DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER MICKEY MOUSE BLONDIE, WILL YOU ( THAT'S ODD/" 5 AH CAIN'T READ THIS ONE, NEITHERS' SO IGNORE IT'? WHUT WE DON'T DON'T RECALL YOU TURNIN' OVER ANY WAN TED MAN ME, FRIEND, "TOURNAMENT RELEASED UNHARMED, CORRIGAN / THE RANSOM 1S IN THIS SACK AND MY TRUST ISIN YOU / Channel 11---Hamilton Channel! 9%---Toronto Channel &--Rochester Channel 7--Butfale Channel 6---Toronte Channel 4--Buffale Channel 3--Barrie Channe: 2--Butiaie I Will DMNER TOSETHER! T susPEcT! TREACHERY! O#, WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO KNOW WHAT THEY TALK ABourT, HANG {(T. BEA/EREROOK . Ph | [7 NOT ASK!) YOU TO MAKE CAN YOU DO ANYTHING, PHIL & WE HAVEN'T THE VAGUEST IDEA WHERE CHALKIE AND EMBER ARE HOLDING AMeD / DO MY BEST, EXCELLency / 1-Peyton Plese +3 Telescope 2-8--Mickie Finn's 10:00 PLM THE *pRoP" INSTRUCTIONS WILL COME Overt THE RADIO, MIRA» | TELEVISION LOG 7.Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 3--Ed Allen Time 12:08 NOON N-The Mery Gritfin thew 9Torento Today 2-98---Dean Martin Show 7--The Baror +A Man Called Sh THeRGSAY SVE, 5:00 PM VW--Family Theatre &----Superman 7--Cheyenne 4--Passport Te Adventure 3--Atom Ant 2---Mike Douglas 5:30 PLM, Dobie Gillis 4--Music Hop 2 Hong Kong 4:00 PM 7--Twilight Theatre 4--McHales Navy 44--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 9 PLM 4.News 4-2-3-9--News, Weather and Sports @--Huntley-Brinkley News 6--Acrem Conede 7:00 PLM. li---Farmers' Daughter 9--The Munsters 8--Llleet Hobe +News, Weether Sports 4--Forest Rangers 3--Green. Acres 3--Huntiey-Brinkiey 7.20 PM 7--News, Weather, Sports 1 PM 1}--Candid Camere 8-2--Daniel Boone 7-9--Batman 4--Hogan's Heroes 4--The Munsters &The Addams Family 8:00 P.M 11-Centennial Travellers %--Camp Runamuck 7--Gidget 4-3--Seaway 4--Gilligan's Island 4:30 PM | 3--Dangerman 10:30 PM 6--The. First Person 11:00 PLM 11-9-8-7-4-4-3-2--Newlly Weather, Sports 18 PLM, 6--Viewpoint 2--Tonight Show 1:20 PM dnMovie 6--News Weather Sports 1 PLM, 11-The Saint &Tonight Show Toole Movie 11:48 PLM, | 6--Bunemoke %Plerre Berton 2:10 PM Milk and Honey 12: AM News Weather - Sports $--Romper Room 4--You and Your Family 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, 4&-- Smile Time 4--Love of Lite 2--Jack LaLanne 4! Love Lucy 10:38 AM li--Ed Allen 4-2--Jeopardy 1--Money Movie Luncheon Date | +---Mews end Weether i Popeye and Pete | 12:15 PM, 4+-Bpenker of the Mewes 12:30 PLM, 1)--Noon Time 9--Soupy Sales 82-Post Office +4--Search For Tomorrow b--Heendey Report 12:45 PLM, 64--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, Theatre %--Morning Star Dialing For Dollars, Girl Taik Ben Casey Luncheon Date Meet The Millers ~Movie PDO 1:30 PLM. | 9--James Beard Show +4--As The World Turns | 24--Let's Make a Deal 2:00 PLM, %-Kids is People 7.Confidential For Women 6 4.-Pasaword #.2.Days of Our Lives 2:18 PM %--Dear Charlotte 2:3 PM People in Contiie +4 Tre Deocters | 7A Time For Us +--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party 9:00 PLM. *-Frectured Phrases 84--Anether Werld ? 