Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jun 1966, p. 15

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THE STARS SAY [WCTU Losing Ventury LONG F1gNt)mens demanding the franchise sal" Scho! for reared ci ee ee ee By ESTRELLITA | |for women, it started kitchen | (ined ee ses | ee ccanien, But they don't put any |its decline. FOR TOMORD | ToFo eTo al Abstir 7én On All zen for the poor and pushed Toronto for cigarettes in. 'ota seniien sien sli Even y coirociog situations TC t ce {or home economics scours in| fee gy sttil perform Mrs. I. a hg yes 85, a for- aman: don't A phen pi oral i i ic se! ' _me / ri s arise, Friday can be a satiss ~oRONTO (CP) --The dren of the harmfulness of ee women on school boards, op-| welfare work, visit women in|tion, poten oh tg ey _-- rod -- factory day if you take things; women's Christian Temperance | liquor. : in stride. Keep usefully busy if|t;mon has won a few battles but) The movement was -- a home for unwed moth-|prison and fill ditty bags for'ond World War contributed to|in-moderation stand. you have responsibilities to han-\iost the war in almost a cen-\in southern Ontario communi- die and, in leisure hours, spend tury of fighting against the use|ties and counted its early vic- | some time in the pursuit of ano liquor. 'tories in terms of the number | interesting hobby. | But if its members seldom en- of we = or licences | | THE THD |gage in front - line skirmishes|cancelled. Now it is aiming von er ce F any more, they are still a de-|more at young children. ee .8@ If tomorrow is your birthday, |termined force on the field of In theory, the WCTU has your horoscope indicates that combal. a network of groups to which | : you can, achieve, # great deal "Te union today has all ut|an individual ¢an 'belong from AaAILEI® Alls | ion i 2 |). Un il z -. igiven un its opposition to new| ive ciauic io the grave: Bioti~ py ion as 3 you cutee an per oi Ping BOE Met brs (cellent five-month cycle for ad-| liquor outlets. It is concentrat-|€Ts pleage to teacn tnei vawes | im fs 4 Be ivancing both your job and fi-|ing om seeking to convince chil-/temyerance | w hen enrolling ed cea wie nase Aw them as Little White Ribbon- -- a tesa noi 4 ers. A pledge of abstinence is gate apni gate made hy the children them- lingly profitable on the fiscal d selves in the Loyal Temperance iscore. Also, as of this week, Legion and renewed when they |you entered a open activity j become members of the Youth leycle governing all of your ma- ' vance C il, terial interests. This period, : wore' "3 meee es has fallen 'net yong pr Pao tard sharply age we gf eras 40 i years ago. In intario's 'grams to advance, both occu- membership alone was 12,398. |pationally and monetarily dur- Now there are an estimated ing the two years ahead. Do not ' 7,000 members in all Canada. plan only within your. limita , Hedern tents mo | SALE STARTS 9 A.M TOM iplan only within your limita- ' cult for young people to say no ° eeee jtions. , 1 liquor, says Mrs. A. D. Keith, b Where occupational matters f national president of the organ- H : A dpatl si ype af agin i "a 9 ® Come Early for the Best Selection .. . Everything Must Be Sold... four months will be excellent, ? p "They want to be popular and as stated before, tae] most << é |do the popular thing."' istanding periods of accomplish-! , f | But members of the organ- 'men hie : unin irae NAVY BLAZERS | HANDBAGS | PULLOVERS «& jnext eight days and in early § preach: total abstinence jAugust. Next good cycles for 7,\ During its career, the WCTU TO RESIDE IN TORONTO lupping your job status: late|;~ Jihas opposed bingo, sweep- CORD TRIM _ Black, Brown, Navy, Beige. CARDIGANS |October, late November, next / J, \stakes, theatres being open on Northminster United