§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 26, 1966 : GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE U.S.S.R. Cuts Costs For Expo '67 Pavillion OTTAW A(CP) - The Soviet | governing general assembly of (aw Loige to visit the resi-'choir sang two anthems. Minalplying. A toast to the church dents and sing hymns, Thompson led the responsive,was proposed by Kathy Wilson | Six children were baptized at reading and Janet McCoy gave with Mrs, R. Thompson reply- the service in the United|@ reading, Bob Short led in the ing, The speaker, Mrs, Catto lChurch, They were: Julie Nor-| Children's prayer and Katrin of Hampton, told of her exper: een Evans,daughter of Mr, and| Fischer read verses, iences as a minister's wife in \Mrs, Walter Kvans: Rickard) Those attending the mother Manitoba and Rhodesia, |John Baker, son of Mr. and and daughter banquet were wel- \Mrs, John Baker; Michael JOb0\ comed by Karen Campbell.. DEDICATED TO HOBBY | ees eine oTs.\carr president, Mrs, Hodson' iy Riissian + born composer igor -- 42, Obstet, "Chariene bee spoke for the Explorers Group. Stravingk is an inveterate : Nancy Mitchell toasted the mo-\poker player and called one of ee ee -\his ballets The Card Party. Jack Schell; Darren Gordon Ste-| | DISTRICT NEWS | Brooklin WI Conducts Election Of Officers BROOKLIN (TC) -- The dis-\Summary Day for the county trict president, Mrs,-Annan of sewing courses, Miss Donna Bud odd: Pickering conducted the elec-\Stuart, home economist of the Schell be rg tion of officers at the recentidepariment of egriculture at-\[CME!, fon Oo -' Rock Studies Night-Life 'At Cannes Film Festival By BOR THOMAS { The plot was indeed diaboli- | CANNES, France (AP)--Hay- eal, concerning a devilish or- } ing witnessed the tribal customs ganization that sells people ' of the American film ecommu-| chance for a secona lite witn aw nity, I felt obliged during an entirely different identity, Furopean visit to observe the irected in stark style by ritual of the international film John Frankenheimer, Seconds fival, festive) seemed like new-wave Holly-| - Union apparently has decided to the 3,300,000 - member United eut its costs at Expo 67. Ac- cording to its magazine Soviet Union Today, published by the Ottawa embassy, construction costs for its pavilion at the fair will be about $6,000,000 with the and Communist China, U.S, Presbyterian Church in the U.S. The assembly also recom- mended that the United States seek to open free travel and non-strategic trade between the total bil) running to about $8, 000,000, This is about half the eost announced in January by Ivan Shpedko, Russian ambas sador to Canada WORKERS FIND MUMMY 8T, FEREOL, Que, (CP)---The mummified body of a 90-year-| old' woman, buried about 50 years ago, was found during re- burial operations in an old cem-| etery here, 20 miles northeast of Quebec. The body of Mrs. Elie Cote was not embalmed. MAY TRY CONCORDES NEW YORK (AP) - Eastern Airlines said Tuesday it has purchased options on two super- sonic Concorde airliners for de- livery in late 1971 or early 1972. The Concorde is a 1,400-mile-an hour, 136-seat passeriger craft being built by a British-French combine. Concorde has put a price tag on its plane of $16, 000,000 BAN FOREIGN REPORTERS PRETORIA (AP)--The South African government Wednesday banned foreign reporters from entering the country to accom- pany U.S, Senator Robert F Kennedy on a four-day visit early in June. The department of information said the govern- ment wil! not allow the visit to be turned into a "publicity stunt' to promote Kennedy as a future presidential candidate FIND BODIES, PLANE SEPT-ILES, Que (CP)--The wreckage of a Wheeler Air Service plane, missing since Saturday with three persons aboard while on a flight from Sept-Iles, Que., to Goose Ray, Labrador, was found Tuesday,| departure | 60 miles from its point. Also found the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Edwin Chap man, 35 and 31 respectively, and pilot Gordon Wayne, 47 WANTS CHINA IN UN BOSTON (AP)--A recommen dation that the United States support the seating of Commu. nist China in the United Nations was made Tuesday night by the >> _iS COMING ! ACADEMY AWARD ae SYDNEY POITIER + 4 ELIZABETH HARTMAN FEATURE SHOWN DAILY 1:30 «3:30. 5:35. 7:40. 9:45 SEEKS NEW TERM GUAYAQUIL (Reuters) -- Former president Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra returned to Equador Tuesday after five 'years of voluntary exile and said he will make a bid for a fifth term as president, He left the country in November, 1961, after his fourth term was abruptly terminated following 'several weeks of unrest in which some 100 persons were killed or severely wounded, No date has been set for elections, Young Liberals Threaten Break VANCOUVER (CP) -- Young Liberals in British Columbia have threatened to withdraw from the national body unless control by Ontario and Quebec delegates is broken An open letter to the Young Liberal Federation of Canada,| signed by the executive of the B.C, hody and appearing in the provincial association's maga- zine, said changes must be made quickly 'The deliberations of the con vention (in Ottawa this year) it self indicated clearly that On- |tario--more so than Quebec this time--was out to dominate by sheer force of numbers," the letter said 'The election of new officers confirmed that the federation is mere putty in the hands of Young Liberals from Ontario and Quebec." Two officers are chosen from Quebec and two from Ontario while the other two positions are shared by other areas, the letter ex plained The fact thal conventions are usually held in Ontario or Que bec Instead of in the Maritimes or the West mean larger Ontario and Queben delegations and smaller delegations from the Maritimes and the West, it added HELD OVER ! THIRD BIG WEEK 4 J TOTH ABOLT ERTERT ATOM ENT Rees [rs mio BAY RIDGES f ar 14 i phd natin Wan CHILDREN UNDER "4 YRS, FREE GU preven THE PANDRO § BERMAN: GUY GREEN PRODUCTION a WINNER! ' HRa oF RIVE IN PANAVISION® PARDNERS | DEAN JERRY MARTIN * iwis FRANKIE AVALON SOUTH OF THe OSrawa Cc WATCH FoR Our Big Summer PARADE OF HITS LIVERPOOL FD, waren 282-8589 of 899-2171 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN TE PEE DRIVE-IN of ee BOX oFnicy OPENS NOW Showing All Coler Show CLs 7 Foie al JAMES COBURN- LEE 10088-GILA GOLAK ON THE SAME PROGRAMME DOCTOR IN DISTRESS DIRK BOGARDE POX opp OPEN abet Fit Show a.20 The biggest and most pres- tigious of the festivals is the one at Cannes, Since it fell within the scope of my itiner- ary, | dropped in on one day's events of the festival's 20th year. And where were all the star- lets in bikinis, or less? That tra- ditional element of the film fes- tival was lacking. In its place was a fully-clothed Rock Hud- son, The occasion was @ showing of Rock's new Paramount pic- ture, Seconds, and he had inter- rupted a-motor tour through Fu- rope to attend the festival, He enjoys such functions about as much as he likes to fill out his income tax, But he is willing to give his all for dear old Para- mount (he also owns part of the picture), and he arrived at the Nice airport smiling Rock also is interested in lo- cal. customs, and he was