20---Real Estate for Sele '20-----Recl Estate for Sole '20c0--Summer Properties |24----Stores, Offices, Storage! 26--Apartments for Rent _|126--Apartments for Rent (26--Apartments for Rent | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 26, 1966 25 tis Sorey brick home, For Sale or Rent : GRIFFIN dons net a Wha oa", | men vin tate I ~, NOW LEASING NOW AVAILABLE | IMMEDIATE 29----Wented To Reat SinmsAatnenibilinn fc Boke jot i Sle ving Ente Lie fro and posts bowls 'own ont, ponies ; | youwe courte Wik one Hild went ee sina Gator onl ERATE RET ELT ores nor sages" Grenfell Square | ie naeae pee er! MORE CASH TATE LTE 5, 870 wna | : 5 REAL ESTA Et > Syren henna "ith hall sere RICE LAKE, fives colivacy, 67% 6 pad | Oshawa's new modern shop- | ARLINGTON THREE Bt sapped hove reqired by Paid for Good Clean Cars, tuated at 447 Bloor Street East, = A 9 4 ine ' located in th : june 3, Steady employment. Telephone 155 SIMCOE ST. S, Private drive, garage, - This home nenern suememoncee 1semimes Tien) Pe LONI, sd Auer THE ULTIMATE IN APART 10 Trade up or down, Liens paid mmacuiate and listed at only $14,506. LAKE $CUGO@ attractive lakefront, fur COWTHOWN GIRO, STORES I ¥Ore sional tn. goed farms, Hurry! coh nished cottage for sale, conveniences,| jous sizes from 1280 to: | MENT LIVING IN CEN. THREE BEDROOM house reasired ter) DODD MOTORS SALES HONE 723-8144 with s 4 y con on P Twaites at 7273-1133, evenings 2 boat and motor, Telephone 725-6) 2349 square feet still ovail- TRAL OSHAWA Cotes Madar Mtlers ee ee ae 214 PARY OM crierU Cart Oisen Realtor, 20 Ray Street oan - a | ? L OD | ' . wre BUCKHORN LAKE cotteges, 1-23 bed 6,100 f te . 6 Fr eoimenm tanreiar MAPLE GANVE Baad. marth of Chuck ove! cies 33 sag sting} et Bes100) 69 an Deport MOTEL SUTTE OPEN di ansead a ESS ROG ST NERA 723-942) Sr a Se ee approximately \® acres with about 600 \sandy beach Conveniences, aur ment . store, £4,WN sy CON t ESSA : FOR INSPECTION FIVE ROOM home of duplex oF twe eee ff. frontage, three-bedroom house, gar- lary facilities, boats, stove. 666-6397 j Food Store, ond Brewer's | 7 B \dj | vd 4 bedroom apartment requires by merried Older 4 bedroom home, brand . | 5.. in barn, asparagus pelch, volusble | - ig! Retail Store olready leased WoO UI INgS / couple in Oshows - Whitey er iv! $5, DOWN ~~ $30 MD. furnace, new moved ' ede ded jot viect garden FOR RENT -- Lakefront housek g > J Y , | Enea sssiabideiniiemnias Luxury lorge 1, 2 or 3 bed- Reply to Mr. & W. Strame, 89 Bar new ur 4 Y ove Ter DOES, WORSE Ir BO oo. collages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con-| Office and nrofessional tower P an ' 15 den Avenue North, Kitchener, Ont s drive, oll on one of the finest sell, five acres of hay. Telephone 613 Vor anay beach, reasonable, Bow | d t room apartments, $115, up , ; $9 models --- your choice! lots in town, $14,000. Full | _ |manvisie 624-2162 pera inemperaieg cane A distinctice epartment mmeciare @ Extro 4 pce, boths in oll 30---~-Automobiles for Sole price, Coll now, mo obliga- (0 tO OEE tert Nees ccrcln (ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE beech ona| Pre%, NOW portiolly leased, | dence . | 3 bedroom ents BILL BENNETT MOTORS Recrroom, Possession' 30 "uy, "ahi. |9aint Iaie on, Glanmire Lake 'aasc),| if you desire @ top location Possession tenean seeaveiied 484 KING W, tion, 'Rec-room, Possession 1 day, § a0 tect Warkene/ Ken Matthows hoe they "6 felall alate down or best offer, WHA eee | 4 ¢ 4 4 J re OF pre pier VLA Prone 655-1661. Leslie O'Hagan Restor | 83 Wilton Rd, N. Oshawe 728-7740 prestige office space, with FEATURING awe. Ceveters 723-0371 on FOR RENT -- Cakeiront housekeeping a 00¢ PTINIG Yraperies included : TWO-BEDROOM apariment in new bulld- t parking for over 1,000 cars, STARTING iE addaamadk Coviders Spacious Balconies KELLY DISNEY Hydro Paid dep ples @) K USED CARS LTD, porate difing area, garage, tage," wos uf ar ver sree, breedisom psavilio 403-60 ogent Electric Heating vidual landscaped front lawn, o pice Telephone 725-9328 or 728-012 BARGAIN -- Cot jin acre room heat control. Pressurized 4 room brick bungalow, se- imercom, elevator, built-in sieve, | Sneees, OF Sturenen Lake, megern com) 9. once rente call exclusive Prestige 1 & 2 bedroom suites AT. $125 AND UP $1] J Loudry room on each floor 5 h FM Music throughout 1200 DUNDAS $7, EAST . end . ture of a ploce, Close to Osh ce pe oy lang -| Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish " 1LOYD METCALF | corridors, Free Hydro and FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed owe, owner anxious to plus 3 bedroom home in Whitby het ee vee ped te + ne con parking. Party fooer wit room suites Within Wa kiding Distence WHITBY --- 668-5891 bring in oll offers apy prices, for cash Call today, Perry system, Secluded and quiet, excel on Reo! Estate Limited ' tchen facilities. Swinmir of schools and shopping Cars bought ond soid fishing and hunting, Bea view -¢ poo eure bath, Mao or i | Liens paid off . PORTUNITY | FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Griy Your- | take, Cosh winter price $4,500, Contact 0 KING ie | BUILDER'S OPPORTU teen nine, Act wisely, invest' In your | WN Tout, RR 3, Coe Hill, phone 40 KING ST, E : te, Cloned @ Oshowo's largest suites | Retnol Agents on Premises Trade up or down fd 4 hal ef i Stan McCormac ' 1 1 ; /, for your protec " ee es, TEA hiss tan te jae ee ee 728-4678 bieds breifage Gea bs @ French Provincial kitchens APPLY SUITE 102 1964 Chevrolet Bel Air, 2 eB BL ' ¥ Lf ' . f ( ; y ; Thernton Road and Steven $14,900 -- A GOOD two-storey older home COTTAGE, new, turnished, threebed oll kitehens, Convenient te @ Double sinks |' 190 NONQUON ROAD yogi io gre ie Cars Bought ond Sold > 4 a reglhsb Close to éimese ond ireen de convenier hopping hoe and 30 inch reng fully | 900d loco! trade, Turquoise gon's rood. Investors ond . lp ting Road, offers three bedrooms, (near Colborne, fishing ch Pha IMMEDIATE pose ts : or ronan Wy ne MORLEY "STALKER and Road : > 1 . churches, - Trenesoriat at automatic c c with matching trim. Licence 4 Phone 723-8365 HaPy MOTOR SALES builders take notice of this odern Kitchen and bath, fireplace in liv- from 6 or o1b0: 962 47 one 0 fez arty raded oak 12°8: MCE THRBE-SKDROOM cotioe tor ven' by! POSSESSION 'aly dongs, seoutnd' | © exile lorge Fridee with § |----~ 9 a eRe ay : | 197 KING STREET W. the seas on lakeshore 9 Freeze ' cigs Shatin Bt the 3 : . Se roe ? : 1964 Chevrolet, Biscayne INCOME Aker itd, at 782810 or 723-7268 Fenelon Fane ee eludes $480 Ideal office ce, Pork Rd seiling fo floor drapes @ Linen Drapes | PARTMEN TS station wagon, V-B engine, 723. on as 3 8311 Boy Ridges - ve for or y COLLEGE ides @ fo ree GOODERHAM -- House, rent or sell, one q ', fs bus Ra < @ Walk-in closets in bedrooms | Large sites, stoves, ref 9 standard transmission, back | $20.00 per month, this 5 (school Large 2 me: lnsomrak bette: al Coenen Th parking, 4 offices combine Pipe agen 4 { { v ' 9* good summer f Telephor 5 to 432 square feet year old home, three bed . ' e garage, | 9000 ner nome lopnane: ¢ auare: Tee $120.00 per month } all 3 bedroom suites closets in bedrooms, walkout ondition. Licence X1036), ALL daliywwood kitchen hes deal fam ' ' contact COTTAGE FOR RENT on Lake Kushog ' : i fs : c S room, Ho! ap eet ceaaligaies 569, Jos Bosco Haliburton County, Three-bedrooms, Cor Contact Mrs, Midgely | @ All suites equipped with | beleony, Storting at $107 963 Pontiac ASH 0 basemen onar ent w j ; ences, Sandy beach, safe for childr ° Lerae Balconies f Centra cotie rts r r montt hae Dhone" osha a wi ci < rerits for $85.00 pe t INCOME PROPERTY eight.) Fishing. P 25-06 728-7373 MODEL SUITE ° arge On the spot financing Extra Two Piece bath in erotors, drapes, woll to. wal uf ghts etc. In excellent Parisienne, se For clean cars or trucks, ' cylinder, .stondard id icks, We deal or down Tenonts would like to stay room home ellen? repa Paved COTTAGE FOR SALE, $750 1 b -T4 ™ ' é power broke, ' Core MOTORS LIMITED Call to see this one to-day drive a ¢ et street, watk th 25 HP motor and tralle ¢ OPEN DAILY : ; é discs, washers, 2-tone y distar 8 d downtow ephor 64 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, prestige loca § nming te eae oi and white. Immaculate On Highwoy No 2; LARGE LOT oo 7: WEAR MINDEN and-Goll Cour lor, abou! #40 0. 1. second oor effin oil 0 Ns 115445 just seit Of Thicheot he hte tage for rent, © 7 l > Ww * $2,000.00 down to one mort PRIVATE Jnusual 12 room brick bun- ly, Convenience Mice vide t 4, 723 J quest Whitby 668-3331 parking ter r Bel Air, se 1990 MODEL "A", F im meet t tt ¥, large room t va beac 6 STORE ~ more + Ford coach, rinnl sedrooms, kitcher 4 yh A BALSAM LAKE ~ Cedar 5 we Dp anit home hos! 3 bedroorr $ $10 wnpayme Uh Foye = Bevery ke | Available ne j Taylor 694-2948 140 NONOUON ) FOUR-ROOM seit-cor rd apariment t 5 ses, washers SACRIFICE! 