2\ Heaptted +43--To Tell The Tre 3:30 PM, 1--Funny Company tite Your shove 1Mt DOHAWA Times, ursdey, June 2, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) East dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH aK65 @s94 @KI84 42103 EAST @Qsi0T8 Opening lead--five of hearts, If you attempted to predict the probable result after looking at all four hands in this deal, it would be difficult to escape the conclusion that. South must g0 down one (possibly two) against the opening lead of the five of hearts East could he expected to win the heart with the ace and re- jturn-a heart to the king, after |which South would immediately jor eventually tackle clubs and g0 down one or two depending on how he played the clubs However, when the hand was jactually played, the declarer |(R. Benaim, of Venezuela) suc- ceeded in making four no- trump! East won the heart lead with \the ace on which Benaim play- HUBERT | | | | | D King Pastaree Spedionta, ian, 1966. THAT ONE IN THE POLKA DOTS IS JUST MY SHALL WE WATUS! OVER TO THE FREE OH, YOU NAUGHTY BOY-- YES /! \YOUR HEALTH | | | Enlarged Hea rt %--ite Your Move 4-2--Laredo $-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed +3Take 30 ed the king! To Fast it seemed certain at this point that South had started with the K-Q of hearts and that a heart continu- alion was futile. He therefore ishifted to the queen of spades | Benaim took the spade with |the king, came to his hand with ja diamond, and played a low jelub to the ten, which East elected to duck. Declarer re- entered his hand with a dia mond and played the eight of clubs, finessing again when West followed low East won the eight with the ace and played another spade taken by South with the ace, Benaim cashed all his winners jand then played a low heart towards dummy, finally making ten tricks consisting of two spades, a heart, four diamonds and three clubs. If East had returned a heart at trick two and West had allowed dummy to win the |heart, South would have gone |down, but this does not dimin- jish the credit due Benalm for his imaginative play | Anything a declarer can do to |persuade the opponents to dis- continue an attack on his weak spot Is certainly a step in the right direction, and Benaim fol- jlowed this principle admirably | by dropping the king of hearts on the ace (SALLY'S. SALLIES jsounds like cancer to me.-- |K. M. | First question: Possibly, yes. |the exact form of the operation Fully Discussed By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD jand just what was removed and |what left in, would have a bear- jing. Second question: Malignant jhypertension has nothing to do with cancer, It is a severe form of high blood pressure. 7--Double Life of Henry Phyte 4--My Three fons 9:00 PLM, n The Saint Branded 4--The McCovea a 11:00 A.M, B--Match Game 1---Mike Douglas 4---Secret Storm %--Mr. And Mra. 1-4--Worlds in contrast $-2--Morning Star 2---Meryv Griffin | 7~--Supermarket Sweep Ernie Lindell 4--Andy of Mayberry 1:30 ALM, §--Abracadabra +2--Paradise Bay 4.0 PLM 1 love Luey DO YOU SUPPOSE GRANDMA Is A BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS UNDER A -- eee | Dear Dr. Molner You have| " sidan PM jnever written concerning the meaning of an enlarged heart|pressure, jand its main causes |smoke or drink MY DADDY READ ME A STORY ABOUT AN UGLY LITTLE FROG... omen al THAT WAS REALLY A PRINCE UNDER A MAGIC SPELL / oS In the case of high blood control by adequate ! don't/rest, diet, weight-reduction and! Near Dr. Molner: Can avnh. k Is there @NY/certain medications are in or.jilis be transmitted by kissing? special way to take care of an dey |Would it show up in a blood enlarged heart? I am 65 and : ltest later?--H. D, still working.--Mrs. M. E. T, | There is no do - it - yourself] Yes, especially if there {s Dear lady, you must have|method of evaluating an en-!sqome break in the membranes jbeen somewhere else on the|larged heart, Size is best deter-|of the mouth. It would show up |days that I have discussed en-|mined by x-ray of the chest.