16----Apartments for Rent nted To Rent [30--Automobiles for Sole '30---Automobiles for Sele '31--Compoct Cars for Sole 36--Legal es ee su 138--Coming Events ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 27, 1966 2] ---- YOUNG EBUPLE Wh oe hl win SABYAN piaknnses | GeeiraNcy awh aemieeesy «WERE || Stretch | woes, | eg | anc ms | MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS ie 3 Steady employment. Telen : ? 'New and Used Cory. E pS 4 SPECIAL. | safinsr RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot) puree Ale Sard Silver Pick, Velvet ARLINGTON weet ee! FLOODED Your Dollars | ™a3up* | AN ' PRICE PASS |Eirit sary,ceomm, om $9 aglow Nowe ee Coston 173-4457 before 5.20 om. Monaay 2 pa ae Fa tha |2-Faze Mon, Crowe 4.20) SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse to Friday ¢ Open Evening | | 4. ; ui i | _ Also Started: Mr. Profile, Success Jen, $1,000 TERRACE ee See ae ee ee ee % VOLVO & PEUGOT EOWALARIVILLE FRINAY | Titan Sona C, and 'vital Victory. Viadad Forbes, (nen 0 wn am eo c ! : wr nee er reer " /G010I8 Joe, MeLean 500 44 MOTEL SUITE OPEN | [?72%,7 omare: wre sree op ger) Exceptional new cor soles | te MERCEDES BENZ FLOORING MAY 27 [purse goo atc" Mie (Pees) 508 sherads "Vathow's Orisa. dell Reply to to oT sed cor super- FOR INSPECTION --_|#er Avenue Neortm. Kitchener, Ont orket with A-l tradeing | 66 RAMBLER Gerere! Regeie ond CONTRACTORS |7My" Lite ioe, lomonns rie -- or Two BEDROOM hes wed by Z-door harat 66 Li . 3 ie wante door hardtop, = Licence Auto-Electric Service KINSMEN | @-Colosse Mir, Hill EXACTOR. " AND 4, PAID $278.00. market with A-| trade-ins ie p Luxury large 1, 2 or 3 bed- [couple with one schoo! nes boy Me} Hi87 289, VA ou power | , ¢ F Hi } | Also Started: Wise Old Wick 6 om saree S113. | ven." Now qe | srg mania rig, | Joke and Bill's Garage | Sort THAWING SHOR | SUIDER CAR (eiittemtiny Qa Sit 2Sot| aman, eace -- 1 an cnn " F VU f n a in © j Bex A tron Rd. Sou - ' | an Harry Dilton. urse © Extra 4 pce. baths in oll [GARAGE wanted to rent in Oshawa tar Gee radio, 500 miles, Best buy.in 449 R moutn feceived, until 3:00 'em DAILY DOUBLE, 8 AND 3, PAID $70.90./48 Direct, Feagen 4m 410 10 3 bedroom apts two months, Telephone days 725-2198 NCREDIBLE SAVINGS! town! Will consider reason- Oshawa 728.0921 (EDT DNF Pulled up, broken equipment |?-Jasper's Geld, McFadden 19.00 630 ' é a3 -- _ ate 8 Old not finish LBilly G Express, Galbraith 18 Intercom controlled DUTCH CANADIAN family requires able offer Also Start Andy Cou on Two Elevotors ine wate ces' Becchient Veter $2,995 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S | THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1966 aatite RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse Bob, Dean 'Sulton 8 p Captain In Mee | e | for the Supply end Applica- . Gregor, and Apachies Pride. Draperies inciuded ences. Telephone 648-5447 after 46 ~ ¢ Your Authorized Dotsun Broadloomed Corridors |YOUNG COUPLE with two small chi NO FRILLS '65 OLDS. CUTLASS ond Fiot Dealer tion of Vinyl Asbestos Tile in IF-crastive, "Galoraith = in 530) eIGHTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot), Spacious Balconies dren want<to reat two - bedroom house JUST Convertible V-8, Lic. 105659 Specializing in Volkswagen the Boys' Training School, vis 'Apatche Gratian, Shee 2.90| Purse $1,400 (7) . Hydro Paid - ue siti eee" aute., floor cor radio Repair and Servic Bowmanville, Ontario AT THE Alse Started; Armbre Giadiator, Brave wy Herbert, Herbert 16.40 'a 4 Loudry room on each floor | #fter_5 om ~ | ou } ' | Srcshnog Ob | - Sir, Vanessa Wick, and Walter Dilign S-Elster Matt, Hayes 4) 2 FM Muse 'throughout ated Geaea hie or Wier Cy GOOP SO1.!> eiibaa mite 4 0° 38-0051 ais |. NOTE: AS: OF "JANUARY PETERBOROUGH | OURTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace).| Ave Stertoar Lullwoner Prent, at Within Welkiding Distance | |S\ret, 7 Patt tn school-age, child N $2,995 ae is Ist, 1966, ALL FEDERAL MEMORIAL CENTRE | purse sooo «7) Mad Vale, Se teen ae of schools and shopping | References supplied. Write Box M2485 1968 SUNBEAM Imp, $1175 or best offer.) AND PROVINCIAL SALES | |#-Sice Gin, Marchuk 11.30 7.00 3.60 |Oshawa Times 66 MUSTAN IG Telephone, 724115 between 8.30 and il Davee wit pe BAID BY" | OVER $7 200 VT por Lee Baker, McFadden 7.9) A te RACE -- | Mile (Pace), Purse Retnal Agents on Premises WANTED house in rural area of Whitby Lone Aaa | « i . a Telephone 66b-6462. PRICES | i Colwerth b He, ai I xis : 1965 CHRVELLE MALIBU Super Sport| sp ht PE soy Be ' . PP gM stag iM Superior Marks Deduct pay Trent, Wellwood 4% on 3% 4 ! 