Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1966, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 20, 1966 23 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Masters' Play) 50 YOU'RE A NAVY COMMANDE! WHAT COL, GO, THEY SUSPECT | "THEN BRING THAT THE ROOM IS BUGGED. | CONFOUNDED Wavy ' ALL THEY TALK ABOUT / PILOT TO ME, TLL iS FORT WAYNE AND / FIND OUT WHY HE TEXAS AND THEIR / WANTS 10 SEE FAMILIES, GENERAL TAM, WELL, AT LEAST I'VE GOT SGWECHS TO TALK TO --~ ) ly STICK EM ON AND MAKE. YOUR GIRL FRIEND JEALOUS! | GOOD GAS! TLL TRY 'EM > ; -- --. ON DAISY? (Top record-holder in Individuel Championship TEST YOUR PLAY 1, You are declarer with the West hand at Four Spades. North leads the jack of clubs and continues with, the ten, which you ruff. W: you play the A-K of spades, h shows ant nm thee Th noe DONALD DUCK 'ie aioe (ant aol Ae Go iA SOULASH, » . A gee ee : nae MEE THREE OF WHAT'S YOUR THEM } Etc eopeien YZ 1 WaT ANY ONE OF THEM CAN GIVE 'YOU QZ DISHES, HUH? GOOD OLD AMERICAN \ HEARTBURN Une SPANISH OMELET, ME. ANID IRIGH STEW would you now play the hand? =--=--Lerd Beaverbrook ould you Ane {T 18 AITKEN WHO PULLS THE RINGS WHICH TUG ASQUITH OUT OF OFFICE, AND INSTALL LLOYD AS PM IN IDG.» AND SHORTLY EVERYONE eee PUT OS AT VOTERS OF ASHTON DO ELECT A CANADIAN TF r= LUNCHEON ./~"\, 'Topay SPECIAL? } ess if 2 &y fis BECOMES A IN BRITISH POLITICS » HE WHO MANES FELLOW NEW leer re we OF THE TIVE PARTY . 4AKQI2 3 eee ae Wwe a : > 2, You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump. North leads the seven of spades on which South plays the queen. How would you play the hand? N wt 8 1, You can't afford to cash the Q-J of spades at this point, because that wou'd leave you with good diamond tricks in your hand but no entry to cash them. What you have to do to give yourself the best chance of making the contract is cash the A-K of diamonds, hoping that North was not dealt either a singleton or a void. If it turns out that both op- ponents follow suit, you discon- tinue diamonds aud now cash the Q-J of spades, being care- ful to discard the queen of dia- monds so that you wid be able to score all five diamond tricks. If it develops that South was dealt only one diamoné original- lly, you would, of course, also cash the queen of diamonds be- fore drawing the two remaining trumps. 2. The one way to make sure of the contract is by ducking the queen of spades, What you should guard against is the pos- sibility of North's having the A-10-8-7-x of spades the South the king of clubs. If you took the first spade and attempted a club finesse, you would go down if this were the holding. Of course, you could try to guess the location of the queen of diamonds and finesse accord- ingly, but there is certainly no guarantee that you would guess correctly, : But if you duck the queen of spades, you control every reasonable possibility. If North started with four spades, you won't go down after taking the club finesse--the most you will lose is a club and three spades. If North started with five spades, the duck assures the contract even though South has the king of clubs. South will have no spade to return after he takes the club, By ducking, therefore, you make certain of at least one spade, three hearts, two dia- monds and three clubs. SALLY'S SALLIES THE BUFFALO HUNTERS! AND\ ' FROM THE WAY THEY RE STUDYING THE GROUND, THEY MUST, BE ING THE HERDS hf YES, BOYS, WERE GOING TO PROP THAT WHITE US. COAST GUARD BUFFALOS REPORTING/' THERE'S THE LONE RANGER IT IS His KNIFE, IT 1S A NOTE, BUT THEYRE NONE OF YOUR APFAIR / 4| [ND YK Pho SECRET AGENT X9 HUBERT WHAT HAPPENED? YOU MADE THE FINAL , 4-Tom and Jerry 3--Western Jamboree 11:30 A.M, 11--Physics 9--Peter Potarnus 2--Fury 7--Magilla Gorlile 6--Robin Hood | | 4-Quick Draw McGraw | 12 NOON | 1--Your Home and Garden TELEVISION Channel 1i--Hamiites Channel 9--Toronto Channel 6--Rochester Channel 7--Bvuttale Channel é--Toronte Channel 4--Buftato | Channel 3--Barrie Channes 2--Buttaie | 