=BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | Carnival = Crown Would Seize Car 'Buns 3 Days Put More Teeth In Law -- WHITBY (Staff) -- Comment-| Bowmanville, who was convicted ing on the fact that fouf charges on a charge of: possession of a of driving while unger suspen-|stoien auto. sion hed been heard Magistrate Jermyn refused to H. M. to agree t® a request by the accus- Crown Attorney Bruce Affieck,|ed to send him to penitentiary. here Tuesday that to the impounding of vehicles nothing for him. "I urge you to imvolved. make use of what is there. You es have not learned anything yet," Apparently suspension of said the magistrate. your licence means nothing to, you,"' the magistrate told Albert' A Brooklin resident, Kenneth Charles Harding, Pickering! H. Greer, was found. guilty of Township, who appeared on two impaired driving and was fined charges of driving while sus-|$190 and costs or 15 days. pended and a charge of driving| Magistrate Jermyn ordered his at 70 miles an hour in a 45-mile driver's licence suspended for zone. six months. COUS y vleade: ty to the chance ee esed| Charged with thelt of auto for 14 days on each of the sus- parts, Dennis George Larocque pension charges. A fine of $25|¥45 fined $25 and costs or seven and costs or five days ir jail, jaays Crown Attorney B, Af to run consecutively, was impos- fleck asked the accused be given a chance as the case was not d on the speeding count. : @ P 8 as brazen as it sounded. Mr of Affleck said the area from which the parts were taken was not fenced and looked like a dump Pleading guilty to a charge driving while under suspension, David McAteer of Ajax. was fined $5 and costs with the op- tidn of 20 days in jail, The court A charge of driving while im extended the «period of licence paired resulted in a fine of $100 suspension was extended for six and costs or 15 days being im- months, posed on James Stewart, of Whitby. The accused's driver's licence was suspended for three months, Charged with begging on King st. ¢., Oshawa, Bert Corby, To- ronto, was sentenced to 10 days in jail Having a case of beer in the cab of his truck, at the Spruce Villa parking lot brought a fine ner, 22 of Zephyr, was placed of $25 and costs or 10 days in on suspended sentence for 12 jail to Kenneth McLean, of Osh- months on each charge. The -- thefts involved tools from a Scott rinking in a public "Township farm and the Scott which he pleaded guilty eam garage. a 30-day jail sentence eas of 0100. and costa or ald Peters, of Oshawa. 5 days in jail was imposed on Pleading guilty to a charge senneth Coursey, Uxbridge, who of dangerous driving, P. David leaded guilty to driving while Snow, of Scarboro, was remand: Sis licence was suspended. The ed one week for sentence «period of licence gr oi ion was A statement by Oshawa police, -- for six months read as evidence, stated the ac- ~ A fall sentence of 12 months cused had heen spotted travel Pleading guilty to two charge of theft, Charles Robert Lint- place, to , brought to Don- to pass zone resulted, The accused went "Jowing new members to Trinity 8 light standard and scattered "Firth, Lyre Diane Gibson, the option of 20 days in jail David Watson, Anne Wiggans, fleck said Robert J. Gael. of and Mrs, Allin W. Harris, Miss Geel said he was on an illegal army faith Smith, Mrs, Arthur Stackaruk, "definite and six months indefin- ling the wrong way on a one-way Te was imposed on Donald Fran- street west of Stevenson rd., "eis Thompson, 18, of ast Beach, Oshawa, on May 20. Stopped by police, he started to drive away while an officer was partially M in the