4 * oor us 9 ern atic nar mitt , ED + 2. ' ld " egg ape sath |@aRAGe wanied tor summer Please a a | 900 inliae, (ee ae TEMG Dat On meee in Prizes including sone Tait RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse 3-Wee Governor, Campbell 4 . telephone 728-4440 ° } J é ' , #900 | is@ Started: Uncle Davis, Pierre Here 190 NONOL Reg. $4,500 1945 CHEVELLE MALIBU Super Sport : |2-G'¢r Peachee McFdn 14.09 $49 2.80| bert, Syms Best, Timber Prince end King 30.--Automobiles for Sale ° SALE $3,500 [819 4 automatic, floor shift. Best offer! Tender Documents. may be New 1966 specitied cor from '|4Solo Water, MeLean $20 3.0] Grattan & Phone 723-8365 andi ALE ' nver $2,000 Telephene 723-0817 stained fin Edun: BAO, dealer of your choice or |Joses Dominion, Hayes 2.40| Alfendanes 3,497. Total Pool, $271,000, sappgenstanant 4S TRIUMPH Spiilire Blak wih Fed) PDenartment of Public Works, $2,000 Cosh '4 c KING STREET EAST, 448 -- Four-room New Or Used 1964 CHEV '66 CHEV ) Interior. Hard and soft tops. Tonneau ' | 1 Hike Gen i apartment, private bath and entrance Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, | bd SCAYNE t. 4011 4E, aute, con cover, Radio Call 123-4089 Whitney Block, Parliament wv 4 Bi ° A atthe (82 stove and frig, parking space. Ava Cadillec. Che Trucks sole on floor, power steering, 190 VOLKS WAGEN, brend new paint Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario j 9 able now. Apply above address <f hid 2 door sedo desert ton a & t i soak te no b ROW. : te inl job erfect ning. condition stom enders will not be consider- z: TWH BEDROOMS, private ball FOR A BET TER DEAL cylinder outomotic cence revert rad rear seek wae lee radio. Good tires, Telephone 725-7488 ed unless. mode on forms sup $600. Small Snowball (50 SATURDAY, MAY #8 Clear and Fast , "7 living | , f y 4 ' WwW ney ve] ---- 2 toll a yen od Fist bier Ca | H83761 ' $1295 bi d mis orromry % VALIANT, Slant & sulomalic, g954| plied by the Department nos FIRST RACE .-- Purse $2,000. Elaim-|Chop-Em-Please, Barroby i ith car nie: ri ns "i Private parking. Avaliable July 1. Phone AL MARLOW } Special Price $1,2 " $3,495 aoa ed lon are' rect norie| The lowest'or ony tender not $600 Regulor gomes |!ng (3000). Three and four-year-olds, 7| John's Champ, 'Ne Boy r six - ! 7 prio les TAGs atte 725-6504 e Y 778-0841 necessorily occepted pane epee! games F lenomen Ditech "7 'a on pam oe " 0 0 APARTMENT, $75, One 'yaar ieete, 0r¢| Ontario Motor Soles Ltd mecepeeeneny 19958 TABURE, MaricVil, with gun rot : n't forget to buy the ec- [cotta ove, Harris 111 Ser ear era neal and fear steies 40 Bond St. W., Oshawa c CURY stick shift on floor, bucket seat, good J. 1. MILLAR onomy pock for value and |Autumn Rose, Barroby 112 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 Ads: be parking epace:. Hol Gnd cele. water : @ 1964 MERCUR '65 CORVAIR ondition. $275. Telephone 648-478 Deputy Minister sove money. | Royal Cote, Heim 106 ed Inferno Stakes Jandicap"' T 7 ardton: tu-tone ros - |Srita, No Boy 104 year-olds and up, foi in Connta. One electric stove and refrigerator. Thermo 2 door hardtor s-tone rose ot ' al h, 1948 SUNBEAM Alpine, Red, 19,009 mile Plus 4 Early Bird Games t stat controlied, hot water -heating includ DOWN---$30 MD ; off white, 390 V-B Hardtop, 122936, floor shift. | | ae ern sd, oF 4700 cash and. take oy , }Gina Su, Harris 112 and one-sixteenth Miles. (6), d 3 Pp he he Wealth) at .7:30 @4, Telephone 468-6454 5 59.41 tel beige or Radie. A beaut . ps ents, Alex, 9420985 snore the eo 6 | Neptune's Hostess, No Boy 101 Victorian Era, Gomez 129 wo mode's with 4 on the floor, Power / 1 A905 wer paymen el last | sunny James, No Boy 106 Flaming Triumph, Kornblum 112 TWO-BEDROOM apartment in five-piex ir choice ' i nai B95 | | 1969 MG converiibie, Licence HRsAGS A j | }$ail Along, No Boy 117 €. Daz, esa 21 north east area. Stove and refrigerator | ENNETT brakes ond steering adio, / rea' adaak teller Th Haaser Hag Many Free and | Blazing Tommy, Bell x110 Brother Leo, She "8 Included $105 monthly agus only BILL B white wa cence ev oe driven to be appreciated. Nicols Motor Valuable Door Prizes | Menwinds, MeComb 115 Ca iis, 'orate " vailable June 1. Call 723 i] MOTORS Gnrecial Price % 995 € P . Sales mited Highway No 2 ' Aurora Champ, Armstrong 119 'oyel Maple, Barroby 118 " ) ypecial rice '6S CHEV EDAN 7 4 Ta i , 4 ) " 4 west of Thickson Road 648 c Also Eligible: Boston Mills, Dittfach, prety aa Grenfell cas 0 rae 4 484 King W i J13824. Auto rodio, 4) CORVAIR Monza, 4 speed. Radio 3 | KINSMEN 106; Zeesekite, Goldburg, X*K105; Shut| BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim Centre. Parking. 