9--Hollywood Parade | nnatecteenenemam Merv. Griffin 6-2--U.N.C,L.E. erway Bvemne OI 5:00 P.M. | 7--Court Martial N--Pamily Thestre 4--Trials of O'Brien S-Supermen ' 10:30 PLM, 9--Rescve 8 Highway Patro &--Gumby Flipper peSperliem Ge | 7--Bugs Bunny 11:00 PLM, jen te &-King Leonardo Ta henire ' SOO7448-0-Mowes § 4--Sky King | 1 teteionsor Rint 5:30 PLM, | | 3--Big Time Wrestling Leave # to Beever VHs18, PM. | o--Mudic | 9:30 P. 1i--Petticoat Junction | 2--Mr. Roberts | 7---The Farmer's Daughter | @-The Smothers Bros, 10:00 P.M, ) AND WENT OUT OF HERE HAPPY AS A LARK? 2--Bachelor Father | 2Johnny Carson 12:30 P.M, 1--Vacation Fury 6--Viewpoint 11:20 | 9--~Theatre 4--Movie 6 netgton Hop 7--Batile Line 3~--Adventures in dise 4:00 PLM, 6-4--News, Sports Chuck Healy 3--Movie 6--Mr, Roberts 4:30 P.M, 2-3-9--News, Weather Sports @--Huntiey-Brink ey Leet 4---News Aor een | &--Movie | 7--AAliton The 4--Linus | 6-Tennessee Tuxedo 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 P.M, 1~Hawkeye | 7--Hopplity Hooper 6-3----Snooker | 2--Sting Ray | 1:30 P.M, li--Long John Silver 4--Rural Review | 2--Sea Hunt | 2:00 PM. ll--Saturday at the races | Pore PM, Monater POOR HUBERT! HE NO SOONER GETS: | THE BILLS PAID, THAN HE STARTS HAVING TROUBLE WITH HIS BACKSWING with 11:30 PLM, 3--Movie 1:40 PLM, +--Premiere Theetre 9--Virginian SATURDAY $:00 A.M, &--Davey and Goliath 1)-Outdeors Uniimited &--r. Roberts | 2--Cartoons | S--HI-Time é--News, Weather, | 4---Captain Kangaroo 2-6--Basebal! a | _ 2:30 AM, ¢3--Sports Presents Commce, 7:00 P.M, li----Honey West The Flintstones a-Mesple Are 3--Comoat | S--Huntley-Brinkiey THINK You've ) ALREADY 6--Three Stooges | 7---Rocketsh 7 | 2/VE ULST BEEN ocketship | CHOSEN "THE QUEEN OF THe NEIGHBORHOOD! 7--Stan Roberts 3:00 P.M, | 3--Superpal Club 9--Wrestling | 9:00 A.M, | 4--Fun To Learn 4:00 P.M, | 2--Fantasy Island 11--Professional | Wrestling | 9:00 Ate. | $--Patty Duke Show = 1)_The Sonins Satter: awe 7--Tammy | 6--Herevs | 7~--Championship j 63---Gel Smart | 10:00 A.M. | ' ryote mee | . (bio! ane Gr 0:30 P.M. |§-3-~-Secret Squirrel |3--BowlIng Vi--Man From UNCLE | 7--Popeye | 9A GoGo 4--Mighty Mouse 4:30 PLM, 8--Movie Playhouse o--Rescue 8 2--Sing Along 10:98 AM 4--Wrestling With Mitch |1]--Hobby Time 5:00 P.M. P-Addame F aentty °. 11--Dennl +3--Tommy Hunter Show | 2 ity Poy on 4--Hogan's Heroes 7--~Boxing 9:00 PLM, 8--Ripcord 0-- Movie t--Honey Weel A.M. | 5: PLM, Monster |--Johnny Quest 3-4-6--Preakness 2-8--Sam Snead PM. |}\--Senaitze! House Brothers 9--Cartoons 2--Funny Company Le) 9--Smothers 7--Flintstones 6--Addams Family 4--The Wild Wild West 2-8--Anatomy of Defense 9:00 P.M, YOUR HEALTH Many Causes Seen For Miscarriage By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Also is it good to put a baby in a walker? --G.J. There's nothing wrong with a little grape juice for babies, As to the walker, don't force a child to walk. Let him crawl to develop his muscles and co- ordination. When he is ready he will stand, hanging onto some Support, and take some steps. When he knows what his feet and legs can do, that is soon enough to see if he likes a walker, but by that time he may just take to walking unas- sisted. Dear Dr. Molner: I was taught that after squeezing fresh MICKEY MOUSE $~Cousin Billi | 4---Lassie | | } 11:00 | $--Millton The |ha--Top Cat | 7--Casper MIND #® I TRY YOUR STILTS, GRANDMA P I HAVEN'T WALKED ON Dear Dr. Molner: My mar-| ANY SINCE I WAS vind. dauataes, %1. han bind ths the dosage needs to be revised. ing two grains of thyroid regu-| Because of the range of fac- larly for the last 10 years and|tors involved in miscarriage, I the doctor says she will have|can't attempt to suggest what to continue it for the rest of her! might be. done to prevent an- life. She has been checked once A or twice a. year by either q| other one, Quite possible noth- r Pyle 3--The Wild Wild Weet CROSSWORD at ss aaaganenter CHAS. ¢. KURN- $-20 wT WANT TO REPORT A SWAMP-GAS SIGHTING! ' Woe 1HIS | 1S SKEETER MS GINAIS... 