vehicle, em ers A chase east on King st., at fo miles an hour in a 30-mile on pe =Welcomed over the curb at the intersec ones tion of King st. and Park rd. and raced south on Park rd. to John st, On John st. the accus- t urc ed was clocked at 60 miles an hour, BOWMANVILLE (TC) ~Rey. Turning north on Simcoe st., "George Ward, welcomed the fol- the accused hit a garbage car, enited Church by profession of ® group of pedestrians at the faith: corner of Simcoe and Band sts, "= Kenneth Allin, Patricia Ander-|Defore he was taken into cus- on, Cindy Ayre, Merridy Bate, |'°°%- erome Bruce Billett, Mrs. Pleading guilty to a charge STerry Black, Susan Marie'Clark, | of failing to remain at the sane Brenda Anne Cowan, Janice El- of an accident, Robert Camer- "Nott, Cheryl Anne Evans, Sally | on was fined $100 and costs with Hammond Cane aie Tay The charge arose out of an "tu - : accident on the Reach-Cart man, Faye Jackson, Linda)... pt > 'Kelly,'Elizabeth Maguire, Dar- wright Town Line on April 17. lene Karen Masters, age el The accused In a theft charge MeMurter, Deborah Oke, Jacqu-| was -remanded two weeks for »@line Patfield, Gary Preston, sentence by the magistrate, Paul Slemon, Deborah Stevens,, Crown Attorney Bruce Af Carol Wight, Glen Witherspoon, Toronto, picked up several hitch Mr. Willlam Bromell, Mr. David hikers in the Montreal area, Green,Mr...Noarman--Kichka near-Pickering on May 28 the The following joined by Trans- accused locked his doors, turn- fer of. Certificate: Mr. and Mrs, ed off his lights and drove off Clifton, G. Draper, Terrence, when the hitch hikers alighted Richard and David Draper; Mr, to remove their luggage from and Mrs, Peter F. Gravelle: Dr, the car trunk Leanne Harris; Mr. and Mrs, from the United States Harry Locke, Mrs, Carl Paeden Mrs, Douglas M. Stickels, Mr and Mrs. Malcolm A, Macleod Mr. Richard H. Watchorn Ast St. Paul's United Chureh the following were received into membership on profession of Grace RBarne Gerald ¥l dridge, Andrea Ewert, Elaine Henderson, Eileen McQuarrie, | Wayne McRoberts Susan} » Mountjoy Rickey Patterson, | Brigitte Pflanzer, Mr. and Mrs Louis Phillips, Mrs. David Por ler, Judy. Sellers, Mrs. Robert Faith Thiessen, Daniel White- hand, Maureen Wood, Mr. and "Mrs. Stewart Wood = The following w eceived wby transfer of certificate: Mi "Dor'elas: Barr, Mrs. Clifford wokOV on, Mrs, Daniel Vivian Revy- 'werend H. A. Turner officiated The most touc hing picture of the year! N.Y. Post "ke kkk A film to be cherished!" --N.Y, Daily News considera- Thompson claimed his previous | tion should be given in future term in reformatory had done) WHITBY -- The carnival of the Whitby Jaycees will al three days from July 30 to Aug.| 1. This is the civic holiday week-/ end A committee meeting was held at the home of Dick Conrad, Those in attendance were: Denis Stephens, president, Dick Con- rad, first vice-president, Ji. Waterfall, s2cond vice-presi-| dent, John Latulippe, secretary- treasurer, John Vandermale parade commission chairman Alewyn Stolk, public relations, chairman, Jan VanDerby, ways) and means chairman, Martin Inkpen community services chairman. All local industry will be soli- citated to enter a float and a donation towards the success of the parade. Bands and other fine attrac- tions will also be invited to join in on the parade. Any group or club wishing to enter a float or participate in any other way please contact John Vandermale at 668-4663 Support your local parade committee, Support Whitby its good for you, | ) Four Honored At Banquet Whitby Township honored four of its residents for long ser- vice to the Township at a ban quet last Saturday night in the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club The four residen's honored were Dr. John H. McKinney, MOH for the Township 1935-1966; C,.