UNCLE., and the Dick Van! The special will show details | Dyke Show. of the preparations -- White i er, Death of a Sales-|House decorations, food, writ- jaar a poe i pas of invitations, the bride's|*"* Douglas of Cast = Giant special dramatic . presentation,|choice of china and silver, and| Shadow, was the youngem per- and the television ratings sys-|include shots of pre-wedding|manent member of Vienna's SENTA SET RECORD Senta Berger, co - star with THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 24, 1966 _ 4 More Emmys Captured | Kidney Has |Critics Favorite _ By Dick Van Dyke Show | Strong Link In 63rd. Place By GENE HANDSAKER 'Emmy for continued peform- HOLLYWOOD (AP)--The ex-|ance by a leading actor in @ of » dead girl has formed a piring Dick Van Dyke show tri- yar bya old comedian)" of friendship between two ore 2b atoning duo | families, peenenty anes oer mere turned actor for the weekly se. ( 0m - r IBC for having Tes, I Spy, received a standing a ap eny eng pe mah ovation as he accepted his Emmy, an award he said came --_ TORONTO (CP)--The kidney, Arthur Van Zanai, an Owen Sound salesman, received the IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S -- at the -- HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot' HELD OVER 2nd WEEK JAMES STEWART: MAUREEN OHARA BRIAN KEITH "THE RARE BREED" Ll-/7 _TECHNICOLOR-PANAVISION 203 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Held Gver in Harry's Hideaway si - . yt. sdleualy tem has consistently shown one| Parties, Josephstadt theatre thing over the that the| ania By CYNTHIA LOWRY On the same list, NBC's Bon-, public's preference is for com- NEW YORK AP)--The tele-|anza, in first place, had ajedy and action-adventure, | THE vision program phich has|rating almost twice as large. | c | caused more glowing talk than| Other shows in Nielsen's top| NBC already is at work on, Brrr Tawvier any o1ner or the last séason, ig were, in tie foilowing "order, an hour-long program aout tie 4443 Ea ZAW ii CBS' fine production of Death tel gtd P cage sai 8g ra i ot ae : Spe "od |kidney from 16-year-old Fran-|of a Salesman, wound up in the| Skelton Show, The Lucy Show,/and Patric ugent. 4) bare Stanwyck fighting bac' i ces Gagliardl a was killed in|latest national Nielsen ratings| The Andy Griffith Show, Green| broadcast on ae ms - LOUNGE tears after her second award. 4% no nig) ~ mental f la car accident Jan. 31, report in the 63rd position in a|Acres, ABC's Bewitched, CBS' wedding, oe de ne. | These were among highlights "I was the sentimenta pie Mr. Van Zandt bad been in list of 106 programs, special The Magic of Broadcast-| complete with shots of the cere- The Entertaining Sunday night's television aca-|ite -- I'M # Negro," he sai : tee : ; ing, NBC's The Man from|mony Itself, : ye ; Ye a slowly - paced after the ceremony. a Toronto hospital for about a| It achieved a rating of 15.5) sin RPGR tac : os Cela oa sacvbd dete oe show that nevertheless devel- Miss Stanwyck won her|Year- He was alive only because| and, in that popularity list was) JE RR, FAMILY PICTURE BERT CUFF oped {ts own drama. Emmy as the mother of a rich | °f 4" artificia y '\nestled between CBS' My Fa- 7 se There was pathos when Paul family in the old west on ABC's| When Frances was brought 10) vorite Martian and Lassie. é : is lery owner, ac-|The Big Valley. the hospital after the accident, | ----__ ctexovect and THE LINKS nies ee cae oe Ma aie doctors asked Mr. and Mrs, Mi- MATCHES HIS ie Pearce who paved coi i in |to use France cidney in a] : DOAH" Bert Cuff and the Links gained considerable to f to use Frances' kidney in a " er u j wer or voy died of rood Toronto Will Gain | transplant, : ger opel experience in and around Memphis, Tennessee, rier anu ago M Sc Int After doctors assured the cou- PO featuring Country