1959 Chevraiei hardtop 9 igs fash apie rons om Oshaw: s pe is a little dream, This me 5 J eiephone 264 N©lirentege, could led is. ff nto r . be $85 monthly, Also 6r shed bach a a n 4 tone. Li bulit 6 automatic, rad ty good me: has been tastefully decorated additiona t y ior = apariment, _ § v downtow : anically sound $495 Telephone TIS-8085 Bock yard is 293 ft. in depth . wely | Sbedroom, | fenced and coder hedged. Winterize 25----Houses for Rent INI ORMA TION Two = ROOM re ed 1990 MODEL "A" Ford Coach, runn k bungalow age veniences, new rimer te r ore apariment, main. floor cae ' ood ok lin ' and well landscaped, Tokes | ping') separate school and bus.|excellent. harbour, double garage with ce TWO large bedroom oungaiow, clos feat, | Water suppiied,| 1963 Chevrolet, Bel Air, sta OAT GWeaeoee ore under $200.00 per year r 5,200 with terms. For appoint-| ment $25,000, Terms if req Oshawa Shopping Centre, fy PHONE 793. 5] | 1 realy mnie, Healy Dyers sae tinder ane STATIONWAGON idan" Pontlec ain 7 | il; ana es r 25-2753 or 728 Monday to Friday, Toronto 222-516 stove, fridge and heated, $125 der, power transmission, exe Call on this one now ' d ritin Manthey Pr 1236 atte ' THREE ROOM apartment, private not transmission, radio tion, private, Call 778-0726 RICE LAKE Long Isiand, boathouse or bath, kitche ving room, bedroom ¢ tailgate, window and ~ " od MY ADDRESS FOUR-BEDROOM k bungalow, family. ainland, cottage for sale, three bed. FURNISHED two bedroom bungalow. Exclusive Agent immediate possessior hl a oe J 1964 BUICK Skylark, 2 door sports coupe, . sisea. Molly 1 hah ticamiace Gath sak, Vipiiaien, Wank Fou '+ saat ¢ s for two or three adults and refrigerator, Coll 728-6 ; v ers Really sharp. 1 VB automatic, radio, bucket seats, elec te 1049 Olive Avenue, Osh- suitable for basement apartment, to sup: p tage, $6,500, Telephone om, Cohawe. Lense Mey OSHAWA REALTY maroon, | green wheel' itch, Recs Tae ana etn t e. Owner anxious to! 942-4 Wer 6 D.17 23-7223 or 673-220 " S, backup lights, whitewalls, 1, | om only three years F vith terr For par MAN | N _ TWo- BEDROOM apartment mmediate two fone paint, rf 1 vit sacs ae Wen look 6 5103. WG, Maartin HOLIDAY IN HALIBURTON Highlands. THREE-BEDROOM brick house, brad-| (Bond St.) LIMITED ° roadioo oughout, re 1962 Chevrolet, coach, 6 ey arenes, eriise Mee ee o v / m5108 y ode: ousekeeping Hage 4 all, very Includes lawr i leon f r frigerstor, stoves FY ol hot water nder omoti anes bedrooms, « big Hollywood ° swimming, fishing ded./ mower, fF 4 end, Telephor Immediate Occupancy included, Married couple, 32 Adeleiae Jer, automatic, @ good low | WT PLYMOUTH, cleen, Tow mileage, kitchen, beoutiful stained (COURTICE droor ble garage, Discount weeks 4 inst ter § 728-3727, Possession June West, Apartment 2 mileage cor, Licence J14468 $175 Telephone 723-3772 , 5 electric heatlr ecreation rooms \arge|in August, Boo i Speciol terms for first appli 1959 CHEV stat tow cupboards, a nice large re t é Bob Je 6-25 Keith | §trer helterharr verre! ite thy HD had HS I Faur-roor | Telephone tian, room completely plastered Peters Realty Limited Realt ey orange, chaerna THRES "BEOROOM bungalow, block from) cants Rent now ond you apartment, private bath and entrance SS dio pt iil ad i shopping centre. Avaliable 4 : M stove and frig, park space, Avs don, 6 automate, rodio 46 CUSTO i Fs uisap wh and 'n all kava: Lacitad ae 8 an Oo sf USTOM SPORTS hardtop, 30, & My present Senet gi agi INSPECT THIS 3 bedrocm brick bi nga: 21--Farms for Sale f om June 1s monthly, Telephone 'tha: talk Fea ne ls ANNE able now, Apply above address Power steering, White wolls, Speed, power brakes, radio, skirts, services 1 ' 1 | Yaue Nene. "Mone s less than $9 | Mote $110, TWO BEDROOMS, private bath| dises ete, Licence H95921, of warranty, will consider trade, echools, high, catholic and yee eat j. Near ethos 4 | FARMS THREE ROOM house for couple. im eral Motors and entrance, large kitchen and 'living Ask for Al, 728-3340 hy public are close by, My yard aia ws s8es8\0 Apply 46 vor bad : _ room, in moderr " or 1961] Bedford Van, one own. 