THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 20, 1966 § East Whitby Students Attend | Religious Education Meeting KEDRON (TC) -- The pupils; signs telling the ways to achieve' or the East Whitby Township'a true Christian life. Schools and their parents at-| No prizes for notebooks were | tended a most successful Re-|awarded, but the outstanding | ligious Education Rally in O'-|books from the various schools Neill Collegiate and Vocational | were on display. Institute auditorium, Rev. C. R.| Application forms for the gp iain is a isa of | children's summer camps have | in the sc re- he Isided. The children, seated in ne eee be - sso sections according to their school, sang sacred selections, | Tine Course or wteay; tbascd on the theme "God's Trail | Blazers" , Was explained by Mr. WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY. Denis O'Connor High Stages 'Celebri Dance' Denis O'Connor High. School| Whitby - Theatre Gui id was al- in Whitby last night held ajso presented for the greatest "Celebrity Dance" featuring achievement in a supporting Dick Duff of the Montreal Cana- role in the recent play "Sight diens as guest speakcs. Unseen". The best actor and ; actress, as chosen by the Guild, During the course of the even will also receive trophies dona- ing Ne gave w briel taik-ane og hy the Stuaent Council: presented trophies to the tor " bev and girl athlete of the year The Big Tour Boys ot To, ronie proviaea CHOOSE ALLEN baseman Bernie Allen as their MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Min-|pasenell -- representative | nesota Twins elected second| Bob ys ag who. resigned last BROCK Even. Programs Stert 7 & 9 p.m. WHITBY Seturdey Matinee Starts 1:30 Feature Attraction Friday & Saturday "BOEING - BOEING" Starrina WHITBY -- AJAX SATURDAY mecesto fae Muse 10F A trophy donated by the the dance, 14 Candidates Confirmed At St. John's Historie St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, was filled to capacity last Sunday night when the Rt. Rev. H. R. Hunt, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto confirmed 14 candidates as members of the church Foliowing the service a re- ception: was held when the can- didates and members, of the parish were presented to Bishop and Mrs, Hunt. Prior to the Jotin McKibben, rector of. St John's Church and Mrs. Me Kibben were hosts at a dinner in the rectory, Bishop and Mrs Hunt were guests of honor. Also attending were the church war- Rebekahs Plan Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, No. 132 held its regular meet ing Wednesday evening at the -AOOF hall Noble. Grand, Sister Verna Attwood opened the meeting as sisted by Vice Grand, Sister Sheila Gordon who gave the sick report A thank - you note will be! sent to Sister Jane Wickett who had made such a lovely cake for the Lodge birthday cele- bration recently held and also for the delightful buffet lunch served on that occasion, all are very grateful It was announced that 'Mem orial Day Commemmoration," will be held at the Union ceme- service Rev St. Mark's Women's Group Meets St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 9 held its May 16 meeting at the home of Mrs Stanley Osborne. Mrs. A. S, Me- Lean opened the meeting by welcoming all present. Mrs. H. VanDeuren who had purchased, as requested for the, Unit a devotional book, passed | same around for all to see. The lucky luncheons were dis- cussed and Mrs, H. T. Fallaise informed members that the United Church Women expect to obtain a date in May or June! of next year. Mrs. H. Meyers announced that six cards and three hospi- tal visits had been made since the last meeting. Mrs. McLean mentioned that the Evening Guild of All Saints') Anglican Church are having a Centennial tea, May 28 from 2.30 till 5 p.m. with period decor, Canadiana display and a bake sale. All are invited to) attend. It was reported that the re- eently held Spring tea was well attended and the speaker, Mrs. Thomas, former mayor of Osh- awa gave a most interesting talk on her trip to Africa. Unit 9 next meeting will be held June 20 at the home of Mrs. K. Lee and will take the form of a pot luck dinner to conclude the Unit's activities for the season. The UCW have. sponsored a Friendship Hour Club to be held in the Church house, Byron st. s, from Monday to Thurs day each week from. 2 fill 4 p.m. with tea and cookies be- ing served. This club is for all adults in Whitby and anyone wishing to assist