and Western and Bluegrass The televised oroeram was OOTe QCUIPTUTE pie reo! ee geet ger! ADVENTURE music ot its best. a . e e o presented from Hollywood and TORONTO (CP) -- This city | thelr re Mag the parents THAT TAKES New York, will get its controversial Henry | agreed. ON THE The Van Dyke Show tied with Moore sculpture, and ayor the Chrysler Theatre, the Jatter| Philip Givens expects it to be including Bob Hope's Christmas in the civic square before the special, for the most awards-- end of the year. four. The mayor said Friday he The Van Dyke program has received $100,000 in pledges) 7 brought Emmys to its stars, for the abstract bronze that its Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler creator had originally priced at @ Moore: its producer, Carl|$120,000 P Reiner and the writers of its "coast-to-coast big mouth" epi- sode last Sept. 15, Bill Persky and Sam Denoff. WON 16 EMMYS | Sunday night's awards brought | the show's total in five years to 16 Emmys. Van Dyke has won ~, three Emmys, Miss Moore two. By networks, the breakdown bi aX a | DICK VAN DYKE CHEW EXOTIC FLAVOR Much of the world's chicle|of Emmy awards was NBC 20, for chewing gum comes from|CBS 14, ABC 9. the jungle of El Peten, Guate- mala. NOW SHOWING THE MOST EVIL [| PLUS DRACULA OF ALL || perer CUSHING | KING KONG STARS | ' GODZILLA IN IN COLOR Brides of Dracula in Color PHONE 725-5883 ODEON BILTMORE Cosby, first Negro to star in a television series, won his IS COMING ! Entertainment The SPARTANS exciting sound THE CADILLAC HOTEL Nightly and Saturday Afternoon Matinee WIN A FREE HT ON THE TOWN | i DAVIE YUEN GROUP Featuring THE BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED CHI CHI O'CONNOR Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, FULLY LICENSED DUNDAS ST WHITBY and his Nites Comedy -- Variety Music in the Modern Manner Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M, Matinee Seturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, @ FULLY LIGENSED KING ST OSHAWA DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966 FEATURING RITCHY NIGHT and the MIDNIGHTS AND THE MORTICIANS AND THEIR DEADLY RHYTHM Non-Stop Entertainment From 8:30 to 12 SPECIAL GUESTS OSHAWA GENERALS $1.00 Tickets Now Advonte Box Office: $1.50 Oshawa Dise Shop, Henderson Book Stor Wils L tore Bishop's Spc ods, Whitby Disc Shop oke Shop, Bowmanville Oshawa Shopping Centre CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave, Oshewe 723-1159 "Branch Stores" 64 King St. W OSHAWA 898 Simeoe St. N, OSHAWA 181 Bond St. W. OSHAWA PORT PERRY 985-2332 130 Broek ¢f. N. wHirsy 668-4341 EMIL HAHN 364 Wilson Road South 728-6007 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. SS aeeaiall GUARANTEED USED CARS "We are never sotisfied until you ore.' 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST 668.5891 WHITBY ONTARIO SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE BRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES * Guns * Ammunition * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacce Hours: 8 @.m, te 10 p.m. daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 NURSERY CENTER * Highest Quolity Nursery Stock * Open 7 Days A Week MERCURY TAXI ey * For Free Estimotes Call , John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping 668.3396 Lecated Weat of Whitby On Hwy, 2 Neer Red Wing Orchards 24 HOUR SERVICE "Radio cobs, 08 neor es your telephone!" 