Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1966, p. 19

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|17---Female Help Wanted -- EXPERIENCED SECRETARY REQUIRED 13--Anti les for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles DABKUENTS 7 2 RIN eo 463 Ritson Re. .$, 725+ 3338 CHAIRS, card ond banquet Yables, church| gisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Sireet Worth, Call 11614 | BOX H-25842 ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one nangred| OSHAWA TIMES peopie? Oshawe Tennis Ciyb for quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, seks 77-714 mornings WHEEL CHAIRS, hospite! beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick foom supplies. Aid Rentals, | Beaters ce, 115-1644 14--Business "Opportunities EXCELLENT WHITBY LOCATION, & suite modern apartment building with balconies. Fully equipped. Only $19,000 down to one 675 per cent mortgage, Ex captions! investment, For particulars) cali Marilyn Fitrgeraid, 668-9213 or | 5104, W, 0. Martin, Realtor SUPPLEMENT your present income with a food freezer vending machine. For) fyil information contact John Webster.) 724-99 | Shormond, TYPING, igMm DOOR keeping for Public Relations office no oge limit t |18--Male Help Wanted _ DRAFTSMEN ENGINEERS Applications from Droftsmen interested in entering the teaching profession ore invit- ed by Prince Edward Colleg- iate, Picton, Ontario Those wi th grade 12 standing, plus & years experience in droft- ing, of olternatively those with a diploma from a tech- nicological institute ond few- er than 8 yeors of experience in the trade, are oble to take surnmer courses to quolify os secondary school teachers up- on obtaining a contract with SHALL "beauty salon for rent.| > Cantral location, Write Box 04 ahawe Times | 15--Employment Wanted requires | parttime bookkeeping. Can carry full set of books fo trial balance. Specializing in) small business. Write Box 25676 Oshaws) Times BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, experienced in) ait phases of bookkeeping and typing, desires work that may be done at home Will pick up and deliver, Prompt ser vice, Orhawa and surrounding territory Er Write Oshawa Times Box, No, 25769 DUTCH LADY would iike housework Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Cal atier five 726-4805 GENTLEMAN willing to-do paintir terior and exterior, Gardening of @ kinds, Telephone 668-3620 RELIABLE woman wishes to of two preschool children Ir South General Motors aren 17% 4375 GENTLEMAN gardening, \awne, office work. Telephone | «© board gineers with a University degree are elegible to teach science or mathematics upon train- these sut ted completion of summer Application in jects are-also inv Salary tonge from $5,400 to ver $10,000 depending up ications and exper take care her home Telephone} on quolif ience requires parttime work ic, or stofkroom or Those Interested are in 1979-9392 to write to J. H Pictor collect to vited Syrett, Prin cipo Ontario or to call 476-2196 in order to arrange an interview 17--Female Help Wonted Savings Teller Required PURCHASING We hove on opening for @ young mon to assist in all ospects of the purchesing functions in our expanding operations, This position will oppeal to o person who |s ag- gressive enjoys toking both responsibility and using his inittiotive. Experience in buying ond handling inven- oe tories will be helpful, in re ply submit complete particu- lors a8 to oge, experience, INSURANCE | Son" 'Spe noe OFFICE pia orital status Experienced Girl for local trust company, Ex perience preferred. Apply in ewn hand writing te P.O, Box 706 in Oshawa and Box M26338 OSHAWA TIMES for general insurance office, 5 doy week, 9 to 5; stenog raphy not necessary but ex perience in an office handling fire and auto insurance is o requirement, Solary commen surate with experience, Ap ply In person 73 KING ST. E. SALESMAN Well estoblished O showe branch office for a large in- ternational firm desires to contact a local man, 25 to 35 years old, for soles posi+ tion, Soles experience desir- oble, but not necessary, Good Dish Machine Operator salary with opportunity for advoncem Group benefits Excellent Wages | nclude Hespitalization, Life