'é) CHEV, six cylinder, twe door, aule- is also a good size please (BEAUTIFUL one ac i vedi and : belts é Apar tmet its 728-1909 piter Ce. ' er. Runs good, $150, LI Meters na ie, Tee Wp lenis, lene come ond see me and trees, 3 bedrooms THREE-BEDROOM bungalow | suites includes ever 720-1903 after six ; y very well kept, Phone 648-2324, i be see Ca today Ph rv 1961 PONTIAC V-8 automatic, Phone eve . Estete 799-0193 Small Ac reages Available August ier Sie? ce, fengels:| thing @ Swimming Pool @ o a 27---Rooms For Rent ings 728-3807, . nt C 6 ersize suit enin ARE YOU SELLING nO Care Uh. wee etek tal 8 5 T ";_ at ae Me dell ia 4 Olde English decor : 1959 Pontiac, Parisienne, This OUBIRORILE "y four 1 fon west, Large lot. Nicely located, Try vying or Selling? her BAY hibée - ne Pe trolled @ ail deliveries to ylish s : : 4 be peng r= or, We ere ready, willing, ond ffer here, Pe Real Estate 7% p shi your confidenc , 'ooms, $ ys fs ed Bia your door @ 2 elevators @ Twin elevators ATTRACTIVELY don, 6 cylinder ra sibel | hardtop, excellent condition, consider old: able to sell your property : f f e 639 : | balconies @ Model Heated indoor poe FURNISHED ROOM power steering, white wolls, er car in trade, Telephone 728-7902, Our sales staf! of seventeen | FaRNHILT 3 bedroom brick bunge eer : ; EXECUTIVE TYPE, three - bedroom hie Paya ty Souna fac , | discs, Mechanically good, | 195i JAGUAR Mark Vil, wih sun Pool, competent solesiadies ond d batt ory . ' ' a | walkout" bate oe e Turniened: by Wilsor ate : Ave e privote home $495. Licence 113934 stick shift on floor, bucket seats, good '4 A . ] , LL S¢ o 4 valko as v 5 ' , ee 5 4 . Condition, $325, Telephone 668-4782 i en ore repared to , nent e schools and shopping, $140 4 nf oa all shied and Yom 5, " eyelets roperh with no 4 cae ¥, References, Telephone 725-969) : 1958 Chevrolet, coach; 6 ou- | 1955 DODGE hardtop, good" eondiilon, evelucte your # op Bild ; ' ; Rentol representative on duty ' 39 PARK RD. N., tomatic rodio, new tires good tires, custom radie, Must sell, $95, Pg a s Pe SCENIC KENDAL | 0 acre isn SCHOFIELD-AKEF 26---Apartments for Rent Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment Pler f pa 43422 668-5 3 ing 'or courteous r with trout strear rt wooded 5,000 Launuey' peer 728-867 | $250, Licence } | 1958 OLOSMOBILE super 8 convert ' ' r 26 dest simile. 'why not 64 500 doy : Daytime 723 : Plastic lined :} ¥ powered. Bright red, High lift cam us now. You could be glod : : : Evenings 728-287 885 Oxford St. upboards CLEAN, centrally located) bedroom and COMPACTS d four barrel. Call 666-5976 after 6, 'en r bedroom home . : kitchen, fi pped, Business tad 43 CHEVRO a you did ted Melrose St aii the GOOD PRODUCTIVE FARM, ° w PHONE ree hyare only 'gs, inkd 1962 Volkswagen 1500 series, | or bist oer ve lh ag A Fa vibe s wing family "i a7 3 distance shawa ws i" | Mae WE LIST AND SELL MLS : ' Sy ulreaiiWe ecrey, Excellent sanay' nor 723-8261 Model Suite Open FURNISHED double room and kilcher white woll tires, Excellent | i9) OLDSMOBILE, Licence HaOla, V2 om and uvitra) |x good : ee rick hy th mode ' lence to share anether ndition, Licence 37949E automatic, power steerini b r bathrooms ec, |D ome w mod e | c e + Power steering, power brakes, 1! t t » Waki 9 distance North " A r A I m 4 ar port. F & sophisticated | Nearly new bar with 'potate crass A | blue, matching interior, Nicols Motor Member of 0.0.R.E.B ° ! 8 tapnisviented | fl arn LD panera. We APART MENTS Mai aha ater heure 2-9 P.M and downtow elepr 25-9780, < 1961 Volkswogen, with rodio, | Sales Limited on Highway No, 2% just 723-1133, evenings and cent mortgage for ba ance 23-6255 1221 SIMCOE NORTH ROOMS or roor 4 board, downtown lo ns good, | ence J9687, wes! of Thickson Road, 668-333) is Realtor, 20. Ray sell. For full par ' planr one and cation, central, single er to share, single) "WS 990 |1963 CHEVROLET, Licence S9i7H. Bal t \| George Martin Ibrook, 932: | oe a asain die | - beds, parking space, Apply 48 Albert i j OLIVE 1943 or 728-5 W, 0, Martin, Realtor, | 4 opartment 725 9934 Pract, Pee es pi pply per 1960. Consul, radi o, ete, A jAir, V-f, automatic, Like new! Nicole Motor Sales Limited, om Highway No, % Sauno Steam Room end Health Club cence 132708 ture C Park. Apply 304 Chestnut Street W | P | Bioor Street Bast super sport 327-300, four speed, Diplomat Whit s - Dea tuirinn the ameel in wed : ae he oom & Board | FURNISHED Gadraomn Ia sitvake Trois |blue, matching trim, Like new! Nicols EXCEPTIONAL LY LARGE back yard ] 0 AC RE LOTS ' : Ki si sanial WEN TWORT HH - ] 28 1070 fiva_miny fe. walk to the, Gentlemar ROY iN ICHOLS a ae ev) Ween "Road gat sasi, " enue ) ) ~ r j REAL ESTATE batt king pointment t BARGA | N PR ICES ; at D APARTMENTS 30 ar ' , § FURNISHED bedroor quiet home. een eet, anti inane wiley A ! Nf , 'ttn privacy, parking facilities : : LTD h MA 'fr Wa sta -- ~ aay itd Erevan Auenec MOTORS LTD |steering, brakes, remote