Brooklin Club Presents Many New 1966 Faces The Brooklin Senior 'A' La- crosse Club, making their third-| straight bid for the Mann Cup finals, presents a lot of new faces to their fans. | Not only have they got Dave |Hoston, goalie Gary Drysdale \ SPORTS MEN U By Geo. H. Campbell SPOKfS EDITOR Redmen Nipped At Peterborough | By CLIFF GORDON his first start back in the East Peierborough Pesi's spear-jafter a three year whirl at the headed by a couple of rookies,|pig jeague out west. Davis also land Wayne Littley. but they|JoWmny 'Shooter' Davis and Billi ,qqoq one assist. Bob Hanna! CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER! Wren Blair lale ; 5 _|Armour, who each fired three s | The game was delayed 25 jaiso have # Hock. of other pew goals. Jast night defeated the | 2nd Dor Bruce, Pl card of FUS*| minutes in starting 98 oe 18 @ dynamic, non-coniormist. AS such, since we periaps vA 4 Tyga ee re ai RAE - ee ances mee | CUilei 5. B ki Redmen 10 9 i s- tee Brass HCL OS Ty: A qualify for the same breed! Wren Blair started off in { Terry Davis, former Liftlock| tion packed. "ae ry lacrosse C202 triggered a goal, as Bice late Bering due to Oshawa, as manager of an "intermediate" industrial {City star, is returning-after anj me down ia the Iifilock clw \Ken Lotton, Grant Heffernan, ; @@¥Y Noueay traffic, ' . jabsence of a few years, from) 8* ¥ Mike Gray and newcomer Paul, Word has it out that Hunte- league team and he kept on progressing from there. ville has folded in Sr. A come lout in The West, where he won| 'The win was the first in two/Tran, Wren Blair was definitely non-conformist -- he was ac- \selition end Mist bealie Gos. ding the major to Goulley, and misconducts to Joe Todd and Jerry Byrne late in the final Lis Cig vi te scoring honors before his ser- starts for the popmen, while) pioouin held a 3-2 lead at Himinaiee ; i é ee 'ious injury last year. |the Redmen were making their], ,..|Stevens and high scoring John- tually "anti" and as such, he could have only two goals jthe end of the first 20 minytes J ultimate power or oblivion, We think the sudden, late-day DAVE HOUSTON GARY DRYSDALE Charles Ross, a local fellow,|first start of the young season, ny Roberts have been released WAYNE LILLEY making his first bid for Senior of action but fell behind 8-6 in to the Maple Leafs. With the Brooklin will open at home/the second period. Peterborough expansion of the NHL has given Wren Blair and a lot of other worthy hockey men, their big chance. Who can begrudge success? WE'RE PROUD OF IT! We fought Wren Blair -- in the days when he was strictly playing sports politics -- we opposed Wren Blair. Later, with objectives mutual- ized, we were prepared to listen to his arguments, We can still argue with him -- and will -- at the drop of a hat -- but it better be your hat, He started off, like all alert operators, a little on the small side, but he quickly became "big league' and today, there's nobody in the NHL who is g better friend of the ordinary guy, of 'the press' -- and that means of you, the readers, than Wren Blair. He's one chap in hockey who has never forgotten where he got his start and as such -- Oshawa can be proud to claim "Wren Blair'. WREN BLAIR is now moving into the NHL, with Min- nesota. He'll have his thoughts about Boston Bruins, he'll have his thoughts about Whitby- Dunlops; he'll have his thoughts about Oshawa Generals. Here, in this area, and we certainly have to put Whitby first, and then Oshawa, second, Wren Blair has to be remembered as the one man kept hockey alive around these parts. Whithy owes him Bn ever-lasting debt of gratitude, Oshawa hockey fans will not soon forget the 1065-66 season when Wren Blair really contributed to hockey in this area, so there's nobody begrudges him any success he may achieve from here. STAYING ON HOCKEY -- Edmonton Oil Kings got a wild reception at the Airport there, on Monday. Downtown, in Edmonton, the same day, the fans gave their Memorial Cup champions a great welcome. They had bands out, fire reels, etc. Just one thing was missed -- after Bill Hunter called Don McLeod "excess baggage" and coach Ray Kanesewich accused young McLeod of "choking up" we didn't see the picture we should have seen, after McLeod starred in the last two games -- of Mr. Kana- sewich and Mr. Hunter, poised on the front steps of the Edmonton City Hall, in the traditional gesture of abject apology, They owed McLeod that much! Will Review Decision To End NHL Agreement MELVILLE, Sask. (CP) -- eligibility date for minor and Delegates