$, Thompson, Township clerk and tax collector 1942-1966; Leo nard Ross, a member of the Township Board of Health for the past 20 years; and Mrs Gladys Jordan, who worked with Dr. McKinney from 1936 to 1948 and was the township nurse 1958-1966, when the county took over the health service Dr. Matthew B, Dymond was guest speaker at the banquet More than 80 attonded, includ ing Council members, close friends and relatives of the four CAR RULES WORKSHOPS More than 15 percent of all U.S. patents issued since 1900 are dirently connerned with au- tomobiles, DANCE! 'Explorers _ received by DANCE! DISTRICT NEWS 21 Wolf Cubs Given Emblems And Certificates ¥ PON TC) Kivtoen Wolf Cubs from "the 2st "A" and "5B Packs received Re- iligion and Life emblems and certificates from Rev, Winni- fred Bridges at the Mission Sunday Service. Those presented with awards were: Joe Wright, Harold Mountjoy, Jeffery Thomas, Jef- fery Densham, David and 'Gary Snowden, Filiott and Neil Love of "A" Pack; Fred Jensen, Brian and Wayne Watson, Jiordon Lam- bert,, Robert MacDonald, Alan Starkoski, Richard Dingman and Donald Tregunna of "B" Pack. Members of the CGIT group, and the two Cub presented gifts from their respective groups to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund of the church, which were Marvin Hannah and Mrs, Everett Mountjoy At their meeting, the boys of "A" Cub Pack presented pos- ters on the 50th anniversary of Cubbing for judging. Winners were: Neil Love, first prize Garth Pascoe, second = and Brian Elliott, third. In presenting the prizes, Packs Mrs. Brownie Pack Holds Meeting Second Brownie Pack of Whit by held its first Mothers and Daughters banquet at St. Mark's United Church Hall, recently Head table guests were: Mrs John - Smith husband, Rev. John Smith, Dis trict Commissioner, Mrs. Har- vey Whale, Brownie badge secre tary, Mrs. R. Hutchinson, Mrs Jenkins representing the moth Brown Owl, Mrs. Tom Wil cox, Tawny Owl, Mrs. A. Ko zak, Mrs. A. Russell, Miss Robin Kozak, Miss Peggy Jenkins and Miss Janice Russell Mrs, John Smith said grace A toast to the "Queen" was pro posed by Mrs, Wilcox and a toast to Mothers by Mrs. Rus sell Following the banquet presen tations of badges were made to Browriles, also gifts were pre sented to all head table guests ers, DANCE! OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966 FEATURING RITCHY NIGHT and the MIDNIGHTS AND THE MORTICIANS AND THEIR DEADLY RHYTHM Non-Stop Entertainment From 8:30 to 12 SPECIAL GUESTS OSHAWA GENERALS A Tickets Now Shop, Osh Henderson Book Lee Vilson & ting. Goods Smoke Shor ATS WINTERS wi "Tremendous emotional " 'TAKE UP NEW ARMS appeal!" = NORWICH, Ont. .(CP) wil agreed to a from "Police Chief Kenneth McLay| N.Y. Jou Sethat local officers should carry ~gawed-off shotguns. 'You never ~ know,"' said Chief McLay when easked why. The weapon will Shave a short barrel, like a riot oogun N.Y. Herald Tr Coun hroposa | American Cue Magazine METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents bune "G ompe lling drama!" "A very special film!" = s ~ | THE PANDRO S. BERMAN-GUY GREEN PRODUCTION SIDNEY POITIER/ SHELLEY WINTERS ews ELIZABETH HARTMAN «= een IS COMING! -- Box Otter 48 on Sale ot awa Shopping Centre Store Music Store Whitby Disc Shon Bowmeanvill ACADEMY 3 BES SUPPORTING AWARD WINNER! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT UMS" by ELIZABETH KATA FEATURE DAILY 1:30 ~ 3:30. 