contre! mirrors . Vv i oe h { Ss r 1A | 4 brand new whitewalls. immaculate, 1% miles north of Bow . .s ; . SINGLE furnished bedroom for sieadily Private, 666-2961 after § One of Oshawa's best apart ved gentleman, parking, "one tock SEE, , ACE RICHARDS ' sensei eh ment buildings at ve rea WHITBY, two + bedroom apariment with GM, |- WEEKLY, Telephone AL ii€ ¢ Wie PONTIAC: & aulomatic, Seed cone F y sonable rent. | ond 3 etricera' 4 stove, la 'acilitie 7 | or LOUIS PHILLIPS ot dition, radio and rear speaker, Also car lled Ent pli 2 an sir \gere 1 v : ) } bs fop carrier, Whitby, 668-5089 affer 6 p.m, s ian s locke 4 parking, Apply Craydon| FULLY EQUIPPED kitchen and COURTICE 728-6206 -- Baleonies bedroom suites include every A ' ( BD. kitehen and bedsit OURTICE 1965 PONTIAC automate, Caprl gold f BEAUTIFULLY landscaped white clap beard fave. 9 bedraems, corpicte fee $9.Lote Jor fal N N - ROOM with kitchen for iwo gentlemen real good one! Licence | just west of Thickson Road, 668-3331, C) WE reation. room, newly . decorated. Near '] ale AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY e FOR RENT e stove and fridge inciuded, Apply 606 8574) | 1964 CHEVROLET, Licence 38314. imp JUST LISTED. Lovely bedroom, § South year-old ; it Ritso 81S Brock St 4 Road ' parat ool and bus.| manville Frontine on 4 Asking $15.2 erms. F appoint 668-5853 Ho WO. Mar! . Sue |: Liberty St. Just north of LUCKY! LUCKY! 1 Eastbourne, We' LUXURY APARTMENT |kee! bungalow r o inspet| Be wmanville Golf Course eannetie Os 725-5639 BUILDING oe een > $1,500. Down pa ) atier 4 pn g room, at bus stop, laundry privileges Sharad, Parking 'B aia lady. teleahene A OR Still under warrenty Radio, discs. Many extras i in excellent condition, HAROLD MICHELSON $2,480, 725-2879 thing the only. bill will | Aaduits be your phone. Children we BOWMANVILLE, exir four room | 748 come Mode! suite oper apartment on ma ¢ vallable JUNG) SINGLE FURNISHED with lignt | D Mon main f f ight house i "ev iindar April 30th, Rental represent a}, | Telephone | 725-0576 Keeping for # quiet and clean person or TED MILLER at | itemate real deed taal . eh ONLY $2,600 buy this eery ' f BEDROOM spariment, fridge, | Dial 728-5984 Iso.) anaes vey Centrally located on beauti bedroom brick home. Treed lot and ave oF any do d a ag ! ded, laundry facilities, A val FURNISHED ROOM Wilh sieve anal 8 WMANVILLE 623-2556 Hol ip, on fully landscaped lot, paved Bons se "Realtor, 7aseaes ae Phone 263 fi | 59 " fon 9 fd al ad a ke @ |, Ror information apply 29 liridae for a single man Telephone whit 1959 CHEVROLET, 4-door Bel Alr, redler } , Don Stradesk faite 46 , 2 4 rom pm Meontrave Avenue, Apt, 4, © Albert | ny 668-6245 betweer m. an ) auiomatic, 6 cylinder, good eendition, i Apnea hho relrige Ger biroten Rese . j oo "safle arian 45 between 8 a.m, and 3 p.m OPEN 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, Asking $825, Telephone 728.9756 ' 5 clean Gtéré baleontes drape hourekeepine roam ed A tached garage " OUON a "a4 7p THREE-ROOM "Apartment, unfurnished 5) MERCURY convertible, wiv storms ond screens, lorge Neue hae 'i ne Hellywaed 723-870] private bath. Telephone 723 ater' Si measenablé. Apbly Go Anoldeon eran (powered, clean, Call between & a.m, and chens, lots of cupboords, 20° kitchen a t e base 12 Large J ots oie . a pm, 723-198) 198-3998 J New Or Used 5 p.m, Brooklin, 655-3421 ment apartment, Near sine o rr living rooms, wall to wall [outstanding home wilt od income.| 2 miles from city, in attrac 282 "8 16 after hours ONE » AND TWO - BEDROOM pari: | BURNISHED ROOM for Yeni, central, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, |1949 PONTIAC Laurentlen, door sedan broadioom in owner's aport North west area r berger tive area, Some treed lots ments, Immediate" possession, Drap 'Tbus slop at the door, Gentleman only Cadillac, Chev. Trucks | beige 4 cylinder automatic, radio, ment, 4 pec, tile vonit 723 0362 siove and refrigerator, heat and water | Apply 241 y " power ait R state, 725-888 ! : «QO. ay Witkin Rena - seering. low mileage, Make your, offer! be an! Gatate Paved street, Close by public 7 jelevator and controlled entrance, lock-| muieile Avenie FOR A BETTER DEAL | Phone 723-917 pia s hot woter wit ' : hac sigh chool n ers and ndr n ever tow Aduits {LARGE furnished room, sult gentieman | =, abba Es ote Sole 20a---Summer Properties * naw N's wii CAVAI IER FOR RENT @ Sretarred: Apnly. superiniendent uns 0 Weekly. Apply 576 Harmeny Read Coll | 1964 