Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1966, p. 34

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34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, ey pee to i Wednesday, June 1, 1966 AND ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE 3 1 anes FROM "OU, 'YOU WILL HAVE THINGS Sane, THEN BACK, BRIDGE TO PRISON, By 6. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters Individuel Chempionship Pley) COLONEL G0, 'YOU WISHED ID KNOY! ( DON'T PRESUME ON FORMER FRIENDSHIP, | ee © 1% WHEN THE YANKEE PRISONER _SAVIVER. THERE'S A WAR ON, YOU KNOW, | ig Laserved | SAVIYER 'WAS BACK, Me 4 Bete rd SOAML! : WELL, HE'S HERE. GOOD, TLL , 2 LISTEN, South. dealer. North-South vulnerable. BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK : a ceil tila aneiienarE fxm nits CaLMAY Te, 190, THE NEWLY = * pa TED It| [ForeeT to: "YIl|I| if] PPOINTEDS BRITIGH PRIME Ar THERE SOI WOULDN'T! | force ! MINISTER, WINSTON CHURCHILL, WHATS TH, } ne STRING DOING FORGET TO--- ( Forsor ) PHONES LORD BEAVERBROOK', ; ; ' . ee e » , OUR AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY'S o ? y > cr 7 i TIED AROUND (-] INGE INA RATE STATE. - sega I'M ASKING YOU TO TAKE ' | 4 OVER AS } r N D MAKIB7TES MINISTER OF ' ! a] Hl 5 9 @AKO rye} The bidding: South West North East : $ Pass 1NT Pass Opening lead--queen of clubs | When Sylvia first joined the cA 1 . |club, she barely knew a spade wr s , HERE'S THE PINE GROVE, We ove camps) \from a hole in the ground, She NOM Means STILL NO SIGN OF A CAMP] JUST AHEAD, thought a coup was something LR Oe ea 710-1 Pe Some || |the birds did, a pass was some- nat " thing the boys made at girls, |and a double was something you saw in the mirror However, this didn't stop Syl- via from playing in the expert game, where she was, of course, completely outclassed, Sylvia |was a hard fighter by nature, and she was fearless and una- bashed besides. Her abysmal ig- norance of the niceties of the game was at times shocking a ; P and inevitably brought on count- a ney ag : , . less disasters, but this very ig- ; 3 norance would occasionally pro- PLAYEP AGAME OF ( SHE /6 A POOR LISS duce an outstanding triumph BASKETBALL WITH lobre. ny WEMUST FOLLOW THESe' | (/ HAVING DELIVERED THE RANSOM, Is WINE TODAY ove Phil and Mira have } INSTRUCTIONS To THE | | THERE ANY GUARANTEE MY SON WILL that would: be talked: sbout by : aelivered the ransom LETTER, EXCELLENCY, BE RELEASED UNHARMED @ the membership at large for note to Sheikh Abu.,, j|\\ OR HARM MAY COME . d weeks on. end. y TO AMED/ / Take this hand which oc « ' curred shortly after Sylvia learned to finesse. This newly found device was a revelation jto her, and she relished each finesse she took with an unholy zest which would scare her quaking partners to death | West's opening lead was a club. Sylvia took the queen with the ace and promptly led a trump and finessed the jack! When this extraordinary finesse succeeded, Sylvia's expression (ROR BIG vem of joy was really something to OWER. ie HUBERT behold. She later lost a heart, a sc} TELEVISION LOG | 2 Lae ; : made four spades, > fi Channel 1}--Hamilton | 10:00 P.M | 4-Dick Van Dvke Show | > ITS BEEN SO .) East-West felt frustrated by Channel 9--Toronte ll--Mery Griffin Show }--Ed Allen Time | LONG SINCE I the unaccustomed finesse---es - Rochesti §2--1 § ; P ' Ehamnat euitne" | Longo) summer |g yy thi yua@M «| [DID THOMAS --\\ HAD THAT IN bere ing P-cell Channel 6--T f 4~--Danny Kaye Show oF | pu : _ 8 y- Channel <--Butiale mh JoMoney Movie | | A.EIGON INVENT | SCHOOL |sis. revealed that Sylvia's play rts Ho q } ; Canary Reopen ee te ets | S Luncheon. Dato THE COTTON |was undoubtedly correct and meme one PRR W hy £M. ae ' that it was the only way to as- WEDNESDAY we" ae 4 sure the contract. 1115 P.M,? 4--Spenker of The Moves Suppose the finesse had lost S--hupermen th ae ra 'seater He to the singleton or doubleton Passport To Adventure 11:20 P.M, 9---Soupy Sales i D> \ | queen. In that case the contract 2--Secret Squirrel | Anted ate, Bon 4-2--Post Office qould still have been safe re- 2--Mike Dougias 6--News, Weather and | @4--Search For Tomorrow . = " Hn lh Rage ad 2 | B-Meendey Repert | ¥ fs gardiess of what the defense LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 ; 7---Battle Line 7--Movie ' M. did next. BUT FIRST I GOT TO GET MY 1 BETTER NOT HAVE ANY TROUBLE 4 12:45 PM. Wait could: aaah aah and Tonight Show shift next to a diamond, but de- 4:00 P.M, jie $---Morning _ Star : clarer would then play e« high 7--Twilight Theatre }---Nighte 4--Dialing For Dollars, trump, lead a heart to the queen 6--Eric Syke 51 ' sNews, teers wm Pierre Berton gibi: P BECAUSE LAST WEEK 2 and ace, and later discard a Chuck Healy | 6--Midweek Theatre 7--Ben Casey diamond on th king of hearts, 3--Provincial Affairs 19.10 A.M é--Luncheon Date YOU TOLP ME EL] WHITNEY using the six of spades as an 4:30 PLM, |9---MIlk and Honey sheet the Alors INVENTED THE LIGHT entry to dummy. 11--Wild = Wild West 12.25 A.M 3----Movie et nc Race se bias SENS te. er ete 4-4--News; Weather l\--News; Weather; Sports 2--P.D.0 PP a te | 1.00 PM. + tamni3t, PM | = : BOY MAKES WAR GAS e---Huctlan@rinkiey Joe Carlo Musie | Sa er tne Werle, Turns | : ea. CARLISLE, England (CP) -- THvasDAy 2-8--Let's Make @ Deal | } 4 4--Across. Canada M } te} : A Cumberland schoolboy. made l--The Saint 1D DOLLARS FROM THE WITH THESE HAIRPINS. » 4» ee he 11:30 PM. ++--Guiding tot 3--Fury 2:00 PM Y a stink bomb during a chemis- eon ; $--Kids is People Z try lesson. But he had stumbled ary ae 7--Contidential tor Women a= on the formula for chlorine, the pay 7 hg ie ae 9:00 AM, +4--Password lethal First World War gas Boorts 9--Romer Room 8-2-Days of Our Lives 7 y : The boy and seven friends who rT jeneymeeners = Pastor's Study ' r ' 5 G : : : a GORE, totale. Or ON ene ' took a sniff were rushed to 8--Huntley-Brinkiey orl Tom wy Z - ry hospital before they were ser- path it 4--Mikes Carnived | 2:09 PM, ~ - ly h 1 i 2--Boro's Big Top | %--Peapie in Contitet : liously harmed 7,20 P.M 8-2--The Doctors = in ee 7--News Weather 9:30 A.M. 7--A Time For Ue Sports items Sune Allyson | SALLY'S SALLIES 1:00 P, N--GBilligans isiand 9--Batman 7:30 PLM, Jack Lalanne N--Green Acres 9--Uncle Bebhy 3:00 P.M. 9---Gldget 10:00 A.M, *--Frectured Phrases YOUR HEAL | 03--V'rginien 1)--People 7--General Hospital 7.-Batman | 9.2--Bye Guess 3-4-6-----To Tell The tTruth 6--Provincial Affairs | 4--1 Love Lucy Werte 4~Lost in Space eee lricae fat 8 | saya ber Preventive Medicine a; N--Special Movie #-2--Concentration O--My Favorite Marien | 7--Donna Reed 4--Edge of Night ¥--Patty Duke Show | 4&--The McCoys Sypermen z : emaetne | wee | Siena tee Gets Big Emphasis Ee sod niet 4:00 Pom. | r "es oI 2 7---Blve Light | N--Mike Bouigiag 0 The Match @eme By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD 4--Beverly H/ Millen 4-%--Morning Star | 4--Seoret torm SEEING LITTLE LeROY OvER| [I GOTA PARKING TICKET YESTERDAY AND FORGOT TO | 9:00 P.M 7---Supermarket Sweep | eerie i entenet Periodically somebody says,| THERE REMINDS wo PAY THE BINGE fmm o ¥--The Big Valley \--Er \ "Why don't you write more|tion in the rectum. At first the Mie | €-2--Bob Hope | 4 f ' oly " GOMETHING ». ./ ye 4--Green Acres : : hice about preventive medicine?"'|veins are swollen. Then they e 9:30 PM, | S--Abracadabra | %~Movie When I am in a sufficiently ar-|May itch or be painful. Ulti- 6-2--Pesrivar | 7--Dating Game |$:3--Razzle Dazzle gumentative mood, I some mately they become irritated | 4--Dich Van Oyke 8-2--Paradise Bay ¢ Movie fines reply, "What da oa enough so they bleed. Yet some | think I'm trying to write about|/Peohle put up with the condition | | ACROSS . Buries 23. City A practically all the time?" for years. They become consti- | » Stalled, ina oe in There are a few wetl-known rat ren and are bg oe Ontario 5 and basic rules of health: Sane utterly miserab e. Quite often pear mt and UIEMICIA! | ating, fresh air exercise, suf-|they worry about cancer, and os : goddess 550, in county "3 ficient' rest, keeping vaccina- still don't do the one thing that} Still, it's a small price to pay on oes in = 2 tions up to date, avoid things is logical: They should go tojio put an end to years of an- antes pe -- i known to be toxic or harmful.