723-5822 723.0371 & BP sled she ihe gr AE gy! og ols |Out Queen, Fitzsimmons, 103; Prince|ing (3000), Four-yeer-olds and up. 7 Pure . ' w miles we + DM Pp J 4 ' 4 | Teen | Guard, Fitzsimmons, 117; Foredeck,| longs (12). THREE-ROOM spariment In farm fh vi; $ tion, Telephone 725-2016 | Harrison, 101; Wee Annie Dory, No Boy,| Supreme Chief, Ferro X18 hot and cold water on tap, ol! furnace. = 1964 FORD $2,095 4) COMET ranch wagon, 2 door, 7 1192. Aldoo, Turcotte heavy duty wiring, Must be reliable MORE CASH CONVERTIBLE a / owner, private. V consider tradir Dr . B | Ny G @) | Royal Embassy, Dittfach 120 F At CON SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-|Climb, Parnell A-111 tenant. Telephone afternoons only Por! e e 1 wilt arog 64 FORD 14 foot travel tralier. Telephone 728 1902 es Perry 985-7848 Paid for Good Clean Cars, Royal blue w write top CITY OF OSHAWA ing (3000), Four-yaar-olds and up, foaied| Hammock Land, Gordon 116 : Fg yg Ghee Hea gia 186113, One |" PONTIAC Laurentian, black. perfect ; inant sow ide up or down, Liens poid 390 V-B autor t 186113, O In Canada. 1 Mile ( Leo's Yingel, Goldberg XXX112 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, stove : ie ibe dios A 24,000 condition, 6 cylinder automatic, radio and TENDER FOR ORANGE TEMPLE Bes * Wier, Prete 12 | Grietsin, Leblene Bit for, TV outlet, centrally located.) mary Pegg ¢ seats; power brakes, steering actual ss eyiincer suiomelic, 5 ve Ieirigerator, TV outlet. centrally. locate ODD MOTORS SALES praahigl es os hits ' af white wails, $428 or beat offer' Apply 2 LACROSSE BOWL Diss Blockhewk, Brownell X18 Winnie Scare: Marcie X110 i 17 ~ trtt , - r | " ot rere - Artista, Armstrong 114 Maytown, Turcotte B-115 monthly, Telephone 7257377, 314 PARK RD. SOUTH walls, Licence 32641 $1,395 | iss VOLKSWAGEN 1860 model wih ra-| SATURDAY, MAY 28 Select Sin, Steve X106 Ansman, Barroby A-116 si) ROOM aparrment Ritson and Ar 723-9421 Special Price $2,395 dio, 30,000 original miles, Used as second| Sealed Tenders plainly mark 7:30 P.M Doug's Chop, Kornblum %111 Canadian Zenith, Helm "3 Shy round flgor,, Private wer Setters p ene '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC car, In good condition. Phone 728-8057. | ed as to content. will be re Royal Doctor, Steve X117 Falsun, No Boy 118 antenna, heat, hydro, stov retr ? } et rr 1 Y e $74SR morda. heed 1940 AUSTIN gg ee ere ree Ghived iat the clice of the 20 GAMES $8 olden Bubble, Werry X106 A-E Enderby and R Blamonte Entry. poe ty One child welcome. $95 $5. DOWN . $30 MD ecnkiiant Sak: Whakae feGent | Fast Kitten, No Boy TI! 8.0 G MacGregor and Mrs D Kiever THIRD RACE ~ Purse $2,000. Claim ONE-BEDROOM tment | 4 CLIRY C nq seat radio y Qverhouled. Teleshane i6-5403 City Clerk ( Wie Administra Shore The Wealth | 2 oe ' or ild | "y Oshawa's finest buiidings. Baleony and 59.61 models your choice! @ 1964 MER " 5 ot 1942 CHEVY 11 Statlonwagon, four door tion Bu Ph a new, On 4 = $40 Jackpots tO gO |ing (3000). Three and four-year-olds Intercom system. No children under 12 PARK LANE SBO5 | standard shit, blast i white wall taric , until 11:00 AM $150 Jackpot to go (Divn, of Ist), 7 Furlongs (18), XXX--10 Ibs AAC Available June 1, Call Guide Realty L'6 BIL BENNETT MOTORS = Convertible White with ee anne tee Oe eee .T ' POH TO GO |buttons Tres, Harrison. 01 forr te + 1 eon io sale " Friday, June 3rd, 1966 Children Under 16 Not Admitted |0r. Bricker, Steve x106 Hes. einen tr ' dat ats , | John's Freedom, No Boy 112 1 | " j 6 ' c YV THREE ROEM Tarnished apariment, pri 484 KING W black top, 8 cylinder aut 61 AUSTIN HEALY vate entrance, share bath. Sultable for ee = matic, power Kes, steering 3 Sports, 6 cyl, 306467 1943, Custom Interior and special engine be ge eee ad lDreg Pit, No bey "109 two girls, 355 month. Telephone 723-4546 7 23 0371 ond windows tam rodic Ready for summe Rest offer, Call 728-7806 : tru t ue te] | wid Fablus, Turcotte. 117 OBITUARIES TWO ROOMS, partially furnished, private and white cence ) 1964 CORVAIR Monza coupe, automatic Lacrosse 'aids to be located Squadru, No Boy 11! H753264 radio, white-walls and dis s than! n the Loke Vista Park crea | Sam's Path, Werry X106 entrance and bath, Telephone 728-1822 KELLY DISNEY + Ip £9495 | 44n CHEV CEnAN 71,000 aciual miles. Balance under orlgin:| Specifications, drawings, end Ra? cary Sei, 27--Rooms For Rent USED CARS LTD pene ie eae ey ye ari { aft bog Nd wil cd Aid dthadesuaid tender forms. ore available at DEATHS guar troup Phan 106 ee ----| 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST ° ash, Radio, newly ioe te oiice of a cemertanes [hee gape has Seventy-one-year-old Baally ATTRACTIVELY WHITBY -- 668-5891 pointed. Good sate transpor- Hl MEN, "anhewats"aptone eher| 'The Towest or any tender will [EARPENTER, Gra Mavs xfar sae sare, SST™UT.