FORD, hardtop, two-door, four speed hey A ' é j ' 2 RENT pret y su ¢ South cr telecon teas |transmission, 390, No down payment, ther information and to ar For Sale or Rent RICE $f T ROOMS eriend Avenue or Telepnone 720-678 ows LN Los lade : AL MARLOW | Telephone 725-2786. + q ree-room selecontains fur id bedroo in quiet i ey ATTRACTIVE three elf-contained shed me uate OF 25-6504 |{62 FORD convertib range appointment ¢ A > 7 B70 . ( R iment, furnished or unturnish sie home, Tele 01$ or anply j , i, Sane rey Moore at 668-4 LAKE ON TARIO Phone 728-5579 VISC OUNT Phor 070 sree alae dea" Wighney |360 Cediline Avenue. Sout Ontario Motor Sales Ltd | dard transmission, 28 Mill street 793-0802 / ' i ye ied ' t n 10 0 668-5853 Mon, to Fri N Courtice, Available June 1@| ROOM for rent for gentleman, with park 140 Rend St, W., Oshawa Between 10 a.m. and 4.30 pr at PONTIAC coach, oll filter, radian} models our specialty, Curtis Aute Wreek NO CLIFFS BUILDING LOTS oor ne Phone 728-9465 ing space. Apr ? Park Road South o GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, Cale INCOME PROPERTY - ONE» AND TWO - AREDROGM apari.| lelepr 23-18 ld "OME x - 5 east number . . : ab seen ' back-up lights, ene owner, $295, Tele lers, 729.5938, fee ; , , IATION ments tor rer Apply 2? Marland, Apt|ONE large housekeeping roam fa Dane 4 Art Cox, OAA, 13 Elgin ~ Large brick 3 ' and ' . A y 4 or phone 28-9004 to share with other man, Clese to down ; USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make : sd 4 F T ; + Ea trailers, also used tires, $09 Bloor Street $ apartments Ipiex . LARE WN VUGr ONE, TWO and THREE . bedroom apart.) (inn ond General Motors (seuth plar 1954 LINCOLN Premier, fully Bower! Bast, after 4, 723-2981 building and suff t ' ' \ , A Two BEDROOM Apariment private bath. ments, 'frig and stove, intercom controll © parking place ° ' \ t Ns pew 22 3 ~ to bs "aly mth ; : Vv. FRANK REAL | ' i aparts Neale de Parking, \frenediaie lad aniranena" clomatar ccs awlavmind equipped Good condition, including |isse BUICK Special, Twodoer" harden Alt p x 623-3393 723-7843 ' refrigerator possession, Apply 136 Ritson Road South pool, fenced.in playground, 822 Glen or 28-----Room and Board tires and exhauel two-tone green automatic, good condition price a 00 t ° ne ; trie 4 x 449 ¢ or 72R-A7R3 all 4 Telephone 725 Asking $295 or best offer, Phone 985-7088 down Ask f " ¢ e ce ' PARK ROAD « COLLEGE HILL Three | $138 MONTHLY for five-room, two - bed foo se to south. plant, Teleph 668.585 . LAKESHORE LOT for sale i : arge room apartment, private entrance (ro tment arge apartment | yo3-9046 THREE separate rooms Nill pack | j9 NTA: edan, 6 eylinder, auto = Ce reading Lice Hase0s. ane. Hooker | 1960 PONTIAC four + door Laurentian, ; 4. Highway No, 7, 4 miles /Cieen Pp 4750 or best offer. Licence : 'at Bheantin is 4a) 294579 Telephone 725-7087 ih 8 i # Lake, Haliburto and d&plece bath, heal, steve, reiriaerat 9. Slove, refrigerator, heat, hydro CUSTOM Bl HOME : ; : beach, good road, Port Perry, 98 and draperies included, Immediate pos-|and water included, Two children wel (LIMITED NUMBER of vacancies in west ee ST TIME C . BUILDING tors - ) Marland sion Adults only, After § pm. 7259970, | came. Call 723.2489 YW A residence. Bor aomolete ir forma: | i959 OLDSMOBILE, ?door hardiep. Dy 31. -~Compact Cars for Sale FIRST TIM ree ' $1200 Roy Foste OSHAWA Uarge clean three-room | WHITBY \ selt-contained | 199 namic AA, Low mileage, In. perfec iF are nal teren ¢ Real Estate F r ' nif-contained ef ) pariment t r 2, and stove Hon. -Telephane 728 e Five bedroon , te . facilities pincited. Yeimanene , FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, ig) BLACK Corvalr" Monta" cups, @| SABYAN TO 19 ACR ors ury hon ' ached 9 SG LOVE, Minutes tr in a tla: + aaa quiet, clean home, parking, 43 Garrard sieoq with high pertormanea motor Some qualit ; edt f i Mart). .? Dia lore {iving panr tome quali Ne LARGE FURNISHED bedroom In # clean) Road (by K-Mar 12786 beaut ed interior with white wails MOTOR SALES LTD I 2 ane e ne, tor ¢ 0 gente: | oe. Telephone 725-107 Sal ing ro "y { tact Joe ? MITCHELL AVENUE Three-room | men "se to north General Motors SINGLE ROOMS and board, Apply 2§|and rad elopnane ore Volkswagen Sales ond Service hune ' R ne } te mh P Rea apartment, private bath, rangette and | Telephone 728-728 Division Street 1985 PONTIAC Parisienne. convertible New ond Used Cars eanhos NORTH OF KMART : , snd 3 tr Available w. Telephone 5066. | COMFORTARLE