Uniforms and Meals provided and Pension. All App nquiries in strictest confi+ FLYING Fe Eg giving quoli- DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL Bowmanville ent surance Gaye me FREE and. catalog with send work BOX 24840 OSHAWA TIMES 623-7242 -- HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG pan te. We INCOME -- MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH WAITRESSES e310 Dept. E-310-HY, required 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.O 7AM to4P.M Gentlemen; | am. interested 4PM, to 11 PLM in the world famous Raw APPLY eigh Line on o MR, CAMPBEL ( ) part-time basis GENOSHA HOTEL | ©) full time Basle lease Cook Book WOMEN ¢ details Required to do pleasant tele NAME phone survey from our ADDRESS downtown office. Salary | city hours to suit MR. ROGERS WANTED home EXPERIENCED ESTATE SALESMAN ior with eo estate desirous of Contact LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King St. E 728-4678 MECHANIC BODYMAN 723-8611 Housekeeper Children ? $25 per REAL Far motheriess and 4 P.O, Rox oll phoses of copoble and high earnings week RENT in quiet home, near Sult a gentleman, Telephone RELIABLE LADY from 9:30 am, to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday prepare dinner for two schoo! children % and WVevearold baby $15 weekly atter 7 p.m HAIRDRESSER WANTED time Guaranteed salery sion. Continental Hair Sty Sireet North, 723-55 CAPABLE PERSON to m eges 5 months and 2 years while mother works shift work ately 723-8239 wipow share home 14, care for 728-9475 or part commis nd two children Part-time Immed single lady, abstaine with widow, salary e 6 M2628 week shawa 728-778) Middle Aged for MIDOLE AGED WOMAN to weekly, 7 to 4 pm. Huren St Telephone 723-047 WAITRESS wanted, fy no weekends. Aopiy Grill, 1428 Brock Street South tt A sworT oRDgR SCOR. Leth anced, over a), day anit. A Wayside, |)60 King Street Pik woman baby ait eet aren time, no nights sistant Manager A person SCOTT'S Chicken Villa 505 opp West" )28-0545 VM®@ executive activity for mature Personality more important thar e@uperionce. 725-4235 of 725-4816. PEMALE HELP, over ia. for night sn Apply MeMurray's © In, 1349 Simcoe Narth or telephone MIDDLE AGED MAN to work ® te 6 er se farm, care of horses and tight r RELIABLE woman of lady pensioner to\ pair duties, Ridgeview ranch, My live in, light responsible home atrmos:/ Station, 985-2200 Port Pe phere, Please repiy stating wage re quired te Box M227 Oshawa Times. one SALESMAN -- tf inte ay, and be pitt ape WOLF must be ex . person Southend Taverr Sehowe Simcoe South erienced § Bloo rep y perience ? Dshawa T train, Box 2 Batt HOMEMAKER ane fy 5 x] : . nia five days mes P, 17 and over, for part time ply McM $ ve 1M9 Simeone weekly, + . aed! North, or telepho m8. 229 WANT TO BARN extra money? Man io ean } i West Rouge nea ') nave transportation Oakville MOUSEKFEPER ess home ' Telepnone DOMEstic PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT for de M " ' meal Gut Madica a me e oren food business None 648-4610 affer Exp "help req area. Teiep ed, five Gay week 28 2a04 nced preferred, fo Age |? o ver, Con CAPABLE GIRL or wana are fo ason fared children, one presck 4 mother ve In se RviCg STATION attendant ehene 725-4700 w OQ eco, Dunbarto sareniencs® WAITER full time work Queen's Hote ? Simcoe Street some cook's § works. L 439-248 "'Smert Business People Sing ea of Oshewe ee as Nerth REAL ESTATE SALES. nen to sell real e fice Experion the Praises \18--Male Melp Wanted _ DUE TO EXPANDING PROGRAMME A & W ROOT BEER DRIVE-INS REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL To troin os .assistant mon- agers, with opportunity to ad- vance to full monoger Good employes benefits ond training programme Must be neot in oppearance, have automobile and comp- pleted at least grade 10 Between the oges of 22-35 with good employment back- ground, Only young men who desire a more challeng ing position, with initiative and ambition need apply. All replies treated in upmost con- fidence Write full resume to Box M 246306, Oshawa Times JUNIOR EXECUTIVE Financia nstitutior hos pening for mature man to help in development of its estate planning and trust ore: r open to