in this fine project should contact Mrs, H. T. Fallaise, Mrs. H, Miss Laura Pellow, Sale Planned St. John's Anglican Church WA held its business and de votional meeting May 16 at the Church hall, President, Mrs, Martin Gouldburn opened the meeting with scripture and litany from the "Living Message'. Plans were made for: the apron sale and tea to be held May 25 at the Sunday hall. Rev, John McKibbin will efficially open the sale at 2.30 .m, Tea convener is Mrs, E. Lar sen, tea tables, Mrs. John Me- Kibbin and Mrs. Henry Perry, apron tables, Miss Olive Gold- ring and Mrs. Ernest Vallant, Mrs, McKibbin reported on the annual Diocese meeting held at St. James Cathedral Toronto, which she attended as a delegate, Other members at tending were Mrs. Martin} Gouldburn, Mrs. Ernest Val lant, Mrs. Herman Parish and Mrs, Ernest Northam At the June 15 meeting, Mrs McKibbin has offered to show pictures taken of "Queen Char lotte Island" The meeting closed with prayer for sick members, after which pledges. were received and a social hour enjoyed with lunch served by Mrs, Ernest Vaillant and Miss Nellie Long hurst Hare or) school} dens and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. William Bonk. The candidates who were con- firmed by the bishop were: Patricia Barbara Brady, Pene- lope Brenda Brady, Shirley Lenore Genoe Pamela Lily Gierman, Patricia Margaret Grant, Sharon. Anne Kyle, Jan ice Faith LaTrobe and Joan { Kathleen Perry. Mrs. Dorothy Brady, Miss Mary Eleanor Ruth . Nixon, Mrs. Carol Joan Northam, Mrs Anne-Marie Northam, George Leonard Brown and George Frederick Keddy. Memorial Day tery, Oshawa June 12, further details at the next meeting. It was mentioned that a con- tribution will be sent to the Retarded Children Association Fund There will be a rummage sale May 28 at the IOOF hall from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m. with Sister Lottie Plaskitt as general con- venor and members of her committee. The hall will be opened Friday evening to re- ceive articles At the next meeting of June 1 nominations and election of Officers will be held, PICKERING It took Ursula and Rein- hard Kessel of Bayview Heights Public School one month of homework to pro- East Whitby COLUMBUS (Staff) -- day night signed an with Municipal sultants Limited for the ration of an official the township permits, representing an esti- sued during April. STUDENTS HOLD Agrees To Plan Kast Whitby Township Council Tues- agreement Planning Con- prepa- plan for It was reported six building mated value of $18,950 was is- The permits The meeting closed in the usual manner and lunch was ser- ved One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpoper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadioom CALL. Points end Vernishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $,, Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Mrs. A. S. McLean and Miss Melba Beech were in charge of the devotional! period, which |eoncluded with the Benediction The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. H. T, Fallaise who gave a most interesting review on a book written by Margaret Mcintyre entitled "A Place of Quiet Waters', The review was enjoyed by all. The meeting adjourned and a delightful Juncheon was served! by the hostess NOW! HOME CEMENT JOBS ARE EASY WITH SAKRETE- READY TO USE MIXES! Patch concrete steps with SAKRETE Sand Mix (80, 45, 25 and 11 Ib, bags), 3 Special Sakrete Mixes to choose from--all you have to do is add the water, Idea! for stop-and-start pro- jects because there's no waste oF guesswork...There's a size and mix for every job. FREE BOOKLET You'll be amazed how easy it is to work with SAKRETE mixes. Find out aboot them at your department store, hardware, lumber or building supply dealer's today. And make sure you get your copy of a 16- page booklet on home im- provement projects, It's fully illustrated--and it's FREE! The Flintkote Com- pany of Canada Limited, Build decorative Block Wall, Use SAKRETE Concrete Mix (90 and 45 tb, bags) for base, Lay Blocks with SAKRETE Mortar Mix (80, 45 and 25 1b, Hew to Use SAKRETE Dept, OT P.O. Box 160, bags), New Toronto, Ontario AKRETE SAKRETE Available at EATON'S HARDWARE DEPT, OSHAWA BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING MATERIALS 81 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-4761 OSHAWA WANTED! "ring and dies -- Clothes. Neerly New -- Summer Clothing. Men's and Children The TREASURE