roam Drivale home, [ROOM AND BOARD tor gentleman. tor steering power brakes. rT 334 RITSON RD. § id Nice ation, $84 . Vithin #135. MONTHLY for fiveroom, two-bed ne nan, Centrally located, Ap: |4 Lunches packed. Share room. \ Bowmanville 203 723-346) eorures ' THREE CHOICE LOTS, & x Ja ream apartment 1@ apartment Elgin Street Gast single be hone 725-984 '62 FORD Sunliner convertible, 382 auto ors slate er ce | : Whitby, wil wer and wat ner t building. Stove rigerator, heat, hydro sinGLe furnished room for gentleman, | ROOM AND BOARD for young lady In| mat power ahpely 43 Wentworth Open Evenings - t th t ; t 1 no th Neir f , > dren i 7 odern h th ° nd | Stre ot, 1 er ptr geny to: sone een ' Ss [ wo ch we oR ia or eal |mod home, with privileges, Rossiand | Street. Ar a bat! e ae te ome , 64d and Stevenson area @ to bus, After i9s9 PONTIAC sedan. cushions and paint) YW VOLVO & PEUGOT te ' Be m, telephone ' osnd ' ew battery, motor 11,600 . - alore rt P y y TWO-BEDROOM ind floor. apart goad condition, new 4 " ES ! id hot { 3---Real Estate Wanted ; f [ dry site| ve, hydte pert SINGLE ROOM and board for gentleman, | 1 Reasonable, Phone 728-0326, 12 noon! We MERCEDES BENZ a R iby oe ne 4 ses : Telephone | Apply 38 t 8-60 or $ pur General Repair ond senee and ' f b 468-4876 before 6 4 ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen 1989 CHEVROLET two-door car 19s? Auto-Elect Servite tures too n ros e€ THREE-ROOM = apartmen 1 GNE-AEDROOM with the use of the kil |!o share ¢ to south GM vches Chevrolet, half-ten long bax, Bath In good entre), Ava haa aie Naroam. Telephane 729-4808, |Packed. Telephone 728-417 ve lan haa j on. Will accept trade for trailer o ak o i 6 " Sell- ective ' f N be seen evenings \a60n Wome s ; lag boat, Telephane 728-204! | Jake and Bill's Garage eich label. Ras J j : ; | or neat youn --s $95, _menth SUS. ANG Ue + BEURGOM SRO weak Contre Goel carr ie Navy A) 88 HARDTOP 300 horsepower, leur 449 Ritson Rd. South formation cal! Kathr and > ") THREE ROEM Hirnished apartment, |™ Bee iee ance treat cna ater [anes TESST? apeed. positraction, One owner, Telephone strong at 668.5853 Apply 444 Simene South 4 i refrigerator, heat and water Semerrerenernsrnenninemenamencnes | 721-704 i a9 + 3. Flush > ' 4 controlied ent ®. lock pola Cantral lasatlan Accomme. siadesiieceiiniai Ings coll 723.18 Sell Your H 4 i Ronilacs ind Gar wD " 3 ome FWO.ROOM apariman! with privale bain dry on eve for. AdUItS | datian for two voung gentlemen ta share CONVERTIBLE" aT Pontiac. ind car, @ a : ru ey se isi ard da 8 private home, Unfurnished, ay br 4 op Supe tenant, P| Parking inches packed, Telephone tematic teerl fad % Private ZOLTAN AND NICK S OLDER TWO $7 EY i+ . wirnn thru 23-528 | eble Hmmenleray: Apr ion avers Or meboece | 648-4978 __ jAtier $ bm m-2\ HS Your Authorized Datsun HOM , Becta sited io : TWO ROOMS, pariially furnished, private) |ROOM AND"WOARD iar one panllaman, | 106 CHEVELLE, "Malibu, two-door and Rie Poaler E amner ' TWO AND THREE bedroom aparimenis. (entrance anc bath. Telephone 728-1522. leiose top ¢ Mot A Appiy hardtop, Va. automatic, radio white walls, | a q ediate Possession \ pply Letina Th tied Downtown W+ Newly decorated, All conveniences, hot ls4h Atho Diplomat blue with blue Interior, Lie. | Specializing in kswagen ~ ny ied 10 COLBORNE STREET BAST, Iwobed:| ke a Sa che eae Oa TS nce ' 1ap GRIFI IN ONE BEDROOM APT ald water, "Ample parking facilities. |Mam apartment, -retrigerator, sieve, | ROSM haa packea [HIVES Hooker and Sons Ltd. Highway epoir and Service ge : broadionm, free laundry facilities, S118. lit desir willing' ta" Sharad oct nt, Cre Wt bs 160 Simcoe South "mabey i ' Real Estate Ltd arge ; OS Verdun Road Apply Apartment r ne Cleve ta (oe 728-0051 large lot, ¢ 4 . ; ' to wa s ) | THREE-ROOM apariment, private a . spe saith Mote P i964 IMPALA hardion. VA automatic 4 J VACANT ect f jena . 1 omens or excelle for he 8 | 44 trance and bath, immediate possession. |, ' mer 1 '] . white walls, 25.000 original a *%. 1949 ACADIAN one-owner car, only 13.000 y-and let y 7 : a A ¢ $105 monthly. Hydro ded. Apply 366 pen paciy . t 134899. Hooker and Sons imiins, 4 cylinder golden brown, coach bags Madly e Adi : Street 728.24 "ribbed Ua kd Gan. | OROCK STRAET HAST, 181 -- "Room ig., Highway No 7 tour miles west ofl win power steering acd radio' excetont sae an . : rehab) 43-6455 after THREG-ROGM furnished basement aparie| awa Biv. South, Telenhene YR MMe TNMIO DOGS | Mrooklin, 6Ss-48l condition, Must be sold, Rest cash offer, Prene 660-58 BA re ne : \ ment, Available e telephone 725: FURNISHED tr om first fleer : 1956 PONTIAC hardtop, Rest offer Call Liayd Corson 723.2537 EVENIN ye hedraam apartment « apartment. $90 monthly. tien Ohl | dreativnt Ron anmos gentleman, Glos 10/4 Telephone 725-7819, Can be! igs SUNBEAM Imp, 81178 or baal offer ENINGS CAL! t K K e room m v at z 'M bP ¥ meals, 5 ches mediate ONE AND TWO.