Sask. Pianist Establishes Basis For Arts Centre In Brazil eo By ELEANOR ROSS Centennial Planners Push bh hy CLAUDE B, ERBSEN OURO PRETO, Brazil (AP) A Canadian pianist turned an- tique dealer is hoping to 'make this city the arts capital of Brazil To finance her dream she 5 PUnnINg & rerinniAT er onet ing the local handicr aft 0 try "This could be the future No { art centre in Latin America says Gerry Kanigan, a native of Saskatchewan, "It would sim ply be a matter of removing an old tradition." In fact Ouro Preto was once the intellectual capital of Brazil as well as the political capital of Minas Gerais State, It was here that Brazilian independ ence was plotted and today it has been turned into a national monument in an effort to pre- serve the purity of its baroque architecture, A university town with a his torical museum and a thriving tourist industry, Ouro Preto is better known for its past than its future, Miss Kanigan wants to revive the former to give it the latter, "The baroque music of Mina Gerais was once famous around the world,"' she says, 'and was rediscovered only 20 year ago." IDEA EXPANDS Starting with the idea of stag ing an annual baroque music festival, Miss Kanigan now ha building stoned street in the heart of the eit { Later, taff he produced plans which 4 splendor of the "greatest show include taking advantage of w# hillside : oy Although no mother wants her an the for artists ether ni "| below Hoping ti if on a with th Greek rancn imide combination ound drea looking J "" not commercialized,' A yesident of Ouro Preto since ' me came to ne about or ice, cream cones, designing and 11963, Brazil study in Bulgaria and France CIRCUS TOUCH Yor a start, they have she into namo of activ ri I m d she Mis for capital to build it ' j : ; mak enntenh ot and "work."' he women's activiies com hate Miss after moved plano a local She at the wi financia to Kanigan steep e heip amohi ws and Built in tiers on afi-| | . - -- eee eireus. a room designed in the each studio would} ' 4 ja, happy mood of such Tin ana have-an-open_area_aton the one| "7mm | j frolic will detight the small fry festiva I} pro base f Kanigan ) become several ye t¢ » Ouro P and ouvemr industs for high quality : ; < f into the produc a passing glance, the focal he Velco strip, which then em character the { le wal har hasizing th the local artist tion soa 1) Also and He expanded her plan and hopes to y Jaunch a full-fledged annual art festival covering the theatre music, movies and the plastic arts So far the 37-year-old Cana dian has received plenty of ey couragement but no mones The Ford and Rockefel foundations have received her proposals with enthusiasm, but made no move to finance them The wife of Canadian Amba sador Paul Beaulieu--herself a painter of nole-helped spark a publicity campaign about the project in Rio de Janeiro Material help has come from Sergio Bernarde one of Brazil's most famous architect who was so taken with the idea that he set his staff to de n a combination resort and fest val complex to rise on a ranch which Miss Kanigan bought on er pasture her horses after the had eaten a neighbor's orchids Bernardes heard about the plan while dining at Miss Kani gan's restaurant, the Calahouco in the cellar of a 200-year-old TAKE A LOOK OVER ThE of tone alable wood C4 throug ome ' ' ntroduced head table guests Garry Humphrey, The John Bea ' SOCIAL NOTICE and leaders of the scouts and mish trophy for competition," phant figures that fit "tO webbing upholstery and an ice FORTHCOMING WIS! ing the outskirts of Ouro Preto to)! m ence | Whith ake Mark ned id hout t Marils Mr EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ide in te uid channelling picture deserves more than important "action" features ems. M g bu xtile arving nto empr | b nev Br H I e on a7 out He a ) cr i r nie what has been onic a ived in aper | ¢4 for the time attended by. about 225 fathers,|Group Committee present- latex backing will hug the floor tire pecause it is light enough MARRIAGE The Reverend John Porter, patro tick Harman received Rattan is actical for furni plastic seat fit neatly into a H he for their anther low, son of Mr.'on group activities, and Invited life award was made to Garry' active and faithful worke cluded, everything in soch al Harlow remon Saturdays 0 om | and musi leum tile are a good choice THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 21, 1966 19 Tots Will Love A Circus Bedroom ' 4 Under the hig tent where . cobble- downs and trapeze artists are Skirt T Fl N xt mf ob} idols of the candy cane and pink! S 0 oor e ear By MARILYN ARGUE { mull," they say. "Buy up OTTAWA (CP) --- Forget | clearance drapery material about thigh-high skirts and | remember that the dress see - through vinyl dresses | Scarlet O'Hara made out of if you want to be in fashion in.| curtains was potent enough to 1967 | capture Rhett Butler." Vlaar «length crinolines and To combat needle fatique sprigged dimity are what is and centennial squint, they wanted in centennial year, the ventennial nlanning | recommend positioning hem- 7 planning & says the--centennial 4 t lemonade set, young hearts are) of his 4 } enchanted by the gaiety and theatre ' 4 on earth," studios 5 i Z home turned into a three-ring Z j The idea has main practical i , spects w cabine J : ort by , y 4 wpb tg a -- = branch of the Ontario depart- | lines along the finished edge vide L ut yh fe Petia gs see hivider to| ment of tourism and informa: of the material, then forget- or her ' an serye as mn aly tion, ting them, Some of those full- Ze . separate the sleeping area from : 2 " ad Ajex, Whitby, Oshowo now is the place shins tots romp, play, Yashion co + ordinators on | rape pigeon lg mere "OMMERCIAL ° INDUSTRIAL "and I hoon also 2 if only washable