Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1966, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 20, 1966 ' DISTRICT NEWS | a 3 Uy Conservation Property Save! Eager ~ TRUE TEMPER. Right now... during the True Temper Eager Beaver Sale... you can get big savings on some of the finest garden tools ever offered! So be | Hardware dealer before May 3ist... and make it early because many of these bargains are sure to be 'sell outs.' Also you'll want to get in on the Deal Draws BROUGHAM -- "'I am here to| register a most vehement pro-| test against your handing over wholesale township property t0| 2 tne Conservaiion Auinorities," George Hodgson, owner of Pau-, lynne Park, a defeated candi- date in the Ist election, told, Pickering Township Council on Monday night. Mr, Hodgson said he was, shocked to see the Pickering) Township was not included in| an Interim Report of the Con-) servation Authority. / "You did not put a brief in against it," he said, "You were just one of those on the fence," BRIEF PREPARED Reeve Laycox told Mr. Hodg-| son that a brief was being) prepared by himself and five others on the Select Commit- tee, and was almost completed. He said that he was instructed by the township solicitor that any further suggestions that were necessary could be sub-| mitted after the hearings, and| that Council had not been re-| miss in its duties. Mr. Hodgson wanted to know! if Council sat in on this prep-| aration of the brief. "Will this Council make an at-! tempt to change anything you put in?" he asked the Reeve. | DISTRICT NEWS Purchase Of Furniture Will Go To Tender Now BROUGHAM -- Councillor! Ronald Chatten said that an er-|ed to the tirade, "I would like roneous statement appeared in|to ask Mrs. McPherson what the press about furniture for the reference to the oath of office new municipal building being|she read into her speech. Was purchased direct from Standard | she implying that someone was! not office? I ask if she is not aware that this Council can purchase anything it wants without going) Desk Limited, at a Pickering Township council meeting on Monday, and asked for a re- traction, A resolution had previously been passed that the furniture be purchased from Standard |, Desk, 1 Mr. Chatten said that Coun- cil was not going to purchase direct from this company, which was going to sell through a dealer, "who was giving us a|' terrific deal on it". t Since Deputy Reeve Mrs, J. McPherson had remonstrated | Proceedings 82 and said that tenders should be called, Mr.:Chatten said that the company had telephoned |' him "and raised heck with| children. |have personality differences we "Now," he said, 'it has to go|have them privately.' me". to tender, I have safeguarded |; the town's interest, and it will not cost too much more." A saving of about $4,000 on an $11,000 purchase had been | anticipated. TOOK OATH The deputy reeve said that she had. not heard the discus- sion about the purchase of fur- niture at a committee meeting | because she was in attendance at another important meeting, and did not know until the reso- | lution was passed that furni- ture was to be ordered from Standard Desk. "T naturally questioned it," she said, "because we have a resolution on the books that | everything over $200 should be tendered for." NOT INTERESTED "If we can buy legally, with out conflict of interest, I am for saving what we can, too," she continued. Mrs. McPherson said that she took the oath of office at the beginning this year, and was never more sincere in her life. She was going to stick to her oath, "IT am interested in Mrs. Me- Pherson's lovely _ disserta- tion..." began Councillor John Campbell, when the dep- uty reeve interrupted to ask for no more sarcasm. she is thinking she would rather); hide under this veil." Protest R Mr. Hodgson said the. people on Riverside Driye were liv- ing in fear of being taken over some futire ume by tne Aur iiority, ana ave giad to get cut to get away from this fear. Reeve Laycox said that this was a ridiculous statement