|Or Oshawa, for' 32, years, dled FURNISHED ROOM Car bought or 4 sold @ 1963 Ve Ik swager $795 Ee Bete! ormaenietnia not necessarily be accepted TE ee a ea egrets Mavae| (6% Cancer, Hale Ti Gay Giny ' Nolin Oshawa General Hospital Avaliable in private home. Trade up or down sia 'alia seer dalle me talib BINA Telephone 728 1087" ncaa W J Crompton hear Fart dl et it mother of Harold] Stage, No Boy, 106. i Thursday, May 26, after a few Call between 5 and 7 p.m Always top quality on exceptionally cleon cor RODUCTS ae SERVIC E" 1900 VOLKSWAGEN, new Balint 9b, ime CITY PURCHASING AGENT Imrie" neing atte Moves Funeyi|, FOURTH pace rue sa cin, | months Mog iia 62 PARK RD. N,. |e rouriae coc et tier rage] i vel ggy ileese: Ue ical BF wcthgng aaa ERs SP lie csnage (oon, se). in" |gurvived by tose daughters and phone 725 97, Art Cox SAA } igir c 7 | B invite Cemeter ree ew, | 728-867 | phone 784 8a, 1) Clair] "Special Price $1,095 Hac ckney Motors 32--Trucks for Sele + een Jove imertiett Bardon 19 |Badour 'Gemily), "Port. Perry: . PRIVATE 963 half-ton Ford pickup aving receiv inst tion: | CLEAN, centrally located; bedroom and|'!?56 LINCOLN Premier, fully power e 80 Simcoe N Sueailant "aanditia fingnaat Tole Ha ne. received instructions FAYTER, Albert Victor James | Aged Dust, Hale M6 Mrs.-A. Cockerton (Isabelle), tehen, fully ipped. Business lady equipped, In good condition, Including phone Whitby 668-80 from Mr, Jim Elliott, 103 Peacefully, at his residence, 121 St. Law-|Erin Pan, Gomer A anew 7s wae Yltires and exhaust. Best offer over $95 rrr RE : Alma St., Oshawa, | will sell | rence Street, Whitby, on Friday, May 27,|Sir Axton, No Boy 122 Oshawa; Mrs. Syd Saunders Telephone 725-8517 @ 1965 BISCAYNE 728 003 ] 1947 GMC dump truck, 2speed axle, $250 BiBLIC: RUETION 198 Albert' V. J. Bavter, beloved "hus.|endier, Maxwell 119 (Dorothy), Oshawa: Mn. D, ROOMS or room md board, downtown lo-|; PONT _ ' . ~O- Running condition, 263-2258 | by PUBL ( NOM Iban of Jessie Meldon, loving father of /Drifted, Dittfach 117 Kewl iby , ; * Ganewn, cation, central, ingle or 0 share, single '%) ne were. 4 fuer eve) 2 Geor secon in teol green 11962 BEDFORD Van, Body | SATURDAY, May 28 at |Malor John Fayter, Superintendent of| ewin (Ruby), also o! a % PITH RACE -- Purse $2400: "Chrys-| 'The sons ate: William Jr., and motor! beds, parking 48 Albert matic, Lie, $088, Hooker! with 6 cylinder automatic AA condition, Call PER718) between 12:30 ba toll | Salvation Army Hostel, Sudbury, Mrs. J nd Son h No.-7. 4 mil ' condition, Call 728-7127 between 6 2:30 p.m. the owin | ." 3 Street, 720-100 , west of Brooklin essastl. | and radio. Licence 585604 Cars Bought and Sold Pim, ane 7-00 p.m Frigidaire electric shove, "Fels anager at Baul yy ee Hr Canede: fis Furtengs, 177 a a ai "| Douglas, Jack and Allen, all of he two gentlemer ¢ ¢ ; ate ae te ' ' 4 f ? : Gan ont Wee * included. Roply. 608 1959 OLDSMOBILE, 2-door hardtop, Dy Special Price $1 995 MORLEY STALKER ee Shey Eoue! Vi lon truck, Good) gidaire refrigerator, Viking ter of Sudbury, Shirley, Branwell, Jacob| Right Yeats ey 122 | Oshawa. Bloor Street East amic $8, Low mileage, In perfect condi-) MOTOR SALES a om | television, Hi-Fi set, 24 cu. | and David ana Margeret Reld of Whitby) IPewt aacation' Rares sive | William Myles predeceased Pr - ee tlon T phon 9 M4 ¥ 4 4 stin 4 r FURNISHED bedroom in private home ® ve i eas ft. Marquett deep freezer, |town Funeral chapel, Whitby, for serv. | Flamatory, Kornblum xi Mrs. Myles, August 8, 1961, five minute walk to the bus, Gentieman|!%61 BLACK Corvair Monza coupe, 4 7 KING STREET W. 1999 DODGE one-ton, four-speed, heavy) washing machine, china cab- lice In the Chapel on Mondey, May 30,|PeshPresident, No The body rests at McIntosh- telephone 728-8706 speed high | performanes moter) @ 1964 FORD OSHAWA duty suspension, in very good conditior oe ; office |2 Bm. interment. Graveside' Cemetery, (EXACTOR WAGERING) a le DO " 8 I it dail ' ae . i 3 : ; nderson unera 'ome, FURNISHED bedroom in. quiet home. | and \ sho 1 R SEDAN 723-63 3.83 Brooklin, Major G, Holmes officiating. of nu ' and radio. Telephone 725-1078. 