Mr. Haugh. The bridegroom (February and March. Best pe- 7 Sundays, evening hours for : , Church was the setting last jg the son of Mr. and Mrs, |riod for increasing financial as- d 7, \\iquor stores, liquor licences at Girls' Sizes 1 to 12 years. ° ' ° GIRLS' & BOYS' Saturday for the marriage Norman Grierson. Oshawa. |8¢t5 in early 1967: the weeks il acecoets, chaise io bats Reais of Pauline Haugh, to For | . between Feb. 1 and April 15 jsports, Sunday ski trains, bev- ' $i rest Grierson. The bride is Mr, and Mrs. Grierson plan /wost productive periods for d Lares soon for women, liquor we So oe 5 00 6 00 1.97 2 97 the daughter of Mrs. Ralph to reside in Toronto those engaged n creative en- jin the United Nations, violence ' ' ug , Haugh, Trenton and the late Ireland Studio. {those engaged in creative en-| on television, obscene literature aaaeuna September, the first and last! GRADUATES and the use of the word cock- J 2 I E etc 3 77 e * weeks in October, next January Miss Diane Irene Olech, 'tail instead of fruit salad by Requesting Or Commanding -- = "=r decuiter of Mr- aod ters, \cauning companion, Where personal interests are; yay Olech, Ritson road A winnipeg group opposed the '. . . concerned, your best periods for) south, graduated on Satur- |sale of popcorn in beer parlors LADIES' UL ER The Child nN er lve T 1X romance will include late No-| day from the University of | because it is a thirst producer. : P LOV 4 vember, next April and May.| Ottawa School of Social |A Toronto group condemned a MUST é ACATE BY ROBETA ROESCH local officials about zoning laws Most auspicious months for, Welfare, St. Patrick's:C 01- | plan to catch the city's pigeons and you ready to start and necessary licences? travel (but short trips only are| ese, receiving her master's | by feeding them whisky-soaked When are . : fi ' . . your own business? 7. Have you sought profes: advised): September, next Jan- rf it : ih ec Siva Welt saves We Ae Large Clean Stock of CARDIGANS a aes , sional advice from a lawyer\yary and May. Stimulating so- ; : ' i H That is one question that vi can advise you on legallcial activities will not only be| With the Catholic Children's |not normally oppose liquor Ji- Nylon Tricot comes to this derk regularly. | achnicalities? Similarly. have pleasurable but could broaden| Aid Society in Toronto. Miss |cences any more." It you are @ person who is yoy spoken to an accountant is} Olech is a graduate of Dr. However, the Winnipeg local ? your horizons throughout this ' 4 also dreaming of succeeding) who can give you direction on) month, in late September, early| F. J. Donevan Collegiate, | recently went before the Mani- Sizes 32 to 42. easona 00 ty a with this opportunity, check/necessary starting capital, cor-|Qctoher and the weeks between| Oshawa, received her bach- /toba liquor commission to pro- p yourself on your readiness by rect prices and fees and a good Dec. 5 and Feb. 10 elor of arts degree from St. | test a liquor outlet in a national . answering 'Yes' or "No" to bookkeeping system? hee is 4 mT Michael's College, Universi- (park and a temperance group Wonderful Savin s these questions. 8. Do you have well-estab-', 4 owe soe ae ast. ne ty of Toronto, and holds her | won a campaign to keep a West g DISC a] 1. Have you taken stock of lished credit to tide you over ayer ers a a A. R.C.T. from the Royal (Toronto area dry ® your skills, talents, past experi-|the rough spots? and literary incin re ences, interests and hobbies and) 9, Have you made a prelim ; inary check on good sources of| run side by side you had better ---- aie af ; -- come up with a new idea that i + be will fill a need where you live,|supplies by going through the|Upgrade your readiness before 'le? as at the same time it follows