H SE Fer Informetion Coll | itby After $ P.M, 668-8103 ERNIE CAY LUMBER > co, LTD. 53 ALBERT ST. 725-1121 OSHAWA Millwork & Building Supplies ' 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, ONT, PHONE 728-6291 SCIENCE FAIR Heights Grade 8 students made an exact replica of an oil drilling rig for the science fair, The rig was soldered from small lengths of wire and the unit shows the different rock forma- tions leading to the oil, A small motor powers this ex- ample of precision. The Sci- ence Fair was held Wednes- day and Thursday. --Oshawa Times Photo duce this display for the- Pickering Township School Area 2 Science Fair. The 13- and 14-year-old Bayview included one for a new dwell- ing. The remainder were for repairs. Council awarded a contract in the amount of approximately $10,000 for the construction of a new bridge to replace the Pereman Bridge, Lots 4 and 5 Concession 6 | Nelson, The Coronation School |choir, directed by Mrs. Perry sang two selections, Much excitement was aroused | by the sword drill contest. Terry McKinnon, Kedron School, won the junior trophy and his sis- jters, Sharon, won the senior | pages Mrs. Sinclair accepted § ithe trophies for the school, A choral recitation, with actions, entitled 'Christopher | Robin Saying His Prayers",| was performed by the Grade 1 and 2 pupils of Kedron School {with Mrs. Harold Werry as director. Mrs, Sinclair directed |the Kedron School Choir in "How Great Thou Art', A series of Bible verses were recited by the pupils of Dr. Robert Thorton School, As each pupil finished their verse, they | joined in forming a 'Trail' of SPECIAL Southern Fried and Bar-b-que Chicken Dinners 99° Whole Chickens Jerry Lewis & Tani Curtis In Color -- Adult Entertainment Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY MATINER ATTRACTION OWLY "ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS" in Technicolor 2 ae RE (Bar-b-qued) $1.49 SOUTHSIDE SEA FOODS 409 Brock St, $., Whitby Open till Midnight AE R. JONES awe ISTA R.P.A, FIREWORKS DISPLAY MON., MAY 23rd At the R. A. Hutchison School -- Whitby Commencing between 8:30 & 9 P.M, $2.00 Per Family -- Refreshment Booth Consultations. 668-8841 or 728-6661 REAL ESTATE ROLLER SKATING Whitby Community Arena Skating to Orchestra Music Featuring the "IN CROWD" EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Admission 75¢ 8 to 11 P.M, Boot Skates Available For Rent JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE Come In During The Long Weekend! ! See us now for all your Garden Needs! Look to us for the nursery products that will make your home beautiful, No Charge for Expert Advice, Largest Stock of Nursery Supplies in the area. Located 2 Miles West of Whitby on Hwy. 2 mien mene Wert Tees oe Your Whitby Area Exclusive Dealer WILSON'S Cycle & Sales 106 Colborne St. E., Whitby 668-3746 "We Service What We Sell' CILUX TRUTONE Reg. 11.75 Gal. 3.65 Qt. SALE PRICE, Qts, WHITE ACRYLIC LATEX - EXTERIOR Reg. 10.55 Gal. 3.35 Qt. SALE PRICE, Qts. 95 GAL. MANY MORE SAVINGS IN GAP PAINTs at ... DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St, S. Whitby FREE 668-5862 orivery web mant TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION SPRING CLEAN-UP WEEK MAY 24-28 (Garbage Collection and Dumping) THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON MONDAY, MAY 23rd. Garbage normally collected " ig day will be picked up on Tuesday, May th, EXTRA trucks and men have been assigned throughout the week to handle the extra load that results from Spring clean up. Your co-operation is requested in having all garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. Disposal Area, Hopkins Street will be open from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., TUESDAY to SATURDAY, inclusive, Please place all material beside your regular garbage. COUNCILLOR Pn MOORE, HAIRMAN, SANITATION COMMITTEE. SENIOR LACROSSE -- REDMEN TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS SAT., MAY 2Ist - 8:30 P.M. Brooklin Memorial Arena @ by the os merchents: Nerthside Chryster-Dedge Ottenbrite Men's Weer Gue Brown Meters Bremiey Meters Bowman and Gibson Ontario Contractors Drew Meters 3, B. MeMullen Reel Estete Mitehell Bree, Gerd Cook Spruce Ville Heines end Vesey Art Brediey Luther Vipend Den Vallance Massey-Fergusen Dealer Generel Motors Everlast Concrete Royel Hotel Guy Stevenson Bob Heron, Devid Brown rectors GLEN LOTTON ---- Captein Boom ond Charlie M.V.P.. OLA, 1965