Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1966, p. 1

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Weather Report Sunny, cloudy periods with a drop in temperatures. Little change forecast. Low tonight 40, high Sunday 60, Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- é ville, Aiax Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties, ia Bittharivad ma Carnnd Clean hha eal Pyrraee sansa ao eat lig i Bast Milica Banartmant POT: Mtg» Ainray Be ame OSHAWA, UNIAKIU, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1700 VOL. 95 -- NO. 110 Ottawa end for payment of Postoge in Cath. TMIKTY PAGES CBC Board States Firings Justified -- AUTOMOTIVE GIANT HONORED he said, how friendly we can be when we let our hair down, "I am only in my 95th year, but I'm going strong ahead and I'm not through yet," said, "I will live to see this industry advance much further an on the world situation, Col McLaughlin said: 'I sup- pose there will al ys be wars, as history proves, but we must learn to live with that." Some 350 -- society members ittended last night's meeting at the Hotel scroll is in recognition of the "high esteem and warm affection" held for him by members of the society. Col. "Sam" said: "Every man is put on earth to do the best he can and this is the spirit in which we meet Col. R. 8. McLaughlin re- ceives a_ scroll presented him at last night's meeting of the Ontario section of the society of automotive engin- eers by Karl Scott, left, president of Ford Motor he Emergency Talks Ai At Dock Strike End By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP) -- Emergency talks aimed at settling the strine by longshoremen at three Quebec ports resume in Mont- real Sunday following a seven- hour session in Oshawa Friday night Labor Minister Nicholson made the announcement early today after the lengthy meeting with representatives of the In- ternational Longshoremen's As- sociation, the Shipping Federa- tion of Canada and Judge Rene Lippe, government - appointed mediator Mr. Nicholson said the talks that adjourned at 1:15 a.m |were "'useful" and would re | sume at 3 p.m. Sunday in Mont- | real in an effort to end the dis- pute which started May 9 and e has tied up shipping at Quebec and Trois- Montreal, Rivieres, "There were ties," he added all been solved." The talks started at 5:59 p.m. when Judge Lippe arrived from some difficul- "They haven't Negotiations moved to Ot- tawa following the breakdown of talks in Montreal Friday morning. There had been some speculation the two parties were. drawing closer together, but this was killed by Judge Lippe's statement that "a set- tlement could not be reached," Friday night's talks were split into three phases with all parties present for the begin- ning and end. The union contingent dwin- died to about a dozen by. the time the talks adjourned as some members left at different times for cigarettes or "to get some air." All showed signs of strain when they finally left, despite Mr. Nicholson's suzgestion that they "all go out smiling" as the door opened. In the Maritimes, meanwhile, two European freighters ar- rived in Sydney harbor Friday night, diverted because of a strike, and a third was ex- pected later in the weekend. | Seven Days Hosts May Appear On CBC Programs | | OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC |board of directors said Friday that Patrick Watson and Lau- rier LaPierre, co-hosts of the television program This Hour Has Seven Days, will not be re- turned to the program, But it left the door open for them to work in other corporation pro ductions, The board said it regrets that management by-passed execu- tive producer Douglas Leiter- man in making the decision not to renew the hosts' contracts, but added that it "still believes" |the reasons for the decision "are cogent and that the action based on them . . , was justi- fied,"' | In by-passing the producer, the board said management) broke an unpritten rule be-| tween producers and manage-| ment, In Vancouver, Stuart Keate, | whose report on the dispute be- | tween CBC producers and man-| jagement prompted the direc-| jtors' statement, sald it seems) | management has "inched a few! be for the CBC producers ag. sociation to decide whether te take any action on the state. ment, Of the dismissals of Mr. Wat- son and Mr, LaPierre, the CBC