4 DOO! Ef 22 723-8 1 ] 45 CHEVROLET Fleetside pickup 3,000 chairs, bedroom suite, chrome Visitors commencing 2. p.m, Saturday, SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 Slain. |Friends are asked not to call Aterior with white w $1000, Phone 725-8493 after 6 p.m inet, Dominion piano, Four-year-olds and up. 7 A k f t . Appiy' a7 Fe ave "8 ments 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible finished in Arcadian ie, On the spot financing miles, custom cab, Extras, Telephone bor stools table saw - | V-8, power steering, power brakes, under) six cylinder, stondord | 798.8916 Coats cee the home until Saturday. SINGLE furnished bedroom for steadily! warranty. Bowmanville 623-2038 Milan: Hedin ead wl - . rattmaster 73° horse motor MASIEWICH, Nicholas tix, wlnays Re Bay Anl16 Funeral service for Mrs. ere ee OC Valanmong| 4 WORD Gunliner converiible, 3H guie| Ste Wines anand ALL CASH RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want) With booster, aluminum doors | Entered into rest in the Oshawa General|piyr, fen .iale 113. Myles will take place at the Nig ~ W L matic, power, Apply 43 Wentworth; Walls. Licence 68506 od bee atuan ccs ks, W Ads give you speedy 'elp, n any kind of | and windows, antique clock, Hospital on Thursday, May 26, 1966:|Saimstown, No Boy A-116 f la hapel, Mond Street, Apt. 1, after 6 p.m Special Price $1,395 n cors or trucks f | weather. To buy, sell, hire or rent. tele corpenter tools, nails, plumb. | Nicholas Masiewich, beloved husband, o of | Wintoteor No Boy 117 May 30, pee yer ig with TR j deal the lat I ther of FULLY BGUIPPED Kitchen and bedslt eo! up or down. Liens pa shone adieni equipment, '54 Chev. 4- @ late Mary Danylyk, father o | Ing room, at bus stop, laundry privileges | 1959 PONTIAC sedan, cushions and a paint r ing ent, "S George Slater (Helen) of Parkhill, Ont forking Business lady. Telephone --223-/ 9000 condition, new battery, motor 11,600 e NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 33--Ar t biles Went dq door 6 'cylinder cor, 'SS |Mrs.. Fred Bessie (Anne) and Jehn| A. Woolcock officiating. $a miles, Reasonable. Phone 728-0326, 12 neon on Highway No. 2, u 'omo les ante Bont, Vie aoe. eae '89 Chry- Maslewich, of Oshawa; In his 76th year. | | Burial takes place at Mount ne Spm AIR : SINGLE FURNISHED with light house |" -- @ 1962 CORVAIR just east of Thickson Rd CARS WANTED |. slerout. cor, Mony more ere Hone cama, Wine, May | BIRTHS Lawn Cemetery. | - " tenn 1959 CHEVROLET two-doo ar 1957 + "I LDS Jinit keeping for a quiet and clean person Chavrolet, Kalen lene box. Bein 1A Good MONZA COUPE Whitby 668-3331 ticles too numerous to men- 9 a.m. with service in St. John's Ukrain-| Dial 728-5984. arly 9 5 | | Me el 4 | i o a ondition. Will accept trade for trailer er ® + - a | frost - Buyin A New are ioe aah }lan Orthodox Church at 9.30 a.m, Inter-| | BURNISHED ROOM Wilh" siove" and boat. Telephone 728.2041 oh My pipettes it, 190 MODEL "A", Ford coach, running) UYINg Cc ean t aw Hb dooag ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. (Prayers DR. JOSEPH HENRY OLIVER fridge for a single man, Telephone Whit ; ee i linde : good, Brooklin 655-4828 Sell your used cor to 'Ted 5 KING, auctioneer at the Funeral Home Friday, at 7.30 | of the oldest by 448-6368 between 8 a.m, and 3 p.m. | Ot! oasirection, One Sune', Telephone| custom radio ond white walls. sacRinicui 95 'Chevrol hardiop re-| Talk "Cosh" to the New pmeewaoca tule SO MeReRaIe een Cay me lie aa eal eves nM BRIGHT, clan, housekeeping room. 095794 Licence H80258 : 1-6 automatic, radio, body good mech-| Cor Dealer and "Sove" 38--Coming Events Fates ths arent aa ate Goear an ton, "lontante County died yesterday ix oat aie fant 'al ¢ nic i 5 Tel : secs | Girls only, One plock north of hospital. | convpnTinLe "41 Ponilace and car, Special Price $1,095. anicaliy sound $495. Telephone 725-8888 TED CAMPIN MOTORS MYLES, Florence Emily [Robert James, on May 19) 1966, A broth:| 4° 2 = rdeen Street Reasonable, Apply 58 Aberdeen Street. tic cower steering, radio Private | STATIONWAGON 196? Pontiac six cylin PoHespital on Thurs-|er Tor Paui jin Oshawa General Hospital, He dS Ather 8p. telephone PTET i © cer; power Transmission, excellent condi] 723-4493 Res. 725-5574 HOLY CROSS day, May 2%, 196, Florence Emily Prior, was 96. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, central vytis t private, Call 728-0226. . ve loving mother of Mrs. C, Badour (Emily)| FORSTER -- Richard and Laurel (ree { 1964 CHEVELLE, Malibu, two-door OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars, Port Perry, Mrs. A. Cockerton (Isabelle),|Terry) are happy to announce the birn|. Dr. Joseph Henry. Oliver, lifes bus stop at the door, Gentleman only dE Og "babe ss i ' , ~ 1 7 PLYM ! r r 'Apply 24) Eulaile Avenue ha dtop dt autor atle ad > it te walls e 1962 CHEVROL ET ss cba clean, low mileage, for wrecking Tires and parts for sale | Mrs. Syd Saunders (Dorothy), Mrs, D.