be- cafise they wanted to get away for fear of ¢ flood. He asked what would happen after an- other Hurricane Hazel, and Mr. Hodgson replied that this was a man-made catastrophy, creat- ed by "'those scores of dams at Holland River marsh where they pushed bac lakes and riv- ers to get virgin Jands. "It cannot happen again," he said, 'We are not in a Hurri- cane zone. They agree that this monster they created has now got out of hand.' Mr. Hodgson said that nothing could be done now about the Greenwood and Claremont Con- servation parks, but added, "Don't let them take one more' Z acre,"' ¢ 5 As Mr. Hodgson's remarks) grew more vehement against &7 TURF EDGE the Authority, members of coun-| cil said that nothing was being achieved by the debate and ter- minated it. Reeve Laycox said, "I am in favor of Conservation right down the line." tion. Sale price. 7 LAWN RAKE Councillor John Williams add-| abiding by the oath of Geiceant, nto way to trim lawns on oe driveways, flower beds. Floating cutter blade for more efficient shearing action, Ribbed rubber tires for best trac- $5.89 FOR O R G'S ic So much easier to use, thanks to special spring-braced flex action «+» Gathers up all leaves and litter, flips it ahead effortlessly, Won't harm grass roots. Square edge gets right up against ¢ 4.99 walls... : eaver'| aon ba sieht unue nainhhn Bonus LP Record offer described below. ON NBC HUGH DOWNS' "TODAY' age 47 ROCKET HAMMER "**" The hammer that's famous as top choice of skilled artisans... Per- fectly balanced with rye head tiv anchored to chromed SSS WS 4&7 WEDGE SHEARS SESS NNO. tH; VEE. ELL T EXCITING 'SPECIALS' | Lm a as i a ate Z | BONUS! i | "SWING-IN' SPRING" $4.50 LP VALUE A limited edition album, available only during the 'Eager Beaver' Sale. Spring-theme favorites of Stan Kenton, George Shearing etc. etc. Ask Famous 'Floating Action' . >» 4&7 GRASS SHEARS The most practical cutting action overt = p al blede mecheniag #1 your True Temper dealer slices toughest grass 'like butter! 2% itl. Hollow-greund Blades hold keon @ for valuable coupon entitl edge longer, open wider. Lots @ of knuckle clearance on handles... . $4.99 ing you to your $4 50° LP foronly... i aad AS SEEN JOHNNY CARSON "TONIGHT SHOW snow Best buy for quality, comfort, long service: Chrome-plated, Boron Al- Y Noy Steel shafts . . . Non-slip handle shaft... Cushion grip -- 7 cushioned grips. . . Hardened strongest, most comfortable ham- %, a a wtie serrated). mer made. % Light, perfectly balanced, Sale price $5.99 y SOO PINCR. ieserrecnees $8.59 yy bd ~ ! Be) ft ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee o tender?" "These are veiled insinua-| ions,' said Councillor va jams. "Rather than say what At one point in this debate NOW AVAILABLE HERE AT... JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3527 "THE YOUNG THINGS" BY WARNER'S IN COLOUR-YOU-PRETTY SHADES You're a girl. Be glad of it. Slip into a Warner and feel even more so. Light little "Young Things' of nylon-and-Lycra Power Net, laced with nylon and coloured pretty. Bare beige to go with Summer- tanned skin. White and Black of course! And Sweet Lemon. . . a yllow that almost sings ! 1. By yang ey Outlined with stretch straps that adjust; A cup 32 to 36; B and C cups 32 : me ae 'TEMPO' SEAMLESS SUPPORT STOCKINGS BY KAYSER Sheer elegance with two-way support for sheer comfort ! Extravagantly sheer 'Tempo' by Kayser is a two-way stretch support stocking styled of Nylon-and- Spandex, Sheer enough to go everywhere, with to 38. Eech....... everything beautifully ! 2. LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE -- Flot seams for he meeting was adjourned -- hen permitted to continue, At the conclusion of all the Reeve Laycox "T can only suggest that we come here as adults and not I suggest that if we) ON HIGHWAY No. 2 VAN BELLE GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA 623-5757 | aS Newspaper 25's World Travel Contest Co-Sponsored in CO-OPERATION with The Oshawa Times 2 Round Trip Tickets PLUS $500. CASH to ahy Canadian Pacific Airlines Destination of Your Choice @ Aucklond @ Fiji Edmonton @ Sydney @ Vancouver @ Calgary @ @ Winnipeg @ Montreel @ Mexico City @ Santiago @ Buenos Airee @ Sante Moria @ Lisbon @ Madrid @ Rome @. Amsterdam, Hong Kong @ Tokyo @ Honolulu @ Lime NAME the 5 CONTINENTS served by Canadian Pacific Airlines Reeve Clifford Laycox rapped sharply with his gavel. *""You can rap that gavel until you fall dead," said Mrs. Mc- Pherson, "I have the right to speak, I don't like this belittling me." "I am looking forward to see- ing Mrs. McPherson vote for anything to #0 with the munici- pal building,"' Councillor Camp- = bell 'continued, "Anything that requires any guts and acumen is voted against by Mrs. Mc- Pherson. "We heard that the Risk prop- erty was sinking out of sight" he continued, "'but now Rootes Motors are building there. The new municipal building was floating away -- but. it's: still standing. Up until now you have voted to have nothing that re- quires some guts." Staff Problem: Training Urged TORONTO (CP)--Health Min- ister Matthew Dymorid said Thursday there is a shortage of qualified staff for mental health work in Ontario, but that the problem is by no means a local one "I have been in at least 10 countries of the world, and ail of them were. short of staff," he told a legislative committee. He made the comments after ) government backbenchers and opposition members had urged a crash program to relieve overcrowding and shortage of professional staff at the Ontario | Hospital in Hamilton. : | MAKE A DATE TO ATTEND CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES TRAVEL NIGHT Wednesday or Thursday June 1st and 2nd AT R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM ADMISSION FREE by Invitation only, available From Local Travel Offices Enjoy an evening of coloy films and live entertainment. Bring your friends and family -- there ie no admission chorge Take a Film Trip to ferawey plecer See authentic donces by Hawelion entertoiners Pick-up packing and travel tips from Kay Simon's----C.P.A.'s Women's Trovel Representative and one time stewardess, Leorn if you are eligible for the newspeper 25's Grend Prize trip. Admission by invitation only, Invitetions eveilable at Four Seasons Travel, Oshawe, Meadows Travel, Oshowe, Donald Trovel, Whitby. 10 World Travel Contest Entrants will win C.P.A. World Globes volued at $10.50 and become eligible for the Grand Prize That's ail there is to it . C.P.A. destination in Europe, Asie, Australia, Mexico-Sout Cenode plus $506 expense money, Enter now . . You win two first-class round trip tickets to any America end . enter os often os you wish, Additional entry forms ore available et Four Season Trevel, Oshawa, Meadows Travel, Oshawa, and Donald Travel, Whitby. CONTEST RULES n 5, Contest closes 12. mid-night Sunday, May 29th for mail en Print tries, Entries delivered in per- swer to the question name, addres son will be accepted at The try Ceupon or a reasonc fo Oshawa Times up to 5 p.m., simile and deliver or at Mon.; May 30th, Adults attend Newspoper 25's World Travel ing C.P.A, Film Nights may Contest c/o The Oshawa Times make "on location' entries up No purchase is required as oa to 9 p.m condition of entry. Enter as often os you wish, 6. All. entries will be judged for nn entries with correct neatness, A final test of skill ee ete ne Ck will be required from the win niag entries and judges decision Travel Evenings at the Me ravel Evenings. at is final Laughlin Collegiate, June 1 and 2, at 8 p.m. will win CPA World Globes and become elig- ible for the Grand. Prize ~ . All entries become the property of participating newspaper c/o Thomsen Advertising Services, . The Grand Prize will be drawn Contestants waive ali rights to trom the ten winners of C.P.A printed or broadcast publicity Globes in each City where the should they be o winner. No newspaper promotion is spori~ correspondence will be entered sored, (There will be 250 names into Md srew. from for. the Grand 8, Contest open to Ontario resid