statement said: "Mr. LaPierre's contract was not renewed because it was management's opinion that he did not acquiesce to the prin- ciple that the CBC had no point of view on controversial mat- ters, As co-host of Seven Days, he was identified with CBC and because, whether he wished to or not, a spokesman for it, "He often let his own opin. : ions and his own feelings in con- troversial matters show on the air with the result that he tilted the balance of the program." The statement said manage- ment's decision not to renew Mr. LaPierre's contract had to do with "his on-air performance and nothing else," SHORTCOMINGS HIT The decision not to renew Mr, Watson's contract "was directly |feet forward toward a common| related to management's cone Fas ground with the pro-| cern about the shortcomings of ucers,"" Company of Canada. The tonight." It is interesting, 'Castro Claims Aggression QPP Threaten 99 Planned By U.S. Forces Mass Strike MONTREAL (CP)--A meet-;"'about 80 per cent" of those at- ing of 400 members of the Que-|tending voted in favor of strike bec Provincial Police Associa-{action. tion voted by a "strong major-| It is expected a committee) ity" early today to go on strike| will be named today, Mr. Burns | next Thursday if their demands|said, to consider are not met by the Quebec gov- | plans for staffing essential serv- ernment. jices only. These would include The association, which claims|the homicide, traffic and rob- to represent 1,899 of the force's | bery services. 2,300 men, issued a warning to. DEMONSTRATED EARLIER the..government Tuesday that) The association was--formed the vote would be held. The poll/earlier this year and in March was carried out by secret bal-'the members staged a "moral tot. jstrike' in which off-duty mem- Meanwhile, it was learned in|bers picketed QPP facilities but Ottawa Friday night that three|no services were affected. The of the Royal..29ndistrike .wag..in of Regiment--about 450 men--andimands that their organization four RCAF Hercules transport be recognized : planes were standing by near) On April 6, Arthur Vachon Quebee City for possible police|28, the association's president, duties if the strike occurs a corporal in the force, was The association is asking im-|suspended indefinitely by the mediate recognition of their or-|justice department for "purely ganization, source deduction of/disciplinary reasons.' A_ short union fees from pay cheques | time later he was fired but re- and submission of any prob-|mained president of the associ- lems between the association ation members and the justice de-, Meanwhile, the government partment to an impartial body had announced its recognition of for consideration the organization and the asso- companies support setting up} de-. The exact figures of the bal loting were not immediately available. However, Robert Burns, legal adviser to the as- sociation, said he estimated 'No Enemies In Defense Department States WASHINGTON (AP)--A num- ber of military officers said privately today the U.S. defence department jerked the rug from under Maj.-Gen. Stanley R. Lar- dicting his state ment tt up to six North Viet- Marines-Cong Assault Made ciation received its official char- ter April 18. However, negotia- tion between the two parties for a first collective agreement did not start. Cambodia': namese regiments -- 10,000 or more troops -- are massed in Cambodia, But Larsen, a field mander on leave from Viet Nam, told a reporter "I am just a soldier. I stand sorrected, I'm not going to question' my superiors about what they say. The defence de- partment has a lot more infor- mation to go on than | have," But in Saigon, intelligence re- com- South it has today." Commenting By ISAAC M. FLORES HAVANA (AP)--Prime Minis- |ter Fidel Castro said | night he is convinced the United States is planning 'armed ag- gression" against Cuba and or- dered a state of alert for Cuba's 100,000-man armed forces. | In a communique read over \radio and television, Castro ac- jeused State Secretary Dean Rusk of "practically threaten- ing us with war" over armed clashes between U.S. and Cuban jforces along the perimeter 6f the U.S. naval base at Guan- tanamo in southeastern Cuba President Osvaldo Dorti- cos immediately called in the ambassadors of Commu- nist countries and asked for vol unteers "willing to aid Cuba against the