study- ing them until 4 am, on his first night in Cannes, the field of study being a museum called the whiskey a go-g0 "It's a disco-something," he explained Jater, adding that he has never been able to pro nounce discotheque GREETED BY SOPHIA "His festival baptism came at a luncheon staged in his honor at Kden Roc, the swank resort at Cap d'Antibes, There he was greeted by 200 reporters of many nations and by Sophia Loren, who was president of the jury committee and takes her duties seriously Proof that there will always he a press agent The Para mount boys had changed all the road signs to read Eden Roek, in recognition of thelr star Seconds was shown that night at the festival palace, Under festival rules, Seconds featured subtitles in French Keven the title of the film was translated to L'Operation Dia- bolique, The dialogue may have suffered in translation, such a line as 'you dirty old man" coming out "quelle vieux sa tyr,' |e FRIDAY * "For the Swinging Set" DEE & LEE and the ROULETTES WHEN IT COMES TO DVIFE wLIN VISE YOU CAN 4 ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 Home: Business: Life Insurance Income Disability Pension Plans Group Insurance Business Insurance Estate Planning SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshawa Shopping Centre ADDRESS OCCUPATION wood, But members of the audi- ence found the film slow and over-wrought, and there were intermittent whistles of discon- tent. But the audience obviously liked Rock, personally and pro- fessionally, and he was greeted with warm applause as he de- parted. meeting of the Brooklin Wom-| tended, Miss Lampman en's Institute, were: Mrs, McCool, president; Mrs, W. Heron, secretary-treas-| urer; Mrs, E, Acton, vice-presi- dent, show, in conjunction with the! The Couples Club visitedFair- gave Those elected suggestions following the fashion Ir Mrs, 1. Hall and Mrs, MeCool were appointed to represent the It was reported that more|WE on the centennial project) Korean family, than 100 women attended the committee, The members will | phens, son of Mr, and Mrs, Gor- ion Stephens, The Couples Club raised $250, through its light bulb blitz, The| money will be used to support a Rev. George Connolly was the display and fashions show of Attend the Grandmothers' Day|special speaker at the United garments, made by the mem-|Planned by the Myrtle WI, 'bers, |Church Sunday pe anniver:| isary, The e, jor-intermediate. At Marty's Record Centre U.N.C.L.E. (om TH pu SeReEW Ww Coram ) Robert Vaughn and David McCallum TO Robert: Vaughn ond David McCallum THE SPY TRAP WITH A SPY | MY FACE THE ODEON BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 JUST RELEASED | A Taste-of Honey King of The Rood Pete Fountain's A TASTE OF HONEY Shadew of Your Smile, 2 98 HITS OF THE DAVE CLARK FIVE Glad All Over Weekend, Can't You See That She's Mine Bits:ond Pieces, Having a 2 FOR THE WESTERN FANS Everybody Loves A Nut, Constrictor, River Volley Johnny Cash's "Everybody Loves A Nut Toke Me Home Please Don't Play Red Wild Thonk You... | would like to take this thank all moking my Grond Opening such « happy event, 7 ppportunity # Boa 2,98 sure we have your kind of music in stock whe could not make it in last week drop in and browse I'm the felks for 0 the people Marty. MARTY' R 352 SIMCOE STREET NORTH CENTRE ECORD WILSON & LEE Ltd.