|in a blood test. \larged heart. You must leave that to your| An enlarged heart is just what doctor, and you must look to| Dear Dr, Molner: Are perni- the words imply. The organ js|him, consequently, for counsel|cious anemia and pellagra the lhigger.than normal. The prin-|0% What to do for your heart,/same?--M. M. D. lcipal causes are high blood|if tt requires any special care No, Pellagra results from a ?Rewitched &2--| Dream of Jeannie 4 Movie 9:0 PM, eLava ting Our CROSSWORD ACROSS . Blunder . Copper . Born 5. Box .6 points in 9. Tatter football: 10, Peeled abbr, 12. Skin opening 5. Stimulus 13. House- . Opera, rural wife's brush style |3-4--Rarzie Darrie . Frau's spouse . Pert. toa center IN TO LOOK OVER YOUR PIANO, MRS. MEGINNIS... 'W AFRAID rT <> DIDN'T DOA VERY GOOD JOB... WHAT MAKES J a / T WAS PASSING BY YESTERDAY LAND I DON'T THINK THAT 2 | DISCORD I HEARD COULP BE ALL WIS FAULT !! 3% 14, Three-toed sloth . Injury 16, Behold 7. Tutor . Part of the . Knack . Staggered 9. Tic 1,Hum 3. Fittingly Blessed Tries for a 38. Exclama- Ipressure: disease or defects of | ithe valves (often due to rheu | matic feir); or certain Vita- jmin B deficiencies | Whatever the specific cause, | Dear Dr. Molner: Is it any use to give a 'Pap test' to a woman who had a _hysterec tomy 20 years ago? And what lack of niacin, and is corrected jhy making up for the deficiency. Pernicious anemia is the result of the system being unable to create a material which is ne- YOUTHINK ] WHILE SKEETER THAT? WAS PRACTICING. eos j}is malignant hypertension? It a i lthe heart is laboring under g p n? Iticessary for proper production tion 39. Title lsome difficulty that forces it to of red blood cells. It cannot be ; cured--but giving regular doses Famous 40. Cuckoo {work harder to accomplish its! P sD i less: colloq. Pancho 42.Tron: sym. |task of pumping blood. Under! af Vitamin B 12 makes it' possib- 3. Drive such circumstances, the heart e for the body to operate nor- eb és ' 1 ZY . mally anyway «Pen 47a \muscle thickens and enlarges uly y Now the only . Man's nick- TT just as other muscles tend to} way to buy for name lenlarge under continued stress. | KEEP IT DARK venden An enlarged heart is not ne-! WRIGLEY'S The world's longest train tun- gh me and jcessarily a weak one. It may) 'el runs 'under the Lepontine geiye aint |have enlarged so. successfully| EARMINT Alps for 12.3 miles between : that it remains efficiently able} Italy and Switzerland .. popular, modern part in a play 35, Girl on campus range . Contempt- ibly worth- . Hurry Seeming MUGGS AND SKEETER . Devise 3. Heat symbol to serve you well. It is even} in physics ; jpossible for the original cause Rocky jof the enlargement to have been| eminence 'corrected in some way, so that . Exclamae jalthough the enlargement re-| tion |mains it doés not grow any! 37. Bard's |preater In other instances it "England" |may actually reduce in size 39. Kind of - bank 41. Depart 42. Ending 43, Cote . First Red to arrive in America DOWN 1. Selection BUT WITH HARDY TEAGUE... EVERYTHING ! BUT WHY? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ADVERTISING YOUR SHAMPOO? ME TO FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF,.OF WIFE I'D What to do about an enlarged if anvthing--depends on the cause of the enlargement.) |In some instances limiting the amount of physical exertion, to keep the demand for circulation within the limits which the heart can support without too }much strain, might be the only | jrequirement J jheart You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste!