Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1966, p. 5

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spilt Se eae oS ke EE Ge ge a me - ' . ten oe Ses, SS Se ST err Te ermCrmrCrmCOrrrmrrmrrrmrmrrr THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 1, 1966 §' WHITBY -- AJAX -- Whitby Chapter Plans Heart Fund Canvass Canada and the U.S.A. A door to door canvags will be held in Whitby next Pebruary. The Whitby Chapter of the;W. Baldwin. Ontario Heart Foundation has| Committee: Mrs. A. McLean, lbeen recognized within the past Warren Mowat, Mrs. Wilma Da- : | week by Mrs. Eleanor . Hunter|vidson, Mrs. T. Brandon, Mrs.| Out of every dollar collected, | field co-ordinator for Eastern On 'G. E. Juby and E. &, Fells. | 86 cents goes to Heart Research. | |tario. Captains who have already vol-| All 'In Memorium" gifts go di-| The Whitby Chapter members unteered to assist with the can- rectly to Heart Research. Educa-| are: Past chairman, the Jate Wil-| vass: Ron Gray, Mrs, J, W. Ey-\tion of the public is done by| liam Davidson, chairman, G. E.|erett, Mrs. T. Brandon, G. Mif-'the use of excellent Heart films, | | Juby, first vice chairman, Mrs. |flin. literature and speakers. These | /H. T. Fallaise, second vice chair-- The aims of the Heart Foun-| Heart films are free and avail-| lman, V. K. Rowe, public rela-|dation are to raise money for jabie to any group wishing to use tions, Mrs, W. A. Andrew, treas-|Heart Research; and to educate them, urer, F. Ryzek, secretary, Mrs.|the public. Money is raised for, For any further information, IG. A. Welsh, medical advisory,|Heart Research in February, |please contact any member of Dr. G. W. Lindsey and Dr. W.|which is Heart month across the Whitby Chapter. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Jor-; Courchesne, Drumondville, Que. den, 507 Colborne St. W. were|visited over the weekend at the in London over the weekend|home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and attended the graduation ex-|Courchesne, 610 Dundas St. W. lercises held at Western Univer- This was a farewell visit for| sity where their son Gerald re-|Dr. and Mrs, Salouvini as they ceived his BA and also major- are at the end of June going led in geography. Gerald will/to establish residence at Bask- lreturn in September to further/inta, Lebanon. Sunday guests) his studies in geography. were: Mr, and Mrs. Arkley Mr. and Mrs, Jorden were Boyce, Orangeville, Mr, and guests at the home of their Mrs. Milton Boyce, Dunkin, daughter and son-in-law Mr, and|Que; Charles and Bryan Strad- Mrs, William Collier of London, ling, Ajax. BAKERY FEATURES HOSPITALITY PIE DEMPSTER'S LEMON 99° I JELLY 2, 3 and 4, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ' Y oe at FAMILY SIZE 30° 4l° LEAN MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS TABLE-RITE SKINLESS WIENERS EVERSWEET RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 75° LB. 1-LB. VAC, PAK 1-LB, FLAT Mrs. John McQuat celebrated, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Wo- |her birthday on Monday, it was|men Group No. 1 held a most also their son's William (Billy) successful tea and home bake 10th birthday, to celebrate the|sale last Friday at the home double occasion they entertain-\of Mrs. Donald Wilson, Fair - ed friends and relatives. jview Dr., with co - conveners Mrs, Georg Andtron and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, William Davis| Thomas Sloan. and their daughter Nancy, De- : troit Mich. and Mrs. Jack Boot-. The many friends of William and daughter Olive, Toronto, Ryland are sorry to learn that were guests over the weekend he is seriously ill at his home| at the home of Mr. and Mrs,|610 Dundas St. W. Dan Birbeck, Victoria St, Whit- vee | by. Mrs, Joseph Collins, Clemence |Ave., entertained at her resi- Norman (Bill) Mantle, 225\dence at a miscellaneous bri- Green St., is recuperating at|48! shower in honor of Miss home from a'back injury, His|Geraldine O'Toole and Miss friends wish him a speedy re-|Bernadette Duffhues who will pieced se eer both be married in June. There were approximately 35 ' ers of the Whitby Ontario actions 'Justice Henderson plans Best wishes to Harry Ram | voapltal Staff attending Follow- to devote Tuesday to the hear-/mler, 714 Gilbert St. W., WhOling the opening of the gifts a ing of these cases. is celebrating his birthday to-|purfet lunch was served, the preme Court of Ontario which| _In addition there are 16 ac-\day, lhostess being assisted by sev- opens next Monday morning at|tions arising out of automobile leral co.