1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 7, 1966 BRIDGE Sy 8. JAY BECKER (Top ™ Individue! Chompionship Play) West dealer. North-South vulnerable, BUZ SAV/YER Ae You DpAgv/000' BUMS TEAD? Opening lead--jack of hearts. Declarer's play of the hand would of course be more accu- rate if he could see the oppo- nent's cards, However, in some hands it is not necessary for him to actually see the adverse cards; declarer can visualize them just as effectively as if he had seen them because the bid- | ding or the plays already made jtell him precisely which cards }each opponent has. | For example, take this hand jwhere South is in three no- |trump and West leads a heart. South takes the jack with the queen and does "ot have to be a genius to figure out that West, who opened the bidding, probably has each and every ; one of the 12 high-card points THINGS ARE LOOKING UP/ LAST MONTH ae [All that dec wee DON'T HAVE NOTHIN! THE MIRA GHOULD Bes \ | TRANGM MIRA --I HOPE Pa e hy re 'out ge TREASURY!) Cee US BLS ee aie ON ng ine tricks based' on MINUTES, CHALKIE. CHALK of making nine tricks based on 70 BREAK the know. ledge he has. INTO THE BEIRUT This is not really a difficult . BEACON @ task, once South puts his mind to it. He wins the heart lead with the queen and plays a low |spade towards the queen. If West goes up with the king, the rest of the play is auto- | matic. South winds up with nine | tricks consisting of three spades two hearts and'four diamonds. If West follows low on the spade at trick two, dummy wins the trick with the queen jand South can now count | eight tricks consisting of two | spades, two hearts and four |diamonds. A club lead estab- | lishes trick number nine. | The non - thinking declarer who makes no effort to diag- nose which cards are missing, or how they are divided, could easily go down on the hand. He might win the heart lead with the queen, enter dummy with a diamond, and take a spade finesse, losing the trick to the king. West would then force out the ace of hearts, and South would eventually have to go down one as a direct result of his failure to think things out, SALLY'S SALLIES Pobre: SLOBBOVIANS, WHO'VE BEEN MADE US. COULD!! BUT YOUR PAPERS SAY DOGPATCH EXPECTS YOU/T SPREAD Mf WE GO AT EM FROM THREE DISAPPOINT ane ny CAN'T HIDE FROM US ALL { THEM Z", THEY I BY OL? CAMP, TONTO/ LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER 1 6 MY DUTY TO REPORT... WE NOW HAVE A DEFICIT IN THE TREASURY,/ SECRET AGENT X9 © Keg Fee eee ns ea Wad mae ee TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. { 12:00 NOON \l--The Mery Griffin Ghee %-Toronto Teday |}-2--Jeopardy T--Money Movie | @-Luncheen Cate Channel 11--Hamiltes | Channel 9%~Toronto | Channel 8--Rochester | 1 Spy Channel 7--Buffale | ere Magering Channel 6--Toronte 7--The Fugitive Channel 4--Buffale 4--CBS News Special | 4-News ond Weather Channel 3--Barrie des ro | Popeye end Pate A i | Channt' 2--Buttele | reid ts ubilc Eye | 12:18 Pm icicle oA we w | 11:00 PM | 4--Mpeeker of the Mowe 5:00 pe Neer eeet- ng tig "na Family Theetre 1 * Lond 11--Noontime 7--Cheyenne Hi18 P.M. 8-2--Post Office 8--Superman 2--Tonight Show $-4---Search for Tomorrow 4--Passport Te Adventurs| ¢---Viewpeln d---Neon-dey Report 3--Armchair Travelier 11:39 Pom rat 2--Mike Douglas | P4--Lete Show iam $:30 P.M. +--Hight Metre $--Dobie Gillis 17,90 ay é--Music Hop N--The Saint pe pv pak 'ne 3~--77 Sunset Strip | 8-4--Tonight Show 8--Dialing For 6:00 Pan. | ae Girl talk 7 gh ili sh anneyre } 1:40 PAM. 7~Ben Casey $ Fas eo Sports with | ®-Plerre Berton é--Luncheon Date Chuck 'Healy é--Nightcap 4--Mest The Millers 12.10 P.M, 3--Movie 6:30 P.M, | 49-3-2--News; | 9--Milk and Honey 2--P.D.0 Weather; Sports | 12.25 P.M. 1:30 P.M, Sruntleyarmeey |11--News, Weather, Sports 9 james Beard Show aa co 1.00 P.M, &4--As The World Turne er BERL ade enloe Carlo. 2-8--~Let's Make @ Deal }--Littles' jobo WEDNESDAY 9--My Mother The Car . PMO. hal oe 6-Men in Crisis i | | 7--Confidential for Women | | +--Neows, Weather, | @4--Password | 2--Days of Our Lives | 2:15 PLM. | %--Dear Charlotte 2:3 P.M, %--People in Contile? +-4--The Doctors | 2A Time For Us &--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkietter's Perty 3:00 P.M, 9--Fractured Phrases O8--Ancther Wertd --@enere! Heapital +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 PLM. 1)}--Funny Company 9--Ite Your Meve 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show SHE FEEL TODAY? OKAY, SEND HER pay | THE ONLY ONE =| LEFT IN THE TYPING \ POOL? / pS Say ea P.M, +4--Buiding Light 1:00 PLM, CAN'T BUST DOWN THE DOOR TO E COUNTY JAIL. AN' STEAL MY TH PRISONER, SAY....2 WONDER IF...% aioe Dollars YOU'RE LOOKING VERY FIT TODAY, MISS. SHAG! THE CADDIES ARE ON STRIKE AT THE \ CLUB, ANDI WAS [= WONDERING... 9--T.V. University 1)--Albert J. Steed 9:00 A.M, 9--Romper Room 7--Dialing For Dollars With Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 8--Spectrum 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, Uncle Bobby 8--Smile Time 4--Love of Life 2--Jack LaLanne 10:00 A.M, 1--People 6--Meta 8-2---Eye Guess 4-i Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, \l--Ed Alien §-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed | 4-The McCoys 11:00 A.M, | £.2--Moerning Star }1l--Mike Douglas | 9--Mr. And Mrs. | 4--Andy Griffiths }--Ernie Lindell 7--Supermarket Sweep 11:30 A.M, 9--Abracadabra 3--Ed Allen Time 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2-4--Paradise Bay 4 Sports +<tor MM, Where Are Your 3--Gilligan's 2--Huntley- Report 7.20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 7.0 P.M, ~The Vise %--Musical Showcase ? § 2--My Mother The Car island Brinkley - | "Just think how many times he got up early to vaint YOUR HEALTH that sunrise!" 3--Hogan's Heroes Ke | 200 Pm | 1--Movie %--Gomer Pyle #2--Please Don't Bat The | | | _|very well, with more years still -|ahead of you. I beg to point out that there are different types of lupus, some much more dangerous than others. Remember also that we had no effective treat- ment for jupus until cortisone was discovered, and years were required to learn what it could do for the disease. The hospital you mentioned is one of 'the best in the world. I would rather. guess that they were right in the original diag- nosis, but 13 years ago they didn't know as much about treatment as now. Medicine doesn't stand still. Daisies #3--Red Skelton Hour | $:30 PLM. | %~F-Troop | &2--Dr, Kildare | JeAAcHale's Navy | 4---Red Skelton Complex, Baffling Diseases Confuse By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I have lu-! | pus erythematosus and rheuma- toid arthritis. [ am on a stabil- ized daily dose of prednisone. How often should I go for a _.| check-up and what tests do you |consider necessary? I have had jtwo, different medical opinions |plus others from friends. It is the difference in medical | 91 Love Lucy | b-The Match Game } | 63--Worlds In ge 9:00 PLM, 0--The Wackiest Ship In The Army GOLLY, MR.OTIE, I PIDN'T |. COOKIES COOLING ON IF 1 HELPED MYSELF | | SEE YOU THERE TILL IT GRANDMA'S KITCHEN $)\| |TO AFEW OF "EM/ | | WAS TOO LATE/ I'M 60. pcs pie WINDOW SILL 6MELL } i : a) Asari de WONDERFUL / ff) | : ye 4 Tat a M-M-M, BOY.' THOSE BET SHE'D GET MAD sapahi | 2--Merv: Griftin 4:30 PLM, [ PLEASE, I INSIST YOU TAKE ALL THE COOKIES YOU WANT/ --- and blood determination of su- chemical imbalances, if! any. It