threat of aggression by Yankee imperialism," The ambassadors present in cluded those of China, the So- viet Union and North Viet Nam and the representative of the Viet Cong guerrillas in South Viet Nam. There was no report on the response to Dorticos' re quest Castro said the U department lied in claiming that S Friday | defence gé Some waterfront sources in the Cape Breton port sald the vessels had been diverted to cabinet ministers and a dozen| Sydney because of a possible labor department officials, sympathy strike by Halifax | Industry Minister Drury | longshoremen, although union |stayed through to the end' but|spokesmen in Halifax denied Privy Council President Fav-| knowledge of such a move. reay left early in the evening, The British freighter Glouces-| for a prior engagement ter City arrived in Halifax Fri-| six Cuban soldiers penetrated; Shipping and union spokes-\day night after being diverted) the U.S. base Monday and ex-|men declined official comment|from Bale Comeau, Que. | changed fire with Americanion the talks but one unton| In Saint John, N.B., union and| guards, | source indicated the ILA would| shipping officials declined to} Rusk told a press conference! not back down !n Its objections;comment on six ships being| Friday the United States had to proposed cuts in work gangs| worked there Friday. They said protested the incident and de-|to 18 from 18 men. the ships had not been diverted. manded that such actions stop He sald the disputants also) There were no reports of any} A defence department were far apart on wages butiships being diverted to St.| man said as far as is known no would. not elabora'e | John's, Nfld. ' one was injured in the exchange 2 oy of. gunfire Castro said. the U.S. version "does not contain the slightest element of trith."' "Maybe by such improbable and false declarations they are trying to create psychologics conditions to unleash an against. our country Montreal to join the 18-man ILA delegation, half a dozen ship-| ping federation officials, three Genosha JUDGE RENE LIPPE, mediator in. the Inter- national Longshore- men's Association strike at Montreal, arrives at hear- ings. The strike talks were called by Labor Minister Nicholson 'in Ottawa at Judge Lippe's request in an attempt to settle the pro- tracted dispute. --CP Wirephoto spokes- Ship Strike Causes Chaos | hours from 56 hours. The Ship- Federation, representing} has offered the shorter|¢xpensive proposition. $900 Million By RUSS PEDEN MONTREAL (CP) -- Keeping promises made in the heat of sion Said Cuba custody JIM ANDERSON (CP)--Hundreds of PINs } holiday-bound motorists, stalled) Owners, ha , | at the ferry docks by Britain's| Week in stages over & three-| shipping .strike, have . turned Year period, Present ween June 5 provincial election, Pre- England's channel ports into (en), of the seamen Is imier Jean Lesage has an chaos Aree? jnounced plans for projects ex- More than 400 carloads of} The traffic jam at the chan: !nected to cost more than $500,- people headed to the continent nel ferries followed rejection by |999, 900, for this Whitsun :Holiday week-|the union of a plea by a ferry | end were waiting at Dover Fri- company for a separate peace. day night for places on ferries} Townsend Car Ferries offered | nije highway circling the Gaspe operating with French, Belgian to meet union demands in full Peninsula, u! ih hanes: if it was allowed to operate its | ooct $00,000,000. Me) Many families pia g ferries from Dover. Another $200,000,000 project is oat eee gue! j Sok yay A union spokesman said other | the integrated steel mill the Lib- while others undertook a flve-) shipping firms had also offered/erais are committed to build at a" ly negotiate nationally, 5 i : | Although British housewives hahaa Ml bi we Lia lbp rege River opposite _ have nervously watched the T S-tivieres, today, the holiday tieup was the} 0 roop electricity generator, described i firet' direct encounter as Canada's first, on which Prospects of an early settle- | ns Re ment Ghemned as William Ho-| Secretary Dean Rusk has ruled| The government also was '4 4 " 2 five rivers flowing from north- ampton, 'It will be a long-|™any. He said European allies ee qedeous battle." have been assured "our forces| Western Quebec into James and could go on for six Rusk also told a press confer-|8'Ve"- ence