|of a son, weight S Ibs, 2 ozs., on May long resident of the Sunderland - f a e ow lue Teles ne 723-3772 11175 Nelson Street, Telephone 725-2142 | | Kewin Ruby), William, Douglas, Jack|25, 1966 at Nanaimo, B.C. First grand i nt n.| HS looker an t i y 2 DOOR SEDAN } ah ii Fi 2 " y LARS furnished rogm, sult gentieman.| 159856, Hooker and Sens Ltd, Highway 2 DOOR SEI 1989 CHEV siatlonwagen, very Good eon-| | land Allen, all of Oshawa. Resting at Me-(child for Mr. and Mrs. R. Forster, Cour.| area, Was pre - deceased by hia $10 weekly, Apply 576 Harmony Road r miles west Brook! j 4, 4 ; LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wan!| PS tl AB LA Ne inished in powder blue with -- dition, $600. Telephone 721-1 jears for wrecking. Highest prices paid Intosh « Anderson Funeral Home, Serv-|tice. Corporal and Mrs. R. Forster are| Wife, the former Elizabeth St. ao vx eviinder automat trans : 200 Wen rt st, 726118) ice In the chapel on Monday, May 30,/now residing In Nanaimo, B.C id TWO furnished bedrooms, in quiet, pri- 1964 IMPALA ardtor automatic Y RANIDA rd ag Mo SPORTS hard et : habla " E fF ; at-2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme {John and one son Bruce. B. vate home, Telephone 723-1018 or apply|radio, white walle 28.000 original miles | mission, Licence 860424 : cakes, ints; bal] WANTED -- Cars for wrecking, No) KV@ry riday 7:45. \iery. ieriends ore kingly requested not|MITCHELL -- lan and Elinor, (nee| Oliver, He leaves one daughter of warranty, will consider trade,|charge for towing. Telephone 738-4849 to call at the Funeral Home before Sat-| Reid), are pleased to announce the birth} Miss Bessie Oliver. 360 Cadillac Avenue South car, Lic. ant. Hooker a nd Sons ¢ pecial Price $845 (3nce,° Al, 728-3340 eee j ne § a mole opine ONE large housekeeping room for mar d gh ve our miles w ry ' urday evening 0 elr daughter, za nne, on fo share with other man. Close to down: | °F r 'CHEV. six cylinder, two door, auto-| SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars $600 Sunday, May 22nd, 1966, at the Oshawa| Dr. Oliver practised in the town and General Motors (south. plant PONTIAC hardiop. Gest offer le rn pelts, Rack up ilghts, load nought, 'parts. tor sale, Iron and metals sci ead General Hospital. jSunderland area for many years Also parking piace. 725-7819 ' Telepho 1%. Can she bal . shied bought, #9 Bloor Street East. 725-2311, | 7p inne | SURE ASO einai --el sn em @ 1961 FALCON ----_invouine Vaso mayer nome See | IN RITES -- | MMEHte SA ZI ame nacn| TUSKINGNA.-- Jon wd mtn nl fete graduated fromthe FURNISHED Room Me Nee Cee eS ONTTAR 7 , STATION WAGON gs 7283 34-- Automobile Repair beloved wite of the late John McClay Reain) are 'proud Yo ennqunee the are University of Toronto, He also ri I av y oF , our donr sedan, six eylir > IN W FON % ankine, dear mother of Charles of Osh-|rival o eir son, Kevin, Roy, weighing Suit lady. $11 weekly. Apply 146 visio r. Very good condition, Telephane 725 ge with 6 evlinder stor 1940 OLDSMOBILE super 88, tour doo: rize Money to be increased awa, Jack and Douglas of Toronto, Laura|? lbs. on Friday May 20th, at the osn.| Served as the coroner for the Sar taal Rha ati att ; p. excellent condition, consider old c y e of Fergus and Phyliss' of California,| awa General Hospital. A little brother for) Sunderland area, In a past in- CENTRAL LOCATION, bedroom and kit.|'§¢ FORD V8, auiomalic. convertible Bidagh ida ah er trade. Telenhone 728-7902 FRED STONE starting this week U.S.A. In her Rdth year. Funeral service|Gregory. Many 'hanks to Dr. Stocks:|terview with the Times Dr. Oli« chan, tarnished. %& a Peet By Pe ; dios hl en A cence 55778 " - was held In the Gitfen and Mack Chapel,|and 4th floor staff. Tenth grandchild for| » furnis $150 - * ele 1955 DODGE hardtop, good conditlon.| ARI | 9 led h tay ae aamaaan ' al oheae acrid che ae Snacial Price $895. |eecd iret cute atin teat it at BROOKLIN $110. in 86 Nes 2570 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. Iner-|Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Tushingham, Whitby.|Ver recalled teaching school in 255 Athol East. atier . ' sg tap. eh ment Norval Cametery t ONE, SINGLE, light housekeeping, room SMG Ganee CES tack mane * iar SL BUSRIEE i e ical Eby aes $20, Consolation Sire rem ete at line |Port gg pod print 'o + High " room.