5:35 7:40 . 9:45 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 25, 1966 2]. : Rahert Mic hael Pettes, Brian On Sunday evening, June 5, | Rev. Bridges will conduct a;t special service for all youth groups connected with the church, HELD OVER! THIRD BIG WEEK Dale former Akela of the pack, noted that it was very diffieult te select three from the many excellent posters submit-. ted. 'The boys from "A" Pack also enjoyed. a ramble recently to decide on a camp site for a proposed weekend camp in June, Cubs from both packs are! hard at work preparing for the) Cuboree to be held at Camp Samac, May 28 Scoutmaster Wm. Werry was) very pleased with the showing} the boys from the 21st Troop} made at the Camporee at Camp! Samac, While they did not get top honors, they did win @ sub- stantial number of 'Bear Claws", and in view of the fact| LE ¥:V@isdiele} 4-4 that this was a first camp for S@SmB Sc m-nme many of the boys, they felt very cHieeen Uneek nee YRS, FREE gratified with the results, pA SHOT INTHE? DARK 049 NICK ADAMS FRANKENSTEIN aes the WORLD « AMER MONA » COLOR score f . 2 BIG FIRST RUN HITS ! "TARZAN AND THE IN VALLEY OF GOLD" CoLor - STARRING NANCY KOVAK % MIKE HENRY representing her} rt ae MARKS NOW SHOWING THE MOST EVIL DRACULA OF ALL | PETER CUSHING STARS IN Brides of Dracula in Color PLUS KING KONG GODZILLA IN COLOR DEAN GO - GO - GO MARTIN | seosnee STARMING DR. GOLDFOOT and the BIKINI MACHINE \ ia PARDNERS BOx o OPENS 4 te ce FIRST dite Wa USK . SINGING, DANCING SMASHES SOUTH OF THE OaHawa civic AUOLTORMIUM. 723-4972, NOW Sieuine All Color Show same JAMES COBURN LE | 088-6 GOLAN ON THE SAME PROGRAMME DOCTOR IN DISTRESS DIRK BOGARDE WATCH FOR Our Big Summer PARADE OF HITS LIVERPOOL RO. TE PEE NAT 401 282 8969 oF 839.2171 DRIVE-IN A REAL FAMILY PICTURE BOX offic OPEN 8:00" First Show 8:30 MATCHES HIS i. "SHENANDOAH" A POWER WITH ADVENTURE _ THAT TAKES JAMES STEWART JAMES STEWART: MAREN OHARA: mA KTH "THE RARE BREED" Civ/7 _TECHNICOLOR'. PANAVISION" A UNIVERSAL PICTURE aienmetinanes a eres '| PLAYING! Times: 1:30 - 3:30 - §:35 - 7:45 - 10:00. L.C.S. 9:30 OIsCOUNT BOMBSHELL LADIES' SPRING COATS Choose from assorted styles, colors and fabrics, Good selection of sizes, Values up to 29.54. Now selling for 8.00 14,00 EACH --WHILE THEY LAST \ ala ialal DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 53 Piece Dinnerware Set Choose from Moroon rose, Carnation, Violet ond Wheat potterns. Service for eight in this fine set. 9.99 LIMITED QUANTITIES ELECTRIC MOWERS CSA epproved, motor guaranteed, electric drive with Y% .H.P, output. Geor drive with sofety clutch, 2-woy handle, switch rocker type on-off. 18" eut, car 40.00 w\alelelal 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL Men's tong sleeve-sport 'shirts, spor in_plains, stripes, plaids and patterns, Choose from button down or plain collars and one or two button cuff in sizes small, medium and large. -- VALUES UP TO 3.87 EACH wreny DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Rave 4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHE Ladies' SQUALL JACKETS Ladies' nylon squall jackets in pink, blue, white ond red colors, ripper front with tie waist end tle heed, in sizes small, med. and large, 1.99 DRESSES Ladies' linen and eotton shift dresses, choose from plains or stripes in a good selection of colors, sizes range from 10 to 20. Reg. Kmert price 8.88, NOW WHILE THEY LAST we allele! F DISCOUNT ? BOMBSHELL LADIES' SLIMS Ladies' Madras plaid slims. Cotton slims with side zipper, Sizes 10 to 18.¢ 2.64 Pair On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby