bane _& THE OSHAWA TIES, Thundey, June 2, WHITBY GIRL GUIDES RECEIVE ALL-ROUND CORDS Twe members of the ist Whitby Girl Guides Com- pany were presented with _ their all-round cords at a Mother and Daughter ban- quet in All Saints Parish Hall this week. Guides Nancy Pollard (shaking '17th Century Fumiture 'Described At Meeting WHITBY -- The May meet- ing of the Antiques Club was held at the Valleyview Club 'House in Oshawa. After a short business meeting was cluded, the speaker J. C. Pape, was introduced by program chairman, Mrs. A. Ingram. Mr. Pape's address concern- ed the advance in furniture from the 1600's to the present. He illustrated his talk with colored slides of beautiful fur- niture, some of which may be geen at the Royal Ontario Mu- peum, others are in the shop of Joseph Yolles Antiques, To- ronto, The speaker made many points that are of interest to the collector. He said that early furniture retains a look of age even after it has been restored. Barly pieces were of oak and often were massive in size, Chairs, tables and _ benches evolved from the simple box form, Each age added its own embellishments to furniture, FIRST LEATHER Leather was used on chairs for the first time during the Cromwellian years. 1660-1689 Is known as the Restoration Per- fod because of the rebuilding con-| jod saw a new feeling in fur- nishings develop and a more delicate line was followed in de- signs. Furniture designs change lover a period of 20 or 30 years, the speaker said, pointing out that changes develop slowly Queen Anne who reigned for a comparatively short period, 1702-1714, had very little inter- est in ithe Arts. Still the furni- ture which was developed dur- ing her reign and bears her name is among the world's most beloved furniture styles and is popular with collectors to this day, Mrs, G, Thwaites thanked Mr. Pape for his interesting talk and expressed the feelings of all the members when she sald that she hoped he would come again and speak further on this fascinating subject. TO TOUR MUSEUM A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. M, Gunn and her com- mittee, The next meeting of the Antique Club will be held June 21 at Lakeview Park. After a pot luck supper members will tour Henry House Museum under the guidance of Mrs, R. N. Owens, chairman of the Mu- that was carried out after the great fire of London, This per- seum Committee and Miss C. | Abbott, Museum Curator, Lutheran | | Warns: 'R.C. Competition WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--An) American professor of religion! Wednesday advised Lutheran ministers and laymen to seek a better understanding of the Ro- man Catholic Church. Dr. Hagen Staack of Muhlen- | penalty points needed to break the Lutheran Church America. LOST OUR PURPOSE "We have become so practical we have lost our sense. of theological purpose," he said, "When Rome recovers from its | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Executive Named Two Youths BOWMANVILLE. -- In Magis-| trate's Court Tuesday two 21- year-olds found it costly to carry loaded firearms in a cat and discharge them on Sunday. Roger Snovall, 1049 King «to Oshawa, was fined $10 and $16/ costs, or five days, on the first charge, and $15 and costs, or an additional five days, on the second, He requested seven days to pay his fines, Richard Pawlowski, Hancock road, was fined $15 and costs, | or five days, on each charge. | | An officer patrolling Highway | 35 on a Sunday in April said he noticed a car parked on the north shoulder of the ramp leading to Highway 301. Two rifle barrels were protruding from a car window. As he watch- ed both weapons were discharg- \ed toward a field to the north. The officer added that he found a live shell in the breach of each rifle, He seized both | weapons. ) BACHELOR CONVICTED | A Toronto bachelor was con-| victed for leaving | of an accident and driving while |his licence was under suspen- lsion. Magistrate R. B,. Baxter | levied stiff fines and further sus- of Singing" was the title of the| BROOKLIN (TC) -- Exhibits|pended his licence for two lanthem at St. Mark's United|9f farm machinery, weed|years. -- : |Church last Sunday morning. spraying equipment, new auto-| John Cameron, Madison ave., The minister's message em-|Mobiles and house trailers ig | per guilty to both charges. | phasized the theme 'God, The|be added features of the Brook-| Leaving the scene brought a fine) Generous Giver', llin Spring Fair this Saturday. |of $200 and costs, or one month. | A