| Original ewner ean, good condition 1 ILE super 88 convertible Motor Rebuilding quette) are happy to announce the ar- y, § Gentlemen only. $10, weekly, Apply: 290/ stick shitt Runs good, "Best offer, Apply Fully powered, Bright red. High lift cam @ Cylinder Reboring $10. each Horizontal Line |, SHEA: David Edward rival of their son, James William, 7 Ibs. | further his education. 8 Division Stree and four barrel, Call 668-5976 after 6 Pinfitt @ Res! In the Oshawa General Hospital on)? ozs., on May 18, 1966 at the Genewe Funeral servi for Dr. Olt THREE unfurnished rooms. No children,|1959 CHEVROLET, 4 or, Biscayne 43 CHEVROLET, four door sedan. sia) & Aue T Neniiok $200. in 55 Nos, Thursday, May 26, 1966, Baby David Ed-|General Hospital. Many thanks to Or. uneral service for Dr. x please. Telephone 723-66 tombe Mahation! Milan' hae T best offer, Yelenhane yabbta @ Automati ransmission $20.C ha ward Shea, Infant son of Mr, and Mrs Beckett and 4th floor staff |ver will be in the Pinkham Fus ge i motor. Mak fer. N stle 9RP4S45 , c r 5 nkshaft or al Onso ames ea (stillbirth), Interment was a ONE GENTLEMAN to share a fully fur-| motor, Make 0 486 ransportation 17 OLDSMOBILE, Licence Hao. val @ Crankshaft ond Valve Nsolation In St. Mary's Cemetery, Manvers Town-| VACHON -- Leo and Denise are very/"eral Chapel, Sunderland, Fri nished house with three other nen. /%4§ PONTIAC Laurentia x eylinder Automatic, power steering, power brakes, yervice Free Admission --- Free Parking ship, Ont |pleased to announce the birth of Denis, | day, at 2.00 p.m. Interment will Preferably -olfice: worker rihlexcelient condition, many extras. st S -iql All blue, matchir Fes 1 21-1840 a 1g, '@ interior, Nicols Motor inlist T | brother for Michel and Richard, born| at Shopping Centre. 723-184 nder warranty. Telenhere 728-48 peciais Sales Limited on Highway No. 2 just TRANSMISSION specialists sesghanemnls: No Children Please lon May 2%, 1964, at the Oshawa Sonars|| be in the Sunderland Cemetery. west of Thicksen Road, 648-333) SHINE, Stance William |Mospltal, We would like t) extend cur) A Masonic service will be TWO BEDROOMS, living room and kit! 1965 PONTIAC custom sport convertible. North, Phone 728-7339 ' Wednesday, oreiitude fo Dr, Ross and fourth floor! held at 7.80 p.m. today. Stvast chon, for responsible V8, automatic. power steering, power : t ' 1963 CHEVROLET, Licence §937H, Bel Suddenly at Peterborn on ates Apply 891 Syiv ree beni Tadio, excellent condition. Whitby SEDAN : f A %) 8 x tomat ke new! N cols 35 --Lost and Found Vey 25, 1944, Stones, Wuitiian Shine, hus | lurnished room, close nortt 2 { W y r tor Sale mited, gn Highway No. b ° argare' Toole, in his 4éth| st west of T B N G @) year, Dear father of Christine and John, | WILLIAM STOLAR General Motors, and hospital, Parking. 1987 FORD Fairlane, V-#, aulomal oF rar ; ' ; ' Thickson Road, 668-3331 LOST -- Pearl choker without clasp th Brother of Mi T elephone 723-989 a ord Tele e 38 4 r vi it D PI / > $ ome. rother 0 rs, Leo Ne Pda | i ar Te ; 964 CHEVROLET npala| In vicinity Eaton's Plaza, Valued as kee at tomes Bre The death of William Stolar saree sr badine: =| phone 728 47 fe 27-200, four speed, Dip +)sake, Reward, Call collect Willowdale Vincent Murphy (Viola), | 3 " ureter ini ae oon Pcie rice Soe ee, nt a aa . eae Sate | IN MEMORIAM | ot] cen ce, A, eee f ; 5 dive, fl rude) o} ol | a hl use of living room, One pers wa y tandar ola . wr Sale on Highway No. 2. Lost Gold charm bracelet with gold Mary), of agbe Coady deseo sie 'ed red Thursday, May 26 at the $16 per week 1 Road No r See at r ) m Road, 668 fish attached in downtown aren Keepsake J A VA/ Ab A | [of Paterbora and Frank of Oshavea, Mr-| | Ajax - Pickering General Hos- 728-8743, k ' , Pay £8 : Velde. Reward Phane 723-1097 si : | ; . chine Ja ranting at Come. Mune N Peterbora, with Requiem High Mase m| GAY -- In loving memory of a dear|pital. He had been ill for the mother and grandmother 28--Room and Board ain ne BH be cA aL ' rem 4 Legal SATURDAY, MAY: 28 |immacuinieCoiception" church, Pater-|motner and granamother, Milll® Who] past year THREE Separate rooms Will pack f a" 59 ER ; ee a ae 730 PM Mt ah ats tai Dann] Mer memory i as dear today, Born at Yorkton, Saskatche- funches. Clase to south olent slephone 1917 DODGE . with ; > 'i ca ve r As In the how h ed w r . , bas . y ivy PONTIAE autor Serer Tenders for Coal r AS itoiy oar ate pasted away, | wan, February, 1911, he is sur. 723-2955 onan ul F ir ¢ } kes ndow t nder warrant dies. Many GAMES, $10. A GAME Velma. Bernice and Jean, aon Marry and|Vived by his parents, Mr. and CIMITED NUMBER oF : ; r $ : : YWCA residence. For aplet : ; : ~ ? wells, Licence | (Ress: see ana iHion S 18 QT . ' SMALE, Wilfrid his family Mrs. George Stolar OSHAWA BOARD |. 