a'pages of a metropolitan classi-/you take the plunge Girls Coloured BE F L COA 4 coming trend in business? fied telephone directory? And) And if your "'Nos" outnumber 2. Have you found a way to|have you investigated enough) your "Yeses," forget a business : : y : s - : ; q Offers you o large selection of Domestic and Imported Fabrics ; make this idea something en-|f these sources to know where| of your own till y.. can change 4 ) tirely different from the prod-|to get quality supplies at the this balance and show you are } et LOW LOW PRICES, Broken Sizes Girls' & Boys ucts and services already avail-|lowest possible cost? more prepared LOOK AHEAD TO SUMMER WITH THESE Conservatory of Music, To- The WCTU has always been a ronto. service organization, : : : a tk be ite OS Q Bg pele fe aualjeed vine enccey and eniboliona na tant) GOLF SPECIAL | BUDGET-PRICED FABRICS a | 1 C 1 eompetition and researched) the work, weight and worry of eels Sisin ane bene 98° lh, 2 lh yd, what has already been done ona business of your own, And ? Z 4, "STRAW MAT" LINEN 48" similar ideas? | are you willing to dedicate your- . Ne OIE 4. Have you checked thejself to it and work twice or) , oz is PRINTED 'SERANO LINEN 1 49 Q profit - producing potentiality of|three times as hard as you) Socal Gy der Se 48" ye, ...... vee Ef BONDED KNITS -- ALL 3.98 your idea with people whose| planned in order to make it a| [ pave " " : sion You repec "| Dyeee | Gk jens ln eae ns nny 88 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH « velections of } « LOCATION IMPORTANT TALLY ANSWERS | May and June tek: } ) 5. Will you have a good lo-| When you have answered the pacha gen SILKS - COTTONE - RAYONS D nati : se your) i ' Q cation in which to house your| foregoing questions count up Private Trout Ponds ¢ BUDGET PRICES OWNTOWN OSHAWA business? And will this location! your "Yeses" and "Nos." 24th of Mey Celebration ' be available to the people who| If your "'Yeses" far outnum-| on ee w= Monety Se atey WE CARRY FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY PHONE 725 1221 want your service or prod- q "Nos" : : F : vy : on er prot ber your "Nee? chances ate) gay ee ha A A 32 King St. W. et Cor. Prince St. Phone 723-8271 6. Have you talked gvith your) If your "*Yeses"' and "Nos"' i UY * Nai Y Uy MBF UGH iy Yj UG Vx Yy ] ------ 1 Z | Vy. Wy --Yy WW Y Yj Y od MMVCMMMMMM«e bd Y hdddddddddddddddddddddddiddddddddmis - Meee SPECIAL SAVINGS NOW! 9 [=s-== és My _ os a Aye Chim, Ghingaions i : ; ~ Le amd cw--n ] EACH PIECE IS INDIVIDUALLY PRICED 1 My The finest value we have ever offered in colonial woods and finished in soft mellow hickory. You LARGE SIZE ; ' moy choose from four other satin finishes -- or you design. Ideal for children's rooms, extra bedrooms may order unfinished at extre saving. Antique TRIPLE DRESSER ™ ag, PANEL BED Y and summer cottages, Constructed of quality hard- bress drawer pulls available at slight extra cost, a4", 40" ond 39" 99 EO RAD recserserss bOOOO nae ae - SEVERAL OTHER STYLE GROUPINGS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS - lll, a Z 0, ffm f View Go, SINGLE DRESSER LARGE FOUR CHAIR FRAMED MIRROR DESK NIGHT TABLE Large Double Dresser With three drawers, Ladder -back style may be hung vertically horizontall f d 48 x 16 Sizes 40x16x32" high 44.95 DRAWER CHEST. with shap- " or attached fe dresaar. 17 Eh x 30" high 45.50 pe ge ws six drawers -- size 60 50 Sire 30 x 16 x AQ BQ od sect. 18.50 36x 40"...... 17.50 . x 14x28" high, * 16% 32...0-...., OUe 8 la Framed Mirror -- Sines 26 x 26 .. 11.95 -- ee pe 17.50 FOUR SHOWROOM FLOORS , OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS DIAL 725-3514 We Bos FURNITURE COMPANY 63 KING STREET EAST

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