2 THE OSHAWA Times, Mentor, Mer. 30, 1966 A coin + operated beer dispenser manufactured in Britain has a built-in fea- ture to prevent after-hours drinking. But in place of a bartender calling the tradi- Longshoremen And SFC Fail To Reach Accord MONTREAL (CP) Nine hours of meetings Sunday be- tween representatives of the In- ternational Longshoremen's As sociation (CLC), the Shipping Federation of Canada and Ja hor Minister Nicholson resulted in no progress toward ending the three ~- week dockworkers strike in Quebec, Mr, Nicholson said early today He said he would report to the federal cabinet today on the failure of the talks and that an- other move probably would be made today, He said this would be up to the cabinet Mr. Nicholson and Industry Minister Drury came to Mon- treal for meetings after a meet- ing with ILA and federation delegates in Ottawa Friday failed to make any progress The first session here Saturday also was fruitless Some 4,250 dockworkers have been on strike in Montreal, Que bee and Trols-Rivieres since May 10 in support of demands for more pay, better working conditions and no cuts in the number of men working on gangs. The union is seeking a two-year contract JUDGE ALSO FAILED Judge Rene Lippe, who was named federal mediator earlier) MDs' Records For Drugs | To Be More Detailed Now ' OTTAWA (CP)--Doctors who dispense narcotics and con trolled drugs are required for) the first time to keep the samejto take precautions arainat loss! kind of records as pharmacists,|or theft it was learned today It ls estimated that more than 9,000 doctors will come under remulations .on narcotics and controlled drugs regulations approved by the federa| cabi net earlier this month Federal authorities say it Is becoming a growing feature of medical practice in Canada for physicians also to dispense drugs While they will be required to keep records of dispensary aale of these drugs, doctors. will not have to report the drugs they dispense to a patient as part of a house call. These are not usu ally dispensed in quantity The new regulations also will clear up an anomaly of drug) contro) whereby doctors who own or operate drug stores, as is the case in some smaller communities, did not have to keep pharmacists' records of their supplies and sales of nar eotics or controlled drugs FIX AMOUNT FOR RECORD Records will be required if the doctor dispenses more than three times the maximum daily dosage recommended by the manufacturers three times the generally - recognized max imum daily therapeutic dosage The information required tn cludes names and quantity of drugs furnished, name and ad dress of the person to whom it was furnished and the dale As in the case of pharmacists doctors affected by the new reg ulations must permitfedera! drug inspectors to examine their Chairman Raps OECT Association WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) Thomas Taylo chairman the negotiating committee 450 Catholic lay teachers Sunday the Ontario Catholic Teachers has sold its Windsor down the river The association re during the weekend new 0 of for Said} English} Association! members commended that the Windsor teachers accept terms) | Separate} | School Roard in a dispute over! | offered by the Windso salaries The Windsor teache threatened to strike May 52 schools, leaving 19,000 pu; without classes. They agreed to let the association, which represents 10,000 Ontario teachers, siep in and try to reach a settlement The teachers, now making basic $3,500 a year, are $4,000% The was $3,800. s had at! are day. ships diverted from Montreal drug || THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Grand Master | Masonic Lodge SAULT STE. saat "Me i(CP) -- Eldon W, Mitchell London was chosen grand master of the Masonic Order of Ontario Saturday The 66th annual assembly of the Masonic Order's Grand Council of Royal and Select) Masters of Ontario chose Mr,| Mitchell at a two-day assem-) bly, Approximately 1660 dele gates attended the assembly. New officers elected for the coming year were: Robert H, Taylor, Hamilton, deputy master; Lesiie C, Ewener, Sar- nia, principal conductor of work; David Willoek, Sault Ste, Marie, grand chaplain; Harry EK. Harrison, Weston, grand re-! corder; A. G. N, Bradshaw, London, grand treasurer; Fred- erick W. Chess, Niagare Falls,' captain of the guard; Kenneth L, Luther, Belleville, annductor of the council; Allan H, Gray, Toronto, marshal, Chosen to the grand execu- tive were: W. Allan Dempsey, Belleville; James W, Woodland, Toronto; John N, Satter, Ot tawa Church Wants 'China In UN KINGSTON, Ont (CP) - | Warning of ite 'deep sense of |? impatience,"' the Bay of Quinte conference of the United Church BARTENDER ditional 'Time, Gentlemen, please', the machine just switches off automatically, It's intended for use in thea- tre foyers and race tracks (CP Photo) and failed in an bring the two parties to any | government agreement, day's meetings, [Communist China A conciliation attempt earlier| United Nations by Judge Claude Prevost,| The resolution was endorsed named by Mr. Nicholson, also|by the conference after amend failed ment of an earlier draft that An ILA spokesman said Sun-/Used such words as "dismay" day night the federation has|and "disgust" and described) failed to make "even a single| the government's actions 80 far counter proposal' to demands ®* ® "cowardly abdication,' made by the union, He said the|.. The conference also ealled on union had modified its demands| the government to continue once but that the federation had| seeking peace in Viet Nam on not made any sort of counter-| the basis of the 1954 Geneva) offer since last December be-|a#ccord "even if this is an im fore the Jast working agreement| mediate and total diss: ciation expired from the American policy in " Viet Nam," A third resolution urged the government to double its foreign More than a hundred ships gid spending to an are reported tied up because of) equalling one per cent of the the strike and shippers say they| gross national product--the to losing about $1,000,000 @ (9) value of all goods and serv: ices, This resolution also com- mended the government for in- Friday to tak into the e mull open for counter Meanwhile, in Halifax a meet- ing of some 400 longshoremen| creasing foreign ald spending skies will remain mostly sunny failed to reach any decision on/ over the last decade whether to obey an order from the ILA headquarters in New| ton was installed as president) Rev, J, A, Davidson of Kings suc. York that all longshoremen infor the 1966-67 conference, Davia! North America refuse to work|ceeding Rev, Harry M, of Belleville, | Get Going Ahead' |: Pope Tells Bishops) VATICAN CITY (AP) --- Pope Paul has ordered the Roman atholic hierarchy to move 'ahead and put the updating principles of the Vatican ecu- |menical council into action The Pope said this to mem- bers of the central commisston| wo OF On: Mwcided. by. tne. eounelly which } idecided by the council, whic within Py ot discovery any ended its work Inst Dec, 8, The! commission met May 23 + 24 loss or theft : Pope Paul's message to the) members was released by the 2 Valuable Vatican today Paintings Found NEW YORK (CP) The A spokesman said further meetings will be held today. records and check their stocks The doctors also are required told the commission, 'to grad to practice, It is necessary to Times says two paintings be proceed to the change of prac lieved to be by Albrecht Duerer| ces to the updating of instruc and worth about $1,000,000 have| ons according to the needa of the times, to the rearrangement of reciprocal ties and to the in crease of contacts and dialogue among pastors and their flocks) }so that everything may be prop lerly renovated and built in Christ," Present at the commission |meeting were leading cardinals ifrom the sacred college and presiding prelates from the couneil, HERE AND THERE A total of $15,710 was rea- lized this year in the Fas- ter Seal campaign sponsored by the Rotary Club of Osh. awa, The total was about $600 lower than a@ year ago RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY --wittacs cranes 725-65 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa turned up here in the collection! of a lawyer who paid $500 for them 20 years ago The paintings, believed to have been done in 1499, are portraits of Hans and Felicitas Tucher, members of a promi nent merchant family in Wei mar, Germany, Hach is done} with oils on wood and is 11 by 9'4 Inches Lawyer Edward |, Elicofon, 62, sald he bought them in 1954 from a young man "who said) he was sent to me by a friend| of mine.' Their background was discovered about three weeks ago and they now are In a vault at the Museum of Art because of the uncertainty of title Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723.1712 -- 728.291) G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTHs OSHAWA? hi I A ERR nT RENN attempt to\of Canada called on the federal) also attended Sun-\every available step to bring| amount} on 'ern "Now is the time," the Pope, ually put the (council) norms in-! | Eldon Mitchell | IN SAIGON ANTI-U.S. DEMONSTRATIONS New England | University scientisishope radar sert sand into the base of each lwill tell them in 1967 why hail feeler as an aid to detecting | falls ig ay Ad Alberta and gravity in their near-weightless 'state, 2 More Buddhists 'Take Own Lives | By EDWIN @, WHITE leated a sharp division among Buddhist