Friday, he hopes members| Between them, Mr. Lesage will abandon of our territory, which is virtually what Rusk de manding."' Instead what we will do immediately is put our revolutionary armed forces and all the people of Cuba in a'state of alert.' He said the United States should not even bother to send a diplomatic note on such alle zations because it would not be accepted, never By LONDON is One of the major items-- widen and resurface the 700- and Norwegian crews '/hour detour to Southampton in|t, meet the union terms Dill Secennour an the anath atha cae rise of food prices during the A third item is the $100,000,- between | * ' the general public and pickets Drain: us |Hydro-Quebec is to start work 'of the 65,000-member National . sarth, general secretary of the Out any major withdrawal of studying the possibility of the He said the strike would last will remain there as long as Bay. Surveys were in progress, hopes of boarding a ferry there. " ) strike, which enters its 13th day 000 light water atomic energy lat Becancour this fall. Jni f Seamen. | e ane gg ool ager WASHINGTON (AP) -- State| HARNESS FIVE RIVERS? union, told a meeting in South-| U.S. troops from West Ger- hydro-electric development of at least another three weeks|they are needed and wanted." but no cost estimates were Lesage Pledges : Mr. Watson said it now would need | He was pleased that 'the CBC} jhas confirmed that nothing| | Stands in the way of continued) | employment for the Seven Days| LT ad | But Mr. Watson said in Ed-| monton the directors' statement| 8 pointing." CHANGE RULED OUT He! told a press conference that 'he would not: accept an other position with the CBC "if jthe circumstances do not change," adding that the CBC statement 'seems to rule out change." But he said he wanted time to study the statement and con- {sult with his colleagues before making any decisions. TV Youth Film | 'Will Be Shown | t | TORONTO (CP) -- Youth in| |recently the subject of contro- | camera crew filmed a girl under ithe influence of a drug in bed| ;with two youths, will be tele-| |vised Sunday at 10 p.m. EDT,| jthe CBC said Friday night. It! |will not show the sequence of| the girl in bed with the youths,! | The show, produced by Beryl! | Fox, will be shown on the series |The Human Camera which re-| | "unacceptable and disap-| This Hour Has Seven Days, Management believed that, in the interest of the program and the CBC as a whole, and to make the best use of the staff concerned, Mr, Leiterman and Mr, Watson should be sep- arated," Douglas Leiterman {s execu. tive producer of Seven Days, The directors' statement CBC management regards Mr. Watson and Mr, Leiterman |as "highly talented," | Mr. Watson commencing on |the reasons given in the state. jment for the dismissals, said |Mr, LaPlerre's "behavior was {closely supervised by the pro- public affairs department" and |the same applied in his own | Suner (Mr. Leiterman) and the | | Case, Mr, LaPlerre sald in Montreal it seemed the situation "is just where it was in April' when the matter first came to a head, Mr. Keate, who took a two- week leave of absence from his post as publisher of Vancouver Sun to mediate differences be- an election campaign can be an/ Search of Morality, a CBC show| tween producers and manage- ment, expressed satisfaction at In the campaign for Quebec's| Versy after reports that a CBC|several elements in the direce tor's statement. He yas appointed by Prime Minister Pearson to study the controversy when producers in Toronto said they would go on strike, His report to the prime minister, in which he called for the producers to call off their strike and for management to bring forth a public statement placed This Hour Has Seven outlining the reasons behind the Days at the end of its regular|dismissals, was made public season, Thursday, | treet re EA NEWS HIGHLIGHTS | Joint Operation Launched In Viet Nam | SAIGON (AP) -- A combined force of 1,500 American marines and Vietnamese troops launched an amphibious | and helicopter assault against the Viet Cong near the northern coastal city of Quang Ngai, the U.S, command announced today, Dominican Party Protests Election Rules SANTO DOMINGO (AP) -- The Dominican Reformist party, one of the major contenders in next Wednesday's presidential elections, announced today it is withdrawing ports available to