310 MULBERRY STREET... ae ACROSS 1. Sore 6, Entirely 11, Sculptor's figure 12, Speak 13, Sharp 14, Ages 15. Abode 16, Conjune- tion 7 17, Tellurium: . Chemical . Fish eggs . Liquid . Shoshonean , Japanese . Tepee . Scottish 16, Biblical > evmpound 23, Man's name Soar Golf 6, measure 27. 29, admiral fish Gaelic ' Cor- ridor name 22, Astern mound Sparoid 30. Spigot 32, Shanty 35. = 'O} 1) Gila cuts caimko LE) Gbebserat> US > Tt oj -- mC OT S & mz. CIA IR 4 S|T macy fais = Ss i fj VERTIS Yesterday's Answer 41, British a Pp o riage after pregnancy and the thyroid WaS| that your doctor might discover, blamed for it. f basal metabolism or P.B.I, test, and has been normal for more| than nine years. She recently had a miscar-| three months of} Is that correct? | Is it necessary for her to take} thyroid for the rest of her life? IF What can he done to prevent! another miscarriage? G.L. not, what could happen?| -- Mrs. ing needs to be done, because one miscarriage does not neces- sarily mean that it will be re- | peated. The circumstances may be fidderent next time, Barring any other evidence my thought would be to go ahead on the assumption 'that the next pregnancy will be suc- cessful. Dear Dr. Molner: A_ friend Says grape juice is not good for oranges, the vitamins are lost of the juice is not used in 15 min- utes. Is this true? Others do not agree with me, -- Mrs. M.T. Vitamin C is lost gradually through exposure to air, as well as just by standing. Yes, I suppose there would be a little loss in 15 minutes, but not . much. Standing overnight would mean a measurable loss, but you still wouldn't lose all of the vitamins by any means. The ofa sort » Kind of bird Formerly Christiania Pig babies, What is harmful about I question whether the thyroid! it? had anything to do with the! - miscarriage, There are many causes for miscarriage. Fur- thermore, the regular B.M.R. or P.B.I, tests show her at normal levels with the thyroid she takes. The dosage, in other words, merely makes up for the amount that her own thyroid gland is not able to produce. Patients sometimes stop tak- ing thyroid without being told to do so. Then the lack of suffi- cient thyroid ordinarily brings on the classic symptoms: Ex- cessive fatigue, slow pulse, dull dry skin, lustreless hair, some- times menstrual irregularity. That, under the circumstances you have' described, is what I would expect if your daughter | stopped the medication, It is quite possible for a person to jhave to keep oin taking thyroid for the rest of his or her life, and I can see no reason to Crazy | doubt your physician's estimate is ollapsing: tf jof the prospects. 'eriodic tests ey | should continue » in\g ie course, case the altuatinn changes or 19. Blacken 20, Guidonian note 37. 21, Insurrec- tion 36, sym. 18, Compositor 22. Trouble 24, Negative 25. Departed 28 Romp 30, d'hote 31, African a $ river . Exclama- tion . Ogle . Snowflake . Siberian gulf . Pronoun . Sigh for Yorick . Dirties . Group of fresher you drink the juice, the better, but the loss in 15 min- utes, or in an hour, wouldn't be enough to worry about. Even after several days some of the vitamin value would remain, Note to Mrs. A. W.: Hard "night sweats" often indicate a chronic infection, so a thorough medical examination is in or- der. Consider also the ventila- ion in the bedroom at night and he thickness of your blenkets, princess 42. Observes 44.P. I, tree 45, Permit 46, Little. child 38, animation Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .. popular, modern dime pack 9 }10 MUGS AND SKEETER TAL. 20 {2 MA 26 [27 WERE ARE THE FACTS... ONE HARDY TEAGUE BUSINESS CARD WITH AN ADDRESS ON IT. TM TO BE THERE AT 8 A.M PROMPTLY !! DON'T FORGET, JULIE, BE AT THAT ADDRESS I GAVE 25 . Harangue . Units of force DOWN . Mormon State JULIET JONES You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pr*': of \"clev's Spearmint... \dore Of ic: vess, icvour and lively taste!

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