leaders as a result of BAIGON (AP) -- TWO MOrE their failure so far to bring | Buddhists committed suicide 10" down the Ky government iday in a new wave of demon- while the Buddhisis gave strations aimed at forcing the ineiy ives: in the struggle United States to withdraw it8\ aoninst their government, the support from Premier Nguyen! u's infantry fought regular Cao Ky's military regime, Two! North Vietnamese troops near others burned themselves 10 the Cambodian border Sunday death Bunday crippling the equivalent of a full The moderate chairman of battalior the powerful Buddhist institute) A U.S, spokesman said 227 appealed for an immediate halt: North Vietnamese were killed to such "self-sacrifice." The most of them in fighting that statement by the monk Thich! continued until Sunday night in (venerable) Tam Chau indi-ithe hills west of Ple 140 U Thant Talks With Pearson WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) Thant, United Nations secre tary- genera}, Sunday spoke with | Prime Minister Pearson by tele | phone from Windsor shortly be- fore he returned to New York The secretary-general, stay- -- at the private home here External Affairs Minister Sart: spent much of the time since last Friday in discussions on world problems, He also re ceived an honorary doctor of laws degree from the Univer jsity of Windsor and gave the spring convocation address Mr, Martin said Sunday night that both he and Mr, Thant had apoken with Mr, Pearson during morning discussions which had centred on the conflict in Viet Nam, the question of China's admission to the UN, Rhodesia and peace-keeping operations |WEATHER FORECAST Mostly Sunny For Today N.W. Winds 15 to 25 MPH TORONTO (CP) issued at 5:30 am Synopsis: Southern ku titu and cor 78 and the financial tional problems of the "Mr, Thant was brought to date on Canada's recent ne gotiations with India and Po land who, with Catiada, make up the Internaional Control Commission, and | advised him of other steps that Canada has taken in regard to an effort to bring about a negotiated settle ment in Viet Naw Mr, Martin said "We also discussed the posi tion Canada takes that the United Nations must not be de nied role in establishing peace-keeping forces,' Mr, Martin said Canada's de sire was re-emphasized that the secretary-general should make himself availableto continue in that office for another five-yea tert up ~ Forecasts, Wingham 60) Hamilton Ontario \St, Catharines , TOPONIO sicccceceve Tuesday while in northern) peterhorough regions the cloudy skies and| Kingston showers of the past two days 'Trenton ., will continue into Tuesday a5 a Killaloe , clearing occurs very gradually fee the west a St, Clair, Lake Erie, Southern Lake Huron,| Sault Ste, Marie... | Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, Kapuskasing Hamilton, Toronto: Mainly|White River... sunny with winds northwest 15 Moosonee , to 20 rimmins Northern Lake Huron, South Georgian Bay Variable | cloudiness and very cool, Winds northwest 15 to 25 Haliburton, Killaloe, Northern Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coch- rane, Weatern James Bay, North Bay, Sudbury; Cloudy} with scattered showers, clearing} in the afternoon, Winds north west 18 to 25 White. River, Algoma Sie. Marie; Mainly sunny cool, Winds jigni Ottawa: Cloudy with sunny breaks and scattered showers Cool, Winds west 15 North Ba Sudbury BMTILON secerceases Sault and Forecast temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windser y 48 St, Thomas Ub) London ,... 45 Kitchener ... 45 {Mount Forest Ao ter QS IS COMING miles northeast of Saigon, The' Americans took moderate cas-| ualties, the spokesman said, Inelligence sources in Saigon) have said that as many as 16,-)) 000 North Vietnamese troops] are poised in the Cambodian mountaing ready to strike} across the border, but U8, offi- cials in Washington say there is) no actual evidence of their pres-) ence new wave of Buddhist enaTst LEADER The protest suicides began Sunday Pierre Bourgault, 32-year- with two women who immo! oid former newspaperman ated themselves in Hue, the) and television radio an- suddhist northern stronghold nouncer, is the leader of and in saigon's main pagoda, the Rassemblement pour I'Independence Nationale, a is of communities REFLECT DESPAIR | Quebec separatist group. They were the first immola-| The RIN has entered can- tions since seven monks and) gidgtes in the June § pro- nuns burned themselves tO! vincigi election in Quebec. death in the months before the (CP Photo) overthrow of the late president _ Ngo Dinh Diem in November,| Py . 