' 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May m, 1966 (70------Real Estate for Sale {20-----Keal Estate for Sale me ry aoa 22--Lots for Sole Offices, Storage|26---Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent -- = ny ee oe For Sale or Rent e Ve ce fi -- 20-----Real Estate for Scle \20--Real Estate for sl ECHO HOMES y nee BF Large L ots FE edag AH NOW AVAILABLE | micairtiads 2 miles from city, in attrac- ROOM and BOARD tive area. Some treed lots. Phone 728-1070 ry aay | Metcalf | miter: | aati». | Grenfell Square LA | school, ne "ew high' school ond 10 30 am. to aa ocean | '66 98 Pests dines Phone 728-5579 | LANoESRDss associarion | THE ULTIMATE IN APART CONTESSA HOMES | | one 7 wee ect vie coe ig 8 Bi 9 TRAL OSHAWA A distinctive apartment PREVIEW | TRUST MODEL HOMES | ewe Mortgage 40 KING ST. E roy numer in Nexcesin, | NOW RENTING | 7, Gulldinag | ieee Orono ond Oshawa Contoct S | barge three bedro agin r CLA ie Ll 7 : . restige | & xedroom sui TO oa sl ta td homes. Bungalow, splits COTTAGE & STORE |\,, FRANK pea oi! WENTWORTH Immediate ne ane Yarn iio | nu tien. | CEDAR RIDGE | Sess Semi co | ,SOTARE LORE an nea enone! WENTWORTH | imme | Rice Lake with all equipment . 1 Preview of Our PHONE 723-5221 Tauton Rd. West @ CLAY BRICK @ STONE including air conditioner, maiko . FRONTS @ STORMS AND deep freezer, Shel! oi! & gas LAKESHORE LOT for sale, 1007 x 150 h , é at ve parashinid é " . oe on Pine Lace. Haliburton. Hydro, good, One of Oshowa's best apart- Model Homes In. . SCREENS @ STOVE AND pumps. Servicing over 50 cot beach, good road. Port Perry, 985-7496. | ment buildings ot very rea STARTING | S ' NISHED REC 4 ' : ne } Simcoe Street OVEN @ FINISHED REC tages and doing o good b sui.bine tors no im a pau 8 es : VI bey' A eg Pap apa ROOM' @ FLOOR TO CEIL- ness. Attached cottage corr 00 up cy Sorter 3 n1-Orone | bedroom suites include every- AT $125 AND UP S 4 Bedroom brick. home, ot- ING FIREPLACE @ EXTRA pletely finished and furnished | Frank Real Estele Lig, Resltor thing dha cals bil will pwimnnng tached garage, extra. wash TWO PIECE WASHROOM with bathroom and good ap- |THREE ACRES, 'orth of Whitby, on] te Vaur phone Chtidears Aca FEATURES |, 2 and 3 bed Sauna "ba PARK room, _ finished sob penany @® MAHOGANY TRIM e pliances. Immediate posses wh Page ee en ak ae come, > Model aalte: "open room suites Mail delivery to every suite room, two natural fireploce FURNITURE POLISHED KIT sion, Both availa $3,500. Excellent investment at this price} April 30th: Rental represent Closed circuit T.V. for your A spotless ond most desirable NEW MODEL " CHEN CUPBOARDS @ pace of a cottage ] C Delores Ross 728-1964 or 728-5103 | Free Hydro t ast aft om of 7 4 ' ' 4 th ae iO, "Mario ative on duty daily at apart- ydro protection Adelaide Avenue East at | home near schools, trans S MANY OTHER EXCITING 500.00 with $2,500. down, |W 9. 'Martin Realtor ment on 275 Wentworth St Oshawo's largest suites Large bre rk Blvd sortation, etc. Small down Hu URES Central Pa payment edneidered . from Aree EATURE 2 nearly new cottages on Rice , 23----Real Estate Wonted | from 1-9 pm French Provincial kitchens | kitchens right buyer, See this ond Beacon Homes Ltd. FLOOD-LIT | Lake, completely furnished Double sinks k, Convenient" to shopping, you Il. buy! } | Open Daily with new furniture and op ie | 723-8701 30 inch range, fully schools, and churches FROM plionces, hydro, pressure automatic Transportation et door after hours . CAESAREA $1,500 DOWN OPEN DAILY | and week-ends tem, bathroom. $3,500 pid Sei : | " ingolow, Ver ( : Ve €TOOD down eil-ective | Extra large Fridge with | Landscaping architecturally 9 99 5 cmeciwvely"Welshed "inside. | 1 P.M, TOO P.M, with $1,000., down 723-0362 | Freezer ceed , akfast area in all attractively finished inside . N. BIRD ond | Linen Drases na Aes 4 Bedrooms, large living room Cozy lakefront: cottage Real Estate Rice Loke, completely finish Sell Your Home hinge ier eed omg iil teed fot 130" 110" COME SEE | 7 ee ie ve agai thr: | } all 3 bedroom suites ites Start ot $120.00 per month N.FLA. Mortgages commeRciAL PROPERTY | COME SIGH ! 723-0321 $10,000.00. ' o | ~ SHELDIAN All suites equipped with MODEL SUITE ee oe | | GRIFFIN | MANSIONS -- * site Suan' OF AY Lots fully sodded mercial property includes 2 ils phe Py aan Je Clut ; Sseaaehin ineluding city blivds. apartments and 3 bay gorage 12355] ie ae Diol 728-4678 Real Estate Ltd Immediate Occupancy Suienming | - aye '725. 1481" " 723-8144 ; ndeor Parking Avoilable a0 NONE with small show room, Lot f 20' 1 J s - ' me re) 6 n Not less than one size - frontage 120 x 150 So ee haa Special terms for first oppli Outdoor quest por tree on every lot depth: Presently rented d conts Rent now and you : double attached garage, < INCOME HOME J.B. McMullan | trootioom, electric heat -- will save, Located -- § min Dak font ot floor $7,000 DOWN REAL ESTATE LTD. emer s2.v00.%% © FLOYD HALL TING SALE por ite i aca RENTAL IMMEDIATE space Seite ant tort tor $55.00 798 4450 REAL ESTATE os ke as ee es INFORMATION OCCUPANCY aah ormpletely du NDEN room suites includes every All homes on 50 to pe en ene é , ithe BY' pe ymin 7 PHONE 723-5111 ARLINGTON t JUST LISTED -- Executive Special plexed, 2 cor attached gor- UST LISTED - cutive, Special. Cu 65 foot lots age. Enjoy the luxury of this OSH A\W A ocated on a well treed ravine lot AS' x Phone 23W] sing & Syanning., Poe : a te breif monhy 7 en are miiy"room thai 728 75.76 trolled @ Mail deliveries to Exclusive Agent a HOMES pin ts man 'ee ELVE MILE LA ink beac eae OSHAWA REALTY 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms | jocation. Act Quickly oF bulft-in 5p: Ballroom with sunken) 1) + -- level -- well (24---Stores, Offices, Storage mabe ipa ay: en (Bond. St.) LIMITED gg Ag! SUITE OPEN 2 and 3 washrooms SUBDIVISION LAND isa FOR INSPECTION oe se om DISTINCTION ven ate mane, ned i oF & ar $35.00 PER FOOT Rentol repre er tative on duty 9 pom opartmer Plastered Wolls Cor- | Sijcining tuiltcup oreo. Gor heave, Dream kitchen festures Bulitin) : nices ond Valance | rors North in Whitty Town rie Maury homes |gounbeiont pnt tn sind S| Sgre--"ssenuneg -- Sard | BAY RIDGES | 885 Oxford St PRINCESS Walk-in closets in bedrooms drapes $115 mortgage at ths in all Boxes shig BNE. IA OF axel oreo it now for an appointment North kos showa, 7 s { Schotield-Aker Ltd. at c ZO 000 App! * % SCENIC TEN ACRES splendors goes il : scaaie euWGAL in ae ere ge - , . HOPPING CENTRE PHONE ANNE FULLY DECORATED TO YOUR Pond and hardwood bush | 3 and 4 bedroor Jin with trout stream, partly wooded ) : : nueak oat : 723-8261 CHOICE OF COLORS superb --butiding sit 'ed iog--teorm, fate whe gil ted aul eee kale } ee EXPANSION | Mselina aed has tsuies Apartments Country COME AND BROWSE: THROUGH! post door. Locoted just 812 oms, ottached gerapes, 5 LMM naING as rem. 5 rem bono 0.0 723- 6255 THE MODELS THIS WEEKEND miles from Oshawa in Rag d nt gns to « enced "lot," priv iS n or ustom desigr ron rtaa ' Sibby's Real Estate Ltd, 728 ' rs homes avoileble 6. A limited + HEAD LAKE OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL | '5 20a--Summer Properties 5 isa DRA oT : ebiclngtinbes: Bik peat awa's outstandin suality ese homes ava BE THERE TO ANSWER Sa stlited Plan he For Sale or Rent c 1 til r ot 1 were a tenant along YOUR INQUIRIES siiveny aad spacious subden Drive East on Adelaide 300d ch, $3,06 ' haw IGA Suserrneviint ng and North on Central jowr tore, Hordwore, Baker Sah : F 3500.0 Pe | Wallpaper Store Controlled entrance 190 NONOQUON ROAD Park to our sign - - rad i OPEN HOUSE ; : J Weor, Bank, Beout APARTMENTS Plenty of parking OPEN ae : Ces ........... : oe can | Ae Phone 723-8365 THE EXPERIENCE " : or . oa : cupboards i0 A.M. TO 9 P.M FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE REAL ESTATE LTD --E LOCATED ¢ I J out team, ¥ tafe -- ne Free hydro 27---Rooms For Rent OF CENTRAL ONTARIO 515 Brock St. South BUCKHORN CARE CH. POINT King nan os | ee TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO | , . NY KO MILES - oar i . ; ie Model Suite Open ae f HELP YOU SELL --- BUY Whitby 668-5853 siageele cond ra BALSAM LAKE General Merchandise, Men's | AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY + a g ATTRACTIVELY Sold BUILD Few' ibeds benuir de from Oshawa! Vv Children and. Infants' Featuring the utmost in mod 2- FURNISHED ROOM e ern: living at moderate rental 1221 SIMCOE NORTH Avaliable id wilvaly heme : LIST WITH CENTRAL | TR t ' oe ee f Coll between. 5 7 Bus Service ot Door 725-9934 a One Within: Walking Distonce | 82 PARK RD. N, AFTER HOURS CALI 7] 64% sheslieh agri . vat eee : re Dry Cleoners, : OR H.A, MORTGAGES r rom abet point, W shail . H tS} ATICK | cosnssciarron | om Wen ara secon | Fret gr nln cpio, | Ser iin, em he ; Se ee RENT 728-8671 me 13.99 ; i re é ; ec This uae ea f etely indpre / f 1s, Room & Board | ROOM FOR RENT. Sull Telephone lod roperies included roadloomed Corridors paciou nies Hydro Pe kaudry room on each floor FM Mus ouiqhout With 1 Walkiding Distonce Oversize suites Olde English decor v elevators | Heated indoor pool | of schools and shopping Souno facilities | Reitnal Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door | APPLY SUITE 102 Agents on Premises Built Backed ond Direct to You Appliances opping facilities I i 46 ' led Entrances | Phone 728-1070 128-0260 Spacious Balconies Office hours: Mon, to Fri, BED-SITTING ROOM for jady, all con. Braves Sunland 10:30. am. te 9 p.m Sot. yeniences fully equipped kitchen, private Mail Delivery to Each Suite | 'til-3 pm sreferred, Tunes Heo ee Broadioomed Corridors LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION | nousce Rooms, bie single beds, sulla , a Truly Oshawo's most conven vith fy BRAEMOR with closets and doors, patie found, Liber door leadir to the roofed nLIs . ho te rs ie FM music throughout 55 BRUCE ST for gentlemen Clean quiet home, close te NTARIO) LIMITED as Lahaned kite! | " " (ONTARIO GARDENS ped | LINDSAY Call Mr. Slater Bak Ry are Melos oe for gentlemen. Clean quiet home close ty BRAEMOR Stevenson Rd Annop ee : 4 0 ocr , r aver fan tiinis TWO Unfurnished apartments for rent.