military com- manders supported Larsen"s tatement. Some reports indi- as many as 12,000 North Vietnamese are massed in the Cambodian mountains SAIGON 1,500 | launched against \ t¢ the northern (AP) An estimated m 2 \ ines and a g positio oastal city from the ballot unless the provisional government changes conditions which the party considers unfavorable to its candidates. INQUIRY TO SIT of the North Atlantic Treaty|and Health Minister Eric Kie-| A court of inquiry named by| Organization can reach firm de-|Tans have announced the con-| the government Thursday Will] cisions soon on plans for removy- |struction of nine hospitals and hold its first meeting Tuesday, | jing NATO's military headquar-|have stated the estimated cost but Hogarth sald the strike |ters and bases from France of four of them--one for Chand- " ibs a "a the offic ; : 5.3 ; a 175- . won't end once the official in And:he said ways to improve ler at $5,300,000; a 175-bed in quiry is over--unless someone is jstitution for Val d'Or, $540,000; Quang Nga The U.S. command said today the marines met little resist n their three-pronged as- Te i "e ation, i ng three s of the Ist Marine Di Regiment, began the spokesman have 115 g£ ese aigon sources say two of the ments poised in the Chu Mountains are the 32nd and 33rd of the North Vietnam- 325th Division. Both regi- ments fc in a big battle last November in the la Drang Valley across border from where the North Vietnamese now are reported gathered The reports also indicate the North Vietnamese plan to move the East-West relations will be dis-| 950-bed psychiatrie centre for 623 cussed extensively when he and | ya) d'Or, $3,500,000 and a 70- other allied foreign ministers} be , . gather in Brussels June 6 for a A ata for Bale Comeau, is Comments Came as an al- Six French Jets Crash prepared to do something." The union said Friday ships were tied up by the strike and more than 18,000 men idle The strikers are seeking re- dui ; of the work Week to 40 OMA Complains lied move was reported under way in Europe to respond to So- viet Foreign Minister Gromy- ko's call for a pan-European se- curity conference | Russia Denounces Ministerial Meeting | MOSCOW (Reuters) Russia today denounced a scheduled meeting next month of nine Asian and Austra- lian foreign ministers in Seoul, South Korea, as an attempt to form "a new aggressive military - political bloc" in the area, | ... In THE TIMES today... zed 20 enem South Viet Nam in. early af the rainy season C $n Secretar later immer State Dean said kné about Larsen's report But Rusk said North Vietnam. forces have abusing ™ os tors judd Cambodia's neutrality. He} A BUDDHIST MONK plu 1 into the of » added that the t tes fa-| signs petition: with a stich lon ne section ors international to se A h heen ved ina alge epg todas 1 cu \sia ) firing tear gas been ( : Johnson withdraw l if port from Ky government. torial front f 1 | Hue 0 late Blood in yesterda) was Of Coercion TORONTO (CP) Medical The Ontario ha com Robarts Association plained to Premier about coercion and blackmail with regard federal re medi fo the gram to the premier Friday, OMA Pres M.. Matthews said »vernment ap plying to Ontario to participate in 'the plan. ' Dr federa coercion idea political, don said the United States and various government's proposed| reacted cautiously but not ad-| versely continued division of Germany REACT CAUTIOUSLY Denmark plans to broach the at the Brussels meeting and qualified diplomats in Lon HUELVA (AP)--The crash.of six French jet fighters in south western Spain Friday led to an immediate investigation by Spanish and French officials All six pilots parachuted to sa- fety before their Mystere IV planes crashed in a swampy pasture area near this Atlantic port 280 miles southwest of Ma drid, authorities said, There was no reported damage to the |sparsely-populated area. other allied countries} when notified of the Danish intention, Any conference on European security would centre on the 26 years after the Second World War, Regiment Holds Centennial Ball Whitby Boy Home From Hospital-----P. 5 Gaels Beat Brampton As Powless Ann Landers-----15 City News--11 Classified--18 Editorial--4 al- 19, 20, 21 Finone 17 99 Obits--2 --P. 11 Stars----P. 8 Comics--17 Sports--8, 9 14 News-----5 Theatre Whitby y

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