14 Albert % 725-4771 Oshewe WILSON BATTERY SALES & SERVICE * Botteries For All Types Of Powered Equipment, * Boot Batteries * Tarpaulin Repoirs * Complete Battery Needs 723-3512 641) Cromwell Ave, Oshewe "Featuring This Year" 14 Ft. Aluminum LAPSTRAKE RUNABOUT ets, Fiat Vinyl, Floor, 1g Shaft, Pedded Desh $ Best Value In Town 820, OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour 723-1901 inl Fach week.for 24 week wit a "Night on the ' nte of the participating businesses on this advertisement, All you are required to do is read through each advertisement torefully, There will appear in @ num- oer of the advertisements each week, the letters forming the name of one of the participating businesses, Cor- rectly identify the business eoch week and send your answer along with your name ond address to "Night on the Town", Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times, The first correct answer drawn each week will win @ night on the Oshawo's Finest Hair Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. E. 723-4321 town, Entries must be received no later than Friday noon of each week, YOU RECEIVE + Heir Style for the lady et the The House ef Women. . Heir Style for the mon et Rudy's Hairstyling for Men, » One Casuel Dress and one man's suit dry cleaned at Seugeg Cleaners 4, Transportation fer the evening by Mercury Texi, 5. Dinner for twe in the Rib Room et the Genosha Hotel, 4, Win Two Guest Tiekets te the Regent Theatre to see Shelley Win- fers in "A Poteh of Blue" PELESHOK MOTORS For The Finest In NEW & USED CARS! Herwood Ave. Ajax GLIDE'S BODY SHOP Formerly Cook's Body Shop "Complete Collision, Body and Fender Repairs" @ FREE ESTIMATES @ 728-8542 17S King St. W. NOW melee at sss PLAYING ! Times: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:45 - 10:00. L.C.S. 9:30 LES 4 FLAMES from LA BELLE PROVINCE 'avurevureaevosrvn ttn tsetse ne f 1) nN NR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS; SHELLEY WINTERS METRO-COLDWYH-MAYER resent THE PANDRO S. BERMAN- GUY GREEN PRODUCTION Featuring | GO-GO oarcers Par CH Lok abe rrntlien "The Starlite Lounge" Saas pecs wee warning The Return of Jeannie Dawell ADULT gan f GENOSHA HOTEL swe ELIZABETH HARTMAN stains EAs LAST DAY WALT DISNEY'S "UGLY DACHSHUND" | elo "WINNIE THE POOH"! im nit HNN | HELD OVER in the Startlite Room "of the Genoshe Hotel, "MY ANSWER" Address Last Week's Winner HELEN WHITE 36 Athol St. &, ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM Hre, 11:30 - 2 P.M, & B= 8 POM, Mon. to Fri, Sot, B to 8 70 King: &, 723-4641 Oshawe ARMSTRONG COMFORT LIVING AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS ROLLING HILLS ESTATES SOUTHWOOD PARK HARWOOD AVE, SOUTH Grandview St. ot Olive Ave. OSHAWA AJAX MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS MEMORIALS riced Te Sult Every Budget Cemetery Lettering Statues, ete 728-3111 OSHAWA J, N. MARTIN, PROP Located 1% Mile East Of City Limite On Highwey.2 MARIAN AUTO LTD. Bert Budoin, President Collision Specialists General Repairs Wheel Balancing -- Alignment We Sell Used Corse 728-5179 23 Grenfell Oshawe @ Good Financing Available. Low os $2 per week @ All work guaranteed for 2 yeors Telephone 723-0381 BONDED ASPHALT PAVING CO, BY POPULAR DEMAND... CHARLIE ECKSTEIN rere, _, WUE @ King Herbert and the Rounders @ Versatile Charlie Eckstein, M.C.---Voealist end Comedian @ Faye Adams--Vocolist Radio-TV & Recording Ster, Directly from the Frier's Club in Toronto '» Ceiling, DRIVE-INS FLUFFY Tony Randall * Shirley Jones | SPECIAL kkk MY z=, "SWORD OF met ALI BABA" COMEDY CARTOON -- KIDS UNDER 12 FREE OSHAWA DRIVE-IN 723.4972, PARAMOUNT PICTURES racers TMB ] SIDNEY POITIER PARAMOUNT PICTURES we KURT UNGER reson SOPHIA LOREN 'Judit At The SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE Finest Nightly Entertainment in this Area Our French Buffet Is On Daily TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® Friday and Saturday after 9:00 p.m. till clasing we sell King Size Steaks 5.00 and Cold Plates at 1.50. We cater to weddings, banquets, parties, etc. For reservations call Whitby 668-3386 sar Office Opens LIVERPOOL RO, 00 p.m NAT 401 '282 8369 o 899.2171 TE PEE nat Show DRIVE-IN aa