| after 5 - bot e | atures Available June 15. Can be seen anytime. alk, West ta: Waverls, Ooms Ne aad OE ah ; oor. welld. ek or Mr. Reynolds rH Talenhone 725-646 TWO FURNISHED 'rooms, suilable for 723-820 GARDENS rost rn 1 bea h we phe se & iss des . : en? Saini i WHITBY, two = bedroom apartment with 923-6591 ohik Fb lgetis tassel 728-1479 ' 7 $ refr tor and stove, laundry facilities, mesomeat 2 saad Ad? tentaan gerator A e, y | Mil ial dita rontage s TORONTO 259-6633 : locker and parking, Apply 11) Craydon! ROOM FOR we gentlemen, single beds 6 yeors old. 6% mortgoge Wen Keo! Estate dis | o Inspect Coll Road, Apartment 101, after 4.30 p.m o north General Motors. Good d mg) 4 582 Adults preferred, home. Telephone 728-206 modern conveniences. onb 0 a 5 ~ fs 'dy ORR tal pri 9 60 with th "? . BOWMANVILLE, exira large four room Sedge iladge MOUSBKERPING roo bd bash WOIK-OU '6 A i ; : partment or in floor, Available June '°' gentierr ige and stove BUILDER'S t ment, complete tenced Look ng for a ' ded Ju SIMCOS STREET NORTH, prestige loca in Telephone. 725-8576. 3 mt sune' Private entrance, parking, Telephone 723 i ' format } 1 T A er about 440 sq. ff. second floor office | © ¢ g Cc D 94 5804 RANCE! ce a foes inoraiiar oe) ea bg ie cit" ina nutter turanee | SUNSET GARDEN COURT apamtwgnt tor cen Tevahane 7 gege-pyanigne CLEA SN i oppir paved street ; . ' ipa, 6. Call Guide Really Ltd 793.8781 "BACHELOR APARTMENT 729 between § and & p.m PB ge aged ED Perrcons. ae : nd th best AZ3 0 write nf $ y 4 WHITBY Brined ¢ ' | | oe bes : STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bond Street ¢ ting of kitchen, bot THREE ROOM 'apartment, one bedroom, entrance and bath. In good residential icec or quie Ve nied | x L I ors Nest. Good location. Rent $100 per month : | centrally located in Whitby, fridge and district, Phone 728-8 3 bedroom brick bungalow, re re arge living=--sieeping stove, $75 monthly, Available June 2 Sparkling one de $17.400 with $6400 C y in Peter ig! ee Vee Avaliable now. Call Mrs, Taylor s9azpas) O07 stove, $75 m FURNISHED double room" ahd hlicheny ranch style bung w, 3 i] down C f Ss IN . : . har wit nether. gentleman : . . P _ rar PE sailab Jun 5 ONE - BEDROOM apartment Slove, Walking dista orth eneral Motor rooms, 4 piec roorr Call-¢ e « ae ; tions: From P ' '| (25----Houses for Rent Available June 2 iridpe. Available June 1s. Parking, Buslant deuntuy phone 725928, Pobeaity ; aca scorge tone Real Estate Brol 5 : GaG Free ser at door. Telephone yeni sas ewer *, ] 1 f rt cr NEW W eriz ' FURNIS vo bedroom bungalow 'i furnish tar pant. war then. wih plenty * . »-2632 Port Perry rades accepted Cea Cana spe Saati be twee aE thven erate Teleshore 725 6812 TWO = BEDROOM apariment. ridge.) central, pienty space lor par king. Apely ts Osh May stove include aundry facilities va Fairbank 8.93RR ' wrt 20° aes sd june For information apply 299 ~ oe : | SHARED Mentrave Avenue, Apt. 4, or 371 Albert| SINGLE bedr apace, ter uated « t 60 ntog Loe ' v THREE-BEDROOM house. Newly decor-| ~ as Street or ' . ties. Centrally E 7 ste 5 1 swimrr } t 2p 5 requi 4135 | ) " a rH Many, mony extro rf 725-3557 ' H gh Bare head Nein ACCOMMODATION 30 COLBORNE STREET East, two bed vere dawn. povment ¢ t t 1} ng S Ip room apartment, refrigeration stove ro dow or 668-6201 | BUREAU cation, central, s "ATS yTOr i = br lo F ndry facilit) 5 ' ' 1.895 ove increasec . : @ BOA 26---Apartments for Rent Broadlpem, Cree ABuORTY -MARUINOE AUR , f AVAILABLE Many people tind compatable J AS THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished Moves You Right In BRAEMOR GARDENS | OSHAWA REALTY | this weekend et Emerald CALL ROOMMATES through SAB private bath. Telephone. 722400 ater hey } i ) | egy ' - . Ajj Why don't you call 723-6881 23-1282 : Rehnaa 0 Np t tering o ¢ Investment Properties rou. § 4 n Lor Ixty BUCKHORN LAKE cott 2 i All UPSTAIRS unfurnished three rooms ands "v e r 1 s 2 ri r ning Couple preferred AR. HUBBS DNS al vse | Oshavy room, camping, traile 9 bath. Private entran MR. HUBB A bedroon Resales -- New Homes ied Bhs ; : bad thea ee AVAILABLE JUNE 17th ree eee antes, eens aero mOOM sandy bea stove y NHA ' weir r vr ae ry 5 t 0" 8-83.12 ? 723-0321 S08 o466 'Ke ipo a FURNISHED -- twonero ~ pee VISCOUNT Lh gparyhcqapltho agi it hdd sake . RR chi 1 eCrTaTe r / hana | sila: Game cis pes wo-bedroam bungalow \ ihn: aloud inas : : apart = = A | (Bo ' ) ' " Ne ; Woverly Bond St.) LTI ttage sit nd r May to Ox Telephone 623 bedrooms, walkout balconies elevator and controlled entrance, lock 4 an ag th Take. Perry. So "Open fo offers AMBASSADOR entral. location, Aduls only. fs and laundry on every floor. Adu:ls |PURNISHED bedroor Rome. im : ; Es a lalate | c i ; preferred. Apply superintendent 321/Absolute privacy, par facilit NORTH WEST; 2? brick, Ver ation ' t lake, Perry Sound area, Open to offers | TELEPHONE 723-6455 Marland Avenue or Telephone 78-6722.) Apply $74 Crerar Ave ee H. Millen Real stat nod dition and ve ; ' Vai ar i Don Stradeski. Realfor 723-46 I 4 OPEN HOUSE Real Estate at $16,500 Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 : : 5 LITTLE LAKE" hear Colborne. ink Yro AFTER 6 P.M ATTRACTIVE three-room seif-contained| LARGE HOUSEKEEPING roam Jor venl, Limited \ Oo miles rv y of aye e aad two be n 6 t apartment, furnished or unfurnished able for marr ple, Telephone . : ae COURTICE 3 bedroom. double garage ; gat ottage for sale, lust aff 401. Modern cc sand tw om. apart iusto Pima Aguits onive Hive ncloded,. Highway | 725-048) UNDAY FROM 1:0( h 2 recreation arge sagen ' > etrigerator, Amediate FOssessior No. 2. Courtice, Available June 1. Tei! give. e Gy peorion ; TILL DARK BU NGALOW Peters 'Realty Limited Realtor, ores Tagtatntd Vv drar sroadlo corridors, | ONE BEDROOM APT, hone 728-966 uneLe ta J be drop | or PRince AC uuarT) . : . : 21--Farms for Sale nt PM nediate oc La suite. st 9g THREE-ROOM bachelor apartment. New) from north GM. !-- WEEK Bu R )s WITZER DI et ¢ lot, three-pie ' : ¥ $ n i all " building back yard. Parking facili- 728-669 Built By yN ITZER DR t arg pie (Close . ' ; ' et % drapes, wall to wall closet in ; ne Whitby 668-564 YREW SCHMIDT & w down payment, ow dawn: Tateuuohac noel Macey wana ellent va ra 340 Marlanc vesbabb Poe enon. Adulte car (ONE: AND TWO - BEDROOM apart 28---Room and Board e . \ nke t. mortgag VLA APPROVED i FARMS RO ee eee ments: for Apply 29! Marland, Apt SONS LTI : = APPROVED -- Mo ve Talephone -723-6485 after & [ioe bt prone teen FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooket! meals, and J pm MODERN one and three bedrcom apart Road (by K-Mart _-- =. r tum r rs B ' } Be 3 :: a ments. Stove, retriqerator, ¢ $s, laund 723-3694 hroughout. P H itl 4 se Small Ac reages ' SELF-CONTAINED four oom apart-|ry facilities. Telephone 725-62 SINGLE ROOMS. 4 qd. Apply 25 $13,500 FULL asking price for this three i a" ewe Keep bs . ment, kitehen, cupboards, hall _--- Iston. Stree' 5 bedroar ck bungalow ; tea. No ft 4 p.m. for inspect } r f sigr oo. oe Privale entrance, Abstainers. Couple, one FRONT APARTMENT ater arene ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman tor 'J child welcome, $75 monthly, Telephone ns and ¥ " & days. Lunches packed. Share room -- , Payme "y Emerald Is ' ' : > . ator and stove, hot and cold water su : 14? ar and i Single Heds. Phone boord space. fF r H. Keith Limited with recreo monthly Apply 48 5 BRIGHT, CLEAN 1 ela tir = manville, Al coset in tove and refrigerator, heat and wate & preferred, Telephone hear bo ; nt mortgage. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN. On r ' ' sb erat | v; ~--------- plied, Parking, one car. Front and rear yntial downpayme quired. For teen nine. Act wisely, invest in yo ssi ' former former who knows the Twe Sed TWO ROOMS, partially furnished, private) entrances. June | occupancy: One year ROOM AND BOARD fo : in appointment call "Elma Fredit TB-LWSSituture. Call Sian MeCormack, 445-3000 Sistriet. aad weur -sroblens wo Bex room entrance and path: Telephone 728 llease. $50. W fey 668-4454 modern home, Ww ohyiiedine hcattand nr 728-5103. W. O. Martin. Realtor vid ty I ip \ < See : yen * Kelth Peters Realty Lid. Realto Pata Pe 4 Phage si Call ALLEN THOMPSON -- | WHITBY -- One bedroom turn ished apart- ONE, TWO and THREE bedroom apari-| 4". Stevenson se to bus. After NEW. privately built three-bedroom Brick] SHMidetached duplex, three bedroom.| Ont line 344-747 | Repres, of Apartments ment $100, Adults. Available June Ist. ments, 'rig and stove, intercom contrall|4 P27. telephone 720.0114 arate Neat, exceilent/ and two bathroo ch. Ready for ir r t 364 { or writ . Pp : Telephone 648-8727 ed entrances, elevator service, swimming ROOM AND BOARD gentlemen, to Pool, fenced-in playground, 822 Glen or share, large room ie beds. Seven. 793-0347 , st mation Me a be ' pe ' : : "a ney A IE tg ¢ YF AKER 1 LARGE two-bedroom apartment * format 29 ar abo! Stree Rea tert Tt - ri t c t t $ u day wee Ce t Stradeski Realtor. 7 5 ? i : Ay al lable | Wwater included in rent. M se) 54! ne Be opping ¢ e. Tele + iace ; Doyt 723-2 and will sublet for 10 months. Available $135 MONTHLY for five-room, two - bed : A LY P NEW corr ¢ rated SPOTLESS three-bedroom b bi as June i before 6 p.m. ? D room apartment . large apartment SINGLE ROOM and 1b ard for gen tleman, REAL TOR ade: cur-bedroom -- bri bur galow, Large well landscaped t. vening new bu vith posse 8-9960. building. Stove, refrigerator, heat, hydro Apply 38 Brock East. Phone 728-64) N d garage. to scho ni to schools. Bre seh Th ' i ront housekeeping 4 r at included, T hildrer 1 Don Strad:!has many extra fest tam ter ° s on Lake, modern 129.00 THREE-ROOM apartment with garage commer Call 7anaaes sifetaeicht die i ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen 2 easonable, Bow r alkout e ntran retr assichied = re t h GM unches ry set jerry. ; ' . Wert stove included. Available immed: WHITBY -- Three - room self-contained packed. Telephone 7284 j : THIS 1S NO y it b ' < t -ELLENI refrigera ately. Apply 25 Division Street apartment. in building, frig. and stove . STONE HOUS! there isnot etter buy ' 7 m brick bun. COTTAGE FOR SALE on COMMUTER FAR t elect eat. br ™ ONE. AND TWO - BEDROOM apari- SvPPlied. Telenhone 448-5270 ROOM AND BOARD 'tor gentiomer 7 40 MILE VIE) H ne "at ist haaranden "ben te ; 1 FORM: TOUT! inte Three bedroom : .< S Cy ak : itilities. Children |ments. immediate posses Drapes, LARGE FURNISHED bedrocm in a clean GM. Telephone p y } Le t h t 1 oh ne Hyrr stove and refrigerater, hee ter, and quiet home, for one or two gentle e 100 nere Me Pe ie pathic aan a : ea * ioe 9. $4 W , 1 San Sate Lt 728-6286 slevato d controiled entra K-jmen, close to north General Motors.' 