Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1966, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TWAS, Seturdey, Mey 21, 1708 SHIPS MADE IDLE have been made idle for 12 days by a strike, Some 3,500 longshoremen began a walkout last week in Mont- real, Quebec City and Trois- Rivieres. Cargo is piled up in Mont- real harbor Friday waiting to be loaded onto ships that Sales Dollar Profits Noted New Ore Body InCMA Survey Of Firms | Major Find TORONTO (CP) -- A spokes- Sales dollar profits in the business and 2.6 cents were man for Brunswick Mining and manufacturing industry avera-| disbursed as dividends to share- Smelting Corp. said today that ged 4.9 cents in 1965, the Cana-/holders. a major new ore body has been dian Manufacturers' Association) Drummond Giles, of Montr-|discovered on the company's said today. eal, chairman of the CMA's!property near Bathurst, N.B from the 18th annual. survey| which makes tha annual survey,| New Brunswick said.in Montreal conducted among CMA member|announced that 909 companies! earlier this week an official an- ' | nouncement would be made soon Canada. It is exactly half ajtionnaire. These companies! on the discovery of vast sources 1964 and is also half a cent | 309,305,000 and, during the fis: the premier did not name a lower than the profit average|cal year under study, had 477,- company, but he said that when was begun in 1949. |payrolls. New Brunswick, the discovery Of the 4.9 cents after - tax) "One hundred and eight com- weld mean the srdvings has 2.3 cents were retained in the/ting to our survey disclosed a) 1 cit of lead and zinc ore Serenereerrtecrnceemeceemeernenvme= |logs over the year," said Mr.|" _. ' : : : | The Brunswick Mining spokes- o peek cus | oon | "Total net w sptiseasii. i : s-Building |panies surveyed was $6,555, 779.| discovered about 700 feet from | the company's present opera s jtions. More drilling was needed averaged out as a percentage : : Plan Devised lof this net worth, was ten per|'0 determine its width and va TORONTO (CP)--An applica-| cent." He said the new find could niques to the gy sey 4 in-/on the Canadian concerns stud-|4uplicate the big ore body that lustry has been devis a were equal dustry 'Y Slied in this survey qual roduction, can offer a four-bedroom house) jar . ote ee with appliances for less than! 'The cost of a job in the man- Alcan Design Homes Ltd. in-|established by relating the tends to unveil the first of these)number of employees to the Of Ne . t produce them will be built in| participating in the survey -- wsprin Canada, says J, C. Neely, pres-|was $13,739. Companies reply-| MONTREAL (CP) tine The houses, which a manjed a total of 642,191 share-' Anri totalled 702,115 tons. an earning $5,000 a year would be holders. increase of 80,289 tons or 12.9 to sites and assembled by build-|paye never displayed any re-|Newsprint Association of Car ers who are franchised Alcan) markable variation since the! ada said Thursday He said Alcan has spent $500,-| survey in 1949," said Mr. Giles.|working day averaged 25,491 000 so far in developing the 'The best profit ever recorded|tons, This was 8.7 per cent with a modest income. cents, and the worst in 1960,/ Apri}, 1965. sae Aer taos puna ay when it dropped to 4.4 cents." This profit figure resultedipublic relations committee} premier Louis Robichaud of firms in all ten provinces of| replied to the association ques-| cent lower than the profit of| reported net sales totalling $13,-| of Jead and zinc in his province of all the years since the study | 151 men and women on their combined with known deposits in profit on each dollar of sales, | panies out of the 909 contribu-lt,. world's biggest known de Mas has orth of the com-|™4n said the new ore body was 1000 and their profit in 1965) lue tion of mass-production tech-/ Federal and provincial taxes |brought the present mine into Montreal firm, which says {tito 3.8 cents on each sales dol- ne ee * $10,000, plus land ufacturing industry -- a figure Production Up houses next fall, Two plants to|total net worth of the firms ident of Alcan Design Homes.|ing to the questionnaire report qian newsprint production in able to afford, will be trucked! «sales dollar profit fugures per cent over April 1965, the dealers Association began this annual! Production for each availabl: concept of a house for the man) wo. in 1950, when it was 7.1) more than the daily average in Minister Will Seek French Business | brazilian By THE CANADIAN PRE Ss PLAN MISSION Future Good ions past records of all paper al | aking machines installed prio Industry Minister Drury will) ,, 7 ; -azilian| tial obey lead a 3 ye Seandian TORONTO (CP) -- Brazilian\to the beginning of any year A Pre j ower had exNec of : economic' mission to France| ?*@ction, Light ae yh had) plus expected performance of next month to search for ways|2 ag year wifes " anc Fy vt machines coming into pro - |look to an even brighter future,| duction during the vez to develop closer economic re-| ' | g the year , | 3 " ; lations, Prime Minister Pear- the ig aha _-- desi a -- shipments of news- gon announced Friday, Seevinns last ve ar were $19,- some Po fog nol gory Be Mn : ta SR é gs yee s, orease of 55,3 to' ONTARIO SALES FALL | 480,437 or $1.13 (U.S.) a share|or 8.2 per cent over April 1965. Value of Canadian depart-| compared with a loss of $442 : The production rate was 97.4 | per cent of 1966 rated capacity against 96.4 per cent in March In April, 1965, it was 88.6 per cent of 1965 rated capacity Rated capacity is calculated WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW Stocks Drop Following Auto Company Report By LARRY DWORKIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Canadian stock markets de- Clined again this week amid re- hort w beca ports of continuing arops in U5-;or reaucea sales. Ivo reaucuons auto sales for the first 20 days|were a ed by of May. jauto manufacturers. It is the third consecutive| At Toronto, a number of Ca- week that prices on Canadian|nadian issues also traded in and U.S. exchanges have turned| New York fell to 1966 lows. They down. included Inco down 2% to 95%, The latest announcement of|Walkers 1% to 30% and Cana- Y, to 58% and Toronto-Dominion % to 60%, Other industrials that showed good strength were Alcan Avwu- Minin Up 14 16 40 ater ine company announced that first- quarter earnings in 1966 jumped to 55 cents from 22 cents in the same period last year and Moore Corp. 1% to 83%. Home Oi} highlighted mid- week activity and both A and B stocks rose 2% each to 19% tors was cutting back produc- tion at four plants. Last weck GM said it was putting vight plants on a short week because reduced auto sales came Thurs-|dian Breweries % to 6% day when the parent Ford com-). 4.) congrinGE SLIPS and 19%. The company said it pany told shareholders be Among other issues that|found natural gas in England. early May's sales dip apparently slipped to 1966 lows were Fal-| Among other oils, Scurry continued into the second 10 conbridge off 3 to 91, Algoma|Rainbow slid 314 to 26, Cana- days of the month. Steel 14 to 29, General Motors| dian Superior % to 19% and Pa- The slump started two weeks|,.°° 15 95 and 'Abitibi % to 11.|¢ific Petroleum % to 11%, ago on news that General M»- sad In base metais, Pine Point The industrial index declined 4 A ' lost 1% to 62 and Pyramid % 96 to 160.33, In the last three : ; to 12% despite news Friday that weeks it is down 8.28 points, y rt 4 pe Trame Yok athe yh Pyramid's directors had ac- as olume continued light 48| cepted an offer from Pine Point shares totalled 16,970,865 com-|for the sale of Pyramid's min- pared with 14,692,496 last week.\erai claims in the Northwest Catches n At Montreal, volume was 5,897,-lTorritories for 526,400 shares uf 299 shares compared with 5,957,-|pine Point worth more than | |783 last week | $32,000,000 at Friday's prices | LONDON (CP)--A new, fast) The only break in decline} Brunswick moved up 2% to 14 |Canadian timber-frame building|came Wednesday when the in-lafter the company announced system has made an impact on! dustrial index climbed 1.39 and| indications of a large base-metal the British construction indus-| the western oil index 2.78. Brok-| find on its property. Hudson Bay try a matter of days after a/ers described this as a technical|was off 2% to 77%; It reached demonstration of its speedy | recovery resulting from an over-|a 1966 low of 77 | technique in a Scottish owe sold condition | On index, golds were down .37 | As a result of last week's ex-| Banking issues provided one|to 164.60, base metals 1,39 to | periment in Cumbernauld, near/of the bright spots in the sag-|87.25, western oils 90 to 102.99 | Glasgow, where a terrace of Six/ging market and the indexiand the TSE .98. to 151,84 y municipal low-rent homes was|moved up 1.70 to 139.19. Royal] At Montreal, industrials wore put up in less than five days/ained 1% to 75, Imperial-Com-|down .91 to 158,75, utilities ,01 by a Portland, Ont., firm (Roth-| merce 1% to 63%, Nova Scutia|to 138.25, papers 1.21 to 114,76 well-Perrin Ltd.), agreements|1 ta 69% while Montreal eased! Banks were up .87 to 158.75 have been made with English xs jand Scottish builders to manu- facture the timber-frame com- ponents in Britain. One firm in Southern England run by a Canadian will start production at the rate of 25 'houses a day, aiming to reach 60,000 annually in five years, In Scotland, the Ontario com- pany has formed a consortium | with its Scottish agent to manu- facture the prefabricated tim- ber walls and roofs. The patent for the system, which can pro- duce houses to any specifica- tion, is held by a subsidiary. Canadian-born Gerald L. Med-| land, president of a building) firm in Southsea, a suburb of | the densely populated naval) base of Portsmouth, plans to) set up immediately a 65,000-) | square-foot factory to manufac: | ture complete houses by the sys-/ jtem, Later he plans a second) factory north of London. IT's TIME YOU BECAME | | ACQUAINTED WITH A | - RAMBLER 77 DOWN o: -- | MONTHLY | Puts you in the driver's | seat of a 1966 AMERICAN 2 DOOR SEDAN | Pore WELLMAN | MOTORS LTD. "Your Rambler Dealer" 100 Nonquon Rd. OSHAWA | 728-7351 PPPS a ae ec 7 ment store sales in the