to the annual meet- junior hockey be changed to in the tangle with the de- fending Eastern Canadian Champions. rosse Club. All three will be in action tonight at the Brooklin Arena, when the Toronto Maple Leafs move Pictured above are three new comers to the\ Brook- lin "Redmen" Sr. A Lac- "STRONG SIX-TEAM LEAGUE City - District Teams --Photo by Stannett, Whilby company, is a bright nrospect, Gord Holliday, another for- mer local man, now living in Lindsay, is also making a fine | comeback bid. Paul Tran is another new- comer. He can 'take a hatd check as well as hand out one and has already shown his abil- ity to mix it, as well as his brother Elmer Tran, the little tough "Red Head" who has long been a_ favorite tonight against the Toronto Maple Leafs, the same team) which downed the Peterborough| squad in the league opener, | Other goal scorer, for the win- jners were Roy wood with two, \Joe Todd and Jerry Byrne. Davis also picked up three as- sists for a six - point night by| the former Oshawa Green Gaei| whizz kid. | | Not to be outdone in a goal-| with scoring way, Brooklin's Terry toh addition of this pair to the al- ready strong lineup the Maple's could be mighty tough. Brooklin had been dickering for Stevens for some time, He even went so far as to practice on numerous occasions with the local squad, Game time is slated for 8,40 with the opening ceremonies te start at 8,25. Jed 10-7 with less than 10 min- utes to go, but Brooklin put on a, spirited drive that brought them to within a single gua! of the homesters and had the fans Sitting on the edge of their seats, Elmer Tran the little 'red head' of the local team had a! good chance to send the game into overtime, as he was right in with five seconds to go, only Open Season Tuesday Brooklin nights, at 8 p.m. The 1966 softball season will officially open here Tuesday, at Alexandra Park with Oshawa's top teams joining in the yearly quest for the City and District championship. They are coupled into a league with. Brooklin and Ajax Oshawa teams include Gale Lumber, last year's city cham- pions; Bad Boy Appliances; Scugog Cleaners and General Tire, The teams play under the banner of the Oshawa City and District Softball Association. ALL TEAMS STRONGER How does the league stand this year compared' with last season? Here is how the league expert observers have placed their money, GALE LUMBER -- For the past few years they have been the class of the league and have nicked up some key players from Tony's, including -- the rookie of the year in the To- ronto Beaches League, Bob Young. He will join other for- mer Beach League stars to make the Gale Lumber team a defimite threat for Senior "B" provincial honors BAD BOY S --In the past, all they lacked was a few key play- ing of the Canadian Amateur) Hockey Association in Montreal May 23 will want to discuss and review the CAHA's 1965 decis- Dec. 31 from May 31, putting hockey in line with other ama teur sports, he said. The Ontario Hockey Associa- tion will recommend that pres- CKLB Wallops Turnbull's 17-0 | lon to end its working agree-jent regulations on butting, ment with the National Hockey|kicking and spearing be de- League, CAHA secretary-mana-|leted and the offences placed ger Gordon Juckes said Fri-|under rule 49, "attempting to day. injure," But since the decision re- quires a two-year waiting' per- jod, delegates "will undoubtedly want to discuss this situation and review developments of the last year since the Victoria de- cision," Juckes said in an inter- view, Perhaps the most important business at-the meeting will be recommendations from Quebec that the eligibility of players in minor and junior hockey be in- creased by about one year, Juckes said, Quebec is expected to re-sub- mit a resolution presented last year recommending that the Canadians In Finals NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (CP) More than 80 club champions Three St. Catharines crews/from across the province took qualified Friday for today's fi-\part in nals in the 32nd annual U.S te Hunter Tops | Golf Champs TORONTO (CP) Russ Hunter of Chatham carded a one-over-par 73 Friday to win the fourth annual Ontario Golf Association's Champion of Champions tournament at the suburban Weston Golf and Country Club Hunter finished two strokes ahead of Don Hewson of subur- ban Scarborough with 75. Tied for third with 76 Gus | Blair of Toronto Bayview and Paul Gilbert of suburban Is lington. Defending-champion Bill Mor land of North Bay, who won with a 67 last year, finished with an 82. were