4 cames oF $20, $30. [aoMAtss,tmi ne et Cee See tion telephone Reslder : 725. haed? " ee hs 199? 4 + 1: 1940 CHEVROLET a a . - _ - ~ Friday, May 27, 1944, Wilfrid 0. Smalie,/ et Be Seer? nN " A sulomaiiey tadia Goed aenditien OF EDUCATION 4 Hamplon, seed vears, Sélcar hus t mere the former Bernadette Grant, FOR GENTLEMAN, he : ; ; band of iieen Wille dear tether | | COEDS FLORIST April 28, 1939 in Sudbury, On- quiet, clean home arking A, ; ' eS J ites CHEVROLET " : oh é "4 F. $150 Eve Vm. Cowle), Bowmanville Funerol arrangements ond tario and had resided in Ajax Road (by K-Mart LY FOR SALE 4 door aad tee 2 Beverley (Mrs. Rbt. McQueen), Hamil:| . wer sb 3 ae see ders . i v SHARE -- WEALTH ton, Elva (Mrs. Rbt. Abbott Bowman: | flora! arrangements for all (for the past 10 years. Prior to SINGLE ROOMS and boars. Apply 3s" 7 P A .s Division Street ' i ¥ 9 A ot = vie, Gordon, mpton \ r " . y j ROOM AND BOARD for Gentleman Jar 188? PONTIAC odoor Laur ss MERCURY v 4 yohe Cook Cece eawctee laren | occasions coming there he lived in Co- ge lage 4 : ' : ween. 8 a} on th quirer Linda, Toronto, Wendy and -- Ricky,| OSHAWA SHOPPING bourg for a number of years. A lover of outdoor life, Mr. 4 days. Lunche Share y A m , ' ; Single beds. Phone a $ y Road h 4 A > 464 re rm e Hampten. Resting at the Morris Funera | ENTRE be P P F ian Pe Ae : f Chapel, owmanyil Servic in the! Hts ~ ROOM AND BOARD for Young lacy FORD FINAN iC _ Pah - hapel, Bowmanville, Service in the Stolar enjoyed gardening and rf : 41 PONTIAC + hardio tio. Pe . co ka aah 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE eqes - abi A. MONTHS 7 KY ge Fey 4 : " Hampton Cemetery Mu VE 3 . worked as construction foreman 28-6555 with Marino Construction Com- D ki ne 9 4PM ~f SINGLE ROOM and board for genileman. '7483 FORD F eylinde OR ' door, four speed RB | N (5 @) STOLAR, William RSENS pany of Scarborough, He was a " en ay PRS At the Alay . F a Ger inxpital. | A LASTING TRIBUTE member of- the Ajax Baptist Apply 38 Brock East. Phone 728 i en . e : i. . ; ROOM AND BOARD for two gentieme Y; ge Ca Wa ~ an ' heateemeed the z= S : ' ' ay 2%. : nl Mee Bermonines end: diently Church to "share. sn rabies ' ' 2 Sys off af Roa i TO-NIGHT p Brar f | Drive! we sug He is survived by his wife; packed. Telephone AW four sons, Richard of Vancou- GOOD HOME for neat a ind : : avy , : ' ' : col ° ' vROL i» Moto 1956) Ltd. 6 ' par : Judy (Mrs. E ° EMORIAL PAR} ver; Randy, William Jr. and week, Cent ' ae : ; 'er , " { ; done. 72% . : . ; | ch ann " Par. ene Ane oN " RONZE MEMORIALS Howard of Ajax and. three ee SOTe, MORN, ACNE |ieiy ERs ice ' a ; : sED CAR PARTS ELA 3,000 in prizes e z be , our courteous edvice please |daughters, Mrs. R. 'Haverstock Pr t ¢ elepho He ' ' nary ' . * us ied tires m " : ai ite am Yan y | the Pork Office (Judy) of Richmond, B.C., pages, aa { i atier 4 Resting at the Wm Sherrlr SA ah . jus PONTIA€ - , FOR : hea DERTIAS hee - j ' c Home, \ Hwy pring (tu 3.24633 Anita and Linda ROOM AND BOARD tor os ' ety: 8 : ; : ' : ivic Auditorium Bf "Harwood Avenue . ' | Surviving also are four broth. MP Athol ' 1OMN R. WALDON, 3 sibh Stre y 1 7 nr iridictod f aston ers: Michael, Johnny, Ceryil arty haw and Amile and three sisters: » . ~ Eger . : - For Mrs. William Brown (Stella), '" : ' ' May 25H " "y Mrs. J. Vare Oleg south G A : : n ' 1a é : TIMES 'dress beyond Price 'CARD OF THANKS Kr tie. Th * af ' pil ate Road Smyth. s f rs 4?) MERCURY % automat hn 2 ESULTS within seaeh at all fo le ere are two grandchil- ; - : ad ake Su ren surviving BROCK STREET Re ' ae \ ames nr S . -- : 5 1 : and board for gentler . " te we . am ' %, GORDON CA wet. pa Py Classified ( if RROW Bh igre out oe a Funeral service is at the Wil- yt : bert Str . : "4 m ie ra. cards and vista} liam BE, Sherrin Funeral Home, ' 4 ACTION ADS F UNE RAL. ¢ I {AF El nile ite . eaet tee Saturday morning, May 28 at 10 a.m. Interment: at Erskine BOARD, gantiems 40 t0/ 19 ie : Seow ANE Se meals ris yee I do Atop. | ' WANT ADS ranch thousanes of weg May ? r " | 390 KING STREET- WEST r Special thanks to Dr. Gusetle and/ down 4 ; a Srospects every day. Take advan . eh li Gouna' daoty Wb King Siam' Wook 'Ashinn G80 ee hese ; } f enh t Ay I neo hinges Bd Given Ciel 723-3492 Telephone 728-6226 . [Trt Sné aiden on 90. poser. Cemetery. Dunbarton.