-bedroor iments fed s WN Inacked. Apply 205. King ' th ser mote bullding, $ 1 5 y ad rreferre ' 4S? PONTIAC four door sedan, six ay one to heapital. Available June 1: A WHITBY mnie and two-bedroom apart)! 29..Wanted To Rent ee ee a oie Mnehee Baer FouR . eR ' a ~T e ele mente. A sdern conveniences, swim hardtog te pe miss : = Ls Phone | TWO APARTMENTS ; ; : elevat punilt tove, [TWO - BEDROOM house wanied by |4ag BORD Va>aulamalic, convertible mucket seats and contul, radia plus rear apeth Hilts . ' Telephone 7232578 afte ' f 9. Near schools, Tele speatior. After 3 p.m. 460-4 ie Whitby, 6468-846 mediate possession, infant weicdme. at any time Telephone 725-4118 between §.20 and @ pm quple with one schoo! age be ' $180 or best offer, Tele ye ] - 4 : pho | taph ' ' pret J ane & S058 after § pir 145 WEVE & MA u § ae J Beco McFarlane f } THREE-ROOM shed Apariment,|TWO:BEDROOM unturnished ar i Reasonable, Telephon ' nda ab blll valk tae par. h A " entra 4 wiring, private garage, heated, automat her ONE-BEDROOM apartment, modern build 40 PONTIAC two-door, radio and extras @ es Kathryn Armstror y . * ne i antenne a msital abea. Apart 5. $95 monthly including drapes, retrig- | GARAGE wanted to rer r 0 a! . Clean, .good condition $ on! at, hydro included. ? August 1S garage vacant heat a water, Apply 1720) two months, Te Gays 725-3 ft, Runs good, Best offer, APPIY/ 1949 CHEVELLE MALIBU Super Sport A e y0 Brock t Sout te nt 'ibuten CAN ' . - sion Street = Rig 6. automatic. floor shift. Best offer t e "Rebull! Over $2,000 Telephone 723-0817 over $ Telephone 723-08 TWO BEDROOM apartment. Stov TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Privat = 5s whe - three. dedroor soon $3 FORD, me goo < a ane and entrance. Garage. 44 Queb ' : ¢ "apart ' wr t motor, Phone 3 1945 SUNBEAM Alpine. Red, 19,000 miles 728-27 dre ele 5 une | ence e . A 1959 CHEVROLET, 4. door, Biscayne, Soft top, $1,900. or $700. cash and take : ' ' AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Three . YOUNG COUPLE wit! srr standard. Excellent condition, New/Over payments, Ajax, 942-008 oc pa ' ntiy de-|room apartment ¢ shed. Private| THREE-ROOM hed apartmen' on want to re bed mouse! ny Make otter, Neweastie 807-4865. "i940 MG convertible" Licence GSGGAi All a t n ate Large|bath and entrance arking Spa TY | Very Vib a " 7 : tt a PONTIAC Laurentian, six cylinder, /Téd. black interic T car must be LARGE sight room hy too d 3 ' 48 S ~ c : etrigerator, outlet, Neat and wate dec, One| bath a entrance, parkin ne . aT anditio many extras. -stili/driven to be appreciated a Motor tien. 10 minute waik + F F ' ime hs 4 ty.|child welceme. $75 monthly, $17 Drew /$%5 i hea' are TEACHER r e . dedirao der warranty. Telephone 728-481 Sales Limited, on Highway 2. jvat he feceren Gere ; ' : r a Street "7 house yA YJ ne s pa west of Thickson Road. 448.103 ether featur ood 8 " a eet A 7 treet, 1965 PONTIA stom sport eanvertible = Fer appo' ntme Ny ' 4)? BYRON STREET NORTH, Whithy.| TWO-BEDROOM apartment in modern TWO + BEDROOM apartment, one chiidjish, v 4 a Stre ees poe Dea Been ae ecita comerial GORVAIN. Mania, a oneed. Radia ANdely, 725-4529. Joseph ® ' . ot *: Busi om apartment with bath, Avaitabie/bullding, Walk out balcony. appliances! welcome. $90 nr Pho: c D0. Va Mae, aier canation' Waitey {washers, "back-up IBN. "Geod cond OuPLEX : » poiied. Avaitable e Apply Apt, | tw Pp. pr TWO. OR THREE-BE ROOM house re) renee. tien. Te -- Seve cop! ' aydon Rear th apoes Sry Sagproeserd nahawe " One large THREE-ROOM apartme " garage THREE - ROON nt. Pr : na rn yo : Va aatemailc, | 0" COMET . : e bat m and entrance' refrig. WHITBY . som ft e trance ' " ' j i Fal santas "a BATE ag, BP Sg tt oe hy ou eeenes : ot Cahawe erator, steve laciuded.. Avaliable Wmmed-ment. $100, Advite, Avellaple mun. Avaie ' si | si ho ° 14 toot travel trailer, Telephone 728-1903 O . tty Dal 769-3371, Action Ade lately, Apply & Divialon Streat, Telephone 468-8727. 4927, Joseph Bosco Realt enhone 2014 ranch wagon, 2 door <celle . jing Murray Raarar