In their Union League soft-| ball game, played at North Osh- awa Park, on Thursday night, CKLB blanked Turnbull's Torna- doe's 17-0, The one - sided game saw Hoar pitch CKLB to their vic-| tory, yielding only one hit in| the third inning and another in the fifth, with Gaudet their only threat CKLB scored singletons in the first two frames and then. splur- ged with a five - run rally in! the third frame. They staged a run parade in the 7th to complete the rout Wallace, Osbourne, and Johnson were seven - inning Moffat Cockerton the team's big Scorers, but the j other team members all con- tributed SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters)--Friday's soccer results ENGLISH LEAGUE Division II Brighton 3 Workington 1 Hull City 1 Southend 0 Reading 4 Shrewsbury 1 Division TV the 18-hole tournament. Stockport 2 Newport 1 scholastic rowing champion- ships. St. Catharines collegiate rowed a pair of seconds in the championship eight and junior coxswain four while Sir Win ston Churchill secondary schoo! was runner-up in the senior coxswain four. 'The crews will be joined to day by 16 - year - old Larry Holmes of Lakeport secondary school in St. Catharines who is sculling in the junior singles, an event for which there were no heats Friday 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa The St. Catharines eight was second to Marette, Ohio, finish ing a length off the pace. Win ning time for the mile was 5:17 St. Joseph's collegiate of Buf falo won the junior four-oared heat in which St. Catharines placed second. Winning time was 6:24:04 In the senior four Washington and Lee High of Arlington, Va., clocked 5:57:02 with Churchil O.L.A. JUNIOR "A" LACROSSE Oshawa Green Gaels vs. Huntsviille Juniors MONDAY, _MAY 23rd 8:30 P.M. @ Adults 1.25 @ Students 75¢ @ Children 50c¢ OSHA CIVIC (\ IS COMING! | AUDITORIUM BUSES LEAVE SIMCOE AND BOND STS. AT 7:00 - 7:30 - 8:00 P, DWIGHT DAVIES M, --- RETURN AFTER GAME ers to make them a top con- tender. Under Chris Mason, these players have been secured with "Bob" Mason, last season the league's "Most Valuable Player', joining "Lefty" Ted Jones on the mound. Ray §ud- dard, hard-hitting Tony's out- fielder of last year, is expected to supply the big bat, along with Wayne Cheeseman. SCUGOG CLEANERS -- The word is out according to 'Rich' March, 'Nobody going to touch them." He's been wrong in-the-past; but not too far, The find of the year is in town! "Porky" Lander, 6 ft. 3 in. and 200 lb. hurler from South Porcu pine, who made the Gale Lum- ber team look like ordinary Jast Tuesday, He will be on the hill with Bob Calder, who threw ex- cellent ball last year for the Oshawa Merchants. A host of top Juvenile play- ers like 'Bo' Burke and Ken Brack join last year's » hold- overs. This could be the league pennant - winning team, that sponsor Mike Siblock has want- ed over the years, as well as the All-Ontario Junior tourna-| ment winners GENERAL TIRE --Managet '"Mickey"' McClimmond has been busy looking for talent to fit around Warren Wills and a few other stalwarts. Last year they finished out of the league play-offs, but could sneak in if *Mickey's"' recruiting has been effective BROOKLIN CONCRETES -- Last year they lost out for All- Ontario honors in the final series against the Northern On- tario representatives, but this year, new coach Bruce Mitch- ell, vows it won't happen again In several years in the City and District League, Brooklin has never been out of the money, It) is rumored new faces will be seen, one of which played pro baseball in Puerto Rico. Ron Jones and "Zip" Scott will is STEPHENSON'S GARAGE @ Wheel Alignment @ Frame and Wheel Straightening e@ General Repairs | 15 CHURCH STREET Guaranteed Used Cors ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville CHEVROLET, CORVAIR, OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 728-6206 44 Yeors Serving You Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" OF THE ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Open 12 Noon 'till A.M, .. it Likes You DISTRIBUTOR 186 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 | SUDDARD's FULL LINE OF €.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Soles--Service--Parts KEYS MADE 497 SIMCOE ST. 8. | , PHONE725-3979 | Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS i Cleaning and Recoring New and Used Rodiators 42 Bond St. W. Art from last year's baseball cam paign ball, part at shortstop and ought to supply the fans with many an| off-ice thrill. Their home games are at Ajax, nings DOUBLEHEADER year's as to join the various clubs for the league opener on Tuesday night, at Alexandra Park, starting off to Rochester Red Wings while w day night ace Ron Taylor and players like Jack Mahon and Jack Armstrong Wednesday fronts, entry Alexandra ames before the boys start hit- ting, but the team looks to have an air-tight defensive club and if mound line Brooklin fans, |Davis, older brother of Johnny Brooklin's team, this year, is\also picked up three goals in a splendid combination of ex-| "indas such, should xive Brook: DOING THINGS '| THE HARD WAY in fans a real contender Dave Rustelke 9223 inom eat Sparks Suns sional at nearby Maple Downs, scored a hole in one By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Jacksonville Suns crept to Friday on the final green to win the $2,000 Bolton profes- sional best-ball championship. Coupled with Maple Downs pro Bobby Rose, Byers faced within eight percentage points) the 18th trailing the team of of International League-leading| Moe Norman of Barrie and {Columbus Jets Friday night,| Alvie Thompson of Toronto by iclipping the Jets 3-1 as 'lefty Dave Rusteck Won his sixth con-| secutive decision But Toledo Mud Hens fell to four games off the pace when! one stroke Norman had already scored Richmond Braves bombed them 6-0 on four double plays and Gil a two on the 170-yard par- three hole to put his team Gartido's lead-off homer in the fourth inning six-under-par. "You mean I need a one,' In other games, Toronto Ma- ple Leafs dropped a 7-1 decision Fair Grounds Friday AJAX MERCHANTS -- Coach Tennick has his charges switching Batting will soft few over to take a "Bey" man look out! O'Shea Smith, signs the the quiet dotted Danny plays a key on Wednesday eve- , at 8 p.m, TUESDAY : players from last Oshawa Tony's club are unsigned, but expected eral Byers asked other pros as he teed up his ball. Then, with a hard tail wind, he hit an eight-iron to hole out and card a 62, seven-un der-par yet ith a doubleheader on Tues- Buffalo Bisons cuse Chiefs 9-4, Holding a 2-0 lead, Rochester|four,games and ended a four put the game out of reach in! win string for Syracuse. the sixth when Mark Belanger; They clinched the win in the lashed out his second three-run| seventh when catcher Vic Ros League opens/homer of the season. 'novsky, who drove in four runs uf evening on two! Steve Boros hit two home hit a three-run homer. The Jaycees play new\runs to pace Buffalo, who in-| Matchick homered for Syracuse Gen-Auto Shippers at|== - rmenenseenenrensnenane i sicsinines bs battered Syra- and again on Thursday Holdouts include pitching Sneddon "Butch Me- The Juvenile |ereased their winning streak to Tom ave Dunn in the Petes' cage | come up with a tremendous save to break the hearts of the thard - trying Redmen: |. There was plenty of rivalry between the two teams, as there always has been. A total of 23 penalties were handed out in all, 13 to Brooklin, including a majou to Pau! Tran for fighting with Goulley of the winners. The Pepsi's had 20 penalties, inclu Golf course favourite ALL-ORGANIC LAWN FERTILIZER BEST FOR YOUR LAWN How much money do you want? You decide, Just a few dollars a month in an Inves- tors plan are all that's needed to start you on the way to financial success, The Man from Investors can show you how to have the money you want in ten, fifteen or twenty years. He'll get you off to the right start using money to make money while builde ing toward your financial objective, Investors has an extensive range of flexible plang specially designed to solve your problem of accue mulating money. Start making money with your money the easy Investors way. See the Man from Investors oe. ad Park at 6.15 p.m. while People's Clothing visits Port Perry, at 8.00 p.m, Every Monday night, at North Oshawa Park, will find the classy juveniles in a double- a af Ma) Fit WRESTLING CIVIC AUDITORIUM header, starting at 6.15 p.m, Game coverage is carried in The Oshawa Times and over the 4 » TUES., MAY 24th -- 8:30 P.M, BICYCLE SHOP HY | ART'S Gun Repair sports news on CKLB. League Tuesday at Whitby's Centennial Park at.6:45 p.m., Scugog Courtice. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Valdez, 129, San Diego, Calif., share the mound duties. Brook-|knocked out lin home games are at the! 129, Mexico, 9 | HERTZ | LACROSSE----OLA Junior THE. YANKEES WHIPPER WATSON AND Murray CUMMINGS TIGER JEET SINGH v5 GEORGIOS KANELIS SEAMAN ART THOMAS vs JUNGLE JIM STARR Tickets for these Exhibitions at the i Casino Restaurant, Ringsides -- 1,50 * Adults 1.25 Children .75 Promoter --- Pat Milosh DURHAM OPENER Durham Ladies Softball, will open its schedule with Whitby Cleaners entertaining San Bernardino, Calif.