- workers. Mrs. Ford the Ontario County Courthouse,|#ccidents and two laid under) pr, and Mr. Paul Salouvini,|Lindsay presided at the. tea Mr. Justice Henderson will pre- be ne ta of the Fatal Ac-\Montreal and her father Louis|table, cidents Act. : : side. It is expected the court will Thirty-two of the cases on the|bhe in session for at least two docket are uncontested divorce weeks. | | Fire Damage Is Small TRACKING ANTENNA This 30foot-diameter track- ing antenna installed at the Defence Research Tele- communications Establish- ment near Ottawa may point the way to new communica- tions channels. It will allow 'WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY 64 Cases Due For Hearing AtNon-Jury Assizes WHITBY (Staff) -- Sixty-four cases are listed for hearing at the non jury assizes of the Su- Defence Research Board scientists to study concur- rently unused frequencies for long distance communi- cations via satellites SAVE 20c CHASE & SANBORN | COFFEE SAVE 34c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE SAVE 14c CUDNEY CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL JELLY POWDERS l petiner tin amscreonce: id GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2u:27% PRODUCE OF U.S.A, --- CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 5 on 39° FRESH SWEET CORN PRODUCE OF U.$.A, --- CANADA NO. 1 GRADE GRADUATES Brian R. Jamieson, son of the Jate Mr, William E, Ja- mieson and Mrs. Jamieson, Whitby, graduated May 20 as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Ontario Vet- erinary College, University of Guelph. Dr. Jamieson has joined the staff of a veter- inary hospital in Toronto. (CP Wirephoto) One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murele sd Custom Draperies Whitby Hockey Association | 3 feasts Conducts Annual Meeting | DoDD & SOUTER Benjamin Moore Points WHITBY (Staff) -- Afire,a smoker's pipe left in a coat DECOR CENTRE LTD. " | pocket By CLIFF GORDON _|wood, Jim Corner, Fred Ing,| caused et, os gar ormaers cpanggteCg The Whitby Volunteer Fire Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc-| Ernie Rowland, Vern (Mickey) vena piston ued 0 8 ~~" | Department responded to thejciation held its annual meeting) MacCar!, Dennis Arseneau and ' afternoon at the Ontario Hospl-\ alarm and brought the blaze|at the Whitby arena on Mon-| Pete -Etmanski. . tal. Some clothing was destroy- under control. The department! day night. - ae ed by the blaze which Is be- also assisted in removing smoke Several reports were read by lieved to have been caused by! from the bullding. the different members of the! BROCK WHITBY Peter Cushing ond Ww 4% Alt 'i ' Now Playing -- One Complete Program -- Evenings Starting 7:30 Olympic Day Due June 4 board, The financial budget was jread and approved. The local) Stenley Boker end Whitby District Olympic Day|travel from Centre St. N. Susennah York in, .. Association expects it will cost! to approximately $10,000.00 to op-| will be held June 4 at Henry! Dundas St, W. to Henry St. Street High School commencing, Nine Packs in costumes will|minor hockey here in Whitby. day for all Whitby District Cubs! ries (as in the Olympics). The| pee Wee team in a Jeague this to commemorate the 50th an- winning Packs will receive gold,| year rather than just in the niversary of Cubing, silver or bronze trophies on that! jocal house league. This will be! men Park at 9 a:m. and will) The event will open officially -- _---- \By the running of the Torch', l : A novelty event will be held as PTSA Allocated Each boy who participates in $2,100 Total the Olympics will receive a crest nd is also required to bring for recreation by various town: Auxiliary of the various Packs ship organizations were approv- will be in charge of refresh: ed at a recent meeting of the| ment booths. Recreation Committee, The largest amount, $2,100, to the Pickering Township Soft- e¥e s the understanding that as many A C ] iteams. be nifuiaed ay 4at VONCHatioN le and at sans! alle te and that ual allot LUNUNTO The expenditures included: | broam-making workers aad, oft Institute for the Blind will meet Blue Notes, $50; Green River, .. $300; Dunbarton Athletic Club, pict © comeilistion officer $325; Bay Ridges Recreation, oe Brougham, $150; Claremont, ciliation was reached at a meet- $150; Frenchman's Bay Junior '"& Monday, sailing, $500. The 25 blind workers, how- Rouge Hill recreation, $400; Pi. to their jobs pending the out- ekering Township hockey, $3,-/come of the meeting. 