furnishings mittee predict a shortage of Extra Anspiration for the DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS overly 4 " are used. there can't be any. period costumes for the hun- | back-to-Confederation look is serious damage, no matter how, dreds of centennial events perere by the wardrobe of often lollipops may be smeared| Planned unless women start period pieces they have avail- sewing right able, This package fashion show, sewn by volunteer seamsiresses from material donated by a Montreal NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months to Pay ® 3 Year Guarantee vars. of E sts dropped now reto in Vor the fabric' red and white, turned out a 30-page booklet search of quiet in which to play : - 9% ainiy striped cotton plis e gives| ull of Confederation fashions eral corte ge CALL ] the i instead turned 3 ; F f for everything from a. barn- 5 a ee ae Sans Fae OSHAWA " and: dy- ' " is Tew? The costumes come in their y P en was | s easy to sew inte They've also sewed up a r Her antique shop is one of the) ~ ss, aoe |pedspreads and cafe ct of ang packaged period fashion } | own station wagon to groups r antique shop is } jnedspreads an at srlains bre ; ' | who have first guaranteed an ity's most famous and through} ) U trimmed with cotton ball fringe) available to women's groups i l ; : h audience of at least 200 ver souvenir shop she has rey-| and cafe curtain heading in the province Dresses, complete with acces COMPANY ' x | olutionized a real circus touch. Further Ont y / ' raising to a ball by Ontario women's groups. more, it is as gay as Ht is in expensive, It is « idicrafl The spreads and curtains can The hooklet, A Century of e need Although the girl in this variety and incorporate two sories, are included for two he machine-washed and dried or, Fashion, has already been | ji1t\e girls é laundered by hand in hot suds! sent out in thousands of li- | - - t they which her companion is adjusts to any ke and the vo y ot fabric group Bd the hopes of start wearing Knicker are Sansabelt waistline The ow CPUS , ing swarms of sewing bees looming brightl on the linen-look fabric is of 65 per men's horizon and bring a cent Dacron polyester and lane - hi id tk fresh outlook on sports liv 35 per cent rayon, Colo PeTreCror Hkely to none RE) tails researched out of arch ing for the action « minded are blue, gold, coco and dried : ie seeen | 304 libraries and family man, These, called 'Knick sand a Me ' Hg fluff portraits, it covers the clothes A-Bouts", are the new slim By Tracy Adrian ne ing gad Sa ges y,, Picture for the whole family HOOT cu The planners also tell you pottery 4 tased on six commercially- hung to dt aries »n' sates ost are point here is the knickers closes below the knee and n a brarie¢ women's and theatre available patierns, plus de- G MEN I pressing i¢ trim should be mulled iit yhile ae A antime rt cen maga { 5 tehe t washable article and sera bd habl how to keep costs down by 'waa ith Oshawa Scout T see cree ee Maat a J ir g bonnets with paper esident S awa Cou roop mall children are active, Lin®) Jace doilies and plumes made out of drinking straws instead hecause pain and von DEC \ of the real antique article vonn Honors Fathers At Banquet --invriscan 've duiculy washed off with # j trin or, BAVE ON CLOTH ease' Camp Samac was the setting, Terry Smith, Bill Hall, Carl sponge mop, then rinsed with Use unbleached 'cotton or for the 11th Oshawa Secout|Norris and Martin Step, The clear water cheesecloth instead of voile or bul troop father and son banquet) Scout Group Auxiliary and the Small cotton atter rug with its sons and guests ed rings to the bo and are so easy to launder thal toy small fry to push and pull a WT WACTICA yet sturdy enough to withstand considerable rough-housing 'hiss rugs wit , here are small ru with clown A vattan chair with striped The chairman for the even The Ro Las Troph for ing. Scout master Glen Short,| proficiency was presented to Youngster Ir ome ore 71 King St. E. Bowmanville of Westminster United Churchithe English. trophy for profict circus. mood, Both can be kept i he, 5 =z noke briefly and Mr Walteriency and the Bud Pipher tro. Glen Shor Mi Joynt, one of, clean. with the whisk of a well- Hf bi, # ' 4 f cub was presented to 11th A Cougar !e doch theme deco cream parlor-type chair with a Campbell hairman of the phy for sports went to Bob the member who started the'lathered sponge ; "IRS Z ahs P group committee gave a report Chamber The religion andiauxiliary in 1955, wa till an If only washable toys are in i ate 2 : Ff ¢ q ; hone all more fathers to take part Humphrey The yvemainder of the ve three-ring circus, bed-playroom is to The highlight of the evening Another much deserved award ing wa vent with a gf will assure tots of plenty of fun, = June,was the presentation of the in the form of a gold se ce|song and the viewing of es, and mother will only need a in St./Queen. Scout awards to Bill pin, was presented to Mt takes & ou tir he minimum effort to keep it Whitby.) MacDonald, Bruce Bry dges,)Arthur Joynt, by Scout master outs and cub clean ¥ i 4 t r @ mt a Heated by Dependable Consumers Gas (-----|----- 8 MODELS LEFT at Low 644% MORTGAGING Plus '500" Winter Works Bonus Allowance SEVERAL NEW 1966 DESIGNS STARTED Your Design For Modern Living at it's Very Best Choose Your Home Now In Beautifully - Planned ROLLING HILLS ESTATES -- OSHAWA Grandview Ave. at Olive Ave. All Armstrong Homes Include These Features, No Extra Cost front. + ewoy ond side dew te Som 4 dining room ere Asbestos Viny! tile int sstolied, siled on front porch where there ore thraa @ CONVENIENT TO BUS SERVICE «.. SCHOOLS... CHURCHES .. and RECREATIONAL FACILITIES GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. OSHAWA --- 723-4645 AJAX -- 942-3310