discussion Interested in proved in industry whose in the operations in this come Particularly junior executives of ability come opportunity in future is unlikely to $12,000 Please ing experience pected and a formation te. the near exceed stot solary ex relevant in- reply BOX H-25871 OSHAWA TIMES LICENSED MECHANIC excellent starting salary bonus, All compony benefits including group insurance, hospitoli zotior poid aca tion and pension plan. Front end experience an asset, Ap ply to the manager of FIRESTONE STORE and 190 King St. E., Oshawa KITCHEN PORTER Excellent Woges Uniforms and Meals Provided App! FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7242 Ask for Mr, Gaye ASPHALT SALESMEN Immediotely to and 100 Commiasi required sell in. Oshawa rodius attractive po compare Us. 723-0381 mile on or ver poms. Goll us why work > fr less WaAlrer Experienced for room, Steady position. Apply } caster, 27 King Street West PAINTERS 78-275) FULL RIVERS wanted J ia)' King Sireel Bat. 19-----Male and Female Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER person wanted, Phen A responsible mature with several years experience required for established local firm ng funetions Good starting salary with re gular semi-annual increases Usue mpar benefits y00d working ¢ Telephone 728-7371 for appointment COUPLE For Full-time Superintendent DUTIES Large apartment building In Oshowe OSHAWA REALTY LTD. 25 BOND WEST 728-9466 Make application. at HAIRDRESSERS, experiericea wages, Apply Rr 247 King $1 HARNESS Horse PART-TIME ce ork \19----Male and | | Female Help Wanted TOWN PLANNER Newly estobiished regional plonning board requires quoli- fied planner to porticipete in opproved plenning progrom for 240 square mile planning area immediately east of me- tropoliten Toronto, 6 munici- polities, 120,000 population, 7 stoff, DUTIES ~~ To undertoke plonning studies for prepor- ation of a regional official pier QUALIFICATIONS Plan- ning graduate or degree in reloted field, or 5 years plon- ning experience ~ To be negotiated qualificotions SALARY depending and experience on BENEFITS Permanent po- sition, ottractive fringe bene- fits, new offices, interesting program opportunity for senior plonner for advance- mem to assistant director Apply DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Central Ontario Joint Planning Board Oshawa Shor 1g Centre OSHAWA, ONTARIO 1867 Restaurant REQUIRES @ Two Experienced Waitresses and @ Two Service Station Attendants Permane Position For Shell Centre Tronsportation A Necessity Phone HEPPLEWHITE 725 - 823] TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAX! 725-477) MR 20--Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 5 SIMCOE STREET S. 155 PHONE 723-8144 COUNTRY LIVING $14,500. full price on this 2 bedroom home situoted on 4 large lot, this home comes complete with new forced air and broadioom be arranged 480 furnace Terms con 2 STOREY type 3 separate din brick ng ed yard, close to Priced further Older bedroorr bungo oreo, fen and shopoing to sell, call now for details school $1 Large 3. bedroon central Oshawa DOWN home In lovely 500 ndscap t. Lorge mod separate dining ng cleon, corries y this e d sized TRI-PLEX ur future, The in this attractive jilding is { six k bt can be chased f the exceptionally f $19,900, Don't yortunit low price miss this of AREA BARGAIN 000, will buy this three ald clay ) ex + at Moris Cet x ve yard ond gorage will add to yr when you in M.L:S OF O.D.R.E.B ELL MEMBE MOVE RIGHT IN! $14,500 $3,000. DOWN 6% MORTGAGE 3 bedroom Hardwood rive nlow 19 t. Gas > agents, please 728-8348 Phone HARMONY RD. NORTH |20------Real Estate for sate Z0-----Real Estate for sae (20---Real Estate tor Sale BUILDING a ee AQIS N/V EEO presents BRAEMOR GARDENS | A perfect community for the family, Stevenson Rd. N. to Annopolis west to Waverly. FINISHED MODELS NOW. ON DISPLAY ELMWOOD A bedroom bungalow basement to Park Price -- $19,750. lovely 3 Wolk-out BIRCHWOOD beauty This 3 hed. is a bock arport ar roor split Has a citing nd mony ex features Price $20,495 MAPLEWOOL With @ gor age. 3 bedrooms, 'L' shaped ing - dining room, Addition 0! bedroom or den on lower evel with extra $21,350 woshroor Price FIRWOOD ----~ This is our new model. Boosts' 1320 sq. ft azed at the love jement You'll be ar ly ror Near this one hos o - $22,000, ly forgot fireplace Price y R GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND VALUE xclusive Agents REAI STATE LTD 728-1678 Yes --~ the Ist phose of... Armstrong Homes ARE SOLD OUT!!! Now don't the new phase now mits out on started The Beout Luxury manship and built some Quality work service Better only by . Armstrong > 1 2 LO AJAX ATIONS OSHAWA Down Payments Frorr $1,600 Financing Avoilable GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 942-3310 NEW brick sodded Finished 3 bed completely ura! fireplace bungalow lot, Nat rec washr jowr $1,999 down to 1 mor CALL 728-9466 Oshawa Realty (BOND ST.) LTD STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling acres miles north of Oshawa, paved road Magnificent view, see U.S.A and Toronto ghts. Antique stone house both, furr ace res hardwo vared e 10 acre $60,000 Worsle would terms. ( ~meror OSHAWA REALTY investment Properties Resales New Homes Free Valuations 728.9466 AWA REALTY HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 JUST FINISHED --- NORTH WEST 51% rooms with 2 baths -- excellent for a couple with e young family = near North End Plaza shopping --- fine schools, Under $16,000, ond on 614% financing, Take a look. to-night LISTINGS INVITED BUYERS WAITING PHONE 728-6286 NEW NORTH EAST END Flameless electric heat ~~ double attached garage 5 delight placed on o corner site in a strictly residential area N.HLA. financing. Be sure to see ul rooms $1700, DOWN f you qualify 644% NHA Mortgages OPEN Sot, thru 2:00 p.m PARK ROAD PHILLIP DAILY Thurs till 5:00 pm SOUTH at MURRAY OPEN 9:00 A.M TILL 9:00 P.M, After ho Margaret Lee Dick Barriage Glen MacKinnon Les Holl Fronk Bob Stevenson FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West OWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa & Real Estate Boord ms cal 723-2894 725-6243 728-6750 728.5513 723-3533 728-1903 Smith District BOWMANVILLE Elgin Street 2 bedroom bungalow, lot 60' x 150' Asking only $10,000---terms MUST BE SOLD 3 bedroom t bungalow on lot 61' x Oil heot ing, 4 pee. beth goroge Owner Bowmanville 900 terms 100 attached tronsferred Asking $21, 10 ocres, 2 storey furnished frame house; fruit trees, Gor den Hill, $7,000 $3,000 down Call 623-3393 After Ken Hockin Pat Ye 9pm 623-5055 623-3077 Doug G 128-1005 Barnosk! 123.5787 723.7843 72R.0196 321 Ioe Clare McCullough And Keys Roy Foster Howard Forder Orone Brooklin 655.3853 " Port Perr 225.2987 een Gimblett 885.4548 Residence Port Hope 885.253 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED George Beat Bill & D FOR REAL YOUR BEST ESTATE MOVE IN INCOME Here's a real mone nake 3 apartments plus variety store, all rented to excellent tenants. Over $350 month in Located in the north section of Oshawa, Ask ),000 witt y ant o)7 come east 1 terms. call Roy Yeo at NORTH FAST -- $24,900 brick and bungalow ? stone with at toched garage and finished 3 with 3 large bedrooms ear old modern roams in basement piece bath, 3 modern living room hollywood = kitchen 4 piece ceraniic outiful landscaped and fenced. Own Mus? he on Surrey Drive with vanity. Be hatt ea Located all Jack Appleby at ' na County sold 3398 10! Simeoe Street North Member of O.D.REB 728.512 Phone WANT ADS ideally - 1178 GONAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 28, 1966 19 '20--Real Estate for Sole 20----Real Estate for Sele Make your move now to an ARMSTRONG HOME ROLLING HILLS OSHAWA $1,676. DOWN detached N.H.A, Homes 64% different OSHAWA'S BIGGEST Bargain Ever! Before You Buy See... feotur- built storms, models, aluminum siding and oven and doors hogony trim, garages and cor in range sceens mo ravine lots avail just west of Kee FULL PRICE 123-6461 Arr No other Oshawa builder can ae duplicate our fontostic value, homes in See The strong today's poner for 779 TO ONE N.HA, MORTGAGE Rolling Hills and Ajax GRIFFIN ESTATE LIMITED 123-8144 REAI DOWN, ©-P-F-N HOUSE GRANDVIEW _. and WILLOWDALE Quality Built Bungolows HURRY -- ONLY "3" LEFT 6% The Amount Of The N.HLA Mortgage |s Proof Of Our Su perior Value OSHAWA | YOU DO GET MORE FOR REALTY | (BOND ST.) LTD At