-- Music Store ALL ALL Johnny Cash's Soha, YUND UP Wirera De ad ity Gs Orher artists available Corl Belew, Justin Tubb 87 SIMCOE ST. N, on Pickwick and Hilltop records include George Jor Red Sovine, Floyd "Cramer, PICKWICK POPULAR LP's ALL HILLTOP THE AUTHENTIC SOUND OF COUNTRY AND WESTERN LP's ALL ARE 12" LONG PLAY RECORDS BY TOP RECORDING STARS ALL BY ORIGINAL ARTISTS POPULAR LANI MeINTIRE @ 16 Hawaiian tunes including Hawnilan March, | Found @ Little Gross Skirt and Kuu Alas Aloha THE THREE SUNS---Contains Twilight Time Time, Jealousy plu aix others Sardust, Till The Fnd Of GEORGE SHEARING Lulinhy of Rirdiand, Don't Blame Me Rainbow, Fasy To Love and six ether Shearing Greats Over The JIMMIE RODGERS.-Kisses Sweeter Than Wine, Rimbombhey Liberia, Seariet Ribhons,. Hush Little Baby plus § others Weman Fram FERRANTE & THICHER---The Exciting Pianos LP eantains Sabre Dance, Reverie, Autumn Leaves, La Mer, Temptation, Waltz in © Sharp Miner nnd others THUNDERBALL--Porris Mitchell Strings play themes from Man Fram UN LE, Ineress File, Geidfinger, Our Mon Flint and other Secret Agent hemes JOHN GARY-~10 Ever Popular Songs ineludin Shrine of St, Cecilia, Tell My Love and Little Little Things Mean @ Let, 'eople ~The « Go-Ge Man does That's My Robe, Everyday, JOHNNY RIVERS al The Ground and six ethers Darling To Me, Hole tn PETE FOUNTAIN---South Rampart Street Parade, Sidewalks of New York, dozz Me Blues, Shine, Hindustan, Till We Meet Again and Bugle Call Rag, WESTERN PATSY CLINE--Walkin' After Midnight, Poor Man's Roses, A @hureh, A Courtroom, Then Goodbye and other great western tunes Sings Ole Opry Feverites including Electrified Donkey, Friend of Mine and Put Me In Your Pocket The Original sings Words, Rarefant Roy Rives, Old Wea Lose Rocky Rand plus 4 others FERLIN: HUSKY: Fehoes Heart JOHNNY HORTON Gobbler, Done Revin', REX ALLEN Sings Western Bolieds Including, Tanight On The Range, Riding The Sunset Tre Proire MELBA MONTGOMERY Miss Country Music sings " eady Know, Helle. True Leve. Since Dreamy Mentana Maan, end Bury Me Net On The 10 eountry tunes in ve Known You end I'll ROY ACUFF Toke My Hand Precious Lerd, | aix other qespel songs «bow Beoutitul Heaven Must Be, Shake My Mother's Hand, Can't Feel At Home in This World and JIMMY BEAN--Sings hie Golden Favorites including Relsase Me, Just Rumming Around, 1) Alwaya Leve You, Paper Leve Affair ond Queen OF Hearts JUST WERB PIERCE -- Ten Country Songs including Darkest Hour ty Just Before The Dawn, Georgian Rag, Heeble Jeebie Blues and High Geared Doacety » Time Te Cry, Stranger, he Sky and § others. End MR. JOHNNY $8A---Fvervhody's Favorite sir Judy and Johnny, Loneliness, Ghost Riders In BORBY BARE--Sings Tender Years, Reogar and four others The Livin' A Darling Dent Billy May, Russ Morgen, Harry, Jeme: WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE "Eastern Ontario's Largest Musie Centre" ves, Dovid Houston, Sonny 0 Pete Fountain lames, Cowboy Copas, 3, Nelson Riddle. PHONE 725-4706 He rolled THE SEVEN WONDERS ag Si Bg THE WORLD into ONE! AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL presents NICK ADAMS STARRING IN nae 2 BIG FIRST RUN HITS! ALL NEW HIGH ADVENTURE "TARZAN AND THE VALLEY OF GOLD" om IN COLOR -- NANCY KOVAK % MIKE HENRY GUIS TODAY (MATT HELM ------ (SHOOTS THE "7. ) WORKS! i ne im # * adventure for that playboy trouble-shooter who always knocks 'em dead! Wrones,,, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ne Moa COLUMBIA PICTURES present The Slaygirls will slay. youl STELLASTEVENS: DALIAH LAV vevor uk ARTHUR VOMAEL: ROBERT WEBBER: NES BRBORY ROGER CARE [BEVERY AOS), CY) CHARISSE VOU CARR + "SLAYGIRLS" + Semen OSCAR SAUL» tase a ow by DONALD HAMILTON Aaely ELWER BERNSTEIN + Pakcntn IRVING ALLEN * dren PHIL KARL SON AMEADWAY.CLALDE production «COLUMBIACOLOR STARTS TODAY + 7:30 . 9:40, LCS 9:20 "SHOW TIMES--1:20 . 3:20 . 5:20