oshawa Constable made up of $54,551 in official Westbrook while he was trying winnings and $19,998 in unoffi- to confiscate a bottle of wine cial money, the Professional from a woman in a car. Golfers' Association -- reported MEL KR UGER "T was drunk at the time and Monday. . I-don't recall none of it," Kar-- Gay Brewer moved to second Representative povitch said. place with a total of $55,988 SUN LIFE Magistrate Jermyn said while Jack Nicklaus came from drunkenness was no excuse for fifth last week to third with striking a uniformed police offi-'$54,303. He was followed by Assurance Company cer. Frank Beard at $51,027, and Ar- of Canada nold Palmer, who slipped to A woman who struck a parked fifth with $47,967 in official win- HOME: BUSINESS: car while she was leaving a car nings but was second in total 723-7900 725-4563 park in her own car was fined money at $66,801 The Essence of Elegance! Dynamic 88 Holiday Sedan Olds luxury is everything you could ask forin a fine car. you probably thought just didn't exist. any more. Only That's probably why the reasonable price comes as such your Olds dealer has them like this. So drive away in a a surprise to most people. And right now your Oldsmobile new Olds soon. You'll never drive a better deal. The sheer wonder, hn od convenience of your More than this, with 3 ei Vis ew Gee | dealer is doing his best to keep that price at a rock-bottom own mind... it ii * . lind Gels Acta ee Ma eet mene | low. Which makes this the perfect opportunity to get ac- n "eh Why delay? Enjoy this excursion to a mi | gins, filled with healthful, meaningful living for ot living by placing your phone call Big on you and yours, Our pool experts will satisty you every need, quainted with Olds. Honestly, you won't know what you're z Symbols of Superierity! missing until you've seen, driven and priced an Olds. And Sio i & ® GM ia . > : © sos am ania 'nung, nn oe once you have, you'll be ready to make the kind of a deal 05668 tile-smooth viny! liner, steel side Priced to fit you ke th walls, skimmer, all plumbing and with little or Fe Sout chat equipped with a famous, self- Short -- z MAJOR POOL contained "A&G" compact filter! easily aint ys @ Three super sizes to choose from urns your property into an ee : ' * : . 4a eae IE 36" and 20x genre tusk ene ons your Authorized Oldsmobile Dealers in Oshawa -- Whitby h safety diving area! EQUIPMENT CANADA LTD. «© A Spartan poo! is maintenance: wing tang atime, of healthful nemesis ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. NURSE CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE LID. 140 BOND STREET WEST. OSHAWA, ONT. 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONT, PHONE 725-6501 PHONE 668-3304 BE SURE TO SEE "BONANZA" OVER CHANNEL 6 AT 9 O'CLOCK SUNDAY NIGHT 690 Drake St. 725-9151 EVENING 725-366)

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