Service of Dedication to| The junior farmers are spon-|Driving while his licence was Mission will be held next Sun-|soring a show of calves by under suspension cost him $100 day when representatives of the| members of the Junior Caif|and costs, or an additional 15 youth groups will present their|Club. The junior farmers wil] | days, | contributions to the mission|assist at the gate and hold a| The court was told that Cam-| work of the church. isale of home baking in the|eron, eastbound on Highway 401) Rev. Dr. Harold Lester,| arena. toward Trenton, decided to turn) superintendent of home mis-| The mothers' auxiliary andjoff for gas at the Waverley rd,| sions for the Bay of Quinte group committee of the Boy|service station, He missed the) Conference, will be the guest|Scouts and Wolf Cubs will have|turn and continued on to Liberty} speaker, a tent on th grounds, equipped|st., where he made a U-turn, | on ----~|with chairs and tables, where! colliding with a westbound ve-| fair visitors may rest, The/hicle. Estimated damage to the! groups will serve refreshments.|two cars was $800. hands) and Carole Avent are seen being congratu- lated by Captain W. J, Ed- wards, ist Whitby Com- pany, on receiving their awards. ooking on are Mrs. Pollard (second from left) and Mrs, Avent. Photo by Denis Studios . Many Exhibits 'Set For Fair Church Planning Missions Service WHITBY -- "With a Voice | Wife Of Reeve For Gun - Shooting Fray leach offense, |used sparingly as a pinch-hit- the scene|; Draw Fines | *y Bridge Club | WHITBY The Whitby |Duplicate Bridge Club elected its executive for 1966-67 at its' annual meeting and supper May 31. The new officers are: Mrs. P. Spratt, president, K. The accused proceeded on to rieete --_ he wr a Cunliffe, vice-president; Mrs. telephone call, then turned backiy ¥ 7 toward Toronto, At Liverpool rd.| py = pk sac treasurer; he ran out of gas and was pick-|"' . ells, director; H. Baker, edn hy Whithy OPP. assistant director; Mrs. E. Cameron admitted conviction|Bovay, social convener; Mrs, for impaired driving Jan. 24 of F. Wells, Mrs. H. Baker and soache' tance meapoanien, Sedna, nen SON § , an another Mar. 26 bringing a fur- and Mrs. H, Winter, press, ther six months' suspension. It was decided to make a fur- "This man_ places himself ther donation of $50 to the Whit- above the law," said Crown At-/D¥Y General Hospital Building torney G. F. Bonnycastle, ask-| Fund. A number of prizes were ing for a substantial fine for drawn. The results of the games in ~~ which 14 tables were in play) were: BRIGGS DISABLED PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Out-| ,, North Peay Oe Ll " fielder Jonn Briggs, bothered by) yi a a a back ailment, was placed on| Bovay and Mrs. J. Prost, 12714;|Bovay and Mrs. D. Nicholson, Mrs, E. Booth and Miss G. For-|144%4: Mr. and Mrs. J. Good- syth, 125%; Mr. and Mrs. H.jwin, 136%: Mrs. Baker and Baker, 122; Mrs. E. Bowman|Mrs,. Nicks, 120; Mr. and Mes. and Mrs. P. Irwin, 119. J. McCann, 127%; Mrs. ; East and West -- Miss G.| Watts and Miss N. Love, 12514. Consultations 668-8841 or 728-6661 the disabled list for 15 days Wednesday by Philadelphia Phillies, Briggs injured his back May 11 and has since been ter. r°"PLETE LINE OF QKo/ LITY NURSERY a 4 HIGH STOCK Everything for your gardening needs. Open 9 om, to % p.m. ven deys @ week, JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE Between Whitby end Ajox on Highway Wo, 2 PHONE 668-3396 brooklin product concrete "hyaitahl i for immediate delivery In the following capacities" 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE buo'ddTl § LTD. | | In Hospital | BROUGHAM The First |Lady of Pickering Township is jin Scarborough General Hospi- | tal undergoing surgery this week, Mrs. Helen Laycox, wife of Pickering Township's Reeve C. The Whitby Public School Board invites If You've Been Waiting to Bu ACT NOW! i | | | | APPLICATIONS for the position of BOOKKEEPER Applicants should heve Grade XI! in accounting, typing end in purchasing Is desirable. W. Laycox, entered the hospi- tal on Sunday, expecting major surgery the following Tuesday. Reeve Laycox expressed con- cern for his wife at a council meeting on Monday. night, and said that he would not be avail: | able for all of his commitments | in the next two weeks. stending and be proficient 1 office th Experi Sclory will be based on experience dnd. quelifications, Range: $3,800. to $4,800. Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 Duties to commence July 4th. BRAZIL WINS CUP TURIN (AP)--Brazil's Corin- thians of Sao Paulo soccer team defeated Spain's Espanol of Barcelona 5-4 in this north Ital- jan city Wednesday night to win the city of Turin cup tourna-| ment on better scoring from the Written applications including details of education, experience and references will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m, on Fridey, June 10th, a it te, Miss Mey A. Newman, Secretary-Treasurer, The Whitby Public School Board, 1125 Athol Street, | Whitby, Ontario. | a ye berg College, Allentown, Pa.,| centuries of unchanged tradl-. said that major changes in the | tion, it will represent a grave Roman Catholic Church will of- sneer. : Pe 6 " sn.-olher Dusiness, delegates fer "terrific competition" to the approved a resolution allowing Lutheran Church in the future. | congregations to make separate PROTECT Your Furs and Sloth Garments Dr, Staack, who attended the submissions to the special pro- final session of the Vatican ecumenical council last year as committee in the vincial government on religious education an observer for the Lutheran) public schools. World Federation, was speak- ing to the annual convention of the Eastern Canada Synod of Cleric Says Clergy Consider Divorce LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- A clergyman said Wednesday that "a staggering number" of United Church ministers..2re contemplating divorce. Rey, H. W. Vaughan, secre- tary of the church's board of colleges and schools, said at the London conference of the United Church that "you would be amazed" at the number of min- isters considering divorce, He However, the resolution warned that any independent brief on religious education in schools should not conflict with the position taken by the Synod. A brief, which will be sent to the government committee, said religion is part of education and a legitimate subject to be taught in school, It said teach- ers should be trained as spe- cialists in the religious knowl- ad 74 roe me her, Insured + Refrigerated Storage veulte on premises CALL 668-2345 WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. RED WING ORCHARDS Gold Storage Open Monday to Friday -- 7 «.m, to 3 p.m. Seturdays ---- 7 «.m, te 12 noon ROADSIDE MARKET CLOSED UNTIL THE FALL Whitby on No. 2 Highway a 150 Colborne St, WHITBY Omma'N ! t the for Have a good selection of SUMMER SHOES By; Air Step Fiancees Kedettes by Dominion Funtreads by Kaufmon Hushpuppies Shaggy Pups Italian Sandals Macfarlane for Men Hartt for Men Desert Boots for the family Children's Sendals end Running Shoes Vacation Luggage by McBRINE COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St, %. WHITBY marked 'Application'. Starting Salary; $4,000 per or Applications will be received 8th, 1966 at 3:00 pm The Whitby APPLICATIONS ore invited for CARETAKER WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Please stote experience, references and age in a letter plainly Duties to commence June 27th, 1966 Miss May A. Newman, Secretory-Treasurer, "BIG RED APPLES" the --VS,-- ST. CATHARINES A's SAT., JUNE 4th - 8:30 P.M. by the undersigned until June Public School Board, 1125 Athol Street, Whitby, Ontario cx@s is Monday, Brooklin Memorial Arena Sponsored by the following merchents:; Northside Chrystie dge Ottenbdrite Men's Weer Gus Brown Motors Bramley Motors Bowman and Gibson Ontario Contractors Drew Motors J. B. MeMullen Real Estote Mitchell Bros. nd Cook Spruce Villa Hotet Haines and Vasey Art Bradiey Luther Vipond Don Vallance Messey-Ferguion Dealer Gen Motors of Canode v Conerete Floors Royal Hotel Guy Stevenson Bob Heron, David Brown Tractors Boom and Charlie Denia Arsenault, BA Soler Heat Dunlop of Cenade McBrien Transport Canadian Tire Assoc, Store, Whitby Markham Industriel & Commerciel Conerete Seaway Motors COMING June 6th 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 668-3304 Extra Savings on 1966 Demonstrotors -- G.M.A.C. Fin yoCe oi: CHEVROLETS --- OLDSMOBILES -- MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! as See One of These Sales. men... Jack Morgan -- "Red" Anderson -- John Skelton -- Jack Clark -- ancing CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. a bd AINT Gp CILUXr *° TRUTONE WHITE SALE P ILUX TRUTONE WHITE Reg. 11.75 Gal. * 55 3.65 Qt. GAL. RICE, Qts. ACRYLIC LATEX - EXTERIOR SALE P Reg. 10.55 Gal. 3.35 Qt. RICE, Qts. MANY MORE SAVINGS IN GP PAINTS Ot 435 DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S. Whitby 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY