OCA CENTENNIAL DRIVE TS ten feu Fitin wives $1000Sum Funds continue to roll in to Oshawa Civic Auditorium Cen- tennial Fund campaign at a fast rate. The third day of can- vassing was completed at Gen- eral Motors of Canada. Byron Edmondson and Donald Lid- diard, heading the canvass, have reported to the commit- tee that early returns show that the people of Oshawa "really want the project", The commit- tee is seeking $25 a worker at 50 cents a week over one year. Campaign Chairman E. R. §. A McLaughlin said he was most MMU er A My pleased with the progress to 4 |date and that 'the support and leadership given by the worker. | in the city will ensure that along |with getting a recreation com- }plex second to none in all of "| Canada, the citizens of Oshawa ; will justly be proud of the offi- 'DATE " a. ' "ED CE ett Pal . cial Centennial project in 1967". A GENERAL MOTORS CAR BOARDS DEE SEA FREIGHTER Target is $500,000 to supplement . «+ 700 Cars Were Exported From Harbor Last Year government grants. Robert E. Wilson, a director of the Auditorium Committee, is | F ALMOST 100 YEARS OLD continuing his canvass of bus about neve aaa TT nesses in the city and reported| ©? about the campaign. this morning that the employees| Terence V. Kelly, the chair+ 6 a e ; at the Eaton's store in the Osh-|man of the finance campaign, _ ort Activity Increasing 2h" 2 Sees cee tp donated $1,000. This amount| facilities will be a place for a WHAT DOES A LITTLE BOY DRE M ABOUT ? |keeps pace with the donation| the family to participate in rece «+» Navy Training Ships Frequent Visitors jreceived by the Auditorium) reation and cultural activities. By ROBERT McDOUGALL factor in Canada's - transport hat," Mr. Gifford says, "but we It will also cut the cost Of| three years ago. |The exercise rooms will have Of The Times Staff |scheme, The commerce of this|give them $20 instead." |dredging by some 40 percent facilities that will make the ae a fas! De PC RG BE e\ district we rough Port Osh- r. Malloy has said the com-|_ The donation was made by| project like a YMCA - Not far from where you live| district went through Port Osh-|) \icien sup |mivsion is onticipating the con-|John Mitruk and will be added|Somojey." he said, 'A YWCA Se hlaeoae : awa bas : m i é is @ highway. to the world, lid Gradually the railways took, The largest ship ever to enter/ stryction of two large fuel tanks|to the donations already re-| : oe Be Oe pada ho a over the transport of goods and|!e harbor, Mr, Gifford recalls,| this year as part of the harbor's ceived from other groups in the| FIRE VICTIM concrete type of road. t lacks ventually squeezed the lake| was the Stadacona" a Canadalexpansion program, This, he city including the UAWA who) 'The facilities will replace the drafting-board design inher-| eventuans 1 priate om reighter. She ' have contributed $5,000, Wood-) Coooan cotressway, (freighters out of business. Steamship coal freighter She| said, would increase the number| Mave Cor 000, |those destroyed by fire on Gibb be espe pil dead abd Lloyd Gifford, who has been had a net tonnage of 7,262 when|of gallons of fuel imported to) View Neighborhood Park, $2,000) «ect the home of the Osh Its geared cannot be mea- harbor master since 1926, re-jempty and when loaded would| Oshawa each year, and many others. * ue J . "A e Oshawa sured by time e beey van, antag sey : " | : c At first, the highway is clear,|members when activity at the gross over 20,000 tons, he sald. CHT HAVEN | Meanwhile, a donation of aj ccTe#ton depar ment, and / Bee wees harbor -Wé t a standstill be-, In earlier days sailing ships,| v / en ; will include two swimming alm, Later,|harbor was at a stands harbor proper|different nature arrived in a pools, one a Canadian stand- transparent and when empty, carried lime stone, Nestled in the akes 20 ause eteriorating piers @ ee . lis > ; va Yac 2 i i y it takes op eenian tinge, Cate ot chat blocked the a as ballast. The stone was jetti-|!s ithe . Oshawa Yacht Haven different form with Adams Fur- ard size pool and the othe: Then, as "F n ye sea dt | entrance soned at ports when the ship|Which is also underoing expan-\niture Co, Limited donation to lb e : ne 4 A ee salty Aig set ee "| Sut tt s - cacnadied in 1680 loaded cargo, This stone was ATPL OS eit the Centennial Committee of sma eginners pool and aiso widens info the vastness of the of ee wee seu 1 1930, / nut to good use here when used| 'The yacht haven, a privately) soi premises at 40 King street| numerous meeting rooms and |hall with a stage. E. R. 8. MeLAUGHLIN ocean he said, and a boom of com-|;, o» ' » Henry run business, leases its facili- ' nstruct the Henry House, , : ' From Oshawa's harbor -- the|merce followed with four or a : ties from the harbor commis-| west for a six-week period, The x Some Oshawa residents will|Si0m- It provides facilities for| building will serve as down- = -- hr be additional ery journey must have ajcargo vessels -- pbk te Fe eee ee Non ferry|aior or minor repairs to allltown headquarters for the proj- parking GA8 etter See ie ning and an end, The har-| week, The last of such ve . Pre ; s A ar et deraieat ne mo ' 'boats from Cobourg came to the) Vinton storing facilities for some ect and will be manned 80 that| jot," said Harry Gay, building and gone from around the globe) 1936, he said. Oshawa harbor and provided r0-|199 boats, Last year 75 boats|Citizens can drop in their dona-!committee chairman. from this Lake Ontario port. | 'This was the end of an era. |} axe Ontario. During the day spent the winter at the haven now a museum whole world awaits, five package freighters -- multi . |types of pleasure crafts and has ities from the present parking is both. Ships have come|to call at Oshawa was Nov. 6, mantic moonlight excursions on THRIVING PORT | The same year the boom/these boats were used to tra With the acquisition of a hy-} « ; sae » itt da hik neha : Pregl "\draulic hoist system the haven) History of the harobor is both gg ae Yygritmeenc d ae port cars from (¢ mos oe 5! is now able to lift craft as faecal i ' an o1ns interesting and long as it dates the lake to Rochester las 25 tons out of the water and back to the early 1870's. For al-| Te¢ lls D. McMillan, captain of; no port of Oshawa was first/dock them for repairs. most 40 years it was a thriving|the 'Oil Tanker' as the master', government dock, Later the} Norm C y, haven man-| ' lakeport, a regular port-of-call|of the first ship in port that) pasin was enlarged, a break-| ager, ys last year, through| am er Ss re | for many lake freighters on their| year and i person tO) water was built to form and pro-| July and August, more than| runs from the lower St. Law-|Win the top nat, tect an entrance channel and/9,000 pleasure craft stopped at ; : Z rence to the lakehead, Oshawa| Each spring, since then, the) 18;000 feet of tie-up was install-| the haven for refueling and ro-| jee Beeanen, 3, A eC. railway ran a spur line to the|harbor master is at dock-side| ed for docking of coal and Oil|pairs on their way to the Trent! started work Monday as ths DREDGING MAINTAINS HARBOR DEPTH port. |to present the first captain of|bhoats, It remained under direct/River and the 1,000 Islands. |new assistant manager at the 'a _ . In those days the railway had|the year with a silk top hat.!administration of the depart-| The Port of Oshawa is not J : . : } ' F »». Sand And Mud Used To. Reclaim Land not yet become a competitive| 'They don't get to keep the/ment of transport until June,jonly geographically located fol in weamaee dork ee 1960. serve local needs, but also the % At that time the federal gov-| entire eastern sector of Metro.| mainly, promoting eid Gear ernment enacted. the Oshawa}politan Toronto and region, At] day he would concentrate on Harbor Commissioners Act. This| present the port can handle|trying to increase museum ate placed the administration of the}/most seaway traffic and be-|tendance. : harbor under a local governing| cause of its sand-silt bottom it) "rhe museum is financed by body composed of three local) Can easuy ve ai ; le he funds raised t men; two to be appointed by the| modate all ships using the St, aston pd gl nace 8 psc ah 4 government in council and the | Lawrence Seawa | three years ago are dwindling, third by. Oshawa's city council.