first)s4) or three cents a share in week of May was 4.2 per cent! 94 higher than in the correspond-, jy @ Giassco, president, says ing week last year, the bureau! revenues from the sale of util- of statistics reported today. On-|ity services were $221,769,573 tario, which registered a 1.6-| 45 from $149,404,416 in the pre- cent sales drop, was the only| vious year, At the same time province with a decrease total assets jumped to $1,164,- CATTLE WIN 000,000 from $1,089,000,000 A Canadian exhibit of 22 Hol-| Mr, Glassco said there gras stcin-Friesian cattle at Yugo-/an improvement in Brazil's in- slavia's international agricul-|ternational balance of pay tural fair has received the|ments in 1965 and he expects fair's highest livestock award,}substantial amounts of private the agriculture department an-|capital to flow into the country nounced Friday lin the near future SAVINGS PL GOLF LESSONS Quolitied C.P.G.A. Instructors Professional Teaching Staff. on Potterson ® Alf Hvestis ® John Deimore ents mode for >, ete * 5 Gallon Pails Lessons ffices, C ' Private Lessons For All Golfers BEGINNERS AND DUFFERS WELCOME * And Many Other INDUSTRIA For The Best Selection In Golfing Equipment Visit Our Completely Stocked Pre Shop Ledies' Golf Classes 5 lessons for $10.00 Commencing Wed, Mey 11, Morning and Evening Classes eveilebie. Let us toke strokes off your gome for more Golfing Pleasure Thunderbird Golf Club ASHBURN, ONT. PHONE 655-4952 * 45 Gallon Steel Drums * Large Wooden Storage Boxes L DISPOSAL OSHAWA) LIMITED Rosslyn Road East off Harmony North TEL. 725-9202 Gold Band Brand House Paint White, shutter green and light grey porch enamel, SIZE C-D and PENLITE Flashlite B © Regular 6.98 gallon alieries FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE 3.99 |= 10 PATIO DISPLAY Us "MAIN FLOOF Miscellaneous Items ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS y PETER BUCKLEY LONDON (CP)---A Canadian company has struck a poten- tially rich natural gas well that may turn Britain's search for gas to the shore beside the North Sea. "This is beyond our wildest dreams," said pag? Craig, chief geologist for Home Oil Co. of Calgary, before flying back to Canada. 'Everybody had been concentrating their search on the sea bed and now we have proved that there could be just as much gas on land." The find was made at Lock- ton, seven miles west of the Yorkshire resort of Scarborough and 12 miles inland from the North Sea, where several im- been made | Wiiilam Ogilvie, managing di- rector of Home Oil, said Thurs- day night: 'We still have to do a lot of testing to establish the) size and quality of the find, but| |T ittuk the. strike is very sig-| |nificant. "We shall drill down farther | to see what we can find, There| would have to be at least 20 years' supply in the well to make it commercial." PREDICTED FIELDS The fact was found in- |land was not unexpected, Geolo- |gists had been predicting fields of gas probably stretched from |Holland, which is already ex ploiting one of the world's larg- est fields, under the North Sea jand beneath Britain | Seismic and other surveys in- |dicated the North Sea probably | | gas |held the best prospects. The'l Canadian Firm Strikes. Gas Well 'Beyond Dreams size of Thursday's well on land was regarded as surprising. Home Oil's well, the sixth to be drilled in a three-year-old exploration program, indicated a flow of up to 10,000,000 cubic feet a day, the equivalent of the production from one of ORGAN USES WooD A Japanese music firm sells a concert-sized organ with bam- boo pipes chemically treated te prevent woodworm, ERNIE CAY Britain's gas manufacturing i plants. The company has been spend- ing about $150,000 for each well in its drilling program, consid- erably less than the firms drill- ing from platforms in the North Sea, and the cost of introducing the gas into the British pipeline network would also be substan- -- lower than from sea-based wells. PALL YOUR BUILDING KEEDS FREE DELIVERY "it it's LUMBER call our MUMBER PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY Affiliate of one of Bi 3 in a prestige industry, over 100 offices in U.S.A., 20 years in business, now expanding in Canada, We are offering to am- bitious men wanting to be in business for them- selves locally, an unlimited future REQUIREMENTS Management Ability, Finan- cial Stability, Complete Train=> ing This is not o difficult business. Your office earn- ings can exceed $40,000.00. Investment Required $12,000.00 All replies answered BOX D52021 WILL BE AND FOR CHILDREN'S SIZES COTTON INTERLOCK T-SHIRTS Compare ot 1.29 FOR PRICE SAKE \AIN FLOOR TONITE 'til ALE OF FIREWORKS 1 MONDAY, MAY 23 SPECIALS HEAVY DUTY STEEL FRAME Hammocks Comp. at 24.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 1 A.98 LOWER LEVEL MONDAY -- MAY 23 --9 Hundreds of Different Kinds BOXED PLANTS 44. PRICE SAKE POTTED GERANIUMS FOR 38: PRICE SAKE PATIO DISPLAY OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LTD. KING ST. at GARRARD RD. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quentities

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