20_ Wanted To Rent a ers and laundry on every floor Telephone 728-728 agent : aoe ; phe: preferred, Apply Superintendent 9 -- ---- ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE i r > Jo0d |Marland Avenue or telephone 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby. TEACHER requires we a bi 5 " , nire Five-room apartment with bath. Available ho Aug ake Aac sh pavm r betiroom apartment, ava y ror st ' tans. ¥ sheen Naiktake deposit. paid. |$%. FOUR-ROOM self = contained ar june sh hr o buying or =] ny pert . 4 Aa, e % tite nt La lonant on droor . tritne 1UST LISTED 3 " -- cha ; sn , minutes from Sout stasis Po Pe eagP au oboe Ake COMFORTABLE room in private home three-vearcold b si BA FOR RENT trent. ph peping ' ie 6 3 b "Available J My ie suit one gentieman, Centrally located. Ap- TWO. OR THREE-BEDROOM 7 . tages, © seor . MES OV e Two ROOM apartment, suitable for| phone 725-4569 : ply 136 Elgin Street East 4 2 . easonabie. B IF AN } IGATON ea ple A horch -- -- "om . manville 6 negli, wNo TIN et, Picke THREE - ROOM apartment, private bath| SINGLE furnished room. for gentleman 03. ~ Basket \ t : and entrance, parking. laundry facilities. APPlY 5 son Road South or BARGAIN -- ( st ee FOUR - ROOM aparimeni, $75 monthiy.|No children. Immediate possession, Ret.| 723-6844 e = FOUR-BEDROOM brick t low, tan Rugged Lake + Hill, Fully turnis ' tly f ed nturnished, -Phone|erences. Apply 31 Ritson Road South ADELAIDE TERRACE, modern Nilywood kiteh epie bat a mov 0 nside rouc i ( 3 668-8158 ' sees : " bedroom apaftment, broadioo: through a stove $ Dre e si |} ONE - ROOM apartment, with sink, stove gut, retrigevater, . steve TV ca ba t sup : BR, gar . . . pee linet: 49.2? } THREE-ROOM turn nartment.iand refrigerator, fully furnished. Hot y f . wate udeq. Availabie May 21. Adults THREE - BEDROOM house required by 08 pe Ay ore bus te A hi ogg oe : : : very central, he ng. privateicold water. Suitable for couple. Ava' se skin ' Eo : view : ' e on Telephone 725-3697 or del ad heady een of iden f , i 1 ny cae : Pt Hi * ce Scena | Pace Yerniah ake cae 1e elephone 725-3697 or 329 Adelaide| june Steady ployment, Telephone Nv. 6 ay. West, Apartment. 28-749 i Hosea > Martin | 'ype wey heme NEAR OSHAWA nape rely monthly, heat, f res "apart : ap : |THREE ELECTRICALLY heated apa THREE ROOM apartment Reaito forty acres. Seve allab a $15. middle-aged couple w Bkiga ag COUPLE y r bedroom ho +, Cal 68-807 atte > Ra oft. Git wight L " 8 y s my rN Iments containing three bedrooms and , SMALL four-room house # ted Reaito wate Arn. small pond. with ning ONE-BEDROOM meni wih privatellarge playground situated in Menilia, Ap P anee: Tet. Sul cones Smart oarde rinished © Ol RAC BAY WW HAL IRGRTON = |water. Seve ° ' hraamn: Contra Telephone! ply Hrvey Webster, Little Britain, Tele ate ba' ae and lh ye Bu we a a & plus hy Ritso ond PUT AWAY 6 tor ' » * "s '~" . hd cusekre ~ - Sou 528 Pe mere room © "Wantiividan y _ 2 eta " ben . ° 2 4 ed. BIN S ICE vee MAIN FLOOR . ve c nent vate bath.) Sir the Prones Ad. Telephone 725-2092 we ye . yf . ands Serv ° 98 e e bath, and e " ce Parkir mediate) FIL. SPARE ROOMS with paying guests | t Os ee work for you, . y > : : gi He MISTING Mortgage, 19 9 y. Writ Ne ic ° , a . one parking space en new! r 3 tson Road South'Dial 723-3492 now for en ad-writer to of Oshawa . 25-932 28-012 300, ¢ trong: nelterhar t 2 . 5 > childre T none 728-4409. or 728-87 heip you phrase an ed, Action Ads pie