000; Dr. McKay soccer, $20;; The workers have been on Kinsale, $50, Liverpool, $150;| port of a demand for higher West Rouge Canoe Club $450; | wages They are not repre- West Shore Fairport $1,000 sented by a union jerate the 1966 - 67 winter for at 9.30 a.m. This is a sport's|represent nine different count. | The board hopes to enter the A parade. will start from Kins. day. well as competative sports a BROUGHAM -- Expenditures his own lunch, The Mother's Pickering Township Parks and CNIB Strikers hall Association was made with te 7 ments be made to each team, Cherrywood, $25: Pickering|°°" of the Canadian National $800; Pickering Beach, $200; The agreement to seek con- West Rouge recreation, $1,500; ever, would not agree to return Greenwood recreation, $150; strike since Wednesday in sup- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of lond, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960, Sec growing on their land within the municipality of the Town of Whitby are destroyed by date of June 15th, 1966 and throughout the season, the muni- cipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against 3, and 19, that unless noxious weeds the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited, Weed Inspector . . . Ray Medd, Municipality of Whitby Town. (CP) -- Striking | an-added expense tut will prove) |most educational to the players involved, The-slate-of-officers for the coming season will be as fol- j\lows; President, Tod Linter;| |Past President, Harold Brown; | |Vice President, Alex Brown; | | Secretary, Murray Beedle, Tre- asurer, Hart Giffin, The eight man executive is as follows: Murray Lynn, Tom Nor-/ ACY ENDFIELD-STANLEY BAKER PRODUCTION TECHMICOLOR + * A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS 9:00 P.M, Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS 7:30 P.M, 1 South Side - Sea Foods | 409 BROCK ST. S, - WHITBY SPECIALS LOBSTER .... Each $1.25 FRESH FILLET OF SOLE ......... BOSTON BLUE FILLETS ........ HADDOCK FILLETS seeees COHOE SALMON STEAKS ...... HALIBUT STEAKS ne ALASKA KING COOKED CRABS WHITE FISH FILLETS FRESH SCALLOPS .. GREEN SHRIMP ARCTIC CHAR FRESH MACKEREL LIVE LOBSTER FRESH DAILY SALMON from Restigouche 6% 59e 6%e 1,09 . 99e 1.50 89% 1.39 1.79 1.59 4Se LB. LB. LB, LB. LB, EA. LB. LB. LB, LB. LB. Fresh Run Is Now In HOT FISH By The Pound -- To Take Home for the Family HOT --- TAKE-OUT DINNERS All Fish Dinners . Chicken Dinners . . South Sea Beef SALT HERRING -- ROLLMOPS CLAMS -- OCEAN PERCH -- PICKLED HERRING 75¢ 99c 1,10 Factory Workers Enjoy Our Good Service ! WE DELIVER 668-2721 -- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- ICEBERG LETTUCE SUNKIST ORANGES PRODUCE OF U.S.A, --- CANADA NO, 1 GRADE CELLO CARROTS SENSATIONAL OFFER Blue Diamond with every '5.00 in purchases THIS WEEK -- "CUPS and SAUCERS" CELLO BAGS Z wos 3O* --" 5g¢ 3-L8, 39° QUAKER CAP'N CRUNCH CEREAL SAVE 10¢ ABC DETERGENT SAVE 6¢ ROBERTSON MARMALADE 3°54 2 ms 39° 114-02, PKG, ale 29¢ 1-LB, PRS. 14.02, TINS 16-02, JAR 10.02, TINS 12-02, BTLE. BTLE, OF 100 NIBLETS TEA BAGS' =: . 79 PICKLES FROZEN ORANGE DRINK 63° HONEY DEW 2°: 49° MILK of MAGNESIA 69: Bg: TOOTHPASTE SAVE 8c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE SAVE 10¢ -- SWEET MIXED -- HEINZ 49° CHEEZ WHIZ Health & Beauty Aids ASPIRIN TABLETS 89¢ SUPER SIZE DYL'S IGA 166 Adelaide Ave. £. Oshawa LONSDOWNE IGA Lansdowne Shoppnig Centre COLLEGE HILL cu bert $t., Oshawa BECKSTEAD IGA Courtice, Ontarie BRAEMOR IGA Stevenson Rd. N. et Annopolis Ave, BILSKY IGA 120 Witron Rd. 8. Ovhewa MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd. 8. Oshewe

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