1963, The new suicides are be-| ieved to reflect despair among Young Girl Killed buddhist extremists of rallying C enough support in the streets to Two-Car ollision bring down the juna BROWN HILL, Ont, (CP) Today a monk set himself) Kathy Grimes, 2, of Ravenshoe aflame in the main pagoda in| was killed and her mother and Dalat, 140 miles northeast Of\three other persons were in- Saigon, while a young girl IMijured in a two-car collision the mountain resort slashed her! near here Saturday wri an dsaid that her blood) pojiog said Mrs, Grimes and should be used to write 'Tetters) hey daughter were thrown from n support the Buddhist) sy oip car in the collision, cause," Tam Chau is considered far Brown Hill more moderate than his prin-|#F@ neighboring oa cipal rival, Thich Tri Quang, about 35 miles north of Tor the director of the Buddhist un-| 0"! rest in the northern provinces Tam Chau tried to streng-| then his hand among the politi-| cal monks, but another monk} has threatened to burn himself injess Tam Chau takes @ MOT? | quyppsenssssssseseemmsememmmmmmmmmmmmaes against the gov violent course lernment Thich Tri Quang, meeting re porters in Hue after the nun's uicide there, declared that President Johnson 'has killed all the sympathy the Viet namese Buddhists had for him," But despite denunciations of the United States, American dip lomats kept in touch with Budd hist leaders, hoping to persuade them to call off further vio lence, t officials have heen arguing that the Buddhists' best hope in giving the junta a chance to carry out its pledge o hold elections in September g Adams lies POP ART BOUGHT TORONTO (CP) The Tor onto Art Gallery has bought two examples of poo art by U.S artists Andy Warholand George 1, One is a composition. of photographs of Elvis Presley and the other Is a life-size plas reproducton of a butcher's shop and you can New kind of Account pays 50% more interest-- withdraw money anytime p pe MAY HAVE $5,000 or more in savings which is earning only 3%, That's not as much as it could A Guaranty Trust Savings Deposit Re- ceipt Account pays 4\4%. Minimum deposit Look at the extra interest you get with a Guaranty Trust Savings Deposit Receipt Account is $4,000, Interest is calculated on the daily balance peposit You can put additional money into your ORDINARY 3% INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR GUARANTY TRUST INTEREST POR ONE YEAR account whenever you want, And you can withdraw money anytime on demand 6,120 7,660 13,000 This kind of account is used by individuals like yourself as well as corporations, trustees, clubs, hospitals and churches 20,500 "25,150 For further information, please write, tele phone or visit the Manager of the Guarant Trust office nearest you $154.76 $ 232.99 344.03 591.58 932,87 1,144.48 228.50 392.92 619.61 761.16 Government of Canada incorporated and supervis Deposits in excess of $350,000,000. JAMES I, VESSEY, Manager, Guaranty Trust Company of Canada ed, Capital and Reserve $25,000,000, 32 KING ST. E., OSHAWA, TEL, 728-1653 rye whisky with the UNSINKABLE FLAVOUR ey. ane SAVINGS PLUS * 45 Galion Steel Drums * 5 Galion Palis * Large Wooden Storage Boxes * And Many Other Miscellaneous items Revs INDUSTRIAL DISPOSAL (OSHAWA) LIMITED Rosslyn Road East off Harmony North TEL. 725-9202 | } and Ravenshoe | NOW... Is the time to switch. , , It's that time of the year when interest is paid on savings eccounts . , , THE PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH UP 4'4% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% onl. & year GILC,'s 7% yield per ennum on 10 yeer ACCUMLATING G.1,C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9AM, te 6 PM, Mon, te Thurs, oe 7 AM. te © PM, Fri, oe 0 AM, te BP. SWITCH UP... Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Head Office: 1% Simeoe 8, W. OSHAWA, 723-8231 29 King #, W. BOWMANVILLE 23-2527 "lana TODAY'S BABIES WILL LIVE LONGER Each one gete much better core then in the A Be! birth mother toke special vitamins and po Ben to give Baby @ healthier body, After birth Baby has the benefit of much increased medice! knowledge end new immunization agents to werd off sick rugs ean HOW eure Gites ¥ We stock many vitamins, medicines and beby-alds that wil help bebies to live longer, healthier and mere eomfortable lives; Visit eur beby display many new products babies need, Whether « nipple, @ baby thermometer or @ special baby preserip- tion you can get it here, YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine, Pick We your prescription if shopping neer- by, er we will A tions, Mey we compoun EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawe PHONE 723-3594 Fast ~~ Free Motorized Delivery P. B, Francis, Phm, B, --- J, R, Steffen, B.Sc. Phm, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ONLY! Rib Loin PORK CHOPS 69: 723-3633 12 King St, E