--Bobby tudolfo Gonzalez, MURRAY SMITH * District Manager 941 Oshawe Bivd. WN, Res, 728-3186 A. E, "AL" SWAYNE District Manager 838 Oshewe Bivd, N. Res, 728-1814 fpvestorb sevorcare LIMITED 725-1513 Business _ Phone cnenianiememnen | Fuel and Lumber Everything in Builder's hi Fuels. Specializing in summer cottage needs. PHONE 985-7951 PORT PERRY Stafford Brothers Lid. Monuments . » of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby Oshawa's Finest riotel For---Parties-Sales Meetings Bonquets --- Conventions Air-Conditioned Coffee Shop OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY sslieaeetnehidasia inimeesenemiandnmmaiiamenee eran end Oshawa-Whithy SPORTS Highlighis ASEBALL--Leaside Junior League:--Eost York Kinsmen vs Oshawa Aca- dion Cleaners, at Kinimen Civic Memorial Stadium, 2:00 p.m LACROSSE--OLA Senior League:---Toronto Mopie Leafs vs Brooklin Red- men, at Brooklin Community Arena, 8:30 p.m enn lington Menlo League:--Courtice at Salem; Zion at Tyrone ampton at Maple Grove, all game 7 SUNDAY, May 22 nicola! dl, No Games Scheduled tT 8 MONDAY, May 23 SOCCER--Exhibition All-Star Gameim-Darlington All-Stars ve Zion at Zion Park, at 6:30 p.m : LAWN BOWLING - Trophy Ladies' Tournoment, for The at Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, 1:30 p.m "A" League:--tlostings Legion vs Oshawa Green at Civic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m TUESDAY, May 24 SOFTBALL --- Oshawe City & Distriet Assoc. endra Park, 8:15 p.m. Watch WEDNESDAY, May 25 SOCCER----Dorlington th Hoyden Maedonald Gaels Season's Opening) at Alex- for further details FINA SERVICE Tune-ups, Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Get ready for Summer, come in for @ full tune-up now! PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK S$ T. N, WHITBY Senior League:--Salem at Selina and Tyrone at Courtice, b games at 7:30 n TENNIS---Toronto "CC" League:----Oshowa T.C. at Leaside T.C THURSDAY, May 26 TENNIS----Toronto "BY" League:---Moore Park No, FRIDAY, May 27 LACROSSE---OLA Junior "A" League:---Oshowa Green Goels va. Brampton Armstrong, at Brampton, 830 ¢ BASEBALL--Leoside Junior Leaguei---Oshowa Acadian Cleaners vs East York Kinsmen at Talbet Park, 7:30 pr Lokeshore Midget League:--Frankford B00 om 0 SATURDAY, May 28 BASEBALL--Leoside Junior League:--Richardson's Sports dian Clanners, at Kinsmen Civie Memorial: Stodium Lakeshore Pee Wee League:---Oshown ot Frankford, Bantam League:--Oshowo ot Peterborough, §.30 p.m. , que:--Peterhorough at Whitby, 2:00 p.m SOCCER:---Darlington Senior Leaque:--Salem at Hampton; Selina at Zier Maple ove at Tyrone, o es at 7:30 p.m 1 at Oshawa TLC, p vs Oshawa, ot Kinsmen Stadium vs Oshawa Aca- 2:00 om 1:00 pm | Midget Lee. "FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL and COAL 244 BROCK ST. 5. 6683524 | _ SUPPLY LTD. T.V. Towers, Aerigls, Apartment Systems and Aerial Repairs Taunton Rd. East (Just East of Ritson) HOUSTON"S GARAGE | @ Texeco Products | @ General Repairs WHITBY _ 18 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA Guns Bought--Sold--Traded or Repaired Specializing in brake adjust. ment ond repairs, 67 King St. W. a 723-7822 AUTO AND TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING © = HEADQUARTERS _\.. KING EAST Sheet Metal Work PHONE 668-5281 @ INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL | RENT BY HOUR, DAY OR WEEK!! | 10 728-9641 REESOR | TRY PORT HOPE! @ Only 30 minutes pn 401 will brina you to this pleasant Town where property values are quite reasonable, : @ Lots of people' in the Port Hope area work in and around Oshawa -- daily bus service to G.M. night and day shifts, @ For pleasant family living, less hustle and bustle, try Port Hope ! Long Bros, have a wide selection of new and older homes, lots, farms and cottages. Here are two typical homes for sale, $24,000.00 -- A-1 condition and location. Lovely view over golf course and Lake Ontario. Living room with split-stone fireplace, dining room, four bedrooms, den, 1/2 baths, games room. $14,300.00 -- reduced from $15,300, for quick sale. Roomy living room with stone fireplace, three bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, games room. In choice residential area, close to schools, Mortgages up to 75% ef purchase price may be erranged for qualified Purchasers, CONTACT: LONG BROS. 885.4501 33 Welton S. PORT HOPE F. G, Long Realtors H. K. Long M. T. Long