least 1200 to 1900 4 BEDROOMS squore feet Close to Gibb Street, brick bungo with attached poved drive, large finished ree room and many other extras, Carries for only $100 P and |, Call 728 9466 2 ACRES VLA Builders special at West City Limits on Rossland Read, 150 feet frontage by 660 feet deep. Coll 728-9466, TRY YOUR DOWN PAYMENT 3. hedr brick cated to parks modern low goroge f Storms and screens Fully eodded back end fromt including city boule- vard 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms Plostered walls, cornices, ond valance boxes 1 Full venities in bathrooms bungalow, close schools, shopping ond bus Ideal family home with many extras, Only $15,400. Call 728-9466 728-9466 9AM, to 9 PM Fully decorated to your choice of colours COME TO DOWNSVIEW mis Multiple Listing Service PARK OPEN THIS WEEKEND THIS WEEK- END MODELS ON ADELAIDE ST, & AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, Oper 700, DOWN If you qualify N.H.A, Mortgages * $1 t this »9UNDAY BUILT @ BACKED & SOLD 5:00 | DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 p.m. t OR ot, thru' Thurs pm. till 5:00 pm. PARK ROAD SOUTH TO PHILLIP MURRAY and f the Do 5 2:00 stow REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 INCOME PROPERTY storey older brick home 3 apartments & Beauty Salon, Double gorage, large lot 40° x 220', total income could be $265.00 «a month Let your money work for you this sound = investment property situated on King St East across from the new Steinberg Store Contoct George Koornneef of Scho- field-Aker Ltd. ot 723-2859 BUILDER'S CLEARANCE! | WHITBY 2 new detached 3 bed 4 piece tile bathroom, lorge room dream kitchen with plenty of cup beard sf FL basement ties, Sit frontage extras poyment of $1,895 ves You Right ranch style bungalow rooms, on with n taci ated t-60 M ma Low fown In! WHITBY 3 hedroom house, in good loe- ation, Living roem, kitchen, bathroom, tull basement, oil furnace, garage, 66 x 166. Easy terms, Call William Pegg lot 30 DAYS POSSESSION Baskett & Pegg Ltd Real Estate Brougham 942-0931 Stouffville, 640-1303 Want-Ads Don"t NHA Mortgage $AVE $500 Winter Works Bonus DIRECTIONS King Eost to Keewatin South on Keewatin to Willowdale JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 128 - 7377 ACTIVE 728-5157 OPEN HOUSE DAILY Drive out Sundoy te "HARMONY VILLA' Wilson Road te Olive Ave, Oversized 50 to 65 toot lots then east to ELMRIDGE $T, to MODEL HOMES, @ $16,800.00 t $17,400.00 @ $500.00 Winter Works Bonus @ Low 64% NAA, Mortgages @ Low down poymente @ Prepaid services @ Only @ few left Built by TONNO Constr, Ltd. Sold by ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe Street South a | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE INCOME $12,500 7 rooms, 4 rooms on. moin floor with 3 pleee beth, 3 rooms ond 3 piece bath on second = floor Rented for $75.00. Ask for Jock Apple. by ot 723-3398, WARNING \f you are looking for @ ranch bungalow in the north west section don't make any decision until you have seen this most attractive 6 room ranch bungalow with attached garage, Located on Westdale Street, | am sure you will agree that this is a lovely home. See it now, Call Roy. Yeo at 725-2217 101 Simeoe Street North Member of O.D.R.E.B 728-5123 TAXES $98, Lorge 2 storey family home on large lot in Burketon, 15 min, north of Oshawa, car- ries for only $70 monthly, principal and interest. COLBORNE ST. E. OSHAWA Leorger 7 room brick bunga- low, attached garage, 2 fire- places, close to Oshawa's newest High School, COLBORNE ST. E, WHITBY The nicest tri-level brick with 4 bedrooms, family room, 3 bathrooms. Close te Ontaria Ladies' College, schools ond shopping. Owner transferred and must sell Phone Doug Carmichael 723-7463 H. KEITH LTO $1,690. DOWN Three or four bedrooms brick bungalows. NHA mortgages Oil heat. Lorge, large lots, Only 6 left 725-3557 668-6201 J. B, MeMULLAN REAL ESTATE 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 20) Genosha Hove rete tN Lone ot! Ss Prospects @ 723-4651 25 Bond West the vast auden asepn week. Apply a! trant 70 King Street Gast dential interview enntect desk, Action Ads Reaitor, 728-7377, Cost-They Pay |

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