z ents over the age of 21. years " xcept employees of: firms con The Grand Prize will be award- bebe . f Be: nected directly with the contest ¢d on or before June 30th, 1966 and their immediately families The trip must be taken within 2 months of the prize draw ¥. The Contest Is subject to Nat- tize must be accepted as lonal, Provincial ond Local Re warded. gulations ENTRY FORM coupon and mail or deliver to Newspaper ntest c/o The Oshawa Times Please clip this World Travel Ce THE $ CONTINE? ARE Nome teeweeeeses WREEE TIRE tee Address . eecceee seereeceocures City Phone No. | lf Lam the G i Prize Winner, | would e two first class ticket via EPA TS SERVED BY CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES Colours: Swagger (beige), Moonlight (taupe), Spice (medium tan) Sizes: Medium 812 to 9; 914 to 10; 10% to II. Tall 9% to 10; 10% to 11; 11% to 12. par 3.9D PHONE 725-7373 smooth outlining. Small, medium, large -- 4 sizes to fit 25 to 30" waists, Each........ 0 3. MATCHING GIRDLE, 7.00 sWeeeenseds we Each. (NOT ILLUSTRATED) 4. MATCHING AVERAGE LEG PANTY GIRDLE. Black, white or beige. 8 en, TOE ee oF ere. (Not Illustrated) MATCHING BRIEF -- White only. Each.......... EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 PHONE 725-7373 Clearance of Women's Sleepwear Reg. 1.99 to 5.00 . . . Reduced to Clear ! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Cotton translated into delicate and attractive long gowns, shifts, cool Baby Doll pyjamas, sleepcoats, or poncho pyjamas. Choose from a wide variety of prints in assorted colours, Sizes small, medium and large in the group. Shop early ! Kexemnreds tere .99 To 2.59 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 SPECIAL, each A Shop in EATON'S HOSTESS SHOP For New and Different Delicacies Irish Steak and Chop Sauce Eaton's Home-Made Style Chili Sauce A tasty tomatoe sauce to add zest and flavour to your Almost as good os grandma's chili sauce. To add that special steaks and chops, Approx, 8-oz, bottle, Each ....... taste to meats, fish and poultry 39 é Approx, 12-0z, bottle. Each seeetcceanns @ Alanna Irish Steak Sauce a ee Another tangy sauce for steaks or chops 35 Greaves Pickled Salad Beets PORTO, 9:8, Botte: Gee oe i os i Raa ® A tasty side vegetable for salods or regular meals Approx, 16-oz. jor. Eech . E Fourniers Pickled Fruits Major Grey Green Label Chutney 35 A tasty dish beef spiced to make a meal Approx. 10-oz, tin, Each (Ab taeeke< Excellent when served as dessert or when used for baking pure Green Label Chutney Sauce poses. Approx. 18-02. jars A spicy sauce to add more flavour to the chutney dish 49 Cherries, 1 Pears, 1 39 or meats and poultry. Approx, 8-oz. bottle, Each a jor La jor L Pan Yan Relish A delicious combination relish for almost any dish Approx. 91-02. jar. Each 4 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 S. $. Pierce Spiced Whole Crabapples Another tadty dessert. , . or use them in those special 69 recipes. Approx, 16-oz. jar. Each eyes PHONE 725.7373 43 Tubeless Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall BULLDOG : Size aca wae Reg. eae each 7.7 0- i " 24, FY 'SAFETY GLIDE' TIRES 7 75 13 G Soc1a) 20.95 16,76 5410 19.28 Tube Type Blackwall Reg. Special, each 18.85 15.08 Sixe 7.75-15 FEATURE THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN TIRE DESIGNS -- (6.70-15) No trade-in necessary Contour wrap-around shoulders Low Profile i er , construction --~ Full depth tread with reinforced Covered By EATON"S Tire Service Warranty shoulders Improvements that mean up to No Time Limit Road Hazard Warranty, Aliowance based on amount of 20% more mileage, added sureness on corners tread remaining and curves and maximum resistance to blowouts. EATON'S Budget-Charge terms available with NO DOWN PAYMENT 5.60/5.90/6,00-13 Tubeless Blackwall Reg. 18.85! SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 863 15,08 PHONE 725-7373 STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 tein wal Nata ic

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