| Tuesday the first ocean ves-|" wy) "Brennen said the Cana- plo the year docked tthe dian Automotive Museum is Uh 180 cae for anst: "the vpaeel jlike many other auto museums Millen and William Paynter, "Fidel went ghth ship to| because it tells a story and is Fred Malloy is the third mem- d y this was t he elgnin Ship COl not just a random display of ber appointed by city council. | se us year cars, a 75 SHIPS Mr. Brennen, who is single, IMPROVEMEN _ | Harbor Wharfinger, Gordon| Was president of the Courtney, In recent years extensive im-| Robinson, said last year 75 ships|B.C. Jaycees, and is waiting provements have been carried| ealied at Oshawa and ke esti-|for his membership to be trans- out, paling hac peat of = mated the number of cars ex-|ferred to Oshawa, This week- new 500 foot berth on the east) norted at 700. end he is going to the Ontario side of the basin and the acqui-|! The shine docked are charged|Jaycees' convention in Hamil-| HERB BRENNAN sition of land immediately ad-| narbor fee of three cents a ton,| ton. jacent to it, the harbor is noW|'They also are charged a side "I attribute getting my pree| Mr. Brerinen was lived to-ft capable of handling cargo which wharfage of five cents a foot|ent job to being a member of/a vacancy left when manager it had been unable to manage] and a top wharfage that varies| the Jaycees,"' Jack Mann was promoted from previously, on the cargo exported or im-| He said the Jaycees had given/assistant manager. Mr. Malloy, chairman of the] ported. jhim invaluable experience in} wr, Brennen says he likes harbor commission, says in the| Fred Malloy said the 1965 fi-|dealing with people. One thing) Qo. iw9 pec like hin last year the commission has|nancial statement just complet-| he liked about the Jaycees was|~" me DerRUEe: Cee ee ee installed, at its own expense,Jed shows another successful| working with "a group of en- town of New Westminster, it is a flood lighting system for the}year with substantial increases|thusi fellows" "sports-minded" east harbor dock and yard.jin revenue and tonnage, Fess Ii aA ae a DPN Bea Long range plans for further de-| Total dollar value orts and} . « « velopment include the reclaim-| imports over the past year soar-| P bl F ks D ] ing of approximately 10 acres of oe well over the $10 million U IC lrewor Isp ays land in Lake Ontario off the} mark with the import of 59,000 al south east beach, he said, tons of vrushed stone for roads S F A d F B OSHAWA HARBOR HISTORY DATES BACK TO EARLY 1870's Sand and mud obtained from|and asphalt, 22 million gallon | een rar And Frew Between ae orld the dredging operations will be|of gasoline and oil and 129,000) .+»An Open Door To Every Corner Of The Wor used in the reclaiming process.|tons of coal. The present two government appointed officials are Har A fireworks display, Sponsor- | cause of the number of people }ed by the Green Gaels lacrosse} who go away for the holiday club, the city'#department of| weekend". recreation and a local mer-| The display would have to be chant, will be staged following, in conjunction with the park's the Gaels' lacrosse game Mon-|opening he said and "there sa -- at gg ge ee enough facilities to go orium., Nipigon Park is also) around'. holding a display. | Out = of + town districts such Apart from these, there areas Bowmanville, Whitby and no or public displays re-| Orono will have displa | ported. Geor > Vie hath Se |. George F. Vice, member of [and ggg hoa -- the Bowmanville Rotary Club, auainat it." eald. Roy '3 Spratt said his club will be holding a Fernhill ' feet iation | $1:000 display Monday night at president 2 ie |the Bowmanville High School, Mr. Spratt referred to the | The event will be complete with Scmmenia ob chiek of Balle | parade, powered airplanes, judo Walter Johnson and Fire Chel and the fireworks Ray Hobbs who said firecrack- . ' ers were dangerous in the| Mrs. Warren G, Ruttle, social hands of children. convener for Blair Park Vista Robert Gibbs, another park|@ssociation, said the Ratepay> |president, said their committee |¢rs Association of Whitby will lwas' too busy with other up-/celebrate Victoria Day with a leo » events to have a dis-|fireworks display. The display |play, "and neighborhood parks| a! the R. A. Hutchison school lean't charge admittance," he will be supervised by the fire | said. department | The Chamber of Commerce |TOO COSTLY in Orono will sponsor a multi- Fred E. Williams, of North! event display at the fairground, Sais. - : . Oshaw said the park was! Monday night Fire chief Ross SHIPS OF ALL SORTS SAIL IN HARBOR WATERS COAL, OIL, CRUNCHED STONE MAJOR IMPORTS | cuntee thidtte tacts th us he uameretane ti eae : saagesagea : ore splay becaus s 8 'V . . ++ 2,000 Pleasure Craft Stop At Yacht Haven . » + Revenue, Tonnage Increases Reported | costly. and imp actical be- patnnats ' ee , ®