would not be necessary to make all of these checks at each visit, but they are repre- sentative of factors that bear observation in steroid use. Dear Doctor: In 1953 my case was diagnosed as lupus and 11--Secret Squirrel 9--~Movie | 8~Woody Woodpecker 6-3---Razzie Dazzle Movie 9:90 PLM, 3--Peyton Piece 63---Dick Van Dyke 4--Petticoat Junction CROSSWORD - 47. Bargain ACROSS 20, Dis- MUGGS AND SKEETER CHAS, ¢- KUHN- 67 , Spat ott TU MAKE iT a SIMPLE, MISS 1, Argument 5. Yield 9, Haunt 10, Farm animals 11. Rim of a wheel 12. Coins 14, Irritate 15. Room in a house: 48. Plant DOWN 1. Sled 2. Cloy 3. Troubled 4, Attempt 5, Finishes 6, Egress 7. See 9 across cover EME 22. Simple- ; e | tons ¢ | 24. Music 28, Trickle Le 29, Ernes Yesterday's Answer | Jopinions that confuses me, --|they did not give me long to | Mrs, J. W. Lupus (a |ment) and arthritis (a baffling one) are two of the group we /call collagen diseases, or dis- | orders of the connective tissues | of the body. Arthritis not infre- | quently develops after lupus has | appeared, complicated ail- live. I came home and am now being treated by a local doctor who says I have rheumatoid arthritis, which I control pretty well with aspirin and some cor- tisone, Were they wrong at the hospital?--Mrs. J. B. I guess we'll have to admit that they weren't very good at 8. Whole 11, Preposition 13, Leading actor 15. Beverage 19. Infallible abbr. 16, Pronoun 17, King of Bashan 18. Kind of pickle Since the cause of neither has been discovered, treatment con sists of therapy which helps the 30. Needle | fish 39, Man's name 82. Vetchlike 41, Away from predicting longevity, and after 13 years you seem to be doing patient even though we have no current means of offering a complete cure. herb storm. 33. Morsels 43. Grape 20. Friar's title 21, Blectric unit ee bes 36. Thicket 44, Hawks 4 77s The steroid drugs (prednisone Y being one) are the accepted} 23. More destitute 9 25. Anthropoid Ty treatment for lupus and_ inj} many cases help arthritis. The| 27. Unit of weight 12 steroids must, however, be used | with care, Side-effects can oc- 28, Dickens' wine seller cur, so it is necessary to keep! watch, 31. Peck 34. Eastern title The doctor who is treating 35, Heedless you is in the best position to judge how often you should see 37. Number on clock dial him, since he knows your condi- tion, knows your dosage, knows 38. Certain army how long you have been getting Steroids, and may very well officer: abbr, have some idea at least of how you may react to them. 39, Pinna 40. Bridge I defer to his judgment--but position 42, Lend weight since' you asked, I would say you ought to be checked every 44, Moves aim- lessly two months for any side effects. (Report any you noticed be- 45. Wicked 46, Curved Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .. popular, modern dime pack WRIGLEY's CHEWING Gum tween visits.) Checking would; involve your blood pressure, | any ebanges in weight, urine It may be that if you had developed lupus say 10 years sooner than you did, the hos- pital's prediction would have been correct. Let's just be glad things turned out the way they have. Dear Dr. Molner: Could a married couple, the wife with B-positive blood and the hus- band AB- negative, have chil- dren?--E. C. Yes, of course. Blood type has nothing to do with a couple's ability to have children. Note to Mrs. H. J.: Your druggist will have no difficulty in finding tolnaftate (Tinactin solution) listed in his current reference books. It still requires a physician's prescription, how- ever. You get more *o enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack 0% Wrigley's Spearmint... more of thet fresh flavour and lively taste!