|e doctor and get the condi-/noyance, misey and fear plant river "clama- [OIRIA E fA] | That's about it--plus one more: Hon corrected Dear mie por on : hae . Cotta or 7, Redcap tion e D) |Getting treatment when some- , ™ ~~ be a few pain-|and pet - oticatiod Ga I meee firma 8. Beds . Unit of rT thing begins to go wrong in-jful days after an operation, ' 'ia : HAVANT Payee Bos U | |uANP MINE 18; . Pronoun 9. Nautical electric Yesterday's Answer [stead of waiting until the prob-| and there wil! be discomfort for |fiet I get it pretty much under NOUVE FINISHED ue ! ry . Stoic poles capacity 32. Units of lem has become worse la time afterward when the pa-|control. I can now cheat a lit- VOMEWoRK?! ON TY pe . Weary 11. More lucid . Buropean force Therefore today's answer is|tient--if he is wise--has sev-jtle and not have sugar show on uy 4 Three-toed 13. Oriental peninsula 84. Rich rock | very much a part of preventive (eral dilations to prevent future|the test-tape However when I _-- as Porgy Big & 4g ---- medicine. trouble. feos be ye with my Page ae mer: 7 ee a pi a psa il t | Dear Dr. Molner: Several HEN " par hockag® aye - you Sonnet part 93. Babylonten' Reallan style 42 Otrife Lior a Mapii arom hen Yin dean. sheee's a teen . Sandarac god 31. Calls forth 44,Mouth orrhoids but someone recom the moisture on | ss of sugar in tree {mended a salve. After 1 used it N . Girl's nick- i a Te T Te a few times, the swelling OW the only vuite pom The tapes are name stopped and I had no trouble b § ? ; . Mackerel or About a vear later I started to way to uy -- brag -- Vig age bass bleed. There is soreness after tj 0 cheat on your die ou are . Merited ! |my bowels move. and some WRIGLEY S still cutting down on the mar- . , gin of safety you have built up, . Arabian times my stomach pains, and d th iy ! cheat 4 garment sometimes nothing passes but SPEARMINT and t - only one you cheat is . Conjune- blood. Could I have cancer?-- poutem peers iii -- tion «.. AND THAT YOU'D LLL, YOU. TOOK ALL THOSE USE THE SLOGAN, WRONG! Rk Al oP a T suppose you could have can-| popular, modern TESTS AND YOU DON'T "THE SMART ONES PI j vas ae cer. Anyone might. But it's| . k "areas sien USE SOFTRESS wh" a ; 1 eo you . Shortened Y, jcertainly more likely that A bited dime pac Nk i SHAMPOO F* d er FOR A SLOGAN, preposition are just experiencing the usual | THEY GIVE le WAS SHE RIGHT? ?. 2 ; e\ JULIE... TWAS Siena result when hemorrhoids are| 4 . : TRYING TO Left the allowed to get worse and worse. | WRIGLEY's FIND OUT WHAT arma of . L/ } Hemorrhoids, like varicose! KINO. OF WIFE Morpheus ¢ V7, veins, hernias, bad teeth and) 3, Bat i may other things, never get -- 4 - Papal veila better by themselves, They can; MY SISTER ts, : AH 45, Beast V), only get worse until they are! ASSUMED YOU : i ! 46, Hindu ienstad abfentivaly WERE TRYING TO r : neat garments Salves give temporary relief : Q PROVE THAT I pave ae } ¢ |W a a - but do not cure. as vou know You get more to enjoy in the convenient WAS,...WELL, SMART.. / " 5 re i a 1 Pha aa th yy Hemorrhoids or "piles"? are} Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... » Ge oie varicose veins, but going under|| more of that fresh flavour and lively taste | an alias because of their loca-'| MICKEY MOUSE lm. coe S oe SS oe $2353..84. 28553 MUGGS AND SKEETER © King Penturee Syniticntn, fac, 16d. Werkll sighte sveervel JULIET JONES

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